< Neapolitan
Neapolitan Primer

Neapolitan pronouns

Personal pronouns

Subject personal pronouns

Subject personal pronouns are pronouns that replace and indicate the person performing an action.

Neapolitan English
io, i' I
tu you
éssa she
ìsso he
nuje we
vuje you (plural), you (singular formal)
ìsse/llòro they

Direct object personal pronouns

Neapolitan English
me/m' me
te/t' you
'a (la) her/it (fem.)
'o, 'u (lo, lu) him/it (masc.)
ce/c' us
ve/v' you (plural)
'i, 'e (li, le) them (masc.)
'e (le) them (fem.)
ve/v' you (singular formal)

Indirect object personal pronouns

Neapolitan English
me/m' (to) me
te/t' (to) you
le, 'e (to) her/it (fem.)
li, le, 'i, 'e (to) him/it (masc.)
ce/c' (to) us
ve/v' (to) you (plural)
llòro (to) them (masc.)
llòro (to) them (fem.)
ve/v' (to) you (singular formal)

Prepositional pronouns

Neapolitan English
me, méne me
te, téne you
éssa her
ìsso him
nuje us
vuje you (plural)
llòro them (masc.)
llòro them (fem.)
vuje you (singular formal)

Possessive pronouns

Neapolitan English
mìo mine
tùjo yours
sùjo hers
sùjo his
nuósto ours
vuósto yours (plural), yours (singular formal)
llòro theirs

Demonstrative pronouns

Demonstrative pronouns replace nouns once they are able to be understood from their context.

Neapolitan English
chisto/chist this (masc.)
chesta/chest' this (fem.)
cheste/chest' these
chillo/chill' that (masc.)
chella/chell' that (fem.)
chelle/chell' those
nisciuno/a none

Note: chisto/chesta/cheste/chist'/chest' can be shortened to 'sto/'sta/'ste/'st'.

Reflexive pronouns

Neapolitan English
me myself
te yourself
se himself/herself/itself
ce ourselves
ve yourselves (plural)
se themselves
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