List of MeSH codes (D23)

The following is a partial list of the "D" codes for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), as defined by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM).

This list continues the information at List of MeSH codes (D20). Codes following these are found at List of MeSH codes (D25). For other MeSH codes, see List of MeSH codes.

The source for this content is the set of 2006 MeSH Trees from the NLM.

MeSH D23biological factors

MeSH D23.050.161antigens, bacterial

MeSH D23.050.202antigens, fungal

MeSH D23.050.244antigens, heterophile

MeSH D23.050.285antigens, neoplasm

MeSH D23.050.290antigens, nuclear

MeSH D23.050.293antigens, protozoan

MeSH D23.050.301antigens, surface

MeSH D23.050.327antigens, viral

MeSH D23.050.422autoantigens

MeSH D23.050.550epitopes

MeSH D23.050.705isoantigens

MeSH D23.050.820superantigens

MeSH D23.050.865vaccines, synthetic

MeSH D23.101.100antigens, differentiation

MeSH D23.101.840tumor markers, biological

MeSH D23.119.300factor v

MeSH D23.119.325factor vii

MeSH D23.119.350factor viii

MeSH D23.119.375factor ix

MeSH D23.119.400factor x

MeSH D23.119.425factor xi

MeSH D23.119.450factor xii

MeSH D23.119.475factor xiii

MeSH D23.119.490fibrinogen

MeSH D23.119.597kallikreins

MeSH D23.119.630kininogens

MeSH D23.125.300chemokines

MeSH D23.125.320chemotactic factors, eosinophil

MeSH D23.348.353cyclins

MeSH D23.348.383fibroblast growth factors

MeSH D23.348.402growth inhibitors

MeSH D23.348.453hematopoietic cell growth factors

MeSH D23.348.479intercellular signaling peptides and proteins

MeSH D23.348.505interleukins

MeSH D23.348.580maturation-promoting factor

MeSH D23.348.686nerve growth factors

MeSH D23.348.693neuregulins

MeSH D23.348.740platelet-derived growth factor

MeSH D23.348.862somatomedins

MeSH D23.348.900transforming growth factors

MeSH D23.469.050autacoids

MeSH D23.469.200chemokines

MeSH D23.469.700prostaglandins, synthetic

MeSH D23.767.193bile pigments

MeSH D23.767.261carotenoids

MeSH D23.767.405flavins

MeSH D23.767.712phytochrome

MeSH D23.767.727porphyrins

MeSH D23.767.831pterins

MeSH D23.767.930retinal pigments

MeSH D23.946.123bacterial toxins

MeSH D23.946.310endotoxins

MeSH D23.946.330enterotoxins

MeSH D23.946.350exotoxins

MeSH D23.946.580marine toxins

MeSH D23.946.587mycotoxins

MeSH D23.946.833venoms

MeSH D23.946.896virulence factors

The list continues at List of MeSH codes (D25).

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