List of rivers of Australia
Rivers are ordered alphabetically, by state. The same river may be found in more than one state as many rivers cross state borders.

Longest rivers nationally

Order | River name | System | Length | Source | |
km | miles | ||||
1 | Murray River | Murray-Darling | 2,375 | 1,476 | [1] |
2 | Murrumbidgee River | Murray-Darling | 1,485 | 923 | |
3 | Darling River | Murray-Darling | 1,472 | 915 | |
4 | Lachlan River | Murray-Darling | 1,448 | 900 | |
5 | Warrego River | Murray-Darling | 1,380 | 857 | |
6 | Cooper Creek | Lake Eyre | 1,300 | 808 | |
7 | Paroo River | Murray-Darling | 1,210 | 752 |
Longest river by state or territory
Although the Murray River forms much of the border separating New South Wales and Victoria, it is not Victoria's longest river because the New South Wales border is delineated by the river's southern bank rather than by the middle of the river. The only section of the river formally within Victoria is a stretch of approximately 11 kilometres (7 mi) where it separates Victoria and South Australia. At this point, the middle of the river forms the border.[2]
State/territory | River name | Length | Source | |
km | miles | |||
Australian Capital Territory | Murrumbidgee River | 59 | 37 | [2] |
New South Wales | Murray River | 1,808 | 1,123 | |
Northern Territory | Victoria River | 510 | 317 | |
Queensland | Flinders River | 1,004 | 624 | |
South Australia | Murray River | 700 | 435 | |
Tasmania | South Esk River | 245 | 152 | |
Victoria | Goulburn River | 654 | 406 | |
Western Australia | Gascoyne River | 834 | 518 |
Rivers by state or territory
The following is a list of rivers located within Australian states and territories. Where a river crosses a state or territory boundary, it is listed in both states and territories. Where a river has a name that includes the word creek, it has been officially designated as a river.
Australian Capital Territory
- Rivers of the Australian Capital Territory template
- Blue Gum
- Cotter
- Gibraltar
- Ginninderra
- Gudgenby
- Jerrabomberra
- Molonglo
- Murrumbidgee
- Naas
- Orroral
- Paddys
- Punchbowl
- Queanbeyan
- Sullivans
- Tuggeranong
New South Wales
The Geographical Names Board of New South Wales lists 439 rivers in the Geographical Names Register.[3] In the following list, where there are duplicated names, the source local government area (LGA) is identified. In the event of there being two rivers of the same name within the same local government area, additional referencing is provided. Rivers of New South Wales lists all rivers below, grouped according to whether the river flows towards the coast or flow inland, and grouped according to their respective catchment and sub-catchment. Where shown in italics, the watercourse is a creek, rivulet, brook, or similar.
- Rivers of New South Wales template
- Waterways of Sydney template
- Abercrombie
- Aberfoyle
- Abington
- Adelong
- Adjungbilly
- Allyn
- Apsley
- Araluen
- Avon (source in Wollongong LGA)
- Avon (source in Mid-Coast Council LGA)
- Back (source in Richmond Valley LGA)
- Back (source in Cooma-Monaro LGA)
- Back (source in Tamworth Regional LGA)
- Baerami
- Bakers
- Balgalal
- Barcoongere
- Bargo
- Barigan
- Barmedman
- Barnard
- Barrington
- Barwon
- Beardy
- Beardy Waters
- Beaury
- Bedford
- Bega
- Bell
- Bellinger
- Belubula
- Bemboka
- Bendoc
- Bermagui
- Berthong
- Bettowynd
- Bielsdown
- Big Badja
- Billabong
- Bimberamala
- Birrie
- Blackwater
- Blakney
- Bland
- Blicks
- Blue Mountain
- Bluff
- Bobin
- Bobo
- Bogan
- Bokhara
- Bolong
- Bombala
- Boomi
- Boonoo Boonoo
- Boorowa
- Boundary (source in Clarence Valley LGA, a tributary of the Glen Fernaigh River)
- Boundary (source in Clarence Valley LGA, a tributary of the Nymboida River)
- Bow
- Bowman
- Bowning
- Boyd
- Bredbo
- Brogo
- Brunswick
- Buckenbowra
- Bulla
- Bundock
- Bunnoo
- Burke
- Burkes
- Burns
- Burra (source in Palerang LGA)
- Burra (source in Gundagai LGA)
- Burrungubugge
- Bylong
- Cadiangullong
- Camden Haven
- Campbells
- Caparra
- Capertee
- Carole
- Castlereagh
- Cataract (source in Tenterfield LGA)
- Cataract (source in Wollondilly LGA)
- Cattle Creek
- Cedar
- Cedar Party
- Cells
- Chandler
- Chandlers
- Cheshire
- Chichester
- Christmas
- Clarence
- Clouds
- Clyde
- Cobark
- Cobrabald
- Cockburn
- Coldstream
- Colo
- Commissioners Waters
- Congewai
- Connollys
- Cooba Bulga
- Cooks
- Cooks Vale
- Coolaburragundy
- Coolibah
- Coolongolook
- Coolumbooka
- Cooma Back
- Cooma
- Coopers
- Cooplacurripa
- Coorongooba
- Corang
- Cordeaux
- Corindi
- Cowriga
- Coxs
- Crawford
- Crookwell
- Crudine
- Cudgegong
- Culgoa
- Cullinga
- Cunningham
- Curricabark
- Darling
- Dawson
- Deepwater
- Delegate
- Derringullen
- Deua
- Dilgry
- Dingo
- Doubtful
- Doyles
- Dry
- Du Faur
- Duckmaloi
- Dumaresq
- Dungowan
- Dyke
- Felled Timber
- Fish
- Flyers
- Forbes
- Frenchmans
- Frazers
- Gara
- Geehi
- Genoa
- Georges
- Georges
- Glen Fernaigh
- Gloucester
- Goobarragandra
- Goodradigbee
- Goorudee
- Goulburn
- Grose
- Growee
- Gungarlin
- Gunningbland
- Guy Fawkes
- Gwydir
- Hacking
- Halls
- Happy Jacks
- Hastings
- Hawkesbury
- Henry
- Hollanders
- Horsearm
- Horton
- Hunter
- Kalang
- Kanangra
- Kangaroo (source in Clarence Valley LGA)
- Kangaroo (source in Shoalhaven LGA)
- Karuah
- Kedumba
- Kerripit
- Kindra
- Kowmung
- Krui
- Kunderang
- Kybeyan
- Lachlan
- Lane Cove
- Lansdowne
- Lee
- Leycester
- Little Murray
- Little Nymboida
- Little Plains
- Little (source in Wollondilly LGA)
- Little (source in Dubbo LGA)
- Little (source in Oberon LGA)
- Little (source in Wingecarribee LGA)
- Little Run
- Little Weir
- Lennox River (proposed name)
- Macdonald (source in Tamworth LGA)
- Macdonald (source in Singleton LGA)
- Macintyre
- Maclaughlin
- Macleay
- Macquarie
- Macquarie
- Mammy Johnsons
- Mangrove
- Mann
- Manning
- Maria
- Maryland
- Medway
- Mehi
- Meroo
- Merrica
- Merriwa
- Middle
- Minnamurra
- Mirrool
- Mogo
- Mole
- Molonglo
- Mongarlowe
- Moonan
- Mooney Mooney
- Mooki
- Mooni
- Moppy
- Moredun
- Moruya
- Mowamba
- Mulga
- Mulla Mulla
- Mulwaree
- Mummel
- Munmurra
- Murrah
- Murray
- Murruin
- Murrumbidgee
- Myall
- Nadgee
- Nadgigomar
- Nambucca
- Namoi
- nangahrah
- Narran
- Nattai
- Nepean
- Never Never
- Niemur
- Nowendoc
- Nowlands
- Nullica
- Numeralla
- Nunnock
- Nymboida
- Paddys (source in Wingecarribee LGA)
- Paddys (source in Tumbarumba LGA)
- Pages
- Pages
- Pambula
- Pappinbarra
- Parma
- Paroo
- Parramatta
- Paterson
- Peak
- Peel (A Section Of)[4]
- Peel[5]
- Peelwood
- Phils
- Pigna Barney
- Pinch
- Pinchgut
- Pipers Creek
- Pudman
- Queanbeyan
- Queen Charlottes
- Queens Pound
- Queensborough
- Quegobla
- Quirindi
- Ralfes
- Reedy
- Retreat
- Richmond
- River Lett
- Rock Flat
- Rocky Ponds
- Rocky
- Rosewood
- Rouchel
- Rous
- Rowleys
- Rufus
- Rush
- Sandon
- Sandy (source in Bland LGA)
- Sandy (source in Cobar LGA)
- Sandy (source in Richmond Valley LGA)
- Sandy (source in Tamworth Regional LGA)
- Sara
- Severn
- Sewells
- Shannon
- Shoalhaven
- Snowy
- Stewarts
- Stewarts
- Strike-a-Light
- Styx
- Summer Hill
- Swampy Plain
- Tabulam
- Talbragar
- Tallawudjah
- Tallowa
- Tarcutta
- Tarlo
- Tarrion
- Taylors Arm
- Telegherry
- Terania
- The Big Warrambool
- The Branch
- Thompsons
- Thone
- Thredbo
- Tia
- Tilbuster
- Timbarra
- Tindarey
- Tobins
- Tomaga
- Tonalli
- Tooloom
- Tooma
- Towallum
- Towamba
- Trigalong
- Tuglow
- Tumut
- Turners
- Turon
- Tuross
- Tweed
- Wadbilliga
- Wah Way
- Walcrow
- Wallagaraugh
- Wallamba
- Wallingat
- Wang Wauk
- Wangat
- Warbro
- Wards
- Warialda
- Warnes
- Warragamba
- Warrego
- Warrell
- Watagan
- Webbs
- Werong
- Werriberri
- Wheeny
- Wheeo
- Whitbarrow
- White Rock
- Widden
- Wild Cattle
- Williams
- Williwa
- Wilson
- Wilsons
- Winburndale
- Wingecarribee
- Wog Wog
- Wolgan
- Wollangambe
- Wollemi
- Wollombi
- Wollomombi
- Wollondilly
- Wonboyn
- Wooli Wooli
- Worondi
- Woronora
- Wyong
- Yadboro
- Yancowinna
- Yanda
- Yango
- Yarrabandai
- Yarramanbah
- Yarrangobilly
- Yarrow
- Yarrowitch
- Yarrunga
- Yass
- Yowaka
- Yowrie
Northern Territory
- Rivers of the Northern Territory template
- Adelaide
- Alligator Rivers
- Buckingham
- Blackmore
- Blyth
- Calvert
- Daly
- Douglas[6][7]
- Dry
- Elizabeth
- Finke
- Fish
- Fitzmaurice
- Georgina
- Goomadeer
- Goromuru
- Goyder
- Gregory
- Hale
- Hay
- Hodgson
- Johnson[8]
- Katherine
- Keep
- King
- Koolatong
- Limmen Bight
- Liverpool
- MacKinley[9]
- Mary
- Moyle
- McArthur
- Negri
- Nicholson
- Palmer[10]
- Playford
- Plenty
- Robinson
- Roper
- Rosie
- Sandover
- Settlement
- Todd
- Towns
- Victoria
- Walker
- Wearyan
- Wickham
- Wildman[11]
- Wilton
- Rivers of Queensland template
- Waterways of Brisbane template
- Baffle
- Balonne
- Banksia
- Barcoo
- Barratta
- Barron
- Barwon
- Basalt
- Belyando
- Black
- Bloomfield
- Bohle
- Boomi
- Bokhara
- Bowen[12][13]
- Boyne (Central Queensland)
- Boyne (Wide Bay–Burnett)
- Bremer
- Brisbane
- Broken[12]
- Bulimba
- Bungil
- Burdekin
- Burke
- Burnett
- Burrum
- Caboolture
- Calliope
- Campaspe
- Carpentier
- Clara
- Cliffdale
- Coen
- Coleman
- Comet
- Condamine
- Connors
- Coomera
- Cooper
- Crystal
- Currumbin
- Culgoa
- Mackenzie
- Maranoa
- Maroochy
- Mary
- Mcdonald
- Merivale
- Mission
- Mitchell
- Moggill
- Mooloolah
- Moonie
- Mossman
- Mulgrave
South Australia
- Rivers of South Australia template
- Acraman
- Alberga
- Anacotilla
- Angas
- Breakneck
- Bremer
- Broughton
- Bungala
- Chapman
- Congeratinga
- Cooper
- Crystal Brook
- Currency
- Cygnet
- De Mole
- Diamantina
- Eleanor
- Eyre
- Field
- Finniss
- Finke
- Frome
- Gawler
- Georgina
- Gilbert
- Glenelg
- Harriet
- Hill
- Hindmarsh
- Hutt
- Inman
- Jacobs
- Kallakoopah
- Light
- Little Para
- Macumba
- Marne
- Middle
- Murray
- Myponga
- Neales
- North Para
- North West
- Officer
- Onkaparinga
- Panalatinga
- Parananacooka
- Patawalonga
- Port
- Rocky (Kangaroo Island)
- Rocky (Mid North)
- Sandy
- Siccus
- South Para
- South West
- Strzelecki
- Stun Sail Boom
- Sturt
- Tod
- Torrens
- Wakefield
- Warburton
- Western
- Willson
- Yankalilla
- Yattagolinga
- Rivers of Tasmania template
- Adams
- Andrew
- Anne
- Anthony
- Apsley
- Arm
- Arthur
- Arve
- Badger
- Black
- Black Bobs
- Blackman
- Blythe
- Boyd
- Break O'Day
- Bream
- Broad
- Browns
- Cam
- Cascade
- Clyde
- Coal
- Cockle
- Collingwood
- Craycroft
- Crayfish
- Davey
- Dee
- Denison
- Derwent
- Don
- Donaldson
- Dover
- Duck
- Elizabeth
- Emu
- Esperance
- Florentine
- Flowerdale
- Forth
- Franklin
- Gordon
- Great Forester
- Hellyer
- Henty
- Hobart
- Holley
- Huon
- Inglis
- Isis
- James
- Jane
- Jordan
- King
- Lea
- Leven
- Liffey
- Little Swanport
- Lune
- Mackintosh
- Macquarie
- Meander
- Mersey
- Murchison
- Nile
- Nive
- North Esk
- Ouse
- Picton
- Pieman
- Pipers
- Pokana
- Queen
- Ringarooma
- Ringarooma (Lower)
- Rubicon
- Savage
- Serpentine
- Shannon
- Sophia
- South Esk
- Spero
- Styx
- Swan
- Tamar
- Tooms
- Tully
- Tyne
- Vale
- Weld
- Wye
- Yolande
- Rivers of Victoria template
- Waterways of Melbourne template
- Aberfeldy
- Acheron
- Ada (Baw Baw)
- Ada (East Gippsland)
- Agnes
- Aire
- Albert
- Anglesea
- Arte
- Avoca
- Avon (Gippsland)
- Avon (Grampians)
- Barham
- Barkly
- Barwon
- Bass
- Bemm
- Bendoc
- Benedore
- Berrima
- Betka
- Big (Brodribb)
- Big (Goulburn)
- Big (Mitta Mitta)
- Black
- Bonang
- Brodribb
- Broken
- Buchan
- Buckland
- Buffalo
- Bundara
- Bunyip
- Calder
- Caledonia
- Campaspe
- Cann
- Cann River East
- Carlisle
- Catherine
- Chetwynd
- Cobungra
- Coliban
- Combienbar
- Crawford
- Crooked
- Cumberland
- Curdies
- Lang Lang
- Latrobe
- Leigh
- Lerderderg
- Little (Avon)
- Little (Cathedral Range)
- Little (Greater Geelong)
- Little (Moroka)
- Little (Snowy River NP)
- Little (Sydenham Inlet)
- Little (Tambo)
- Little Arte
- Little Coliban
- Little Dargo
- Little Goolengook
- Little Murray
- Little Rubicon
- Little Yalmy
- Little Yarra
- Loch
- Loddon
- Macalister
- MacKenzie
- McKenzie
- Maribyrnong
- Merri
- Mitchell
- Mitta Mitta
- Moe
- Moroka
- Moorabool
- Mount Emu Creek
- Morwell
- Moyne
- Mueller
- Murray
- Murrindal
- Murrindindi
- Taggerty
- Tambo
- Tanjil
- Taponga
- Tarago
- Tarra
- Tarwin
- The Old
- Thomson
- Thurra
- Tidal
- Timbarra
- Toorongo
- Turton
- Tyers
- Wallagaraugh
- Wando
- Wannon
- Watts
- Wellington
- Wentworth
- Werribee
- Wimmera
- Wingan
- Woady Yaloak
- Wonnangatta
- Wongungarra
- Wye
Western Australia
- Balgarup
- Balla Balla
- Bannister
- Barker
- Barnett
- Barton
- Beasley
- Beaufort
- Behn
- Berckelman
- Berkeley
- Blackwood
- Bow (southern Western Australia)
- Bow (northern Western Australia)
- Bowes
- Bremer
- Brockman
- Brunswick
- Buayanyup
- Buchanan
- Buller
- Gairdner (southern Western Australia)
- Gairdner (northern Western Australia)
- Gascoyne
- Gibb
- Glenelg
- Goodga
- Gordon
- Greenough
- Kalgan
- Kent
- King Edward
- King George
- King (northern Western Australia)
- King (southern Western Australia)
- Mackie
- Maitland
- Margaret (northern Western Australia)
- Margaret (southern Western Australia)
- Mary
- May
- McRae
- Meda
- Minilya
- Mitchell
- Moore
- Mortlock
- Munglinup
- Murchison
- Murray
- "(Australia's) Longest Rivers". Geoscience Australia. 18 November 2010. Retrieved 31 May 2011.
- "Longest rivers". Geoscience Australia. Australian Government. 21 December 2012. Retrieved 15 June 2013.
- "List of placenames ASSIGNED as RIVERs". Geographical Names Register (GNR) of NSW. Geographical Names Board of New South Wales. Archived from the original on 16 November 2010. Retrieved 30 May 2008.
- "Peel River (A Section Of)". Geographical Names Register (GNR) of NSW. Geographical Names Board of New South Wales. Retrieved 17 December 2008.
- "Peel River". Geographical Names Register (GNR) of NSW. Geographical Names Board of New South Wales. Retrieved 17 December 2008.
- "Douglas River / Daly River Esplanade Conservation Area". Northern Territory Department of Natural Resources, Environment and The Arts. Archived from the original on 27 March 2008. Retrieved 18 May 2008.
- "Latest Weather Observations for Douglas River". Bureau of Meteorology. Retrieved 18 May 2008.
- "A remote fully guided barramundi fishing lodge 30 minutes from Darwin". Melville Island Lodge. Archived from the original on 20 February 2008. Retrieved 18 May 2008.
- "Mary River Nation Park Fact Sheet" (PDF). Northern Territory Government. 17 May 2021. Retrieved 17 May 2021.
- "New Bridge Over The Palmer River". Northern Territory Government. 21 April 2006. Archived from the original on 27 July 2008. Retrieved 18 May 2008.
- "Search Results – Wildman River". Australian Natural Resources Atlas. Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (Australia). Retrieved 18 May 2008.
- "Surface Water Management Area: Bowen / Broken". Australian Natural Resources Atlas. Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts (Australia). Archived from the original on 29 July 2008. Retrieved 18 May 2008.
- "Bowen River". Water management. Department of Natural Resources and Water. 16 November 2007. Archived from the original on 3 August 2008. Retrieved 18 May 2008.
- "Dee River". Water management. Department of Natural Resources and Water. 16 November 2007. Archived from the original on 4 August 2008. Retrieved 18 May 2008.
- "Jardine River National Park, Heathlands and Jardine River Resources Reserves". The State of Queensland (Environmental Protection Agency). Archived from the original on 9 November 2007. Retrieved 18 May 2008.
- "Fortesque River at Roy Hill Station, 1926". John Curtin Prime Ministerial Library. Archived from the original on 5 August 2009. Retrieved 23 July 2008 – via National Library of Australia.
External links
Media related to Rivers of Australia at Wikimedia Commons