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Background Japan
- Japanese Mythology Japanese Shinto and Buddhist mythology.
- History of Japan (10,000 BC - present)
- Japanese History (Jomon Period - Present)
- Kūkai
- Saichō
- Japanese Buddhism
- Zen Buddhism
- Shinto Native Japanese religion.
- Tendai Buddhism
- Shingon Buddhism
- Byōdōin Temple
- Hōryu-ji Temple
- Enryaku-ji Temple
- Tōdai-ji Temple
- O-mikuji
Food and Drink
- Japanese Name
- Japanese Media
- Tōkyō Station
- Mount Fuji
- Nara Ancient capital of Japan.
- Yen The Japanese currency.
- Plaza Accord An agreement signed in New York to appreciate the Yen against the American Dollar.
- GDP About Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and Japan's ranking in the global economy.
- Emperor of Japan Known as Tennō.
- Diet of Japan
- Prime Minister of Japan
- Constitution of Japan
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