List of stars in Equuleus

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Equuleus, sorted by decreasing brightness.

Name B F G. Var HD HIP RA Dec vis.
Dist. (ly) Sp. class Notes
α Equα82020244710498721h 15m 49.40s+05° 14 53.13.920.14186G0III+...Kitalpha, Kitel Phard, Kitalphar; spectroscopic binary
δ Equδ71920227510485821h 14m 28.79s+10° 00 27.84.473.1460F5V+...spectroscopic binary
γ Equγ51520160110452121h 10m 20.47s+10° 07 55.04.701.97115F0pdouble star; Rapidly oscillating Ap star, Vmax = 4.70m, Vmin = 4.71m, P = 0.00811 d
β Equβ102920356210557021h 22m 53.58s+06° 48 40.05.16−0.05360A3Vmultiple star
ε Equε1419976610356920h 59m 04.54s+04° 17 37.85.301.40197F5III...spectroscopic binary
ζ Equζ3820064410403121h 04m 34.64s+05° 30 10.35.63−0.99688K5IIIdouble star
9 Equ92420329110541321h 21m 04.80s+07° 21 16.45.81−1.751058M2IIIsuspected variable; Vmax = 5.86m, Vmin = 5.91m
4 Equ4920079010410121h 05m 26.79s+05° 57 30.65.943.10120F8Vdouble star
HD 20295120295110522421h 18m 52.01s+11° 12 12.05.97−1.961254K5IIIrotating variable, Vmax = 5.96m, Vmin = 6.01m
HD 199942519994210365221h 00m 03.95s+07° 30 58.25.981.69235A7Vdouble star
6 Equ61520161610453821h 10m 31.31s+10° 02 double with γ Equ
HD 2012981220129810435721h 08m 28.15s+06° 59 21.76.14−0.89832M0III
HD 2038423020384210569521h 24m 24.52s+10° 10 27.16.331.21344F5III
HD 200661720066110404121h 04m 41.63s+02° 56 32.16.410.97400K0
HD 2015071320150710448121h 09m 58.26s+02° 56 37.06.441.63299F2V
HD 2009641020096410420221h 06m 39.79s+03° 48 10.86.642.35223K0IVhas two planets (b & c)
λ Equλ220025610381321h 02m 12.51s+07° 10 47.36.721.68332F8double star
HD 20290820290810520021h 18m 34.87s+11° 34 + G6Vtriple star
Gliese 81820077910409221h 05m 20s+07° 04 098.277.4148K6Vmultiple star
HD 20347320347310552121h 22m 18.9s+05° 01 258.234.20237G6Vhas a planet (b)
S EquS19945410341920h 57m 12.84s+05° 04 49.48.37-0.572000B9V + F9III-IVAlgol variable, Vmax = 8.35m, Vmin = 10.40m, P = 3.4360969 d
SY EquSY20366410561421h 23m 28.81s+09° 55 54.98.53-2.024200B0.5IIInBeta Cephei variable, Vmax = 8.520m, Vmin = 8.585m, P = 0.1658677 d
R EquR20205121h 13m 11.77s+12° 48 08.778.704M3eMira variable, Vmax = 8.4m, Vmin = 15.0m, P = 262.28 d
WASP-9021h 02m 08.0s+07° 03 2411.71109F6has a transiting planet (b)
HAT-P-6521h 03m 37.0s+11° 59 2213.153.532743has a transiting planet (b)
U EquU20h 57m 16.2s+02° 58 4514.53.575000Mslow irregular variable, Vmax = 13.4m, Vmin = 14.5m
Table legend:

See also


  • ESA (1997). "The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues". Retrieved 2006-12-26.
  • Kostjuk, N. D. (2002). "HD-DM-GC-HR-HIP-Bayer-Flamsteed Cross Index". Retrieved 2006-12-26.
  • Roman, N. G. (1987). "Identification of a Constellation from a Position". Retrieved 2006-12-26.
  • "SIMBAD Astronomical Database". Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg. Retrieved 2007-01-02.
  • Gould, B. A. "Uranometria Argentina". Reprinted and updated by Pilcher, F. Archived from the original on 2012-02-27. Retrieved 2010-07-19.
  • "AAVSO Website". American Association of Variable Star Observers. Retrieved 9 March 2014.
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