List of stars in Draco

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Draco.

Name B F Var HD HIP RA Dec vis.
Dist. (ly) Sp. class Notes
γ Draγ331640588783317h 56m 36.38s+51° 29 20.22.24−1.04148K5IIIEltanin
η Draη141483878033116h 23m 59.51s+61° 30 50.72.730.5888G8IIIAldibain,[1] Athebyne
β Draβ231591818567017h 30m 25.98s+52° 18 04.92.79−2.43361G2IIRastaban, Rastaben, Alwaid, Asuia
δ Draδ571807119437619h 12m 33.15s+67° 39, Nodus Secundus, Nodus II, Aldib
ζ Draζ221557638389517h 08m 47.23s+65° 42 52.73.17−1.92340B6IIIAldhibah, Eldsib, Nod, Nodus III
ι Draι121377597545815h 24m 55.78s+58° 57, Eldsich, Ed Asich, Al Dhiba, Al Dhihi; has a planet (b)
χ Draχ441701538993718h 21m 02.34s+72° 44 01.33.554.0226F7Vvar
Thubanα111232996875614h 04m 23.43s+64° 22 32.93.67−1.21309A0III SBAdib, Dragon's Tail
ξ Draξ321635888758517h 53m 31.63s+56° 52 20.83.731.06111K2IIIGrumium, Genam, Nodus Primus, Nodus I
λ Draλ11000295621111h 31m 24.29s+69° 19 52.03.82−1.23334M0IIIvarGiausar, Giauzar, Gianfar, Giansar, Gaiusar, Juza
ε Draε631881199743319h 48m 10.21s+70° 16 04.23.840.59146G8IIITyl; binary star
κ Draκ51093876128112h 33m 29.04s+69° 47 17.63.85−2.07498B6IIIpShǎowèi (少尉);[2] γ Cas variable
θ Draθ131442847852716h 01m 53.70s+58° 33ǎngzǎi (上宰)[2]
φ Draφ431700008990818h 20m 45.44s+71° 20 15.84.22−0.52289A0p (Si)Zhùshǐ (柱史);[2] α2 CVn variable
HD 81817818174719309h 37m 05.35s+81° 19 35.14.28−3.311076K3IIIhas a planet
τ Draτ601819849464819h 15m 33.29s+73° 21 18.84.451.14150K3III
ρ Draρ671909409870220h 02m 49.05s+67° 52 24.44.51−0.97406K3III
ψ1 Dra Aψ1311620038661417h 41m 56.31s+72° 08 58.24.572.8572F5IV-VDziban, Dsiban; component of the ψ1 Dra System
CU Drai10CU1211306762713h 51m 25.94s+64° 43 23.84.58−0.82391M3IIIvariable
π Draπ581825649508119h 20m 40.07s+65° 42 51.94.600.41225A2IIIs
ο Draο471753069251218h 51m 12.01s+59° 23 17.84.63−0.34322K0II-III SBRS CVn variable
σ Draσ611851449610019h 32m 20.59s+69° 39 55.44.675.8719K0VAlsafi, Athafi; nearby
ω Draω281609228620117h 36m 57.09s+68° 45 25.94.772.9276F5V
45 Drad451716359090518h 32m 34.52s+57° 02 44.24.77−4.962885F7Ib
42 Dra421706939034418h 25m 58.99s+65° 33 48.84.82−0.12317K2IIIFafnir,[3] has a planet (b)
υ Draυ521765249278218h 54m 23.77s+71° 17 49.54.82−0.30344K0IIIShǎobì (少弼)[2]
18 Drag181511018166016h 40m 55.12s+64° 35 20.74.84−1.76681K1p
HD 1516131516138202016h 45m 17.79s+56° 46 54.14.842.7087F2Vspectroscopic binary
HD 91190911905180810h 35m 05.59s+75° 42 46.74.860.38257K0III
ν2 Draν2251595608582917h 32m 15.88s+55° 10 22.14.862.43100AmKuma; component of the ν Dra system
19 Drah191535978286016h 56m 01.36s+65° 08 04.84.883.9949F6Vvar
ν1 Draν1241595418581917h 32m 10.42s+55° 11 02.84.892.4899Am...Kuma; component of the ν Dra system
μ Dra Aμ211549058360817h 05m 20.18s+54° 28 11.54.912.7688F5Arrakis, Errakis, Al Rakis; double star
HD 1755351755359268918h 53m 13.54s+50° 42 29.84.92−0.15337G8III
15 DraA151492128065016h 27m 59.05s+68° 46 05.04.94−0.95491A0III
6 Dra61095516138412h 34m 44.07s+70° 01 18.44.95−1.17546K2III
CL DraCL1434667818015h 57m 47.59s+54° 44 58.24.962.31110F0IVδ Sct variable
39 Drab391700739015618h 23m 54.65s+58° 48 02.14.981.17188A3V
36 Dra361681518934818h 13m 53.36s+64° 23 49.94.993.1477F5V
54 Dra541806109449019h 13m 55.16s+57° 42
CQ Dra4CQ1089076099812h 30m 06.76s+69° 12 04.55.01−1.25581M3IIIacataclysmic variable
30 Dra301625798721217h 49m 04.33s+50° 46
35 Dra351639898723417h 49m 26.94s+76° 57
1693058998118h 21m 32.68s+49° 07 17.35.02−1.80755M2III
46 Drac461735249175518h 42m 37.96s+55° 32 21.85.03−0.21364B9.5p...
17 Dra171501178129216h 36m 13.73s+52° 55 27.75.07−0.36397B9V
27 Draf271599668580517h 31m 57.89s+68° 08
59 Dra591807779408319h 09m 09.75s+76° 33
53 Dra531800069430219h 11m 40.52s+56° 51
AF Dra73AF19650210126020h 31m 30.40s+74° 57 16.85.18−0.35417A0p...α2 CVn variable
2 Dra21006965658311h 36m 02.62s+69° 19
1416537727715h 46m 39.95s+62° 35
64 Drae641905449858320h 01m 28.53s+64° 49 15.65.22−0.97564M1III
8 Dra8IR1124296307612h 55m 28.56s+65° 26; IR Dra; γ Doradus variable
26 Dra261602698603617h 34m 59.25s+61° 52
1749809205618h 45m 46.76s+74° 05
1482938016116h 21m 48.74s+69° 06
1504498143716h 38m 00.46s+56° 00
3 Dra31016735711111h 42m 28.43s+66° 44 41.35.32−1.15643K3III
19943710259920h 47m 33.56s+80° 33 08.55.36−0.09401K1III
9 Dra91130926343212h 59m 55.28s+66° 35 50.35.37−0.87577K2III
1472327980416h 17m 15.34s+59° 45 17.95.37−1.15657M4IIIa
50 Dra501752869211218h 46m 22.26s+75° 26 01.75.370.52304A1Vn
1717799101318h 33m 56.70s+52° 21 12.65.38−1.56795K0III
75 Dra7519678710096520h 28m 14.45s+81° 25 21.65.38−0.35456G9III
LV DraLV1770039329919h 00m 13.67s+50° 32 00.55.39−1.02623B2.5IVα2 CVn variable
51 Dra511782079371319h 04m 55.17s+53° 23 47.85.400.25349A0Vn
66 Dra661912779896220h 05m 32.73s+61° 59 42.95.401.77174K3III
7 Dra71113356242312h 47m 34.34s+66° 47 25.15.43−1.46778K5IIITianyi
ψ2 Draψ2341646138772817h 55m 11.14s+72° 00 18.55.43−1.30723F2.5II-III
1454547889316h 06m 19.73s+67° 48 35.95.440.82273A0Vn
1071936004412h 18m 50.07s+75° 09 38.05.470.73289A1V
1315077266414h 51m 26.57s+59° 17 37.15.48−0.18442K4III
1752259254918h 51m 35.00s+52° 58 28.35.513.4385G9IVa
49 Dra491772499334019h 00m 43.47s+55° 39 29.95.51−0.40495G5IIbCN...
16 Dra161501008129016h 36m 11.43s+52° 53 59.95.530.09400B9.5Vn
1562958418317h 12m 32.56s+62° 52 27.25.542.44136F0IV
AC DraAC19425810026120h 20m 05.98s+68° 52 48.95.59−1.01681M5IIIvariable
1765989296918h 56m 25.74s+65° 15 29.45.620.70314G8III
1584608529017h 25m 41.36s+60° 02 54.05.650.56340A1Vn
1723409064718h 29m 44.96s+77° 32 49.55.65−0.17475K4III
1483748030916h 23m 47.19s+61° 41 47.05.670.16412G8III
48 Dra481764089299718h 56m 45.08s+57° 48 54.05.670.95286K1III
1576818495017h 21m 45.35s+53° 25 13.55.69−0.60591K5III
19429810035720h 21m 11.52s+63° 58 48.35.69−1.07733K5III
68 Dra681924559950020h 11m 34.74s+62° 04 42.15.702.26159F5V
DE Dra71DE19396410022120h 19m 36.70s+62° 15 26.75.710.39378B9Vspectroscopic binary
HD 1065741065745974612h 15m 08.53s+70° 12 00.35.72−0.06468K2IIIhas a planet
1374437526015h 22m 38.43s+63° 20 30.05.720.39380K4III
1280007111114h 32m 30.93s+55° 23 53.05.74−0.63612K5III
1388527597415h 30m 55.91s+64° 12 30.65.740.79318K0III-IV
41 Dra411668668813618h 00m 09.07s+80° 00 13.75.742.12173K2Vvarspectroscopic binary
1727289131518h 37m 33.51s+62° 31 35.35.740.16426A0V
DQ DraDQ1483308037516h 24m 25.33s+55° 12 18.25.750.50366A2svar...α2 CVn variable
HD 1616931616938678217h 43m 59.17s+53° 48 06.165.760.24457A0VAlruba
76 Dra7619909510220820h 42m 35.10s+82° 31 52.05.750.55358A0V
1394937637615h 35m 57.08s+54° 37 50.05.771.38246A2V
μ Dra Bμ2115490617h 05m 19.70s+54° 28 13.05.80component of the μ Dra system
1425317773815h 52m 16.58s+55° 49 35.75.810.60359G8III:
ψ1 Dra Bψ1311620048662017h 41m 58.04s+72° 09 27.35.814.0773G0Vcomponent of the ψ1 Dra system, has a planet
1758249282218h 54m 47.17s+48° 51 35.05.842.22173F3III
1194766679813h 41m 29.82s+64° 49 20.85.851.69221A2V
1397787650915h 37m 32.04s+54° 30 31.65.850.66355K1III:
1416757737015h 47m 37.91s+55° 22 35.85.851.34260A3m
1611788621917h 37m 08.84s+72° 27 20.75.870.91321G9III
1382657569615h 27m 51.44s+60° 40 12.85.90−0.41595K5III
1873409712219h 44m 18.40s+69° 20 13.65.900.24442A2III
1333887350715h 01m 27.11s+60° 12 15.95.910.91327A4V
CX DraCX1742379213318h 46m 43.08s+52° 59 16.75.91−3.212173B2.5Vγ Cas variable; Be star
1821909503819h 20m 16.00s+57° 38 42.45.91−1.25881M1III
HD 19366419366410001720h 17m 30.63s+66° 51 10.75.914.6957G3V
1496508099116h 32m 25.66s+60° 49 24.05.920.86335A2V
1442047854216h 02m 05.56s+52° 54 57.65.93−1.07819K5III
1414727727215h 46m 34.88s+55° 28 28.65.94−1.581042K3III
37 Dra371686538944818h 15m 17.05s+68° 45 21.55.961.26284K1III:
74 Dra7419692510108220h 29m 27.31s+81° 05 26.75.961.96205K0III+...
HD 1393571393577631115h 35m 16.22s+53° 55 19.75.970.55396K4III:has a planet (b)
1670428904718h 10m 31.53s+54° 17 09.45.972.48163K1III
1373897525615h 22m 37.25s+62° 02 49.85.990.24461A0sp...
1130496334012h 58m 47.30s+75° 28
1611938656117h 41m 21.81s+51° 49
1728839152518h 39m 52.81s+52° 11 45.76.00−0.19563A0p...
HD 1133371133376358413h 01m 47.15s+63° 36 a planet[4]
1739499191518h 44m 18.27s+61° 02
1539568313816h 59m 21.57s+56° 41
1841029516719h 21m 40.24s+79° 36
1849589597819h 31m 00.29s+70° 59 21.36.06−0.35623K2
1725699119618h 36m 13.25s+65° 29
837274801709h 47m 18.14s+79° 08
1639298774417h 55m 23.62s+55° 58
1278217095214h 30m 46.30s+63° 11
1733989160618h 40m 56.40s+62° 44
1546338335917h 02m 15.78s+64° 36
40 Dra401668658812718h 00m 03.37s+80° 00 binary
1744819226918h 48m 16.09s+48° 46
1598708592317h 33m 31.60s+57° 33 31.46.15−0.67755A5V+...
1899009830819h 58m 28.74s+63° 32
1543918328917h 01m 16.98s+60° 38
1728649018218h 24m 09.18s+83° 10
1504298135816h 36m 54.99s+63° 04
948605376110h 59m 57.02s+77° 46
1511998184016h 42m 58.40s+55° 41
1736649184318h 43m 29.01s+53° 52 18.56.18−1.651199A2IV
1445427863216h 03m 09.37s+59° 24 38.96.19−0.97883M1III
19750810104420h 29m 02.82s+83° 37
809304641009h 27m 51.63s+75° 05
1156126477413h 16m 28.66s+68° 24
69 Dra691909609840119h 59m 36.69s+76° 28
1466037941416h 12m 25.38s+67° 08
1593308569217h 30m 43.56s+57° 52 36.76.22−1.531156K2III
UX DraUX1835569515419h 21m 35.53s+76° 33 34.66.22−2.561863C5IIcarbon star; variable
19614210113420h 30m 00.72s+72° 31 54.36.23−0.37682K4III:
DL DraDL1297987187614h 42m 03.16s+61° 15δ Sct variable
1758239273118h 53m 46.29s+57° 29 11.76.24−0.19631K5III:
1911749887220h 04m 44.51s+63° 53
835504788409h 45m 30.96s+78° 08 05.06.25−1.211012K2III
HD 1644281644288729317h 50m 10.10s+78° 18 23.56.25−0.93891K5has a planet
ER DraER1279297104014h 31m 42.87s+60° 13δ Sct variable
1739209198518h 44m 55.39s+54° 53 49.96.26−1.10967G5III
55 Dra551799339414019h 09m 45.80s+65° 58
1500108092016h 31m 28.30s+72° 36
65 Dra651907139865820h 02m 20.16s+64° 38
1742059181118h 43m 10.34s+70° 47 34.36.28−0.08610K2
DK DraDK1066775979612h 15m 41.51s+72° 33 +K0IIIRS CVn variable
1540998288016h 56m 16.74s+73° 07
1557118402117h 10m 30.65s+52° 24 31.66.300.73424B9V
1690288983518h 19m 56.10s+51° 20 52.66.300.80410K1III:
1849369616419h 33m 10.06s+60° 09 31.26.30−1.541203K4III
1081506058912h 25m 06.38s+63° 48 10.06.310.31516G8III
1431877801715h 55m 49.66s+58° 54 42.26.310.54465A0V
1488808071016h 28m 43.41s+51° 24 27.86.310.91391G9III
1662078873218h 06m 53.47s+50° 49 21.46.310.94386K0III
1385247582215h 29m 21.13s+62° 05 58.46.32−0.28681K5
VW DraVW1569478449617h 16m 29.45s+60° 40 14.16.320.47482K1.5IIIbsemiregular variable
1767079319718h 58m 59.40s+50° 48 32.96.320.71432G8III
1902529833319h 58m 41.78s+70° 22 00.56.320.76421G8III
1913729889020h 04m 53.41s+68° 01 37.96.32−1.351116M3IIIa
1083996069912h 26m 24.47s+71° 55 47.66.330.95389G8III:
1456747912516h 09m 02.92s+57° 56 16.16.330.88401A1V
1609338618417h 36m 40.03s+69° 34 16.56.333.19139F9V
1767959271718h 53m 33.20s+75° 47 14.46.33−0.82876A1V
1056785929112h 09m 47.09s+74° 39 40.96.342.05235F6IV
1229096853714h 01m 50.70s+68° 40 43.36.340.05592K5
CN DraCN1877649732619h 46m 44.66s+68° 26 16.86.340.31525F0IIIδ Sct variable
1698859014618h 23m 47.95s+53° 18 03.16.351.26340A3m
1774839346619h 02m 07.04s+52° 15 40.16.35−0.12642G8III:...
1836119557619h 26m 26.46s+62° 33 25.46.38−0.22682K5III
826854726009h 37m 56.29s+73° 04 49.66.392.18227F2V+...
1211466758913h 50m 59.40s+68° 18 55.66.391.50310K2IV
1476627986716h 18m 09.81s+68° 33 16.06.390.09594K0
1647808767017h 54m 26.75s+75° 10 16.46.390.56479K0
1692218994318h 21m 07.15s+49° 43 31.56.39−0.17668K1III
20 Dra201536978289816h 56m 25.32s+65° 02 20.66.402.27219F1V
1759389204018h 45m 38.06s+79° 56 33.06.401.67288A8V
1543198311416h 59m 02.57s+69° 11 10.96.411.71284K0
1456947916416h 09m 26.01s+55° 49 44.16.430.79438K0
1708119047618h 27m 42.09s+59° 32 56.56.431.18365K0IV
1128266329712h 58m 18.87s+64° 55 31.86.44−0.59832K0
1379287558715h 26m 32.17s+54° 01 13.26.441.21363A2IV
1586338523517h 25m 00.90s+67° 18 24.16.445.9042K0V
1383387578815h 28m 56.83s+55° 11 41.56.451.64299A3m
1401177665115h 39m 09.52s+57° 55 27.96.450.78443K1III
1491988068216h 28m 21.17s+67° 02 38.46.45−0.18689M0
1782089373319h 05m 09.85s+49° 55 23.46.450.19583K3III
823274711909h 36m 06.79s+74° 19 08.06.460.78447B9V
1283327125114h 34m 15.70s+57° 03 57.06.464.1595F7V
1553288385717h 08m 17.08s+50° 50 32.06.46−0.17689A1V
HD 1582591582598526817h 25m 24.14s+52° 47 26.96.464.2989G0has five planets
1765609306818h 57m 28.46s+58° 13 29.76.471.14380A2V
1853949629719h 34m 46.34s+63° 26 03.06.470.38539K2
910755188310h 36m 02.02s+80° 29 40.76.480.89428G4III:
1008585671611h 37m 42.31s+77° 35 44.56.49−2.091698K5
1584858531717h 26m 04.85s+58° 39 06.76.491.30356A4V
1863409677119h 40m 13.19s+60° 30 25.76.491.09391A5V
1673878910418h 11m 07.16s+60° 24 34.36.500.76459A1Vnn
1766689305318h 57m 17.34s+62° 23 48.76.501.65305G5IV comp
1841469460419h 15m 07.91s+83° 27 45.86.500.61492A3V
17 Dra1715011816h 36m 14.10s+52° 55 27.06.53
29 Dra291605388585217h 32m 41.35s+74° 13 38.26.611.54337K0III
RY DraRY1125596315212h 56m 25.89s+65° 59 39.96.63−1.811590C7Icarbon star; variable, Vmax = 6.5m, Vmin = 8.0m, P = 172 d
HD 1431051431057783815h 53m 37.0s+68° 43 126.75159F5has a planet
38 Dra381690278959418h 16m 58.77s+68° 44 30.16.790.28655A0
HD 97619976195504811h 16m 08.9s+78° 18 326.88695K0 Ehas a planet
205 Dra2051743439220418h 47m 29.57s+49° 25
BY DraBY2346779100918h 33m 55.77s+51° 43 of the BY Dra variables
HD 1562791562798417117h 12m 23s+63° 21 088.08119K0has a planet
HD 1636071636078760117h 53m 40s+56° 23 318.15225G5IVhas two planets (b & c)
HIP 912589125818h 36m 53.0s+61° 42 098.65146G5Vhas a planet (b)
R DraR1498808101416h 32m 40.23s+66° 45 17.98.67−1.421042M6eMira variable; Vmax = 6.7m, Vmin = 13.2m, P = 245.5 d
HD 1092461092466117712h 32m 07.19s+74° 29 22.48.774.69214G0VFuni; has a planet
HD 1473791473797975516h 16m 43.0s+67° 14 208.9035M1Vhas a planet
HD 1737391737399176818h 42m 46.7s+59° 37 498.9411.2011.5M3Vcomponent of Struve 2398, 15th nearest star system; flare star
HD 17669317669318h 59m 09.0s+48° 25 239.0Kepler-408, has a transiting planet
HD 1919391919399917520h 08m 06.0s+66° 51 019.0175G8Vhas three planets
HD 1737401737409177218h 42m 46.9s+59° 37 369.7011.9611.5M3.5Vcomponent of Struve 2398; flare star
Kepler-1019h 02m 43.06s+50° 14 28.710.964.77564Ghas two transiting planets (b and c)
GSC 03549-0281119h 07m 14.04s+49° 18 59.111.414.70718G0Vhas the transiting planet TrES-2
HD 2389142389149138818h 38m 20.0s+59° 15 1412.001924K7has the planet
WASP-15017h 37m 03.0s+53° 01 1612.001748has a transiting planet
T DraT8782017h 56m 23.31s+58° 13 06.212.486.27568NevMira variable; Vmax = 7.2m, Vmin = 13.5m, P = 421.2 d
Kepler-44719h 01m 04.0s+48° 33 3612.5has a transiting planet (b)
Kepler-419h 02m 27.68s+50° 08 08.712.74.21631G0has a transiting planet (b)
HAT-P-3718h 57m 11s+51° 16 0913.231341has a transiting planet
Kepler-9018h 57m 44.0s+49° 18 1914.0has eight transiting planets ( e, f, g, h & i)
V571 Dra18h 35m 58.79s+53° 10 28.914.587000binary star system
GD 35616h 40m 57.16s+53° 41 09.615.3913.4365White dwarf with emission lines
Kepler-5219h 06m 57.0s+49° 58 3315.5has three transiting planets
Kepler-44118h 58m 16.0s+49° 00 4615.5926has a transiting planet
LP 71-8218h 02m 16.60s64° 15 44.627.69M5.0V[5][6][7][8][9][10]
Table legend:

See also


  1. Star Name - R.H Allen p. 202
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  7. Riaz, Basmah; Gizis, John E.; Harvin, James (2006). "Identification of New M Dwarfs in the Solar Neighborhood". The Astronomical Journal. 132 (2): 866–872. arXiv:astro-ph/0606617. Bibcode:2006AJ....132..866R. doi:10.1086/505632. S2CID 6282011. Table 1
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