< Dutch

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Beginner level: cycle 2
Voorbeeld 8 ~ Example 8

Naar school ~ Off to school



Amazighische vlag

The Netherlands acquired a considerable number of minorities after the second world war. The first to arrive in the 1950s were people from the former Dutch East Indies, now Indonesia. Some of those still speak Indonesian today and there is special group from the Moluccas that were former soldiers for the Dutch colonial authorities there. Then from the 1960s onwards workers were recruited to come to the Netherlands from both Morocco and Turkey and many more followed later, partly legally, sometimes also illegally. In 1975 Suriname became independent and some one quarter of its population decided to make use of their Dutch passports to come to the Netherlands just before independence, with more to follow later. The six islands in the Caribbean that still form part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands today also were a source of many newcomers. They were joined by many asylum seekers from a variety of places like the Balkans, from Somalia, Libya, various countries of Africa and the Middle East. In addition the accession to the EU of countries like Poland and the Baltic means that there are people from there too that come for work to the Netherlands. To function properly in Dutch society language skills are a factual but also legal requirement. This means that you may not be the only person trying to learn Dutch!

One minority group that is actively trying to help its members to acquire Dutch language skills are the {many) speakers of Tamazight (Riffijns) from Morocco. Their mother tongue belongs to the Berber languages, a separate branch of the large Afro-Asiatic family of languages. Tamazight-TV created its own Dutch language course and let's have a look at one of their lessons. It is lesson 18 of Praat Nederlands of which we will watch the first 2:27 minutes.

Here is the text of their dialogue. Study it first before watching the video:

Het gesprek
Taban Awoonor brengt zijn dochter Ama naar school
Luister goed!
Hoe heet de juf?
Dag, kom erin! Ik zal me even voorstellen. Ik ben Doenja.
Hallo, ik ben Taban Awoonor. En dit is Ama.
Dag, Ama!
Kom, zeg eens 'dag' tegen juf.
Ach, verlegen...
Ja, ze is heel verlegen.
Nou, dat komt wel goed, hoor.
Het is ook zoveel: al die kinderen, de juf, de klas. Alles is nieuw. Is Ama op de peuterspeelzaal geweest?
Mooi. Ja, ik vraag het even, want dan is het makkelijker om te wennen.
Dan is het kind al gewend om in een groep te zijn, met andere kinderen te spelen, samen dingen te doen.
Ja, Ama vond de peuterspeelzaal heel leuk.
Mooi. Nou, Ama hang eerst je jasje maar even op hier.
Ja, hier. O, ik zal nog even een kaartje maken met je naam erop. Een kaartje met Ama. Vind je dat leuk?
Nou, kom op! Geef eens antwoord.
Ach, laat maar. Dat komt wel goed. Nou, Ama komt in een groep met negentien kinderen.
Zoals u ziet: kinderen uit heel veel landen uit Turkije, Marokko, uit Ghana, uit Somalië en uit Nederland.
Translation • Example 8 • Het gesprek
The conversation.
Taba Awoonor takes his daughter Ama to school
Hello, come in! Let me introduce myself. My name is Doenja.
Hi, I am Taban Awoonor. And this is Ama.
Hi, Ama!
Come, say hello to the teacher.
Ow, shy...
Yes, she is very shy.
Oh, that will turn out all right.
There is so much: all those children, the teacher, the class room. Everything is new. Has Ama been to a day-care?
Good! Yes, I do ask, because then it is easier to get used to everything. Then the child is already used to be in a group, to play with other children, to do things together.
Yes, Ama liked day-care a lot.
Good. Well, Ama, why don't first you hang your coat here. Yes, here. O, I'll quickly make a tag with your name on it. A tag with Ama. Do you like that?
Well, come on! Give her an answer!
Oh, just leave her. It will all work out. Well, Ama is joining a group with 19 children. As you see, children from many different countries, from Turkey, Morocco, Ghana, Somalia and the Netherlands.
Oh, yes.
YOUR TURN - UW BEURT!! • Example 8 • Diminutives, pronominal adverbs and compounds

Identify the diminutives, pronominal adverbs and compounds in the text. Why are they used?

SOLUTION • Dutch/Example 8 • Diminutives, pronominal adverbs and compounds
Kom erin - pronominal adverb: in+it. Come in the class room, room, whatever. As the pronoun would be 'it' replacement is mandatory
jasje: diminutive. Ama is a child, so whe wears a jasje, not a jas!
kaartje: diminutive: Its is small tag fit for a small coat
erop: pronomial adverb on+it. As the pronoun would be 'it' replacement is mandatory.
peuterspeelzaal: a compound of peuter (toddler) speel- (from spelen; to play) and zaal (hall): venue where toddlers play.


Anna is vandaag jarig. Ze wordt zes jaar. En dat wordt op school natuurlijk ook gevierd. Zelf trakteert ze de andere kinderen op snoepjes en er wordt voor haar gezongen.

They sing the following two traditional songs. Study them and watch the video

Er is er één jarig, hoera, hoera!
Dat kun je wel zien: dat is zij!
Dat vinden we allen zo prettig, ja, ja,
en daarom zingen we blij.
Ze leve lang, hoera, hoera!
Ze leve lang, hoera!
Ze leve lang, hoera, hoera!
Lang zal ze leven!
Lang zal ze leven!
Lang zal ze leven in de gloria!
In de gloria, in de gloria!
Hieperdepiep! Hoera!
Hieperdepiep! Hoera!
Hieperdepiep! Hoera!


The vocabulary can be practiced at Quizlet (23 terms)

Progress made

Cumulative term count

Cycle 1: 579 terms
Cycle 2: 474 terms
Grand total 1053 terms

Congratulations are due!

Dit vuurwerk is voor jou!

This time it is you! Gefeliciteerd!!!

You have just completed the beginner level of this course, and you can check your knowledge by doing the final quiz of the Beginner level and then move on to the intermediate level.

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