< Traditional Chinese Medicine

Lung Meridian | Large Intestine Meridian | Stomach Meridian | Spleen Meridian | Heart Meridian | Small Intestine Meridian | Urinary Bladder Meridian | Kidney Meridian | Pericardium Meridian | San Jiao Meridian | Gallbladder Meridian | Liver Meridian | Ren Mai | Du Mai | Head And Neck Acupuncture Points | Chest And Abdomen Acupuncture Points | Back Acupuncture Points | Upper Extremities Acupuncture Points | Lower Extremities Acupuncture Points

The acupuncture points of the Large Intestine Meridian (手阳明大肠经) include:

Chinese NamePinyinAcupoint
商阳shāng yángLI 1
二间èr jiānLI 2
三间sān jiānLI 3
合谷hé gǔLI 4
阳溪yáng xīLI 5
偏历piān lìLI 6
温溜wēn liūLI 7
下廉xià liánLI 8
上廉shàng liánLI 9
手三里shǒu sān lǐLI 10
曲池qū chíLI 11
肘髎zhǒu liáoLI 12
手五里shǒu wǔ lǐLI 13
臂臑bì nàoLI 14
肩髃jiān yúLI 15
巨骨jù gǔLI 16
天鼎tiān dǐngLI 17
扶突fú tūLI 18
口禾髎kǒu hé liáoLI 19
迎香yíng xiāngLI 20

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