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Prefixes - Suffixes
Substantival Suffixes (which form nouns)
-eso | to form abstracts, denotes state of being | vereso truth, state of being true | febleso weakness | venkateso defeat |
-o | forms verbal nouns | ploro weeping | opino thinking, opinion | sentio feeling, feel |
-(t)ione | denotes partly the result (as a whole) or the resulting state, partly the way or manner in which something is done | definitione definition | evolutione evolution | satisfaktione satisfaction |
-um | denotes the product of action (as distinct from the way in which it is done) to be added to the passive participle | fabrikatum manufactured article | printatum printed matter | kopiatum copy, something copied |
-ure | denotes the result or product (as distinct from the act itself) | pikture picture | inventure invention | fotografure photograph |
-ere -iste |
denote operator or person occupied with | bakere baker | konsiliste councillor | klimere climber |
-iste | used for human beings, denotes adherents of a doctrine or those occupied in certain professions | ateiste atheist | dentiste dentist | sientiiste scientist |
-isme | denotes doctrine | ateisme atheism | kapitalisme capitalism | sosialisme socialism |
-iere | denotes a person or thing characterized by a certain object or considered as its bearer | pomiere apple tree | kandeliere candle holder | milioniere millionnaire |
-arie | denotes recipient of an action, the person for whom something is destined | sendarie addressee | pagarie payee | mandatarie mandate holder |
-ia | denotes the domain, province or country of someone | Anglia England | filosofia philosophy | printeria printing office |
-torie | denotes place where something is done | observatorie observatory | dormitorie dormitory | promenatorie promenade |
-aje | denotes something made of, consisting of, having the character of | lanaje woolen goods | lignaje woodwork | subtilaje (a) subtlety |
-ede | denotes quantity which fills something | kulierede spoonful | manuede handful | bokede mouthful |
-aro | denotes a collection, group, or set of things | homaro mankind | vortaro vocabulary | aristokrataro aristocracy |
-ide | denotes descendant | Atreide son of Atreus | regide person of royal blood | Napoleonide descendant of Napoleon |
-yune | denotes young one | bovyune calf | hanyune chick | katyune kitten |
Verbal Suffixes (which form verbs)
-ira | denotes living beings acting as | profetira to prophesy | rivalira to rival | rebelira to rebel |
-isa -ifika |
to make into, transform into, render | justifika to justify | rektifika to rectify | modernisa to modernize |
-isa | to provide with, supply with, cover with | armisa to arm | harmonisa to harmonize | spisa to spice |
-ada | denotes repeated or continuous action | frapada to go on beating | kantada to keep on singing | parlada to keep on speaking |
-eska | denotes the beginning of an action or state | dormieska to fall asleep | videska to perceive | paleska to turn pale |
Adjectival Suffixes (which form adjectives)
-al | denotes relating to - before this suffix any final vowel of the word is dropped except -u which is retained | universal universal | national national | sexual sexual |
-an | denotes inhabiting or belonging to a class or party | italian Italian | urban urban | akademian academic |
-ari | denotes agreeing with or fit for | reglari regular | populari popular | ordinari ordinary |
-osi | denotes having, especially in large quantity | porosi porous | kurajosi courageous | danjerosi dangerous |
-isi | denotes a very high degree | grandisi enormous | varmisi hot | belisi gorgeous |
-iv(i) | denotes doing naturally or capable of doing | instruktiv instructive | sugestiv suggestive | atraktiv attractive |
-asi | denotes having the tendency or inclination to | disputasi quarrelsome | laborasi hard-working | atakasi combative |
-bli | denotes what is susceptible to the verb (English -ble) | lektebli readable | explikabli explicable | audibli audible |
-endi | denotes that must be - any final -a or -e of the verb is dropped; any final -u and -i of the verb remains | lektendi that must be read | faendi compulsory | soluendi that must be solved, to be solved |
-indi | denotes that deserves to be - any final -a or -e of the verb is dropped; any final -u and -i of the verb remains | lektindi that is worth reading | fidindi trustworthy | preferindi preferable |
General Suffixes
-et- | diminutive suffix | riverete brook | varmeti lukewarm | rideta to smile |
-on- | denotes greatness, quantity | pluvono heavy rain | ridona to guffaw | ridono guffaw |
-ach- | denotes contempt | kavalacha nag | jurnalacharo the gutter press | kriacha to shriek |
Numeral Suffixes
-anti | forms tens | duanti twenty | trianti thirty | otanti eighty |
-o | forms nouns from numerals | duo duo | trio trio | dekduo dozen |
-esmi | forms ordinal numbers | unesmi first | duantesmi twentieth | sentesmi hundredth |
-ime | forms fractions | duime a half | sixime a sixth | sentime a hundredth |
-opli | multiplying suffix | duopli double | triopli triple | multopli multiple |
-opim | forms distributive adverbs | triopim in threes | pokopim little by little | gutopim in drops |
Adverbial Suffixes
-tem | (from temp) denotes time | nultem never | irgitem any time, no matter when | ultem ever, any time |
-foy | denotes time in repetition, occasion | dufoy twice | altrifoy another time, on another occasion | kelkifoy sometimes |
-lok | denotes place | omnilok everywhere | nulilok nowhere | altrilok somewhere else |
-kas | (from kasu) denotes case | omnikas in every case | irgikas anyway, in any case when | tikas in that case |
-grad | denotes degree | altigrad to a high degree | kelkigrad to some extent, fairly | pokigrad to a small extent, slightly |
-man | (from manere) denotes manner | omniman in every way | altriman in another way, differently | samiman in the same way |
-m | (from -man-) forms adverbs | privatim privately | seperatim separately | spesialim specially |

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Novial home - Pronunciation Guide
Contents - Lesson 1 - Lesson 2 - Lesson 3 - Lesson 4 - Lesson 5 - Lesson 6 - Lesson 7
Prefixes - Suffixes
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