< Traditional Chinese Medicine

Lung Meridian | Large Intestine Meridian | Stomach Meridian | Spleen Meridian | Heart Meridian | Small Intestine Meridian | Urinary Bladder Meridian | Kidney Meridian | Pericardium Meridian | San Jiao Meridian | Gallbladder Meridian | Liver Meridian | Ren Mai | Du Mai | Head And Neck Acupuncture Points | Chest And Abdomen Acupuncture Points | Back Acupuncture Points | Upper Extremities Acupuncture Points | Lower Extremities Acupuncture Points

The acupuncture points of the Kidney Meridian (足少阴肾经) include:

Chinese NamePinyinAcupoint
涌泉yǒng quánKI 1
然谷rán gǔKI 2
太溪tài xīKI 3
大钟dà zhōngKI 4
水泉shuǐ quánKI 5
照海zhào hǎiKI 6
复溜fù liūKI 7
交信jiāo xìnKI 8
筑宾zhù bīnKI 9
阴谷yīn gǔKI 10
横骨héng gǔKI 11
大赫dà hèKI 12
气穴qì xuéKI 13
四满sì mǎnKI 14
中注zhōng zhùKI 15
肓俞huāng shùKI 16
商曲shāng qūKI 17
石关shí guānKI 18
阴都yīn dūKI 19
腹通谷fù tōng gǔKI 20
幽门yōu ménKI 21
步廊bù lángKI 22
神封shén fēngKI 23
灵墟líng xūKI 24
神藏shén cángKI 25
彧中yù zhōngKI 26
俞府shù fǔKI 27

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