< Neapolitan
Neapolitan Primer |
'E nummere
"One" and "two" in Neapolitan are declined, that is, they change with the gender of the object or person to which they refer-
Masculine | Feminine |
uno | una |
dduje | ddoje |
English | Neapolitan |
one | uno |
two | dduje |
three | tre, tréje |
four | quatto |
five | cinche |
six | seje |
seven | sette |
eight | otto |
nine | nove |
ten | diece |
eleven | unnece |
twelve | dudece, durece |
thirteen | tridece, trìrece |
fourteen | quattuordece |
fifteen | quinnece |
sixteen | sìdece |
seventeen | dicesette, decessette |
eighteen | diciotto, decedotto |
nineteen | dicennove, decennove |
twenty | vinte |
thirty | trenta |
forty | quaranta |
fifty | cinquanta |
sixty | sissanta |
seventy | sittanta |
eighty | uttanta |
ninety | nuvanta |
hundred | ciento |
hundred and one | ciento e uno |
two hundred | duiciento |
three hundred | treciento |
four hundred | quattuciento |
five hundred | cincuciento |
thousand | mìlle |
million | nu melióne |
billion | nu meliardo |
English | Neapolitan |
first | primmo |
second | seconno |
third | tiérzo |
fourth | quarto |
fifth | quinto |
sixth | sesto |
seventh | settemo |
eighth | uttavo |
ninth | nono |
tenth | decemo |
eleventh | unnecesemo |
twelfth | dudecesemo |
fourteenth | quatturdicesemo |
twentieth | ventesemo |
twenty-first | ventunesemo |
fortieth | quarantesemo |
fiftieth | cinquantesemo |
hundredth | centesemo |
thousandth | millesemo |
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