List of flags of Indonesia

This is a list of flags of Indonesia containing images and information about the official Indonesian flags used, and other historical flags.

National flag

17 August 1945 – presentNational flag and national ensignA horizontal bicolor of red and white

Governmental flags



Government agencies


Military flags

Indonesian military colors, during a ceremony commemorating the 76th anniversary of the Indonesian National Armed Forces at Merdeka Palace courtyard, 2021

Military forces flags

1945 – presentNaval jack of Indonesian NavyNine equal horizontal alternating stripes of red and white.

This flag is also known as "Lencana Perang" or "War Flag" inspired by the flag of Majapahit kingdom.

Flag of the National Armed Forces Red colour with TNI insignia and the motto "Tri Dharma Eka Karma"

"Three Services, One Struggle."
"Tiga Pengabdian, Satu Perjuangan"[2]

Flag of the Indonesian Army Green colour with Indonesian Army insignia and the motto "Kartika Eka Paksi" Kartika = Bintang, Eka = Satu, Paksi = Burung.

"The Mighty Bird Without Match Upholds High Ideals"
"Burung Gagah Perkasa Tanpa Tanding Menjunjung Cita-cita Tinggi"

Burung could also be translated into "Soldier" or "Prajurit"[3]

Flag of the Indonesian Navy Navy Blue colour with Indonesian Navy insignia and the motto "Jalesveva Jayamahe"

"It is in the Ocean We are Victorious"
"Justru di Lautan Kita Menang"

also translated as "Our Glory is in the Seas" or “Kejayaan Kita Ada di Laut"[4]

Flag of the Indonesian Air Force Blue colour with Indonesian Air Force insignia and the motto "Swa Bhuwana Paksa"

"Wings of the Motherland"
"Sayap Tanah Air"

Sayap could also be translated into "Protector" or "Pelindung"[5]

Flag of the Indonesian Marine Corps Red colour with Indonesian Marine Corps insignia and the motto "Jalesu Bhumyamca Jayamahe"

"Glorious on the Land and Sea"

Rank flags

Flag of a General (Jenderal) of the Indonesian Army. Usually held by the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Army (KASAD).
Flag of a Lieutenant General (Letnan Jenderal) of the Indonesian Army
Flag of a Major General (Mayor Jenderal) of the Indonesian Army
Flag of a Brigadier General (Brigadir Jenderal) of the Indonesian Army
Flag of an Admiral (Laksamana) of the Indonesian Navy. Usually hely by the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Navy (KASAL)
Flag of a Vice Admiral (Laksamana Madya) of the Indonesian Navy
Flag of a Rear Admiral (Laksamana Muda) of the Indonesian Navy
Flag of a Commodore (Laksamana Pertama) of the Indonesian Navy
Flag of an Air Chief Marshal (Marsekal) of the Indonesian Air Force. Usually held by the Chief of Staff of the Indonesian Air Force (KASAU)
Flag of an Air Marshal (Marsekal Madya) of the Indonesian Air Force
Flag of an Air Vice Marshal (Marsekal Muda) of the Indonesian Air Force
Flag of an Air Commodore (Marsekal Pertama) of the Indonesian Air Force

Law enforcement

Police force flag

Flag of the Indonesian National Police

Rank flags

Flag of a Police General (Jenderal Polisi) of the Indonesian National Police. Usually held by the Chief of the Indonesian National Police (KAPOLRI).
Flag of a Police Commissioner General (Komisaris Jenderal Polisi) of the Indonesian National Police
Flag of a Police Inspector General (Inspektur Jenderal Polisi) of the Indonesian National Police
Flag of a Police Brigadier General (Brigadir Jenderal Polisi) of the Indonesian National Police

Provincial flags

The provincial flags was raised at the opening of the National Paralympic Week event 2016 (XV) in Siliwangi Stadium, Bandung.

Regency and city flags

Historical flags

Former Governmental flags

Flags of states and autonomous areas of the United States of Indonesia

Former province





Lesser Sunda Islands

Maluku Islands

New Guinea

Chola Flag

Ottoman Flags in Aceh

Qing Flags in Lanfang

Colonial flags

World War 2 flags

Indonesian National Revolution

Flags of separatist movements and terror groups

Some separatists use the flags of pre-colonial states.

Islamic State of Indonesia

Flags of political parties


Islamic organizations

See also


  1. The presidential standard often used during Sukarno era to sign the president's presence at the Presidential Palace. Still official but rarely used by presidents of Indonesia after Sukarno, except by Megawati Sukarnoputri
  2. Doktrin Tentara Nasional Indonesia, Tridarma Ekakarma. "Indonesian National Armed Forces Doctrine" (PDF).
  3. N, Oleh; Hermawan, ang (17 July 2012). "Kartika Eka Paksi". TNI Angkatan Darat (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2020-08-02.
  4. Doktrin Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut, Jalesveva Jayamahe. "Indonesian Navy Doctrine". Tentara Nasional Indonesia - Angkatan Laut.
  5. Oleh. "Lambang Swa Bhuwana Paksa". TNI Angkatan Udara (in Indonesian). Retrieved 2020-08-02.


  1. Historical in Indonesia through the signing of the Malino II Accord. Ongoing in the Netherlands through the South Maluku Republic government in exile.
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