Flora noveboracensis
from clubmoss to cornsalad

Table of contents
Genus index
Protected species index
Invasive species index
Excluded species
General references

Flora of New York is a guide to the vascular plants (or tracheophytes) found growing without cultivation in New York State, with an emphasis on showing which plants are native to the New York region, which plants have been introduced from elsewhere, where in the state the plants are likely to be found, and how likely they are to be found.

Lycopodiopsida (lycophytes)

Order Family Subfamily Genus Common names #
Lycopodiales Lycopodiaceae Huperzioideae Huperzia firmoss 5
Lycopodioideae Lycopodium clubmoss 2
Dendrolycopodium tree clubmoss 3
Spinulum interrupted clubmoss 3
Diphasiastrum ground cedar 7
Lycopodielloideae Lycopodiella bog clubmoss 6
Pseudolycopodiella false bog clubmoss 1
Selaginellales Selaginellaceae Selaginella spikemoss 3
Isoetales Isoetaceae Isoetes quillwort 8

Polypodiopsida (ferns)

Pre-polypod ferns

Order Family Genus Subgenus Common names #
Ophioglossales Ophioglossaceae Botrychium Botrychium moonwort, grape fern 8
Osmundopteris rattlesnake fern 1
Sceptridium evergreen grapefern 4
Ophioglossum adder's tongue 1
Equisetales Equisetaceae Equisetum Equisetum horsetail 6
Hippochaete scouring rush 7
Osmundales Osmundaceae Osmundastrum cinnamon fern 1
Osmunda Claytosmunda interrupted fern 1
Osmunda royal fern 1
Hymenophyllales Hymenophyllaceae Crepidomanes grotto felt, weft fern 1
Schizaeales Lygodiaceae Lygodium climbing fern 1
Schizaeaceae Schizaea curlygrass fern 1
Salviniales Salviniaceae Azolla mosquitofern 1
Salvinia watermoss, floatingfern 2
Marsileaceae Marsilea waterclover, waterfern 1

Polypod ferns

Order Family Subfamily Genus Common name(s) #
Polypodiales Dennstaedtiaceae Dennstaedtia hay-scented fern 1
Pteridium brackenfern 2
Pteridaceae Cryptogrammoideae Cryptogramma rock brake 1
Pteridoideae Pteris brake fern 1
Cheilanthoideae Pellaea cliff brake 2
Cheilanthes lip fern 1
Vittarioideae Adiantum maidenhair-fern 1
Vittaria ribbon fern 1
Aspleniaceae Cystopteridoideae Cystopteris bladder fern 5
Gymnocarpium oak fern 2
Asplenioideae Asplenium spleenwort 10
Thelypteridoideae Phegopteris beech fern 2
Thelypteris maiden fern, New York fern 3
Woodsioideae Woodsia cliff fern 5
Blechnoideae Onoclea sensitive fern 1
Matteuccia ostrich fern 1
Woodwardia chain fern 2
Athyrioideae Deparia false spleenwort 1
Athyrium lady fern 3
Diplaziopsidaceae Homalosorus glade fern 1
Polypodiaceae Dryopteridoideae Cyrtomium Japanese hollyfern 1
Dryopteris woodfern 30
Polystichum hollyfern 5
Polypodioideae Polypodium polypody, rockcap fern 3
Pleopeltis scaly-polypody, resurrection fern 1

Ginkgoopsida & Pinopsida (gymnosperms)

Order Family Subfamily Genera Common names #
Ginkgoales Ginkgoaceae Ginkgo maidenhair tree, ginkgo 1
Pinales Pinaceae Pinoideae(or) Pinoideae Pinus subg. Strobus soft pine 1
Pinus subg. Pinus hard pines 8
Piceoideae Picea spruce 5
Laricoideae Pseudotsuga Douglas-fir 1
Larix larch, tamarack 3
Abietoideae Tsuga hemlock 1
Abies fir (true firs) 4
Cupressaceae Taxodioideae Taxodium cypress 1
Cupressoideae Thuja arborvitae, white-cedar 1
Juniperus juniper, red-cedar 4
Chamaecyparis cedar, false cypress 2
Taxaceae Taxus yew 3

Liliopsida (monocots)

Nymphaeales & magnoliids

Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genus Common names T
Nymphaeales Cabombaceae Brasenia water-shield, wendock 1
Cabomba fanwort, watershield 1
Nymphaeaceae Nupharoideae Nuphar yellow pond lily, spatterdock 4
Nymphaeoideae Nymphaea white waterlily 2
Magnoliales Magnoliaceae Magnolia magnolia, cucumber tree, sweet-bay 5
Liriodendron tulip tree, tulip poplar, yellow poplar 1
Annonaceae Annonoideae Asimina pawpaw, dog banana, Indian banana 1
Laurales Calycanthaceae Calycanthus sweet-shrub, strawberry bush 2
Lauraceae Cinnamomeae Lindera spicebush 1
Sassafras sassafras, ague tree, mitten tree 1
Persea avocado 1
Piperales Aristolochiaceae Asaroideae Asarum wild ginger 1
Hexastylis heartleaf 1
Aristolochioideae Endodeca snakeroot, serpentary 1
Isotrema dutchman's pipe, pipevine 2
Aristolochia birthwort, heartwort 1
Saururaceae Saururus lizard's tail, water-dragon, swamp root 1

Acorales & Alismatales

Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Acorales Acoraceae Acorus (sweetflag) 1 2
Alismatales Araceae Orontioideae Orontieae Orontium (duckweed) 1 1
Symplocarpeae Symplocarpus (skunk cabbage) 1 1
Lemnoideae Lemna (duckweed)
Spirodela (duckmeat)
Wolffia (watermeal)
3 10
Aroideae Calleae Calla (callalily) 1 1
Peltandra Peltandra (arrow-arum) 1 1
Arisaemateae Arisaema (Jack-in-the-pulpit)
Pinellia (green dragon)
2 5
Pistieae Pistia (water-lettuce) 1 1
Tofieldiaceae Triantha (Tofieldia) 1 1
Hydrocharitaceae Hydrocharitoideae Egeria (waterweed)
Hydrocharis (frogbit)
Limnobium (spongeplant)
3 3
Anacharidoideae Elodea (waterweed) 1 3
Najadoideae Najadeae Najas (waternymph, naiad)
Hydrilla (water-thyme)
2 8
Vallisnerieae Vallisneria (eelgrass) 1 1
Butomaceae Butomus (flowering rush) 1 1
Alismataceae Sagittaria (arrowhead)
Alisma (water-plantiain)
Helanthium (burhead)
3 12
Scheuchzeriaceae Scheuchzeria (rannoch-rush) 1 1
Juncaginaceae Juncaginoideae Triglochin (arrowgrass) 1 2
Zosteraceae Zostera (eelgrass) 1 1
Zannichelliaceae Zannichellia (horned-pondweed) 1 1
Potamogetonaceae Potamogeton (pondweed)
Stuckenia (fineleaf pondweed)
2 35
Ruppiaceae Ruppia (ditch-grass) 1 1

Dioscoreales, Liliales

Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Dioscoreales Nartheciaceae Aletris (colic root) 1 1
Dioscoreaceae Dioscoreoideae Dioscorea (yam) 1 2
Liliales Colchicaceae Uvularieae Uvularia (bellwort) 1 4
Colchiceae Colchium (autumn crocus) 1 1
Melanthiaceae Melanthieae Veratrum (false hellebore)
Anticlea (death camas)
Amianthium (fly poison)
Stenanthium (featherbells)
4 6
Heloniadeae Helonias (swamp pink) 1 1
Chionographideae Chamaelirium (fairywand, devil's bit) 1 1
Parideae Trillium (trillium, wake-robin) 1 8
Smilacaceae Smilax (greenbrier) 1 7
Liliaceae Calochortoideae Streptopus (twisted stalk)
Prosartes (fairy bells)
2 4
Medeoloideae Clintonia (bluebead)
Medeola (Indian cucumber)
2 3
Lilioideae Tulipeae Tulipa (wild tulip) 1 1
Lilieae Erythronium (trout lily)
Lilium (lily)
2 8


Order P Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Asparagales 1 Orchidaceae Vanilloideae Pogonieae Pogonia (snakemouth orchid)
Isotria (fiveleaf orchid)
2 3
Cypripedioideae Cypripedium (lady's slipper) 1 8
Epidendroideae Neottieae Epipactis (helleborine)
Neottia (twayblade)
2 6
Triphoreae Triphora (noddingcaps) 1 1
Arethuseae Arethusa (dragon's mouth) 2 2
Malaxideae Liparis (widelip-orchid)
Malaxis (adder's-mouth-orchid)
2 5
Maxillarieae Corallorhiza (coralroot)
Aplectrum (Adam and Eve)
3 6
Calypsoeae Calypso (fairy slipper)
Tipularia (cranefly orchid)
2 2
Orchidoideae Orchideae Amerorchis (roundleaf orchis)
Coeloglossum (frog-orchid)
Galearis (galearis)
Platanthera (fringed-orchid)
4 23
Cranichideae Goodyera (rattlesnake-plantain)
Spiranthes (ladies'-tresses)
2 12
Hypoxidaceae Hypoxis (eastern yellow stargrass) 1 1
2 Iridaceae Iridoideae Irideae Iris (iris) 1 10
Sisyrinchieae Sisyrinchium (blue-eyed grass) 1 7
Crocoideae Ixiae Crocus (crocus) 1 4
Asphodelaceae Hemerocallidoieae Hemerocallideae Hemerocallis (daylily) 1 2
3 Ammaryllidaceae Allioideae Allium (garlic, onion, leek, chives) 1 14
Amaryllidoideae Narcisseae Narcissus (daffodil) 1 4
Galantheae Galanthus (snowdrop)
Leucojum (snowflake)
2 3
Asparagaceae Scilloideae Ornithogaleae Ornithogalum (star-of-Bethlehem) 1 2
Hyacintheae Chionodoxa (glory of the snow)
Hyacinthoides (English-bluebell)
Muscari (grape-hyacinth)
Scilla (squill)
4 5
Agavoideae Agaveae Yucca (Adam's needle)
Hosta (plantain lily)
2 4
Asparagoideae Asparagus (asparagus) 1 1
Nolinoideae Convallaria (lily-of-the-valley) 1 2
Maianthemum (mayflower)
Polygonatum (Solomon's-seal)
2 6


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Subtribe Genera G T
Poales Typhaceae Typha (cattail)
Sparganium (bur-reed)
2 10
Eriocaulaceae Eriocauloideae Eriocaulon (pipewort) 1 2
Xyridaceae Xyridoideae Xyris (yellow-eyed grass) 1 5
Juncaceae Juncus (rush)
Luzula (wood rush)
2 46
Cyperaceae Cyperoideae Sclerieae Scleria (nut rush) 1 6
Cladieae Cladium (sawgrass, twig rush) 1 1
Schoeneae Rhynchosporinae Rhynchospora (beaksedge) 1 15
Scirpeae Eriophorum (cottongrass)
Scirpus (bulrush)
Trichophorum (bulrush)
3 23
Cariceae Carex (sedge) 1 213
Dulichieae Dulichium (threeway sedge) 1 1
Abildgaardieae Bulbostylis (hair sedge)
Fimbristylis (fimbry)
2 5
Fuireneae Bolboschoenus (tuberous bulrush)
Fuirena (umbrella sedge)
Schoenoplectus (bulrush)
3 16
Eleocharideae Eleocharis (spikerush) 1 28
Cypereae Cyperus (flatsedge)
Kyllinga (spikesedge)
Lipocarpha (halfchaff sedge)
Scirpoides (roundhead bulrush)
4 31
Poaceae Panicoideae Paniceae Arthropogoninae Coleataenia (panic grass) 1 4
Cenchrinae Cenchrus (sandbur) 1 6
Digitariinae Digitaria (crab grass) 1 6
Melinidinae Eriochloa (cup grass) 1 1
Panicinae Echinochloa (cockspur grass)
Oplismenus (basket grass)
Panicum (panic grass)
Dichanthelium (rosette grass)
4 48
Paspalinae Paspalum (crown grass)
Amphicarpum (maiden cane)
2 6
Setariinae Setaria (bristle grass) 1 7
Andropogoneae Andropogoninae Andropogon (bluestem)
Schizachyrium (little bluestem)
Arthraxon (carpgrass)
3 6
Coicinae Coix (Job's tears) 1 1
Saccharinae Microstegium (stilt grass)
Miscanthus (silver grass)
Saccharum (sugar cane)
3 4
Sorghinae Sorghastrum (Indian grass)
Sorghum (sorghum)
Bothriochloa (beard grass)
3 5
Tripsacinae Tripsacum (gama grass)
Zea (corn)
2 2
Centotheceae Chasmanthium (wood oats) 1 1
Danthonioideae Danthonieae Danthonia (oat grass) 1 2
Chloridoideae Eragrostideae Eragrostidinae Eragrostis (love grass) 1 11
Zoysieae Sporobolinae Sporobolus (dropseed)
Spartina (cord grass)
Calamovilfa (sand reed)
Crypsis (prickle grass)
4 17
Cynodonteae Gouiniinae Triplasis (sand grass) 1 1
Eleusininae Leptochloa (sprangletop)
Chloris (windmill grass)
Trichloris (false rhodes grass)
Cynodon (Bermuda grass)
Eleusine (goose grass)
Eustachys (finger grass)
Dactyloctenium (crowfoot grass)
7 9
Pappophorinae Tridens (fluff grass)
Pappophorum (pappus grass)
2 3
Traginae Tragus (burr grass) 1 2
Monanthochloinae Distichlis (salt grass) 1 1
Boutelouinae Bouteloua (grama) 1 2
Muhlenbergiinae Muhlenbergia (muhly) 1 10
Aristidoideae Aristida (three-awn grass) 1 8
Arundinoideae Phragmites (reed)
Molinia (moor grass)
2 3
Ehrhartoideae Oryzeae Oryzinae Leersia (cut grass) 1 2
Zizaniinae Zizania (wild rice) 1 2
Bambusoideae Arundinarieae Arundinaria (cane)
Phyllostachys (bamboo)
2 3
Pooideae Brachyelytreae Brachyelytrum (short-husk) 1 2
Nardeae Nardineae Nardus (mat grass) 1 1
Meliceae Melicineae Glyceria (manna grass)
Melica (melic grass)
Schizachne (false melic)
3 14
Stipeae Stipinae Oryzopsis (rice grass)
Patis (rice grass)
Piptatheropsis (rice grass)
Piptochaetium (spear grass)
Hesperostipa (needle-and-thread)
Nassella (needle grass)
6 7
Diarrheneae Diarrhena (beak-grain) 1 1
Brachypodieae Brachypodium (false brome) 1 1
Hordeeae Bromineae Bromus (brome) 1 26
Hordeinae Agropyron (wheat grass)
Elymus (wild rye)
Eremopyrum (false wheatgrass)
Hordeum (barley)
Leymus (wild rye)
Pascopyrum (wheat grass)
Secale (rye)
Taeniatherum (Medusahead)
Aegilops (goat grass)
Triticum (wheat)
Thinopyrum (wheat grass)
11 39
Poeae Torreyochloinae Torreyochloa (false mannagrass) 1 2
Aveninae Sphenopholis (wedgescale)
Trisetum (oat grass)
Graphephorum (false oat)
Koeleria (June grass)
Arrhenatherum (oat grass)
Avena (oat)
7 12
Cinninae Cinna (wood reed) 1 2
Phalaridinae Anthoxanthum (sweet grass, vernal grass)
Phalaris (canary grass)
2 7
Brizinae Briza (quaking grass) 1 3
Agrostidinae Agrostis (bent grass)
Ammophila (beach grass)
Calamagrostis (reed grass)
Polypogon (rabbitsfoot grass)
4 23
Coleanthinae Puccinellia (alkali grass)
Sclerochloa (hard grass)
2 5
Airinae Avenella (hair grass)
Deschampsia (hair grass)
Vahlodea (hair grass)
Aira (hair grass)
Corynephorus (clubawn grass)
Holcus (velvet grass)
6 10
Cynosurinae Cynosurus (dogtail grass) 1 2
Dactylidinae Dactylis (orchard grass) 1 1
Loliinae Festuca, Vulpia (fescue)
Lolium (rye grass)
Schedonorus (fescue)
4 18
Parapholiinae Catapodium (fern grass) 1 1
Sesleriinae Mibora (sand grass) 1 1
Alopecurinae Alopecurus (foxtail)
Beckmannia (slough grass)
Phleum (timothy)
3 9
Miliinae Milium (millet grass) 1 1
Poinae Poa (blue grass)
Apera (silky bentgrass)
2 22

Commelinales, Zingiberales

Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Commelinales Commelinaceae Commelinoideae Tradescanteae Tradescantia (spiderwort) 1 5
Commelineae Commelina (dayflower)
Murdannia (marsh dewflower)
1 5
Haemodoraceae Haemodoroideae Lachnanthes (Carolina redroot) 1 1
Pontederiaceae Pontederieae Eichhornia (water hyacinth)
Pontederia (pickerel weed)
2 2
Heteranthereae Heteranthera (mud plantain) 1 2
Zingiberales Cannaceae Canna (canna lily) 1 1

Magnoliopsida (dicots)


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Ceratophyllales Ceratophyllaceae Ceratophyllum (hornwort) 1 2


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genus Common names T
Ranunculales Lardizabalaceae Lardizabaloideae Akebieae Akebia chocolate vine. fiveleaf akebia 1
Menispermaceae Menispermoideae Menispermeae Menispermum moonseed, Canada moonseed 1
Berberidaceae Podophylloideae Leonticeae Caulophyllum blue cohosh, squaw-root, papoose-root 2
Podophylleae Podophyllum mayapple, wild mandrake 1
Jeffersonia twinleaf, rheumatism-root 1
Berberidoideae Berberideae Berberis barberry 3
Mahonia Oregon grape 1
Ranunculaceae Hydrastoideae Hydrastideae Hydrastis golden-seal, yellow puccoon 1
Coptidoieae Coptideae Coptis goldthread, three-leaved goldthread 1
Xanthorhizeae Xanthorhiza yellowroot 1
Thalictroideae Aquilegieae Aquilegia columbine, wild columbine 2
Enemion false rue anemone 1
Thalictreae Thalictrum meadow rue 7
Ranunculoideae Actaeeae Actaea baneberry 5
Eranthis winter aconite 1
Caltheae Caltha marsh marigold 1
Trollius globeflower 1
Adonis pheasant's eye 2
Delphinieae Aconitum monkshood 3
Delphinium lark-spur 1
Consolida knight's-spur, lark-spur 2
Nigelleae Nigella love-in-a-mist, devil-in-the-bush 1
Helleboreae Helleborus hellebore, Christmas-rose 2
Anemoneae Anemone hepatica, thimbleweed 9
Clematis leather flower, virgin's-bower 6
Ranunculeae Halerpestes seaside crowfoot 1
Ceratocephala curvseed butterwort 1
Ficaria celadine 1
Ranunculus buttercup, crowfoot, spearwort 23
Papaveraceae Papaveroideae Papavereae Argemone pricklypoppy 2
Papaver poppy 6
Chelidonieae Sanguinaria bloodroot, red puccuoon 1
Chelidonium greater celandine 1
Macleaya plume poppy 1
Glaucium hornpoppy 2
Stylophorum celandine-poppy 1
Eschscholtzieae Eschscholzia California poppy 1
Fumarioideae Fumarieae Dicentra bleeding-heart, Dutchman's breeches 3
Lamprocapnos Asian bleeding-heart 1
Adlumia climbing fumitory 1
Capnoides harlequin, pink corydalis 1
Corydalis fumewort, corydalis 3
Fumaria fumitory 1
Pseudofumaria rock fumitory, yellow corydalis 1

Proteales, Buxales, Saxifragales

Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera #
Proteales Nelumbonaceae Nelumbo (lotus) 2
Platanaceae Platanus (sycamore) 2
Buxales Buxaceae Buxoideae Buxus (boxwood) 1
Pachysandroideae Pachysandreae Pachysandra (spurge) 2
Saxifragales Paeoniaceae Paeonia (peony) 1
Altingiaceae Liquidambar (sweetgum) 1
Hamamelidaceae Hamamelidoideae Hamamelideae Hamamelis (witchhazel) 1
Cercidiphyllaceae Cercidiphyllum (katsura tree) 1
Crassulaceae Crassuloideae Crassula (pygmyweed) 1
Sempervivoideae Umbiliceae Rhodiola (roseroot stonecrop)
Hylotelephium (stonecrop)
Phedimus (false stonecrop)
Semperviveae Sempervivum (houseleek, hen-and-chickens) 1
Sedeae Sedum (stonecrop) 8
Haloragaceae Myriophylleae Myriophyllum (watermilfoil)
Proserpinaca (mermaidweed)
Penthoraceae Penthorum (ditch-stonecrop) 1
Grossulariaceae Ribes (currant, gooseberry) 11
Saxifragaceae Saxifragoideae Saxifrageae Saxifraga (saxifrage) 5
Heucheroideae Chrysosplenieae Chrysosplenium (golden saxifrage) 1
Heuchereae Tiarella (foamflower)
Mitella (miterwort)
Heuchera (alumroot)
Astilbe (florist's spiraea)


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Vitales Vitaceae Vitoideae Parthenocissus (creeper, woodbine, ivy)
Vitis (grape)
Ampelopsis (peppervine)
3 15
Zygophyllales Zygophyllaceae Tribuloideae Tribulus (puncturevine) 1 1
Zygophylloideae Zygophyllum (beancaper) 1 1
Celastrales Parnassiaceae Parnassioideae Parnassia (grass of parnassus) 1 1
Celastraceae Celastroideae Celastrus (bittersweet, staff vine)
Euonymus (burning bush, spindletree, wahoo)
2 9
Oxalidales Oxalidaceae Oxalis (woodsorrel) 1 6


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genus Common names #
Malpighiales Hypericaceae Hypericeae Triadenum marsh St. John's wort 2
Hypericum St. John's wort 18
Podostemaceae Podostemoideae Podostemum river weed 1
Elatinaceae Elatine water wort 3
Violaceae Violoideae Violeae Hybanthus greenviolet 1
Viola violet 57
Salicaceae Salicoideae Populus cottonwood, aspen, poplar 11
Salix willow 36
Euphorbiaceae Acalyphoideae Acalypheae Acalypha copperleaf, three-seed mercury 4
Mercurialis herb mercury 1
Ricinus castor bean 1
Crotonoideae Crotoneae Croton rushfoil, hogwort 1
Euphorbioideae Euphorbieae Euphorbia spurge, sandmat 21
Linaceae Linoideae Lineae Linum flax 9


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Fabales Fabaceae Brachystegioideae Cercideae Cercis (redbud) 1 1
Faboideae Sophoreae Cladrastis (yellow wood) 1 1
Thermopsideae Baptisia (wild indigo)
Thermopsis (golden-banner, false lupine)
2 4
Crotalarieae Crotalaria (rattle box) 1 2
Genisteae Cytisus (scotch broom)
Genista (dyer's broom)
2 3
Amorpheae Amorpha (false-indigo)
Dalea (prairie clover)
2 3
Dalbergieae Stylosanthes (pencilflower) 1 1
Millettieae Tephrosia (hoary-pea, wild goat's-rue)
Wisteria (wisteria)
2 4
Phaseoleae Apios (ground nut)
Amphicarpaea (hog peanut)
Glycine (soy bean)
Pueraria (kudzu)
Strophostyles (fuzzybean)
Phaseolus (kidney-bean)
Lablab (hyacinth bean)
Galactia (milk pea)
Clitoria (pigeon wings)
9 11
Desmodieae Desmodium (tick trefoil)
Hylodesmum (tick trefoil)
Lespedeza (bush clover)
Kummerowia (Asian clover)
4 36
Psoraleeae Cullen (scurf pea)
Pediomelum (Indian-breadroot)
2 2
Loteae Acmispon (trefoil)
Anthyllis (kidney vetch)
Lotus (trefoil)
Securigera (crown vetch)
Ornithopus (bird's-foot)
5 7
Robinieae Robinia (locust) 1 4
Galegeae Astragalus (milk vetch)
Glycyrrhiza (licorice)
Galega (professor weed)
Colutea (bladder senna)
4 6
Hedysareae Caragana (pea shrub) 1 2
Cicereae Cicer (chick pea,) 1 1
Trifolieae Medicago (alfalfa, medick)
Melilotus (sweet clover)
Trifolium (clover)
Trigonella (fenugreek)
4 24
Fabeae Lathyrus (pea)
Lens (lentil)
Pisum (pea, garden pea)
Vicia (vetch)
4 30
Caesalpinioideae Cassieae Chamaecrista (sensitive pea, partridge pea)
Senna (wild senna, java-bean, sicklepod)
2 4
Caesalpinieae Gleditsia (locust)
Gymnocladus (coffee tree)
2 3
Mimosoideae Ingeae Albizia (mimosa, silktree) 1 1
Polygalaceae Polygaleae Polygala (milkwort, snakeroot) 1 12


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Rosales Rosaceae Rosoideae Ulmarieae Filipendula (queen) 1 3
Rubeae Dalibarda (dewdrop)
Rubus (blackberry, raspberry, dewberry)
2 31
Colurieae Waldsteinia (barren strawberry)
Geum (avens)
2 11
Sanguisorbeae Agrimonia (agrimony)
Sanguisorba (burnet)
2 9
Roseae Rosa (rose) 1 31
Potentilleae Potentilla (cinquefoil)
Argentina (silverweed)
Duchesnea (mock strawberry)
Comarum (marsh cinquefoil)
Drymocallis (tall cinquefoil)
Dasiphora (shrubby cinquefoil)
Sibbaldia (cinquefoil)
Fragaria (strawberry)
Alchemilla (lady's mantle)
Aphanes (parsley-piert)
9 23
Amygdaloideae Neillieae Physocarpus (ninebark) 1 1
Amygdaleae Prunus (cherry, plum, peach) 1 18
Exochordeae Exochorda (pearlbrush) 1 1
Kerrieae Rhodotypos (jetbead)
Kerria (Japanese rose)
2 2
Sorbarieae Sorbaria (false spiraea) 1 1
Spiraeeae Spiraea (meadowsweet)
Aruncus (goatsbeard, bride's feathers)
2 16
Gillenieae Gillenia (Indian physic, Bowman's root) 1 2
Maleae Amelanchier (serviceberry)
Aronia (chokeberry)
Photinia (chokeberry)
Cydonia (quince)
Chaenomeles (flowering quince)
Cotoneaster (cotoneaster)
Crataegus (hawthorn)
Malus (apple)
Pyrus (pear)
Sorbus (mountain ash)
10 82
Rhamnaceae Rhamnoideae Rhamneae Rhamnus (buckthorn)
Frangula (glossy buckthorn)
2 3
Ziziphoideae Pomaderreae Ceanothus (New Jersey tea) 1 2
Elaeagnaceae Shepherdia (buffaloberry)
Elaeagnus (silverberry, Russian olive, autumn olive)
2 5
Ulmaceae Ulmus (elm) 1 6
Cannabaceae Celtis (hackberry)
Humulus (hops)
Cannabis (hemp)
3 4
Moraceae Moreae Morus (mulberry)
Broussonetia (paper mulberry)
Fatoua (crabweed)
5 6
Maclureae Maclura (Osage orange) 5 6
Ficeae Ficus (fig) 5 6
Urticaceae Urticoideae Urticeae Laportea (wood nettle)
Urtica (nettle)
2 5
Lecantheae Pilea (clearweed) 1 3
Boehmerieae Boehmeria (false nettle) 1 1
Parietarieae Parietaria (pellitory) 1 2


Order Family Tribe Genera G T
Cucurbitales Cucurbitaceae Thladiantheae Thladiantha (Manchu tubergourd) 1 1
Bryonieae Ecballium (squirting-cucumber) 1 1
Sicyoeae Echinocystis (wild cucumber)
Sicyos (burr cucumber)
2 2
Benincaseae Citrullus (watermelon)
Cucumis (melon)
Lagenaria (bottle gourd)
3 5
Cucurbiteae Cucurbita (squash, pumpkin) 1 2


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genus Common names #
Fagales Fagaceae Quercoideae Querceae Quercus oak white oak 15
red oak 16
Castaneeae Castanea chestnut 4
Fagoideae Fagus beech 2
Myricaceae Comptonia sweetfern 1
Myrica sweetgale 1
Morella bayberry 2
Juglandaceae Juglandoideae Juglandeae Juglans walnut, butternut 3
Caryeae Carya hickory 8
Betulaceae Betuloideae Alnus alder 5
Betula birch 15
Coryloideae Carpineae Carpinus hornbeam 3
Ostrya hop hornbean 1
Coryleae Corylus hazelnut 3


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Geraniales Geraniaceae Erodium (stork's-bill)
Geranium (crane's-bill)
2 17


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Myrtales Onagraceae Ludwigioideae Ludwigia (primrose willow) 1 5
Onagroideae Circaeeae Circaea (enchanter's nightshade) 1 3
Epilobieae Chamerion (fireweed)
Epilobium (willow herb)
2 10
Onagreae Gaura (bee blossom)
Oenothera (evening primrose)
2 17
Lythraceae Lagerstroemioideae Trapa (water chestnut) 1 1
Punicoideae Cuphea (waxweed)
Rotala (toothcup)
2 2
Lythroideae Decodon (water willow)
Lythrum (loosestrife)
2 5
Melastomataceae Melastomatoideae Melastomateae Rhexia (meadow beauty) 1 2

Crossosomatales, Sapindales

Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genus Common species names #
Crossosomatales Staphyleaceae Staphylea bladdernut 1
Sapindales Anacardiaceae Anacardioideae Rhoeae Rhus sumac 5
Toxicodendron poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac 4
Cotinus smoketree 2
Sapindaceae Hippocastanoideae Acereae Acer maple 15
Hippocastaneae Aesculus buckeye, horse chestnut 2
Sapindoideae Koelreuterieae Koelreuteria golden rain tree 1
Paullinieae Cardiospermum balloon vine 1
Simaroubaceae Ailantheae Ailanthus tree-of-heaven, Chinese sumac 1
Rutaceae Rutoideae Ruta rue 1
Toddalioideae Zanthoxylum prickly ash 1
Ptelea hop tree 1
Phellodendron Amur cork tree 1
Dictamnus gas plant 1
Meliaceae Melioideae Melieae Melia Chinaberry tree 1


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Malvales Thymelaeaceae Thymelaeoideae Thymelaeeae Dirca (leatherwood)
Daphne (paradise plant, mezereon)
2 2
Cistaceae Crocanthemum (New-World frostweed)
Helianthemum (Old-World frostweed)
Hudsonia (golden heather)
Lechea (pin weed)
4 16
Sterculiaceae Melochia (chocolate-weed) 1 1
Tiliaceae Tilieae Tilia (basswood, linden) 1 3
Malvaceae Hibisceae Hibiscus (rose mallow)
Kosteletzkya (sea-shore mallow)
2 5
Malveae Abutilon (Indian-mallow)
Alcea (hollyhock)
Althaea (marshmallow)
Malva (mallow)
Sida (fan petals)
Sidalcea (checker bloom)
Anoda (anoda)
7 13


Mustards, Capers, etc.

Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Brassicales Tropaeolaceae Tropaeolum (nasturtium) 1 1
Limnanthaceae Floerkea (false mermaid-weed) 1 1
Resedaceae Resedeae Reseda (mignonette, dyer's rocket) 1 4
Cleomaceae Cleomoideae Polanisia (clammyweed)
Peritoma (stinking beeplant)
Tarenaya (spiderflower)
Gynandropsis (cat’s-whiskers)
4 5
Brassicaceae Alysseae Lunaria (honesty)
Alyssum (madwort)
Aurinia (goldentuft)
Berteroa (false madwort)
Lobularia (sweet alyssum)
5 7
Conringieae Conringia (hare's-ear-mustard) 1 1
Thlaspideae Alliaria (garlic mustard)
Microthlaspi (pennycress)
Thlaspi (pennycress)
Teesdalia (shepherd's cress)
4 4
Arabideae Arabis (rockcress)
Draba (whitlow grass)
2 6
Iberideae Iberis (candytuft) 1 3
Isatideae Isatis (dyer’s woad) 1 1
Brassiceae Cakile (sea rocket)
Brassica (mustard)
Coincya (star mustard)
Diplotaxis (wall rocket)
Eruca (rocket salad)
Erucastrum (dog mustard)
Raphanus (radish)
Rapistrum (bastard cabbage)
Sinapis (mustard)
9 19
Sisymbrieae Sisymbrium (tumble-mustard) 1 5
Buniadeae Bunias (warty cabbage) 1 1
Hesperideae Hesperis (dame's rocket) 1 1
Cardamineae Armoracia (horse radish)
Cardamine (bitter cress)
Barbarea (yellow rocket)
Nasturtium (water cress)
Rorippa (yellow cress)
Subularia (awl wort)
6 26
Lepidieae Lepidium (pepper weed) 1 10
Descurainieae Descurainia (tansy mustard) 1 3
Boechereae Boechera (rock cress) 1 6
Erysimeae Erysimum (wall flower) 1 5
Camelineae Arabidopsis (rock cress)
Camelina (false flax)
Capsella (shepherd's purse)
Neslia (ball mustard)
Turritis (tower cress)
5 7


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Santalales Comandraceae Comandra (bastard-toadflax)
Geocaulon (false-toadflax)
2 2
Cervantesiaceae Pyrularia (buffalo-nut, oil-nut) 1 1
Viscaceae Arceuthobium (dwarf-mistletoe)
Phoradendron (mistletoe)
2 2


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Caryophyllales Droseraceae Drosera (sundew) 1 4
Plumbaginaceae Limonioideae Limonieae Limonium (sea lavender) 1 2
Polygonaceae Polygonoideae Fagopyreae Fagopyrum (buckwheat) 1 2
Rumiceae Rumex (dock)
Rheum (rhubarb)
2 16
Persicarieae Persicaria (smartweed) 1 19
Polygoneae Fallopia (false buckwheat, knotweed)
Polygonella (jointweed)
Polygonum (knotweed)
3 24
Caryophyllaceae Illecebroideae Paronychieae Herniaria (rupture wort)
Paronychia (nail wort)
2 4
Sperguleae Spergularia (sand spurry)
Spergula (spurry)
2 6
Caryophylloideae Sileneae Silene (catchfly)
Agrostemma (corncockle)
Lychnis (campion)
3 20
Caryophylleae Dianthus (pink)
Gypsophila (baby's breath)
Petrorhagia (pink)
Saponaria (soap wort)
Vaccaria (pink)
5 14
Alsinoideae Arenarieae Arenaria (sand wort)
Moehringia (sand wort)
2 2
Alsineae Cerastium (mouse-ear chickweed)
Holosteum (jagged chickweed)
Myosoton (giant chickweed, water chickweed)
Stellaria (common chickweed)
4 19
Sagineae Sagina (pearlwort) 1 3
Sclerantheae Honckenya (sea chickweed)
Minuartia (stitchwort)
Scleranthus (German-knotgrass)
3 6
Amaranthaceae Amaranthoideae Amaranthus (pigweed) 1 18
Achyranthoideae Achyranthes (chaff flower) 1 1
Gomphrenoideae Alternanthera (joyweed)
Froelichia (snake cotton)
Gomphrena (globe amaranth)
3 4
Polycnemoideae Polycnemum (needleleaf) 1 1
Salicornioideae Salicornieae Salicornia (pickleweed)
Sarcocornia (swampfire)
2 3
Camphorosmoideae Suaedeae Suaeda (seepweed) 1 4
Camphorosmeae Bassia (smotherweed)
Kochia (molly)
Spirobassia (hairy smotherweed)
3 4
Salsoloideae Salsoleae Salsola (Russian thistle)
Kali (Russian thistle)
1 4
Corispermoideae Corispermum (bugseed) 1 3
Chenopodioideae Axyrideae Axyris (Russian pigweed) 1 1
Dysphanieae Dysphania (goosefoot)
Teloxys (wormseed)
Cycloloma (pigweed)
3 9
Anserineae Spinacia (spinach)
Blitum (goosefoot)
Monolepis (poverty weed)
2 5
Chenopodieae Chenopodiastrum (goosefoot)
Oxybasis (goosefoot)
Atriplex (saltbush, orache)
Chenopodium (goosefoot)
4 34
Betoideae Beta (beet) 1 1
Aizoaceae Tetragonioideae Tetragonia (New Zealand spinach) 1 1
Sesuvioideae Sesuvium (sea purslane) 1 1
Nyctaginaceae Nyctagineae Mirabilis (four-o'clock) 1 4
Phytolaccaceae Phytolacca (pokeweed) 1 1
Molluginaceae Mollugo (carpetweed) 1 1
Portulacaceae Claytonia (spring beauty)
Portulaca (purslane, rose moss)
2 4
Cactaceae Opuntioideae Opuntieae Opuntia (prickly-pear, devil's tongue cactus) 1 1


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Cornales Hydrangeaceae Hydrangeoideae Philadelpheae Deutzia (pride of Rochester)
Philadelphus (mock orange)
2 5
Hydrangeae Hydrangea (hydrangea)
Decumaria (climbing hydrangea, woodvamp)
2 4
Cornaceae Cornoideae Cornus (dogwood) 1 12
Nyssoideae Nyssa (tupelo) 1 1


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera Common names #
Ericales Balsaminaceae Impatiens touch-me-not, jewelweed 4
Polemoniaceae Polemonioideae Polemonieae Polemonium Jacob's ladder, charity 2
Phocideae Phlox phlox 6
Gilieae Collomia trumpet 1
Gilia gilia 1
Loeselieae Ipomopsis red standing cypress 1
Ebenaceae Ebenoideae Diospyros persimmon 1
Primulaceae Theophrastoideae Samoleae Samolus water pimpernel, brookweed 1
Primuloideae Primula primrose 5
Dodecatheon shooting star → Primula
Hottonia featherfoil 1
Androsace rock-jasmine, pussytoes 1
Myrsinoideae Anagallis pimpernel 1
Trientalis starflower → Lysimachia
Lysimachia yellow loosestrife 14
Symplocaceae Symplocos sweetleaf 2
Styracaceae Halesia silverbell 2
Styrax snowbell 2
Diapensiaceae Diapensia Lapland diapensia 1
Galax beetleweed 1
Pyxidanthera flowering moss, pyxies 1
Sarraceniaceae Sarracenia pitcherplant, side-saddle plant 1
Actinidiaceae Actinidioideae Actinidia silver vine 1
Clethraceae Clethra sweet pepperbush 1
Ericaceae Pyroloideae Pyroleae Orthilia one-sided wintergreen 1
Pyrola wintergreen 9
Moneses single-delight, wintergreen 1
Chimaphila prince's pine, wintergreen 1
Monotropoideae Monotropeae Monotropa Indian pipe, pinesap 2
Pterosporeae Pterospora pine drops, pinedrops 1
Arbutoideae Arctostaphylos bearberry, kinnikinnick 1
Harrimanelloideae Harrimanella moss bell-heather 1
Ericoideae Phyllodoceae Epigaea trailing arbutus, mayflower 1
Kalmia laurel, mountain laurel, sheep laurel 5
Ericeae Calluna heather 1
Rhodoreae Rhododendron azalea, rhododendron, pinxter 8
Empetroideae Empetreae Empetrum crowberry (black, purple, red) 2
Corema broom crowberry, poverty grass 1
Vaccinoideae Oxydendreae Oxydendrum swamp-cranberry, sourwood 1
Lyonieae Lyonia stagger bush, maleberry 2
Andromedeae Andromeda bog rosemary 1
Gaultherieae Chamaedaphne leatherleaf 1
Gaultheria snowberry 1
Eubotrys fetterbush 1
Leucothoe doghobble 2
Vaccinieae Gaylussacia huckleberry 3
Vaccinium blueberry, cranberry, deerberry, bilberry 11


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Subtribe Genera G T
Gentianales Rubiaceae Cinchonoideae Naucleeae Cephalanthus (button bush) 1 1
Rubioideae Morindeae Mitchella (partridge berry) 1 1
Spermacoceae Diodia (buttonweed)
Houstonia (bluet)
Oldenlandia (clustered bluets)
3 6
Rubieae Rubia (madder)
Sherardia (field-madder)
Asperula (woodruff)
Cruciata (bedstraw)
Galium (bedstraw, wild-licorice, cleavers)
5 29
Loganiaceae Spigelia (Indian pink, pinkroot) 1 1
Gentianaceae Chironieae Centaurium (centaury)
Sabatia (rose gentian, pink)
2 6
Gentianeae Gentianinae Gentiana (gentian) 1 5
Swertiinae Bartonia (screwstem)
Frasera (green-gentian)
Gentianella (dwarf gentian)
Gentianopsis (fringed-gentian)
Halenia (spurred-gentian)
5 7
Apocynaceae Rauvolfioideae Vinceae Vincinae Vinca (periwinkle) 1 2
Amsonieae Amsonia (bluestar) 1 3
Apocynoideae Apocyneae Apocynum (dogbane) 1 3
Periplocoideae Periploca (silk vine) 1 1
Asclepiadoideae Asclepiadeae Asclepiadinae Asclepias (milkweed) 1 12
Cynanchinae Cynanchum (honeyvine) 1 1
Tylophorinae Vincetoxicum (swallow-wort) 1 3


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Solanales Convolvulaceae Convolvuloideae Convolvuleae Convolvulus (bindweed)
Calystegia (false bindweed)
2 12
Ipomoeeae Ipomoea (morning-glory, sweet potato) 1 8
Cuscutoideae Cuscuta (dodder) 1 13
Solanaceae Schizanthoideae Schizanthus (poorman's orchid) 1 1
Petunioideae Petunia (garden petunia) 1 1
Nicotianoideae Nicotianeae Nicotiana (tobacco) 1 4
Solanoideae Nicandreae Nicandra (shoofly plant) 1 1
Hyoscyameae Atropa (belladonna, nightshade)
Hyoscyamus (henbane)
Lycium (matrimony vine)
3 3
Capsiceae Capsicum (pepper) 1 1
Datureae Datura (jimsonweed) 1 1
Physaleae Physalis (ground cherry)
Leucophysalis (false ground cherry)
2 9
Solaneae Solanum (nightshade, tomato) 1 14


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Boraginales Boraginaceae Boraginoideae Boragineae Anchusa (bugloss)
Borago (borage)
Brunnera (bugloss)
Pulmonaria (lungwort)
Symphytum (comfrey)
5 8
Cynoglosseae Cynoglossum (hound's tongue) 1 3
Echieae Echium (Viper's bugloss) 1 3
Eritrichieae Hackelia (stickseed)
Mertensia (blue bells)
Amsinckia (fiddleneck)
Lappula (stickseed)
Asperugo (German madwort)
5 9
Lithospermeae Lithospermum (stoneseed)
Myosotis (forget-me-not)
Buglossoides (corn gromwell)
3 14
Hydrophylloideae Hydrophyllum (waterleaf, John's cabbage)
Ellisia (Aunt Lucy, false babyblueeyes)
Phacelia (scorpion-weed, desert bluebells)
3 6
Heliotropioideae Heliotropium (heliotrope) 1 4


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Subtribe Genera G T
Lamiales Oleaceae Forsythieae Forsythia 1 2
Oleeae Fraxininae Fraxinus (ash) 1 5
Ligustrinae Syringa (lilac)
Ligustrum (privet)
2 8
Oleinae Chionanthus (fringe tree) 1 1
Tetrachondraceae Polypremum (juniper leaf) 1 1
Plantaginaceae Gratioleae Gratiola (hedge hyssop)
Leucospora (cliff conobea)
2 3
Cheloneae Chelone (turtlehead)
Collinsia (blue-eyed Mary)
Penstemon (beard tongue)
3 8
Antirrhineae Antirrhinum (snapdragon)
Chaenorhinum (dwarf snapdragon)
Cymbalaria (toadflax)
Kickxia (cancerwort)
Linaria (toadflax)
Misopates (snapdragon)
Nuttallanthus (toadflax)
7 11
Callitricheae Callitriche (water starwort)
Hippuris (mare's-tail)
2 6
Digitalideae Digitalis (foxglove) 1 4
Veroniceae Veronica (speedwell)
Veronicastrum (Culver's root)
2 25
Plantagineae Littorella (shore grass)
Plantago (plantain)
2 16
Scrophulariaceae Scrophularioideae Scrophularieae Scrophularia (figwort)
Verbascum (mullein)
2 11
Limoselleae Limosella (mudwort) 1 1
Buddlejoideae Buddlejeae Buddleja (butterfly bush) 1 1
Lamiaceae Viticoideae Vitex (chasteberry) 1 1
Ajugoideae Ajugeae Trichostema (blue curls)
Ajuga (bugle)
2 3
Teucrieae Teucrium (germander) 1 3
Scutellarioideae Scutellaria (skullcap) 1 10
Lamioideae Marrubieae Ballota, Marrubium (horehound)
Moluccella (shellflower)
3 3
Lamieae Lamiastrum (yellow archangel)
Lamium (deadnettle)
2 6
Leonureae Leonurus (motherwort, lion's tail) 1 2
Phlomideae Phlomis (Jerusalem sage) 1 1
Synandreae Physostegia (lion's heart, obedient plant) 1 1
Stachydeae Stachys (hedgenettle) 1 11
(unplaced) Galeopsis (hempnettle) 1 4
Nepetoideae Elsholtzieae Collinsonia (horsebalm, richweed)
Elsholtzia (latesummer mint)
Perilla (beefsteak plant)
3 4
Mentheae Salviinae Melissa (balm)
Salvia (sage)
2 10
Prunellinae Prunella (selfheal) 1 3
Lycopinae Lycopus (bugle weed) 1 7
Neptinae Agastache (giant hyssop)
Dracocephalum (dragonhead)
Glechoma (ground ivy)
Hyssopus (hyssop)
Nepeta (catnip)
5 10
Menthinae Hedeoma (false-pennyroyal)
Blephilia (pagoda-plant)
Monarda (beebalm, wild bergamot, horse-mint)
Pycnanthemum (mountain-mint)
Cunila (dittany)
Mentha (mint)
Clinopodium, Calamintha (basil, calamint)
Satureja (savory)
Origanum (marjoram)
Thymus (thyme)
10 37
Ocimeae Lavandula, Ocimum (lavender, basil) 2 2
Mazaceae Mazus (mazus) 1 2
Phrymaceae Mimuleae Mimulus (monkey flower) 1 4
Phrymeae Phryma (lopseed) 1 1
Paulowniaceae Paulownia (princess tree, foxglove tree) 1 1
Orobanchaceae Rhinanthoideae Castillejeae Castilleja (Indian paintbrush)
Orthocarpus (owl's clover)
2 2
Gerardieae Aureolaria (false foxglove)
Agalinis (false foxglove, gerardia)
2 14
Pedicularideae Pedicularis (lousewort) 1 2
Buchnereae Buchnera (blue hearts) 1 1
Rhinantheae Euphrasia (eyebright)
Melampyrum (cow wheat)
Odontites (bartsia)
Rhinanthus (yellow rattle)
4 7
Orobanchoideae Orobancheae Epifagus (beechdrops)
Conopholis (squawroot)
Orobanche (broom rape)
3 4
Cymbarieae Schwalbea (chaffseed) 1 1
Verbenaceae Verbeneae Verbena (vervain) 1 12
Lantaneae Phyla (fogfruit, bogfruit) 2 2
Pedaliaceae Pedalioideae Sesameae Sesamum (sesame) 1 1
Martyniaceae Proboscidea (unicorn plant, devil's claw) 1 1
Linderniaceae Lindernieae Micranthemum (mudflower)
Lindernia (false pimpernel)
2 4
Bignoniaceae Tecomeae Campsis (trumpet creeper) 1 1
Catalpeae Catalpa (catalpa) 1 3
Acanthaceae Acanthoideae Ruellieae Ruellia (petunia) 1 1
Justicieae Justicia (water willow) 2 2
Lentibulariaceae Pinguicula (butterwort)
Utricularia (bladderwort)
2 15


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Aquifoliales Aquifoliaceae Ilex (holly) 1 7


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Subtribe Genera G T
Asterales Campanulaceae Campanuloideae Campanuleae Campanula (bellflower)
Campanulastrum (bellflower)
Triodanis (Venus' looking-glass)
Jasione (sheep bit)
Platycodon (balloon flower)
5 12
Lobelioideae Lobelieae Lobelia (cardinal flower) 1 7
Menyanthaceae Menyanthes (buckbean)
Nymphoides (floating heart)
2 3
Carduoideae Cardueae 1. Carlininae Carlina (carline thistle) 1 1
2. Echinopsinae Echinops (globe thistle) 1 1
3. Carduinae Onopordum (Scotch thistle)
Arctium (burdock)
Silybum (milk thistle)
Cirsium (thistle)
Carduus (plumeless thistle)
5 18
4. Centaureinae Plectocephalus (knapweed)
Centaurea (knapweed, starthistle)
Carthamus (safflower)
3 20
Cichorioideae Cichorieae 5. Scorzonerinae Tragopogon (goat's beard) 1 4
6. Scolyminae Scolymus (golden thistle) 1 1
7. Lactucinae Lactuca, Mycelis (lettuce) 2 10
8. Hyoseridinae Sonchus (sow thistle) 1 5
9. Crepidinae Ixeris (creeping lettuce)
Taraxacum (dandelion)
Crepis (hawksbeard)
Lapsana (nipplewort)
4 10
10. Chondrillinae Chondrilla (rush skeletonweed) 1 1
11. Hypochaeridinae Prenanthes (rattlesnakeroot)
Scorzoneroides, Leontodon (hawkbit)
Hypochaeris (cat's ear)
Helminthotheca, Picris (oxtongue)
4 16
12. Hieraciinae Hieracium (hawkweed)
Pilosella (hawkweed)
2 19
13. Microseridinae Krigia (dwarf dandelion)
Stephanomeria (wire lettuce)
2 4
14. Cichoriinae Cichorium (chicory)
Arnoseris (lamb's lettuce)
2 2
Vernonieae 15. Vernoniineae Vernonia (ironweed) 1 4
Asteroideae Senecioneae 16. Tussilagininae Tussilago (coltsfoot)
Petasites (butterbur)
Arnoglossum (Indian plantain)
3 4
17. Senecioninae Senecio (ragwort)
Erechtites (burnweed)
Packera (ragwort)
Jacobaea (ragwort)
4 15
Calenduleae 18. Calendula (pot marigold) 1 1
Gnaphalieae 19. Cassiniinae Anaphalis (pearly everlasting)
Antennaria (pussytoes)
2 8
20. Gnaphaliinae Gnaphalium, Pseudognaphalium (cudweed)
Gamochaeta (purple everlasting)
Omalotheca (arctic cudweed)
Filago, Logfia (cottonrose)
6 9
Astereae 21. Bellidinae Bellis (English daisy, lawn daisy) 1 1
22. Asterinae Callistephus (China aster)
Tripolium (sea aster)
2 2
23. Baccharidinae Baccharis (baccharis) 1 1
24. "ericamerioid asters" Ericameria (rabbitbrush)
Ionactis (aster)
Oclemena (aster)
3 5
25. Solidagininae Sericocarpus (whitetop aster)
Euthamia (goldentop)
Oligoneuron (goldenrod)
Solidago (goldenrod)
4 41
26. Boltoniinae Boltonia (doll's daisy) 1 2
27. Machaerantherinae Machaeranthera, Dieteria (tansy aster)
Grindelia (gumweed)
3 6
28. Symphyotrichinae Doellingeria (whitetop)
Symphyotrichum (aster)
2 38
29. (unplaced) Eurybia (aster) 1 6
30. Chrysopsidinae Pityopsis (silkgrass)
Chrysopsis (goldenaster)
Heterotheca (false goldenaster)
3 3
31. Conyzinae Conyza (horseweed)
Erigeron (fleabane)
3 10
Anthemideae 32. Artemisiinae Nipponanthemum (daisy)
Leucanthemella (ox-eye)
Artemisia (sagebrush, wormwood)
3 20
33. Matricariinae Achillea (yarrow)
Leucanthemella (chamomile)
2 11
34. Anthemidinae Anthemis (chamomile)
Cota (chamomile)
Tanacetum (tansy)
Tripleurospermum (Mayweed)
2 11
35. Leucantheminae Leucanthemum (daisy) 1 1
36. Santolininae Chamaemelum (dog fennel)
Cladanthus (dog fennel)
2 2
37. Glebionidinae Glebionis (crown daisy, corn marigold) 1 2
Inuleae 38. Inulinae Inula (yellowhead)
Dittrichia (stinkwort)
2 4
39. Plucheinae Pluchea (camphor weed) 1 1
Helenieae 40. Heleniinae Helenium (sneeze weed)
Gaillardia (blanket flower)
2 6
Coreopsideae 41. Coreopsidinae Bidens (beggar ticks)
Coreopsis (tickseed)
Cosmos (cosmos)
3 23
Tageteae 42. Tagetinae Tagetes (marigold)
Dyssodia (dogweed)
2 3
Chaenactideae 43. Chaenactis (pincushion) 1 1
Polymnieae 44. Polymnia (leafcup) 1 1
Ambrosieae (Heliantheae) 45. Ecliptinae Eclipta (false daisy) 1 1
46. Verbesininae Verbesina (crown beard) 1 2
47. Engelmanniinae Chrysogonum (green & gold)
Silphium (rosin weed)
2 4
48. Rudbeckiinae Rudbeckia (coneflower, blackeyed Susan)
Ratibida (prairie coneflower)
2 11
49. Ambrosiinae Ambrosia (ragweed)
Cyclachaena (sumpweed)
Iva (marshelder)
Parthenium (fever-few)
Xanthium (cocklebur)
5 13
50. Zinniinae Heliopsis (smooth oxeye)
Echinacea (purple coneflower)
2 4
51. Helianthinae Helianthus (sunflower)
Heliomeris (false goldeneye)
2 18
Millerieae 52. Milleriinae Smallanthus (leafcup)
Guizotia (ramtilla)
2 2
53. Galinsoginae Galinsoga (gallant soldier, quickweed) 1 2
54. Melampodiinae Acanthospermum (star burr) 1 4
Madieae 55. Arnicinae Arnica (lanceleaf arnica) 1 1
56. Madiinae Madia (tar weed)
Centromadia (spike weed)
2 3
Eupatorieae 57. Oxylobinae Ageratina (snakeroot) 1 2
58. Mikaniinae Mikania (hempvine) 1 1
59. Gyptidinae Conoclinium (mistflower, boneset, thoroughwort) 1 1
60. Liatridinae Liatris (blazing star) 1 6
61. Eupatoriinae Eupatorium (thoroughwort, boneset)
Eutrochium (Joe-Pye weed)
1 21


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Subtribe Genera G T
Apiales Araliaceae Aralioideae Hedereae Hedera (English ivy) 1 1
Aralieae Aralia (spikenard, sarsaparilla, angelica tree)
Panax (ginseng)
Eleutherococcus (five-leaved aralia)
3 8
Hydrocotyloideae Hydrocotyle (water pennywort) 1 5
Apiaceae Saniculoideae Saniculeae Sanicula (sanicle, black snakeroot)
Eryngium (eryngo, coyote thistle)
2 7
Apioideae Oenantheae Sium (water-parsnip)
Cicuta (water-hemlock)
Cryptotaenia (honewort)
Ptilimnium (mock bishop-weed, herb-william)
Lilaeopsis (grasswort)
Oxypolis (cowbane, stiff cowbane, water dropwort)
Berula (water parsnip)
7 8
Scandiceae Scandicinae Osmorhiza (sweetroot, sweet-cicely)
Chaerophyllum (chervil)
Anthriscus (chervil, cow parsley)
3 6
Daucinae Daucus (wild carrot, Queen Anne's lace) 1 1
Torilidinae Torilis (hedge parsley) 1 1
Careae Carum (caraway, anise)
Aegopodium (goutweed, ground elder)
2 2
Pimpinelleae Pimpinella (burnet-saxifrage) 1 2
Coriandreae Coriandrum (coriander) 1 1
Apieae Apium (celery)
Anethum (dill)
Foeniculum (fennel)
Levisticum (lovage)
Petroselinum (parsley)
4 4
Tordylieae Heracleum (cow parsnip, hogweed)
Pastinaca (parsnip)
2 4
Selineae Taenidia (yellow pimpernel)
Zizia (golden Alexanders)
Angelica (angelica)
Ligusticum (licorice-root)
Thaspium (meadow-parsnip)
Aethusa (fool's parsley)
Peucedanum (masterwort)
7 11
(unplaced) Conioselinum (hemlock-parsley)
Erigenia (pepper-and-salt)
Conium (poison hemlock)
3 3


Order Family Subfamily Tribe Genera G T
Dipsacales Adoxaceae Opuloideae Viburneae Viburnum (hobblebush, nannyberry, arrowwood, possumhaw, cranberrybush) 1 19
Adoxoideae Sambuceae Sambucus (elderberry) 1 3
Adoxeae Adoxa (muskroot) 1 1
Caprifoliaceae Diervilloideae Diervilla (northern bush-honeysuckle)
Weigela (crimson weigela)
2 2
Caprifolioideae Triosteeae Triosteum (horse-gentian) 1 3
Caprifolieae Lonicera (honeysuckle)
Symphoricarpos (snowberry)
2 24
Linnaeoideae Linnaea (twinflower)
Kolkwitzia (beautybush)
2 2
Dipsacoideae Succiseae Succisella (frosted pearls) 1 1
Dipsaceae Dipsacus (teasel) 1 3
Knautieae Knautia (scabious, blue-buttons) 1 1
Scabioseae Scabiosa (scabious, pincushions) 1 1
Valerianoideae Valeriana (valerian)
Valerianella (corn salad)
2 6


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