List of Sakha flags

This is a list of flags used in Sakha.

National flag

1992–present State flag of the Sakha RepublicA flag consisted of four horizontal stripes : light blue (3/4 of the flag's width), white (1/16), red (1/16), and green (1/8). The blue stripe is charged with a white disc in the center, 2/5 of the flag's width.[1]

Historical flags

Flag Date Use Description
1918 Flag of the first Yakut Revolt (Possibly Erroneous) A tricolour consisted of black, white, and red.[2] It is identical is design to the flag of the former German Empire.
1924–1925 Flag of the Tungus Republic A tricolour consisted of white, green, and black.[3][4]
1926–1937 First flag of the Yakut ASSR A red flag with a blue canton in the top left of the flag on which the northern lights was depicted with the yellow inscription "Yakut ASSR" in the Yakut language.[5]
1937–1939 Second flag of the Yakut ASSR.[6]
1939–1954 Third flag of the Yakut ASSR.[7]
1954–1978 Fourth flag of the Yakut ASSR.[8]
1978–1990 Fifth flag of the Yakut ASSR.[9]
1990–1992 Sixth flag of the Yakut ASSR.[10]


1992–2016 Standard of the president of the Sakha RepublicA square version of the flag of the Sakha Republic, with the white disc being replaced by the state emblem.[11]
2016– Standard of the head of the Sakha Republic

Ethnic flags

2011 Flag of EvenksA tricolor consisted of white, black, and blue stripes, with the white stripe being charged with a red sun, and the black stripe being charged with a reindeer horn.[12]





  • Antonov, P.E. (1995), Тунгусское восстание: ошибок можно было избежать [Tungus uprising: mistakes could be avoided] (in Russian), Yakutsk: Ilin
  • Gogolev, Z.V. (1961), Разгром антисоветских восстаний в 1924-1925 и 1927—1928 гг. [The defeat of the anti-Soviet uprisings in 1924-1925 and 1927-1928], Scientific Posts (in Russian) (6)
  • Petrov, N.E. (1973), Орфография якутского языка [Orthography of Yakut] (in Russian), Moscow: Nauka
  • Potapov, I.A. (1994), Koryakin, K.K. (ed.), Саха Республикатын Государственнай дьаралыга уонна Государственнай былааҕа; Государственный герб и Государственный флаг Республики Саха (Якутия) [State Emblem and State Flag of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)] (in Russian and Yakut), Yakutsk: Sakha National Book Publishing, p. 68

See also

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