List of stars in Antlia

This is the list of notable stars in the constellation Antlia, sorted by decreasing brightness.

Name B Var HD HIP RA Dec vis.
Dist. (ly) Sp. class Notes
α Antα906105117210h 27m 09.16s−31° 04 04.14.28−0.97366K4IIIsuspected variable, Vmax = 4.22m, Vmin = 4.29m
ε Antε821504651509h 29m 14.74s−35° 57 04.94.51−2.15700K3IIIvariable star, ΔV = 0.003m, P = 0.09026 d
ι Antι948905350210h 56m 43.00s−37° 08 14.94.600.67199K0III
θ Antθ843674775809h 44m 12.13s−27° 46 10.44.78−0.58384A7V+...binary star
η Antη866294892609h 58m 52.34s−35° 53 star
HD 90132901325088810h 23m 29.41s−38° 00 35.05.342.30132A8V
HD 96146961465417311h 04m 54.21s−35° 48 16.95.43−0.63530A0Vbinary star
HD 82205822054657809h 29m 54.52s−26° 35 22.65.49−1.36763K2IIICNIIdouble star
U AntU917935182110h 35m 12.88s−39° 33 45.35.50−1.54836C6,3(N0)slow irregular variable, Vmax = 5.27m, Vmin = 6.04m
HR 4049AG893535045610h 18m 07.60s−28° 59 31.35.52−3.602173B9.5Ib/IIprotoplanetary nebula, Vmax = 5.29m, Vmin = 5.83m, P = 429 d
δ Ant Aδ909725137610h 29m 35.40s−30° 36 25.55.56−0.27481B9/B9.5Vcomponent of the δ Ant system; suspected variable, Vmax = 5.55m, Vmin = 5.60m
HD 93905939055296510h 49m 57.05s−34° 03 29.55.610.48346A1V
HD 83380833804719909h 37m 09.87s−32° 10 43.05.621.05267K1III
HD 92845928455240710h 42m 43.21s−32° 42 56.45.63−0.71605A0Vdouble star
HD 83332833324718709h 37m 00.25s−25° 17 48.75.680.91293K0III
ζ1 Ant Bζ1823834665709h 30m 46.08s−31° 53 21.05.750.46372A0binary star
HD 86267862674874809h 56m 35.47s−33° 25 06.85.83−0.01479K1III
HD 82514825144673609h 31m 32.93s−35° 42 51.65.861.15285K3IIItriple star
ζ2 Antζ2825134673409h 31m 32.19s−31° 52 18.65.910.61374A9IV
HD 88809888095010310h 13m 45.98s−40° 20 45.95.910.21450K1IIIdouble star
HD 85206852064819109h 49m 28.15s−37° 11 12.45.950.47407K2III
HD 83441834414722409h 37m 28.42s−36° 05 45.65.960.89337K2III
HD 88218882184976910h 09m 32.09s−35° 51 star
HD 82165821654651709h 29m 16.25s−38° 24
HD 89015890155023410h 15m 20.89s−36° 31
ζ1 Ant Aζ18238409h 30m 46.10s−31° 53 22.06.18component of the ζ1 Ant system
HD 90071900715086810h 23m 13.14s−30° 09
HD 87606876064941810h 05m 15.28s−36° 23
HD 85725857254846809h 52m 58.21s−27° 19 star
HD 88522885224996710h 12m 02.88s−28° 36 star
HD 89442894425049210h 18m 37.88s−36° 48 16.56.31−0.04608K2/K3III
BF AntBF863014877609h 56m 54.14s−27° 28 30.86.320.38502A4Vδ Scuti variable, ΔV = 0.01m
HD 88836888365012210h 13m 56.58s−40° 18 38.76.330.64448G8IIIdouble star
HD 88013880134964510h 08m 01.67s−37° 20 00.56.340.05590K0III
HD 85296852964821909h 49m 51.36s−36° 16 06.56.360.20555K0III
HD 92589925895227310h 40m 51.56s−35° 44 30.26.36−0.28695G8/K0III+..double star
HD 88742887425007510h 13m 24.99s−33° 01 54.86.384.6074G0V
HD 84224842244762709h 42m 41.37s−35° 30 06.26.39−1.801417Asp...
HD 87477874774934310h 04m 23.39s−39° 58 33.16.42−0.03637K1III
S AntS826104681009h 32m 18.45s−28° 37 40.46.432.05245A9VW Uma variable, Vmax = 6.27m, Vmin = 6.83m, P = 0.6483489 d
HD 82785827854687409h 33m 07.71s−39° 07 45.06.432.12237F2IV/Vbinary star
HD 84567845674786809h 45m 22.01s−30° 12 09.96.45-3.73500B0.5IIInsuspected variable
HD 83108831084703909h 35m 11.88s−35° 49 25.56.482.47207F5V
HD 92987929875247210h 43m 36.0s−39° 03 317.0142G2/3Vhas a planet (b)
HD 93083930835252110h 44m 20.91s−33° 34 37.28.336.0394K2VMacondo; has a planet (b)
T AntT4692409h 33m 50.86s−36° 36 56.79.26-0.73200G5Classical Cepheid, Vmax = 8.88m, Vmin = 9.82m, P = 5.898053 d
δ Ant BδBZ90972B10h 29m 34.77s−30° 36 33.19.653.81481F9Vecomponent of the δ Ant system; T Tauri star, ΔV = 0.04m, P = 3.3 d
TWA 6BX10h 18m 28.70s−31° 50 02.910.65M0VeT Tauri star, ΔV = 0.149m, P = 0.5409 d
WASP-6610h 32m 54.0s−34° 59 2311.63.71239F4has a transiting planet (b)
TWA 7CE10h 42m 30.06s−33° 40 16.611.73M2VeT Tauri star, ΔV = 0.11m, P = 5.00 d
UX AntUX10h 57m 09.0s−37° 23 5612.37R CrB variable, Vmax = 11.5m, Vmin = <18.0m
DEN 1048-395610h 48m 15s−39° 56 0617.534.5213.051M9Vbrown dwarf
XTE J0929-314BW09h 29m 20.19s−31° 29 03.218.63X-ray pulsar, Vmax = 18.63m, Vmin = 22.89m, P = 0.030263 d
2MASS 0939-244809h 39m 39.49s−24° 48 27.9 17T8binary brown dwarf
Table legend:

See also


  • ESA (1997). "The Hipparcos and Tycho Catalogues". Retrieved 26 December 2006.
  • Kostjuk, N. D. (2002). "HD-DM-GC-HR-HIP-Bayer-Flamsteed Cross Index". Retrieved 26 December 2006.
  • Roman, N. G. (1987). "Identification of a Constellation from a Position". Retrieved 26 December 2006.
  • "SIMBAD Astronomical Database". Centre de Données astronomiques de Strasbourg. Retrieved 4 January 2007.
  • Samus, N. N.; Durlevich, O. V.; et al. (2004). "Combined General Catalogue of Variable Stars (GCVS4.2)". Retrieved 28 March 2012.
  • Samus, N. N.; Durlevich, O. V.; et al. (2012). "General Catalog of Variable Stars (GCVS database, version 2012Feb)". Retrieved 28 March 2012.
  • Gould, B. A. "Uranometria Argentina". Reprinted and updated by Pilcher, F. Archived from the original on 27 February 2012. Retrieved 16 July 2010.
  • "AAVSO Website". American Association of Variable Star Observers. Retrieved 9 March 2014.
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