1965 in spaceflight

1965 in spaceflight
Launch of a Delta D rocket carrying the first commercial geosynchronous communications satellite, Intelsat I F1
Orbital launches
First11 January
Last28 December
Partial failures1
National firsts
Satellite France
Orbital launch France
Maiden flightsAtlas LV-3C Centaur-D
Delta E
Scout A
Scout B
Soyuz/Vostok 11A510
Thor LV-2D Burner-1
Thor LV-2D MG-18
Titan IIIC
UR-500 (Proton)
RetirementsAtlas LV-3A Agena-B
Atlas LV-3C Centaur-C
Delta D
Molniya 8K78
Molniya-L 8K78L
Saturn I
Scout X-4
Thor DSV-2A Ablestar
Thor LV-2D MG-18
Thor SLV-2 Agena-B
Titan IIIA
Crewed flights
Total travellers13

Deep Space Rendezvous

Date (UTC) Spacecraft Event Remarks
20 FebruaryRanger 8Lunar impactImpacted Mare Tranquillitatis at 09:57:37, returned 7,137 images
24 MarchRanger 9Lunar impactImpacted Alphonsus Crater at 14:08:20, returned 5,814 images
12 MayLuna 5Lunar impactFailed lander, impacted at 19:10
11 JuneLuna 6Lunar flybyFailed lander, closest approach: 160,000 kilometres (99,000 mi)
15 JulyMariner 4Flyby of MarsReturned 21 images
20 JulyZond 2Flyby of MarsCommunications system failed before flyby
6 AugustZond 3Lunar FlybyReturned 25 images
7 OctoberLuna 7Lunar impactFailed lander, impacted at 22:08
6 DecemberLuna 8Lunar impactFailed lander, impacted at 21:51:30


Start date/time Duration End time Spacecraft Crew Remarks
18 March
12 minutes 08:47 Voskhod 2 Soviet Union Alexei Leonov First EVA in history.[1] Leonov had difficulty fitting back into the spacecraft due to spacesuit stiffness in vacuum. He vented air from his spacesuit to bend back into the capsule.[2]
3 June
20 minutes 20:06 Gemini IV United States Ed White First US EVA.[3] White also had difficulty returning to the Gemini spacecraft. Although very fit, the effort left White exhausted.[4]

Orbital launch summary

By country

  Soviet Union
  United States
Orbital launch attempts by country in 1965
Country Launches Successes Failures Partial
 France1100First orbital launch
 Soviet Union534670
 United States706181

By rocket

Rocket Country Launches Successes Failures Partial failures Remarks
Atlas D United States3120Suborbital component of one failed launch was successful
Atlas LV-3A Agena-B United States2200Retired
Atlas LV-3A Agena-D United States1100
Atlas SLV-3 Agena-D United States11920
Atlas LV-3C Centaur-C United States1010Retired
Atlas LV-3C Centaur-D United States1100Maiden flight
Delta C United States5410
Delta D United States1100Retired
Delta E United States2200Maiden flight
Diamant A France1100Maiden flight
Kosmos-1 63S3 Soviet Union6600Retired
Kosmos-2I 63S1 Soviet Union7430
Kosmos-2M 63S1M Soviet Union3300Maiden flight
Molniya 8K78 Soviet Union6510Retired
Molniya-L 8K78L Soviet Union1010Retired
Molniya-M 8K78M Soviet Union5410
Saturn I United States3300Retired
Scout A United States1100Maiden flight
Scout B United States1100Maiden flight
Scout X-4 United States3300Retired
Soyuz/Vostok 11A510 Soviet Union1100Maiden flight
Thor DSV-2A Ablestar United States3300Retired
Thor LV-2D Burner-1 United States2200Maiden flight
Thor LV-2D MG-18 United States2200Only flights
Thor SLV-2 Agena-B United States1101Retired
Thor SLV-2 Agena-D United States2110
Thrust Augmented Thor SLV-2A Agena-D United States151500
Titan II GLV United States5500Also made one suborbital launch
Titan IIIA United States2200Retired
Titan IIIC United States3111Maiden flight
Voskhod 11A57 Soviet Union121200
Vostok-2 8A92 Soviet Union8710
Vostok-2M 8A92M Soviet Union2200
UR-500 (Proton) 8K72 Soviet Union2200Maiden flight

By orbit

Orbital regime Launches Achieved Not Achieved Accidentally
Low Earth968592
Medium Earth7610
High Earth131120Including Highly elliptical and Molniya orbits
Geosynchronous/transfer3121** - One launch to geosynchronous orbit reached geosynchronous transfer orbit


  • Bergin, Chris. "NASASpaceFlight.com".
  • Clark, Stephen. "Spaceflight Now".
  • Kelso, T.S. "Satellite Catalog (SATCAT)". CelesTrak.
  • Krebs, Gunter. "Chronology of Space Launches".
  • Kyle, Ed. "Space Launch Report". Archived from the original on 5 October 2009. Retrieved 13 August 2022.
  • McDowell, Jonathan. "Jonathan's Space Report".
  • Pietrobon, Steven. "Steven Pietrobon's Space Archive".
  • Wade, Mark. "Encyclopedia Astronautica".
  • Webb, Brian. "Southwest Space Archive".
  • Zak, Anatoly. "Russian Space Web".
  • "ISS Calendar". Spaceflight 101.
  • "NSSDCA Master Catalog". NASA Space Science Data Coordinated Archive. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.
  • "Space Calendar". NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory.
  • "Space Information Center". JAXA.
  • "Хроника освоения космоса" [Chronicle of space exploration]. CosmoWorld (in Russian).
Generic references:
 Spaceflight portal


  1. Alexander Anikeev (2008). "Spacecraft "Voskhod-2" web page". Manned Astronautics: Figures and Facts website. Archived from the original on 11 February 2009. Retrieved 26 December 2008.
  2. Mark Wade (2008). "Leonov web page". Encyclopedia Astronautica web site. Archived from the original on 23 December 2008. Retrieved 26 December 2008.
  3. David R. Williams (2004). "The First U.S. Spacewalk - Gemini 4". Lunar and Planetary Science. NASA. Retrieved 28 December 2009.
  4. Cernan, Eugene; Don Davis (1999). The Last Man on the Moon. New York: St. Martin's Press. p. 83. ISBN 0-312-19906-6.

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