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Beginner level: cycle 1 Les 1A ~ Lesson 1A Meer Gesprekken ~ More Conversations |
• Conversations |
• Pronunciation Drill |
Gesprek 1A-1
Let's have a look at some more conversations with everyday phrases.
Some words will already look familiar. If not hover to see an instant translation. Try to memorize some phrases, particularly the greetings. Use the vocabulary box on the right to practice the individual words until you know them.
Vocabulary, pronunciations | ||
Word | translation | Audio |
hoe | how | |
gaan | to go | |
met | with | |
mij | me | |
prima | fine, splendid | |
jou | you (obj.) | |
het concert | concert | |
geweest | been | |
ander | other | |
de verplichting | obligation | |
de baas | boss | |
het hotel | hotel | |
slechts | just, only | |
de medewerker | employee | |
begrijpen | understand | |
verkeerd | wrong(ly) | |
wanneer | when | |
weer | again | |
het weer | weather | |
elk | each | |
week | week | |
deze | this, these | |
tijd | time | |
vorig | previous | |
ook | too, also | |
prettig | pleasant |

- - How are you doing?
- - I'm doing fine, how are you?
- - Did you go to that concert yesterday?
- - No I had other obligations.
- - Is that man over there the manager/boss of this hotel?
- - No, he's just an employee.
- - Then I misunderstood (that).
- - When will you be here again?
- - I'm here each/every week at this time.
- - Last week, I was here as well. (I was here as well last week).
- - I have to go now.
- - It was nice getting acquainted with you. (It was a pleasure meeting you)
- - Good bye. (Until we see each other again.)
- - Good Bye
Fill in the blank- 1A-1-F
First say the word you think should be in the blank, then use the hover method to check whether you were right.
- Dat is de baas van het hotel niet, dat is slechts een _____.
- Met ____ gaat het goed, en met jou?
- Nee, verplichtingen zijn niet altijd ____.
- Ik moet nu gaan, tot ____!
- Ben je hier elke week om deze ____?
- Ben je ___ naar het concert geweest?
- Heb ik dat verkeerd ____?
Pronunciation drill 1A-1-P
Listen to the following audio files and repeat what the speaker says in the pauses.
- - Hoe gaat het met je?
- Notice how "met" and "je" 'meld' together. This is very common in casual speech.
- - Met mij gaat het prima, dank je!
- Notice the use of the full pronoun 'mij', because emphasis is put on it. That's why the sentence starts with it. This in turn switches the words "het" and "gaat" into inverse order, much like in the question above.
- Ik moet nu gaan, tot ziens!
- Did you notice how the z of ziens assimilates from [z] to [s] once it is put behind the -t of tot?. This happens a lot to voiced consonants in initial position. All final obstruents are voiceless automatically and they even infect the next word!
- If you are American pay attention to the [u] sound in moet, it is quite a bit more rounded than Americans pronounce a 'u' sound.
Gesprek 1A-2
Jan en Mieke have a bite to eat in a small restaurant
Ze gaan het restaurant binnen.
Vocabulary | ||
wil | want, wants | |
iets | something | |
eigenlijk | actual, proper | |
trek | appetite | |
leuk | cute, nice | |
kijk | look | |
aardig | pleasant, sweet | |
goedemiddag | good afternoon | |
pak | grab | |
natuurlijk | natural | |
het spek | bacon | |
de buik | belly | |
de thee | tea | |
alstublieft | here you are; please | |
dank u | thank you |

- Mieke, would you like something to drink?
- Well, eh, yes, actually I would not mind something to eat. i am little hungry
- Look, that seems a nice establishment, don't you think?
- Yes, that looks fine!
They enter the restaurant.
- Good afternoon, sir, ma'am, would you like something to eat?
- Yes, we would! Can we sit on the terrace outside>
- Of course. I'll quickly grab the menus.
- Here you are, sir, ma'am
- Thank you! Look Jan! They have apple pancakes!
- Hmm, I'd rather have one with bacon!
- Watch out, you are getting far too fat. You already have a spare tire
- Oh, come on! I'll just go back to the gym!
- What would you like to drink?
- A beer, and you?
- Just give me green tea.
Saying thank you and please
Informal | Formal |
alsjeblieft | alstublieft |
dank je | dank u |
dank je wel | dank u wel |
bedankt | hartelijk dank |
tot je dienst | tot uw dienst |
graag gedaan | niets te danken |
We saw that Dutch makes a distinction between jij/je and u and that this has to do with formality and politeness. The same applies to the formulas used to say thank you and please.
Please is alsjeblieft or alstublieft. Both literally mean: "if it pleases you": als het je/u belieft. It is used in a somewhat different way than in English as it can be used both to say "May I please have...": mag ik alstublieft ... hebben, or for the answer "Here you are", "Here it is" as the waiter in the above dialogue. Alsjeblieft is commonly abbreviated to ajb, whereas alstublieft is abbreviated to a.u.b..
"Thank you" can either be dank je or dank u. It is sometimes augmented with -wel: dank je wel, dank u wel.
An even more informal way of thanking is to say bedankt "(you are) thanked". It is mostly used in the negative: "nee, bedankt" and can even sound a little abbrasive, as in thanks, but no thanks.
A formal alternative is hartelijk dank "Cordially (I say) thanks"
The equivalent of "you are welcome" is tot je dienst or tot uw dienst "at your service". An alternative is graag gedaan "done with pleasure" or niets te danken "(there is) nothing to thank for". Expression like these are not used nearly much as their English counterpart, although this strongly depends on the region. Particularly in the northernmost provinces of the Netherlands (Groningen, Friesland e.g.) people tend to economize on politeness expressions, even find them annoying. Being direct is considered polite enough.
Fill in the blank- 1A-2-F
First say the word you think should be in the blank, then use the hover method to check whether you were right.
- Mieke wil graag een appelpannenkoek _____.
- Jan wil _____ een pannenkoek met ____
- Het restaurant heeft een ____ buiten.
- Mieke wil groene thee, maar Jan drinkt een ____.
- Jan wordt te ______!
Pronunciation drills 1A-2-P
- - Wilt u iets eten? - Would you like something to eat
- Did you notice the /w/? It is produced not between the upper and lower lips as in English or French, but between the upper teeth and the lower lips. At least in the Netherlands it is. In Flanders and in Surinam a bilabial w is more common, so it is not a disaster if you do that one wrong.
- - Mag ik alstublieft een kopje koffie - May I have a cup of coffee, please.
- Notice that the 'k' sound is without aspiration: not khopje khoffie; it also contains an u-sound and one gutteral spirant. Try to make those light. Often newbies try to show off their gutterals very emphatically. It makes them sound, well, ehm, gutteral? In the bad sense of the word. Dutch speakers only do that when they are mad at someone. Otherwise they are pretty light.
- - Ja graag! Ik wil graag een pannenkoek
- Of course the latter will test your abilities to produce gutturals... They are quite numerous in Dutch, so that you do need to practise them. As the /r/ is concerned, this speaker still uses the oldfashioned rrolling one, but today (2009) there are many different varieties being used, producing interesting combinations if preceded or followed by a g or ch.
Translate the following sentences:
- De handelaars drinken in het resaturant een biertje
- Het andere concert was heel aardig
- Meneer, u heeft een buikje!
- Buiten op straat komen zij een Nederlander tegen
- Het gesprek gaat goed; hij heeft een goede woordenschat
- Hij heeft het verkeerd begrepen
- Natuurlijk heeft ook de medewerker verplichtingen
- Zij heeft geen trek, maar wil naar een mooi concert
- The merchants are having a beer in the resaturant
- The other concert was quite nice
- Sir, you have a bulge!
- Outside in the street they meet a Dutchman
- The conversation proceeds well; he has a good vocabulary
- He has misunderstood
- Of course the collaborator has his duties also
- She is not hungry, but want to go to a beautiful concert.
Review the personal pronouns and some other useful expressions in this YouTube video
You can practice the vocabulary of this lesson at Quizlet (77 terms)
Progress made
If you have studied the above well you should:
- Have made progress in pronouncing and understanding simple Dutch sentences
- Learned how to thank in Dutch
- Expanded your vocabulary by 77 terms (quizlet) plus 12 phrases related to thanking: total 89 terms
Cumulative count: Les 1: 116 terms, Les 1A: 89 terms. Total 205 terms.
Further material
- Visit Dutch/Example 1 for some nursery rhymes, a first introduction to Dutch culture and literature.