< Traditional Chinese Medicine

Lung Meridian | Large Intestine Meridian | Stomach Meridian | Spleen Meridian | Heart Meridian | Small Intestine Meridian | Urinary Bladder Meridian | Kidney Meridian | Pericardium Meridian | San Jiao Meridian | Gallbladder Meridian | Liver Meridian | Ren Mai | Du Mai | Head And Neck Acupuncture Points | Chest And Abdomen Acupuncture Points | Back Acupuncture Points | Upper Extremities Acupuncture Points | Lower Extremities Acupuncture Points

The acupuncture points of the Urinary Bladder Meridian (足太阳膀胱经) include:

Chinese NamePinyinAcupoint
睛明jīng míngBL 1
攒竹cuán zhúBL 2
眉冲méi chōngBL 3
曲差qū chāBL 4
五处wǔ chùBL 5
承光chéng guāngBL 6
通天tōng tiānBL 7
络却luò quèBL 8
玉枕yù zhěnBL 9
天柱tiān zhùBL 10
大杼dà zhùBL 11
风门fēng ménBL 12
肺俞fèi shùBL 13
厥阴俞jué yīn shùBL 14
心俞xīn shùBL 15
督俞dū shùBL 16
膈俞gé shùBL 17
肝俞gān shùBL 18
胆俞dǎn shùBL19
脾俞pí shùBL 20
胃俞wèi shùBL 21
三焦俞sān jiāo shùBL 22
肾俞shèn shùBL 23
气海俞qì hǎi shùBL 24
大肠俞dà cháng shùBL 25
关元俞guān yuán shùBL 26
小肠俞xiǎo cháng shùBL 27
膀胱俞pang guāng shùBL 28
中膂俞zhōng lǚ shùBL 29
白环俞bái huán shùBL 30
上髎shàng liáoBL 31
次髎cì liáoBL 32
中髎zhōng liáoBL 33
下髎xià liáoBL 34
会阳huì yángBL 35
承扶chéng fúBL 36
殷门yīn ménBL 37
浮郄fú xìBL 38
委阳wěi yángBL 39
委中wěi zhōngBL 40
附分fù fēnBL 41
魄户pò hùBL 42
膏肓gāo huāngBL 43
神堂shén tángBL 44
譩譆yì xīBL 45
膈关géguānBL 46
魂门hún ménBL 47
阳纲yáng gāngBL 48
意舍yì shèBL 49
胃仓wèi cāngBL 50
肓门huāng ménBL 51
志室zhì shìBL 52
胞肓bāo huāngBL 53
秩边zhì biānBL 54
合阳hé yángBL 55
承筋chéng jīnBL 56
承山chéng shānBL 57
飞扬fēi yángBL 58
跗阳fū yángBL 59
昆仑kūn lúnBL 60
仆参pú cānBL 61
申脉shēn màiBL 62
金门jīn ménBL 63
京骨jīng gǔBL 64
束骨shù gǔBL 65
足通谷zú tōng gǔBL 66
至阴zhì yīnBL 67


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