List of university presses

A university press is an academic publishing house affiliated with an institution of higher learning that specializes in the publication of monographs and scholarly journals. This article outlines notable presses of this type, arranged by country; where appropriate, the page also specifies the academic institution that each press is affiliated with and whether a press belongs to the Association of University Presses (AUP), the Association of European University Presses (AEUP), Association of Canadian University Presses (ACUP), or the Association Française des Presses d’Universités Diffusion (AFPU-D).


University Presses in Argentina
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Editorial de la UNC [es] National University of Córdoba Active [1]
EDUNER [es] National University of Entre Ríos Active [2]
EDULP [es] National University of La Plata Active [3]
Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes [es] National University of Quilmes Active [4]
Eudeba University of Buenos Aires Active [5]


University Presses in Armenia
Press Associated Institution Status AEUP
Yerevan State University Publishing House Yerevan State University Active Yes [7]


University Presses in Australia
Press Associated Institution Status AUP
ANU Press Australian National University Active No [9]
La Trobe University Press La Trobe University Imprint of Black Inc. [10]
Melbourne University Publishing Melbourne University Active Yes [11]
Monash University Publishing Monash University Active Yes [12]
Sydney University Press Sydney University Active No [13]
University of Adelaide Press University of Adelaide Defunct [14]
University of New South Wales Press University of New South Wales Active Yes [15]
University of Queensland Press University of Queensland Active No [16]
University of Technology Sydney ePress University of Technology Sydney Active No [17]
UWA Publishing University of Western Australia Active No [18]


University Presses in Austria
Press Associated Institution Status AEUP
Austrian Academy of Sciences Press Austrian Academy of Sciences Active Yes [19]
mdwPress University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna Imprint of Transcript Verlag [20]
Innsbruck University Press University of Innsbruck Active Yes [21]
Vienna University Press University of Vienna Imprint of Brill Publishers [22]


University Presses in Bangladesh
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Daffodil International University Press Daffodil International University Active [23]


University Presses in Belgium
Press Associated Institution Status AEUP
Éditions de l'Académie royale de Belgique Royal Academy of Science, Letters and Fine Arts of Belgium Active Yes [24]
Editions de l'Université libre de Bruxelles Université libre de Bruxelles Active Yes [25]
Leuven University Press KU Leuven Active Yes [26]
Presses de l'Université de Liège University of Liège Active No [27]
Presses de l'Université Saint-Louis Saint-Louis University, Brussels Active No [28]
Presses universitaires de Louvain Université catholique de Louvain Active No [29]


University Presses in Brazil
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Editora Argos Universidade Comunitária da Região de Chapecó [pt] Active [30]
Editora da UFCSPA Federal University of Health Sciences of Porto Alegre Active [31]
Editora da Unicamp [pt] State University of Campinas Active [32]
Edusp [pt] University of São Paulo Active [33]
EDUFU [pt] Federal University of Uberlândia Active [34]
Editora Fiocruz Oswaldo Cruz Foundation Active [35]
Editora PUC Minas Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais Active [36]
Editora UEMG Minas Gerais State University Active [37]
Editora UEPG State University of Ponta Grossa Active [38]
Editora UFG [pt] Federal University of Goiás Active [39]
Editora UFMG Federal University of Minas Gerais Active [40]
Editora Unesp São Paulo State University Active [41]
Editora Unifesp Federal University of São Paulo Active [42]
Editora Unisinos Unisinos Active [43]
Editora Universidade de Brasília [pt] University of Brasília Active [44]
Editora Universitaria Leopoldianum Catholic University of Santos Active [45]
Editus – Editora de UESC State University of Campinas Active [46]
EDUFBA Federal University of Bahia Active [47]
EdUFGD Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados [pt] Active [48]
Embrapa Ministry of Agriculture Active [49]
FGV Editora [pt] Fundação Getulio Vargas Active [50]
Imprensa Oficial do Estado de São Paulo [pt] State of São Paulo Active [51]
PUCPRESS Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná Active [52]


University Presses in Bulgaria
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Konstantin Preslavsky Publishing House Shumen University Active [53]
Publishing House of the South-West University "Neofit Rilski" South-West University "Neofit Rilski" Active [54]
St. Cyril and St. Methodius University of Veliko Tarnovo Press Veliko Tarnovo University Active [55]
St. Kliment Ohridski University Press Sofia University Active [56]


University Presses in Canada
Press Associated
Status ACUP
Athabasca University Press Athabasca University Active Yes Yes [58]
Canadian Mennonite University Press Canadian Mennonite University Active No No [59]
Cape Breton University Press Cape Breton University Defunct[lower-alpha 1] [60]
Concordia University Press Concordia University Active Yes Affiliate [61]
Island Studies Press University of Prince Edward Island Active No No [62]
McGill-Queen's University Press McGill University and Queen's University Active Yes Yes [63]
Memorial University Press Memorial University of Newfoundland Active Yes No [64]
Nunavut Arctic College Media Nunavut Arctic College Active Yes No [65]
Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies Active Yes No [66]
Presses de l'Université de Montréal Université de Montréal Active Yes No [67]
Presses de l'Université du Québec Université du Québec Active Yes No [68]
Presses de l'Université Laval Université Laval Active Yes Former[69] [70]
University of Alberta Press University of Alberta Active Yes Yes [71]
University of British Columbia Press University of British Columbia Active Yes Yes [72]
University of Calgary Press University of Calgary Active Yes Yes [73]
University of Manitoba Press University of Manitoba Active Yes Yes [74]
University of Ottawa Press University of Ottawa Active Yes Yes [75]
University of Regina Press University of Regina Active Yes Yes [76]
University of Toronto Press University of Toronto Active Yes Yes [77]
Wilfrid Laurier University Press Wilfrid Laurier University Active Yes Yes [78]


University Presses in Chile
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Ediciones UC Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Active [79]
Ediciones UCM Catholic University of the Maule Active [80]
Ediciones UFRO University Press University of La Frontera Active [81]
Ediciones Universidad Alberto Hurtado Alberto Hurtado University Active [82]
Ediciones Universitarias de Valparaíso Pontifical Catholic University of Valparaíso Active [83]
Editorial Universidad de la Serena University of La Serena Active [84]
Editorial Universidad de Talca University of Talca Active [85]
Editorial USACH University of Santiago, Chile Active [86]


University Presses in China
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Beijing Language and Culture University Press Beijing Language and Culture University Active [87]
China Renmin University Press Renmin University of China Active [88]
Dalian University of Technology Press Dalian University of Technology Active [89]
East China Normal University Press East China Normal University Active [90]
Fudan University Press Fudan University Active [91]
Nanjing University Press Nanjing University Active [92]
Peking University Press Peking University Active [93]
Shanghai Foreign Language Education Press Shanghai International Studies University Active [94]
Shanghai Jiao Tong University Press Shanghai Jiao Tong University Active [95]
Tianjin University Press Tianjin University Active [96]
Tsinghua University Press Tsinghua University Active [97]
Zhejiang University Press Zhejiang University Active [98]


University Presses in Colombia
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
University of Valle Publishing Program University of Valle Active [99]
Editorial Universidad Icesi Universidad Icesi Active [100]
Editorial Los Libertadores The Liberators University Active [101]
Ediciones Uniandes University of Los Andes Active [102]

Czech Republic

University Presses in the Czech Republic
Press Associated Institution Status AEUP
Karolinum Press Charles University Active No [103]
Palacký University Press Palacký University, Olomouc Active No [104]
Masaryk University Press Masaryk University Active Yes [105]


University Presses in Denmark
Press Associated Institution Status AEUP
Aalborg University Press Aalborg University Active No No [106]
Aarhus University Press Aarhus University Active No Yes [107]
Museum Tusculanum Press University of Copenhagen Active Former No [108]
NIAS Press University of Copenhagen Active No No [109]
University Press of Southern Denmark University of Southern Denmark Active No No [110]


University Presses in Egypt
Press Associated Institution Status AUP
American University in Cairo Press American University in Cairo Active Yes [111]
Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale Active No [112]


University Presses in Estonia
Press Associated Institution Status AEUP
Estonian Academy Publishers Estonian Academy of Sciences Active Yes [113]
Tallinn University Press Tallinn University Active Yes [114]
University of Tartu Press University of Tartu Active Yes [115]


University Presses in Ethiopia
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Addis Ababa University Press Addis Ababa University Active [116]
Wollega University Press Wollega University Active [117]


University Presses in Finland
Press Associated Institution Status AEUP
Helsinki University Press University of Helsinki Active Yes [118]
Tampere University Press Tampere University Active Yes [119]


University Presses in France
Press Associated
Status AEUP
Artois Presses Université Artois University Active No Yes [121]
Ausonius Éditions Bordeaux Montaigne University Active No Yes [122]
CIHAM-Éditions CIHAM Center[lower-alpha 2] Active No Yes [124]
Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l’homme Maison des Sciences de L'Homme Active Yes No [125]
Éditions de l'École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences Active Yes No [126]
Éditions de l'École Normale Supérieure de Lyon École normale supérieure de Lyon Active Yes No [127]
Éditions du Comité des Travaux historiques et scientifiques Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques Active No Yes [128]
Éditions Quae CIRAD, IFREMER, and INRAE Active Yes No [129]
Éditions universitaires de Dijon University of Dijon Active No Yes [130]
Presses de l'Inalco Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales Active No Yes [131]
Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle Sorbonne Nouvelle University Paris 3 Active No Yes [132]
Presses Universitaires d'Aix-Marseille Aix-Marseille University Active No No [133]
Presses universitaires de Bordeaux [fr] University of Bordeaux Active No Yes [134]
Presses Universitaires de Franche-Comté University of Franche-Comté Active Yes No [135]
Presses universitaires de Perpignan University of Perpignan Via Domitia Active No Yes [136]
Presses Universitaires de Provence Aix-Marseille University Active No Yes [133]
Presses Universitaires de Rennes Rennes 2 University Active No No [137]
Presses universitaires de Saint-Étienne Jean Monnet University Active No Yes [138]
Presses universitaires de Strasbourg [fr] University of Strasbourg Active No Yes [139]
Presses universitaires de Vincennes [fr] Vincennes University Active No Yes [140]
Presses universitaires des Antilles University of the French Antilles Active No Yes [141]
Presses universitaires du Midi University of Toulouse-Jean Jaurès Active No Yes [142]
Sorbonne Université Presses Sorbonne University Active No Yes [143]
Université Grenoble Alpes Éditions Grenoble Alpes University Active Yes No [144]


University Presses in Germany
Press Associated Institution Status AEUP
Bielefeld University Press Bielefeld University Imprint of Transcript Verlag [145]
Bonn University Press University of Bonn Imprint of Brill Publishers [22]
Düsseldorf University Press Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf Active No [146]
Friedrich-Alexander University Press University of Erlangen–Nuremberg Active No [147]
Hamburg University Press University of Hamburg Active Yes [148]
Heidelberg University Publishing Heidelberg University Active Yes [149]
Kassel University Press University of Kassel Active Yes [150]
KIT Scientific Publishing Karlsruhe Institute of Technology Active No [151]
Mainz University Press University of Mainz Imprint of Brill Publishers [22]
TUM.University Press Technical University of Munich Active Yes [152]
Universitätsverlag der Technische Universität Berlin Technical University of Berlin Active Yes [153]
Universitätsverlag Göttingen University of Göttingen Active Yes [154]
Universitätsverlag Osnabrück Osnabrück University Imprint of Brill Publishers [22]
Universitätsverlag Winter Heidelberg University Active No [155]
West German University Press Ruhr University Bochum[lower-alpha 3] Active No [156]


University Presses in Greece
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Crete University Press Pancretan Association of America, FORTH Active [157]
University of Macedonia Press University of Macedonia Active [158]

Hong Kong

University Presses in Hong Kong
Press Associated Institution Status AUP
Chinese University of Hong Kong Press Chinese University Active Yes [159]
City University of Hong Kong Press City University of Hong Kong Active No [160]
Hong Kong University Press Hong Kong University Active No [161]
Open University of Hong Kong Press Open University of Hong Kong Active No [162]


University Presses in Hungary
Press Associated
Status AEUP
Central European University Press Central European University Active Yes Yes [163]


University Presses in India
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Calcutta University Press Calcutta University Active [164]
Delhi University Press Delhi University Active [165]
Guwahati University Press Guwahati University Active [166]
Jadavpur University Press Jadavpur University Active [167]
Manipal University Press Manipal University Active [168]


University Presses in Indonesia
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Airlangga University Press Airlangga University Active [169]
Gadjah Mada University Press Gadjah Mada University Active [170]
Muhammadiyah University Press Muhammadiyah University of Surakarta Active [171]
Universitas Darussalam Gontor Press Pondok Modern Darussalam Gontor Active [172]


University Presses in Iran
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
University of Tehran Press University of Tehran Active [173]


University Presses in Ireland
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Cork University Press Cork University Active [174]
University College Dublin Press University College Dublin Active [175]


University Presses in Israel
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Hebrew University Magnes Press Hebrew University of Jerusalem Active [176]
Bar-Ilan University Press Bar-Ilan University Active [177]


University Presses in Italy
Press Associated Institution Status AEUP
Bocconi University Press Bocconi University Imprint of Egea [178]
Bologna University Press University of Bologna Active No [179]
Bozen-Bolzano University Press Free University of Bozen-Bolzano Active Yes [180]
Firenze University Press University of Florence Active Yes [181]
Pisa University Press University of Pisa Active No [182]
Publications de l'École française de Rome École française de Rome Active No [183]
RomaTrE Press Roma Tre University Active Yes [184]
Vita e pensiero Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore Active No [185]


University Presses in Jamaica
Press Associated Institution Status AUP
University of the West Indies Press University of the West Indies Active Yes [186]


University Presses in Japan
Press Associated Institution Status AUP
University of Tokyo Press University of Tokyo Active Yes [187]
United Nations University Press United Nations University Defunct [188]


University Presses in Jordan
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
University of Jordan Press University of Jordan Active [189]
Yarmouk University Department of Publication Yarmouk University Active [190]


University Presses in Kazakhstan
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Кazakh University Publishing House Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Active [191]
Toraighyrov University Publishing Center S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University Active [192]
Kereku Publishing Center S. Toraighyrov Pavlodar State University Active [192]


University Presses in Kenya
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
CUEA Press Catholic University of Eastern Africa Active [193]
Moi University Press Moi University Active [194]
University of Nairobi Press University of Nairobi Active [195]


University Presses in Latvia
Press Associated Institution Status AEUP
Riga Technical University Press Riga Technical University Active Yes [196]


University Presses in Lebanon
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
American University of Beirut Press American University of Beirut Active [197]


University Presses in Lithuania
Press Associated Institution Status AEUP
Vilnius University Press Vilnius University Active Yes [198]


University Presses in Malaysia
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Penerbit USM Universiti Sains Malaysia Active [199]
Penerbit UKM National University of Malaysia Active [200]
University of Malaya Press University of Malaya Active [201]
Penerbit UTM Press University of Technology Malaysia Active [202]
UPM Press University of Putra Malaysia Active [203]
UUM Press Universiti Utara Malaysia Active [204]
IIUM Press International Islamic University Malaysia Active [205]
UNIMAS Publisher Universiti Malaysia Sarawak Active [206]
UPSI Press Sultan Idris Education University Active [207]
UTiM Press Universiti Teknologi MARA Active [208]
USIM Publisher Universiti Sains Islam Malaysia Active [209]
UTeM Press Universiti Teknikal Malaysia Melaka Active [210]
Sunway University Press Sunway University Active [211]


University Presses in Mexico
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Libros UNAM National Autonomous University of Mexico Active [212]
Editorial Universidad de Guadalajara University of Guadalajara Active [213]
Editorial de la Universidad Veracruzana Universidad Veracruzana Active [214]


University Presses in Namibia
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
University of Namibia Press University of Namibia Active [215]


University Presses in the Netherlands
Press Associated
Status AEUP
Amsterdam University Press Amsterdam University Active Yes Affiliate [216]
Leiden University Press Leiden University Active Yes No [217]
Radboud University Press Radboud University Active No No [218]
TU Delft OPEN Publishing Delft University of Technology Active Yes No [219]
University of Groningen Press University of Groningen Active Yes No [220]


University Presses in Nigeria
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Ibadan University Press Ibadan University Active [221]

New Zealand

University Presses in New Zealand
Press Associated Institution Status AUP
Auckland University Press Auckland University Active No [222]
Canterbury University Press University of Canterbury Active No [223]
Massey University Press Massey University Active No [224]
Holloway Press Auckland University Active No [225]
Otago University Press University of Otago Active Yes [226]
Te Herenga Waka University Press Victoria University of Wellington Active No [227]
Wai-te-ata Music Press New Zealand School of Music Active No [228]


University Presses in Norway
Press Associated Institution Status AEUP
Septentrio Academic Publishing University of Tromsø Active Yes [229]


University Presses in Panama
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Editorial Tecnológica Technological University of Panama Active [230]


University Presses in Peru
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Fondo Editorial de la Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú [es] Pontifical Catholic University of Peru Active [231]
Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Inca Garcilaso de la Vega Inca Garcilaso de la Vega University Active [232]
Fondo Editorial de la Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae [es] Universidad Católica Sedes Sapientiae [es] Active [233]
National University of San Marcos Press National University of San Marcos Active [234]


University Presses in the Philippines
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Ateneo de Manila University Press Ateneo de Manila University Active [235]
Ateneo de Naga University Press Ateneo de Naga University Active [236]
Sentro ng Wikang Filipino University of the Philippines System Active [237]
University of the Philippines Press University of the Philippines Active [238]
University of Santo Tomas Publishing House University of Santo Tomas Active [239]
XU Press Xavier University – Ateneo de Cagayan Active [240]


University Presses in Poland
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
SWPS University Press SWPS University Active [241]
The Nicolaus Copernicus University Press Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń Active [242]
Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego [pl] University of Warsaw Active [243]
Wydawnictwo KUL John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin Active [244]
Wydawnictwo Naukowe UAM [pl] Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań Active [245]
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Pedagogicznego w Krakowie Pedagogical University of Cracow Active [246]
Wydawnictwo Naukowe Uniwersytetu Szczecińskiego University of Szczecin Active [247]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Katowicach University of Economics in Katowice Active [248]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego w Krakowie [pl] Cracow University of Economics Active [249]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Ekonomicznego we Wrocławiu Wrocław University of Economics Active [250]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Gdańskiego [pl] University of Gdańsk Active [251]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Jagiellońskiego Jagiellonian University Active [252]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw Active [253]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Kazimierza Wielkiego [pl] Kazimierz Wielki University in Bydgoszcz Active [254]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego [pl] University of Łódź Active [255]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Marii Curie-Skłodowskiej Maria Curie-Skłodowska University Active [256]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Opolskiego Opole University Active [257]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Lublinie University of Life Sciences in Lublin Active [258]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu University of Life Sciences in Poznań Active [259]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego we Wrocławiu University of Life Sciences in Wrocław Active [260]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego University of Silesia Active [261]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Technologiczno-Przyrodniczego im. Jana i Jędrzeja Śniadeckich w Bydgoszczy University of Technology and Life Sciences in Bydgoszcz Active [262]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu w Białymstoku [pl] University of Białystok Active [263]
Wydawnictwa Uniwersyteckie Trans Humana [pl] University of Białystok Active [264]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Warmińsko-Mazurskiego w Olsztynie [pl] University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn Active [265]
Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego [pl] University of Wrocław Active [266]


University Presses in Portugal
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
FEUP Edições University of Porto Active [267]
Imprensa da UC University of Coimbra Active [268]
IST Press Instituto Superior Técnico (University of Lisbon) Active [269]
U.Porto Edições University of Porto Active [270]
UA Editora University of Aveiro Active [271]
Universidade Católica Editora Catholic University of Portugal Active [272]


University Presses in Qatar
Press Associated Institution Status AUP
Hamad Bin Khalifa University Press Hamad Bin Khalifa University Active No [273]
Qatar University Press Qatar University Active Affiliate [274]


University Presses in Romania
Press Associated Institution Status AEUP
Bucharest University Press Bucharest University Active No [275]
Cluj University Press Cluj University Active No [276]
University Press University of Târgu Mureș Active Yes [277]


University Presses in Russia
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Moscow State University Press Moscow State University Active [278]

Saudi Arabia

University Presses in Saudi Arabia
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University Scientific Publishing Center Imam Abdulrahman Bin Faisal University Active [279]
King Saud University Press King Saud University Active [280]


University Presses in Senegal
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Presses Universitaires de Dakar Cheikh Anta Diop University Active [281]


University Presses in Singapore
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
NUS Press National University of Singapore Active [282]

South Africa

University Presses in South Africa
Press Associated Institution Status AUP
Pretoria University Law Press University of Pretoria Active No [283]
UCT Press University of Cape Town Active No [284]
UJ Press University of Johannesburg Active Introductory [285]
Unisa Press University of South Africa Active No [286]
University of KwaZulu-Natal Press University of KwaZulu-Natal Active No [287]
Wits University Press University of the Witwatersrand Active No [288]

South Korea

University Presses in South Korea
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Ewha Womans University Press Ewha Womans University Active [289]
Jeonbuk National University Press Jeonbuk National University Active [290]
Pusan National University Press Pusan National University Active [291]
Seoul National University Publishing Center Seoul National University Active [292]
Yonsei University Press Yonsei University Active [293]


University Presses in Spain
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Éditions de la Casa de Velázquez Casa de Velázquez Active [294]
Editorial Universidad de Cantabria University of Cantabria Active [295]
Servicio de Publicaciones Universidad Pontificia Comillas Comillas Pontifical University Active [296]
UAM Editions Autonomous University of Madrid Active [297]
UPV/EHU Press University of the Basque Country Active [298]


University Presses in Sweden
Press Associated Institution Status AEUP
Karlstad University Press Karlstad University Active No [299]
Linköping University Electronic Press Linköping University Active No [300]
Linnaeus University Press Linnaeus University Active No [301]
Lund University Press Lund University Active No [302]
Stockholm University Press Stockholm University Active Yes [303]


University Presses in Taiwan
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
National Taiwan University Press National Taiwan University Active [304]
Chengchi University Press National Chengchi University Active [305]
National Tsing Hua University Press National Tsing Hua University Active [306]


University Presses in Thailand
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Chiang Mai University Press Chiang Mai University Active [307]


University Presses in Tunis
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
ISD Manouba Manouba University Active [308]


University Presses in Turkey
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Bogazici University Press Bogazici University Active [309]
İstanbul Bilgi University Press Istanbul Bilgi University Active [310]
Istanbul University Press Istanbul University Active [311]


University Presses in Ukraine
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Duh i Litera National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Active [312]
Kyiv Mohyla University Press National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Active [313]
Lviv Polytechnic National University Publishing House Lviv University Active [314]

United Arab Emirates

University Presses in the United Arab Emirates
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University Publishing Hamdan Bin Mohammed Smart University Active [315]
Zayed University Press Zayed University Active [316]

United Kingdom

University Presses in the United Kingdom
Press Associated
Status AEUP
Aberdeen University Press Aberdeen University Active No No [317]
Bristol University Press University of Bristol Active No Yes [318]
Cambridge University Press University of Cambridge Active No Yes [319]
Edinburgh University Press University of Edinburgh Active No Yes [320]
Goldsmiths Press Goldsmiths, University of London Active No No [321]
Hull University Press University of Hull Defunct [322]
Imperial College Press Imperial College London Defunct [323]
Kingston University Press Kingston University Active No No [324]
Liverpool University Press Liverpool University Active Former Yes [325]
LSE Press London School of Economics and Political Science Active No No [326]
Manchester University Press Manchester University Active No Yes [327]
Northumbria University Press Northumbria University Defunct [328]
Nottingham University Press University of Nottingham Imprint of 5m Books [329]
Open University Press Open University Imprint of McGraw Hill [330]
Oxford University Press University of Oxford Active No Yes [331]
Scottish Universities Press Various[lower-alpha 4] Active No No [332]
UCL Press University College London Active Yes Yes [333]
University of Chester Press University of Chester Active No No [334]
University of Exeter Press University of Exeter Active No No [335]
University of Hertfordshire Press University of Hertfordshire Active No No [336]
University of Huddersfield Press University of Huddersfield Active No No [337]
University of London Press University of London Active No No [338]
University of Wales Press University of Wales Active No No [339]
University of Westminster Press University of Westminster Active Yes No [340]
University of York Music Press University of York Active No No [341]
White Rose University Press White Rose University Consortium[lower-alpha 5] Active No No [342]
XJTLU Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University Imprint of Liverpool University Press [343]

United States

University Presses in the United States
Press Associated Institution Status AUP
Abilene Christian University Press Abilene Christian University Active Yes [344]
ACMRS Press Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies Active Yes [345]
Air University Press Air University Active Yes [346]
Alaska Pacific University Press Alaska Pacific University Defunct [347]
Amherst College Press Amherst College Active Affiliate [348]
Andrews University Press Andrews University Active No [349]
Army University Press Army University Active Introductory [350]
Associated University Presses Various[lower-alpha 6] Defunct [351]
Atlanta University Press Atlanta University Defunct [352]
Baylor University Press Baylor University Active Yes [353]
BJU Press Bob Jones University Active No [354]
Boston College Press Boston College Defunct [355]
Brandeis University Press Brandeis University Active Yes [356]
Brigham Young University Press Brigham Young University Defunct [357]
Brookings Institution Press Brookings Institution Active Yes [358]
Bucknell University Press Bucknell University Active Yes [359]
Carnegie Mellon University Press Carnegie Mellon University Active Yes [360]
Case Western Reserve University Press Case Western Reserve University Defunct [361]
Clemson University Press Clemson University Active Yes [362]
Catholic University of America Press Catholic University of America Active Yes [363]
Clark University Press Clark University Defunct [364]
Columbia University Press Columbia University Active Yes [365]
Columbus State University Press Columbus State University Active No [366]
Cornell University Press Cornell University Active Yes [367]
Creighton University Press Creighton University Defunct [355]
Dartmouth College Press Dartmouth College Defunct [368]
Duke University Press Duke University Active Yes [369]
Duquesne University Press Duquesne University Active No [370]
Eastern Washington University Press Eastern Washington University Defunct [371]
Evergreen State College Press Evergreen State College Active No [372]
Fairleigh Dickinson University Press Fairleigh Dickinson University Active No [373]
Fisk University Press Fisk University Defunct [374]
Fordham University Press Fordham University Active Yes [375]
Gallaudet University Press Gallaudet University Active Yes [376]
George Mason University Press George Mason University Active Affiliate [377]
George Washington University Press George Washington University Defunct [378]
Georgetown University Press Georgetown University Active Yes [379]
Harvard Education Press Harvard Graduate School of Education Active Yes [380]
Harvard University Press Harvard University Active Yes [381]
Hebrew Union College Press Hebrew Union College Active No [382]
Heritage Christian University Press Heritage Christian University Active No [383]
Hill College Press Hill College Active No [384]
Howard University Press Howard University Defunct [385]
The Press at Cal Poly Humboldt Cal Poly Humboldt Active No [386]
Indiana University Press Indiana University Active Yes [387]
Iowa State University Digital Press Iowa State University Active No [388]
Iowa State University Press Iowa State University Defunct [389]
John Brown University Press John Brown University Defunct [390]
Johns Hopkins University Press Johns Hopkins University Active Yes [391]
Kent State University Press Kent State University Active Yes [392]
Lehigh University Press Lehigh University Active No [393]
Lever Press Various[lower-alpha 7] Active Introductory [394]
Louisiana State University Press Louisiana State University Active Yes [395]
Loyola New Orleans Press Loyola University New Orleans Defunct [355]
Loyola University Press Loyola University Chicago Reorganized as Loyola Press [396]
Marine Corps University Press Marine Corps University Active Yes [397]
Marquette University Press Marquette University Active Yes [398]
Medieval Institute Publications Western Michigan University Active Yes [399]
Mercer University Press Mercer University Active Yes [400]
Miami University Press Miami University Active No [401]
Michigan State University Press Michigan State University Active Yes [402]
MIT Press MIT Active Yes [403]
National Academies Press National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine Active Yes [404]
Naval Institute Press United States Naval Institute Active Yes [405]
Naval War College Press Naval War College Active No [406]
New York University Press New York University Active Yes [407]
Northeastern University Press Northeastern University Defunct [368]
North Dakota State University Press North Dakota State University Active No [408]
Northern Illinois University Press Northern Illinois University Imprint of Cornell UP [409]
Northwestern University Press Northwestern University Active Yes [410]
Oberlin College Press Oberlin College Defunct [411]
Oglethorpe University Press Oglethorpe University Defunct [412]
Ohio State University Press Ohio State University Active Yes [413]
Ohio University Press Ohio University Active Yes [414]
Oklahoma Baptist University Press Oklahoma Baptist University Defunct [415]
Oregon State University Press Oregon State University Active Yes [416]
Pace University Press Pace University Active No [417]
Pacific University Press Pacific University Active No [418]
Penn State University Press Pennsylvania State University Active Yes [419]
Princeton University Press Princeton University Active Yes [420]
Proa Publications Northern Marianas College Imprint of Guam UP [421]
Purdue University Press Purdue University Active Yes [422]
Redhawk Publications Catawba Valley Community College Active No [423]
Rice University Press Rice University Defunct [424]
RIT Press Rochester Institute of Technology Active Yes [425]
Rockefeller University Press Rockefeller University Active Affiliate [426]
Rockhurst University Press Rockhurst University Active No [427]
Rutgers University Press Rutgers University Active Yes [428]
Saint Joseph's University Press Saint Joseph's University Active Introductory [429]
Saint Louis University Press Saint Louis University Defunct [355]
San Diego State University Press San Diego State University Active No [430]
Sierra College Press Sierra College Active No [431]
Southern Illinois University Press Southern Illinois University Active Yes [432]
Southeast Missouri State University Press Southeast Missouri State University Active No [433]
Southern Methodist University Press Southern Methodist University Defunct [434]
Stanford University Press Stanford University Active Yes [435]
Stephen F. Austin State University Press Stephen F. Austin State University Active No [436]
SUNY Press State University of New York system Active Yes [437]
Susquehanna University Press Susquehanna University Press Defunct [438]
Syracuse University Press Syracuse University Active Yes [439]
Teachers College Press Teachers College, Columbia University Active Yes [440]
Temple University Press Temple University Active Yes [441]
Texas A&M University Press Texas A&M University Active Yes [442]
Texas Christian University Press Texas Christian University Active Yes [443]
Texas Review Press Sam Houston State University Active Yes [444]
Texas Tech University Press Texas Tech University Active Yes [445]
Texas Western Press University of Texas at El Paso Active No [446]
Tribal College Press US tribal colleges and universities Active No [447]
Trinity University Press Trinity University Active Yes [448]
Truman State University Press Truman State University Defunct [449]
Tufts University Press Tufts University Defunct [368]
UL Press University of Louisiana Active Introductory [450]
University of Akron Press University of Akron Active Yes [451]
University of Alabama Press University of Alabama Active Yes [452]
University of Alaska Press University of Alaska Imprint of UP Colorado [453]
University of Arizona Press University of Arizona Active Yes [454]
University of Arkansas Press University of Arkansas Active Yes [455]
University of California Press University of California Active Yes [456]
University of Chicago Press University of Chicago Active Yes [457]
University of Cincinnati Press University of Cincinnati Active Introductory [458]
University of Delaware Press University of Delaware Active Introductory [459]
University of Georgia Press University of Georgia Active Yes [460]
University of Guam Press University of Guam Active Affiliate [461]
University of Hawaii Press University of Hawaii Active Yes [462]
University of Idaho Press University of Idaho Imprint of Caxton Press [463]
University of Illinois Press University of Illinois Active Yes [464]
University of Iowa Press University of Iowa Active Yes [465]
University of Maine Press University of Maine Active No [466]
University of Massachusetts Press University of Massachusetts Active Yes [467]
University of Michigan Press University of Michigan Active Yes [468]
University of Minnesota Press University of Minnesota Active Yes [469]
University of Missouri Press University of Missouri Active Yes [470]
University of Nebraska Press University of Nebraska Active Yes [471]
University of Nevada Press University of Nevada Active Yes [472]
University of New Hampshire Press University of New Hampshire Defunct [368]
University of New Mexico Press University of New Mexico Active Yes [473]
University of New Orleans Press University of New Orleans Active No [474]
University of North Carolina Press University of North Carolina Active Yes [475]
University of North Georgia Press University of North Georgia Active Affiliate [476]
University of North Texas Press University of North Texas Active Yes [477]
University of Notre Dame Press University of Notre Dame Active Yes [478]
University of Oklahoma Press University of Oklahoma Active Yes [479]
University of Pennsylvania Press University of Pennsylvania Active Yes [480]
University of Pittsburgh Press University of Pittsburgh Active Yes [481]
University of San Francisco Press University of San Francisco Defunct [355]
University of Scranton Press University of Scranton Defunct [482]
University of Southern California Press University of Southern California Defunct [483]
University of South Carolina Press University of South Carolina Active Yes [484]
University of Tennessee Press University of Tennessee Active Yes [485]
University of Texas Press University of Texas Active Yes [486]
University of Utah Press University of Utah Active Yes [487]
University of Vermont Press University of Vermont Defunct [368]
University of Virginia Press University of Virginia Active Yes [488]
University of Washington Press University of Washington Active Yes [489]
University of Wisconsin Press University of Wisconsin Active Yes [490]
University of Wyoming Press University of Wyoming Imprint of UP Colorado [453]
University Press of Colorado Various[lower-alpha 8] Active Yes [453]
University Press of Florida State University System of Florida Active Yes [491]
University Press of Kansas Consortium of Kansas state universities[lower-alpha 9] Active Yes [492]
University Press of Kentucky Consortium of Kentucky universities[lower-alpha 10] Active Yes [494]
University Press of Mississippi Mississippi Institutions of Higher Learning[lower-alpha 11] Active Yes [495]
University Press of New England Various[lower-alpha 12] Defunct [496]
University Press of Sewanee Sewanee: The University of the South Defunct [497]
USC Annenberg Press USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism Active No [498]
Utah State University Press Utah State University Imprint of UP Colorado [453]
Vanderbilt University Press Vanderbilt University Active Yes [499]
Wake Forest University Press Wake Forest University Active Affiliate [500]
Washington State University Press Washington State University Active Yes [501]
Wayne State University Press Wayne State University Active Yes [502]
Wesleyan University Press Wesleyan University Active Yes [503]
West Point Press United States Military Academy Active Introductory [504]
West Virginia University Press West Virginia University Active Yes [505]
Wharton School Press Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania Active No [506]
Xavier University Press Xavier University of Louisiana Defunct [507]
Yale University Press Yale University Active Yes [508]


University Presses in Uzbekistan
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Tashkent State University of Law Publishing Tashkent State University of Law Active [509]


University Presses in Vietnam
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Vietnam National University Press Vietnam National University, Hanoi Active [510]


University Presses in Yemen
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
Aden University House for Printing and Publishing University of Aden Active [511]


University Presses in Zambia
Press Associated Institution Status Ref.
UNZA Press University of Zambia Active [512]

See also


  1. Per Cape Breton University Press's website: "In 2014 ... the decision was made to terminate CBU Press as we know it today [but the press will work on] future publications on an ad hoc basis, under co-publication arrangements."[60]
  2. Jointly managed by Avignon University, École normale supérieure de Lyon, the French National Centre for Scientific Research, Jean Monnet University, Lumière University Lyon 2, and the School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences.[123]
  3. Although the West German University Press was founded by and works closely with Ruhr University Bochum, the two are legally-separate entities.[156]
  4. The press is collectively supported by the libraries of Abertay University, the University of Dundee, the University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh Napier University, the University of Glasgow, Glasgow Caledonian University, the Glasgow School of Art, Heriot Watt University, The Open University, Queen Margaret University, Robert Gordon University. the Royal Conservatoire of Scotland, Scotland's Rural College, University of St Andrews, the University of Stirling, the University of Strathclyde, the University of the Highlands and Islands, and the University of the West of Scotland.[331]
  5. Which comprises the University of Leeds, the University of Sheffield, and the University of York.[342]
  6. Associated University Presses was a consortium of five smaller university press imprints: Bucknell University Press, University of Delaware Press, Fairleigh Dickinson University Press, Lehigh University Press, and Susquehanna University Press.[351]
  7. A comprehensive list of all participating institutions can be found on the Lever Press website.[394]
  8. The press is supported by a group of Colorado public/private universities (namely, Adams State University, Colorado State University, Fort Lewis College, Metropolitan State University of Denver, the University of Colorado, the University of Northern Colorado, Regis University, and Western State Colorado University), as well as by the University of Alaska, Utah State University, and the University of Wyoming systems.[453]
  9. This includes Emporia State University, Fort Hays State University, Kansas State University, Pittsburg State University, the University of Kansas, and Wichita State University.[492]
  10. This includes the following public and private institutions: Bellarmine University, Berea College, Centre College, Eastern Kentucky University, Georgetown College, Kentucky State University, Morehead State University, Murray State University, Northern Kentucky University, Spalding University, Transylvania University, University of Kentucky, University of Louisville, University of Pikeville, and Western Kentucky University. The consortium also includes the Filson Historical Society and the Kentucky Historical Society.[493]
  11. This includes Alcorn State University, Delta State University, Jackson State University, Mississippi State University, Mississippi University for Women, Mississippi Valley State University, University of Mississippi, and the University of Southern Mississippi.[495]
  12. Associated University Presses was a consortium of smaller university press imprints that included Brandeis University Press, Dartmouth College Press, Northeastern University Press, Tufts University Press, University of New Hampshire Press, and the University of Vermont Press.[368]


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