< Japanese
Children's texts
- Issunboushi[1]
- The Tongue-Cut Sparrow
- Kasa Jizo
- Cracking Mountain
- The Crab and The Monkey
- Momotaro
- Urashimataro
- Yamamba
- Tanabata
- Aesop's Fables - The North Wind and the Sun (イソップ童話: 北風と太陽)
- Pocket Watch (懐中時計)
Simple texts
Advanced texts
- Under the Cherry Trees (桜の樹の下には)
- Run, Melos! (走れメロス)
- Be not Defeated by the Rain (雨ニモマケズ)
- The Restaurant that Has Many Orders (注文の多い料理店)
- Night on the Galactic Railroad (銀河鉄道の夜)
- I Am a Cat (吾輩は猫である)
- Rails (線路)
- Bring into focus (焦点を合せる)
- Girl's Hell (少女地獄)
Other texts
- Japanese Wikipedia
- Soseki's Merits and Demerits of isms
- Soseki's Botchan
- Japanese Text Initiative Fully searchable premodern texts with English or Japanese interface
- Aozora Bunko Texts whose copyright has expired
- Noh Plays
- ...
Philosophy/Political science
- 貝原益軒 (Kaibara Ekiken, 1630-1714)
- 山本常朝 (Yamamoto Jōchō, 1659-1719)
- 葉隠 (Hagakure: Hidden by the Leaves) - The book of Samurai in Saga Domain
- 福沢諭吉 (Yukichi Fukuzawa, 1835-1901)
- 学問のすすめ (Encouragement of Learning)
- 五来欣造 (Gorai Kinzō, 1875-1944)
- 儒教の独逸政治思想に及ぼせる影響 (How did confucianism affect to German political philosophy)
- ファッショか共産主義か (Fascism or Communism)
- 久保田栄吉 (Ōkubo Ēkichi, 1887-)
- 赤露二年の獄中生活 (Prison Life in Red Russia for two years)
Old Songs
- Cherry blossoms, cherry blossoms (さくら さくら) さくら さくら やよいの空は
- Soap Bubbles (シャボン玉) シャボン玉飛んだ 屋根まで飛んだ
- The Red Shoes (赤い靴) 赤い靴 はいてた 女の子
- 10,000 Feet up the Alps (アルプス一万尺) アルプス一万尺 小槍の上で
- The glow of a firefly (蛍の光) 蛍の光 窓の雪
- The Gondola Song (ゴンドラの唄) いのち短し、恋せよ乙女
- Katyusha's song (カチューシャの唄) カチューシャかわいや わかれのつらさ
- The Boatman Ballad (船頭小唄) おれは河原の 枯すすき
National Song
- Kimigayo (君が代) 君が代は 千代に八千代に
War Songs
- Patriotic March (愛国行進曲) 見よ東海の空あけて
- Umi Yukaba (海行かば) 海行かば 水漬く屍
- Stand Up! Stand Up for Jesus! (立てよいざ立て)
Warabe Uta
- Kagome Kagome (かごめ かごめ) かごめかごめ 籠の中の鳥は
- Hana Ichi Monme (はないちもんめ) 勝ってうれしい花いちもんめ、負けて悔しい花いちもんめ
- Tōryanse (通りゃんせ) 通りゃんせ 通りゃんせ ここはどこの 細通じゃ
- ずいずいずっころばし ずいずいずっころばし ごまみそずい
- Where are you from? (あんたがたどこさ) あんたがたどこさ 肥後さ 肥後どこさ 熊本さ
- Snow (雪) 雪やこんこ 霰やこんこ。
Old Japanese texts
- The Pillow Book (枕草子) - 春はあけぼの
- Tsurezuregusa (徒然草) - つれづれなるままに
- The Tale of the Heike (平家物語) - 祇園精舎の鐘の声 諸行無常の響きあり
- Matsuo Basho's Haiku
- The Tosa Diary (土佐日記) - 男もすなる日記といふものを、女もしてみむとてするなり。
Old Japanese texts written in Classical Chinese
- Manyoshu (万葉集)
Transcription of Classical Chinese into Japanese
Classical Chinese was communication language between Japan, Korea, China and Vietnam until WWII.
Weird Books
- native Japanese reading with annotations of Water Margin (標註訓訳 水滸伝 一) - Transcription of Written Vernacular Chinese into Japanese
- Mix-up Secret plan (混同秘策) - agricultural book for world domination plan written in Sakoku period
Travel guide
- South Manchu travel guide, 1917 (南満洲鉄道旅行案内)
- Taiwan train travel guide, 1927 (台湾鉄道旅行案内)
- America travel guide, 1927 (米国旅行案内)
- Sakhalin train travel guide, 1928 (樺太の鉄道旅行案内)
- Korea travel guide, 1934 (朝鮮旅行案内記)
- The Trans-Siberian Express - Shortest route from the Far East to Europe, 1933 (欧州旅行の最短距離 シベリヤ急行鉄道)
- ↑ See also Masao Kusuyama's version; 一寸法師
- ↑ http://www.aozora.gr.jp/cards/000148/files/799_14972.html
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