List of stars in Microscopium

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Microscopium, sorted by decreasing brightness.

Name B Var HD HIP RA Dec vis.
Dist. (ly) Sp. class Notes
γ Micγ19995110373821h 01m 17.46s−32° 15 28.04.670.49223G8IIIvariable star, ΔV = 0.007m, P = 8.72829 d
ε Micε20262710514021h 17m 56.25s−32° 10 20.94.711.19165A0V
θ1 Micθ120300610538221h 20m 45.58s−40° 48 34.24.801.01186A2pα² CVn variable, Vmax = 4.77m, Vmin = 4.87m, P = 2.1215 d
α Micα19823210283120h 49m 58.08s−33° 46 46.84.89−0.45380G8III
ι Micι19793710269320h 48m 29.00s−43° 59
ν Micν19556910147720h 33m 55.06s−44° 30
2 PsA20076310417421h 06m 24.68s−32° 20
HD 20177220177210473821h 13m 02.93s−39° 25
ζ Micζ20016310388221h 02m 57.97s−38° 37 52.35.322.58115F3V
HD 19871619871610312720h 53m 40.15s−39° 48 34.75.34−0.17412K2III
3 PsA20190110475021h 13m 17.27s−27° 37 08.65.410.01391K3III
HD 19673719673710201420h 40m 19.81s−33° 25 54.95.471.14239K1III
HD 19763019763010249720h 46m 20.03s−39° 11 57.15.480.52320B8/B9Vvariable star, ΔV = 0.005m, P = 0.32138 d
HD 20401820401810591321h 27m 01.66s−42° 32 52.75.501.84176Am
HD 19835719835710291620h 51m 00.76s−37° 54 47.85.52−0.90627K3III
η Micη20070210417721h 06m 25.50s−41° 23 09.45.55−1.73931K3III
HD 20394920394910585421h 26m 22.75s−37° 49 45.95.641.00276K2IIIhas a planet (b)
δ Micδ20071810414821h 06m 01.12s−30° 07 29.85.690.65332K0/K1III
HD 19691719691710209220h 41m 23.58s−31° 35 53.35.750.20419M1IIIvariable star, ΔV = 0.009m, P = 0.86547 d
θ2 Micθ220358510569621h 24m 24.80s−41° 00 24.15.760.00463A0III
HD 20164720164710468021h 12m 13.67s−40° 16 07.85.833.28106F5IVsuspected variable, ΔV = 0.03m
HD 20007320007310383621h 02m 27.05s−38° 31 50.05.931.84214K2III
HD 20185220185210475221h 13m 18.94s−36° 25 24.75.970.90337K0III
β Micβ19852910298920h 51m 58.76s−33° 10 40.76.06−0.48661A1IV
HD 19478319478310101720h 28m 46.74s−35° 35 44.96.09−0.33627B8II/III
HD 19968419968410364620h 59m 59.62s−36° 07
HD 20228720228710498021h 15m 46.76s−36° 12 38.56.13−0.98862K3III
HD 20213520213510492521h 15m 14.31s−40° 30 21.96.20−0.06583K1III
HD 19674819674810205720h 40m 55.61s−42° 23
HD 20024520024510390221h 03m 10.17s−27° 43 53.46.25−1.691264K0III
AV MicAV19682910209620h 41m 24.63s−42° 08 01.36.28−1.01934M3IIsemiregular variable, Vmax = 6.25m, Vmin = 6.35m
HD 19709319709310223020h 42m 52.95s−39° 33 31.76.30−1.731315K1III
HD 19520619520610121120h 30m 56.79s−29° 06 45.56.350.05594A5V
HD 19875119875110310320h 53m 24.94s−30° 43 08.16.350.29531K1III
HD 19590219590210162320h 35m 47.82s−44° 20 15.56.360.86411K1III
HD 20277320277310522821h 18m 54.32s−28° 45 56.46.400.94403K0IV
BY MicBY19885310316820h 54m 06.58s−27° 55 30.76.41−0.93956M1IIIslow irregular variable
HD 19584319584310155220h 34m 47.38s−30° 28 24.36.420.12593B8V
HD 19835619835610290120h 50m 47.15s−32° 03 16.06.42−0.22695K5III
HD 19581419581410155820h 34m 55.46s−38° 05 23.56.452.32218A5m...
HD 19790019790010267020h 48m 18.36s−44° 11 48.16.470.20584K1IV
HD 20124220124210444121h 09m 22.31s−36° 42 20.26.472.13241F7V
HD 19764919764910249620h 46m 18.58s−36° 07 12.16.492.28226F3/F5V
Lacaille 8760AX20256010509021h 17m 15.3s−38° 52 026.688.6912.865M0VUV Ceti variable
HD 20262820262810518421h 18m 27.27s−43° 20 04.76.7579.61G5Vhas a protoplanetary disk
AU MicAU19748110240920h 45m 09.53s−31° 20 27.28.6332.306M1VeT Tauri star, ΔV = 0.079m, P = 4.85 d; has a protoplanetary disk
HD 203932BI20393221h 26m 03.87s−29° 55 44.18.81A5prapidly oscillating Ap star, ΔB < 0.0024m, P = 5.9 minutes
HD 202759AW20275910524921h 19m 05.92s−33° 55 07.99.055300A0:IIIwRR Lyr variable, Vmax = 9.04m, Vmin = 9.13m, P = 0.305684 d
BO MicBO19789010262620h 47m 45.01s−36° 35 40.89.345.80170.1K3V(e)Speedy Mic; rotating variable, ΔV = 0.059m, P = 0.3804 d; one of the fastest known rotating stars
V MicV20349510563821h 23m 48.77s−40° 42 05.129.402100M4eMira variable
ZZ MicZZ19975710368421h 00m 35.20s−42° 39 20.39.43911A6IVδ Sct variable, Vmax = 9.27m, Vmin = 9.59m, P = 0.0671792 d
WASP-719728620h 44m 10.21s−39° 13 30.89.543.66490F5Vhas a transiting planet (b)
WASP-94 A20h 55m 07.9s−34° 08 0810.1F8has a transiting planet (b)
AT MicAT19698210214120h 41m 50.16s−32° 26 06.810.3634.87M4Veflare star and BY Dra variable, ΔV = 0.029m, P = 0.7813 d
WASP-94 B20h 55m 09.2s−34° 08 0810.5F9has a transiting planet (b)
CD-43 14304DD21h 00m 06.36s−42° 38 44.911.0M0.2eZ And variable, Vmax = 11.0m, Vmin = 11.7m, P = 399 d
CD−36 14261DH20h 36m 08.3s−36° 07 1211.655M3VeBY Draconis variable
WASP-18220h 46m 42.0s−41° 49 15121080has a transiting planet (b)
WASP-13320h 58m 18.0s−35° 47 4812.91491G4has a transiting planet (b)
WASP-14421h 23m 03.0s−40° 02 5412.9K2Vhas a transiting planet (b)
WASP-92 A20h 55m 08.0s−34° 08 0813.181729F7has a transiting planet (b)
PSR J2124-335821h 24m 43.85s−33° 58 44.67millisecond pulsar
Table legend:

See also


  • ESA (1997). "The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues". Retrieved 2006-12-26.
  • Kostjuk, N. D. (2002). "HD-DM-GC-HR-HIP-Bayer-Flamsteed Cross Index". Retrieved 2006-12-26.
  • Roman, N. G. (1987). "Identification of a Constellation from a Position". Retrieved 2006-12-26.
  • Gould, B. A. "Uranometria Argentina". Reprinted and updated by Pilcher, F. Archived from the original on 2012-02-27. Retrieved 2010-07-16.
  • "AAVSO Website". American Association of Variable Star Observers. Retrieved 9 March 2014.
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