Statistics of the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru

This article presents official statistics gathered during the COVID-19 pandemic in Peru.

Graph of cases and deaths on a logarithmic scale.


By department

Note: The Regional Directorate of Health (DIRESA, acronym in Spanish) and the Regional Health Management (GERESA, acronym in Spanish) are health authorities belonging to each regional government (departments) except the province of Lima which is administered by the Ministry of Health, these health authorities have regional autonomy by which show different figures than the reports of the Ministry of Health.

COVID-19 pandemic in Peru by region
Cases Deaths Cases Deaths Ref.
Peru Peru 3,590,882 213,324
Amazonas 50,318 1,333 [1]
Ancash 144,211 5,994 [2]
Apurímac 51,022 1,113 [3]
Arequipa 390,887 6,997 [4]
Ayacucho 65,152 1,881 [5]
Cajamarca 123,397 3,063 [6]
Cusco 194,837 4,527 [7]
Huancavelica 45,093 858 [8]
Ica 111,618 6,022 [9]
Junín 171,717 5,695 [10]
La Libertad
Lima (P)
Lima (R)
Madre de Dios
Moquegua 79,897 1,469—1,470 [11]
Puno 90,162 3,071 [12]
San Martín 73,386 2,237 [13]
Tacna 66,031 1,853 [14]
Ucayali 54,779 2,664 [15]
Updated: June 13, 2022 · History of cases: Peru

    Summary table

    Registry of confirmed cases, recovered, deaths and tests by COVID-19 in Peru
    Date Active
    Total cases Recovered Deaths Hospitalisations PCR Serology Antigenic Total tests
    Cml ICU
    2020-03-06 1 1 - - - - 155 - - 155
    2020-04-01 829 1,323 447 47 198 56 15,587 - - 15,587
    2020-05-01 28,206 40,459 11,129 1,124 5,287 658 60,381 282,117 - 342,498
    2020-06-01 96,898 170,039 68,507 4,634 8,868 975 145,625 931,034 - 1,076,659
    2020-07-01 100,372 288,477 178,245 9,860 11,108 1,212 252,738 1,446,631 - 1,699,369
    2020-08-01 111,940 422,183 290,835 19,408 13,700 1,416 388,527 1,989,421 - 2,377,948
    2020-09-01 156,462 657,129 471,599 29,068 12,162 1,493 595,226 2,637,808 - 3,233,034
    2020-10-01 95,234 818,297 690,528 32,535 7,511 1,353 n/a n/a - 3,908,125
    2020-11-01 42,769 904,911 827,613 34,529 5,270 1,041 1,028,303 3,509,237 - 4,537,540
    2020-12-01 32,219 965,228 896,978 36,031 4,022 958 1,271,584 3,814,191 - 5,085,775
    2021-01-01 24,493 1,017,199 954,982 37,724 5,223 1,253 1,501,619 4,036,111 - 5,537,730
    2021-02-01 44,390 1,142,716 1,057,145 41,181 12,376 1,855 1,918,961 4,260,126 175,153 6,354,240
    2021-03-01 49,586 1,332,939 1,236,668 46,685 15,040 2,153 2,351,021 4,458,581 794,912 7,604,514
    2021-04-01 32,780 1,561,723 1,476,782 52,161 13,514 2,065 2,905,822 4,645,563 1,843,114 9,394,499
    2021-04-02 30,432 1,568,345 1,485,582 52,331 13,581 2,357 2,930,126 4,649,394 1,865,836 9,445,356
    2021-04-03 29,284 1,573,961 1,492,052 52,625 13,357 2,373 2,947,615 4,652,684 1,882,931 9,483,230
    2021-04-04 28,908 1,582,367 1,500,582 52,877 13,561 2,307 2,970,129 4,655,874 1,912,124 9,538,127
    2021-04-05 27,578 1,590,209 1,509,493 53,138 13,650 2,348 2,993,718 4,658,386 1,927,336 9,579,440
    2021-04-06 26,406 1,598,593 1,518,776 53,411 14,066 2,452 3,015,808 4,663,041 1,962,182 9,641,031
    2021-04-07 27,061 1,607,898 1,527,112 53,725 13,823 2,249 3,028,755 4,671,843 2,008,445 9,709,043
    2021-04-08 26,801 1,617,864 1,537,085 53,978 13,622 2,246 3,056,123 4,676,818 2,057,803 9,790,744
    2021-04-09 26,427 1,628,519 1,547,807 54,285 14,199 2,313 3,091,155 4,681,787 2,103,480 9,876,422
    2021-04-10 27,319 1,639,767 1,557,779 54,669 14,943 2,321 3,112,131 4,687,725 2,145,876 9,945,732
    2021-04-11 26,248 1,647,694 1,566,543 54,903 14,512 2,302 3,125,834 4,692,828 2,183,170 10,001,832
    2021-04-12 22,848 1,653,320 1,575,242 55,230 15,238 2,073 3,133,773 4,694,484 2,198,213 10,026,470
    2021-04-13 19,793 1,659,707 1,584,425 55,489 15,183 2,599 3,143,771 4,706,931 2,235,300 10,086,002
    2021-04-14 18,988 1,667,737 1,592,937 55,812 15,074 2,615 3,157,030 4,718,999 2,282,814 10,158,843
    2021-04-15 22,880 1,681,063 1,602,034 56,149 15,119 2,603 3,172,501 4,724,704 2,329,189 10,226,394
    2021-04-16 22,034 1,689,051 1,610,563 56,454 14,976 2,591 3,191,863 4,730,154 2,373,542 10,295,559
    2021-04-17 21,149 1,697,626 1,619,680 56,797 15,129 2,616 3,216,604 4,735,796 2,421,915 10,374,315
    2021-04-18 19,558 1,704,757 1,627,969 57,230 14,747 2,636 3,232,404 4,739,582 2,463,455 10,435,441
    2021-04-19 13,964 1,707,787 1,636,286 57,537 14,752 2,574 3,239,633 4,742,041 2,479,801 10,461,475
    2021-04-20 16,034 1,719,088 1,645,100 57,954 15,547 2,580 3,252,596 4,747,846 2,523,977 10,524,419
    2021-04-21 15,134 1,726,806 1,653,411 58,261 15,440 2,628 3,271,116 4,751,376 2,559,970 10,582,462
    2021-04-22 14,210 1,734,606 1,661,792 58,604 15,301 2,614 3,288,347 4,756,679 2,605,821 10,650,847
    2021-04-23 15,838 1,745,655 1,670,805 59,012 15,239 2,642 3,308,562 4,762,438 2,652,364 10,723,364
    2021-04-24 15,611 1,754,150 1,679,099 59,440 15,258 2,646 3,330,591 4,767,954 2,699,753 10,798,298
    2021-04-25 13,760 1,761,575 1,688,091 59,724 14,912 2,618 3,348,227 4,772,014 2,741,778 10,862,019
    2021-04-26 Unreliable 1,768,186 1,714,995 60,013 15,104 2,628 3,366,230 4,774,570 2,758,391 10,899,191
    2021-04-27 Unreliable 1,775,062 1,721,922 60,416 15,211 2,642 3,382,803 4,779,465 2,802,490 10,964,758
    2021-04-28 Unreliable 1,783,339 1,728,662 60,742 15,111 2,633 3,401,686 4,784,780 2,851,136 11,037,602
    2021-04-29 Unreliable 1,791,998 1,736,183 61,101 15,206 2,679 3,422,082 4,789,529 2,884,774 11,096,385
    2021-04-30 Unreliable 1,799,445 1,741,861 61,477 14,701 2,652 3,444,869 4,795,542 2,929,119 11,169,530
    2021-05-01 Unreliable 1,804,915 1,748,170 61,789 14,795 2,667 3,465,920 4,799,771 2,960,233 11,225,924

    Note: References in the daily report are in the annex, at the beginning of this section.


    Registry of cases and deaths by gender and age based on data from the "Datos Abiertos" platform provided by the Ministry of Health.[16]

    Cases and deaths by gender and age, registered on April 11, 2021
    Year group Male Female Total
    Cases Deaths Lethality Cases Deaths Lethality Cases Deaths Lethality
    All ages 849,573 36,616 4.31% 798,121 18,287 2.29% 1,647,694 54,903 3.33%
    0-9 20,797 105 0.50% 19,209 83 0.43% 40,006 188 0.47%
    10-19 40,387 95 0.24% 45,756 84 0.18% 86,143 179 0.21%
    20-29 144,616 380 0.26% 151,136 206 0.14% 295,752 586 0.20%
    30-39 188,103 1,159 0.62% 177,571 574 0.32% 365,674 1,733 0.47%
    40-49 167,171 3,254 1.95% 146,885 1,338 0.91% 314,056 4,592 1.46%
    50-59 134,408 6,876 5.12% 119,110 2,761 2.32% 253,518 9,637 3.80%
    60-69 86,412 9,855 11.40% 77,907 4,832 6.20% 164,319 14,687 8.94%
    70-79 45,790 8,776 19.17% 39,771 4,488 11.28% 85,561 13,264 15.50%
    80-89 18,666 5,100 27.32% 17,098 3,036 17.76% 35,764 8,136 22.75%
    90+ 2,999 1,016 33.88% 3,569 885 24.80% 6,568 1,901 28.94%
    N/A 224 - - 109 - - 333 - -


    1. "Sala Situacional COVID-19 Amazonas" (PDF). Dirección Regional de Salud Amazonas (in Spanish). 27 April 2022.
    2. "Sala Situacional COVID-19 Áncash". Dirección Regional de Salud Áncash (in Spanish). 13 June 2022.
    3. "Sala situacional COVID-19 Apurímac". Facebook - Dirección Regional de Salud Apurímac (in Spanish). 1 April 2022.
    4. "Situación del COVID-19 Arequipa" (PDF). Gerencia Regional de Salud Arequipa (in Spanish). 12 June 2022.
    5. "Ayacuho | Sala situacional de salud COVID-19" (PDF). Dirección Regional de Salud Ayacucho (in Spanish). 10 June 2022.
    6. "Sala Situacional COVID-19 | DIRESA Cajamarca". Dirección Regional de Salud Cajamarca (in Spanish). 12 June 2022.
    7. "Sala situacional COVID-19 | Región Cusco" (PDF). Gerencia Regional de Salud Cusco (in Spanish). 12 June 2022.
    8. "Reporte oficial COVID-19 | Dirección Regional de Salud | Lunes, 18 de julio 2022". Facebook - Dirección Regional de Salud Huancavelica (in Spanish). 18 July 2022.
    9. "Estado situacional COVID-19 | Casos y fallecidos COVID-19". Dirección Regional de Salud Ica (in Spanish). 26 February 2022.
    10. "Reporte oficial COVID-19 | Región Junín" (PDF). Dirección Regional de Salud Junín (in Spanish). 27 May 2022.
    11. "Sala situacional COVID-19 | Semana 21-2022" (PDF). Dirección Regional de Salud Moquegua (in Spanish). 31 May 2022.
    12. "Sala situacional COVID-19". Facebook - Dirección Regional de Salud Puno (in Spanish). 12 June 2022.
    13. "Reporte oficial COVID-19". Facebook - Dirección Regional de Salud San Martín (in Spanish). 12 June 2022.
    14. "Situación del COVID-19 en Tacna". Facebook - Dirección Regional de Salud Tacna (in Spanish). 12 June 2022.
    15. "Reporte COVID-19 en Ucayali". Facebook - Dirección Regional de Salud Ucayali (in Spanish). 31 May 2022.
    16. MINSA, acronym in Spanish. "Datos Abiertos de COVID-19". Ministry of Health (in Spanish). Retrieved 28 August 2020.
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