List of schools in Tasmania

Schools in the Tasmanian public education system include 123 primary schools (Kindergarten to Grade 6), 54 high schools (Grade 7 to 12), and 8 colleges (Grade 11 and 12). The public education system is run by the Tasmanian Department of Education.

Of the high schools, 26 are district (or district high) schools, where in rural areas the primary and high schools are located on a single campus. There are also 6 support (or special) schools, 4 early learning centres, 1 infant school and distance education.

The largest public education institute in Tasmania is the University of Tasmania, with major campuses at Newnham (in Launceston) and Sandy Bay (in Hobart), along with a north-west centre in Burnie.

There are many non-government schools and colleges in Tasmania. Non-government schools generally have a religious affiliation, although the strength varies between schools. There are 70 registered non-government schools in Tasmania.

Government schools

Secondary schools

Name Suburb Opened Notes
Bayview Secondary CollegeRokeby1980Formerly Rokeby High School
Brooks High SchoolRocherlea1948
Burnie High SchoolCooee1916
Claremont CollegeClaremont1990
Clarence High SchoolBellerive1959
Cosgrove High SchoolGlenorchy1951
Deloraine High SchoolDeloraine1952
Devonport High SchoolDevonport1916
Don CollegeDevonport1976
Elizabeth CollegeNorth Hobart1911
Exeter High SchoolExeter1985
Hellyer CollegeBurnie1976
Hobart City High SchoolNew Town2022Amalgamation of New Town High School and Ogilvie High School
Hobart CollegeMount Nelson1913
Huonville High SchoolHuonville1940
Jordan River Learning Federation – Senior SchoolBridgewater2011
Kings Meadows High SchoolKings Meadows1960
Kingston High SchoolKingston1972
Latrobe High SchoolLatrobe1964
Launceston Big Picture SchoolInvermay2016
Launceston CollegeLaunceston1913
Montrose Bay High SchoolRosetta and Goodwood2010
New Norfolk High SchoolNew Norfolk1954
Newstead CollegeLaunceston1997
Parklands High SchoolRomaine1958
Prospect High SchoolProspect1965
Queechy High SchoolNorwood1957
Reece High SchoolDevonport1950s
Riverside High SchoolRiverside1962
Rose Bay High SchoolRose Bay1961
Rosny CollegeRosny Park1973
Scottsdale High SchoolScottsdale1922
Smithton High SchoolSmithton1938
Taroona High SchoolTaroona1958
Ulverstone Secondary CollegeUlverstone1953
Wynyard High SchoolWynyard1960

District schools

Name Suburb Opened Notes
Bothwell District High SchoolBothwell1833
Bruny Island District SchoolAlonnah1949
Campania District High SchoolCampania1886
Campbell Town District High SchoolCampbell Town
Cape Barren Island SchoolCape Barren Island1890
Cressy District High SchoolCressy1840
Dover District High SchoolDover1919
Flinders Island District High SchoolWhitemark
Glenora District High SchoolGlenora1848
King Island District High SchoolCurrie
Lilydale District High SchoolLilydale1875
Mountain Heights SchoolQueenstown1896
Oatlands District High SchoolOatlands1833
Ouse District SchoolOuse1847
Penguin District SchoolPenguin2013
Port Dalrymple SchoolGeorge Town1999Merger of George Town Primary School and George Town High School.
Rosebery District High SchoolRosebery1899
Sheffield SchoolSheffield1878
Sorell SchoolSorell1821
St Helens District High SchoolSt Helens1874
St Marys District High SchoolSt Marys1857
Tasman District High SchoolNubeena
Triabunna District High SchoolTriabunna1863
Winnaleah District High SchoolWinnaleah
Woodbridge SchoolWoodbridge1871
Yolla District SchoolYolla1904

Primary and infant schools

Name Suburb Opened Notes
Albuera Street Primary SchoolHobart1847
Andrews Creek Primary SchoolWesley Vale2013Merger of Moriarty and Wesley Vale Primary Schools
Austins Ferry Primary SchoolClaremont2011
Bagdad Primary SchoolBagdad1867
Beaconsfield Primary SchoolBeaconsfield1883
Bellerive Primary SchoolBellerive1842
Bicheno Primary SchoolBicheno
Blackmans Bay Primary SchoolBlackmans Bay
Boat Harbour Primary SchoolBoat Harbour1888
Bowen Road Primary SchoolMoonah1929
Bracknell Primary SchoolBracknell1866
Bridport Primary SchoolBridport
Brighton Primary SchoolBrighton1952
Burnie Primary SchoolPark Grove1852
Cambridge Primary SchoolCambridge1864
Campbell Street Primary SchoolNorth Hobart1926
Clarendon Vale Primary SchoolClarendon Vale
Collinsvale Primary SchoolCollinsvale1848
Cooee Primary SchoolCooee1915
Cygnet Primary SchoolCygnet
Deloraine Primary SchoolDeloraine1847
Devonport Primary SchoolDevonport1886
Dodges Ferry Primary SchoolDodges Ferry1988
Dunalley Primary SchoolDunalley1885
East Derwent Primary SchoolBridgewater1891Formerly Bridgewater Primary School. Part of The Jordan River Learning Federation (JRLF)
East Devonport Primary SchoolEast Devonport1856
East Launceston Primary SchoolEast Launceston1908
East Tamar Primary SchoolMayfield
East Ulverstone Primary SchoolUlverstone
Edith Creek Primary SchoolEdith Creek1954
Evandale Primary SchoolEvandale1834
Exeter Primary SchoolExeter1909
Fairview Primary SchoolNew Norfolk
Forest Primary SchoolForest1880
Forth Primary SchoolForth1867
Franklin Primary SchoolFranklin1860
Gagebrook Primary SchoolGagebrookPart of The Jordan River Learning Federation (JRLF)
Geeveston Primary SchoolGeeveston1880
Glen Dhu Primary SchoolSouth Launceston1895
Glen Huon Primary SchoolGlen Huon1880
Glenorchy Primary SchoolGlenorchy1839
Goodwood Primary SchoolDerwent Park1954
Goulburn Street Primary SchoolWest Hobart1887
Hagley Farm Primary SchoolHagley1932
Havenview Primary SchoolHavenview1963
Herdsmans Cove Primary SchoolHerdsmans Cove1979Part of The Jordan River Learning Federation (JRLF)
Hillcrest Primary SchoolDevonport
Howrah Primary SchoolHowrah1961
Huonville Primary SchoolHuonville
Illawarra Primary SchoolBlackmans Bay
Invermay Primary SchoolInvermay1889
Kempton Primary SchoolKempton1861
Kingston Primary SchoolKingston1860
Lansdowne Crescent Primary SchoolWest Hobart1916
Latrobe Primary SchoolLatrobe1870
Lauderdale Primary SchoolLauderdale1965
Lenah Valley Primary SchoolLenah Valley
Lindisfarne North Primary SchoolGeilston Bay1895
Lindisfarne Primary SchoolLindisfarne1895
Longford Primary SchoolLongford1830
Margate Primary SchoolMargate1919
Miandetta Primary SchoolMiandetta1970
Mole Creek Primary SchoolMole Creek1878
Molesworth Primary SchoolMolesworth1881
Montagu Bay Primary SchoolMontagu Bay1935
Montello Primary SchoolMontello
Moonah Primary SchoolDerwent Park1911
Mount Nelson Primary SchoolMount Nelson
Mount Stuart Primary SchoolMount Stuart1957
Mowbray Heights Primary SchoolMowbray1927
Natone Primary SchoolNatone1957
New Norfolk Primary SchoolNew Norfolk1860s
New Town Primary SchoolNew Town1860
Nixon Street Primary SchoolDevonport1959
Norwood Primary SchoolNorwood
Orford Primary SchoolOrford1869
Perth Primary SchoolPerth1833
Port Sorell Primary SchoolPort Sorell2013
Princes Street Primary SchoolSandy Bay1922
Punchbowl Primary SchoolNewstead
Ravenswood Heights Primary SchoolRavenswood1996
Redpa Primary SchoolRedpa
Riana Primary SchoolRiana1954
Richmond Primary SchoolRichmond1834
Ridgley Primary SchoolRidgley1905
Ringarooma Primary SchoolRingarooma1880
Risdon Vale Primary SchoolRisdon Vale1961
Riverside Primary SchoolRiverside
Rokeby Primary SchoolRokeby
Romaine Park Primary SchoolBurnie2011
Rosetta Primary SchoolRosetta1960
Sandy Bay Infant SchoolSandy Bay1888
Sassafras Primary SchoolSassafras1871
Scottsdale Primary SchoolScottsdale1868
Smithton Primary SchoolSmithton1874
Snug Primary SchoolSnug
Somerset Primary SchoolSomerset1865
South Arm Primary SchoolSouth Arm
South George Town Primary SchoolGeorge Town1967
South Hobart Primary SchoolSouth Hobart1847
Sprent Primary SchoolSprent1950
Spreyton Primary SchoolSpreyton1890
Springfield Gardens Primary SchoolWest Moonah1960
St Leonards Primary SchoolSt Leonards1862
Stanley Primary SchoolStanley1854
Strahan Primary SchoolStrahan1890
Summerdale Primary SchoolSummerhill1913
Swansea Primary SchoolSwansea1860
Table Cape Primary SchoolWynyard1856Formerly Wynyard Primary School
Taroona Primary SchoolTaroona1915
Trevallyn Primary SchoolLaunceston1916
Ulverstone Primary SchoolUlverstone1870
Waimea Heights Primary SchoolSandy Bay1953
Warrane Primary SchoolWarrane
Waverley Primary SchoolWaverley1956
West Launceston Primary SchoolWest Launceston
West Ulverstone Primary SchoolWest Ulverstone1959
Westbury Primary SchoolWestbury1839
Westerway Primary SchoolWesterway1920
Wilmot Primary SchoolWilmot
Windermere Primary SchoolClaremont2010
Youngtown Primary SchoolYoungtown1887
Zeehan Primary SchoolZeehan1872

Support schools

Name Suburb Opened Notes
Ashley SchoolDeloraine
Northern Support School – Newstead Heights campusRavenswood
Northern Support School – St Georges campusRavenswood
North-Western Support School – BurnieSouth Burnie
North-Western Support School – DevonportDevonport
Southern Support SchoolHowrah1969Formerly Timsbury Road School

Early learning

  • Early Learning Tasmania Burnie
  • Early Learning Tasmania Devonport
  • Early Learning Tasmania Hobart
  • Early Learning Tasmania Launceston


Catholic schools

Name Suburb M/F/Co-ed Opened Notes
Corpus Christi SchoolBelleriveCo-ed1936
Dominic CollegeGlenorchyCo-ed1973
Guilford Young CollegeHobart and GlenorchyCo-ed1995
Holy Rosary SchoolClaremontCo-ed1961
Immaculate Heart of Mary Catholic SchoolLenah ValleyCo-ed1961
John Paul II SchoolRokebyCo-ed1983
Larmenier Primary SchoolSt LeonardsCo-ed1961
MacKillop CollegeMorningtonCo-ed1994
Marist Regional CollegeBurnieCo-ed1972
Mount Carmel CollegeSandy BayF1942
Our Lady of Lourdes SchoolDevonportCo-ed1891
Our Lady of Mercy SchoolDeloraineCo-ed1895
Sacred Heart CollegeNew TownCo-ed1888
Sacred Heart SchoolGeevestonCo-ed1938
Sacred Heart SchoolLauncestonCo-ed1872
Sacred Heart SchoolUlverstoneCo-ed1889
St Aloysius Catholic CollegeKingston Beach and HuntingfieldCo-ed1960
St Anthony's SchoolRiversideCo-ed1958
St Brendan-Shaw CollegeDevonportCo-ed1981
St Brigid's SchoolNew NorfolkCo-ed1926
St Brigid's SchoolWynyardCo-ed1923
St Cuthbert's SchoolLindisfarneCo-ed1938
St Finn Barr's Catholic SchoolInvermayCo-ed1894
St Francis Flexible Learning CentreChigwellCo-edAlternative
St James' CollegeCygnetCo-ed1962
St John's SchoolRichmondCo-ed1843
St Joseph's SchoolQueenstownCo-ed1899
St Joseph's SchoolRoseberyCo-ed1958
St Mary's CollegeHobartF1868
St Patrick's CollegeProspectCo-ed1918
St Patrick's SchoolLatrobeCo-ed1887
St Paul's SchoolBridgewaterCo-ed1984
St Peter Chanel Catholic SchoolSmithtonCo-ed1979
St Therese's SchoolMoonahCo-ed1931
St Thomas More's SchoolNewsteadCo-ed1938
St Virgil's CollegeHobart and Austins FerryM1911
Star of the Sea CollegeGeorge TownCo-ed1957
Stella Maris SchoolBurnieCo-ed1862

Independent schools

Name Suburb M/F/Co-ed Category Opened Notes
Australian Christian CollegeBurnie, Launceston and HobartCo-edChristian1981Formerly Seabrook Christian School
Calvin Christian SchoolKingstonCo-edChristian1962
Channel Christian SchoolMargateCo-edChristian1988
Circular Head Christian SchoolSmithtonCo-edChristian1985
The Cottage SchoolBelleriveCo-edNon-denominational1975
Devonport Christian SchoolDevonportCo-edChristian1992
Eastside Lutheran CollegeWarraneCo-edLutheran1982
Emmanuel Christian SchoolRokebyCo-edChristian1979
Fahan SchoolSandy BayFNon-denominational1935
The Friends’ SchoolNorth HobartCo-edQuaker1887
Geneva Christian CollegeLatrobeCo-edChristian1967
Hilliard Christian SchoolMoonahCo-edAdventist1900
The Hutchins SchoolSandy BayMAnglican1846
Indie SchoolGlenorchy and DevonportCo-edAlternative
John Calvin SchoolLauncestonCo-edChristian1965
Lambert SchoolNorth HobartCo-edNon-denominational1975
Launceston Christian SchoolRiversideCo-edChristian1976
Launceston Church Grammar SchoolMowbrayCo-edAnglican1846
The Launceston Preparatory SchoolLauncestonCo-edNon-denominational
Leighland Christian SchoolUlverstoneCo-edChristian1976
Newstead Christian SchoolNewsteadCo-edChristian1995
North West Christian SchoolPenguinCo-edAdventist1975
Northern Christian SchoolBridgewaterCo-edChristian1993
OneSchool GlobalClaremont and Kings MeadowsCo-edExclusive Brethren1993Formerly Oakwood School
Peregrine SchoolNicholls RivuletCo-edNon-denominational2000
Scotch Oakburn CollegeLauncestonCo-edUniting1979
Southern Christian CollegeKingstonCo-edChristian1986
St Michael's Collegiate SchoolHobartFAnglican1892
Tamar Valley Steiner SchoolLauncestonCo-ed Steiner2016
Tarremah Steiner SchoolHuntingfieldCo-ed Steiner1988


Government schools

Name Suburb Type Opened Closed Notes
Abbotsfield Primary SchoolClaremontPrimary19642009Merged into Austins Ferry Primary School and Windermere Primary School
Acton Primary SchoolActonPrimary2020
Avoca Primary SchoolAvocaPrimary18492010Merged into Romaine Primary School
Branxholm Primary SchoolBranxholmPrimary2011Merged into Winnaleah District High School
Brent Street Primary SchoolGlenorchyPrimary19802009Merged with Glenorchy Primary School
Bridgewater High SchoolBridgewaterHigh19772011merged into Jordan River Learning Federation
Bridgewater Primary SchoolBridgewaterPrimary18912010Merged into East Derwent Primary School and Greenpoint Primary School
Brooklyn Primary SchoolBrooklynPrimary2011Merged into Romaine Primary School
Claremont High SchoolClaremontHigh19612010Merged into Montrose Bay High School
Claremont Primary SchoolClaremontPrimary19242009Merged into Austins Ferry Primary School and Windermere Primary School
Elizabeth St SchoolNorth HobartPrimary18901968Site became Elizabeth College
Fingal Primary SchoolFingalPrimary1856Became a campus of Campus of St Marys District High School
Geilston Bay High SchoolGeilston BayHigh19722013
Hazlewood SchoolMoonahSpecial19962010s
Inglis Primary SchoolWynyardPrimary18562009Was renamed to Table Cape Primary School (Bowick Street Campus) in 1998
Levendale Primary SchoolLevendalePrimary2018Now used as Levendale Community Centre
Mayfield Primary SchoolMayfieldPrimary2013Merged into East Tamar Primary School
Meander Primary SchoolMeanderPrimary18912014
Mornington Primary SchoolMorningtonPrimary1992Campus now Mackillop College
Mt Faulkener Primary SchoolChigwellPrimary19582010Formerly Chigwell Primary School, Merged into Austins Ferry Primary School and Windermere Primary School
Ogilvie High SchoolNew TownHigh19372022Merged into Hobart City High School
Newtown High SchoolNew TownHigh19192022Merged into Hobart City High School
Penguin High SchoolPenguinHigh2013Merged into Penguin District School
Penguin Primary SchoolPenguinPrimary18692013Merged into Penguin District School
Paloona State SchoolPaloona1929Closed in 1929 due to poor attendance caused by extensive bad weather. From 1930 students attended Melrose State School[1]
Ravenswood High SchoolRavenswoodHigh1997
Rocherlea Primary SchoolRocherleaPrimary2013Merged into East Tamar Primary School
Roseneath Primary SchoolClaremontPrimary19702009Merged into Austins Ferry Primary School and Windermere Primary School
Rosetta High SchoolRosettaHigh19652010Merged into Montrose Bay High School
Upper Burnie Primary SchoolUpper BurniePrimary2010Merged into Romaine Primary School
Waratah Primary SchoolWaratahPrimary2009Merged with Ridgley Primary School
West Somerset Primary SchoolSomersetPrimaryMerged with Somerset Primary School and remained in the same place, While Somerset Primary closed its other site in 2010.

Non-government schools

Name Suburb Category Opened Closed Notes
Broadland House, Church of England Girls' Grammar SchoolLauncestonAnglican Girls18601982now part of Launceston Church Grammar School
Clemes CollegeNew TownQuaker19001946Now part of The Friends' School
Capstone CollegePoatina20162022Alternative School
Herrick Presbyterian Covenant School HerrickPresbyterian2015
Holy Name CollegeGlenorchyCatholic Girls19641973Merged into Dominic College
Horton CollegeRossMethodist Boys18521893Demolished; parts used for The Hutchins School and Scotch Oakburn College
Launceston Steiner SchoolLaunceston Steiner2000s
Lourdes Hill CollegeCygnetCatholic Boys19441962Now part of St James Catholic College
Marian CollegeLauncestonCatholic Girls19781984Merger of Sacred Heart and St Thomas More’s; now part of St Patrick's College
Marist CollegeBurnieCatholic Boys19591972Merged into Marist Regional College
Methodist Ladies College/Oakburn CollegeLauncestonMethodist18861979Now part of Scotch Oakburn College
Our Lady Help of Christians SchoolLauncestonCatholic19611988Now part of St Finn Barr's Catholic Primary School
Sacred Heart CollegeLauncestonCatholic Girls18721978Merged into St Patrick's College and Sacred Heart School, Launceston
Savio CollegeGlenorchyCatholic Boys19461973Merged into Dominic College
Scotch CollegeLauncestonPresbyterian Boys19011979Merged into Scotch Oakburn College
Shaw CollegeDevonportCatholic Girls19691981Merged into St Brendan-Shaw College
St Brendan’s CollegeDevonportCatholic Boys19601981Merged into St Brendan-Shaw College
St Francis Xavier’s SchoolSouth HobartCatholic19651973
St John’s SchoolGlenorchyCatholic19591973Merged into Dominic College
St Joseph's CollegeHobartCatholic Girls18471964Now part of Mount Carmel College
St Luke’s SchoolSouth HobartCatholic18631949
St Mary’s SchoolCygnetCatholic Girls18961962Now part of St James Catholic College
St Peter's SchoolHobartCatholic Boys18931996Now part of St Virgil's College
St Thomas More's CollegeLauncestonCatholic Girls19381978Now part of St Patrick's College and St Thomas More's School
Stella Maris Girls CollegeBurnieCatholic Girls19661972Merged into Marist Regional College
Tasmanian Christian AcademyGeilston BayChristianNow part of Australian Christian College
Trinity CollegePoatinaChristian2010s

See also


  1. "Kentish Council". Advocate (Burnie, Tas. : 1890–1954). 4 August 1930. p. 5.
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