< Japanese
- Jim Breen's Japanese Page One of the definitive sites for information on the Japanese language on the web. Jim has been around a long time.
- Japan Cast podcasts.
- Nihongo Resources has dictionaries (e<->j, particles, names, etc.), kanji information, lessons, and various information about Japanese.
- Meguro Language Center downloads has a lot of content for download specific for those studying for the JLPT tests.
- RomajiDesu WWWJDIC based English <-> Japanese dictionary with audio tts, examples, kanji lookup, etc.
- Japanese dictionary Lookup words, kanji characters, kanji combinations, convertor between Romaji and Kana, view kanji in example sentences
- jeKai An open, free, online Japanese-English dictionary. Somewhat small number of entries, but contains extensive information on usage, etc., of what it does have
- Jim Breen's WWWJDIC Excellent Japanese<->English dictionary, with examples of use, grammar information, kanji lookup, etc.
- Eijiro on the web Searchable version of the Eijiro J<->E corpus/dictionary.
- unnamed corpus Searchable J<->E corpus
- Jedo J<->E Dictionary with an emphasis on medical terms
- Infoseek Multi-Dictionary J<->E, kokugo, and katakana dictionaries
- JE-Dictionary online Japanese-English dictionary.
Online learning
- Collin's Japanese Language & Culture Page Great source for links, notes on self-study, etc.
- Learn to Speak Japanese Online Learn Japanese for free.
- Japanese guide to Japanese grammar, A Grammatical explanations for thinking in Japanese
- Meguro Language Center Lots of downloadable material
- MIT OpenCourseWare Offers some Japanese course material
- Pera Pera Penguin´s 5 Minute Japanese Classes Yomiuri´s nice lessons
- Teach Yourself Japanese TAKASUGI Shinji's good set of lessons
Online quizzes and tests
- 文法クイズ
- Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Test Japanese grammar and vocabulary for free.
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