List of MeSH codes (D09)

The following is a partial list of the "D" codes for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), as defined by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM).

This list continues the information at List of MeSH codes (D08). Codes following these are found at List of MeSH codes (D10). For other MeSH codes, see List of MeSH codes.

The source for this content is the set of 2006 MeSH Trees from the NLM.

MeSH D09carbohydrates

MeSH D09.067.342hexosamines

MeSH D09.067.550muramic acids

MeSH D09.067.687neuraminic acids

MeSH D09.254.229deoxyglucose

MeSH D09.400.410glycolipids

MeSH D09.400.420glycopeptides

MeSH D09.400.430glycoproteins

MeSH D09.408.051aminoglycosides

MeSH D09.408.180cardiac glycosides

MeSH D09.408.210chromomycins

MeSH D09.408.320galactosides

MeSH D09.408.348glucosides

MeSH D09.408.465lincomycin

MeSH D09.408.477macrolides

MeSH D09.408.490mannosides

MeSH D09.408.514methylglycosides

MeSH D09.408.620nucleotides

MeSH D09.408.782saponins

MeSH D09.408.903thioglycosides

MeSH D09.546.286heptoses

MeSH D09.546.359hexoses

MeSH D09.546.465ketoses

MeSH D09.546.627pentoses

MeSH D09.546.894trioses

MeSH D09.698.211chitin

MeSH D09.698.350fructans

MeSH D09.698.360galactans

MeSH D09.698.365glucans

MeSH D09.698.373glycosaminoglycans

MeSH D09.698.629oligosaccharides

MeSH D09.698.718polysaccharides, bacterial

MeSH D09.698.735proteoglycans

MeSH D09.811.100ascorbic acid

MeSH D09.811.308gluconates

MeSH D09.811.366glyceric acids

MeSH D09.811.522muramic acids

MeSH D09.811.589neuraminic acids

MeSH D09.811.922uronic acids

MeSH D09.853.329erythritol

MeSH D09.853.400galactitol

MeSH D09.853.519inositol

MeSH D09.853.609mannitol

MeSH D09.853.813sorbitol

MeSH D09.894.299glycerophosphates

MeSH D09.894.417hexosephosphates

MeSH D09.894.480inositol phosphates

MeSH D09.894.643pentosephosphates

MeSH D09.894.680polyisoprenyl phosphate sugars

MeSH D09.894.847teichoic acids

The list continues at List of MeSH codes (D10).

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