Public Accounts Committee (Malaysia)

The Public Accounts Committee (Malay: Jawatankuasa Kira-Kira Wang Negara) (PAC) is a select committee of the House of Representatives in the Parliament of Malaysia. The PAC derives its powers from the Dewan Rakyat which chooses the committee chairperson and deputy chairperson. Based on Standing Order 77(1), the PAC has the power to examine the accounts of the Malaysian government, the accounts of all public authorities, the reports of the auditor-general, and any other matters that "the committee may think fit" or matters referred to the PAC by the Dewan Rakyat.

Since 2018, the PAC has always made decisions by consensus. The PAC is a bi-partisan committee composed of two members from DAP, Bersatu, PAS, and UMNO with one member each from PKR, Amanah, Warisan and PBB.[1]


  • Examine the accounts of the Federation and the appropriation of the sums granted by Parliament to meet the public expenditure.
  • Examine such accounts of public authorities and other bodies administering public funds as may be laid before the House of Representatives.
  • Examine reports of the Auditor-General laid before the House of Representatives in accordance with Article 107 of the Federal Constitution.
  • Examine such other matters as the Committee may think fit, or which may be referred to the Committee by the House of Representatives.
  • Review and report on the Public Accounts of Malaysia.
  • Examine all reports of the Auditor General of Malaysia.


The PAC's primary instrument is conducting hearings. The first step is to invite the controlling officer of the government ministry related to the investigation subject. If the officer's explanation suffices, the matter ends there. If not, the PAC will summon the cabinet minister and, if necessary, other witnesses such as the National Audit Department or project contractors. Complicated cases such as the LCS Saga required 10 hearing days and 21 witnesses.

Once the hearings are concluded, the PAC secretariat will begin a three-stage drafting process. Firstly, the secretariat will compile a report based on the Hansard (official parliamentary transcripts) and start writing a draft report. The second stage involves a "housekeeping meeting", where the secretariat will read out the entire report for the PAC's scrutiny. Any amendments will be done at this stage which is why the report takes many days to finalise. Every decision is by consensus. There were no heated arguments because facts and figures are being presented to all members. Everyone has the freedom to air their views. Eventually, the PAC will reach a consensus. Once the final draft is completed, the third stage involves a final verification process where PAC members will be given a chance to go through the entire report one more time before it goes to print.[1]


15th Parliament

PartyMemberPositionConstituencyTerm startTerm end
PN (BERSATU) Mas Ermieyati Samsudin Chairperson Masjid Tanah 4 April 2023 Incumbent
PH (DAP) Shu Qi Wong Deputy Chairperson Kluang 4 April 2023 Incumbent

14th Parliament

PartyMemberPositionConstituencyTerm startTerm end
BN (UMNO)Noraini AhmadMemberParit Sulong12 August 2018[2]25 March 2019[N 1][3]
Chairman11 April 2019[N 2][4]10 March 2020
BN (UMNO)Ronald KiandeeChairmanBeluran7 August 2018[5]12 December 2018[N 3][6]
IND13 December 201814 March 2019[N 4][7]
PH (BERSATU)15 March 201911 April 2019[N 2][4]
PH (DAP)Kah Woh WongDeputy ChairmanIpoh Timur7 August 2018[5]27 August 2020
Chairman27 August 2020[8][9] 10 October 2022
PH (PKR)Nurul Izzah AnwarMemberPermatang Pauh4 December 2018[10]22 March 2019[N 5][11]
4 April 2019[N 6][12][9]10 October 2022
PH (PKR)Shiau Yoon ChoongMemberTebrau12 August 2018[2]3 November 2020
BN (UMNO)Ahmad HamzahMemberJasin12 August 2018[2]25 March 2019[N 1][3]
11 April 2019[N 7][13]3 November 2020
GS (PAS)Takiyuddin HassanMemberKota Bharu12 August 2018[2]10 March 2020 [N 1][3][N 8][14]
PH (PKR)William LeongMemberSelayang4 December 2018[10]17 July 2019[N 9][15]
PH (PKR)Akmal Nasrullah Mohd NasirMemberJohor Bahru12 August 2018[2]3 December 2018[N 10][10]
18 July 2019[N 9][15]3 November 2020
BN (UMNO)Ismail Mohamed SaidMemberKuala Krau18 July 2019[15]10 March 2020
PH (AMANAH)Hasanuddin Mohd YunusMemberHulu Langat12 August 2018[2]3 November 2020
PH (PKR)Willie MonginMemberPuncak Borneo12 August 2018[2]3 December 2018[N 10][10]
PH (PKR)Larry SoonMemberJulau4 December 2019[16]3 November 2020
GPS (PBB)Robert Lawson Chuat Vincent EnteringMemberBetong12 August 2018[2]3 November 2020
PH (PKR)Chen WongMemberSubang12 August 2018[2]4 December 2019[16]
PH (DAP)Hon Wai WongMemberBukit Bendera12 August 2018[2]3 November 2020
PH (DAP)Shu Qi WongMemberKluang12 August 2018[2][9]10 October 2022
PH (BERSATU)Muslimin YahayaMemberSungai Besar12 August 2018[2]24 February 2020
PN (BERSATU)24 February 202010 March 2020
PN (BERSATU)Azizah Mohd DunDeputy ChairmanBeaufort27 August 2020[8]10 October 2022

Lukanisman Awang Sauni

Member Sibuti 3 November 2020[9] 10 October 2022
WARISAN Ahmad Hassan Member Papar 3 November 2020[9] 10 October 2022
PH (AMANAH) Mohd Hatta Ramli Member Lumut 3 November 2020[9] 10 October 2022
PN (BERSATU) Mohd Fasiah Mohd Fakeh Member Sabak Bernam 3 November 2020[9] 10 October 2022
PN (BERSATU) Yamani Hafez Musa Member Sipitang 3 November 2020[9] 10 October 2022
BN (UMNO) Noh Omar Member Tanjong Karang 3 November 2020[9] 4 November 2020 [17]
BN (UMNO) Ahmad Maslan Member Pontian 3 November 2020[9] 11 November 2020[18]
BN (UMNO) Jalaluddin Alias Member Jelebu 3 November 2020[9] 10 October 2022
PN (PAS) Ahmad Fadhli Shaari Member Pasir Mas 3 November 2020[9] 10 October 2022
PN (PAS) Ahmad Tarmizi Sulaiman Member Sik 3 November 2020[9] 10 October 2022
BN (UMNO) Hasbullah Osman Member Gerik 12 November 2020 16 November 2020 [19]
BN (UMNO) Ramli Mohd Nor Member Cameron Highlands 12 November 2020 10 October 2022
BN (UMNO) Mohamad Alamin Member Kimanis 30 November 2020 10 October 2022
BN (UMNO) Mohd Nizar Zakaria Member Parit 17 November 2020 10 October 2022

13th Parliament

PartyMemberPositionConstituencyTerm startTerm end
BN (UMNO)Hasan ArifinChairmanRompin19 October 2015[20]7 April 2018
BN (UMNO)Nur Jazlan MohamedChairmanPulai18 July 2013[21]27 July 2015[N 11][22]
DAPSeng Giaw TanDeputy ChairmanKepong18 July 2013[21]7 April 2018
PKRKamarul Baharin AbbasMemberTelok Kemang26 September 2013[21]7 April 2018
BN (UMNO)Nawawi AhmadMemberLangkawi19 October 2015[23]7 April 2018
BN (MCA)Tee Yong ChuaMemberLabis18 July 2013[24]25 June 2014[N 12][23]
BN (PBB)Hasbi HabibollahMemberLimbang18 July 2013[21]7 April 2018
BN (UMNO)Ahmad HamzahMemberJasin19 October 2015[23]7 April 2018
PASTakiyuddin HassanMemberKota Bharu19 October 2015[23]7 April 2018
PASKamaruddin JaffarMemberTumpat26 September 2013[21]27 July 2015[N 13]
BN (MCA)Nai Kwong KohMemberAlor Gajah19 October 2015[23]7 April 2018
PKRWilliam LeongMemberSelayang26 September 2013[21]7 April 2018
BN (Gerakan)Teck Meng LiangMemberSimpang Renggam18 July 2013[21]7 April 2018
BN (UPKO)Marcus MojigohMemberPutatan19 October 2015[23]7 April 2018
BN (UMNO)Reezal Merican Naina MericanMemberKepala Batas18 July 2013[21]27 July 2015[N 14][22]
DAPTony PuaMemberPetaling Jaya Utara26 September 2013[21]7 April 2018
BN (UMNO)Mas Ermieyati SamsudinMemberMasjid Tanah27 July 2015[N 15][22]
BN (UMNO)Abd. Aziz Sheikh FadzirMemberKulim-Bandar Baharu18 July 2013[21]7 April 2018
BN (UPKO)Wilfred Madius TangauMemberTuaran18 July 2013[21]27 July 2015[N 16][22]
BN (MCA)Jeck Seng WeeMemberTanjong Piai18 July 2013[21]7 April 2018

12th Parliament

PartyMemberConstituencyDate of appointment
BN (UMNO)Azmi Khalid, chairmanPadang Besar26 May 2008
DAPTan Seng Giaw, deputy chairmanKepong26 May 2008

11th Parliament

PartyMemberConstituencyDate of appointment
BN (UMNO)Ramli Ngah Talib, chairmanPasir Salak24 May 2004
BN (UMNO)Shahrir Abdul Samad, chairmanJohor Bahru14 December 2004
DAPTan Seng Giaw, deputy chairmanKepong24 May 2004

10th Parliament

PartyMemberConstituencyDate of appointment
BN (UMNO)Ahmad Husni Hanadzlah, vice chairmanTambun15 February 2000
BN (UMNO)Jamaluddin Jarjis, chairmanRompin15 February 2000

9th Parliament

PartyMemberConstituencyDate of appointment
BN (UMNO)Jamaluddin Jarjis, chairmanRompin12 June 1995
BN (UMNO)Mohd. Zihin Mohd. Hassan, vice chairmanLarut12 June 1995

8th Parliament

PartyMemberConstituencyDate of appointment
BN (UMNO)Affifudin Omar, chairmanPadang Terap5 December 1990
BN (UMNO)Mohd. Zihin Mohd. Hassan, vice chairmanLarut5 December 1990

7th Parliament

PartyMemberConstituencyDate of appointment
BN (UMNO)Abdul Hadi Derani, vice chairmanKota Setar8 October 1986
BN (UMNO)Ismail Said, chairmanKemaman8 October 1986

6th Parliament

PartyMemberConstituencyDate of appointment
BN (UMNO)Daud Taha, vice chairmanBatu Pahat12 October 1982
BN (MCA)Oo Gin Sun, chairmanAlor Setar12 October 1982

5th Parliament

PartyMemberConstituencyDate of appointment
BN (MCA)Lee Boon Peng, chairmanMantin12 October 1978
BN (UMNO)Mohd. Bakri Abdul Rais, vice chairmanParit12 October 1978

4th Parliament

PartyMemberConstituencyDate of appointment
BN (UMNO)Abdul Aziz Yeop, chairmanPadang Rengas7 July 1975
BN (MCA)Walter Loh Poh Khan, chairmanSelayang6 November 1974

3rd Parliament

PartyMemberConstituencyDate of appointment
Alliance (UMNO)Hanafiah Hussain, chairmanJerai9 March 1971

2nd Parliament

PartyMemberConstituencyDate of appointment
Alliance (MCA)Tan Toh Hong, chairmanBukit Bintang26 May 1965; 15 June 1966; 15 June 1967; 6 June 1968
Alliance (UMNO)Hanafiah Hussain, chairmanJerai20 May 1964

1st Parliament

PartyMemberConstituencyDate of appointment
Alliance (UMNO)Abdul Hamid Khan, chairmanBatang Padang12 September 1959
Alliance (UMNO)Ahmad Mohamed Shah, chairmanJohore Bahru Barat20 April 1960; 20 April 1961; 26 April 1962; 23 May 1963


  1. Noraini Ahmad, Ahmad Hamzah and Takiyuddin Hassan resigned on 25 March 2019.
  2. Noraini Ahmad was nominated to replace Ronald Kiandee as chairperson on 11 April 2019.
  3. Ronald Kiandee quit the United Malays National Organisation on 12 December 2018 and became an Independent.
  4. Ronald Kiandee joined the Malaysian United Indigenous Party on 15 March 2019.
  5. Nurul Izzah Anwar resigned on 22 March 2019.
  6. Nurul Izzah Anwar rejoined on 4 April 2019.
  7. Leader of the Opposition Ismail Sabri Yaakob reiterated that the MPs from Barisan Nasional (BN) will return to the PAC once an opposition MP had been appointed as chairperson.
  8. Takiyuddin Hassan later clarified that he does not intend to quit the PAC together with BN MPs.
  9. William Leong left the PAC after being appointed as chair of the Major Public Appointments Select Committee and was replaced by Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir.
  10. Nurul Izzah Anwar and William Leong replaced Akmal Nasrullah Mohd Nasir and Willie Mongin in a minor reshuffle on 4 December 2018.
  11. Nur Jazlan Mohamed was appointed Deputy Minister of Home Affairs
  12. Chua Tee Yong was appointed Deputy Minister of Finance.
  13. Kamaruddin Jaffar resigned from the Malaysian Islamic Party (PAS) and joined the People's Justice Party (PKR).
  14. Reezal Merican Naina Merican was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs.
  15. Mas Ermieyati Samsudin was appointed Deputy Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture.
  16. Wilfred Madius Tangau was appointed Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation.


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