< Portal:Spaceflight < On This Day
Portal:Spaceflight/On This Day/July
1 July
- 1964 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 34 satellite.
- 1966 - A Delta E launches the Explorer 33 spacecraft.
- 1967 - A Titan IIIC launches four IDCSP satellites, LES-5, and DODGE.
- 1976 - A Molniya-M fails to launch the Kosmos 837 satellite.
- 1977 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 923 satellite.
- 1980 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 1190 satellite.
- 1981 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1279 satellite.
- 1983 - A Molniya-M launches the Prognoz-9 satellite.
- 1987 - A Tsyklon-3 launches the Kosmos 1862 satellite.
- 1991 - A Proton-K launches a Gorizont satellite.
- 1992 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 2195 satellite.
- 1993 - A Soyuz-U2 launches the manned Soyuz TM-17 mission to Mir.
- 1994 - A Soyuz-U2 launches the manned Soyuz TM-19 mission to Mir.
- 1997 - Space Shuttle Columbia launches on Spacelab mission STS-94.
- 1998 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-3 satellite.
- 2004 - Cassini becomes the first spacecraft to orbit Saturn.
- 2009 - An Ariane 5ECA launches TerreStar-1, the largest single spacecraft placed into geosynchronous transfer orbit to date.
- 2013 - A PSLV-XL launches the IRNSS-1A navigation satellite.
2 July
- 1964 - A Thor-Agena launches the OPS-3395 satellite.
- 1965 - A Delta C launches the Tiros 10 satellite.
- 1965 - A Kosmos-2I launches the Kosmos 70 satellite.
- 1969 - A Europa rocket fails during a test flight.
- 1976 - A Tsyklon-2 launches the Kosmos 838 satellite.
- 1978 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1026 satellite.
- 1980 - A Molniya-M launches the Kosmos 1191 satellite.
- 1981 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1280 satellite.
- 1985 - An Ariane 1 launches the Giotto probe.
- 1990 - Giotto flies by Earth, the first Earth encounter by a spacecraft returning from deep space.
- 1992 - An Atlas II launches the DSCS IIIB-12 satellite.
- 1996 - A Pegasus-XL launches the TOMS-EP satellite.
- 2007 - A Kosmos-3M launches the SAR-Lupe 2 satellite.
- 2013 - A Proton-M/Blok-DM fails to launch 3 GLONASS-M navigation satellites.
3 July
- 1969 - An N1 explodes during a test flight, destroying its launch pad.
- 1974 - A Soyuz launches the manned Soyuz 14 mission.
- 1975 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 748 satellite.
- 1984 - A Molniya-M launches the Kosmos 1581 satellite.
- 1985 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1665 satellite.
- 1990 - A Soyuz-U fails to launch an unknown satellite.
- 1992 - A Scout G-1 launches the SAMPEX satellite.
- 1994 - A Long March 2D launches a FSW-2 satellite.
- 1996 - A Titan IV launches an SDS satellite.
- 1996 - A Long March 3 launches the Apstar-1A satellite.
- 1998 - A M-V launches the Nozomi probe, making Japan the third nation to launch a planetary mission.
- 2002 - A Delta II launches CONTOUR, a space probe that failed shortly after launch.
4 July
- 1967 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 168 satellite.
- 1968 - A Delta J launches the Explorer 38 spacecraft.
- 1973 - A Voskhod fails to launch an unknown satellite.
- 1975 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 749 satellite.
- 1977 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 924 satellite.
- 1987 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1863 satellite.
- 1989 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Nadezhda satellite.
- 1991 - A Delta II launches the GPS IIA-11 satellite.
- 1997 - Mars Pathfinder lands in the Ares Vallis region on Mars.
- 2000 - A Proton-K launches the Kosmos 2371 satellite.
- 2005 - The Deep Impact spacecraft encounters comet 9P/Tempel and blasts a crater in its surface.
- 2006 - Space Shuttle Discovery launches on mission STS-121.
5 July
- 1966 - A Saturn IB launches on the AS-203 test flight.
- 1968 - A Kosmos-2I launches the Kosmos 230 satellite.
- 1968 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-1 satellite.
- 1972 - A Kosmos-2I launches the Kosmos 498 satellite.
- 1979 - A Proton-K launches a Gorizont satellite.
- 1983 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1472 satellite.
- 1984 - A Tsyklon-3 launches a Meteor satellite.
- 1986 - A Molniya-M launches the Kosmos 1761 satellite.
- 1988 - A Tsyklon-3 launches an Okean satellite.
- 1989 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 2029 satellite.
- 1989 - A Proton-K launches a Gorizont satellite.
- 1995 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 2315 satellite.
- 1997 - A Soyuz-U launches the Progress M-35 spacecraft to resupply Mir.
- 1999 - A Proton-K/Briz-M fails to launch a Raduga satellite.
- 2002 - An Ariane 5 launches the Stellat and NStar-C satellites.
- 2005 - A Long March 2D launches the SJ-7 satellite.
- 2007 - A Long March 3B launches the Chinasat-6B satellite.
- 2012 - An Ariane 5 ECA launches the EchoStar XVII and MSG-3 satellites.
6 July
- 1964 - An Atlas-Agena launches an AFP-206 satellite.
- 1966 - A Proton launches the Proton-3 satellite.
- 1972 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 499 satellite.
- 1976 - A Soyuz launches the manned Soyuz 21 mission.
- 1979 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 1112 satellite.
- 1982 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1385 satellite.
- 1983 - A Kosmos-3M launches eight Strela satellites.
- 1987 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 1864 satellite.
- 1994 - A Proton-K launches the Kosmos 2282 satellite.
- 1997 - The Mars Pathfinder rover, Sojourner, rolls onto the martian surface.
- 2009 - A Rokot/Briz-KM launches the Kosmos 2451, 2452 and 2453 satellites.
- 2011 - A Long March 2C launches the Shijian XI-03 satellite.
7 July
- 1961 - A Thor-Agena launches the Discoverer 26 satellite.
- 1970 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 352 satellite.
- 1972 - A Titan IIID launches a KH-9 satellite.
- 1977 - A Vostok-2M launches the Kosmos 925 satellite.
- 1978 - A Soyuz-U launches the Progress 2 spacecraft to resupply Salyut 6.
- 1981 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1281 satellite.
- 1982 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 1386 satellite.
- 1988 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1957 satellite.
- 1988 - A Proton-K/D-2 launches the Fobos-1 satellite.
- 1992 - A Delta II launches the GPS IIA-14 satellite.
- 1993 - A Tsyklon-2 launches the Kosmos 2258 satellite.
- 1995 - An Ariane 4 launches the Helios 1A and ASAP-6 satellite.
- 1998 - A Shtil' launches the TUBSAT-N satellite.
- 2007 - A Proton-M Enhanced launches the DirecTV-10 satellite.
- 2008 - An Ariane 5 launches the Badr-6 and ProtoStar-1 satellites for Arabsat and ProtoStar.
8 July
- 1966 - A Kosmos-2I launches the Kosmos 123 satellite.
- 1971 - A Scout B launches the Explorer 44 satellite.
- 1975 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-2 satellite.
- 1976 - A Titan IIID launches a KH-9 satellite.
- 1976 - A Delta 2914 launches the Palapa A1 satellite.
- 1976 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 839 satellite.
- 1977 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 926 satellite.
- 1983 - A Molniya-M launches the Kosmos 1481 satellite.
- 1985 - A Tsyklon-3 launches the Kosmos 1666 satellite.
- 1987 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1865 satellite.
- 1992 - A Molniya-M launches the Kosmos 2196 satellite.
- 1994 - Space Shuttle Columbia launches on Spacelab mission STS-65.
- 1994 - An Ariane 4 launches the BSAT 3N and PanAmSat 2 satellites.
- 1999 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-3 satellite.
- 2002 - A Kosmos-3M launches two Strela satellites.
- 2003 - The first Delta IIH launches the Opportunity rover towards Mars.
- 2011 - Space Shuttle Atlantis launches on mission STS-135, the final ever Space Shuttle mission.
9 July
- 1970 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 353 satellite.
- 1974 - A Vostok-2M launches a Meteor satellite.
- 1980 - A Kosmos-3M launches eight Strela satellites.
- 1980 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1200 satellite.
- 1987 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1866 satellite.
- 1988 - A Soyuz-U fails to launch an unknown satellite.
- 1991 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 2152 satellite.
- 1992 - An Ariane 4 launches the Insat 2A and Eutelsat 2F4 satellites.
- 1996 - An Ariane 4 launches the Turksat 1C and Arabsat 2A satellite.
- 1997 - A Delta II launches five Iridium satellites.
- 1999 - A Delta II launches four Globalstar satellites.
- 2012 - A Proton-M/Briz-M launches the SES-5 communication satellite.
10 July
- 1962 - A Thor-Delta launches Telstar 1, the first active communications satellite.
- 1963 - A Vostok-2 fails to launch an unknown satellite.
- 1964 - A Thor-Agena launches a CORONA satellite.
- 1964 - A Vostok-K launches two Elektron satellites.
- 1968 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 231 satellite.
- 1969 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 289 satellite.
- 1972 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 500 satellite.
- 1979 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1113 satellite.
- 1981 - A Vostok-2M launches a Meteor satellite.
- 1982 - A Soyuz-U launches the Progress 14 spacecraft to resupply Salyut 7.
- 1985 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1667 satellite.
- 1986 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1762 satellite.
- 1987 - A Tsyklon-2 launches the Kosmos 1867 satellite.
- 1991 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 2153 satellite.
- 1992 - Giotto passes within 200 km of the nucleus of the comet 26P/Grigg-Skjellerup.
- 1995 - A Titan IV launches a Trumpet satellite.
- 1998 - A Zenit-2 launches a Resurs satellite.
- 1999 - A Delta II launches several Globalstar satellites.
- 2005 - A M-V launches the ASTRO E2 satellite.
- 2006 - A GSLV fails to launch the Insat 4C satellite.
- 2010 - A Proton-M/Briz-M launches the EchoStar XV communication satellite.
11 July
- 1968 - An Atlas E/F launches the OV1-15 and OV1-16 satellites.
- 1973 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-2 satellite.
- 1974 - A Kosmos-2I fails to launch an unknown satellite.
- 1975 - A Vostok-2M launches a Meteor satellite.
- 1979 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 1114 satellite.
- 1990 - A Soyuz-U2 launches the Gamma satellite.
- 2011 - A Long March 3C launches the Tianlian I-02 data relay satellite.
- 2014 - An Antares launches the Cygnus International Space Station resupply spacecraft.
12 July
- 1961 - A Thor-Delta launches the Tiros 3 satellite.
- 1961 - An Atlas-Agena launches the Midas 3 satellite.
- 1963 - An Atlas-Agena launches an AFP-206 satellite.
- 1965 - An Atlas-Agena fails to launch an AFP-206 satellite.
- 1966 - An Atlas-Agena launches an AFP-206 satellite.
- 1972 - A Kosmos-2I launches the Kosmos 501 satellite.
- 1974 - A Feng Bao 1 fails to launch the JSSW satellite.
- 1974 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 666 satellite.
- 1977 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 927 satellite.
- 1988 - A Proton-K/D-2 launches the Fobos-2 satellite.
- 1989 - An Ariane 3 launches the Olympus satellite.
- 1989 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 2030 satellite.
- 2000 - A Proton-K launches the Zvezda ISS module.
- 2001 - Space Shuttle Atlantis launches on mission STS-104 to the ISS, delivering the Quest airlock.
- 2001 - An Ariane 5 places the Artemis and BSAT-2b satellites in an incorrect orbit after a launch failure. Artemis later becomes the first satellite to correct for this using an ion engine. BSAT was unrecoverable.
- 2006 - A Dnepr-1 launches Genesis-1, the first prototype for a commercial space station module.
- 2010 - A PSLV-CA launches the Cartosat-2B satellite and four cubesats.
13 July
- 1965 - A Vostok-2 fails to launch an unknown satellite.
- 1969 - A Proton-K launches the Luna 15 probe.
- 1972 - A Soyuz-M launches the Kosmos 502 satellite.
- 1973 - A Titan IIID launches a KH-9 satellite.
- 1977 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 928 satellite.
- 1979 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1115 satellite.
- 1982 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1387 satellite.
- 1983 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1482 satellite.
- 1988 - An ASLV fails to launch the SROSS-B satellite.
- 1992 - A Tsyklon-3 launches six Strela satellites.
- 1995 - Space Shuttle Discovery launches on mission STS-70, to deploy the TDRS-7 satellite.
- 2011 - A Soyuz-2-1a/Fregat launches six Globalstar satellites.
14 July
- 1966 - An Atlas D launches the OV1-7, OV1-8 and NC20.189 satellites.
- 1966 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 124 satellite.
- 1967 - An Atlas-Centaur launches the Surveyor 4 probe.
- 1974 - An Atlas E/F launches the P73-3 satellite.
- 1976 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 840 satellite.
- 1977 - A Delta 2914 launches the GMS satellite.
- 1978 - A Delta 2914 launches the Geos 2 satellite.
- 1978 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-1 satellite.
- 1980 - A Proton-K launches an Ekran satellite.
- 1983 - An Atlas E/F launches a GPS satellite.
- 1987 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 1868 satellite.
- 1988 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 1958 satellite.
- 1992 - A Proton-K launches a Gorizont satellite.
- 1993 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 2259 satellite.
- 1994 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Nadezhda satellite.
- 2000 - An Atlas IIAS launches the Echostar VI satellite.
- 2009 - A Falcon 1 launches the RazakSat satellite.
15 July
- 1964 - A Vostok-2 launches the Kosmos 35 satellite.
- 1975 - A Soyuz-U launches Soyuz 19, and a Saturn IB launches an Apollo spacecraft, for the ASTP mission.
- 1976 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 841 satellite.
- 1980 - A Thor DSV-2U fails to launch a DMSP satellite.
- 1980 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1201 satellite.
- 1981 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1282 satellite.
- 1985 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1668 satellite.
- 2000 - A Kosmos-3M launches the CHAMP, BIRD and MITA satellites.
- 2004 - A Delta II launches the Aura spacecraft.
- 2009 - Space Shuttle Endeavour launches on STS-127, to deliver the final component of the Japanese Experiment Module to the ISS
- 2011 - A PSLV-XL launches the GSAT-12 satellite.
- 2012 - A Soyuz-FG launches Soyuz TMA-05M, carrying three astronauts to the International Space Station.
- 2013 - A Long March 2C launches the Shijian XI-05 satellite.
16 July
- 1959 - A Juno II fails to launch the S-1 satellite.
- 1965 - A Kosmos-1 launches five satellites.
- 1965 - A Proton launches a Proton satellite.
- 1968 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 232 satellite.
- 1969 - A Saturn V launches Apollo 11, the first manned mission to attempt a landing on the Moon.
- 1971 - A Vostok-2M launches a Meteor satellite.
- 1971 - A Thorad-Agena launches the OPS-8373 satellite.
- 1973 - A Delta 0300 fails to launch the ITOS-E satellite.
- 1974 - A Scout D-1 launches the Aeros 2 satellite.
- 1982 - A Delta 3920 launches the Landsat 4 satellite.
- 1986 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 1763 satellite.
- 1987 - A Tsyklon-3 launches the Kosmos 1869 satellite.
- 1990 - A Long March 2E launches the Badr-A satellite.
- 1996 - A Delta II launches the GPS IIA-26 satellite.
- 1999 - A Soyuz-U launches the Progress M-42 spacecraft to resupply Mir.
- 2000 - A Delta II launches the GPS IIR-5 satellite.
- 2000 - A Soyuz-U launches two Cluster satellites.
- 2008 - A Zenit-3SL launches the Echostar XI satellite.
- 2011 - A Delta IV launches the GPS-IIF 2 navigation satellite.
17 July
- 1964 - An Atlas-Agena launches the Vela 2A and 2B satellites.
- 1965 - A Thor-Agena launches the OPS-8411 satellite.
- 1967 - An R-36 launches the Kosmos 169 spacecraft.
- 1975 - A Kosmos-2I launches the Kosmos 750 satellite.
- 1977 - A Proton-K launches the Kosmos 929 satellite.
- 1981 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1283 satellite.
- 1984 - A Soyuz-U2 launches the manned Soyuz T-12 mission.
- 1985 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-3 satellite.
- 1986 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1764 satellite.
- 1990 - A Soyuz-U launches a Resurs-F satellite.
- 1991 - An Ariane 4 launches the ERS-1 satellite.
- 1991 - A Pegasus fails to launch seven Microsat satellites.
- 1999 - A Zenit-2 launches an Okean satellite.
- 2003 - An Atlas V launches the Rainbow 1 satellite.
18 July
- 1962 - An Atlas-Agena launches the FTV-2403 satellite.
- 1965 - A Molniya launches the Zond 3 spacecraft.
- 1966 - An Atlas-Agena launches a GATV spacecraft for use by Gemini 10.
- 1966 - A Titan II launches the Gemini 10 mission.
- 1968 - A Kosmos-2I launches the Kosmos 233 satellite.
- 1978 - A Proton-K launches a Raduga satellite.
- 1980 - An SLV launches the IRS-1 satellite.
- 1980 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-3 satellite.
- 1988 - A Soyuz-U2 launches the Progress 37 spacecraft to resupply Mir.
- 1988 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 1959 satellite.
- 1989 - A Soyuz-U launches a Resurs-F satellite.
- 1989 - A Soyuz-U2 launches the Kosmos 2031 satellite.
- 1990 - A Proton-K launches the Kosmos 2085 satellite.
- 1998 - A Long March 3B launches the Sinosat-1 satellite.
- 2004 - An Ariane 5 launches the Anik F2 satellite.
- 2011 - A Zenit-3F launches the Spektr-R radio telescope.
19 July
- 1963 - A Thor-Agena launches a CORONA satellite.
- 1963 - An Atlas-Agena launches the Midas 9 satellite.
- 1965 - A Thor-Agena launches a CORONA satellite.
- 1967 - A Delta E launches the Explorer 35 spacecraft.
- 1972 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 503 satellite.
- 1977 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 930 satellite.
- 1983 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-1 satellite.
- 1984 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1582 satellite.
- 1985 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1669 satellite.
- 1993 - An Atlas II launches the USA-93 satellite.
- 2000 - A Minotaur I launches the Mightysat 2.1 satellite.
- 2013 - An Atlas V launches the MUOS-2 military communication satellite.
- 2013 - A Long March 4C launches the Shijian 15, Shiyan 7 and Chuangxin 3 satellites.
20 July
- 1965 - An Atlas-Agena launches the Vela 3A and 3B satellites.
- 1966 - A Soyuz launches the Kosmos 125 satellite.
- 1969 - The Apollo 11 Lunar Module, Eagle becomes the first crewed spacecraft to land on the Moon.
- 1971 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 429 satellite.
- 1972 - A Kosmos-3M launches eight Strela satellites.
- 1977 - A Molniya-M launches the Kosmos 931 satellite.
- 1977 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 932 satellite.
- 1979 - A Vostok-2M launches the Kosmos 1116 satellite.
- 1983 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1483 satellite.
- 1989 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 2032 satellite.
- 1990 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 2086 satellite.
- 1994 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 2283 satellite.
- 1995 - A Soyuz-U launches the Progress M-28 spacecraft to resupply Mir.
- 2001 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-3 satellite.
21 July
- 1961 - A Redstone rocket launches Mercury-Redstone 4 on a manned sub-orbital spaceflight.
- 1961 - A Thor-Agena fails to launch the Discoverer 27 satellite.
- 1962 - A Thor-Agena launches a CORONA satellite.
- 1967 - A Voskhod fails to launch an unknown satellite.
- 1969 - Apollo 11 astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin become the first men to walk on the Moon.
- 1970 - A Voskhod fails to launch an unknown satellite.
- 1973 - A Proton-K launches the Mars 4 probe.
- 1976 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 842 satellite.
- 1976 - A Tsyklon-2 launches the Kosmos 843 satellite.
- 1982 - A Kosmos-3M launches eight Strela satellites.
- 1982 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-1 satellite.
- 1988 - An Ariane 3 launches the Insat 1C/ECS 5 satellite.
- 1994 - A Long March 3 launches the Apstar 1 satellite.
- 2006 - A Molniya-M launches the Kosmos 2422 satellite.
- 2009 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 2454 and Sterkh-1 satellites.
- 2012 - A H-IIB launches the HTV-3 logistics spacecraft to the International Space Station.
22 July
- 1962 - An Atlas-Agena fails to launch the Mariner 1 probe.
- 1969 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 290 satellite.
- 1969 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-1 satellite.
- 1971 - A Kosmos-3M fails to launch an unknown satellite.
- 1976 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 844 satellite.
- 1976 - An Atlas-Centaur launches the Comstar D-2 satellite.
- 1977 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 933 satellite.
- 1982 - A Proton-K fails to launch an unknown satellite.
- 1987 - A Soyuz-U2 launches the manned Soyuz TM-3 mission.
- 1993 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 2260 satellite.
- 1993 - An Ariane 4 launches the Hispasat 1B and Insat 2B satellites.
- 2004 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 2407 satellite.
- 2008 - A Kosmos-3M launches the SAR-Lupe 5 satellite.
- 2012 - A Soyuz-FG/Fregat launches the Kanopus-V 1, BelKA 2 and three other satellites.
- 2019 - A GSLV Mk III launches the Chandrayaan 2 probe
23 July
- 1965 - A Kosmos-2I launches the Kosmos 76 satellite.
- 1969 - A Thor-Burner launches the DAPP-7421 satellite.
- 1969 - A Kosmos-2I fails to launch an unknown satellite.
- 1970 - A Thorad-Agena launches a CORONA satellite.
- 1970 - A Delta M launches the Intelsat 308 satellite.
- 1971 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 430 satellite.
- 1972 - A Delta 0900 launches the ERTS-1 satellite.
- 1974 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-2 satellite.
- 1975 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 751 satellite.
- 1976 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-1 satellite.
- 1977 - A Proton-K launches a Raduga satellite.
- 1980 - A Soyuz-U launches the manned Soyuz 37 mission.
- 1991 - A Soyuz-U launches a Resurs-F satellite.
- 1997 - A Delta II launches the GPS IIR-2 satellite.
- 1999 - Space Shuttle Columbia launches on mission STS-93 to deploy the Chandra observatory.
- 2001 - An Atlas IIA launches the GOES 12 satellite.
24 July
- 1969 - A Thorad-Agena launches a CORONA satellite.
- 1975 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 752 satellite.
- 1980 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1202 satellite.
- 1983 - A Vostok-2M launches the Kosmos 1484 satellite.
- 1984 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1583 satellite.
- 1986 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1765 satellite.
- 1989 - A Tsyklon-2 launches the Kosmos 2033 satellite.
- 1990 - An Ariane 4 launches the TDF-2 and DFS-2 satellites.
- 1992 - A Delta II launches the GEOTAIL spacecraft.
- 1992 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 2203 satellite.
- 1995 - A Proton-K launches three GLONASS satellites.
- 2009 - A Soyuz-U launches Progress M-67, the last flight of the Progress-M 11F615A55 spacecraft.
25 July
- 1958 - A Pilot fails to launch a test satellite.
- 1967 - A Thor-Agena launches the OPS 1879 satellite.
- 1973 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 577 satellite.
- 1973 - A Proton-K launches the Mars 5 probe.
- 1974 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 667 satellite.
- 1974 - A Kosmos-2I launches the Kosmos 668 satellite.
- 1979 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1117 satellite.
- 1987 - A Proton-K launches the Kosmos 1870 satellite.
- 1989 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 2034 satellite.
- 1990 - A Molniya-M launches the Kosmos 2087 satellite.
- 1990 - An Atlas I launches the CRRES satellite.
- 1996 - An Atlas II launches the UHF-7 satellite.
- 1999 - A Delta II launches several Globalstar satellites.
- 2002 - A Proton-K/DM-5 launches the Kosmos 2392 satellite.
- 2004 - A Long March 2C launches the TC-2 satellite.
- 2012 - A Long March 3C launches the Tianlian I-03 data relay satellite.
- 2013 - An Ariane 5 ECA launches the Alphasat I-XL and INSAT-3D satellites.
26 July
- 1958 - A Juno I launches the Explorer 4 satellite.
- 1963 - A Delta B launches the Syncom 2 satellite.
- 1969 - A Delta M fails to launch the Intelsat 305 satellite.
- 1971 - A Saturn V launches the Apollo 15 mission to the Moon.
- 1974 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 669 satellite.
- 1975 - A Feng Bao 1 launches the JSSW satellite.
- 1983 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1485 satellite.
- 1988 - A Tsyklon-3 launches a Meteor satellite.
- 2005 - Space Shuttle Discovery launches on the first Shuttle mission after the Columbia accident, STS-114.
- 2006 - A Dnepr-1 fails to launch twenty six satellites.
- 2008 - A Soyuz-2-1b launches the Kosmos 2441 military imaging satellite.
- 2011 - A Long March 3A launches the Compass-IGSO 4 navigation satellite.
27 July
- 1967 - An Atlas D fails to launch three OV satellites.
- 1976 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 845 satellite.
- 1976 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Interkosmos-16 satellite.
- 1977 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 934 satellite.
- 1978 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 1027 satellite.
- 1979 - A Feng Bao 1 fails to launch the SJ-2 satellite.
- 1979 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1118 satellite.
- 1982 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1396 satellite.
- 1984 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1584 satellite.
- 1988 - A Soyuz-U fails to launch an unknown satellite.
- 1992 - A Soyuz-U2 launches the manned Soyuz TM-15 mission.
- 2013 - A Soyuz-U launches the Progress M-20M spacecraft to resupply the ISS.
28 July
- 1960 - A Vostok-2 fails to launch an unknown satellite.
- 1962 - A Thor-Agena launches a CORONA satellite.
- 1962 - A Vostok-2 launches the Kosmos 7 satellite.
- 1964 - An Atlas-Agena launches the Ranger 7 probe.
- 1966 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 126 satellite.
- 1967 - A Thor-Agena launches the OGO-4 satellite.
- 1970 - An R-36 launches the Kosmos 354 spacecraft.
- 1971 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-1 satellite.
- 1972 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 512 satellite.
- 1973 - A Saturn IB launches the manned Skylab 3 mission.
- 1983 - A Delta 3920 launches the Telstar 301 satellite.
- 1986 - A Tsyklon-3 launches the Kosmos 1766 satellite.
- 1988 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 1960 satellite.
- 1997 - An Atlas IIAS launches the Superbird-C satellite.
- 1998 - A Zenit-2 launches the Kosmos 2360 satellite.
- 2000 - A Zenit-3SL launches the Panamsat-9 satellite.
- 2006 - A Rokot launches the Kompsat-2 satellite.
- 2012 - A Rokot launches the Kosmos 2481, MiR and two Gonets-M satellites.
29 July
- 1966 - A Titan IIIB launches a KH-8 satellite.
- 1972 - A Proton-K fails to launch an unknown satellite.
- 1974 - A Proton-K launches a Molniya-1S satellite.
- 1976 - A Delta 2310 launches the NOAA-5 satellite.
- 1976 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 846 satellite.
- 1977 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 935 satellite.
- 1981 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1284 satellite.
- 1982 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 1397 satellite.
- 1985 - Space Shuttle Challenger launches on Spacelab mission STS-51-F. An engine failure during ascent necessitates an abort to orbit manoeuvre.
- 1994 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 2284 satellite.
- 2009 - A Dnepr-1 launches the DubaiSat-1, Deimos-1, UK-DMC 2, AprizeSat-3 and AprizeSat-4 spacecraft.
- 2011 - A Long March 2C launches the Shijian XI-02 satellite.
30 July
- 1964 - A Kosmos-2I launches the Kosmos 36 satellite.
- 1965 - Saturn I launches the Pegasus-3 satellite, and a boilerplate Apollo spacecraft, on mission A-105.
- 1968 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 234 satellite.
- 1971 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 431 satellite.
- 1981 - A Proton-K launches a Raduga satellite.
- 1986 - A Zenit-2 launches the Kosmos 1767 satellite.
- 1986 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-1 satellite.
- 1990 - A Tsyklon-3 launches the Kosmos 2088 satellite.
- 1992 - A Proton-K launches three GLONASS satellites.
- 1992 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 2207 satellite.
- 2020 - An Atlas V 541 launches the Perseverance rover and the Ingenuity helicopter as part of the Mars 2020 mission
31 July
- 1963 - A Thor-Agena launches a CORONA satellite.
- 1967 - An R-36 launches the Kosmos 170 satellite.
- 1969 - A Thorad-Agena launches the OPS-8285 satellite.
- 1975 - A Voskhod launches the Kosmos 753 satellite.
- 1979 - A Molniya-M launches a Molniya-1 satellite.
- 1980 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1203 satellite.
- 1980 - A Kosmos-3M launches the Kosmos 1204 satellite.
- 1983 - A Titan 34B launches the OPS-7304 satellite.
- 1984 - A Soyuz-U launches the Kosmos 1585 satellite.
- 1992 - Space Shuttle Atlantis launches on mission STS-46 to conduct the TSS-1 tether experiment, and deploy the EURECA satellite.
- 1995 - An Atlas IIA launches the DSCS III B-7 satellite.
- 1996 - A Soyuz-U launches the Progress M-32 spacecraft to resupply Mir.
- 2001 - A Tsyklon-3 launches the Koronas-F satellite.
- 2010 - A Long March 3A launches the Compass-IGSO 1 navigation satellite.
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