< Japanese
Lesson Plan
A Syllabus exists for this lesson plan.
Lesson Structure
Each lesson should have the following sections specified:
- Lesson: Lesson name.
- Function: One or more functions, appropriate to the stage of learning, chosen from the Syllabus.
- Topic: A topic, appropriate to the stage of learning, chosen from the Syllabus.
- Vocabulary: Number of new words covered in the lesson, chosen from the Syllabus.
- Kanji: Number of new Kanji covered in the lesson, chosen from the Syllabus.
- Grammar: One or more grammar topics covered in lesson, chosen from the Syllabus.
Stage I Lessons
Reading and Writing Hiragana
- Lesson: Hiragana overview
- Voiced Consonants
- Long vowel sounds
- Consonant doubling: small つ
- small や、ゆ、よ
- Lesson: Hiragana vowels
- あいうえお
- Long vowel sounds
- Lesson: Hiragana k row
- かきくけこ
- Voiced Consonants
- がぎぐげご
- Lesson: Hiragana s row
- さしすせそ
- ざじずぜぞ
- Lesson: Hiragana t row
- たちつてと
- だぢづでど
- Consonant doubling: small つ
- Lesson: Hiragana n row
- なにぬねの
- Lesson: Hiragana h row
- はひふへほ
- ばびぶべぼ
- ぱぴぷぺぽ
- Lesson: Hiragana m row
- まみむめも
- Lesson: Hiragana y row
- や、ゆ、よ
- small や、ゆ、よ
- Lesson: Hiragana r row
- らりるれろ
- Lesson: Hiragana wa, wo, n
- わをん
- Lesson: Historical Hiragana
- ゐゑ
Reading and Writing Katakana
- Lesson: Katakana overview
- Voiced Consonants
- Long vowel sounds
- Consonant doubling: small つ
- small ヤユヨ
- Lesson: Katakana vowels
- アイウエオ
- Long vowel sounds
- small アイウエオ
- Lesson: Katakana k row
- カキクケコ
- ガギグゲゴ
- Lesson: Katakana s row
- サシスセソ
- ザジズゼゾ
- Lesson: Katakana t row
- タチツテト
- ダヂヅデド
- Lesson: Katakana n row
- ナニヌネノ
- Lesson: Katakana h row
- ハヒフヘホ
- バビブベボ
- パピプペポ
- Lesson: Katakana m row
- マミムメモ
- Lesson: Katakana y row
- ヤユヨ
- small ヤユヨ
- Lesson: Katakana r row
- ラリルレロ
- Lesson: Katakana wa, wo, n
- ワヲン
- Lesson: Historical Katakana
- ヰヱ
- Lesson: Differences between Katakana and English
Dialogue Lessons
- Lesson: Will you be my friend?
- Topic: Friends
- Function: Greet and respond to greetings
- "Good morning/afternoon/evening." (Goodstuff: Unnecessary?)
- "How are you?" (Goodstuff: Unnecessary?)
- Function: Introduce and respond to introductions
- "Nice to meet you." (Goodstuff: Unnecessary?)
- Vocabulary: 20 Words
- Kanji: 10 Kanji
- Grammar: (Goodstuff: grammar topic chosen from syllabus, need help here!)
- The declarative 「だ」
- The copula 「です」
- Negative Tense
- The question marker 「か」
- Introduction to particles
- Topic Particle 「は」
- Inclusive Topic Particle 「は」
- Lesson: Hobbies
- Topic: Hobbies
- Function: Express like and dislike
- "What are your hobbies?"
- "What kind of [noun] do you like?"
- Vocabulary: 25 Words
- Kanji: 10 Kanji
- Grammar: (Goodstuff: grammar topic chosen from syllabus, need help here!)
- Na-adjectives and i-adjectives
- Negative Tense
- Identifier Particle 「が」
- Na-adjectives and i-adjectives
- Lesson: Sports
- Topic: sport
- Function: expressing action
- Vocabulary: 20 Words
- Kanji: 10 Kanji
- 音読み and 訓読み
- Stroke Orders
- Grammar
- Ru-verbs(一段動詞)/u-verbs(五段動詞)/exception verbs
- Negative Verbs Tenses
- Polite conjugations (~ます)
- Object Particle 「を」
- Target Particle 「に」
- Directional Particle 「へ」
- Context Particle 「で」
- Specifying Time and Date
- Numbers and Counters
- Using 「から」 and 「まで」
- Ru-verbs(一段動詞)/u-verbs(五段動詞)/exception verbs
- Lesson: I'm a Cat Person
- Topic: Pets and Animals
- Function: Expressing Ownership
- "Whose cat is this?"
- "This is my cat"
- Grammar
- The 「の」 particle
- Nominalizing subordinate clauses (のが/のは)
- Numbers and Counters
- The 「の」 particle
- Lesson: Not Today
- Topic: health
- Function: obtain information, begin to provide information
- "What did you do yesterday?"
- "I didn't feel good last night."
- Grammar
- Past tense conjugations
- Nouns/Adjectives
- Verbs
- Past tense conjugations
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