List of museums in Michigan

This list of museums in Michigan encompasses museums which are defined for this context as institutions (including nonprofit organizations, government entities, and private businesses) that collect and care for objects of cultural, artistic, scientific, or historical interest and make their collections or related exhibits available for public viewing. Museums that exist only in cyberspace (i.e., virtual museums) are not included.

Active museums

Name Location County Region Type Summary
A. E. Seaman Mineral MuseumHoughtonHoughtonUpper Peninsula of MichiganGeologyLocated on the campus of Michigan Technological University, participating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park, state minerals
Adventure MineGreenland TownshipOntonagonUpper Peninsula of MichiganMiningUnderground tours of a preserved copper mine
Air ZooPortageKalamazooWest MichiganAerospaceFormerly the Kalamazoo Aviation History Museum, part aviation museum and part amusement park, includes Michigan Space Science Center, simulators, historic airplanes, aviation exhibits, Michigan Aviation Hall of Fame
Alberta Village MuseumAlbertaBaragaUpper Peninsula of MichiganOpen-airwebsite, Ford's sawmill village & logging industry
Albert L. Lorenzo Cultural CenterClinton TownshipMacombSoutheast MichiganMultiplewebsite, changing exhibits of art, science, culture and history, formerly Macomb Cultural Center, part of Macomb Community College
Alden B. Dow Home & StudioMidlandMidlandFlint/Tri-CitiesHistoric housePrivate residence of noted 20th-century architect Alden B. Dow
Alden B. Dow Museum of Science & ArtMidlandMidlandFlint/Tri-CitiesMultipleScience gallery and gallery space featuring changing visual art and science exhibitions; part of the Midland Center for the Arts
Alden Depot Park and MuseumAldenAntrimNorthern MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Helena Township Historical Society[1]
Alger County Heritage CenterMunisingAlgerUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historyIncludes American Fur Company log cabin furnished for the 1830s[2]
Algonac Clay Historical Society MuseumAlgonacSt. ClairSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, exhibits on local cultural and maritime history, also operates the Clay Township Log Cabin
Allegan Old Jail MuseumAlleganAlleganWest MichiganHistoric houseOperated by the Allegan County Historical Society, jail and Victorian sheriff's house[3]
Allen House MuseumBad AxeHuronFlint/Tri-CitiesHistoric housewebsite, operated by the Bad Axe Historical Society, 1902 Dutch colonial home
All Around the African World MuseumLansingInghamCentral MichiganAfrican American[4]
Allen Park Historical MuseumAllen ParkWayneSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite[5]
Alpine Township Historical MuseumAlpine TownshipKentWest MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Alpine Township Historical Commission, 1860 former town hall[6]
Amasa Historical Society MuseumAmasaIronUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal history[7]
American Museum of MagicMarshallCalhounCentral MichiganMagicMagical paraphernalia and illusions, including devices that once belonged to magician Harry Blackstone, Sr.
Andrew J. Blackbird MuseumHarbor SpringsEmmetNorthern MichiganNative AmericanNative American artifacts
Ann Arbor Hands-On MuseumAnn ArborWashtenawSoutheast MichiganScience
Antique Toy & Firehouse MuseumBay CityBayFlint/Tri-CitiesToywebsite, over 60 motorized fire trucks, over 12,000 antique and collectible toys, particularly fire, police and rescue vehicles
Anton Art CenterMount ClemensMacombSoutheast MichiganArtCommunity art center, exhibitions of local, national and international artists
Arab American National MuseumDearbornWayneSoutheast MichiganEthnicArab civilization, Arab experience in America
Arcadia Historical MuseumArcadiaManisteeNorthern MichiganLocal historywebsite
Arenac County Historical MuseumAu GresArenacNorthern MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Arenac County Historical Society
Argus MuseumAnn ArborWashtenawSoutheast MichiganPhotographyProducts manufactured by the Argus camera company
Art Center of Battle CreekBattle CreekCalhounWest MichiganArtwebsite, hosts 10-12 varied shows each year, including annual Michigan Artist Competition exhibition
Astor House MuseumCopper HarborKeweenawUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historywebsite, antique dolls, toys, American Indian artifacts, mining and fishing artifacts
Au Sable Light StationGrand MaraisAlgerUpper Peninsula of MichiganLighthouseLocated in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, operated by the National Park Service
Au Sable-Oscoda Historical MuseumOscodaIoscoNorthern MichiganLocal historywebsite
Automotive Hall of FameDearbornWayneSoutheast MichiganHall of fameNotable figures in the development of the automobile industry
Averill Historical Museum of AdaAdaKentWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Ada Historical Society
Bammert Blacksmith ShopEagle Harbor TownshipKeweenawUpper Peninsula of MichiganTechnologywebsite, tools & equipment, operated by the Keweenaw County Historical Society; participating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park
Baraga County Historical MuseumBaragaBaragaUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Baraga County Historical Society
Barryton Area MuseumBarrytonMecostaWest MichiganLocal historyOne room schoolhouse and local history museum[8]
Bay County Historical MuseumBay CityBayFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite
Beaumier Upper Peninsula Heritage CenterMarquetteMarquetteUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historywebsite, located in 105 Cohodas Hall at Northern Michigan University, history and culture of the Upper Peninsula
Beaver Island Historical Society MuseumsSt. JamesCharlevoixNorthern MichiganMultiplewebsite, includes Old Mormon Print Shop Museum of local history, the Maritime Museum about fishing on the island, and Protar Home, a historic log cabin
Bellaire Historical MuseumBellaireAntrimNorthern MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Bellaire Area Historical Society in the lower level of the Bellaire Community Hall[9]
Belleville Area MuseumBellevilleWayneSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite
Benzie Area Historical MuseumBenzoniaBenzieNorthern MichiganLocal historywebsite
Bergland/Matchwood Historical Society MuseumBerglandOntonagonUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historywebsite
Berkley Historical MuseumBerkleyOaklandSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, located in the old Fire Hall at City Hall
Bernard Historical MuseumDeltonBarryWest MichiganOpen-airwebsite, operated by the Bernard Historical Society, includes Bernard Hospital, Brown School, Country Store, Seamstress Cottage, Little House, Blacksmith Shop, Implement Building, Windmill
Bessemer Historical Society MuseumBessemerGogebicUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historywebsite
Besser Museum for Northeast MichiganAlpenaAlpenaNorthern MichiganMultiplewebsite, art, science, natural history, history, planetarium; also known as Jesse Besser Museum. Contains Fishing Tug Katherine V, last extant wooden Great Lakes fishing tug. The Besser Museum Sky Theater
Big Sable Point LightLudingtonMasonNorthern MichiganLighthouseOperated by the Sable Points Lighthouse Keepers Association
Birmingham Bloomfield Art CenterBirminghamOaklandSoutheast MichiganArtwebsite, regional art center, four galleries showcase contemporary art from the Midwest and beyond
Birmingham Historical Museum & ParkBirminghamOaklandSoutheast MichiganHistoric housewebsite, features the 1822 John West Hunter House, decorated for the period 1820โ€“1880, and the 1928 Allen House with exhibits on local history
Blanchard HouseIoniaIoniaCentral MichiganHistoric housewebsite, 1880s Italianate mansion, owned and operated by the Ionia County Historical Society, includes a museum of local Ionia history
Bottle-Cap MuseumGraylingCrawfordNorthern MichiganEphemerawebsite, Coca-Cola memorabilia inside Dawson and Stevens Classic 50's Diner
Bowne Township Historical MuseumBowne TownshipKentWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Bowne Twp. Historical Commission, also Bowne Center School
Boyne City Historical MuseumBoyne CityCharlevoixNorthern MichiganLocal history[10]
Brethren Heritage MuseumManisteeManisteeNorthern MichiganLocal historyOpen by appointment with the Brethren Heritage Association[11][12]
Bunert One-Room School House MuseumWarrenMacombSoutheast MichiganSchoolOperated by the Warren Historical Society, late 19th-century one-room school
Byron Area Historic MuseumByron CenterKentWest MichiganLocal history
Caledonia Historical MuseumCaledoniaKentWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Caledonia Historical Society
Call of the Wild & Bavarian Falls ParkGaylordOtsegoNorthern MichiganNatural historywebsite, museum with mounted animal displays, hands-on learning center and family amusement park
Cannery Boathouse MuseumGlen HavenLeelanauNorthern MichiganMaritimePart of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore, exhibit of Great Lakes small craft
Cannon Historical MuseumCannonKentWest MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Cannon Township Historical Society[13]
Canton Historical Society and MuseumCantonWayneSoutheast MichiganHistoryLocal history, housed in a historic one room schoolhouse
Capac Historical Society MuseumCapacSt. ClairSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, collections include the Kempf Model City (a mechanical city, 40 feet (12 m) long and 4 feet (1.2 m) wide), also G.T. RR Caboose
Capitol Hill SchoolMarshallCalhounWest MichiganSchoolwebsite, operated by the Marshall Historical Society, 19th-century schoolhouse, toy displays, open by appointment
Cappon House & Settlers House MuseumsHollandOttawaWest MichiganHistoric houseOperated by the Holland Museum, 19th-century Victorian home of Holland's first mayor and a restored Dutch settler's home
Card Wildlife Education CenterBig RapidsMecostaNorthern MichiganNatural historywebsite, part of Ferris State University, wildlife dioramas
Carl T. Johnson Hunting And Fishing CenterCadillacWexfordNorthern MichiganNatural historyWildlife dioramas, history of hunting and fishing in Michigan
Carnegie Center -- Port Huron MuseumPort HuronSt. ClairSoutheast MichiganLocal historyHistory, pre-history and culture of the Blue Water area, includes maritime exhibits, musical instrument collection, art, log cabin
Carnegie Center for the ArtsThree RiversSt. JosephWest MichiganArtwebsite, also W.R. Monroe Museum is adjacent, changing exhibits of arts, nature, science and history
Carnegie Museum of the KeweenawHoughtonHoughtonUpper Peninsula of MichiganMultipleRotating exhibits about local history, natural history, science and culture
Caseville Historical Society MuseumCasevilleHuronFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite
Castle FarmsCharlevoixCharlevoixNorthern MichiganHistoric house1918 castle-style house and gardens, open for tours
Castle Museum of Saginaw County HistorySaginawSaginawFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historyOperated by the Historical Society of Saginaw County
Catholic Heritage MuseumSaginawSaginawFlint/Tri-CitiesReligiousArtifacts of the churches of the Saginaw Catholic Diocese[14]
Cedar Springs MuseumCedar SpringsKentWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Cedar Springs Historical Society in the 19th-century one-room Payne School
Celery Flats Interpretive CenterPortageKalamazooWest MichiganAgricultureCelery cultivation and Dutch immigration, located in Portage Creek Bicentennial Park[15][16]
Cell Block 7 Prison MuseumJacksonJacksonCentral MichiganPrisonPrison exhibit within the walls of an operating penitentiary
Central Mine and VillageEagle Harbor TownshipKeweenawUpper Peninsula of MichiganOpen-airHistoric mining village, operated by the Keweenaw County Historical Society; participating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park
Charles H. Wright Museum of African American HistoryDetroitWayneSoutheast MichiganAfrican AmericanAfrican American cultural history and important figures
Charlton Park Historic Village and MuseumHastingsBarryWest MichiganOpen-airRecreated typical late 19th- to early 20th-century village
Chassell Heritage CenterChassellHoughtonUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historyParticipating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park
Cheboygan History CenterCheboyganCheboyganNorthern MichiganMultiplewebsite, operated by the History Center of Cheboygan County, includes log cabin, 1882 sheriff residence with attached jail cells, jail addition built in 1912โ€“14, Spies Heritage Hall with local history exhibits
Chelsea Historical MuseumChelseaWashtenawSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Chelsea Area Historical Society
Chesaning Area Historical MuseumChesaningSaginawFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite, operated by the Chesaning Area Historical Society
Chippewa Nature CenterMidlandMidlandFlint/Tri-CitiesNature centerVisitor center with natural history and Native American exhibits, Homestead Farm and Log Schoolhouse, wigwam, arboretum, trails
Civilian Conservation Corps MuseumRoscommonCrawfordNorthern MichiganHistoryLocated in North Higgins Lake State Park and interpreted in cooperation with the Michigan Department of Natural Resources
Clarkston Heritage MuseumClarkstonOaklandSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Clarkston Community Historical Society
Clawson Historical MuseumClawsonOaklandSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite
Cliffs Shaft Mine MuseumIshpemingMarquetteUpper Peninsula of MichiganIndustry - MiningMining artifacts, minerals, exhibits
Clinton Township Historical Village MuseumClinton Charter TownshipMacombSoutheast MichiganOpen-airwebsite
Cobblestone Farm and MuseumAnn ArborWashtenawSoutheast MichiganHistoric houseMid 19th-century period farm and house
Coe House MuseumGrass LakeJacksonCentral MichiganHistoric house19th-century Victorian house, operated by the Grass Lake Historical Society[17]
Colonial MichilimackinacMackinaw CityEmmetNorthern MichiganLivingFortified fur-trading village as it appeared in the 1770s
Conklin Antique Reed Organ MuseumHanoverJacksonCentral MichiganMultiplewebsite, operated by the Hanover-Horton Area Historical Society, local history, antique reed organ collection
Coopersville Farm MuseumCoopersvilleOttawaWest MichiganAgriculturewebsite, farming, agriculture and rural living
Coopersville Area Historical Society & MuseumCoopersvilleOttawaWest MichiganLocal history
Copper Harbor LighthouseCopper HarborKeweenawUpper Peninsula of MichiganLighthouseLighthouse and maritime museum located within Fort Wilkins Historic State Park
Copper Range Historical MuseumSouth RangeHoughtonUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Copper Range Historical Society,[18] participating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park
Coppertown USA Mining MuseumCalumetHoughtonUpper Peninsula of MichiganIndustry - Miningwebsite, copper mining and the Calumet & Hecla Mining Company, participating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park
Cornish Pump Engine & Mining MuseumIron MountainDickinsonUpper Peninsula of MichiganIndustry - MiningLargest steam-driven pumping engine built in the US, operated by the Menominee Range Historical Foundation
Corunna Historical VillageCorunnaShiawasseeCentral MichiganOpen-airwebsite, operated by the Corunna Historical Commission, open only four times a year
Cranbrook Art MuseumBloomfield HillsOaklandSoutheast MichiganArtContemporary art, part of the Cranbrook Academy of Art
Cranbrook House and GardensBloomfield HillsOaklandSoutheast MichiganHistoric house1908 English Arts and Crafts-style mansion and 40 acres (160,000 m2) of gardens
Cranbrook Institute of ScienceBloomfield HillsOaklandSoutheast MichiganNatural historyNatural history, science, planetarium, nature center
Crawford County Historical MuseumGraylingCrawfordNorthern MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Crawford County Historical Society in an 1882 depot
Crisp Point LightParadiseLuceUpper Peninsula of MichiganLighthouseOperated by the Crisp Point Light Historical Society
Crocker House MuseumMount ClemensMacombSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Macomb County Historical Society, late Victorian home-life experience
Crooked Tree Arts CenterPetoskeyEmmetNorthern MichiganArtwebsite, visual and performing arts center
Cross in the Woods & Nun Doll MuseumIndian RiverCheboyganNorthern MichiganReligiousCatholic shrine with museum of dolls dressed in various nun's habits
Crossroads VillageFlintGeneseeFlint/Tri-CitiesLivingwebsite, over 35 buildings showing late 19th-century small village life, operated by the Genesee County Parks and Recreation Commission; site of Huckleberry Railroad
Curious Kids' MuseumSt. JosephBerrienWest MichiganChildren'swebsite
Curwood CastleOwossoShiawasseeCentral MichiganHistoric houseHome of novelist and conservationist James Oliver Curwood
Davis Brothers Farm Shop MuseumOregon TownshipLapeerFlint/Tri-CitiesAgriculturewebsite, operated by the Lapeer County Historical Society, farm equipment, exhibits and demonstrations
Davison Area Historical MuseumDavisonGeneseeFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite, operated by the Davison Area Historical Society
Dearborn Historical MuseumDearbornWayneSoutheast MichiganHistoric housesIncludes Commandant's Quarters and McFadden-Ross House
Deckerville Historical MuseumDeckervilleSanilacFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal history[19]
Dee Stadium Hockey History MuseumHoughtonHoughtonUpper Peninsula of MichiganSportsHistory of the site and area ice hockey, located in the Kenner Ruohonen Memorial History Room, open in the summer
Dekker Huis/ Zeeland MuseumZeelandOttawaWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Zeeland Historical Society
Delaware Copper MineCopper HarborKeweenawUpper Peninsula of MichiganIndustry - MiningCopper mine tours and exhibits
Delta County Historical MuseumEscanabaDeltaUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Delta County Historical Society, located next to Sand Point Light
Dennos Museum CenterTraverse CityGrand TraverseNorthern MichiganArtPart of Northwestern Michigan College, features an Inuit art collection
Depot Museum of TransportationGrand HavenOttawaWest MichiganTransportationwebsite, operated by the Tri-Cities Historical Museum of Grand Haven, housed in a restored 1870s railroad depot, exhibits on maritime, railroad and land transportation
Depot MuseumClioGeneseeFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historyOperated by the Clio Historical Association[20]
Depot Museum & Customs HouseGrosse IleWayneSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite[5]
DeTour Passage Historical MuseumDeTourChippewaUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historyIncludes clothing, pictures, record books, maritime and Native American artifacts[21][22]
Detroit Historical MuseumDetroitWayneSoutheast MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Detroit Historical Society, includes a 19th-century street scene, local businesses including automobile companies, leaders, culture and heritage
Detroit Institute of ArtsDetroitWayneSoutheast MichiganArtAmerican and European paintings, sculpture, furniture and decorative arts from the 18th century, 19th century, and 20th century, Greek, Roman, Etruscan, Mesopotamian, Egyptian, Islamic, African and Asian art
DeVos Art MuseumMarquetteMarquetteUpper Peninsula of MichiganArtwebsite, part or the Art and Design Department at Northern Michigan University
Dexter Area MuseumDexterWashtenawSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Dexter Area Historical Society in a late 19th-century former church
Dossin Great Lakes MuseumDetroitWayneSoutheast MichiganMaritimeLocated at Belle Isle Park in the SS William Clay Ford Pilot House, operated by the Detroit Historical Society
Dowagiac Area History MuseumDowagiacCassWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, formerly the Museum at Southwestern Michigan College, history of Dowagiac, Cass County and Sister Lakes
Drake Memorial HouseBreckenridgeGratiotCentral MichiganHistoric housewebsite, operated by the Breckenridge-Wheeler Area Historical Society
Drummond Island Historical MuseumDrummond IslandChippewaUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal history[23]
Durand Union StationDurandShiawasseeCentral MichiganRailroadAlso known as Michigan Railroad History Museum, trains in WW II, Wallace Circus train wreck, Presidential whistle stops in Durand, model trains
Eagle Harbor Life-Saving StationEagle Harbor TownshipKeweenawUpper Peninsula of MichiganMaritimeOperated by the Keweenaw County Historical Society, includes boat and life-saving equipment
Eagle Harbor Lighthouse and MuseumsEagle Harbor TownshipKeweenawUpper Peninsula of MichiganMultipleKeweenaw County Historical Society operates the lighthouse as a museum, and also operates other museums at the site, including the Maritime Museum, mining, Commercial Fishing Museum and Keweenaw History Museum; participating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park
Eagle River MuseumEagle RiverKeweenawUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Keweenaw County Historical Society, themes include the Cliff Mine, the towns of Eagle River and Phoenix, the Phoenix mine, and the former amusement area known as Crestview
East Jordan Portside Art and Historical Society MuseumEast JordanCharlevoixNorthern MichiganLocal historywebsite
Eaton County's Museum at Courthouse SquareCharlotteEatonCentral MichiganHistorywebsite, local history, Native American artifacts, courthouse exhibits
Eby Log CabinMonroeMonroeSoutheast MichiganHistoric houseOpen during the Monroe County Fair, operated by the Monroe County Historical Society[24][25]
Edsel and Eleanor Ford HouseGrosse Pointe ShoresMacombSoutheast MichiganHistoric houseMansion with fine and decorative arts, many outbuildings and gardens on 87 acres (350,000 m2)
Elaine L. Jacob GalleryDetroitWayneSoutheast MichiganArtwebsite, part of Wayne State University
Eli and Edythe Broad Art MuseumEast LansingInghamCentral MichiganArtPart of Michigan State University, contemporary art
Elk Rapids Historical MuseumElks RapidsAntrimNorthern MichiganLocal historyoperated by the Elk Rapids Area Historical Society in a former church
Ella Sharp MuseumJacksonJacksonCentral MichiganMultiplewebsite, wildlife art, local history, changing art exhibits, 19th-century Ella Sharp House and interpretive center, a one-room schoolhouse, log house and tower barn
Empire Area Museum CenterEmpireLeelanauNorthern MichiganOpen-airwebsite, complex includes main museum, school house, 1911 Hose House, barn, gas station
Eyaawing MuseumPeshawbestownLeelanauNorthern MichiganNative AmericanHistory and culture of the Grand Traverse Band of Ottawa and Chippewa Indians
Engine House No. 5 MuseumAllendale Charter TownshipOttawaWest MichiganFirefightingwebsite
Fallasburg Historical VillageVergennes TownshipKentWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Fallasburg Historical Society, includes the Fallasburg Bridge, a schoolhouse, village cemetery, the Fallasburg Historical Museum and the Misner House Museum
Fayette Historic TownsiteGardenDeltaUpper Peninsula of MichiganLivingLate Victorian life
Felt MansionHollandAlleganWest MichiganHistoric houseMid 20th-century mansion
Fenton MuseumFentonGeneseeFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historyOperated by the Fenton Historical Society
Ferndale Historical MuseumFerndaleOaklandSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Ferndale Historical Society
Ferris State University Fine Art GalleryBig RapidsMecostaNorthern MichiganArtwebsite
Fife Lake Area Historical MuseumFife LakeGrand TraverseNorthern MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Fife Lake Area Historical Society
Finnish American Heritage CenterHancockHoughtonUpper Peninsula of MichiganArtPart of Finlandia University, Finnish art gallery, culture,[26] participating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park
Fire Barn MuseumMuskegonMuskegonWest MichiganFirefightingwebsite, operated by Lakeshore Museum Center, firefighting equipment, gear
First Congregational Living MuseumDetroitWayneSoutheast MichiganChurchExhibits about church architecture and history, also houses Underground Railroad Living Museum, a storytelling experience
Flat River Historical MuseumGreenvilleMontcalmCentral MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Flat River Historical Society
Flat Rock Historical MuseumFlat RockWayneSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Flat Rock Historical Society[5]
Flint Children's MuseumFlintGeneseeFlint/Tri-CitiesChildren's
Flint Institute of ArtsFlintGeneseeFlint/Tri-CitiesArtCollections of American, European, Native American, African, and Asian art including paintings, sculptures, prints, drawings, and decorative arts
Florence B. Dearing MuseumHartlandLivingstonSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Hartland Area Historical Society
Flora Kirsch Beck GalleryAlmaGratiotCentral MichiganArtwebsite, part of Alma College
Flushing Depot MuseumFlushingGeneseeFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite, operated by the Flushing Area Historical Society
Ford Piquette Avenue PlantDetroitWayneSoutheast MichiganAutomotiveBirthplace of the Ford Model T and the world's oldest car factory building open to the public (built 1904)
Forever Curious Children's MuseumFennvilleAlleganWest MichiganChildren'swebsite, formerly known as Allegan County Children's Museum, trying to open a location in Allegan
Forsyth Township Historical MuseumForsyth TownshipMarquetteUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Forsyth Township Historical Society[27]
Fort de Buade MuseumSt. IgnaceMackinacUpper Peninsula of MichiganNative Americanwebsite, specializes in Native American objects of the pre-contact period, through the eras of the French, British and Americans of the area
Fort Gratiot LighthousePort HuronSt. ClairSoutheast MichiganLighthouseTours operated through Port Huron Museum
Fort MackinacMackinac IslandMackinacNorthern MichiganFort14 original buildings and military exhibits, costumed interpreters
Fort St. Joseph MuseumNilesBerrienWest MichiganLocal historyLocated in the carriage house of the Henry A. Chapin House, exhibits include Fort St. Joseph, the Underground Railroad in southern Michigan, railroads in Niles' history, Lakota Indian collection
Fort WayneDetroitWayneSoutheast MichiganFortIncludes 1848 limestone barracks building, 1845 Star Fort, Commanding Officers house, Spanishโ€“American War guard house and the Tuskegee Airmen Museum
Fort Wilkins and Copper Harbor LighthouseCopper HarborKeweenawUpper Peninsula of MichiganFort19 restored buildings, costumed interpreters, copper mining sites and lighthouse, participating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park
Forty Mile Point LightRogers CityPresque IsleNorthern MichiganLighthouseOperated by the Forty Mile Point Lighthouse Society
Frankenmuth Historical MuseumFrankenmuthSaginawFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite, operated by the Frankenmuth Historical Association
Franklin Historical MuseumFranklinOaklandSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Franklin Historic Society
Frank Murphy Memorial MuseumHarbor BeachHuronFlint/Tri-CitiesHistoric houseHome of Michigan politician Frank Murphy
Frederik Meijer Gardens and Sculpture ParkGrand RapidsKentWest MichiganArtBotanical gardens with a conservatory, sculpture park and museum with over 170 sculptures by artists including Magdalena Abakanowicz, Jonathan Borofsky, Alexander Calder, Anthony Gormley, Mark di Suvero, Henry Moore, Claes Oldenburg, Marshall Fredericks, Arnaldo Pomodoro and Kenneth Snelson
Gaines Township MuseumGaines TownshipKentWest MichiganLocal historyHistoric one-room school, operated by the Gaines Charter Township Historical Society[28]
Galesburg Historical MuseumGalesburgKalamazooWest MichiganLocal history[29][30]
Ganton Art GallerySpring ArborJacksonCentral MichiganArtwebsite, part of Spring Harbor University
Gardner House MuseumAlbionCalhounWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Albion Historical Society, Victorian house displays antique tools, artifacts, pictures and furniture
Gerald E. Eddy Discovery CenterChelseaWashtenawSoutheast MichiganNatural historyGeology and area habitats
Gerald R. Ford Presidential LibraryAnn ArborWashtenawSoutheast MichiganPresidential libraryLibrary about Gerald R. Ford
Gerald R. Ford Presidential MuseumGrand RapidsKentWest MichiganBiographicalMuseum about Gerald R. Ford
Gibraltar Historical MuseumGibraltarWayneSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite
Gillette Sand Dune Visitor CenterNorton ShoresMuskegonWest MichiganNatural historyVisitor center for Hoffmaster State Park
Gilmore Car MuseumBarry TownshipBarryWest MichiganAutomotiveRestored historic barns exhibiting nearly 200 vehicles spanning more than 100 years of automotive heritage
Gitchee Gumee MuseumGrand MaraisAlgerUpper Peninsula of MichiganNatural historywebsite, agates and minerals, local history
Gladwin County Historical MuseumGladwinGladwinNorthern MichiganOpen-airwebsite, includes 2 restored cabins and a schoolhouse, farm and blacksmith tools, furniture, dishes, clothing, books, photos, operated by the Gladwin County Historical Society
Governor Charles Croswell HouseAdrianLenaweeSoutheast MichiganHistoric houseMid 19th-century house
Governor's Mansion MuseumMarshallCalhounWest MichiganHistoric houseOperated by the Mary Marshall Chapter D.A.R., mid-19th-century Greek Revival mansion built in anticipation that Marshall would become the State Capital of Michigan
Governor Warner MansionFarmingtonOaklandSoutheast MichiganHistoric housewebsite, Victorian Italianate mansion and gardens, home of Fred M. Warner
Grand Army of the Republic HallMarshallCalhounWest MichiganMilitarywebsite, operated by the Marshall Historical Society, Civil War artifacts, local history
Grand Blanc Heritage MuseumGrand BlancGeneseeFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite, operated by the Grand Blanc Heritage Association
Grand Ledge Area Historical Society MuseumGrand LedgeEatonCentral MichiganLocal historywebsite
Grand Rapids Art MuseumGrand RapidsKentWest MichiganArtRenaissance to Modern art, with strength in European and American 19th- and 20th-century painting and sculpture
Grand Rapids Children's MuseumGrand RapidsKentWest MichiganChildren'swebsite
Grand Rapids Public MuseumGrand RapidsKentWest MichiganLocal historyIncludes a carousel and planetarium
Grand Traverse LighthouseNorthportLeelanauNorthern MichiganLighthouseLighthouse and maritime museum located within Leelanau State Park
Grand Valley State University Art GalleriesGrand RapidsKentWest MichiganArtwebsite, six galleries in both Grand Rapids and Allendale
Grattan MuseumGrattanKentWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Grattan Historical Society
Great Lakes Children's MuseumTraverse CityGrand TraverseNorthern MichiganChildren'swebsite
Great Lakes Lore Maritime MuseumRogers CityPresque IsleNorthern MichiganMaritimewebsite, local maritime history from Native American traders to 21st century captains, includes Great Lakes Maritime Hall of Fame
Great Lakes Maritime Heritage CenterAlpenaAlpenaNorthern MichiganMaritimeHeadquarters for the Thunder Bay National Marine Sanctuary, features exhibits on shipwrecks and the Great Lakes
Great Lakes Quilt CenterEast LansingInghamCentral MichiganArtPart of Michigan State University, quilts as art and history
Great Lakes Shipwreck MuseumParadiseChippewaUpper Peninsula of MichiganMaritimeOperated by the Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society, artifacts retrieved from local shipwrecks, also includes lighthouse keeper's quarters for Whitefish Point Light
Greenmead Historical ParkLivoniaWayneSoutheast MichiganOpen-air1841 Greek Revival farmhouse and outbuildings on 92 acres (370,000 m2)
Grice House MuseumHarbor BeachHuronFlint/Tri-CitiesHistoric house19th-century house, barn and school
Grosse Pointe War MemorialGrosse Pointe FarmsWayneSoutheast MichiganMilitary
Grosvenor House MuseumJonesvilleHillsdaleCentral MichiganHistoric house19th-century Victorian mansion
Hack House MuseumMilanWashtenawSoutheast MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Milan Area Historical Society
Hackley & Hume Historic SiteMuskegonMuskegonWest MichiganHistoric housewebsite, operated by Lakeshore Museum Center, Charles H. Hackley House and Hume House, 1890s period Victorian houses
Hadley House MuseumHollyOaklandSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by Holly Historical Society
Hadley Mill MuseumHadley TownshipLapeerFlint/Tri-CitiesMillOperated by the Hadley Township Historical Society
Hamburg Historical MuseumHamburgLivingstonSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite
Hammond House MuseumUnion CityBranchCentral MichiganHistoric house19th-century house, operated by the Union City Historical Society[31]
Hanka Finnish Homestead MuseumPelkieBaragaUpper Peninsula of MichiganOpen-airSelf-sufficient Finnish homestead farm, participating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park
Harbor Springs History MuseumHarbor SpringsEmmetNorthern MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Harbor Springs Area Historical Society
Harbour House MuseumCrystal FallsIronUpper Peninsula of MichiganHistoric house[32]
Harsha House MuseumCharlevoixCharlevoixNorthern MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Charlevoix Historical Society
Hartwick Pines Logging MuseumGraylingCrawfordNorthern MichiganIndustryLogging camp buildings, exhibits and period rooms
Heddon MuseumDowagiacCassWest MichiganSportswebsite, Heddon fishing lures, reels, rods, advertising
Henry Ford Estate - Fair LaneDearbornWayneSoutheast MichiganHistoric houseFeatures 56 rooms on 5 acres (20,000 m2) of gardens and grounds
The Henry FordDearbornWayneSoutheast MichiganMultipleMuseum complex: living, science, history, automotive, transportation, technology and biographical about Henry Ford; formerly known as the Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village
Heritage HouseEssexvilleBayFlint/Tri-CitiesHistoric houseEarly 20th-century Victorian period house[33]
Heritage Museum and Cultural CenterSt. JosephBerrienWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, located in the Priscilla U. Byrns Heritage Center
Historic Adventist VillageBattle CreekCalhounWest MichiganReligiouswebsite, restored or replicated buildings featuring the heritage of the Seventh-day Adventist Church
Historic Bowens MillsYankee Springs TownshipBarryWest MichiganOpen-airwebsite, 19-acre (77,000 m2) historical park with grist mill, school house, 1860s house, log cabin, water wheel
Historic Chapin MansionNilesBerrienWest MichiganHistoric house1880s Aesthetic Period mansion
Historic Mill Creek Discovery ParkMackinaw CityCheboyganNorthern MichiganMultipleLiving history and natural history programs, period settings, discovery centers with interactive technological exhibits, archaeological ruin exhibits and artifact vitrines, interpretive panels, nature trails
Historic Pelkie Grade SchoolPelkieBaragaUpper Peninsula of MichiganSchoolwebsite, operated by the Sturgeon Valley Historical Society
Historic Village at Goodells County ParkGoodellsSt. ClairSoutheast MichiganOpen-airwebsite, includes St. Clair County Farm Museum, Lynn Township Schoolhouse, Murphy/Ryan Farmhouse, C.C. Peck and Company bank
History Center at Courthouse SquareBerrien SpringsBerrienWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Berrien County Historical Association, includes 1839 Courthouse, 1830 Log House, 1870 Sheriff's House
Holland MuseumHollandOttawaWest MichiganLocal historyDutch paintings and decorative arts, Lake Michigan maritime history, industry, immigration
Holocaust Memorial CenterFarmington HillsOaklandSoutheast MichiganEthnicIncludes Museum of European Jewish Heritage, International Institute of the Righteous
Honolulu HouseMarshallCalhounWest MichiganHistoric houseOperated by the Marshall Historical Society, 1880s-period house
Houghton County Historical MuseumLake LindenHoughtonUpper Peninsula of MichiganOpen-airOperated by the Houghton County Historical Society, site includes a railroad, one room schoolhouse, the Houghton County Historical Society Heritage Center and a WPA-era log cabin; participating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park
Houghton Lake Area Historical Village and PlayhousePrudenvilleRoscommonUpper Peninsula of MichiganOpen-airwebsite, life in a typical logging village of Northern Michigan in the late 19th century, operated by the Houghton Lake Area Historical Society
Hudson Historical MuseumHudsonLenaweeSoutheast MichiganLocal history[34]
Huron City MuseumsHuron CityHuronFlint/Tri-CitiesOpen-airwebsite, operated by the William Lyon Phelps Foundation, includes Victorian house, log cabin, church, general store, carriage shed, life-saving station and barns
Huron Lightship (LV-103)Port HuronSt. ClairSoutheast MichiganMaritimePart of Port Huron Museum
Hyser Rivers MuseumPlainfield TownshipKentWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Plainfield Township Historical Preservation Committee
Icebreaker Mackinaw Maritime MuseumMackinaw CityCheboyganNorthern MichiganMaritimeMuseum ship United States Coast Guard Cutter Mackinaw WAGB-83
Imlay City Historical MuseumImlay CityLapeerFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite
Impression 5 Science CenterLansingInghamCentral MichiganScienceHands-on science exhibits for children
Inland Seas Education CenterSuttons BayLeelanauNorthern MichiganNatural historywebsite, history, ecology and economics of the Great Lakes
Inland Water Route Historical Society MuseumAlansonEmmetNorthern MichiganLocal historywebsite
International Gospel Music Hall of Fame and MuseumDetroitWayneSoutheast MichiganHall of famewebsite, open by appointment only
Iosco County Historical MuseumEast TawasIoscoNorthern MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Iosco County Historical Society
Iron County Historical MuseumCaspianIronUpper Peninsula of MichiganMultiplewebsite, 22 buildings including a Heritage Hall, two Mining Halls, a cultural center, Lee LeBlanc Wildlife Art Gallery, Giovanelli Italianati Art Gallery, Homestead and Lumbercamp with log buildings, The Carrie Jacobs Bond Victorian house & Museum Book & Gift Shop
IXL Historical MuseumHermansvilleMenonimeeUpper Peninsula of MichiganOpen-airFormer lumber and hardwood manufacturing village
Japanese Cultural Center and Tea HouseSaginawSaginawFlint/Tri-CitiesCulturewebsite, Japanese garden, tea house, culture demonstrations
Jenison Historical MuseumJenisonOttawaWest MichiganHistoric housewebsite, located in the Husband-Hanchett-Tiffany House, operated by the Jenison Historical Association
Jim Crow Museum of Racist MemorabiliaBig RapidsMecostaNorthern MichiganCulturePart of Ferris State University, racist memorabilia
John Pahl Historical VillageAlleganAlleganWest MichiganOpen-airOperated by the Allegan County Historical Society, located within the Allegan County Fairgrounds, open during the fair and by appointment[35]
Kalamazoo Institute of ArtsKalamazooKalamazooWest MichiganArt
Kalamazoo Valley MuseumKalamazooKalamazooWest MichiganMultipleHistory, science, technology, operated by Kalamazoo Valley Community College
Kaleva Bottle House MuseumManisteeManisteeNorthern MichiganHistoric houseHouse built of bottle wall construction in 1941
Kaleva Train Depot MuseumManisteeManisteeNorthern MichiganRailroadwebsite
Kalkaska County MuseumKalkaskaKalkaskaNorthern MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Kalkaska County Historical Society in a historic depot
Kelsey Museum of ArchaeologyAnn ArborWashtenawSoutheast MichiganArchaeologyPart of the University of Michigan, Mediterranean civilizations
Kempf House MuseumAnn ArborWashtenawSoutheast MichiganHistoric housewebsite, Victorian Greek-Revival house showing how a German-American family lived in the 1890s
Kent City MuseumKent CityKentWest MichiganRailroadwebsite, operated by the Kent City Area Historical Group
Keweenaw Heritage CenterCalumetHoughtonUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historywebsite, located in the former St. Anne's Church
Keweenaw National Historical ParkCalumetHoughtonUpper Peninsula of MichiganIndustry - Mining
Kids 'N' Stuff Children's MuseumAlbionCalhounWest MichiganChildren'swebsite
Kimball House MuseumBattle CreekCalhounWest MichiganHistoric housewebsite, operated by the Historical Society of Battle Creek, Victorian-era mansion, features room about Sojourner Truth
Kingman MuseumBattle CreekCalhounWest MichiganNatural historyExhibits include paleontology, geology specimens, wildlife mounts, a preserved human embryo and fetus exhibit, Native American artifacts and a planetarium
K.I. Sawyer Heritage MuseumGwinnMarquetteUpper Peninsula of MichiganTransportation - Aviationwebsite, adjacent to Sawyer International Airport, contributions made by the men, women and machines of K I Sawyer Air Force Base, Michigan to America's Cold War defense mission
Knowlton's Ice Museum of North AmericaPort HuronSt. ClairSoutheast MichiganHistorywebsite, over 3,000 items used in the cutting, harvesting, storing, selling and use of natural ice as used by the ice industry of years ago
Krasl Art CenterSt. JosephBerrienWest MichiganArtwebsite, visual arts center with exhibit galleries
Kruizenga Art Museum Holland Ottawa West Michigan Art Teaching museum on Hope College's campus
Kreft Center GalleryAnn ArborWashtenawSoutheast MichiganArtwebsite, part of Concordia University
Lake Odessa MuseumLake OdessaIoniaCentral MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Lake Odessa Area Historical Society, area and railroad history, includes a Pere Marquette Depot built in 1887, a restored Grand Trunk caboose, the Freight Station Museum which houses local historical displays and the Hosford House
Lakeshore Museum CenterMuskegonMuskegonWest MichiganMultiplewebsite, area natural and cultural history, lumber industry, and Scolnik House, a Depression-era period house
Lakeview Area MuseumLakeviewMontcalmCentral MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Lakeview Historical Society
Lansing Art GalleryLansingInghamCentral MichiganArtGallery and education center for visual arts
Lapeer County Heritage MuseumLapeerLapeerFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite, operated by the Lapeer County Historical Society
Laurium Manor InnLauriumHoughtonUpper Peninsula of MichiganHistoric houseTours of the Victorian era hotel, participating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park
Leelanau Historical MuseumLelandLeelanauNorthern MichiganLocal historyIncludes exhibit of Anishinaabe black ash baskets and quillwork on birch bark
Lenawee Historical Society MuseumAdrianLenaweeSoutheast MichiganLocal history
Les Cheneaux Historical MuseumCedarvilleMackinacUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Les Cheneaux Historical Association, exhibits on lumbering, fishing, tourism, quilting, weaving, recreational activities
Les Cheneaux Maritime MuseumCedarvilleMackinacUpper Peninsula of MichiganMaritimewebsite, operated by the Les Cheneaux Historical Association, includes vintage boats, marine artifacts, antique outboard motors, photos and a boat building workshop
Lewiston Area Historical MuseumLewistonMontmorencyNorthern MichiganLocal history[36]
Liberty Hyde Bailey MuseumSouth HavenVan BurenWest MichiganHistoric houseHome and memorial to American horticulturist Liberty Hyde Bailey
Lighthouse Keepers House and MuseumGrand MaraisAlgerUpper Peninsula of MichiganMaritimeOperated by the Grand Marais Historical Society[37]
Lincoln Park Historical MuseumLincoln ParkWayneSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Lincoln Park Historical Society
Lincoln Train DepotLincolnAlconaNorthern MichiganRailroadIncludes a restored caboose and switching engine, operated by the Alcona Historical Society[38]
Linden Mills Historical MuseumLindenGeneseeFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite, operated by the Linden Mills Historical Society
Little Sable Point LightMearsOceanaWest MichiganLighthouse
Little Traverse History MuseumPetoskeyEmmetNorthern MichiganLocal historywebsite, special exhibits on Ernest Hemingway, operated by the Little Traverse Historical Society
Loren Andrus Octagon HouseWashington TownshipMacombSoutheast MichiganHistoric house1860 house used as a station on the Underground Railroad
Lowell Area Historical MuseumLowellKentWest MichiganLocal historywebsite
LSSU Arts Center GallerySault Ste. MarieChippewaUpper Peninsula of MichiganArtwebsite, part of Lake Superior State University, houses the L. F. Noyes Collection of Native American and Western Art
Luce County Historical MuseumNewberryLuceUpper Peninsula of MichiganHistoric houseCombination jail and sheriff's residence
Luckhard MuseumSebewaingHuronFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historyPioneer & Indian relics[39]
Ludington LightLudingtonMasonNorthern MichiganMaritimeLighthouse open to the public during the summer season for climbing tours
Lumberman's MonumentOscodaIoscoNorthern MichiganIndustry - LoggingMonument and visitor center with exhibits about logging industry
Mackinac Island State ParkMackinac IslandMackinacNorthern MichiganMultipleIncludes Fort Mackinac and Fort Holmes, several museum buildings in historic downtown: McGulpin House, American Fur Company Store & Dr. Beaumont Museum, Biddle House, Benjamin Blacksmith Shop, McGulpin House, and Mission Church
Mackinaw Bridge MuseumMackinaw CityCheboyganNorthern MichiganTechnologywebsite, construction of the Mackinac Bridge
Manistee County Historical MuseumManisteeManisteeNorthern MichiganLocal historywebsite, located in a historic store, exhibits include the Civil War, pioneer life, antiques and maritime history; also operates another facility in the historic Waterworks building, exhibits include logging, railroad, and marine exhibits and memorabilia of Manistee in the 19th century
Mann HouseConcordJacksonCentral MichiganHistoric house1880s Victorian home, furnishings and gardens
Manton Area Historical MuseumMantonWexfordNorthern MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Manton Area Historical Society; adjacent Veteran's Memorial Museum[40]
Marilla MuseumCopemishManisteeNorthern MichiganOpen-airwebsite, Pioneer Place: 1860s fully furnished log house, early 20th-century barn and a full-size replica logger's cabin; operated by the Marilla Historical Society
Marine City Pride & Heritage MuseumMarine CitySt. ClairSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite
Marquette Arts and Culture CenterMarquetteMarquetteUpper Peninsula of MichiganArtwebsite, community art center, located in the lower level of the Peter White Public Library
Marquette Regional History CenterMarquetteMarquetteUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historywebsite
Marquette Harbor LightMarquetteMarquetteUpper Peninsula of MichiganLighthouseOperated by the Marquette Maritime Museum
Marquette Maritime MuseumMarquetteMarquetteUpper Peninsula of MichiganMaritimewebsite, collection of Great Lakes Lighthouse lenses including 2nd, 3rd and 4th order "Classical" Fresnel Lenses, also operates Marquette Harbor Light
Marshlands Museum and Nature CenterBrownstownWayneSoutheast MichiganNatural historyNatural and cultural history of Southeast Michigan
Marvin's Marvelous Mechanical MuseumFarmington HillsOaklandSoutheast MichiganTechnologyHistorical and modern arcade machines, sideshow wonders, fortune tellers, automatons, and curiosities
Mary's City of David MuseumBenton HarborBerrienWest MichiganReligiouswebsite, open-air museum about the House of David Christian commune
Marysville Historical MuseumMarysvilleSt. ClairSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite
Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture MuseumUniversity CenterSaginawFlint/Tri-CitiesArtPart of Saginaw Valley State University, displays plaster models of Marshall Fredericks bronze sculptures, also changing art exhibits
Marshall Postal MuseumMarshallCalhounWest MichiganHistoryPostal artifacts and memorabilia, open by appointment[41][42]
Martha Barker Country Store MuseumMonroeMonroeSoutheast MichiganStoreOopen by appointment[24]
Mason Area Historical Society MuseumMasonInghamCentral MichiganLocal historywebsite
Mayville Area Museum of HistoryMayvilleTuscolaFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite
McGulpin Point LightMackinaw CityEmmetNorthern MichiganLighthouseOpen on summer weekends
Meadow Brook HallRochester HillsOaklandSoutheast MichiganHistoric house110-room, 88,000-square-foot (8,200 m2) mansion, contains paintings by Rembrandt, Anthony van Dyck, Rosa Bonheur, Gilbert Stuart, Joshua Reynolds, John Constable and Thomas Gainsborough, and sculpture by Antoine-Louis Barye, Frederic Remington, Cyrus Edwin Dallin, and Herbert Haseltine
Mecosta County Historical MuseumBig RapidsMecostaNorthern MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Mecosta County Historical Society[43]
Menominee County Heritage MuseumMenomineeMenomineeUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Menominee County Historical Society
Menominee Range Historical MuseumIron MountainDickinsonUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Menominee Range Historical Foundation
Meridian Historical VillageMeridianInghamCentral MichiganOpen-airwebsite, 19th-century period buildings, open seasonally
Mesick Area Historical MuseumMesickWexfordNorthern MichiganLocal historywebsite
Meyer May HouseGrand RapidsKentWest MichiganHistoric houseRestored 1909 house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright
Michigamme MuseumMichigammeMarquetteUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historywebsite
Michigan Art WalkBig RapidsMecostaNorthern MichiganArtwebsite, collection of original artwork created by Michigan artists, located at Ferris State University
Michigan Firehouse MuseumYpsilantiWashtenawSoutheast MichiganFirefightingwebsite, formerly Ypsilanti Antique Auto, Truck and Fire Museum, then Michigan Antique Fire Equipment Preservation Group Museum
Michigan Flywheelers MuseumSouth HavenVan BurenWest MichiganTechnologywebsite, antique gas and steam engines and tractors
Michigan Historical MuseumLansingInghamCentral MichiganHistorywebsite, 5 levels of Michigan history, part of the Michigan Historical Center
Michigan Heritage ParkWhitehallMuskegonWest MichiganOpen-airIncludes a mastodon site, Native American village, authentic and reproduction furnished buildings representing different eras in state history
Michigan Heroes MuseumFrankenmuthSaginawFlint/Tri-CitiesMilitarywebsite, honors Michigan soldiers, sailors, aviators and astronauts who fought in our nation's foreign wars and bravely explored outer space; formerly known as Michigan's Military & Space Heroes Museum
Michigan Iron Industry MuseumNegauneeMarquetteUpper Peninsula of MichiganIndustrywebsite, state's iron mining industry
Michigan Legacy Art ParkThompsonvilleBenzieNorthern MichiganArtOutdoor sculpture park with works that interpret Michigan's history
Michigan Magazine MuseumCominsOscodaNorthern MichiganHistorywebsite, Michigan memorabilia
Michigan Maritime MuseumSouth HavenVan BurenWest MichiganMaritimewebsite, Coast Guard and lifesaving, local fishing, maritime lore, Friends Good Will 1810 square topsail sloop
Michigan Masonic Museum and LibraryGrand RapidsKentWest MichiganMasonicwebsite, includes Masonic photographs, jewels, aprons, charts and carpets
Michigan Military Technical Historical SocietyEastpointeMacombSoutheast MichiganMilitarywebsite, history of Michigan's civilian and military personnel in 20th-century conflicts
Michigan Museum of Military TransportGraylingCrawfordNorthern MichiganTransportationwebsite, military vehicles, currently no permanent facility
Michigan Science CenterDetroitWayneSoutheast MichiganScienceHands-on science, technology, engineering exhibits in a fun dynamic environment
Michigan State University Bug HouseEast LansingInghamCentral MichiganNatural historywebsite, live and mounted insects
Michigan State University MuseumEast LansingInghamCentral MichiganMultiplewebsite, part of Michigan State University, natural history, culture including Asia, Africa, and the Americas, and the Great Lakes Quilt Center
Michigan Supreme Court Learning CenterLansingInghamCentral MichiganHistorywebsite, exhibits on government and legal system in Michigan
Michigan Transit MuseumMount ClemensMacombSoutheast MichiganTransportation - RailroadHistoric depot restored to its 1900 appearance with exhibits of railroad stock and equipment
Michigan Whitetail Hall of Fame MuseumGrass LakeJacksonCentral MichiganNatural historyOver 50 Boone And Crockett world record buck racks, live deer[44]
Michigan Women's Hall of FameLansingInghamCentral MichiganHall of fameCultural and historical exhibits on the accomplishments and achievements of Michigan women, also an art gallery
Midland Center for the ArtsMidlandMidlandFlint/Tri-CitiesMultiplePerforming arts and museum complex, includes Alden B. Dow Museum of Science & Art and Midland County Historical Society's Heritage Park
Midland County Historical Society's Heritage ParkMidlandMidlandFlint/Tri-CitiesMultipleInteractive local history exhibits, history of the Dow Chemical Company, 1874 Historic Gothic Victorian House, collection of historic sleighs and carriages and more
Mid-Michigan Children's MuseumSaginawSaginawFlint/Tri-CitiesChildren'swebsite
Milford Historical MuseumMilfordOaklandSoutheast MichiganHistoric houseswebsite, operated by the Milford Historical Society, 1835 Greek-revival Victorian house and log cabin
Millington - Arbela Historical Society MuseumMillingtonTuscolaFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite
Mill Race Historical VillageNorthvilleWayneSoutheast MichiganOpen-airwebsite, operated by the Northville Historical Society, relocated 19th-century village buildings
Milwaukee ClipperMuskegonMuskegonWest MichiganMuseum shipRetired passenger ship and automobile ferry
Mission Point LighthousePeninsula TownshipGrand TraverseNorthern MichiganLighthouse
Monroe County Historical MuseumMonroeMonroeSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Monroe County Historical Commission, exhibits include George Armstrong Custer, local military, Native American and settler history; Martha Barker Country Store Museum and Navarre Anderson Trading Post Complex are open only by appointment
Monroe County Labor History MuseumMonroeMonroeSoutheast MichiganHistorywebsite, history of organized labor movement in Michigan
Monroe County Vietnam Veterans Historical MuseumMonroeMonroeSoutheast MichiganMilitarywebsite
Montague MuseumMontagueMuskegonWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, located in a former church, operated by the Montague Historical Association
Montcalm Heritage VillageSidneyMontcalmCentral MichiganOpen airwebsite, operated by Montcalm Community College, 28 buildings with artifacts from local areas depicting life in Michigan in turn the turn of the 20th Century
Montrose Historical and Telephone Pioneer MuseumMontroseGeneseeFlint/Tri-CitiesTechnologywebsite, antique and novelty telephones and equipment, local history, operated by the Montrose Area Historical Association
Morton House MuseumBenton HarborBerrienWest MichiganHistoric housewebsite
Motorsports Hall of Fame of AmericaNoviOaklandSoutheast MichiganHall of fameHall of fame for drivers on land, sea and air, museum features Indy Cars, stock cars, sports cars, dragsters, race trucks and openwheelers
Motown MuseumDetroitWayneSoutheast MichiganMusicAlso known as Hitsville U.S.A., dedicated to the legacy of the Motown Records, its artists and music
Munising Falls Interpretive CenterMunisingAlgerUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historyLocated in Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore, natural and cultural history of the area
Museum of Contemporary Art DetroitDetroitWayneSoutheast MichiganArt
Museum of Cultural & Natural HistoryMount PleasantIsabellaCentral MichiganMultiplewebsite, part of Central Michigan University, natural history dioramas, cultural artifacts
Museum of New ArtTroyOaklandSoutheast MichiganArtContemporary art, commonly known as MoNA, locations in Troy and Armada, Michigan
Museum of Ojibwa CultureSt. IgnaceMackinacUpper Peninsula of MichiganNative AmericanExhibits include Ojibwa culture and traditions, first contact with French explorers, and the former mission's archaeological past
Museum on Main StreetAnn ArborWashtenawSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Washtenaw County Historical Society
Museum Ship Valley CampSault Ste. MarieChippewaUpper Peninsula of MichiganMuseum shipAlso known as Steamship Valley Camp, Great Lakes freighter museum ship housing a 20,000-square-foot (1,900 m2) museum with over 100 maritime exhibits, 4 aquariums and two lifeboats from the wreck of the S.S. Edmund Fitzgerald
Music House MuseumAcmeGrand TraverseNorthern MichiganMusicwebsite, antique musical instruments and music-making machines from 1870 through 1930
Muskegon Museum of ArtMuskegonMuskegonWest MichiganArtwebsite
Muskegon Heritage MuseumMuskegonMuskegonWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, featuring Muskegon's industrial, business and historic homes with working machinery
Myers School MuseumSparta TownshipKentWest MichiganRailroad19th-century schoolhouse[45]
Nankin Mills Interpretive CenterWestlandWayneSoutheast MichiganNature centerExhibits on local natural and cultural history in a historic grist mill
National Miniatures Trust MuseumHickory CornersBarryWest MichiganToywebsite, dolls and miniatures, on the grounds of the Gilmore Car Museum
Navarre-Anderson Trading PostMonroeMonroeSoutheast MichiganHistoryLate 18th-century trading post owned by the Monroe County Historical Museum, open for special events and group tours[24]
Negaunee Historical MuseumNegauneeMarquetteUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Negaunee Historical Society, area iron mining, 19th century living room, local history and culture
Nelis' Dutch VillageHollandOttawaWest MichiganCulturewebsite, shopping theme park featuring buildings of authentic Dutch architecture, brick walkways, canals, gardens and special presentations depicting life in a typical village in the Netherlands in the late 19th century; includes Kolean Museum featuring Dutch clothing, farm and cheese making equipment
New Buffalo Railroad MuseumNew BuffaloBerrienWest MichiganRailwaywebsite
New Presque Isle LightPresque IslePresque IsleNorthern MichiganLighthouse
Newton House MuseumDowagiacCassWest MichiganHistoric houseRestored two-story Quaker home of the mid-1800s[46]
North Berrien Historical MuseumColomaBerrienWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the North Berrien Historical Society, history of the resorts of the Paw Paw Lakes, fruit farming, businesses, industries, and people of the area
Northeast Oakland Historical MuseumOxfordOaklandSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite
Oakfield Pioneer Heritage MuseumOakfield TownshipKentWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Oakfield Pioneer Heritage Society
Oakland University Art GalleryRochesterOaklandSoutheast MichiganArtwebsite, formerly known as Meadow Brook Art Gallery
Oceana County Historical ParkMearsOceanaWest MichiganOpen-airOperated by the Oceana County Historical & Genealogical Society, includes five museums: Swift Lathers Museum, Tool Museum, Boynton Cottage Museum, Transportation Museum, Robinson Museum
Ogemaw Historical MuseumWest BranchOgemawNorthern MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Ogemaw Genealogical & Historical Society[47]
Ontonagon Historical MuseumOntonagonOntonagonUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Ontonagon Historical Society, participating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park[48]
Ontonagon LightOntonagonOntonagonUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Ontonagon Historical Society
Old Bailey SchoolHarrisvilleAlconaNorthern MichiganSchoolOpen for special events, operated by the Alcona Historical Society[38]
Old Depot MuseumIronwoodGogebicUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Ironwood Area Historical Society[49][50]
Old Fence Rider Historical CenterEdmoreMontcalmCentral MichiganLocal historywebsite, historical collection of Western heritage[51]
Old Mackinac Point LighthouseMackinaw CityCheboyganNorthern MichiganLighthouseLighthouse and museum
Old Mill MuseumDundeeMonroeSoutheast MichiganLocal historyFashion, furniture, farm life, Native Americans, legacy of Henry Ford
Old Post Office MuseumGrand MaraisAlgerUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Grand Marais Historical Society[37]
Old Presque Isle LightPresque IslePresque IsleNorthern MichiganLighthouseMuseum and inoperative lighthouse
Old Rugged Cross Historical MuseumReed CityOsceolaNorthern MichiganLocal historyAlso life of George Bennard, composer of the hymn The Old Rugged Cross[52]
Old VictoriaRockland TownshipOntonagonUpper Peninsula of MichiganHistoric houseVictorian copper mining town, participating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park
Orchard Lake MuseumOrchard LakeOaklandSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Greater West Bloomfield Historical Society
Ortonville Historical Society MuseumOrtonvilleOaklandSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, housed in an old mill
Otsego County Historical MuseumGaylordOtsegoNorthern MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Otsego County Historical Society
Ottawa Visitor CenterWatersmeetGogebicUpper Peninsula of MichiganNatural historyVisitor center for Ottawa National Forest, environmental education programs, maps, area information, interpretive exhibits, accessible trails
Our Savior's Historical MuseumManisteeManisteeNorthern MichiganLocal historyHistoric Danish Evangelical Lutheran church with exhibits on early Scandinavian settlement in the area
Overbrook GalleryMuskegonMuskegonWest MichiganArtwebsite, located in the Frauenthal Fine Arts Center on the campus of Muskegon Community College, exhibits work by local, Michigan, and out-of-state artists and MCC art students
Padzieski Art GalleryDearbornWayneSoutheast MichiganArtwebsite, part of the Ford Community & Performing Arts Center, operated by the Dearborn Community Arts Council
Paine-Gillam-Scott MuseumSt. JohnsClintonCentral MichiganLocal historywebsite, also known as the Clinton County Historical Society Museum
Paint Creek Center for the ArtsRochesterOaklandSoutheast MichiganArtwebsite, visual arts center
Parker MillAnn ArborWashtenawSoutheast MichiganMillLate 19th-century working grain mill
Pascoe House MuseumRepublicMarquetteUpper Peninsula of MichiganHistoric housewebsite, operated by the Republic Area Historical Society
Paulson HouseAu TrainAlgerUpper Peninsula of MichiganHistoric house1884 Swedish log house
Peninsula Point LightStongintonDeltaUpper Peninsula of MichiganLighthouseVisitors can climb the lighthouse tower, operated by Hiawatha National Forest
Pentwater Historical MuseumPentwaterOceanaWest Coast resort townHistory of the areavisitors can use Guide by Cell for narration
Pewabic PotteryDetroitWayneSoutheast MichiganDecorative artArts & Crafts ceramics and contemporary pottery
Phoenix Church and MuseumPhoenixKeweenawUpper Peninsula of MichiganReligiousRestored 19th-century Catholic church
Pickford Historical MuseumPickfordChippewaUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Pickford Area Historical Society
Pickle Barrel House MuseumGrand MaraisAlgerUpper Peninsula of MichiganHistoric houseOperated by the Grand Marais Historical Society[37]
Pigeon Depot MuseumPigeonHuronFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite, operated by the Pigeon Historical Society
Pine Forest Historical MuseumEdmoreMontcalmCentral MichiganLocal history[53]
Pine Grove Historical MuseumPontiacOaklandSoutheast MichiganMultiplewebsite, operated by the Oakville County Pioneer and Historical Society, complex include Pine Grove, the former estate of Governor Moses Wisner and outbuildings, the Drayton Plains One-Room Schoolhouse, the Carriage House, the Pioneer Museum with tools and farm implements
Pioneer Log Cabin MuseumCassopolisCassWest MichiganHistoric houseIncludes tools, farm equipment, quilts and dolls
Pioneer Log VillageBad AxeHuronFlint/Tri-CitiesOpen-airwebsite, operated by the Bad Axe Historical Society, pioneer home, general store, school, chapel, barn and blacksmith shop
Plank Road MuseumBreckenridgeGratiotCentral MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Breckenridge-Wheeler Area Historical Society
Plymouth Historical MuseumPlymouthWayneSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, growth of American industry, the advent of the railroad and the invention of the automobile
Podunk House & Pioneer MuseumFentonGeneseeFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite, home and museum for the Pioneer Memorial Association of Fenton & Mundy Townships; 1837 Greek-revival pioneer family home, museum with tools and artifacts of early settlers
Point Betsie LightFrankfortBenzieNorthern MichiganLighthouse
Point Iroquois LightWhitefish BayChippewaUpper Peninsula of MichiganLighthouseOperated by the Bay Mills-Brimley Historical Research Society in Hiawatha National Forest
Pointe aux Barques LighthouseHuron TownshipHuronFlint/Tri-CitiesLighthouseTwo museums, one about shipwrecks in Lake Huron, the other about the lighthouse
Polish Home Army MuseumOrchard LakeOaklandSoutheast MichiganMilitaryStruggle for the freedom and independence of Poland during World War II
Port Austin History CenterPort AustinHuronFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite, operated by the Port Austin Historical Society
Port Huron MuseumPort HuronSt. ClairSoutheast MichiganMultipleFour museums: Carnegie Center -- Port Huron Museum, Huron Lightship, Thomas Edison Depot Museum and Fort Gratiot Lighthouse
Presque Isle County Historical MuseumRogers CityPresque IsleNorthern MichiganLocal historyLocated in the Craftsman-style Bradley House, includes period rooms, toys, Native American artifacts, country store, tools and other exhibits
Quincy MineHancockHoughtonUpper Peninsula of MichiganIndustry - MiningCopper mine, mine buildings and mining exhibits; participating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park
Railroad Depot MuseumSparta TownshipKentWest MichiganRailroadArtifacts from the Muskegon, Saginaw and Toledo Railway, open for festivals and by appointment[45]
Rathbone SchoolEagle Harbor TownshipKeweenawUpper Peninsula of MichiganSchoolOperated by the Keweenaw County Historical Society, 19th-century period one-room school, participating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park
Raven Hill Discovery CenterEast JordanCharlevoixNorthern MichiganMultipleRegional science and technology center, also art, history and culture
Region of Three Oaks MuseumThree OaksBerrienWest MichiganLocal historywebsite
Rentschler Farm MuseumSalineWashtenawSoutheast MichiganAgriculture, open-airOperated by the Saline Historical Society, farm living between the years 1900โ€“1950 with a house and 11 farm outbuildings
R. E. Olds Transportation MuseumLansingInghamCentral MichiganAutomotiveOldsmobiles dating from 1897 to 2004, automobilia, REO Motor Car Company vehicles
Richard and Jane Manoogian Mackinac Art MuseumMackinac IslandMackinacNorthern MichiganArtMackinac-related art and photography including Native American artifacts and decorative arts, part of Mackinac Island State Park
River Of History MuseumSault Ste. MarieChippewaUpper Peninsula of MichiganMaritimewebsite, history of the St. Mary's River and its inhabitants
River Raisin National Battlefield ParkMonroeMonroeSoutheast MichiganMilitaryBattle site during the War of 1812
River Rouge Historical MuseumRiver RoughWayneSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite[5]
University of Michigan School of Art & Design GalleriesAnn ArborWashtenawSoutheast MichiganArtSlusser Gallery on North Campus, Work: Ann Arbor, operated by the Stamps School of Art & Design
Rochester Hills Museum at Van Hoosen FarmRochester HillsOaklandSoutheast MichiganOpen-airwebsite, 16-acre (65,000 m2) museum complex including a 1927 dairy barn with exhibits about area history
Rock Harbor LightRock HarborKeweenawUpper Peninsula of MichiganMaritimeLocated in Isle Royale National Park, features maritime displays
Rockford Area MuseumRockfordKentWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Rockford Area Historical Society
Rockland Township Historical MuseumRockland TownshipOntonagonUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal history[54]
Rockwood Area Historical MuseumRockwoodWayneSoutheast MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Rockwood Area Historical Society[5][55]
Roethke HouseSaginawSaginawFlint/Tri-CitiesBiographicalwebsite, home of poet Theodore Roethke
Romulus Historical MuseumRomulusWayneSoutheast MichiganLocal history[5][56]
Royal Oak Historical Society MuseumRoyal OakOaklandSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, housed in old Northwood Fire Station
Saarinen House + GardensBloomfield HillsOaklandSoutheast MichiganHistoric housewebsite, home and studio designed by Eliel Saarinen, part of the Cranbrook Art Museum
Saginaw Art MuseumSaginawSaginawFlint/Tri-CitiesArtwebsite, American, European, Asian, Egyptian and local art
Saginaw Railway MuseumSaginawSaginawFlint/Tri-CitiesRailroadwebsite, operated by the Saginaw Valley Railroad Historical Society, trains, railroad technology, model train exhibit
Saginaw Valley Naval Ship MuseumBay CityBayFlint/Tri-CitiesMaritimeU.S. Navy destroyer USS Edson (DD-946)
Saginaw Valley State University Art GalleryUniversity CenterSaginawFlint/Tri-CitiesArtwebsite, located in the Arbury Fine Arts Center, contemporary art
Saint Joseph Mercy Health Exploration StationCantonWayneSoutheast MichiganMedicalwebsite, health education learning center, open for individuals and families to tour the exhibit gallery on the fourth Thursday of each month
Saline Depot MuseumSalineWashtenawSoutheast MichiganRailroadwebsite, operated by the Saline Historical Society
Samuel Adams Historical MuseumHuron TownshipWayneSoutheast MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Huron Township Historical Society[5][57]
Samuel Kingsley HouseRomulusWayneSoutheast MichiganHistoric house1855 house, stop along the Underground Railroad[5]
Sand Point LightEscanabaDeltaUpper Peninsula of MichiganLighthouseOperated by the Delta County Historical Society
Sandcastles Children's MuseumLudingtonMasonNorthern MichiganChildren'swebsite
Sanilac County Historic Village and MuseumPort SanilacSanilacFlint/Tri-CitiesOpen-airwebsite, eight historic buildings on a 10-acre (40,000 m2) campus including a 20-room Victorian mansion, 1900 general store, one-room schoolhouse, 1883 log cabin, barn theater, marine shipwreck room, dairy industry museum, carriages, military and Native American exhibits
Saugatuck Center for the ArtsSaugatuckAlleganWest MichiganArtwebsite, performing and visual arts center
Saugatuck-Douglas Historical MuseumDouglasAlleganWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Saugatuck-Douglas Historical Society, also the 1866 Old School House
Scarab ClubDetroitWayneSoutheast MichiganArtArtists' club, gallery, and studio
(SCENE) MetrospaceEast LansingInghamCentral MichiganArtAlternative arts center
Schoolcraft County MuseumManistiqueSchoolcraftUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Schoolcraft County Historical Society
Schmaltz Geology Museum and Dinosaur Park Kalamazoo Kalamazoo West Michigan Natural History (geology and fossils) Part of Western Michigan University
Sebewaing Township HallSebewaingHuronFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historyOperated by the Sebewaing Area Historical Society; also operates the Charles W. Liken House Museum[58][59]
Selfridge Military Air MuseumSelfridge Air National Guard BaseMacombSoutheast MichiganTransportation - AviationOperated by the Michigan Air Guard Historical Association, over 15 historic planes and exhibits
Selinsky-Green Farmhouse MuseumSaint Clair ShoresMacombSoutheast MichiganHistoric housewebsite, late 19th-century period immigrant's house, located behind the St. Clair Shores Public Library, operated by the St. Clair Shores Historical Commission[60]
Seul Choix Point Light and MuseumGulliverSchoolcraftUpper Peninsula of MichiganLighthouseOperated by the Gulliver Historical Society
Shiawassee Arts CenterOwossoShiawasseeCentral MichiganArtwebsite
Shiawassee County Historical SocietyOwossoShiawasseeCentral MichiganLocal historywebsite
Shrine of the PinesBaldwinLakeNorthern MichiganDecorative artsRustic pine furniture, also known as the Log Hunting Lodge Museum
Siegfried H. Horn Archaeological MuseumBerrien SpringsBerrienWest MichiganArchaeologywebsite, part of Andrews University, also known as Horn Archaeological Museum, ancient Near-Eastern artifacts, including coins, pottery, sculptures, tools, weapons, figurines, jewelry, seals and glass vessels
Sindecuse Museum of DentistryAnn ArborWashtenawSoutheast MichiganMedicalPart of the University of Michigan School of Dentistry; dental practice and technology in the United States and Michigan from the 18th century to today
Sleeping Bear Point Coast Guard Station Maritime MuseumGlen HavenLeelanauNorthern MichiganMaritimePart of Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore; Coast Guard and lifesaving history and equipment
Sloan MuseumFlintGeneseeFlint/Tri-CitiesMultipleRegional history, historic automobiles, hands-on science, Longway Planetarium
Southern Michigan Railroad MuseumClintonLenaweeSoutheast MichiganRailroadHeritage railroad and museum
South Manitou Island LighthouseSouth Manitou IslandLeelanauNorthern MichiganLighthouseOperated by the Manitou Island Lighthouse Society
Southgate MuseumSouthgateWayneSoutheast MichiganLocal historyOperated by the Southgate Historical Foundation in the Grahl House[5][61]
Spirit of the Woods MuseumElk RapidAntrimNorthern MichiganMultiplewebsite, dioramas of native Michigan animals, Native American artifacts
SS City of MilwaukeeManisteeManisteeNorthern MichiganMuseum shipGreat Lakes railroad car ferry
St. Clair County Farm MuseumGoodellsSt. ClairSoutheast MichiganAgriculturewebsite, collection of farm equipment
St. Clair Historical MuseumSt. ClairOaklandSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite
St. Mary's Historical MuseumRuthHuronFlint/Tri-CitiesHistoric housePolish settler log cabin, open by appointment[62]
St. Mary's Preparatory MuseumsOrchard LakeOaklandSoutheast MichiganMultipleIncludes nine small museums of Polish military and political history, gallery of Polish art
Standish Depot MuseumStandishArenacFlint/Tri-CitiesRailroadStone Detroit and Mackinac Railway Station, including rolling stock, antique British passenger cars, houses area visitor center
Steam Railroading InstituteOwossoShiawasseeCentral MichiganRailroadHeritage railroad with steam and diesel locomotives, freight and other cars
Stearns Collection of Musical InstrumentsAnn ArborWashtenawSoutheast MichiganMusicPart of the University of Michigan, over 2500 pieces of historical and contemporary musical instruments from all over the world
Steiner MuseumFairviewOscodaNorthern MichiganIndustry - LoggingLogging and pioneering history and artifacts[63]
Stockton Center at Spring GroveFlintGeneseeFlint/Tri-CitiesHistoric housewebsite
Straight FarmhouseGarden CityWayneSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, home of the Garden City Historical Museum
Stuart House MuseumMackinac IslandMackinacNorthern MichiganLocal history
Sturgeon Point Light House and MuseumHarrisvilleAlconaNorthern MichiganLighthouseOperated by the Alcona Historical Society;[38] on the grounds is the Old Bailey School, a 1907 One-room school house, which was moved there from Mikado, Michigan in 1998.[64]
Tahquamenon Logging MuseumNewberryLuceUpper Peninsula of MichiganIndustry - Loggingwebsite, Michigan's early logging industry, includes a cook shack, original C.C.C. building, open seasonally
Taylor Veterans MuseumTaylorWayneSoutheast MichiganMilitaryLocated inside Taylor City Hall[65]
Tawas Point LightEast TawasIoscoNorthern MichiganLighthouseLocated in Tawas Point State Park
Tecumseh Area Historical MuseumTecumsehLenaweeSoutheast MichiganLocal historyHistory of the communities around Tecumseh, including Macon, Ridgeway, Tipton and Britton
Ten Cent Barn MuseumUblyHuronFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite, operated by the Ubly Area Historical Society
Thomas Edison Depot MuseumPort HuronSt. ClairSoutheast MichiganBiographicalOwned and operated by the Port Huron Museum, life of Thomas Edison
Three Oaks Bicycle MuseumThree OaksBerrienWest MichiganTransportation[66]
Thumb Octagon Barn Agricultural MuseumGagetownTuscolaFlint/Tri-CitiesAgriculturewebsite, agriculture tools, equipment, buildings
Tompkins Historical Society MuseumRives JunctionJacksonCentral MichiganLocal historywebsite
Top of the Lake Snowmobile MuseumNaubinwayMackinacUpper Peninsula of MichiganSportswebsite, antique and vintage snowmobiles
Totem Village MuseumSt. IgnaceMackinacUpper Peninsula of MichiganNative AmericanCollection of totem poles and lumbering artifacts in a gift shop[67][68][69]
Tower of HistorySault Ste. MarieChippewaUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historywebsite, observation tower and exhibits of early Missionaries, local & Native American history
Travelers Club International Restaurant & Tuba MuseumOkemosInghamCentral MichiganMusicwebsite, restaurant and collection of tubas, sousaphones, French horns
Trenton Historical MuseumTrentonWayneSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite, operated by the Trenton Historical Commission, Victorian house with local history artifacts
Tri-Cities Historical MuseumGrand HavenOttawaWest MichiganLocal historywebsite, exhibits include Native Americans, early pioneers, lumberjacks, French voyageurs, Victorian period rooms, medicine, agriculture, lumbering, maritime, tourism
Troy Historic VillageTroyOaklandSoutheast MichiganOpen-airTen historic buildings on a village green, museum of local history
Turner-Dodge HouseLansingInghamCentral MichiganHistoric houseMansion operated by the city
Tuskegee Airmen National MuseumDetroitWayneSoutheast MichiganMilitarywebsite, located at Fort Wayne, history of blacks in aviation in World War II up until the integration of the Armed Forces, open by appointment
Ukrainian American Archives and Museum of DetroitHamtramckWayneSoutheast MichiganEthnicUkrainian culture, art and contributions to the United States
University Art Gallery CMUMount PleasantIsabellaCentral MichiganArtwebsite, part of Central Michigan University
University of Michigan Museum of ArtAnn ArborWashtenawSoutheast MichiganArtFeatures European and Asian art, including some by Pablo Picasso, Helen Frankenthaler, and James McNeill Whistler. Outdoor sculptures include Orion and Daedalus.
University of Michigan Museum of Natural HistoryAnn ArborWashtenawSoutheast MichiganNatural historyPart of the University of Michigan, dinosaur exhibits, Michigan wildlife, anthropology, geology and a planetarium. University of Michigan research museums: Museum of Anthropology, Museum of Paleontology, Museum of Zoology, University Herbarium
Upper Peninsula Children's MuseumMarquetteMarquetteUpper Peninsula of MichiganChildren'swebsite
Upper Peninsula Firefighters Memorial MuseumCalumetHoughtonUpper Peninsula of MichiganFirefightingParticipating institution in Keweenaw National Historical Park
U.P. Steam & Gas Engine Antique Village & Agriculture MuseumEscanabaDeltaUpper Peninsula of MichiganTechnologywebsite, operated by the U.P. Steam and Gas Engine Association, antique agriculture equipment and artifacts
Urban Institute for Contemporary ArtsGrand RapidsKentWest MichiganArtwebsite
USCGC Bramble (WLB-392)Port HuronSt. ClairSoutheast MichiganMuseum ship180-foot (55 m) seagoing buoy tender
USCGC AcaciaManisteeManisteeNorthern MichiganMuseum shipUSCG seagoing buoy tender
USS LST 393 Veterans MuseumMuskegonMuskegonWest MichiganMuseum shipLST-1-class tank landing ship built for the United States Navy during World War II
USS Silversides Submarine MuseumMuskegonMuskegonWest MichiganMaritimeIncludes the museum, USS Silversides (SS-236) submarine and USS McLane Coast Guard cutter; formerly known as the Great Lakes Naval Memorial & Museum
U.S. National Ski and Snowboard Hall of Fame and MuseumIshpemingMarquetteUpper Peninsula of MichiganHall of fame - Sports
Van Buren Historical Society MuseumHartfordVan BurenWest MichiganLocal history[70]
Vicksburg Historic VillageVicksburgKalamazooWest MichiganOpen-airwebsite, operated by the Vicksburg Historical Society, includes the Vicksburg Depot Museum with railroad cars and equipment, a print shop, school house, express office, farm house and barn
Voigt House Victorian MuseumGrand RapidsKentWest MichiganHistoric houseVictorian period house, operated by the Grand Rapids Public Museum
Wakefield Historical Society MuseumWakefieldGogebicUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal history[71]
Walker TavernBrooklynLenaweeSoutheast MichiganHistoryExhibits focus on Michigan's frontier settlement and stagecoach eras during the first half of the 19th century
Waterloo Farm MuseumWaterlooJacksonCentral MichiganAgriculturewebsite, operated by the Waterloo Historical Society, includes 10 room farmhouse and many outbuildings, also nearby Dewey School, a one-room schoolhouse
Water Street Historic BlockSault Ste. MarieChippewaUpper Peninsula of MichiganHistoric houseswebsite, cooperative effort between the Chippewa County Historical Society, Sault Historic Sites, & the City of Sault Ste. Marie; includes Johnston House & Henry Rowe Schoolcraft office
Wayne Historical MuseumWayneWayneSoutheast MichiganLocal historywebsite
Webster Township MuseumWebster TownshipWashtenawSoutheast MichiganOpen-airOperated by the Webster Township Historical Society, complex includes Town Hall, school, blacksmith shop[72]
W.K. Kellogg Manor HouseGull LakeBarryWest MichiganHistoric housePart of Kellogg Biological Station, 32-acre (130,000 m2) estate includes a Tudor Revival house, carriage house, chauffeur's cottage, boathouse, Dutch windmill, lakeside pagoda and several gardens
Wellington Farm ParkGraylingCrawfordNorthern MichiganOpen-airwebsite, rural mid-America during the Great Depression
Westland Historical ParkWestlandWayneSoutheast MichiganHistoric housewebsite, includes Felton Farmhouse, a typical Michigan farmhouse built in the 1850s and the Collins House, which stores the commission's historical archives
West Shore Fishing MuseumCedar RiverMenomineeUpper Peninsula of MichiganIndustry - FishingOperated by the Bailey Property Preservation Association[73]
Wexford County Historical MuseumCadillacWexfordNorthern MichiganLocal historyLocated in the former Cadillac Public Library
Whaley Historic House MuseumFlintGeneseeFlint/Tri-CitiesHistoric housewebsite, late Victorian house
Wheels of History MuseumBrimleyChippewaUpper Peninsula of MichiganLocal historywebsite, railroads, logging, fishing exhibits, operated by the Bay Mills-Brimley Historical Society
Whitefish Point LightParadiseChippewaUpper Peninsula of MichiganLighthouseOperated by the Great Lakes Shipwreck Historical Society
White Pine VillageLudingtonMasonNorthern MichiganOpen-airOperated by the Mason County Historical Society, 25 buildings
White River Light Station MuseumWhitehallMuskegonWest MichiganLighthouse
White Rock School MuseumWhite RockHuronFlint/Tri-CitiesLocal historywebsite, operated by the White Rock Historical Society
William Bonifas Fine Arts CenterEscanabaDeltaUpper Peninsula of MichiganArtwebsite, gallery exhibits, art workshops, classes and theatrical productions
William G. Thompson House MuseumHudsonLenaweeSoutheast MichiganHistoric houseLate 19th-century home of Detroit mayor William G. Thompson, contains Japanese woodblocks, Chinese Jade and hard stone carvings, cloisonnรฉ vases, English and Continental art, antique porcelain and glass,
William L. Clements LibraryAnn ArborWashtenawSoutheast MichiganHistoryPart of the University of Michigan, exhibits about American history from the Age of Discovery into the 20th century
Wills Ste. Claire Auto MuseumMarysvilleSt. ClairSoutheast MichiganAutomotiveHistory of Childe Wills and the Wills Sainte Claire automobile
Windmill Island GardensHollandOttawaWest MichiganMill240-year-old working Dutch windmill (De Zwaan) on 36 acres (150,000 m2) of gardens; Posthouse Museum is a replica of a 14th-century wayside inn
Wing House MuseumColdwaterBranchCentral MichiganHistoric housewebsite, late 19th-century period home of the Branch County Historical Society
Witch's Hat Depot MuseumSouth LyonOaklandSoutheast MichiganOpen-airwebsite, local history museum in former train depot, includes caboose, freight house and chapel buildings
Wolcott Mill MetroparkRay TownshipMacombSoutheast MichiganAgriculturePark features historic mill, barn museum of agriculture, working farm
World War II Glider and Military MuseumIron MountainDickinsonUpper Peninsula of MichiganMilitarywebsite, operated by the Menominee Range Historical Foundation, features a restored Waco CG-4 glider, military uniforms, World War II photographs, Nazi Germany artifacts, military vehicles
Wurtsmith Air MuseumOscodaIoscoNorthern MichiganAviationwebsite, located at Oscoda-Wurtsmith Airport, history of Wurtsmith Air Force Base and aviation in NE Michigan
Wyandotte MuseumsWyandotteWayneSoutheast MichiganHistoric houseEarly 20th-century period Ford-MacNichol House, also local history and art exhibits
Yankee Air MuseumYpsilantiWashtenawSoutheast MichiganAviationLocated at Willow Run Airport
Ye Ole Carriage ShopSpring ArborJacksonCentral MichiganAutomotivewebsite, open by appointment, "Jackson made" automobiles and a large Coca-Cola collection
Ypsilanti Automotive Heritage MuseumYpsilantiWashtenawSoutheast MichiganAutomotiveProduction cars from the Willow Run Plant and Hudson Motors
Ypsilanti Historical MuseumYpsilantiWashtenawSoutheast MichiganLocal historyHome of the Ypsilanti Historical Society, 1860 house with period rooms and local history exhibits
Ziibiwing Center of Anishinabe Culture & LifewaysMount PleasantIsabellaCentral MichiganNative Americanwebsite

Defunct museums


Michigan's main regions:

See also


  1. "Alden Depot Museum". Visit Alden. Retrieved 18 November 2015.
  2. "Alger County Historical Society". Historical Society of Michigan. Retrieved 18 November 2015.
  3. "Official site". Allegan Old Jail Museum. Retrieved 18 November 2015.
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