List of museums in Indiana

This list of museums in Indiana is a list of museums, defined for this context as institutions (including nonprofit organizations, government entities, and private businesses) that collect and care for objects of cultural, artistic, scientific, or historical interest and make their collections or related exhibits available for public viewing. Museums that exist only in cyberspace (i.e., virtual museums) are not included. Also included are non-profit and university art galleries.


Name Location County Region Area of study Summary
Academy of Hoosier HeritageMooresvilleMorganCentralLocal historywebsite
Adams MillCutlerCarrollCentralMill1845 grist mill, displays of agriculture and household tools and equipment, historic 1860s Masonic lodge room
Alexandria Monroe Township Historical Society MuseumAlexandriaMadisonSouthernLocal historywebsite
Amish AcresNappaneeElkhartNorthernOpen air
Anderson Center for the ArtsAndersonMadisonIndianapolis metroArtIndiana and contemporary art
Angel Mounds State Historic SiteEvansvilleVanderburghSouthwestNative American
Antique Hair MuseumFrench LickOrangeSouthernFashionwebsite, vintage razors, shears, combs, hairbrushes, hair tonics, permanent-wave machines and hair, part of Tony Kendall's salon, Body Reflections
Art Museum of Greater LafayetteLafayetteTippecanoeCentralArtwebsite, collection includes 19th- and 20th-century American art with a special focus on art of Indiana
Arts Council of Southwestern IndianaEvansvilleVanderburghSouthwestArtwebsite,
Atterbury-Bakalar Air MuseumColumbusBartholomewSouthernAviationwebsite, military aviation history
Auburn Cord Duesenberg Automobile MuseumAuburnDeKalbNorthernAutomotiveDedicated to preserving cars built by the Auburn Automobile, Cord Automobile and Duesenberg
Barker MansionMichigan CityLaPorteNorthwestHistoric houseTurn-of-the-century mansion
Bartholomew County History CenterColumbusBartholomewSouthernLocal historyLocated in the McEwen-Samuels-Marr House, operated by the Bartholomew County Historical Society
Beck's MillSalemWashingtonSouthernMillRestored 19th-century grist mill
Bell Aircraft MuseumMentoneKosciuskoNorthernAviationwebsite, life of aviation industrialist Lawrence Dale Bell, historic Bell Aircraft vehicles, history of aviation
Benjamin Harrison HomeIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroHistoric houseVictorian home of President Benjamin Harrison
Benton HouseIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroHistoric houseVictorian home of Allen R. Benton, operated by the Irvington Historic Landmarks Foundation
Billie Creek VillageRockvilleParkeCentralOpen airFeatures 38 historical buildings and structures and hundred of antiques and artifacts
Billy Sunday Home MuseumWinona LakeKosciuskoNorthernHistoric house1911 Arts & Crafts bungalow, visitor center exhibits about preacher Billy Sunday
Blackford County Historical Society MuseumHartford CityBlackfordCentralLocal historywebsite
Brauer Museum of ArtValparaisoPorterNorthwestArtPart of Valparaiso University
Brown County Art GalleryNashvilleBrownSouthernArtwebsite, exhibits of local art
Brown County Pioneer VillageNashvilleBrownSouthernOpen airwebsite, operated by the Brown County Historical Society, includes log jail, dog-trot building, doctor's office, log cabin and blacksmith shop
Buckley HomesteadLowellLakeNorthwestLivingIncludes agriculture museum, pioneer farm, historic farm house, school
Camp Atterbury MuseumEdinburghJohnsonIndianapolis metroMilitarywebsite, history of Camp Atterbury
CANDLES Holocaust Museum and Education CenterTerre HauteVigoCentralHistoryThe Holocaust and the power of forgiveness
Carnegie Center for Art & HistoryNew AlbanyFloydSouthernMultipleArt, local history
Carnegie Museum of Montgomery CountyCrawfordsvilleMontgomeryCentralLocal historyThemes in include history, art, science and culture of Montgomery County
Carroll County Historical MuseumDelphiCarrollCentralLocal historywebsite, operated by the Carroll County Historical Society in the Carroll County Courthouse
Cass County Historical Society MuseumLogansportCassNorthernLocal historyLocated in the Jerolaman-Long Home
Chellberg FarmhouseChestertonPorterNorthwestHistoric houseLocated in Indiana Dunes National Lakeshore, turn-of-the-20th century Swedish farmhouse, open to the public during festivals, demonstrations and ranger-guided tours
Chief Jean Baptiste de Richardville HouseFort WayneAllenNorthernHistoric houseOperated by the Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society
Children's Museum of EvansvilleEvansvilleVanderburghSouthwestChildren'sExhibits include deconstructing objects, waterthe human body and its senses, freedom of expression
Children's Museum of IndianapolisIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroChildren'sInteractive hands-on exhibits about science, natural history, archaeology, dinosaurs
Circus City MuseumPeruMiamiNorthernCircuswebsite, Peru's circus history
Clabber Girl MuseumTerre HauteVigoCentralHistorywebsite, history of Hulman & Company, manufacturer of Clabber Girl baking powder
Clay County Historical Society MuseumBrazilClayCentralLocal history
Cline MuseumAngolaSteubenNorthernHistoric houseinformation, operated by the Steuben County Historical Society, late Victorian Queen Anne house
Clinton County Historical MuseumFrankfortClintonCentralLocal historyOperated by the Clinton County Historical Society
Coal Town and Railroad MuseumClintonVermillionCentralLocal historywebsite, open daily only during the Labor Day weekend during the Little Italy Festival
Colonel Eli Lilly Civil War MuseumIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroMilitaryCivil War museum located in the Soldiers and Sailors Monument, open Friday - Sunday
Colonel William Jones State Historic SiteGentryvilleSpencerSouthwestHistoric housePart of Lincoln State Park, early 19th century period house
Columbus Museum of Art & DesignColumbusBartholomewCentralArtwebsite, exhibits of art, design and performing art
Conner PrairieFishersHamiltonIndianapolis metroLiving19th-century Indiana life
Corydon Capitol State Historic SiteCorydonHarrisonSouthernHistoric siteIndiana’s first state capitol
Costigan HouseMadisonJeffersonSouthernHistoric housewebsite, operated by Historic Madison, mid-19th century period home of architect Francis Costigan
Cragun HouseLebanonBooneIndianapolis metroHistoric houseVictorian period home operated by the Boone County Historical Society
Crispus Attucks MuseumIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroLocal historyOperated by the Indianapolis Public Schools, school and local African American history[1]
Culbertson Mansion State Historic SiteNew AlbanyFloydSouthernHistoric house1869 Victorian mansion
David Owsley Museum of ArtMuncieDelawareCentralArtPart of Ball State University, houses some 11,000 works of art, 2,000+ of which are on display
Daviess County Historical Society MuseumWashingtonDaviessSouthernLocal historywebsite
Decatur County MuseumGreensburgDecaturSouthernHistoric housewebsite, operated by the Decatur County Historical Society, Victorian-period Lathrop/Shannon House
DeKalb County History MuseumButlerDeKalbNorthernLocal historyLocated in a former Carnegie library[2]
The Depot History Museum & Art GalleryBeverly ShoresPorterNorthwestLocal historyLocated in a historic depot
Dr. Hutchings Office & HospitalMadisonJeffersonSouthernHistoric housewebsite, operated by Historic Madison, original late 19th century equipment and furnishings
Dr. James Ford Historic HomeWabashWabashNorthernHistoric housewebsite, restored 19th-century physician's home and surgery
Dr. Ted's Musical MarvelsHuntingburgDuboisSouthernCommoditywebsite, restored mechanical musical instruments from around the world
Draft Animal MuseumAuburnDeKalbNorthernAgriculturewebsite, operated by the DeKalb County Horsemen's Association, horse-drawn agriculture equipment and vehicles
Dream Car MuseumEvansvilleVanderburghSouthwestAutomobilewebsite, over 60 exotic and vintage cars, automotive memorabilia
Dubois County MuseumJasperDuboisSouthwestHistorywebsite, county history, agriculture, military, manufacturing, German heritage, sports
Dunkirk City Public Library and Glass MuseumDunkirkJayCentralGlasswebsite, more than 6,000 pieces from 115 factories from around the world
Earlham College Art CollectionRichmondWayneCentralArtwebsite, includes Ronald Gallery, Thorp Collection of Chinese Art in the Lilly Library, themed displays in the Landrum Bolling Center
Early Ford V-8 MuseumButlerDeKalbNorthernAutomotivewebsite, operated by the Early Ford V-8 Foundation, features Flathead V-8 engines, transmissions, rear axles, Ford memorabilia, service items, carburetors, tires & rims, clocks
Eleutherian CollegeLancasterJeffersonSouthernHistoric siteFirst college in Indiana to admit students without regard to race or sex
Elkhart County Historical MuseumBristolElkhartNorthernLocal historyPeriod and local history exhibits, located in a former school building
Elwood Haynes MuseumKokomoHowardNorthernBiographicalLife of inventor Elwood Haynes
Emil A. Blackmore Museum of The American LegionIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroMilitarywebsite, part of the American Legion, military and Legion related items, art
Emanuel Hatfield MuseumOwensburgGreeneSouthernLocal historyHistory of the Hatfield family and hunter Emmanuel Hatfield[3]
Ernie Pyle World War II MuseumDanaVermillionCentralBiographicalwebsite, home of reporter Ernie Pyle, formerly the Ernie Pyle State Historic Site
Eugene V. Debs HomeTerre HauteVigoCentralHistoric houseHome of union leader Eugene V. Debs
Evansville African American MuseumEvansvilleVanderburghSouthwestAfrican Americanwebsite
Evansville Museum of Arts, History and ScienceEvansvilleVanderburghSouthwestMultipleArt, history, science
Eiteljorg Museum of American Indians and Western ArtIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroArtNative American art, Western American paintings and sculpture
Fairmount Historical MuseumFairmountGrantCentralLocal historywebsite, features James Dean exhibits
Falls of the Ohio State Park Interpretive CenterClarksvilleClarkSouthernNatural history
Farmer House MuseumBloomingtonMonroeSouthernHistoric housewebsite, early to mid 20th-century period house
Fayette County Historical MuseumConnersvilleFayetteCentralLocal historyOperated by Historic Connersville[4]
Forks of the WabashHuntingtonHuntingtonNorthernOpen air1840s Native American, pioneer and settler life
Fort OuiatenonWest LafayetteTippecanoeCentralLivingReplica 18th-century early French trading post blockhouse, open on weekends in summer for living history demonstrations
Fort Vallonia MuseumValloniaJacksonSouthernLocal historywebsite
Fort Wayne Firefighters MuseumFort WayneAllenNorthernFirefighting
Fort Wayne Museum of ArtFort WayneAllenNorthernArtContemporary art
Fountain County War MuseumVeedersburgFountainCentralMilitaryLocated in a former depot[5][6]
Freeman Field Army Airfield MuseumSeymourJacksonSouthernMilitarywebsite, history of Freeman Army Airfield in World War II
Freedom Heritage MuseumEvansvilleVanderburghSouthwestMilitarywebsite, planned museum about WWII military and home front history
Fulton County MuseumRochesterFultonNorthernMultiplewebsite, operated by the Fulton County Historical Society, includes local history museum, the Round Barn Museum with agriculture tools, equipment and machinery, 1900-1925 period village
Gaar MansionRichmondWayneCentralHistoric houseLate 19th century Second Empire-style mansion
Gallery 924IndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroArtwebsite, operated by the Arts Council of Indianapolis
Galleries at PeelerGreencastlePutnamCentralArtwebsite, part of the Richard E. Peeler Art Center at DePauw University
Garfield Park Arts CenterIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroArtIncludes exhibitions of local and regional art
Garrett Museum of ArtGarrettDeKalbNorthernArtwebsite, local art
Garrett Historical Railroad MuseumGarrettDeKalbNorthernRailroadLocated in a historic depot, includes a mail and baggage car, watchman’s shanty and a C&O caboose[7][8]
Gary Historical & Cultural SocietyGaryLakeNorthwestLocal historywebsite
Gas City MuseumGas CityGrantCentralLocal historywebsite, operated by the Gas City Historical Society
General Lew Wallace StudyCrawfordsvilleMontgomeryCentralBiographicalHome of author Lew Wallace
Gene Stratton-Porter State Historic SiteRome CityNobleNorthernBiographicalHome of author Gene Stratton-Porter
George Rogers Clark National Historical ParkVincennesKnoxSouthwestHistorySite of important campaign during the American Revolution
Glenn A. Black Laboratory of ArchaeologyBloomingtonMonroeSouthernArchaeologyLocal artifacts of prehistoric Native American cultures
Greater Evansville Ball Halls of Fame Evansville Vanderburgh Southwest Museum website
Great Lakes Museum of Military HistoryMichigan CityLaPorteNorthwestMilitarywebsite
Greentown Glass MuseumGreentownHowardCentralGlasswebsite, glass items produced by the Indiana Tumbler and Goblet Company
Greentown History CenterGreentownHowardCentralLocal historywebsite, history and culture of eastern Howard County, operated by the Greentown Historical Society
Griffith Historical Park & MuseumGriffithLakeNorthwestRailroadwebsite, operated by the Griffith Historical Society, depot museum, railroad cars, structures
Grissom Air MuseumPeruMiamiNorthernAviationwebsite
GrouselandVincennesKnoxSouthwestHistoric houseHome of William Henry Harrison when he was governor of Indiana
Grover MuseumShelbyvilleShelbySoutheastLocal historyOperated by the Shelby County Historical Society, includes period shop and businesses displays, model train layout
Gruenewald HouseAndersonMadisonCentralHistoric houseTurn of the century Victorian period home
Haan Mansion Museum of Indiana ArtLafayetteTippecanoeCentralArtIndiana art, antique furniture and decorative items
Hagerstown Museum & Arts PlaceHagerstownWayneCentralLocal historywebsite
Hallmark Ornament MuseumWarsawKosciuskoNorthernCommoditywebsite, part of the Party Shop, complete collection of Hallmark Cards ornaments since 1973; also known as the Prudencio/Hamrick Hallmark Ornament Museum
Hamilton County Museum of HistoryNoblesvilleHamiltonIndianapolis metroHistoric housewebsite, Victorian=period former sheriff's residence and jail, operated by the Hamilton County Historical Society[9][10]
Hancock County Historical SocietyGreenfieldHancockIndianapolis metroLocal historywebsite, operates the Chapel in the Park Museum and the Old Log Jail Museum
Hannah Lindahl Children’s MuseumMishawakaSt. JosephNorthernChildren'swebsite
Hayden Historical MuseumHaydenJenningsSouthernLocal historywebsite
Hayes ArboretumRichmondWayneCentralNatural history466 acres, includes nature center and museum with exhibits about founder Stanley Hayes and railroad track items produced by the Hayes Track Appliance Company
Healthworks Kids MuseumSouth BendSt. JosephNorthernChildren'swebsite, affiliated with the Memorial Hospital of South Bend
Henager Memories and Nostalgia MuseumBuckskinGibsonSouthwestCommoditywebsite, American and pop culture nostalgia collectibles including Western movie stars, American music, Smokey Bear, automobiles, Hollywood, Abraham Lincoln, Santa Claus
Hendricks County Historical MuseumDanvilleHendricksIndianapolis metroLocal historywebsite
Heritage House MuseumWalkertonSt. JosephNorthernLocal historywebsite, operated by the Walkerton Area Historical Society
Henry County Historical Society MuseumNew CastleHenryCentralLocal historyVictorian period rooms in the Gen. William Grose House[11]
Herron GalleriesIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroArtwebsite, part of Herron School of Art and Design, includes Eleanor Prest Reese, Robert B. Berkshire and Dorit & Gerald Paul Galleries, Basile Gallery, and Marsh Gallery in Eskenazi Hall, Eskenazi Fine Arts Center gallery
Hesston Steam MuseumLa PorteLaPorteNorthwestRailroadCollections of railroad and steam equipment
HillforestAuroraDearbornSouthernHistoric houseVictorian period mansion
Historic New HarmonyNew HarmonyPoseySouthernOpen airSite of two utopian communities, includes several historic houses and museums, New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art[12]
The History CenterFort WayneAllenNorthernLocal historyOperated by the Allen County-Fort Wayne Historical Society
The History MuseumSouth BendSt. JosephNorthernLocal historywebsite, heritage of the St. Joseph River Valley region, includes exhibits of local history, history of the University of Notre Dame, the Copshaholm mansion, a 1930s period Polish immigrant family worker's home, and the Kidsfirst Children’s Museum
Hoosier Air MuseumAuburnDeKalbNorthernAviationwebsite, historic aircraft, radial, in-line, and jet engines, aviation memorabilia, models and photographs
Hoosier GymKnightstownHenryCentralSportsFamous for being the central location for the 1986 basketball movie Hoosiers
Hoosier Valley Railroad MuseumNorth JudsonStarkeNorthernRailroad
Hoosier SalonCarmelHamiltonIndianapolis metroArtArt gallery of Indiana artists
Hoosier SalonNew HarmonyPoseySouthernArtArt gallery of Indiana artists
Howard County Historical Society MuseumKokomoHowardCentralLocal historyLocated in the Seiberling Mansion in the Old Silk Stocking Neighborhood
Howard L. Schrott Center for the ArtsIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroArtwebsite, part of Butler University, performing arts center with an art gallery
Howard Steamboat MuseumJeffersonvilleClarkSouthernMaritimeSteamboat and local history
Huddleston FarmhouseMount AuburnWayneCentralHistoric house1841 inn and farmhouse
Huntingburg MuseumHuntingburgDuboisSouthernLocal historywebsite
Indiana Baseball Hall of FameJasperDuboisSouthwestSportswebsite, located on the campus of Vincennes University
Indiana Basketball Hall of FameNew CastleHenryCentralHall of fame
Indiana Football Hall of FameRichmondWayneCentralHall of fame
Indiana Geological and Water SurveyBloomingtonMonroeSouthernNatural historyRocks, minerals, and fossils from Indiana and beyond
Indiana ExperienceIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroHistoryOperated by the Indiana Historical Society at the Eugene and Marilyn Glick Indiana History Center
Indiana Medical History MuseumIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroMedicalFocus is beginning of scientific psychiatry and modern medicine
Indiana Military MuseumVincennesKnoxSouthwestMilitarywebsite, America’s military history from the American Revolution to the present day
Indiana Railway MuseumFrench LickOrangeSouthernRailroadHeritage railroad and museum
Indiana State MuseumIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroMultipleExhibits on the science, art, culture, and history of Indiana from prehistoric times up to the present day.
Indiana State Police MuseumIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroLaw enforcementwebsite, museum dedicated to the Indiana State Police
Indiana Transportation MuseumNoblesvilleHamiltonIndianapolis metroRailroadHeritage railroad and museum
Indiana University Art MuseumBloomingtonMonroeSouthernArtFeatures collection of ancient jewelry and paintings by Pablo Picasso and Jackson Pollock
Indiana University East Art GalleryRichmondWayneCentralArtwebsite, located in Whitewater Hall
Indiana University Kokomo Art GalleryKokomoHowardCentralArtwebsite
Indiana University Kokomo Downtown Art GalleryKokomoHowardCentralArtwebsite
Indiana War Memorial Military MuseumIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroMilitaryShrine Room and Military Museum, open Wednesday - Sunday 0900-1700, free admission
Indianapolis Art CenterIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroArt
Indianapolis ArtsgardenIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroArtArt park and performance venue, operated by the Arts Council of Indianapolis
Indianapolis ContemporaryIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroArtAlso known as iMOCA, contemporary art
Indianapolis Firefighters MuseumIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroFirefightingwebsite, antique fire wagons[13]
Indianapolis Motor Speedway Hall of Fame MuseumIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroAutomotive
Indianapolis Museum of ArtIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroArtCollections include Neo-Impressionist paintings; Japanese paintings of the Edo period; Chinese ceramics and bronzes; paintings, sculptures, and prints by Paul Gauguin and the Pont-Aven School; a large number of works by J. M. W. Turner; contemporary art; textiles and fashion arts; modern design
International Circus Hall of FamePeruMiamiNorthernCircusHall of fame and museum about circuses and important circus figures
Indiana Track and Cross Country Hall of Fame and MuseumTerre HauteVigoSouthernSportswebsite, located in the Terre Haute Convention and Visitors Center
Jackson County History CenterBrownstownJacksonSouthernLocal history[14][15]
Jackson County Visitor's Center ExhibitFreetownJacksonSouthernLocal historyLocated in the Southern Indiana Railroad Freighthouse
James Whitcomb Riley Boyhood Home & MuseumGreenfieldHancockIndianapolis metroHistoric houseMid-19th-century period birthplace home of poet James Whitcomb Riley
James Whitcomb Riley Museum HomeIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroHistoric houseHome of poet James Whitcomb Riley
Jasonville History MuseumJasonvilleGreeneSouthernLocal history[16]
Jasper Arts CenterJasperDuboisSouthwestArtwebsite, Krempp Gallery features changing exhibits of regional artists and groups
Jeeninga Museum of Bible & Near Eastern StudiesAndersonMadisonCentralArchaeologywebsite, part of Anderson University, context and history of the Ancient Near East as it relates to the Bible
Jefferson County Heritage CenterMadisonJeffersonSouthernLocal historywebsite, operated by the Jefferson County Historical Society, includes exhibits on pioneers, transportation, Victorian life, Civil War
John Hay CenterSalemWashingtonSouthernMultipleIncludes Stevens Memorial Museum of local history, Depot Railroad Museum, birthplace of John Milton Hay, and a pioneer village
Jennings County Historical Society MuseumVernonJenningsSouthernLocal historywebsite
Johnson County Museum of HistoryFranklinJohnsonIndianapolis metroLocal historyOperated by the Johnson County Historical Society, former Masonic Temple containing local history displays and a genealogy library
Jonesboro Historical MuseumJonesboroGrantCentralLocal history[17]
Joseph Moore MuseumRichmondWayneCentralNatural historywebsite, part of Earlham College, natural and cultural history of Richmond, Indiana and the world including birds, mammals, rocks, insects, fossils, live reptiles, and an Egyptian mummy named Ta'an
Karpeles Manuscript Library MuseumFort WayneAllenNorthernHistoryExhibits from its collection of manuscripts and documents, housed in the old Church of Christ Scientist building
Knightstown Historic MuseumKnightstownHenryCentralLocal historywebsite
Kokomo Automotive MuseumKokomoHowardCentralAutomotivewebsite, cars, gas station, diner, automotive history, located at the Ivy Tech Community College Kokomo Event & Conference Center
Kosciusko County Jail MuseumWarsawKosciuskoNorthernPrisonOperated by the Kosciusko County Historical Society, former prison and sheriff's house, local history displays
Kruse Automotive & Carriage MuseumAuburnDeKalbNorthernTransportationwebsite, includes classic, racing and Carl Casper custom cars, carriages including several British Royal carriages, International Monster Truck Museum & Hall of Fame Exhibit, the Northeastern Racing Gallery and more[18]
Lake County Historical MuseumCrown PointLakeNorthwestLocal historywebsite, located in the Lake County Courthouse
Lake of the Red Cedars MuseumCedar LakeLakeNorthwestLocal historywebsite, operated by the Cedar Lake Historical Association
Lane PlaceCrawfordsvilleMontgomeryCentralHistoric houseOperated by the Montgomery County Historical Society
Lanier Mansion State Historic SiteMadisonJeffersonSouthernHistoric house1840s mansion
LaPorte County Historical Society MuseumLaPorteLaPorteNorthwestLocal historywebsite, includes pioneer items, period display rooms
Lawrence County Museum of HistoryBedfordLawrenceSouthernLocal historywebsite
Levi Coffin HouseFountain CityWayneCentralHistoric houseStation on the Underground Railroad
Lieber Log CabinMarshallParkeCentralHistoric houseLocated in Turkey Run State Park, commemorates Richard Lieber, first director of the Indiana State Parks system
Life on the Ohio River History MuseumVevaySwitzerlandSouthernMaritimewebsite, operated by the Switzerland County Historical Society, transportation on the Ohio River including flatboats, steamboats, showboats, keelboats
Ligonier Historical MuseumLigonierNobleNorthernLocal history
Limberlost State Historic SiteGenevaAdamsSouthernHistoric house1895 log home of author Gene Stratton Porter
Lincoln Boyhood National MemorialLincoln CitySpencerSouthernBiographicalIncludes visitor center with museum about Lincoln and the Lincoln Living Historical Farm, an 1820 pioneer homestead
Lincoln Pioneer VillageRockportSpencerSouthwestOpen airFeatures log cabins, public buildings, schools, and churches as they stood in Lincoln’s days in Spencer County
Lincoln State ParkLincoln CitySpencerSouthernHistoric houseIncludes visitor center with museum about Lincoln and the Lincoln Living Historical Farm, an 1820 pioneer homestead
Linden Depot MuseumLindenMontgomeryCentralRailroadOperated by the Linden-Madison Township Historical Society
Lindley HousePaoliOrangeSouthernHistoric house1850-1869 period house, operated by the Orange County Historical Society
Lubeznik Center for the ArtsMichigan CityLaPorteNorthwestArtwebsite
Luckey Hospital MuseumWolf LakeNobleNorthernMedicalwebsite, rural hospital displays from the 1930s to 1950s
Lusk Home and Mill SiteMarshallParkeCentralHistoric houseLocated in Turkey Run State Park, early pioneer home and grist mill
Madison County History CenterAndersonMadisonCentralLocal historywebsite, operated by the Madison County Historical Society
Madison Railroad Station MuseumMadisonJeffersonSouthernRailroadwebsite, operated by the Jefferson County Historical Society
Mansfield Roller MillMansfieldParkeCentralMillEarly 19th-century grist mill
Marion City MuseumMarionGrantCentralLocal historywebsite, part of the Marion Public Library
Marshall County Historical MuseumPlymouthMarshallNorthernLocal historywebsite, operated Marshall County Historical Society
Martin County Historical MuseumShoalsMartinSouthernLocal historyOperated by the Martin County Historical Society
Masonic Library and Museum of IndianaIndianapolisMarionCentralCulturalwebsite, operated by the Grand Lodge of Indiana, Cultural history of Indiana's Freemasons
Mathers Museum of World CulturesBloomingtonMonroeSouthernCulturalwebsite, part of Indiana University, ethnology, ethnography, cultural history
McCutchan Art Center/Pace GalleriesEvansvilleVanderburghSouthwestArtwebsite, part of University of Southern Indiana
Menno-HofShipshewanaLaGrangeNorthernReligiouswebsite, faith and life of Amish and Mennonites
Merrillville History MuseumMerrillvilleLakeNorthwestLocal historywebsite, operated by the Merrillville-Ross Township Historical Society
Miami County MuseumPeruMiamiNorthernLocal historywebsite, operated by the Miami County Historical Society, includes Cole Porter exhibit
Mid-America Windmill MuseumKendallvilleNobleNorthernSciencewebsite, story of wind power from its origination through the American windmill to the present day
Middlebury Community MuseumMiddleburyElkhartNorthernLocal historywebsite
Middletown Historical Society MuseumMiddletownHenryCentralLocal history[11]
Midtown Museum of Native CulturesWaynetownMontgomeryCentralNative AmericanPrivate collection of Native American artifacts
Midwest Museum of American ArtElkhartElkhartNorthernArtFocuses on 19th- and 20th-century American Art, with original paintings by Grandma Moses and Norman Rockwell
Milan '54 Hoosiers MuseumMilanRipleySouthernSportswebsite, history of the 1954 Milan High School basketball team
Military Honor Park and MuseumSouth BendSt. JosephNorthernMilitarywebsite
Miller House and GardenColumbusBartholomewSouthernHistoric houseMid-Century modern home designed by Eero Saarinen
MinnetristaMuncieDelawareCentralMultipleIncludes a museum with exhibits of nature, local history and art, a historic home, and many themed gardens and outdoor sculptures
Model T MuseumCentervilleWayneCentralAutomotivewebsite, operated by the Model T Ford Club of America
Modelle Metcalf Visual Arts Center GalleryUplandGrantCentralArtwebsite, part of Taylor University
Monon Connection MuseumMononWhiteCentralRailroadwebsite
Monon Depot MuseumCarmelHamiltonIndianapolis metroRailroadwebsite, operated by the Carmel Clay Historical Society, includes local history and railroad exhibits
Monroe County History CenterBloomingtonMonroeSouthernLocal historywebsite, operated by the Monroe County Historical Society
Moore-Youse Home MuseumMuncieDelawareCentralHistoric houseOperated by the Delaware County Historical Society
Moreau Art GalleriesNotre DameSt. JosephNorthernArtwebsite, part of the Moreau Center for the Arts at Saint Mary's College, up to nine exhibitions by professional, contemporary artists rotate in the three different exhibition spaces
Moses Fowler HouseLafayetteTippecanoeCentralHistoric house
Muncie Children's MuseumMuncieDelawareCentralChildren'swebsite
Munster History MuseumMunsterLakeNorthwestHistoric housewebsite, operated by the Munster Historical Society in the Kaske House
Murphy Art CenterIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroArtIncludes five galleries
Musee de VenogeVevaySwitzerlandSouthernHistoric housewebsite, early 19th-century French Colonial house
Museum of Culver & Lake Maxinkuckee HistoryCulverMarshallNorth CentralLocal historywebsite operated by the Antiquarian and Historical Society of Culver
Museum of Miniature HousesCarmelHamiltonIndianapolis metroToywebsite, dollhouses and miniatures
Museum of Overbeck Art PotteryCambridge CityWayneCentralArtwebsite, pottery created by the Overbeck Sisters, located in the town library
Museum of 20th Century WarfareLawrenceMarionIndianapolis metroMilitaryLocated at Fort Harrison State Park, exhibits about the fort and technology, artifacts, uniforms and soldiers of the 20th Century
Museum of the SoldierPortlandJayCentralMilitarywebsite
National Art Museum of SportIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroArtSport art, currently closed to the public
National Auto and Truck MuseumAuburnDeKalbNorthernAutomotivewebsite, emphasis on post World War II cars and trucks
National Military History CenterAuburnDeKalbNorthernMilitarywebsite, includes Revolutionary War through Vietnam, with a main focus on WWII
National Model Aviation MuseumMuncieDelawareCentralAviationwebsite, model aircraft and aeromodeling, operated by the Academy of Model Aeronautics
National New York Central Railroad MuseumElkhartElkhartNorthernRailroadHistory and equipment of the New York Central Railroad
National Muzzle Loading Rifle AssociationFriendshipRipleySouthernSportsSport of muzzle loading
NCAA Hall of ChampionsIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroSportsTrials and triumphs of the student-athlete
Oak Grove Heritage HouseOxford,BentonNorthernLocal historyLocated in a former Presbyterian church
Ohio County Historical MuseumRising SunOhioSouthernLocal historywebsite, housed in a 19th-century plow factory, focus is 19th and early 20th-century life and events, operated by the Ohio County Historical Society
Old Jail MuseumAlbionNobleNorthernLocal historyOperated by the Noble County Historical Society in the former sheriff's house and county jail
Old Cathedral Library & MuseumVincennesKnoxSouthwestReligiousOldest library in the state of Indiana, display of historic and church artifacts
Old French House & Indian MuseumVincennesKnoxSouthwestHistoric house1809-period French Creole house[19]
Old Hotel Museum & Railroad Learning CenterUnion CityRandolphCentralLocal historyAlso area railroad artifacts[20]
Old Lighthouse MuseumMichigan CityLaPorteNorthwestMaritimeOperated by the Michigan City Historical Society, only lighthouse in Indiana
Oldfields–Lilly House & GardensIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroHistoric house1930s-period mansion, located on the grounds of the Indianapolis Museum of Art
Osgood Historical MuseumOsgoodRipleySouthernLocal history[21]
Orange County MuseumPaoliOrangeSouthernLocal historywebsite, operated by the Orange County Historical Society
Owen County Heritage & Culture CenterSpencerOwenCentralLocal historywebsite
Padgett MuseumNew AlbanyFloydSouthernLocal historyOperated by the Floyd County Historical Society[22]
Paul Dresser BirthplaceTerre HauteVigoSouthernBiographicalHome of composer Paul Dresser, operated seasonally by the Vigo County Historical Society
Pendleton Historical MuseumPendletonMadisonIndianapolis metroLocal historyLocated in Falls Park[23][24][25]
Pershing Township MuseumFreetownJacksonSouthernLocal history[14]
Perry County MuseumCanneltonPerrySouthernLocal historywebsite, located at the old Perry County Courthouse
Piper Flight MuseumSalemWashingtonSouthernAviationwebsite, located at the Salem Municipal Airport, features three vintage Piper air craft, a flight simulator, exhibits on Piper Aircraft
Porter County Museum of HistoryValparaisoPorterNorthwestLocal historyFormerly the Old Jail Museum
Pound Store MuseumLeesburgKosciuskoNorthernLocal historyOperated by the Kosciusko County Historical Society, historic general store and post office
Prill School MuseumHenry TownshipFultonNorthernSchoolLate 19th-century one-room schoolhouse
Prophetstown State ParkBattle GroundTippecanoeCentralLiving1920s living farmstead and Native American village buildings
Purdue University GalleriesWest LafayetteTippecanoeCentralArtwebsite, includes Patti and Rusty Rueff Galleries in Yue-Kong Pao Hall, Robert L. Ringel Gallery in Stewart Center, Fountain Gallery in the Perrin building
Putnam County MuseumGreencastlePutnamCentralLocal historywebsite
Quilters Hall of FameFairmountGrantCentralTextileLocated in the Marie Webster House, exhibits of quilts
Randolph County Historical MuseumWinchesterRandolphCentralLocal historywebsite, operated by the Randolph County Historical Society
Reitz Home MuseumEvansvilleVanderburghSouthwestHistoric houseVictorian house museum
Red Skelton MuseumVincennesKnoxSouthwestBiographicalwebsite, life of comedian Red Skelton
Rhythm! Discovery CenterIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroMusicwebsite, drums and percussive instruments from around the world, operated by the Percussive Arts Society
Richmond Art MuseumRichmondWayneCentralArtCollections include American Impressionists, Taos School, the Hoosier Group, the Richmond School, and other regional artists and ceramics
Rickenbaugh HouseSt. CroixPerrySouthernHistoric houseLocated in Hoosier National Forest, mid 19th-century house
Ridgeville-Kitselman MuseumRidgevilleRandolphCentralLocal historyLocated in the Ridgeville Library[26]
Riley Birthplace and MuseumGreenfieldHancockIndianapolis metroHistoric houseBoyhood home of poet James Whitcomb Riley
Ripley County MuseumVersaillesRipleySouthernLocal historywebsite, operated by the Ripley County Historical Society
Ropkey Armor MuseumCrawfordsvilleMontgomeryCentralMilitaryMilitary vehicles, weapons, memorabilia
Rotary Jail Museum and Tannenbaum Cultural CenterCrawfordsvilleMontgomeryCentralJailwebsite, rotary-design jail, also local history exhibits
Rush County Historical Society MuseumRushvilleRushCentralLocal historywebsite
RuthmereElkhartElkhartNorthernArtBeaux Arts mansion with collection of fine and decorative arts, classic automobiles
RV/MH Hall of FameElkhartElkhartNorthernTransportationHistory, technology and pioneers in the development of recreational vehicles and motor homes
Samara HouseWest LafayetteTippecanoeCentralHistoric house1950s house designed by Frank Lloyd Wright
Santa Claus Museum & VillageSanta ClausSpencerSouthernLocal historywebsite, town history, tourism, history of Santa Claus Land, letters to Santa, President Abraham Lincoln and his childhood in southern Indiana, antique toys and dolls, Coca-Cola memorabilia
Schimpff's ConfectioneryJeffersonvilleClarkSouthernFoodHistoric candy store and museum
Schofield HouseMadisonJeffersonSouthernHistoric house1817 house where in 1818, the Grand Lodge of Indiana, the organization of Freemasons in Indiana, was founded
Schroeder Saddletree Factory MuseumMadisonJeffersonSouthernIndustrywebsite, operated by Historic Madison, factory that made wooden frames for saddle makers
Science CentralFort WayneAllenNorthernSciencewebsite
Scott County Heritage Center and MuseumScottsburgScottSouthernLocal historyVictorian house museum
Scribner HouseNew AlbanyFloydSouthernHistoric houseOpen twice a year
Sheridan Historical Society MuseumSheridanHamiltonIndianapolis metroLocal historywebsite
Shipshewana Area Historical Society MuseumShipshewanaLaGrangeNorthernLocal history[[27]
Shirley Historical Society MuseumShirleyHenryCentralLocal historyLocated in the former depot[11]
Shrewsbury-Windle HouseMadisonJeffersonSouthernHistoric houseOpen by appointment with Historic Madison, 1840s house
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-WoodsSaint Mary-of-the-WoodsVigoCentralReligiousExhibits about Saint Théodore Guérin and the ministries of the Sisters of Providence
Skinner Farm VillagePerrysvilleVermillionCentralOpen airwebsite, log cabins, buildings, round barn and artifacts which represent over 150 years of local Indiana history
Snite Museum of ArtNotre DameSt. JosephNorthernArtPart of University of Notre Dame, world cultures and periods with a focus on Western art history, known for its Italian Renaissance paintings and Mesoamerican galleries
South Bend Museum of ArtSouth BendSt. JosephNorthernArtCollection includes historical Indiana artists and significant contemporary regional artists
Southern Indiana Center for the ArtsSeymourJacksonSouthernArtwebsite, includes art gallery exhibits and the Conner Museum of Antique Printing, which features a working print shop of period presses of the 1800s
Spring Mill State ParkMitchellLawrenceSouthernOpen airIncludes pioneer village with a historic grist mill, blacksmith shop, tavern, and distillery, and a memorial to astronaut Gus Grissom
Starke County Historical Society MuseumKnoxStarkeNorthernLocal history[28]
Stockdale MillRoannWabashNorthernMillWater-powered flour mill and dam
Stone's TavernSparta TownshipNobleNorthernHistoric site19th-century tavern, operated by the Stone's Trace Historical Society
Studebaker National MuseumSouth BendSt. JosephNorthernAutomotive
Sullivan County History MuseumSullivanSullivanCentralLocal historyOperated by the Sullivan County Public Library[29]
Sullivan HouseMadisonJeffersonSouthernHistoric housewebsite, operated by Historic Madison, 1818 home of Judge Jeremiah Sullivan
Sullivan Munce Cultural CenterZionsvilleBooneCentralMultiplewebsite, local history and art
Sunman Historical MuseumSunmanRipleySouthernLocal history[30]
Swiss Heritage Village & MuseumBerneAdamsSouthernOpen airwebsite
Switzerland County Agriculture Museum CenterVevaySwitzerlandSouthernAgriculturewebsite, operated by the Switzerland County Historical Society in the 19th-century Thiebaud Farmstead
Switzerland County History MuseumVevaySwitzerlandSouthernLocal historywebsite, operated by the Switzerland County Historical Society
Swope Art MuseumTerre HauteVigoSouthernArtFeatures American art with special emphasis on painting and sculpture of the twentieth century and on Wabash Valley artists
Syracuse-Wawasee Historical MuseumSyracuseKosciuskoNorthernLocal historywebsite
Task Force Tips Fire MuseumValparaisoPorterNorthwestFirefightingIncludes historic firefighting vehicles, equipment and uniforms
T. C. Steele State Historic SiteNashvilleBrownSouthernBiographicalHome of artist T. C. Steele
Terre Haute Children's MuseumTerre HauteVigoSouthernChildren'swebsite
Terre Haute Fire-Police MuseumTerre HauteVigoSouthernFirefightingwebsite, historic fire-fighting and police equipment, housed in a historic fire station
Thorntown Heritage MuseumThorntownBooneIndianapolis metroLocal historywebsite, operated by the Sugar Creek Historical Society and owned by the Thorntown Public Library
Time Was MuseumElkhartElkhartNorthernLocal historyElkhart's community life, open by appointment[31]
Tippecanoe Battlefield MuseumBattle GroundTippecanoeCentralMilitaryOperated by the Tippecanoe County Historical Association in the 16-acre Tippecanoe Battlefield Park, history and events of the Battle of Tippecanoe, a nature center and artifacts of European and Native American cultures
Tipton County Heritage CenterTiptonTiptonCentralLocal historywebsite, operated by the Tipton County Historical Society
Trumps' Texaco MuseumKnightstownHenryCentralAutomobileOpen by appointment, Texaco memorabilia[11]
Union County Depot MuseumLibertyUnionCentralLocal history[32]
United States Vice Presidential MuseumHuntingtonHuntingtonNorthernHistoryHistory of all the Vice Presidents
University Art GalleryTerre HauteVigoSouthernArtwebsite, part of Indiana State University
University of Indianapolis Art GalleryIndianapolisMarionIndianapolis metroArtwebsite, located in the Christel DeHaan Fine Arts Center, hosts six to seven exhibitions annually
USS LST Ship MemorialEvansvilleVanderburghSouthwestMaritimeMuseum landing ship
Vera's Little Red Dollhouse MuseumMiddletownHenryCentralDollOpen by appointment[11]
Vigo County Historical Society MuseumTerre HauteVigoSouthernLocal historywebsite, period rooms, local history displays, Coca-Cola artifacts
Vincennes State Historic SitesVincennesKnoxSouthwestOpen airwebsite, includes the Indiana Territorial Capitol, Jefferson Academy, Elihu Stout Print Shop, Old State Bank
Vintage Fire MuseumJeffersonvilleClarkSouthernFirefightingwebsite, restored fire engines (hand pumpers, chemical engines, horse-drawn steamers, early motorized engines) and other equipment dating back to 1756
Wabash County Historical MuseumWabashWabashNorthernLocal historywebsite
Wabash Valley Railroader's MuseumTerre HauteVigoSouthernRailroadwebsite, operated by the Haley Tower Historical & Technical Society
Wakarusa Historical SocietyWakarusaElkhartNorthernOpen airwebsite, local history displays in seven buildings, includes the Birds Eye View Museum of Miniatures
Warrrick County MuseumBoonvilleWarrickSouthwestLocal historywebsite
Wayne County Historical MuseumRichmondWayneCentralOpen airwebsite, complex includes period clothing, furniture, portraits, dolls, two log cabins, a Conestoga wagon, blacksmith shop, print shop, bakery, loom house, automobiles, steam powered tractors, locally-made artifacts, Native American and Civil War artifacts, and a mummy
Westchester Township History MuseumChestertonPorterNorthwestLocal historyLocated in the 1885 George Brown Mansion
Westfield-Washington Historical MuseumWestfieldHamiltonIndianapolis metroLocal historywebsite, operated by the Westfield-Washington Historical Society
White County Historical MuseumMonticelloWhiteCentralLocal historywebsite, operated by the White County Historical Society
Whitewater Canal State Historic SiteMetamoraFranklinIndianapolis metroTransportationwebsite, preserved 14-mile section of the Whitewater Canal, features a horse-drawn canal boat and Metamora Grist Mill
Whitley County Historical MuseumColumbia CityWhitleyNorthernLocal historyOperated by the Whitley Historical Society, located in the home of Thomas R. Marshall, Indiana Governor and 28th Vice President of the United States
Wilbur Wright Birthplace and MuseumMillvilleHenryCentralBiographicalwebsite, birthplace of aviation pioneer Wilbur Wright
Winona History CenterWinona LakeKosciuskoNorthernLocal historywebsite, located in the historic Westminster Hotel, now on the campus of Grace College, formerly the Reneker Museum of Winona History
WonderLabBloomingtonMonroeSouthernScienceTopics include nature
World of Motorcycles MuseumWinamacStarkeNorthernTransportationwebsite, part of Kersting's Cycle Center, over 100 motorcycles from around the world
Wylie HouseBloomingtonMonroeSouthernHistoric houseOperated by Indiana University, recreated as the Wylie home prior to 1860
Yellow Trail MuseumHopeBartholomewSouthernLocal historywebsite, period displays include soda fountain, grocery store, doctor's office, barber shop
ZaharakosColumbusBartholomewSouthernCommoditywebsite, mechanical music instrument and soda fountain museum

Defunct museums

See also



  1. "Crispus Attucks Museum". Visit Indianapolis. Retrieved 22 December 2015.
  2. "DeKalb County History Museum". DeKalb County Convention and Visitors Bureau. Retrieved 18 December 2015.
  3. "Emanuel Hatfield Museum". Visit Greene County. Retrieved 20 December 2015.
  4. "Official site". Historic Connersville. Retrieved 19 December 2015.
  5. "Fountain County War Museum". Museums USA. Retrieved 20 December 2015.
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  7. "Garrett Historical Railroad Museum". DeKalb County Convention and Visitors Bureau. Retrieved 18 December 2015.
  8. "The Garrett Railroad Museum - Located in DeKalb County, Indiana". YouTube. Archived from the original on 2021-12-21. Retrieved 18 December 2015.
  9. "Hamilton County Historical Society: Keeping History Alive in Noblesville". Fun City Finder. Retrieved 20 December 2015.
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  12. "Official site". New Harmony Gallery of Contemporary Art. Retrieved 23 December 2015.
  13. "Indianapolis Firefighters Museum & Historical Society and Firestation Union Hall Theatre". Visit Indianapolis. Retrieved 22 December 2015.
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  16. "Jasonville History Museum". Visit Greene County. Retrieved 20 December 2015.
  17. "Jonesboro Historical Museum". Grant County, Indiana Tourism. Retrieved 20 December 2015.
  18. "Kruse Automotive & Carriage Museum". DeKalb County Convention and Visitors Bureau. Retrieved 18 December 2015.
  19. "Old French House & Indian Museum". Vincennes/Knox County Visitors and Tourism Bureau. Retrieved 21 December 2015.
  20. "Old Hotel Museum & Railroad Learning Center". Randolph County CVB. Retrieved 23 December 2015.
  21. "Osgood Historical Museum". Ripley County Tourism. Retrieved 23 December 2015.
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  23. "Facebook site". Pendleton Historical Museum. Retrieved 22 December 2015.
  24. "Madison County Historical Sister Societies". Madison County Historical Society. Retrieved 22 December 2015.
  25. "Resources". Historic Fall Creek, Pendleton Settlement, Inc. Retrieved 22 December 2015.
  26. "Ridgeville-Kitselman Museum". Randolph County CVB. Retrieved 23 December 2015.
  27. "Shipshewana Area Historical Society". Shipshewana Amish Backroads. Retrieved 22 December 2015.
  28. "Museums". Explore Starke County. Retrieved 23 December 2015.
  29. "Sullivan County Historical Society Museum". Sullivan County, Indiana. Retrieved 23 December 2015.
  30. "Sunman Historical Museum". Ripley County Tourism. Retrieved 23 December 2015.
  31. "The Time Was Museum". The Gateway Mile. Retrieved 19 December 2015.
  32. "Attractions". Union County Development Corporation. 8 January 2014. Retrieved 23 December 2015.
  33. Carter's Toy Museum, "After just 6 short years Carter's Toy Museum is now closed due to the passing of its founder", accessed 10/14/2012
  34. "College Football Hall of Fame in South Bend closed for good". WSBT-TV. December 31, 2012. Archived from the original on 16 October 2015. Retrieved 24 April 2015.
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  39. Indiana Aviation Museum to close, General Aviation News, October 10, 2010
  40. Archived 2011-11-03 at the Wayback Machine The former Indiana Historic Radio Museum in Ligonier Indiana, photos and description, accessed 10/14/2012
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  44. "Indiana Gas Stations". Photos. Roadside Retrieved 29 November 2013.
  45. "Board of Directors votes to close Hostetler's Hudson Museum, liquidate inventory". Retrieved 28 November 2022.
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