List of MeSH codes (M01)

The following is a list of "M" codes for Medical Subject Headings (MeSH), as defined by the United States National Library of Medicine (NLM).

This list continues the information at List of MeSH codes (L01). Codes following these are found at List of MeSH codes (N01). For other MeSH codes, see List of MeSH codes.

The source for this content is the set of 2006 MeSH Trees from the NLM.

MeSH M01persons

MeSH M01.060age groups

MeSH M01.102exceptional child

MeSH M01.150disabled persons

MeSH M01.325homeless persons

MeSH M01.390men

MeSH M01.438multiple birth offspring

MeSH M01.526occupational groups

MeSH M01.620parents

MeSH M01.643patients

MeSH M01.686population groups

MeSH M01.770research personnel

MeSH M01.848students

MeSH M01.860survivors

MeSH M01.898tissue donors

MeSH M01.955voluntary workers

MeSH M01.975women

The list continues at List of MeSH codes (N01).

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