< Portal:Anarchism < Anniversaries


These are the selected anniversaries for June that appear on the Anarchism portal. The "edit" links edit the portal subpages that are displayed as sections here.

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June 1

Edit June 1 anniversaries

June 2

  • 1906 - After having attempted to kill Alfonso XIII of Spain at his wedding, Catalan anarchist Mateu Morral (pictured) killed the guard transporting him to prison, and then committed suicide.
  • 1876 - Christo Botev (Khristo Bôtef) (1848-1876) dies. Bulgarian poet & revolutionist, propagandist, writer; first Bulgarian anarchist. Leads a partisan army of 200 fighters into Bulgaria to overthrow Ottoman rule. Dies in battle.
  • 1890 - Louise Michel's political opponents attempt to place her in an insane asylum. Michel flees to England.
  • 1919 - Anarchists influenced by Luigi Galleani carry out a series of coordinated bombings across the eastern United States. Explosions also damage the homes of Attorney General Alexander Mitchell Palmer & Assistant Secretary of the Navy Franklin D. Roosevelt; the bomber is killed in the process.
  • 1919 - Luigi Bertoni & Italian anarchists, implicated in the "Plot of Zurich", appear in a Swiss court today, after being held in detention the previous 13 months. The so-called "plot" was a political pretext to arrest Bertoni, publisher of "Le Réveil communiste anarchiste", & others opposing World War I. A nationwide protest movement agitated for their release.
  • 1925 - Gueorgui Cheitanov dies (1896 &ndash 1925). Anarchist militant captured & executed, along with his companion Mariola Sirakova & others, by the Aleksandar Tsankov led government during a crackdown on leftists following a Communist bombing in Sofia.
  • 1944 - Benoît Broutchoux dies (1879-1944). French anarchist, adherent of Neo-Malthusianism ideas & a "free love" advocate.
  • 1970 - Lucía Sánchez Saornil (1895-1970) dies in Valence. Spanish poet, painter & militant anarchist-feminist. A founder of the famed "Mujeres Libres."
  • 1991 - Procession in Sofia to the monument of Christo Botev, the first Bulgarian anarchist & national hero, who perished in the struggle for liberation of Bulgaria from Turkish power today in 1876 (noted above).
  • 1997 - Richard "Tet" Tetenbaum dies. San Franciscan anarchist activist, co-founder of Bound Together Anarchist Books, where he worked for 20 years. 200 attend his memorial.

Edit June 2 anniversaries

June 3

  • 1840 - Jean-Louis Pindy born (1840-1917), Brest, France. Member of the Internationale, communard, anarchiste, carpenter.
  • 1896 - Spanish anarchist Isaac Puente born (1836-1936).
  • 1918 - During this month Emma Goldman is in prison in Missouri for exercising free speech.
  • 1921 - Alexander Berkman sustains a foot injury, delaying his departure with Emma Goldman from Bolshevist Russia.
  • 1921 - In the Sacco & Vanzetti case, after several days of voir dire, only seven jurors have been selected & the entire panel of 500 people exhausted. The Court directs the Sheriff to bring in 200 more potential jurors.
  • 1967 - René-Louis Lafforgue dies (1928-1967) in a car accident in southern France. Singer, typesetter, interpreter, anarchist.
  • 1979 - Gladys Gogoan, Spanish anarchist, murdered by the Civil Guard during Earth Day protests, in Tudela.
  • 2005 - Mary Frohman dies, of a heart attack while waiting for a bus. Anarchist, member of the Industrial Workers of the World, druggie, singer & guitarist, part of the DeHorn Crew (the Chicago IWW's house band & a filk outfit -- "Run, Cthulhu, Run"), perhaps the fortune-telling character Mama Sutra in the comic cult novel Illuminatus!.

Edit June 3 anniversaries

June 4

Edit June 4 anniversaries

June 5

Edit June 5 anniversaries

June 6

Edit June 6 anniversaries

June 7

  • 1862 - Jules Alexandre Sadier (1862-1936) born. Franco-Argentine anarchist militant & propagandist, antimilitarist. (Pseudonym Alexandre Falconnet.)
  • 1898 - In Chicago, Emma Goldman attends the first convention of Eugene Debs's Social Democracy movement; in her view it is a "fiasco." When she is at first prevented from speaking at the event, Debs personally invites the anarchist-feminist to address the convention.
  • 1898 - Antonio Casanova (1898-1966) born, Betanzos. Anarchist militant, editor, translator.

Edit June 7 anniversaries

June 8

  • 1852 - United States: First known labor strike in San Francisco occurs as Chinese laborers working on the Parrott granite building demand a wage increase.
  • 1884 - Italy: Pilade Cecchi, editor of the anarchist publication La Questione Sociale is sent to prison for 21 months and fined 2,000 lire.
  • 1903 - France: Vittorio Pini (1860-1903 ), Italian shoemaker and illegalist, dies.
  • 1913 - Italy: Volonta begins publishing in Ancona, operating under the immediate editorship of Errico Malatesta until the Red Week a year later.
  • 1930 - Death of French anarchist, speaker, bookstore manager and writer Antoine Antignac.
  • 1939 - Emmy Eckstein, anarchist Alexander Berkman's longtime companion, dies.
  • 1942 - Spanish anarchist and Durrutti Column member José Pellicer-Gandia (1912-1942) executed following a fascist military tribunal.

Edit June 8 anniversaries

June 9

Errico Malatesta
Errico Malatesta

Edit June 9 anniversaries

June 10

Edit June 10 anniversaries

June 11

Edit June 11 anniversaries

June 12

The Junta Organizadora (1910)
The Junta Organizadora (1910)

Edit June 12 anniversaries

June 13

  • 1897 - Argentina: Protesta Humana established. Began after El Perseguido folded (1888 until January 31, 1897; the first of the rapidly developing active & numerous anarchist presses). "Protesta Humana" is followed by the (daily) Protesta (April 5, 1904).
  • 1909 - Spain: Congress of the labor federation Solidaridad Obrera votes overwhelmingly to accept the general strike tactic, "depending upon circumstances."
  • 1910 - In Paris, confrontations take place at Faubourg Saint-Anthony between cabinetmakers & police. The anarchist Henri Cler is wounded & dies. Cler's funeral at the Pantin cemetery draws tens of thousands of people, and is the scene of new police violence.
  • 1910 - Fernand Rude (aka Pierre Froment) (1910-1990) born, Lyon. Social historian, sympathetic to libertarian/anarchist movements.
  • 1982 - André Claudot (1892-1982), French anarchist, artist, teacher, dies. The libertarian filmmaker Bernard Baissat makes a film of his life, Ecoutez Claudot (1979).

Edit June 13 anniversaries

June 14

Bernard Lazare
Bernard Lazare
  • 1865 - Bernard Lazare (pictured) born. Author, journalist, anarchist, defender of Dreyfus. Collaborated on the journals Les entretiens politiques et littéraires & Temps nouveaux.
  • 1896 - Jean Le Gall lives. French anarchist.
  • 1900 - French intelligence notes the presence of Hippolyte Havel & Emma Goldman at a women's congress in Paris.
  • 1911 - Los Angeles police arrest the anarchists Ricardo Flores Magón & his brother Enrique for violation of the US neutrality law.
  • 1914 - Emma Goldman lectures (June 14-July 10) in San Francisco, California. Her reception is disappointing compared to her experience in Los Angeles. She speaks on "The Intellectual Proletarians," "The Superman in Relation to the Social Revolution," "The Mothers' Strike," & "Anti-Militarism: The Reply to War."
  • 1914 - Italy: A General Strike is broken by the treason of the Socialists & their trade union, bringing an ignominious end to "The Red Week of Ancône." Errico Malatesta, escaping the police, is forced again to flee into exile, to London.
  • 1914 - First session of the anarchist conference in São Paulo. Five sessions were convened in total, preparing for an anarchist Congress in London, which was cancelled due to World War I.
  • 1919 - Leon Trotsky, chief of the Red Army, drafts an order banning the Makhnovist Congress, organized by Nestor Makhno, accusing them of opposing Soviet power in the Ukraine. Trotsky calls for the arrest of the delegates.
  • 1944 - Jules Le Gall dies. French anarchist.
  • 1968 - Henriette Maîtrejean dies. French individualist anarchist. Companion to the anarchist Mauricius (Maurice Vandamme), & Victor Serge (Kibaltchiche), arrested with Serge & tried Feb 3-27, 1913 for her involvement with the Bonnot Gang (she was acquitted). She wrote for many anarchist publications, such as La Revue Anarchiste, La défense de l'homme & La liberté (founded by Louis Lecoin in 1959).
  • 2002 - Jacky Toublet (1940-2002) dies. French anarcho-syndicalist, militant, son of Julien Toublet, director of the weekly Le Monde Libertaire.
  • 2006 - Vicente Marti (1926-2006) dies. Militant anarchist, born to a family of anarcho-syndicalists.
  • 2006 - Mexico: A street battle takes place between police and protesters in Oaxaca City. The Popular Assembly of the Peoples of Oaxaca (APPO) is formed in response.

Edit June 14 anniversaries

June 15

  • 1896 - Gérard Duvergé lives (also known as Fred Durtain, Chevalier à Monségur), (Gironde). Libertarian teacher, anarchist & antifascist resistor.
  • 1900 - Premiere issue of Le Réveil des Travailleurs (The Worker's Alarm Clock; semi-monthly, then weekly until April 1903) in Liège. Among those who ran the paper was the Belgian anarchist George Thonar.
  • 1901 - Jesús & Ricardo Flores Magón are arrested for subversive articles.
  • 1910 - Bogdan Žerajić attempts to assassinate Marijan Varešanin, the Governor of Bosnia and Herzegovina.
  • 1917 - Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman arrested & charged with conspiring to "induce persons not to register" for World War I military service.
  • 1918 - Jules Durand, sentenced to death in November 1910, a victim of corrupt witnesses & vilification by the local press for a crime he did not commit, is found innocent in a new trial.
  • 1919 - Founding of the Federation of Anarchist Communists of Bulgaria (F.A.C.B.), in Sofia, June 15-17th. Federation members included Ivan Nicolov, one of its most popular speakers & polemicists, & Gueorgui Cheitanov, a popular speaker & guerrilla. (Both were murdered by the fascist government in 1925.) The Federation published the theoretical review, Free Society.
  • 1920 - Liberto Sarrau Royes (1920-2001) born, in the province of Huesca. His father, Antonio Sarrau (1893-1939), was a miner & a member of the anarcho-syndicalist CNT. Liberto was a writer, member of the Juventudes Libertarias (JJLL), & the Durruti Column. In 1946 Liberto, a member of the antifascist resistance movement in Barcelona, & his compañera Joaquina Dorado, met Raúl Carballeira, & the three were part of the group 3 de Mayo. Arrested in 1948, tortured & sent to prison.
  • 1942 - Vera Figner (1853-1942), dies in Moscow.
  • 2003 - Enrico Baj (1924-2003) dies at age 79.

Edit June 15 anniversaries

June 16

  • 1827 - Élie Reclus born. Ethnographer & journalist; participated in the Paris Commune in 1871. Member of the great generational anarchist family, including Élisée Reclus & Paul Reclus.
  • 1870 - Louis Segaud born, Châteauroux.
  • 1894 - Paolo Lega attempts to shoot Francesco Crispi, President of the Italian Chamber of Deputies. The bullet lodges in Crispi's car rather than Crispi. Lega is arrested & gets 20-years in prison for his poor aim.
  • 1903 - Lucien Bernizet born.
  • 1913 - Emma Goldman begins (June 16-July 9) lectures on anarchism & modern drama in Los Angeles.
  • 1917 - Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman plead not guilty on conspiracy charges; bail set at $25,000 each. Emma Goldman disappointed by Ben Reitman's failure to return to New York to support their pending trial.
  • 1923 - Kurt Gustav Wilckens is shot in his cell by a prison guard, a rightwing fanatic. He dies the next day and, despite government attempts to cover up the crime, a nationwide General Strike is called in protest.
  • 1929 - Ronald Creagh (May 1968-2023) born. French historian of the American anarchist movement. Professor at l'université de Montpellier, author of Histoire de l'anarchisme aux USA (1981), Laboratoires de l'utopie, les communautés libertaires aux Etats Unis (1983), Sacco et Vanzetti (1984), etc. Also moderates the Internet "Research on Anarchism" discussion list.
  • 1937 - Spain: Members of the POUM Executive Committee & foreign activists are rounded up. The POUM is proscribed & its militants persecuted by the Stalinists & the Republic's police. Ethel MacDonald visited comrades in prison, smuggling in food & letters. She helped several foreign anarchists escape from Spain, borrowing clothes for their disguise & getting them on board foreign ships. She was finally captured & imprisoned herself. In prison she helped organize a hunger strike in every prison where there were anarchist prisoners.
  • 1969 - Marie Mayoux (1878-1969) dies (aka Joséphine Bourgon). French teacher, militant syndicalist, pacifist & anarchiste.
  • 2000 - Anarchists, eco-activists Jeff Luers & Craig Marshall arrested in Eugene, Oregon for arson.

Edit June 16 anniversaries

June 17

Edit June 17 anniversaries

June 18

Edit June 18 anniversaries

June 19

Haymarket anarchists
Haymarket anarchists

Edit June 19 anniversaries

June 20

Albert Parsons
Albert Parsons
  • 1848 - Albert Parsons (pictured) born (d. 1887), Montgomery, Alabama.
  • 1907 - Anarchist congress held June 16 - 20, in Rome, where Luigi Fabbri raises the question of anarchist organization, concludes.
  • 1909 - Rebel forces of the anarchist Flores Magon brothers attack Casas Grandes, Chih.
  • 1912 - Voltairine de Cleyre dies (b. 1866), age 45, following a long illness.
  • 1925 - Vassil Ikonomov dies. Tracked down by the army & paramilitary groups, the anarchist revolutionary guerilla Ikonomov is killed under mysterious circumstances today while bathing in a river close to the village of Belitsa, Bulgaria.
  • 1926 - Original date for the União Anarquista Portuguesa (UAP; Portuguese Anarchist Union) congress. Scheduled today in Lisbon, the right wing coup on May 28 forces postponing the congress for a year & moving it outside of Portugal. (It secretly convenes in July 1927 in Valencia, Spain.)
  • 1945 - François Le Leve dies (b. 1882).
  • 1992 - Nicolas Faucier dies.

Edit June 20 anniversaries

June 21

Edit June 21 anniversaries

June 22

Félix Fénéon by Paul Signac
Félix Fénéon by Paul Signac

Edit June 22 anniversaries

June 23

Berkman and Frick
Berkman and Frick

Edit June 23 anniversaries

June 24

Edit June 24 anniversaries

June 25

Haymarket memorial
Haymarket memorial

Edit June 25 anniversaries

June 26

  • 1880 - Aurèle Patorni born (d. 1955)
  • 1886 - Charles Gallo, hauled to court for sentencing for his attack of March 5, 1886 on the Stock Exchange, is expelled from the courtroom shouting "Death to bourgeois judges! Long live dynamite! Long live anarchy!" On July 15 Gallo receives a 20-year prison sentence.
  • 1892 - Taiji Yamaga born (d. 1970).
  • 1893 - Imprisoned Haymarket anarchists not already hanged by the state of Illinois yesterday are pardoned by Illinois governor, John Peter Altgeld.
  • 1903 - Paul Louis Joseph Esteve born (d. ), Montels, Hérault.
  • 1906 - Francisco Ferrer, jailed on the 4th in the Modelo Jail, begins writing to fellow anarchist Charles Malato.
  • 1910 - In Paris, at the Pantin cemetery, funeral ceremonies are held for the anarchist Henri Cler (killed during a series of confrontations between police and striking cabinetmakers on June 13) — marked by violence, once again, by a mass of police attempting to disperse the thousands of people present.
  • 1936 - Régis Meunier dies.
  • 1937 - Showing solidarity with POUM militants being persecuted by the Stalinists and the Republic's police, the Bolshevik-Leninist Section calls for concerted action by the Section, the left of the POUM & the anarchist Friends of Durruti.
  • 1938 - Thomas H. Keell dies.
  • 1948 - Raul Carbeillera dies; commits suicide rather than be captured by police and the Guardia Civil in Montjuich.
  • 1959 - Joëlle Aubron born (d. 2006).
  • 1966 - Article by Kenneth Rexroth, San Francisco's Culture & the Drift to the Right, published.
  • 1991 - The Anarchist Youth Federation (F.A.M.) pickets at Bulgarian DS (State Security) for the release of Radionov & Nuznetzov, two young Russian anarchists who were arrested in Moscow in February.

Edit June 26 anniversaries

June 27

  • 1869 - Emma Goldman born (d. 1940), Kaunas, Lithuania.
  • 1917 - Emma Goldman & Alexander Berkman act as independent counsel in their conspiracy trial for anti-war activities; Emma denies charge that she stated, "We believe in violence & we will use violence" at a May 18 meeting.
  • 1925 - Emma Goldman marries James Colton, an elderly anarchist friend & trade unionist from Wales, in order to obtain British citizenship & the right to travel & speak more widely.
  • 1960 - Pierre Monatte dies (b. 1881).
  • 1973 - Ida Mett dies (b. 1901).
  • 2003 - 250 converge for International anarchist meeting in Warsaw (June 27-30th).

Edit June 27 anniversaries

June 28

Alexander Berkman
Alexander Berkman

Edit June 28 anniversaries

June 29

Michael Schwab
Michael Schwab

Edit June 29 anniversaries

June 30

Edit June 30 anniversaries

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