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Li Pede-printatus
Doktore Mortimer respondad “Me dikte tu kel me non ha konfida a ule. Me non did dikte lu al inquesto pro ke viro de sientie non voli apari suporta populari superstitione. Ultrim pro ke Baskerville Kastelete sertim vud ha resta sin rentere si irge vud ha plugrandisa lun ja mali reputatione.
”Poki homes habita li area, e tes kel lojia proxim mutu ofte renkontra mutu. Dunke me renkontrad Sir Charles Baskerville ofte. Durant poki resenti mensus ha deveni plu evidenti ke li nerval sisteme de Sir Charles tensed multim. Lo traktad disi legende kom seriosi, talim multim ke, malgre ke lo marchad in li gardenes, lo non volid vada tra li aperti agres noktim. Li idee de hororisiv ente obsesed lo e plu kam unfoy lo questionad me ob me had durant men medikal voyajes vida irgi stranji kreatu o audi li ululatione de hunde. Li lasti questione lo questionad a me plurifoy, e sempre kun voise kel vibrad kun sensatione.
“Esed pro men aviso ke Sir Charles saled tre bald vada a London. Me kredad ke poki mensus in li urbe vud plubonisa sen saneso. Ye li lasti instante disi terorosi katastrofe eventad.
“Ye li nokte del morio de Sir Charles Baskerville non pluvad e non had pluva. Li chefi servere, kel diskovrad lo, did senda Perkins, li grume, per kavale a me. Me poved ariva a Baskerville Kastelete durant min kam un hore. Me vadad along li alee, me vidad li extruporte vor semblad ke lo did varta, me observeskad qualim li pede-printatus chanjad sen forme after tu, e ke non esed altri printatus exept tes de Baskerville in li moli gravele. Finalim me sorgantim examinad li korpore, kel non had bli tucha ante men arivo. Sir Charles liad sur sen fasie, sen brases extentet, sen fingres fosat en li tere, e sen fasial tretes konvulset talim ke me apene poved rekogni lo. Esed sertim nuli fisikal noso. Ma Baskerville dikted un falsi konstato che li inquesto. Lo dikted ke non esed uli markes sur li tere sirk li korpore. Lo non did observa ulus. Ma me did – ye kurti distantie for, e freshi e klari.”
“De viro o fema?”
Doktore Mortimer regardad nus stranjim durant instante, e basifikant sen voise preske a susuro lo respondad: ”Sinioro Holmes, lus esed li pede-printatus de enormi hunde!”
(The complete original novel: The Hound of the Baskervilles is available online here.)
- apari - (to) appear
- aperti - open
- area - area
- ariva - (to) arrive
- ariva a - (to) reach, arrive at
- arivo - arrival
- audi - (to) hear
- avisa - (to) advise
- aviso - advice
- bald - soon
- basi - low
- basifika - (to) lower
- basifikant - lowering
- brase - arm
- chanja - (to) change
- che - at, with (in ----'s house)
- chefi - chief, main
- deskovra - (to) discover ('kovra - (to) cover)
- deven(i) - (to) become, grow, get
- distantie - distance
- enormi - enormous
- ente - entity, being
- eventa - (to) happen
- evidenti - evident
- examina - (to) examine
- extente - (to) extend
- extruporte - gate
- falsi - false
- fasial - facial
- fasie - face
- fema - woman
- fisikal - physical
- fosa - (to) dig
- freshi - fresh
- gardene - garden
- gravele - gravel
- grume - groom
- habita - (to) inhabit
- horore - horror
- hororisa - (to) horrify
- hororisiv(i) - horrible
- idee - idea
- instante - instant
- ja - already
- katastrofe - catastrophe
- klari - clear
- konfida - (to) confide
- konstata - (to) state, testify
- konstato - statement (= konstatatione)
- konvulse - (to) convulse
- korpore - body
- krea - (to) create
- kreatu - creature
- lasti - last
- lojia - (to) live, reside
- malgre ke - although, though
- marcha - (to) walk
- marke - mark
- medikal - medical
- moli - soft
- multim - much, greatly
- nerve - nerve
- nerval - nervous, of nerves
- noktim - by night, at night
- nosa - (to) harm, hurt, injure
- noso - injury, harm
- nuli - no, not any
- observeska - (to) notice, begin to observe
- obsese - (to) obsess
- peda - (to) print
- pede - foot
- pede-printatu - footprint
- plubonisa - (to) improve
- plugrandisa - (to) increase, enlarge
- plurifoy - many times
- pluva - (to) rain
- poki - few, a little
- populari - popular
- preske - almost
- printatu - print, something printed
- questiona - (to) ask, question
- questione - question
- rekogni - (to) recognise, recognize
- rente - rent
- renta - (to) rent
- rentere - renter, tenant
- reputatione - reputation
- resent(i) - recent
- resta - (to) stay, remain
- saled - was going to, would
- saneso - health
- sempre - always, at all times
- sensatione - sensation, feeling
- servere - servant
- sertim - certainly
- sin - without
- sirk - about, around
- sisteme - system
- sorgantim - carefully
- stranjim - strangely
- superstitione - superstition
- suporta - (to) support
- susura - (to) whisper
- susuro - whispering, whisper
- talim - so, in such a way
- tense - (to) tense, stretch, strain
- tere - earth, ground, terrain
- terore - terror
- terorosi - terrifying
- trete - trait
- tucha - (to) touch
- ule - anyone, anybody (after a negative)
- uli - any (after a negative)
- ulula - (to) howl, hoot, ululate
- ululatione - howling, ululation
- unfoy - once, one time
- urbe - town, city
- varta - (to) wait
- vibra - (to) vibrate
- voise - voice
- voyaje - journey, trip
Grammar Notes
Passive of Becoming
The passive voice, indicating a state of becoming, is often expressed in English with the verb “get” or with “to be” plus the past participle. In Novial it is expressed with “bli” followed by the verb root:
- bli tucha (gets touched)
- bli tua (is killed, gets killed)
in contrast to:
- es tuat (is killed, has been killed)
Impersonal Verbs
Impersonal verbs such as those which express the weather, existence etc. are not preceded by any subject. In English the subject used is essentially meaningless and is only a grammatical requirement.
- pluva (it is raining)
- sembla ke la varta (it seems that she is waiting)
In cases such as the following the subject comes after the verb:
- esed markes sur li tere (there were marks on the ground = marks were on the ground)
- ha deveni plu evidenti ke... (it has become more evident that ..., that... has become more evident)
Conditional Perfect and Future Perfect
The English conditional perfect, “would have done”, is expressed in a similar way in Novial, i.e. “’vud ha fa”’. Remember that the auxiliary verb “ha” is followed by the verb root:
- vud ha resta (would have remained)
- si irge vud ha plugrandisa lu (if anyone would have increased it, if anyone had increased it)
In English the future perfect is expressed as “shall have done” or “will have done”. Novial is similar (remember verb root after "ha"):
- Morge Charles sal ha ariva in London (Tomorrow Charles will have arrived in London)
Future in the Past
In English the future from a point in the past is expressed as “would do” or “was going to do”. Novial uses the past form of the future auxiliary verb, ‘’’sal’’, which is ‘’’saled’’’:
- Sir Charles dikted ke lo saled vada a London (Sir Charles said that he would go to London, was going to go to London)
- Sir Charles saled tre bald vada a London (Sir Charles was about to go to London)
Suffix -IV(I)
The suffix -iv(i) forms adjectives which mean doing naturally, or capable of doing (that can ...):
- hororisa – hororisiv ((to) horrify – horrible, terrible)
- ofense – ofensiv ((to) offend – offensive)
- nosa – nosiv ((to) harm – harmful)
Suffix -FOY
This adverbial suffix indicates a number of times or occasions something happens:
- un – unfoy (one – once)
- altri – altrifoy (other – on another occasion, another time)
- pluri – plurifoy (several – several times)
Suffix -(T)IONE
The suffix -(t)ione, forms a verbal noun which does not like those in -o denote simply the action of the verb, but partly the result (as a whole) or the resulting state, partly the way or manner in which something is done. Verbs ending in -e drop the -e and add -ione; others add -tione to the root verb. Many natural forms are formed this way.
- nara – naratione ((to) narrate – narration)
- instrukte – instruktione ((to) instruct – instruction)
- reputa – reputatione ((to) deem – reputation)
Often the suffixes -(t)ione and -o are equivalent, meaning the process and result:
- konstata – konstatatione ((to) state – statement)
- konstata – konstato ((to) state – statement)
Suffix -ARI
The suffix -ari forms adjectives which mean agreeing with or fit for:
- popule – populari (people – popular)
- sisteme – sistemari (system – systematic)
- dokumente – dokumentari (document – documentary)
Suffix -ESKA
The verbal suffix -eska added to a verb denotes the beginning of an action or state. Added to an adjective it means begin to be (become):
- ama – ameska ((to) love – (to) fall in love)
- klari – klareska (clear – (to) become clear)
- kurse – kurseska ((to) run – (to) start running)

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