< Japanese
- Japanese/Pronunciation
- Japanese/Pitch accent
- Japanese/Dialects
- Special:PrefixIndex/Japanese/Dialects
- Japanese/Grammar
Reading and writing

- Japanese/Japanese writing system
- Japanese/Kana Chart
- Japanese/Kana
- Japanese/Kanji
- Special:PrefixIndex/Japanese/Kanji
Reading practice

- Special:PrefixIndex/Japanese/Vocabulary
- Japanese/Vocabulary
- Category:Book:Japanese/Vocabulary
- Japanese/Vocabulary/Everyday Phrases
- Japanese/Grammar/Verbs — An overview of classes and forms.
- Japanese/Verb conjugation table.
- Japanese/Grammar/Verbs/te form
- Japanese/Grammar/Verbs/te form/iru
- Japanese/Lesson Progressive/Answers - should probably be deleted. Quiz is trivial.
- Japanese/Grammar/Verbs/te form/iru
- Japanese/Grammar/Transitivity
- Japanese/Lesson Conditional
- Japanese/Lesson/Simultaneous action
- Japanese/Grammar/~あげく(に)
- * Japanese/Grammar/Adjectives Still a bit rough, but good enough to put on the front page.
- Japanese/Grammar/Basic Particles は, が, を, に, へ, か, の, と や, も, で, から, まで, より
- Japanese/Grammar/Sentence ending particles か, の, ね, よ, ぞ, な, な, かな & かしら, ぜ, わ, さ
- Japanese/Lessons/Other uses of particles Combining particles, simple clauses and various other little bits.
Others, Sentence Patterns
- Japanese/Lesson Relative Clauses
- Japanese/Lesson/Where is it?
- Japanese/Grammar/Grammar Assorted
- Japanese/Grammar/~ほど
- Japanese/Lessons/Assembling simple sentences (lists a few sentence structures in an introductory fashion)
Giving and receiving
Time and day
- Japanese/Lessons/Days Maybe rename as "Days of the month" or "Dates"
- Japanese/Lesson/Telling time
Formality and honorifics
- Japanese/Grammar/Honorifics — includes formal/informal verb forms.
- Japanese/Grammar/Honorific prefixes — includes prefixes attached to nouns to show respect.
- Japanese/Grammar/Politeness — word choices in different levels of formality.
- Japanese/Grammar/Writing
- Japanese/Lessons/Personal suffixes and name usage
- Japanese/Lessons/Introduction/Ogenki desu ka/Yes and no
- Japanese/Lessons/Introduction/Ogenki desu ka/Questions using ka — Very short. Only discusses the question marker "か".
Copula, existence and predicates
Introductions and greetings
- Japanese/Lessons/I-adjectives — Needs more examples to match the な-adjectives.
- Japanese/Lessons/Na-adjectives
- Japanese/Lessons/Introduction/Ii tenki desu ne/Talking about the weather — Undeveloped; discusses describing the weather ((
- Japanese/Numbers
- Japanese/Lessons/Lesson 3 Inquiring about phone numbers and age.
- Japanese/Lesson/Asking for something
- Japanese/Lesson/Giving directions
- Japanese/Lessons/Introduction/Konnichiwa/Formality — Informal greetings and discussion on when these are acceptable.
- Japanese/Lessons/Introduction/Amerika-jin desu ka/Foreign loan words
- Japanese/Lessons/Word list 1 "This is the list of words you should have learned during the first five weeks of this course."
- Japanese/Mini-tutorial lesson — Phrases and conversation at a restaurant.
Structure/Lesson Plans/Syllabus
- Japanese/Practical Lessons
- Japanese/Practical Lessons/Syllabus
- Japanese/Lessons/Basic (content for about ten lessons)
- Sugu ni Hajimemashō
- User:Balloonguy/Japanese — A discussion about the rearrangement of contents. (precedes this overhaul and is somewhat outdated by it)
- User:Telamon~enwikibooks/Japanese — A single page with greetings.
- User:Helpfulstuffnz/Japanese — A restructuring of the old main page.
- User:Mkn/Japanese — A new book, never got past an introduction and a page on Japanese scripts.
- User:Retropunk/Japanese_Curriculum (in active development 01:20, 14 November 2008 (UTC))
- User talk:Nesnad/sandbox Nesnad's Quick Start Japanese.
Links and resources
These should be found place on pages where are relevant.
- Japanese/Discussion
- Japanese/Discussion/Archives:December, 2005
- Japanese/Discussion/Archives:September, 2005
- Japanese/Q&A
- Japanese/Q&A/Archive 1
- Category:Book:Japanese/Templates
- Template:Furi
- Template:Japanese example
- Template:Japanese vocabulary entry
- Template:Japanese related
- Template:Japanese kana
- Template:Japanese kanji readings
Just an idea...
... tell me what you think.
- Template:Japanese verb style
- Template:Janav (There is nothing on this, so far, but the look is nice and we might as well base a book-wide navigation on this ... if we choose to use a book-wide navigation template at all.)
- Template:Japanese kana navigation
- Template:第三夜Nav
- Template:Japanese obsolete
- Template:Japanese todo
These are out-dated and should be replaced with {{furi}} when used in Japanese text, but kept for general use elsewhere on Wikibooks.
- Template:Ruby (should be kept)
- Template:Ruby-2 (not really that useful. Delete)
Not sure what to do about these:
- Template:Rubywikt
- Template:Rubywikt-2
Not Japanese language
- Japanese/Background Japan (should be a separate book or merged introduction)
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