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Li Inquesto
”Tali es li rakonte, men filios, del venio del hunde kel, on dikte, deposu ha es plage ye dis familie. Me ha skripte lu pro ke, te kel klarim es savat have min terore kam te kel es nur insinuat o divinat. Ultru multes ek li familie ha sufra subiti, sangosi, misteriosi morios. Dunke me konsila ke vus evita vadant trans ti agres ye ti deslumosi hores kand li povos de malu es exaltat.
“[Disu fro Hugo Baskerville a lon filios Rodger e John, kun instruktiones ke les dikte nulu pri lu a sen fratra, Elizabeth.]”
Doktoro Mortimer, hant fina lekte dis uniki naratione, did pusha sen lunete a sur sen fronte e did regardada vers Sinioro Sherlock Holmes.
“Ob lu non interesa vu?”
“Interesanti por kolektere de rakontes.”
Mortimer did tira jurnale ek sen poshe.
”Me sal rakonta kelku plu resenti. Disu es li Devon Jurnale de 14esmi de maye de dis yare. Lu deskripte li faktes deskovrat pri li morio de Sir Charles Baskerville kel eventad kelki dies ante ti date.”
Li jurnalal artikle deskripted li resenti morio del proprietere del kastelete del famile Baskerville de ti tempe. Charles had gana grandi sume de moneye kom spekulatore in Sudi Amerika. Lo tand did returna a Anglia e usad sen moneye por projetes de rikonstruktione e pluboniso in li lokal sosie. Li kortal inquesto did konkluse ke Charles Baskerville did mori pro kordial falio durant ke lo promenad along alee in li parke de sen kastelete. Li medike kel atestad li morio esed Doktore Mortimer self.
After ke lo did lekte li artikle, Mortimer dikted: “Tes es li publiki faktes pri li morio de Sir Charles Baskerville.”
Holmes dikted: ”Danko pro rakonta a me pri interesanti kasu. Ob dis artikle kontena omni li publiki faktes?”
“Nun rakonta a me li privatus.” Lo apoyad retro e posturad sen maxim non-expresiv e judikeral aspekto.
- alee - lane, walk, ally
- along - along
- Anglia - England
- apoya - (to) prop up, support, lean against
- artikle - article
- aspekto - look, appearance
- atesta - (to) attest, testify
- danko (pro) - thanks (for)
- deposu - since, since then
- deskovrat - discovered
- deskripte - describe
- deslumosi - dark
- diso - the latter
- divinat - guessed, devined
- exaltat - exalted
- fakte - fact
- falio - failure, failing
- filio - son
- fina - (to) finish
- fratra - sister
- fronte - forehead
- gana - (to) gain
- inquesto - inquest, inquiry
- insinuat - insinuated, hinted
- instruktione - instruction
- judikeral - judicial, judge-like
- jurnalal - newspaper, of a newspaper
- jurnale - newspaper, journal
- kasu - case
- kelku - something
- kolektere - collector
- konkluse - (to) conclude
- konsila - (to) counsil, (to) advise
- kontena - (to) contain
- kordial - of the heart, cardial
- kortal - of a court, court
- lokal - local
- lunete - glasses, specticles
- malu - evil thing
- maye - May
- medike - (medical) docter, physician, medic
- min multi - less
- misteriosi - mysterious
- moneye - money
- morio - death, process of dying
- non-expresiv - inexpressive, expressionless
- nu - well, well then (interjection)
- nulu - nothing
- nun - now
- parke - park
- plage - plauge
- pluboniso - improvement
- postura - (to) pose, assume an attitude
- povos - power
- privatu - private one, something private
- projete - project
- promena - (to) walk, stroll
- publiki - public, of the public
- pusha - (to) push
- rakonto - telling
- regardada - stare, keep on looking
- resenti - recent
- returna - (to) return
- rikonstruktione - reconstruction
- sangosi - bloody, covered in blood
- savat - known
- self - self, oneself, himself, etc.
- sosie - society, community
- spekulatore - speculator
- subiti - sudden
- Sud Amerika - South America
- sufra - (to) suffer
- sume - sum, amount
- tal(i) - such, like, of that kind
- terore - terror
- tira - (to) draw, pull, tug
- trans - on the other side of, beyond, over
- ultru - moreover, further
- uniki - unique, singular
- usa - (to) use
- vada - (to) go
- venio - coming
- yes - yes
Grammar Notes
Passive of Being
The passive voice, indicating a state of being, is expressed with es followed by the past participle of the verb:
- es exultat – is exalted
- esed savat – was known
- sal es morit – shall be dead
Note that the stress is on the vowel before the final -t.
Sexless Nouns Ending in -U
As discussed in Lesson 1, replacing the -i ending of an adjective with -u forms a sexless noun with the character of the adjective:
- li malu – the evil one, evil
- li privatus – the private ones
E/A/O Words
The related nouns and verbs which alternate the endings –e, –a and –o are a major characteristic of the Novial language. Note that all e/a/o words are from sexless nouns so no confusion is possible with the use of these endings for male or female/female/male as was described in Lesson 1.
In the preceding reading texts several examples of e/a/o words occurred and were listed with their translations but with no further explanation.
These endings provide a very convenient way of converting a sexless noun ending in –e into a corresponding verb ending in –a, provided that the meaning of the verb is very obvious. If there is any possibility of uncertainty in meaning, another verbal ending should be used for clarity.
- rakonte – rakonta – rakonto (story – (to) tell – telling)
- date – data –dato (a date – (to) date, provide a date - dating)
- lume – luma –lumo (a light – (to) shine - shining)
- drinke – drinka – drinko (a drink – (to) drink - drinking)
- sadle – sadla – sadlo (a saddle – (to) saddle - saddling)
- forme – forma – formo (a form – (to) form - forming)
The Prefix NON-
The prefix non- converts the stem to sense not. Note this is not the direct opposite which is expressed with the prefix des-. Examples:
- non-expresiv – inexpressive
- non-mutual – non-reciprocal
The Prefix RI-
The prefix ri- indicates repetition. As an independent word ri means again.
- konstruktione – construction
- rikonstruktione – reconstruction
The Suffix -AD-
The suffix -ad- is added to verbal stems to indicate repeated or continuous action.
- regarda – (to) look
- regardada –(to) keep on looking, (to) stare
Use endings and affixes to convert the following Novial root words to the English words indicated.
- gana – to regain, gain again
- praktikal – impractical
- usa – to keep using
- envada – to re-enter
- espera – to keep on hoping
- lerna – to relearn
- dikte – to keep on saying
- skripte – to rewrite
- turna – to turn again
- exakti – inexact
- usa – to re-use
- importanti – unimportant
- komensa – to begin again
- deskovrat – undiscovered
- savat – unknown
- visita – to revisit, visit again
- sufra – to go on suffering
- senda – to resend
- rigana
- nonpraktikal
- usada
- rienvada
- esperada
- rilerna
- diktada
- riskripte
- riturna
- nonexakti
- riusa
- nonimportanti
- rikomensa
- nondeskovrat
- nonsavat
- rivisita
- sufrada
- risenda

Novial home - Pronunciation Guide
Contents - Lesson 1 - Lesson 2 - Lesson 3 - Lesson 4 - Lesson 5 - Lesson 6 - Lesson 7