Taxonomy of the vertebrates (Young, 1962)
The taxonomy of the vertebrates presented by John Zachary Young in The Life of Vertebrates (1962)[1] is a system of classification with emphasis on this group of animals.
Phylum Chordata
- Phylum Chordata [p. 24]
- Subphylum 1. Hemichordata (e.g., Balanoglossus, Cephalodiscus, Rhabdopleura)
- Subphylum 2. Cephalochordata (= Acrania) (e.g., Branchiostoma)
- Subphylum 3. Tunicata (e.g., Ciona)
- Subphylum 4. Vertebrata (= Craniata)
- Superclass 1. Agnatha
- Class 1. Cyclostomata
- Class 2. †Cephalaspidomorphi (e.g., †Cephalaspis)
- Class 3. †Pteraspidomorphi (e.g., †Pteraspis)
- Class 4. †Anaspida (e.g., †Birkenia, †Jamoytius)
- Superclass 2. Gnathostomata
- Class 1. †Placodermi (e.g., †Acanthodes)
- Class 2. Elasmobranchii
- Class 3. Actinopterygii
- Class 4. Crossopterygii
- Class 5. Amphibia
- Class 6. Reptilia
- Class 7. Aves
- Class 8. Mammalia
- Superclass 1. Agnatha
Superclass Agnatha
- Subphylum Vertebrata (= Craniata)
- Superclass 1. Agnatha [p. 81]
- Class 1. Cyclostomata
- Order 1. Petromyzontia (e.g., Petromyzon, Lampetra, Entosphenus, Geotria, Mordacia)
- Order 2. Myxinoidea (e.g., Myxine, Bdellostoma)
- Class 2. †Osteostraci (e.g., †Cephalaspis, †Tremataspis)
- Class 3. †Anaspida (e.g., †Birkenia, †Jamoytius)
- Class 4. †Heterostraci (e.g., †Astraspis, †Pteraspis, †Drepanaspis)
- Class 5. †Coelolepida (e.g., †Thelodus, †Lanarkia)
- Class 1. Cyclostomata
- Superclass 1. Agnatha [p. 81]
Class Elasmobranchii
- Superclass 2. Gnathostomata
- Class Elasmobranchii (= Chondrichthyes) [p. 175]
- Subclass 1. Selachii
- Order 1. †Cladoselachii (e.g., †Cladoselache, †Goodrichia)
- Order 2. †Pleuracanthodii (e.g., †Pleuracanthus)
- Order 3. Protoselachii (e.g., †Hybodiis, Heterodontus)
- Order 4. Euselachii
- Suborder 1. Pleurotremata
- Division 1. Notidanoidea (e.g., Hexanchus, Chlamydoselache)
- Division 2. Galeoidea (e.g., Scyliorhinus, Mustelus, Cetorhinus, Carcharodon)
- Division 3. Squaloidea (e.g., Squalus, Squatina, Pristiophorus, Alopias)
- Suborder 2. Hypotremata (e.g., Raja, Rhinobatis, Pristis, Torpedo, Trygon)
- Suborder 1. Pleurotremata
- Subclass 2. Bradyodonti
- Order 1. †Eubradyodonti (e.g., †Helodus)
- Order 2. Holocephali (e.g., Chimaera)
- Subclass 1. Selachii
- Class Elasmobranchii (= Chondrichthyes) [p. 175]
Class Actinopterygii
- Class Actinopterygii [p. 228]
- Superorder 1. Chondrostei
- Order 1. Palaeoniscoidei (e.g., †Cheirolepis, †Palaeoniscus, †Amphicentrum, †Platysomus, †Dorypterus, †Cleithrolepis, †Tarrasius, Polypterus [bichir])
- Order 2. Acipenseroidei (e.g., †Chondrosteus, Acipenser [sturgeon], Polyodon [paddle-fish])
- Order 3. Subholostei (e.g., †Ptycholepis)
- Superorder 2. Holostei (e.g., †Acentrophorus, †Lepidotes, †Dapedius, †Microdon, Amia [bowfin], Lepisosteus [gar-pike])
- Superorder 3. Teleostei
- Order 1. Isospondyli (e.g., †Leptolepis, †Portheus, Clupea [herring], Salmo [trout])
- Order 2. Ostariophysi (e.g., Cyprinus [carp], Tinea [tench], Silurus [catfish])
- Order 3. Apodes (e.g., Anguilla [eel], Conger [conger eel])
- Order 4. Mesichthyes (e.g., Esox [pike], Belone, Exocoetus [flying fish], Gasterosteus [stickle-back], Syngnathus [pipe-fish], Hippocampus [seahorse])
- Order 5. Acanthopterygii (e.g., †Hoplopteryx, Zens [John Dory], Perca [perch], Labrus [wrasse], Uranoscopus [star gazer], Blennius [blenny], Gadus [whiting], Pleuronectes [plaice], Solea [sole], Lophius [angler-fish])
- Superorder 1. Chondrostei
Class Crossopterygii
- Class Crossopterygii [p. 268]
- Order 1. Rhipidistia
- Suborder 1. †Osteolepidoti (e.g., †Osteolepis, †Sauripterus, †Diplopterax, †Eusthenopteron)
- Suborder 2. Coelacanthini (= Actinistia) (e.g., †Coelacanthus, †Undina, Latimeria)
- Order 2. Dipnoi (e.g., †Dipterus, †Ceratodus, Neoceratodus, Protopterus, Lepidosiren)
- Order 1. Rhipidistia
Class Amphibia
- Class Amphibia [p. 296]
- Subclass 1. †Stegocephalia
- Order 1. †Labyrinthodontia
- Suborder 1. †Ichthyostegalia (e.g., †Ichthyostega, †Elpistostege)
- Suborder 2. †Embolomeri (e.g., †Eogyrinus, †Loxomma)
- Suborder 3. †Rhachitomi (e.g., †Eryops, †Cacops)
- Suborder 4. †Stereospondyli (e.g., †Capitosaurus, †Buettneria)
- Order 2. †Phyllospondyli (e.g., †Branchiosaurus)
- Order 3. †Lepospondyli (e.g., †Dolichosoma, †Diplocaulus, †Microbrachis)
- Order 4. †Adelospondyli (e.g., †Lysorophus)
- Order 1. †Labyrinthodontia
- Subclass 2. Urodela (= Caudata) (e.g., Molge, Salamandra, Ambystoma, Necturus)
- Subclass 3. Anura (= Salientia) (e.g., †Miobatrachus, †Protobatrachiis, Rana, Bufo, Hyla, Pipa)
- Subclass 4. Apoda (= Gymnophiona = Caecilia) (e.g., Ichthyophis, Typhlonectes)
- Subclass 1. †Stegocephalia
Class Reptilia
- Class Reptilia [p. 369]
- Subclass 1. Anapsida
- Order 1. †Cotylosauria (e.g., †Seymouria, †Captorhinus, †Diadectes)
- Order 2. Chelonia (e.g., †Eunotosaurus, †Triassochelys, Chelys, Emys, Chelone, Testudo)
- Subclass 2. †Synaptosauria
- Order 1. †Protorosauria (e.g., †Araeoscelis, †Tanystropheus)
- Order 2. †Sauropterygia (e.g., †Lariosaurus, †Pliosaurus, †Plesiosaurus, †Placodus)
- Subclass 3. †Ichthyopterygia
- Order 1. †Ichthyosauria (e.g., †Mixosaurus, †Ichthyosaurus)
- Subclass 4. Lepidosauria
- Order 1. †Eosuchia (e.g., †Youngina, †Prolacerta)
- Order 2. Rhynchocephalia (e.g., †Homoesaurus, †Rhynchosaurus, Sphenodon [= Hatteria])
- Order 3. Squamata
- Suborder 1. Lacertilia (= Sauria)
- Infraorder 1. Gekkota (e.g., Gecko)
- Infraorder 2. Iguania (e.g., Iguana, Anolis, Phrynosoma, Draco, Lyriocephalus, Agama, Chamaeleo)
- Infraorder 3. Scincomorpha (e.g., Lacerta, Scincus, Amphisbaena)
- Infraorder 4. Anguimorpha (e.g., †Dolichosaurus, †Aigialosaurus, †Tylosaurus, Varanus, Lanthanotus, Anguis)
- Suborder 2. Ophidia (= Serpentes) (e.g., †Palaeophis, Python, Natrix, Naja, Vipera)
- Suborder 1. Lacertilia (= Sauria)
- Subclass 5. Archosauria
- Order 1. †Pseudosuchia (= †Thecodontia) (e.g., †Euparkeria, †Saltoposuchus)
- Order 2. †Phytosauria (e.g., †Phytosaurus, †Mystriosuchus)
- Order 3. Crocodilia (e.g., †Protosuchus, Crocodilus, Alligator, Caiman, Gavialis)
- Order 4. †Saurischia
- Suborder 1. †Theropoda (e.g., †Compsognathus, †Ornitholestes, †Allosaurus, †Tyrannosaurus, †Struthiomimus)
- Suborder 2. †Sauropoda (e.g., †Apatosaurus [= †Brontosaurus], †Diplodocus, †Yaleosaurus, †Plateosaurus, Brachiosaurus)
- Order 5. †Ornithischia
- Suborder 1. †Ornithopoda (e.g., †Camptosaurus, †Iguanodon, †Hadrosaurus)
- Suborder 2. †Stegosauria (e.g., †Stegosaurus)
- Suborder 3. †Ankylosauria (e.g., †Ankylosaurus, †Nodosaurus)
- Suborder 4. †Ceratopsia (e.g., †Triceratops)
- Order 6. †Pterosauria (e.g., †Rhamphorhynchus, †Pteranodon)
- Subclass 6. †Synapsida [pp. 370, 533]
- Order 1. †Pelycosauria (= †Theromorpha) (e.g., †Varanosaurus, †Edaphosaurus, †Dimetrodon)
- Order 2. †Therapsida
- Suborder 1. †Dicynodontia (e.g., †Galepus, †Moschops, †Dicynodon, †Kannemeyeria)
- Suborder 2. †Theriodontia (e.g., †Cynognathus, †Scymnognathus, †Bauria, †Dromatherium, †Tritylodon, †Oligokyphus)
- Order 3. †Mesosauria (= †Proganosauria) (e.g., †Mesosaurus)
- Subclass 1. Anapsida
Class Aves
- Class Aves [p. 509]
- Subclass 1. †Archaeornithes (e.g., †Archaeopteryx)
- Subclass 2. Neornithes
- Superorder 1. †Odontognathae (e.g., †Hesperornis, †Ichthyornis)
- Superorder 2. Palaeognathae [ratites] (e.g., Struthio, Rhea, Dromiceius, Casuarius, †Dinornis, †Aepyornis, Apteryx, Tinamus)
- Superorder 3. Impennae [penguins] (e.g., Spheniscus, Aptenodytes)
- Superorder 4. Neognathae
- Order 1. Gaviiformes [loons] (e.g., Gavia [loon])
- Order 2. Colymbiformes [grebes] (e.g., Colymbus [= Podiceps] [grebe])
- Order 3. Procellariiformes [petrels] (e.g., Fulmarus [petrel], Puffinus [shearwater], Diomedea [albatross])
- Order 4. Pelecaniformes (e.g., Phalacrocorax [cormorant], Pelecanus [pelican], Sida [gannet])
- Order 5. Ciconiiformes (e.g., Ciconia [stork], Ardea [heron], Phoenicopterus [flamingo])
- Order 6. Anseriformes [ducks] (e.g., Anas [duck], Cygnus [swan])
- Order 7. Falconiformes [hawks] (e.g., Falco [kestrel], Aquila [eagle], Buteo [buzzard], Neophron [vulture], Milvus [kite])
- Order 8. Galliformes [game birds] (e.g., Gallus [fowl], Phasianus [pheasant], Perdix [partridge], Lagopus [grouse], Meleagris [turkey], Numida [guinea fowl], Pavo [peacock], Opisthocomus [hoatzin])
- Order 9. Gruiformes [rails] (e.g., Fulica [coot], Gallinula [moorhen], Crex [corn-crake], Grus [crane], †Phororhacos, †Diatryma)
- Order 10. Charadriiformes [waders and gulls] (e.g., Numenius [curlew], Capella [snipe], Calidris [sandpiper], Vanellus [lapwing], Scolopax [woodcock], Larus [gull], Uria [guillemot], Plautus [little auk])
- Order 11. Columbiformes [pigeons] (e.g., Columba [pigeon], †Raphus [dodo])
- Order 12. Cuculiformes [cuckoos] (e.g., Cuculus [cuckoo])
- Order 13. Psittaciformes [parrots]
- Order 14. Strigiformes [owls] (e.g., Athene [little owl], Tyto [farm owl], Strix [tawny owl])
- Order 15. Caprimulgiformes [nightjars] (e.g., Caprimulgus [nightjar])
- Order 16. Micropodiformes (e.g., Apus [swift], Trochilus [humming-bird])
- Order 17. Coraciiformes (e.g., Merops [bee-eater], Alcedo [kingfisher])
- Order 18. Piciformes [woodpeckers] (e.g., Picus [woodpecker])
- Order 19. Passeriformes [perching birds] (e.g., Corvus [rook], Sturnus [starling], Fringilla [finch], Passer [house-sparrow], Alauda [lark], Anthus [pipit], Motacilla [wagtail], Certhia [tree-creeper], Parus [tit], Lanius [shrike], Sylvia [warbler], Turdus [thrush], Erithacus [British robin], Luscinia [nightingale], Prunella [hedge-sparrow], Troglodytes [wren], Hirundo [swallow])
Class Mammalia
- Class Mammalia [p. 533]
- Subclass 1. Eotheria
- Order †Docodonta (e.g., †Morganucodon, †Docodon)
- Order incertae sedis †Diarthrognathus
- Subclass 2. Prototheria
- Order Monotremata (e.g., Tachyglossus [= Echidna] [spiny anteater], Zaglossus [= Proechidna], Ornithorhynchus [platypus])
- Subclass 3. †Allotheria
- Order †Multituberculata (e.g., †Plagiaulax, †Ptilodus)
- Subclass 4. Theria
- Infraclass 1. †Pantotheria
- Order 1. †Eupantotheria (e.g., †Amphitherium)
- Order 2. †Symmetrodonta (e.g., †Spalacotherium)
- Infraclass 2. Metatheria
- Order Marsupialia
- Infraclass 3. Eutheria (= Placentalia)
- Order incertae sedis †Triconodonta (e.g., †Amphilestes, †Triconodon)
- Infraclass 1. †Pantotheria
- Subclass 1. Eotheria
Infraclass Metatheria
- Infraclass 2. Metatheria [p. 563]
- Order Marsupialia
- Superfamily 1. Didelphoidea (e.g., †Eodelphis, Didelphis [opossum], Chironectes [water opossum])
- Superfamily 2. †Borhyaenoidea (e.g., †Thylacosmilus, †Borhyaena)
- Superfamily 3. Dasyuroidea (e.g., Dasyurus [native cat], Sarcophilus [Tasmanian devil], Thylacinus [Tasmanian wolf], Myrmecobius [banded ant-eater], Notoryctes [marsupial mole], Sminthopsis [pouched mouse])
- Superfamily 4. Perameloidea (e.g., Perameles [bandicoot])
- Superfamily 5. Caenolestoidea (e.g., †Palaeothentes [= †Epanorthus], Caenolestes [opossum-rat])
- Superfamily 6. Phalangeroidea (e.g., Trichosurus [Australian opossum], Petaurus [flying opossum], Phascolarctos [koala bear], Vombatus [wombat], Macropus [kangaroo], Bettongia [rat kangaroo], †Diprotodon, †Thylacoleo)
- Order Marsupialia
Infraclass Eutheria
- Infraclass 3. Eutheria [p. 577]
- Cohort 1. Unguiculata
- Order 1. Insectivora [p. 581]
- Order 2. Chiroptera [p. 585]
- Order 3. Dermoptera
- Order 4. †Taeniodonta
- Order 5. †Tillodontia
- Order 6. Edentata [p. 592]
- Order 7. Pholidota
- Order 8. Primates [p. 602]
- Cohort 2. Glires [p. 653]
- Order 1. Rodentia
- Order 2. Lagomorpha
- Cohort 3. Mutica [p. 666]
- Order Cetacea
- Cohort 4. Ferungulata
- Superorder 1. Ferae [p. 679]
- Order Carnivora
- Superorder 2. Protungulata [p. 699]
- Order 1. †Condylarthra
- Order 2. †Notoungulata
- Order 3. †Litopterna
- Order 4. †Astrapotheria
- Order 5. Tubulidentata
- Superorder 3. Paenungulata [p. 706]
- Order 1. Hyracoidea
- Order 2. Proboscidea
- Order 3. †Pantodonta
- Order 4. †Dinocerata
- Order 5. †Pyrotheria
- Order 6. †Embrithopoda
- Order 7. Sirenia
- Superorder 4. Mesaxonia [p. 723]
- Order Perissodactyla
- Superorder 5. Paraxonia [p. 745]
- Order Artiodactyla
- Superorder 1. Ferae [p. 679]
- Cohort 1. Unguiculata
Order Primates
- Order 8. Primates [p. 602]
- Suborder 1. Prosimii
- Infraorder 1. Lemuriformes
- Family 1. †Plesiadapidae (e.g., †Plesiadapis)
- Family 2. †Adapidae (e.g., †Notharctus, †Adapis)
- Family 3. Lemuridae (e.g., †Megaladapis, Lemur [common lemur])
- Family 4. Indridae (e.g., Indri [indris])
- Family 5. Daubentoniidae (e.g., Daubentonia [= Cheiromys] [aye-aye])
- Infraorder 2. Lorisiformes
- Family. Lorisidae (e.g., Loris [slender loris], Galago [bush baby], Perodicticus [potto])
- Infraorder 3. Tarsiiformes
- Family 1. †Anaptomorphidae (e.g., †Necrolemur, †Pseudoloris)
- Family 2. Tarsiidae (e.g., Tarsius [tarsier])
- Infraorder 1. Lemuriformes
- Suborder 2. Anthropoidea
- Superfamily 1. Ceboidea [New World monkeys]
- Family 1. Callithricidae (e.g., Callithrix [= Hapale] [marmoset])
- Family 2. Cebidae (e.g., †Homunculus, Cebus [capuchin], Ateles [spider monkey], Alouatta [howler monkey])
- Superfamily 2. Cercopithecoidea
- Family 1. †Parapithecidae (e.g., †Parapithecus)
- Family 2. Cercopithecidae [Old World monkeys] (e.g., †Mesopithecus, Macaca [rhesus monkey, macaque], Papio [baboon], Mandrillus [mandrill], Cercopithecus [guenon], Presbytis [langur], Colobus, [guereza])
- Superfamily 3. Hominoidea
- Family 1. Pongidae apes (e.g., †Propliopithecus, †Pliopithecus, †Dryopithecus, †Oreopithecus †Australopithecus, †Proconsul, Hylobates gibbon, Pongo orangutan, Pan chimpanzee, Gorilla gorilla)
- Family 2. Hominidae human (e.g., †Pithecanthropus [= †Sinanthropus] [Java and Pekin man], Homo [human (“all living races”)])
- Superfamily 1. Ceboidea [New World monkeys]
- Suborder 1. Prosimii
- Young, J. Z. (1962). The Life of Vertebrates. 2nd. ed. New York, Oxford University Press. Disponible at BHL.
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