List of localities in Alberta

A locality, in general, is a place that is settled by humans. In the Canadian province of Alberta, a locality is an unincorporated place, community, or area with a limited or scattered population, with boundaries that "are often undefined".[1] Localities cover a diversity of items, including: industrial areas, such as Acheson; residential acreage developments, such as McDermott; trailer parks, such as Branch Inn Trailer Court in Yellowhead County; mixed-use roadside stops, such as Beach Corner; residential neighbourhoods in large cities that are considered part of a historic or planning area, such as Mount Royal; long ago settlements that have devolved back into farmland, such as Connor Creek; and others.

Distribution of the 864 localities in Alberta's Geographical Names System

Alberta had 864 localities within its Geographical Names System (GNS) in October 2020.[2] Excluding municipalities, hamlets, and airports, Statistics Canada recognized 2,342 localities in Alberta in its 2006 Census of Population,[3] of which 830 are also in Alberta's GNS. Between the two authorities there are 2,372 localities in Alberta.


List of localities in Alberta
Name Location Authority
Alberta's Geographical
Names System[2]
Statistics Canada
AbileneCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
AcadiaMunicipal District of Acadia No. 34Yes
AchesonParkland CountyYesYes
Adam Lily AcresStrathcona CountyYes
Adams LandingMackenzie CountyYesYes
AdenCounty of Forty Mile No. 8YesYes
AgathaCypress CountyYesYes
AggieBig Lakes CountyYes
Agriculture ResearchLethbridge CountyYes
AirwaysMunicipal District of Provost No. 52Yes
AkensideStrathcona CountyYesYes
Akenside EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Albert ParkCalgaryYes
Alberta HospitalPonoka CountyYes
Albion RidgeLethbridge CountyYes
AlbrightCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
AlcurveCounty of Vermilion RiverYesYes
Alder HeightsFoothills CountyYes
AldersonCypress CountyYesYes
AlexanderAlexander 134Yes
AlexoClearwater CountyYesYes
Alix South JunctionLacombe CountyYesYes
Allandale EstatesRocky View CountyYes
AllinghamKneehill CountyYesYes
Almac SubdivisionRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
AlnessSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
AlpenThorhild CountyYes
Alpen SidingThorhild CountyYesYes
Alpine AcresParkland CountyYes
AlsikeBrazeau CountyYesYes
Amarillo ParkLeduc CountyYes
Amber ValleyAthabasca CountyYesYes
AmeliaSturgeon CountyYesYes
AmesburyAthabasca CountyYesYes
Amisk AcresParkland CountyYes
AmundsonMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
AnaltaWestlock CountyYesYes
AnastasiaVulcan CountyYesYes
AnatapyRocky View CountyYes
AnatoleSpecial Area No. 3Yes
Anchor FarmsLeduc CountyYes
AnconaClearwater CountyYesYes
Anderson AdditionCounty of Stettler No. 6Yes
Angle LakeCounty of Two Hills No. 21YesYes
AnkertonFlagstaff CountyYesYes
Annaliesa EstatesParkland CountyYes
Anne Dale AcresParkland CountyYes
AnningCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
AnsellYellowhead CountyYesYes
AnselmoWoodlands CountyYesYes
AnshawMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
AnthraciteImprovement District No. 9YesYes
Anton LakeWestlock CountyYesYes
AntonioMunicipal District of TaberYesYes
AntrossBrazeau CountyYesYes
ArcadiaSucker Creek 150AYes
Arcs, Lac desMunicipal District of Bighorn No. 8Yes
Arddmoor-RosswoodStrathcona CountyYes
Ardea ParkLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
ArdenodeWheatland CountyYesYes
ArdenvilleMunicipal District of Willow Creek No. 26YesYes
ArdmoorStrathcona CountyYes
ArmadaVulcan CountyYesYes
ArmelgraMunicipal District of TaberYes
ArmisticeCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
Army Experimental RangeCypress CountyYes
Arndt AcresLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
ArnesonMunicipal District of Acadia No. 34YesYes
Arrowhead EstatesParkland CountyYes
Artesian EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Artists View East SubdivisionRocky View CountyYes
Artists View West SubdivisionRocky View CountyYes
ArvillaWestlock CountyYesYes
Ascot HeightsMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61Yes
Ashwood MeadowsParkland CountyYes
Aspen AcresCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
Aspen BeachLacombe CountyYesYes
Aspen BeachLacombe CountyYes
Aspen Creek EstatesFoothills CountyYes
Aspen EstatesBeaver CountyYes
Aspen EstatesParkland CountyYes
Aspen GroveMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
Aspen HeightsStrathcona CountyYes
Aspen HillsLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Aspen HillsParkland CountyYes
Aspen Ridge EstatesCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Aspen Ridge SubdivisionCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Aspen ViewStrathcona CountyYes
AssineauMunicipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124YesYes
AssumptionHay Lake 209YesYes
Athabasca AcresAthabasca CountyYes
Athabasca FallsImprovement District No. 12Yes
Athabasca Landing SettlementAthabasca CountyYes
AtikamegUtikoomak Lake 155YesYes
Atikamisis Lake SettlementNorthern Sunrise CountyYes
AtleeSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
AuburndaleMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61YesYes
Aurora PlaceStrathcona CountyYes
Austin AcresSturgeon CountyYes
AvalonCounty of Forty Mile No. 8Yes
AvenirLac La Biche CountyYesYes
Avery ParkStrathcona CountyYes
Avondale AcresParkland CountyYes
Avondale EstatesParkland CountyYes
AzureFoothills CountyYesYes
Bad HeartCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
Badlands No. 7DrumhellerYes
BainCypress CountyYesYes
BaintreeWheatland CountyYesYes
Balay SubdivisionAthabasca CountyYes
BalkanYellowhead CountyYes
Ball MeadowsStrathcona CountyYes
Ball Trailer ParkOyenYes
BallantineLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
BallaterMunicipal District of Smoky River No. 130Yes
BalmLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
BalmoralRed Deer CountyYes
Balsam GroveThorhild CountyYes
Banana BeltBig Lakes CountyYes
Banded Peak PlaceRocky View CountyYes
Banff National ParkImprovement District No. 9Yes
Bank BayMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
BankheadImprovement District No. 9YesYes
Banko JunctionSturgeon CountyYes
Banksiana RanchParkland CountyYes
BantryCounty of NewellYesYes
Baptiste LakeAthabasca CountyYesYes
Baptiste RiverClearwater CountyYesYes
BardoBeaver CountyYesYes
BargraveKneehill CountyYesYes
BarichSmoky Lake CountyYesYes
Barlee JunctionCamrose CountyYesYes
Barlow JunctionCalgaryYes
BarnegatLac La Biche CountyYesYes
BarneyMunicipal District of TaberYes
BaronwoodStrathcona CountyYes
BartstowSiksika 146YesYes
BasingYellowhead CountyYes
Batter JunctionSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
BattleCamrose CountyYes
Battle BendFlagstaff CountyYesYes
Battle LakeCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10YesYes
Battle RidgeMunicipal District of Provost No. 52Yes
Battle RiverCounty of Paintearth No. 18Yes
Bay Bridge ParkLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Bay TreeSaddle Hills CountyYesYes
Bayview BeachCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
Beach CornerParkland CountyYesYes
Beach Corner HeightsParkland CountyYes
Beachside EstatesCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
Beacon CornerMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
Bear CanyonClear Hills CountyYesYes
Bear LakeCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
BearberryMountain View CountyYes
Bearspan HeightsRocky View CountyYes
BearspawRocky View CountyYesYes
Beau Rand EstatesParkland CountyYes
Beau Vista NorthLeduc CountyYes
Beau Vista SouthLeduc CountyYes
Beaver Brook EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Beaver Brook ParkParkland CountyYes
Beaver Creek EstatesBeaver CountyYes
Beaver EstatesBrazeau CountyYes
Beaver Lake-Young's BeachLac La Biche CountyYes
Beaver Meadow EstatesBeaver CountyYes
Beaver RiverMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
Beaver Valley EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
BeaverbrookParkland CountyYes
BeaverhillLamont CountyYesYes
Beaverhill EstatesBeaver CountyYes
Bechtel Syncrude CampRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
Beck EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
BehanLac La Biche CountyYesYes
Bell AcresParkland CountyYes
BellcottCypress CountyYes
BellevueCrowsnest PassYesYes
Bellevue SubdivisionCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
BelloyBirch Hills CountyYesYes
BellshillFlagstaff CountyYesYes
BelvedereCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
Belvedere HeightsStrathcona CountyYes
Belvedere Heights EastStrathcona CountyYes
Belvedere Heights WestStrathcona CountyYes
BenbowWoodlands CountyYes
BennettRocky View CountyYesYes
BentonSpecial Area No. 3YesYes
Benton StationSpecial Area No. 3Yes
BenvilleSexsmith, AlbertaYes
BerdinskiesRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
BergenMountain View CountyYesYes
Bergman EstatesParkland CountyYes
BerkinshawFlagstaff CountyYesYes
BernyRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
Berry CreekSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
Berry HillStrathcona CountyYes
BerrymoorBrazeau CountyYesYes
Best EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Bevan EstatesCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
Beverly HillsStrathcona CountyYes
BeynonKneehill CountyYesYes
BickerdikeYellowhead CountyYesYes
Big CouleeAthabasca CountyYesYes
Big EddyRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
Big Lake EstatesEdmontonYes
Big MeadowMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
Big PrairieBig Lakes CountyYes
Big Prairie SettlementBig Lakes CountyYes
Big SloughImprovement District No. 24YesYes
Big StoneSpecial Area No. 3YesYes
BilbyLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
BillosRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
BingenCounty of Forty Mile No. 8Yes
BingleyClearwater CountyYesYes
Birch BayLacombe CountyYes
Birch EstatesParkland CountyYes
Birch Field EstatesBrazeau CountyYes
Birch Grove EstatesBeaver CountyYes
Birch Grove EstatesMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
Birch Hill ParkParkland CountyYes
Birch HillsParkland CountyYes
Birch ParkStrathcona CountyYes
Birch Street EstatesParkland CountyYes
Birchland ResortSmoky Lake CountyYes
Birchwood EstatesLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Birchwood VillageStrathcona CountyYes
Birchwood Village GreensBrazeau CountyYes
BirdsholmCounty of Forty Mile No. 8Yes
Bison LakeNorthern Sunrise CountyYesYes
BitumountRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
BlacktailMunicipal District of Willow Creek No. 26Yes
BlairmoreCrowsnest PassYesYes
Blissful BeachSunbreaker CoveYes
Blooming PrairieMorrinYes
BloomsburyCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
Blue JayAthabasca CountyYes
Blueberry MountainSaddle Hills CountyYesYes
BlumenortMackenzie CountyYes
Boggy HallBrazeau CountyYesYes
BoianCounty of Two Hills No. 21Yes
Bolin SubdivisionCounty of Stettler No. 6Yes
BonanzaSaddle Hills CountyYesYes
BonarSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
Bone TownLac La Biche CountyYes
BonleaFlagstaff CountyYesYes
Bonnie AcresParkland CountyYes
Bonnie Lake ResortSmoky Lake CountyYes
BordenaveMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
BorradaileCounty of Vermilion RiverYesYes
BoscombeCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
BottenMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
Boundary CreekCardston CountyYes
Bouteiller SubdivisionRed Deer CountyYes
Boutellier SubdivisionRed Deer CountyYes
Bow CityCounty of NewellYes
Bow Valley ParkKananaskis Improvement DistrictYes
BowellCypress CountyYes
Bowen Lake EstatesParkland CountyYes
BowmantonCypress CountyYesYes
BoyerMackenzie CountyYes
Boyer River SettlementMackenzie CountyYes
Boyer SettlementMackenzie CountyYes
Boyne LakeCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
BraatenMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
BradshawCardston CountyYes
BraeburnSaddle Hills CountyYesYes
Braemore RanchRocky View CountyYes
BraimCamrose CountyYesYes
BrainardCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
Branch Inn Trailer CourtYellowhead CountyYes
Braun VillageSturgeon CountyYes
BrazeauClearwater CountyYes
Brazeau DamBrazeau CountyYesYes
Brecken WoodStrathcona CountyYes
BredinCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
BremnerStrathcona CountyYes
Brenda VistaLeduc CountyYes
BretonaStrathcona CountyYesYes
Bretville JunctionStrathcona CountyYes
BridgeviewMunicipal District of Spirit River No. 133YesYes
Bridgewater PropertiesParkland CountyYes
BrierevilleLac La Biche CountyYesYes
BrierevilleRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
BriggsRed Deer CountyYesYes
BrightbankParkland CountyYesYes
Brightbank EstatesParkland CountyYes
Brighton BeachLacombe CountyYes
BrightviewCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10YesYes
Bristol EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
BrocketPiikani 147YesYes
Broderson SubdivisionRed Deer CountyYes
Brodersons SubdivisionRed Deer CountyYes
Broken Wheel RanchesParkland CountyYes
BrookLacombe CountyYes
Brookside EstatesParkland CountyYes
Brookville EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Brookwood EstatesCounty of Minburn No. 27Yes
Brower SubdivisionClearwater CountyYes
Brownlee AcreageRed Deer CountyYes
BroxburnLethbridge CountyYesYes
BruederheimLamont CountyYes
Brule MinesYellowhead CountyYes
Brûlé MinesYellowhead CountyYes
BryanYellowhead CountyYes
BuffaloSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
Buffalo Head PrairieMackenzie CountyYesYes
Buffalo LakeCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
Buffalo Lake Metis SettlementSmoky Lake CountyYes
Buffalo ViewMunicipal District of Provost No. 52YesYes
BullocksvilleLacombe CountyYes
BullpoundSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
Bulls HeadCypress CountyYes
BullsheadCypress CountyYesYes
BulwarkCounty of Paintearth No. 18YesYes
BuoyantKneehill CountyYesYes
BurbankLacombe CountyYes
BurfieldSpecial Area No. 2Yes
BurmisMunicipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9YesYes
Burnt LakeRed Deer CountyYes
BurtonsvilleParkland CountyYesYes
Busenius EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Bushy Head CornerMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61YesYes
ButteClearwater CountyYesYes
ButzeMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61Yes
Cabin LakeSpecial Area No. 3YesYes
Cache LakeSmoky Lake CountyYes
CadronSmoky Lake CountyYes
CairnsMunicipal District of Provost No. 52YesYes
CalaisSturgeon Lake 154YesYes
CaldbeckRocky View CountyYes
CaldwellCardston CountyYes
Calebo EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Calling Horse EstatesRocky View CountyYes
Calling RiverMunicipal District of Opportunity No. 17YesYes
Calmar Mobile Home ParkCalmarYes
CalthorpeSpecial Area No. 3YesYes
CalvertYellowhead CountyYes
Cam-Bar EstatesCounty of Barrhead No. 11Yes
Cambrian HeightsCalgaryYes
Camelot SquareStrathcona CountyYes
Cameron CoveCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Cameron HeightsParkland CountyYes
Cameron Lake EstatesParkland CountyYes
Cameron ParkSturgeon CountyYes
Camp CreekCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
Camp GardnerRocky View CountyYes
Camp HorizonKananaskis Improvement DistrictYes
Camp SarceeCalgaryYes
CampbellCounty of NewellYes
Campbell ParkEdmontonYes
CampbelltownStrathcona CountyYes
Campbelltown HeightsStrathcona CountyYes
CampbeltonCamrose CountyYes
Campsie CoveCounty of Barrhead No. 11Yes
Canterbury EstatesParkland CountyYes
Canyon HeightsRed Deer CountyYes
Capitol HillCalgaryYes
CapponSpecial Area No. 3YesYes
CapronaCounty of Stettler No. 6YesYes
Caravelle EstatesFoothills CountyYes
CarcajouCounty of Northern LightsYesYes
Carcajou SettlementMackenzie CountyYes
Cardiff-EchoesSturgeon CountyYes
Cardiff-PittsburghSturgeon CountyYes
Cardinal PointNorthern Sunrise CountyYes
CarlosClearwater CountyYesYes
Carlson LandingImprovement District No. 24YesYes
Carlsons LandingImprovement District No. 24Yes
CarlstadtCypress CountyYes
CarnwoodBrazeau CountyYesYes
CarolsideSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
Carriage LaneStrathcona CountyYes
Carrot CreekYellowhead CountyYesYes
CarusoWheatland CountyYes
Carvel CornerParkland CountyYesYes
Casa VistaSturgeon CountyYes
CassilsCounty of NewellYes
Castle JunctionImprovement District No. 9YesYes
Castle MountainImprovement District No. 9Yes
CaswellemStrathcona CountyYes
CavendishSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
Caywood EstatesLeduc CountyYes
CecilCypress CountyYesYes
Cedar HeightsParkland CountyYes
Central HeightsParkland CountyYes
Central ParkRed Deer CountyYes
Centre Calling LakeMunicipal District of Opportunity No. 17Yes
Century EstatesAthabasca CountyYes
Century EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Century MeadowsStrathcona CountyYes
ChaileyCounty of Minburn No. 27YesYes
Chapel RockMunicipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9YesYes
ChardRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
CharronRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
Chateau HeightsParkland CountyYes
ChatehHay Lake 209YesYes
CheddervilleClearwater CountyYesYes
CheechamRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
Chelsea EstatesParkland CountyYes
ChenekaStoney 142, 143, 144Yes
Cherlyn HeightsParkland CountyYes
Cherry PointClear Hills CountyYesYes
Cherry Ridge EstatesMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
Cheryl HeightsParkland CountyYes
Cheviot HillsLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Cheyenne EstatesLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Chickadoo EstatesParkland CountyYes
Chickakoo EstatesParkland CountyYes
Chief MountainImprovement District No. 4Yes
ChigwellLacombe CountyYesYes
Chinook ValleyCounty of Northern LightsYesYes
Chip LakeYellowhead CountyYesYes
Chipewyan LakeMunicipal District of Opportunity No. 17YesYes
Chisholm MillsMunicipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124YesYes
ChokioPiikani 147YesYes
Chrenek AcresStrathcona CountyYes
Chrenek EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Christina CrossingRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
Cinnamon Ridge EstatesBeaver CountyYes
Circle FiveRocky View CountyYes
Claireridge EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Clairmont Trailer CourtCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
ClarindaCounty of Warner No. 5Yes
Clarkdale MeadowsStrathcona CountyYes
Clarkson ValleyMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16YesYes
ClarksvilleCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
ClaysmoreCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
Clear HillsCounty of Northern LightsYes
Clear Lake EstatesParkland CountyYes
Clear PrairieClear Hills CountyYesYes
ClearbrookThorhild CountyYesYes
Clearview AcresSturgeon CountyYes
Clearwater EstatesParkland CountyYes
Clearwater SubdivisionClearwater CountyYes
Cline RiverClearwater CountyYesYes
Cline SettlementClearwater CountyYes
ClivaleSpecial Area No. 2Yes
Clover BarStrathcona CountyYes
Clover LawnLeduc CountyYes
Clover ParkFort SaskatchewanYes
Cloverlawn EstatesLeduc CountyYes
CloverleaStrathcona CountyYes
Coal ValleyYellowhead CountyYesYes
CoalbanksRed Deer CountyYes
CoalspurYellowhead CountyYesYes
CodesaBirch Hills CountyYesYes
CodnerClearwater CountyYesYes
CoghillLacombe CountyYesYes
Cold Lake, Canadian Forces BaseCold LakeYes
Cole Anne HeightsParkland CountyYes
ColemanCrowsnest PassYesYes
College HeightsLacombeYesYes
College ParkRed DeerYes
CollesCardston CountyYes
Colonel Younger EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Colonial EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Colpitts Ranch SubdivisionRocky View CountyYes
ColumbineMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
CometSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
CommerceLethbridge CountyYes
ComreyCounty of Forty Mile No. 8Yes
CongresburyClearwater CountyYesYes
Conjuring CreekLeduc CountyYesYes
ConnemaraMunicipal District of Willow Creek No. 26YesYes
Connor CreekLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
ConradCounty of Warner No. 5YesYes
ControlCounty of NewellYes
Cooking LakeStrathcona CountyYesYes
CoolidgeAthabasca CountyYesYes
Coop Trailer ParkCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
Corbett CreekWoodlands CountyYesYes
CorbettsRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
CordelCounty of Paintearth No. 18YesYes
CorkCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
CoronadoSturgeon CountyYesYes
Corsair Cove SubdivisionLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
CosmoLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
CossackSmoky Lake CountyYes
CoswayKneehill CountyYesYes
Cosy CoveMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
CotillionSaddle Hills CountyYes
Cottage Lake HeightsParkland CountyYes
Cottonwood SubdivisionBrazeau CountyYes
CountessCounty of NewellYesYes
Country Classic EstatesBrazeau CountyYes
Country Club EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Country EstatesRocky View CountyYes
Country Lane EstatesParkland CountyYes
Country SquireBeaver CountyYes
Country Style Trailer CourtBrazeau CountyYes
CousinsMedicine HatYes
CousinsMunicipal District of Provost No. 52YesYes
CraddockCounty of Warner No. 5YesYes
CraigavonStrathcona CountyYes
CraigdhuRocky View CountyYesYes
CraigendLac La Biche CountyYesYes
CraigmillarMunicipal District of Provost No. 52YesYes
CraigowerCypress CountyYes
CrammondClearwater CountyYesYes
CranfordMunicipal District of TaberYesYes
Cranston PlaceStrathcona CountyYes
CreeklandLeduc CountyYesYes
CressdayCypress CountyYesYes
CrestomerePonoka CountyYesYes
Crestview BeachCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Crestview HeightsSturgeon CountyYes
Crimson LakeClearwater CountyYesYes
CrippsdaleThorhild CountyYesYes
CroftlandStrathcona CountyYes
Crooked CreekMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16YesYes
CrowchildTsuut'ina 145YesYes
CrowellMunicipal District of Smoky River No. 130Yes
CrowfootWheatland CountyYes
CrowsnestCrowsnest PassYes
Croxford EstatesRocky View CountyYes
Crystal MeadowsParkland CountyYes
Cullen CreekRocky View CountyYes
CulpMunicipal District of Smoky River No. 130YesYes
CummingsCounty of Minburn No. 27Yes
Curilane BeachCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
CurlewKneehill CountyYesYes
CygnetRed Deer CountyYesYes
DakinAthabasca CountyYes
DalehurstYellowhead CountyYes
DalmuirThorhild CountyYes
DalumWheatland CountyYesYes
DanubeThorhild CountyYesYes
Darbyson EstatesLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
DarlingThorhild CountyYes
Dartmoor MeadowParkland CountyYes
DarwellLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
Darwell Rolling WoodsLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Dasmarinas EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Dawn ValleyParkland CountyYes
De Winton HeightsFoothills CountyYes
Dead Man FlatMunicipal District of Bighorn No. 8Yes
DecreneMunicipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124Yes
DeeneyWestlock CountyYes
Deep CreekAthabasca CountyYesYes
Deer HillClear Hills CountyYesYes
Deer Horn EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Deer Lake EstatesParkland CountyYes
Deer ParkParkland CountyYes
Deer Park No. 1 SubdivisionParkland CountyYes
Deer Park No. 2 SubdivisionParkland CountyYes
Deer Park No. 3 SubdivisionParkland CountyYes
Deer Ridge EstatesLacombe CountyYes
Deer Ridge Park SubdivisionLac La Biche CountyYes
DeerlandLamont CountyYes
Deerwood EstatesRocky View CountyYes
DelaneyLacombe CountyYes
DelphLamont CountyYesYes
Del-Rich MeadowsRocky View CountyYes
Delta EstatesParkland CountyYes
DemayCamrose CountyYesYes
DenardMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
DenhartCounty of NewellYesYes
DennisCypress CountyYes
DenwoodMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61YesYes
DesjarlaisCounty of Two Hills No. 21Yes
DesmaraisMunicipal District of Opportunity No. 17Yes
DevenishLac La Biche CountyYesYes
DevilleStrathcona CountyYesYes
Devon Ridge EstatesParkland CountyYes
DevonaImprovement District No. 12YesYes
Devonshire GroveParkland CountyYes
Devonshire MeadowsParkland CountyYes
DianaCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
DinaCounty of Vermilion RiverYesYes
DinantCamrose CountyYesYes
DinosaurStarland CountyYes
DirletonMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
DissYellowhead CountyYes
Dixon CrescentStrathcona CountyYes
Dixon PlaceStrathcona CountyYes
DoanRed Deer CountyYesYes
DobsonSpecial Area No. 3Yes
DoddsBeaver CountyYesYes
Dog HeadRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
DogpoundMountain View CountyYesYes
Donaldson ParkStrathcona CountyYes
DorenleeCamrose CountyYes
DorisWoodlands CountyYesYes
DorscheidMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
Double You RanchParkland CountyYes
Douglas MeadowsParkland CountyYes
Dover EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
DovercourtClearwater CountyYesYes
DowlingSpecial Area No. 2Yes
Dowling EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Dowling LakeStarland CountyYesYes
DowningSmoky Lake CountyYes
DraperRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
Dream Hollow EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
Dream NookSturgeon CountyYes
DreauMunicipal District of Smoky River No. 130Yes
Dried Meat LakeCamrose CountyYes
DriftpileDriftpile River 150YesYes
DrinnanYellowhead CountyYes
DrywoodMunicipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9Yes
DuaghSturgeon CountyYesYes
Duffield DownsParkland CountyYes
DunbarStrathcona CountyYes
DunnMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61YesYes
DunphyKneehill CountyYesYes
DunshaltWheatland CountyYesYes
DunstableCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
DunveganMunicipal District of Fairview No. 136YesYes
Dunvegan SettlementSaddle Hills CountyYes
Dunvegan YardsEdmontonYes
DurlingvilleMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
DurwardMunicipal District of Willow Creek No. 26Yes
DusseldorfCounty of Barrhead No. 11Yes
DuthilImprovement District No. 9YesYes
Eagle ButteCypress CountyYesYes
Eagle HillMountain View CountyYesYes
Eagle LakeWheatland CountyYes
Eagle RidgeCalgaryYes
EarlieCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
Early GardensMunicipal District of Peace No. 135YesYes
East CouleeDrumhellerYesYes
East EdmontonStrathcona CountyYes
East Eighty EstatesParkland CountyYes
East Gate TrailersImprovement District No. 12Yes
East GroveMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
East KootenayCrowsnest PassYes
East PrairieBig Lakes CountyYes
East Prairie Metis SettlementBig Lakes CountyYes
East WhitecroftStrathcona CountyYes
EastburgWestlock CountyYesYes
EastgateSturgeon CountyYes
Easton AcresStrathcona CountyYes
Eastview AcresLethbridge CountyYes
Eastwood EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
EasyfordBrazeau CountyYesYes
Ebeling BeachLacombe CountyYes
Edda VistaLeduc CountyYes
Eden Park EstatesParkland CountyYes
EdensvilleCamrose CountyYes
Edgemont RidgeParkland CountyYes
Edgewood AcresParkland CountyYes
Edinburgh ParkParkland CountyYes
EdouardvilleCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Egg LakeRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
El Greco EstatesBeaver CountyYes
Elbow River EstatesRocky View CountyYes
ElbridgeThorhild CountyYesYes
ElcanMunicipal District of TaberYes
Eldoe's Trailer CourtCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Eldoes Trailer ParkCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
EldonImprovement District No. 9YesYes
EldorenaThorhild CountyYesYes
EleskeChild Lake 164AYes
Elinor Lake SubdivisionLac La Biche CountyYes
ElizabethMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
Elizabeth Metis SettlementMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
Elk IslandStrathcona CountyYesYes
Elk Island National ParkImprovement District No. 13Yes
Elk Valley ParkRocky View CountyYes
Elkland EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
ElktonMountain View CountyYesYes
ElkwaterCypress CountyYesYes
Elmjay Industrial ParkEdmontonYes
ElmspringCounty of Warner No. 5Yes
ElspethRed Deer CountyYesYes
ElthamFoothills CountyYesYes
EmbarrasRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
EmbarrasYellowhead CountyYesYes
Embarras PortageRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
EndonCounty of Forty Mile No. 8Yes
EnochEnoch Cree Nation 135Yes
EnsleighSpecial Area No. 4YesYes
Entheos WestRocky View CountyYes
EnticeKneehill CountyYesYes
EntranceYellowhead CountyYes
EquityKneehill CountyYesYes
Erin EstatesParkland CountyYes
Erin LodgeMunicipal District of Fairview No. 136YesYes
ErithYellowhead CountyYesYes
Erith TieYellowhead CountyYes
ErvickCamrose CountyYesYes
EstherSpecial Area No. 3YesYes
Ethel LakeMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
EuniceWestlock CountyYes
Eureka BeachParkland CountyYes
Eureka RiverClear Hills CountyYesYes
EvartsRed Deer CountyYesYes
EvergreenClearwater CountyYesYes
Evergreen Trailer ParkEdmontonYes
ExcelSpecial Area No. 3YesYes
ExcelsiorSturgeon CountyYesYes
Executive EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Exelsior ParkParkland CountyYes
EyremoreVulcan CountyYes
FairacresCounty of Northern LightsYes
Fairhaven East SubdivisionSturgeon CountyYes
Fairhaven West SubdivisionSturgeon CountyYes
Fairview HeightsCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
Fairway MeadowsBrazeau CountyYes
FairydellSturgeon CountyYes
FaithCounty of Forty Mile No. 8Yes
Falcon HillsParkland CountyYes
FarrantLacombe CountyYesYes
Farrell EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Farrell PropertiesStrathcona CountyYes
FarrowVulcan CountyYesYes
Fawn LakeWestlock CountyYesYes
FawnhillRocky View CountyYes
FederalCounty of Paintearth No. 18YesYes
FedorahSturgeon CountyYesYes
FennCounty of Stettler No. 6YesYes
Ferguson FlatsCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Ferlow JunctionCamrose CountyYes
Fern CreekLeduc CountyYes
Fern Valley Trailer ParkLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Fernwood EstatesParkland CountyYes
FerrierClearwater CountyYesYes
Ferrier Acres Trailer CourtClearwater CountyYes
FidlerYellowhead CountyYes
FieldholmeSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
Fifth MeridianMackenzie CountyYesYes
FincastleMunicipal District of TaberYesYes
FinneganSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
Fisher HomeLeduc CountyYesYes
Fishing Lake Metis SettlementMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
FitzallenCounty of Minburn No. 27YesYes
FitzgeraldCypress CountyYes
FitzgeraldRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
FitzgeraldThebathi 196Yes
Fitzgerald 196Regional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
Fitzgerald SettlementRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
FitzsimmonsCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Flat LakeMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
FlemingRed Deer CountyYes
Fleming ParkParkland CountyYes
Floating StoneCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
FlorannCounty of Forty Mile No. 8Yes
Flying ShotCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Flyingshot Lake SettlementCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
FoisyCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
Fontaine DevelopmentMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
FoothillsYellowhead CountyYesYes
Footner LakeMackenzie CountyYesYes
Forest GlennBeaver CountyYes
Forest HeightsParkland CountyYes
Forest Hills Country EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Forest LawnCalgaryYes
Forest ViewMunicipal District of Smoky River No. 130Yes
Forest WestLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Fork LakeLac La Biche CountyYesYes
ForsheeLacombe CountyYes
Fort AugustusSturgeon CountyYes
Fort MckayFort MackayYes
Fort Saskatchewan SettlementSturgeon CountyYes
Fort Smith SettlementRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
Fort Vermilion SettlementMackenzie CountyYes
ForthRed DeerYes
Fourth CreekSaddle Hills CountyYes
FoxCypress CountyYes
Fox LakeFox Lake 162YesYes
FrainsAthabasca CountyYesYes
FranchereMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
FrankCrowsnest PassYesYes
Frank SubdivisionPonoka CountyYes
FraspurCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10YesYes
FreedomCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
FreemanParkland CountyYes
Freeman RiverWoodlands CountyYesYes
Freemore EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
French CreekWestlock CountyYes
FresnoyMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
FriedenstalMunicipal District of Fairview No. 136YesYes
Frog LakeCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
Fulham ParkStrathcona CountyYes
FurmanMunicipal District of Willow Creek No. 26Yes
Gaetz ValleyDelburneYes
GageMunicipal District of Fairview No. 136YesYes
GahernCounty of Forty Mile No. 8Yes
GalarneauvilleSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
GallowayYellowhead CountyYesYes
Galloway Park SubdivisionStrathcona CountyYes
GanskeCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
GapMunicipal District of Bighorn No. 8YesYes
Garden CreekImprovement District No. 24YesYes
Garden EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Garden Grove EstatesParkland CountyYes
Garden HeightsRocky View CountyYes
Garden HeightsStrathcona CountyYes
Garden PlainSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
GardenviewCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
Gardner's CoveParkland CountyYes
GarfieldMountain View CountyYesYes
GarringtonRed Deer CountyYesYes
Garrington AcresRed Deer CountyYes
GarthClearwater CountyYesYes
GartlyStarland CountyYesYes
Gateway EstatesLeduc CountyYes
GatineKneehill CountyYesYes
GayfordRocky View CountyYesYes
GeneseeLeduc CountyYesYes
Genesse ParkParkland CountyYes
Georgian EstatesRocky View CountyYes
GhentLethbridge CountyYes
Ghost DamRocky View CountyYes
Ghost PineKneehill CountyYes
Ghost Pine CreekKneehill CountyYesYes
Gibbons LeaSturgeon CountyYes
Gibbons StationSturgeon CountyYes
Gift LakeGift Lake Metis SettlementYesYes
Gift Lake Metis SettlementBig Lakes CountyYes
GilbyLacombe CountyYesYes
Gilt EdgeMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61YesYes
GilwoodBig Lakes CountyYesYes
GladysFoothills CountyYesYes
Glen HavenCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Glen LeslieCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
Glen On The LakeCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Glen ParkLeduc CountyYesYes
GlenbowRocky View CountyYesYes
GlenfordLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
GlenifferRed Deer CountyYes
GlenisterLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
GlenshawAthabasca CountyYes
GlenviewSturgeon CountyYes
Glenwood EstatesParkland CountyYes
Glenwood Park EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
GlenwoodvilleCardston CountyYes
Glory Hills DevelopmentSturgeon CountyYes
Glory Hills EstatesParkland CountyYes
GoddardCounty of Forty Mile No. 8Yes
Gold SpurSpecial Area No. 3Yes
Golden AcresParkland CountyYes
Golden Glen EstatesLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Golden HeightsSturgeon CountyYes
Golden SpikeParkland CountyYesYes
GoldeyeClearwater CountyYes
Good HopeStrathcona CountyYes
Goodfish LakeWhitefish Lake 128YesYes
GoodridgeMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
GoodwinMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16YesYes
Gopher HeadCounty of Stettler No. 6Yes
GordondaleSaddle Hills CountyYesYes
GoudreauLeduc CountyYes
GourinRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
Graham HeightsStrathcona CountyYes
GraingerKneehill CountyYesYes
GraminiaParkland CountyYes
GranadaYellowhead CountyYesYes
Grand CentreCold LakeYes
Grand River ValleyParkland CountyYes
Grande Cache LakeMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
GrandinRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
Grandmuir EstatesParkland CountyYes
Grandview EstatesCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
Grandview HeightsCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
Grandview HeightsSturgeon CountyYes
GranleaCounty of Forty Mile No. 8Yes
GrantaCounty of NewellYes
GranthamMunicipal District of TaberYesYes
GratzCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Grave FlatsYellowhead CountyYes
Gray Drive EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Gray SubdivisionClearwater CountyYes
Green AcresLeduc CountyYes
Green Acres EstatesParkland CountyYes
Green GladeMunicipal District of Provost No. 52YesYes
Green Ridge ParkRed Deer CountyYes
Green Valley PlaceRocky View CountyYes
Greenacres EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
GreenbraeStrathcona CountyYes
Greendale SubdivisionCounty of Barrhead No. 11Yes
Greenfield AcresParkland CountyYes
GreenhavenStrathcona CountyYes
Greenhaven EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
GreenlawnCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
Greenwood EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Gregg SubdivisionYellowhead CountyYes
GreyMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
GriersonWheatland CountyYes
GriesbachStrathcona CountyYesYes
GrieseachWheatland CountyYes
Griffin CreekMunicipal District of Peace No. 135YesYes
GrizzlyMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
GrosmontAthabasca CountyYesYes
Grosvenor ParkEdmontonYes
GrotonCounty of Forty Mile No. 8Yes
Grouard MissionBig Lakes CountyYesYes
Grouse MeadowsCamrose CountyYes
Grove AcresParkland CountyYes
GundySaddle Hills CountyYesYes
GunnmanorStrathcona CountyYes
GurneyvilleMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
HabayHay Lake 209YesYes
Hacienda EstatesParkland CountyYes
HackeCardston CountyYes
HackettCounty of Stettler No. 6YesYes
HaddockYellowhead CountyYesYes
HaightBeaver CountyYesYes
HalachWestlock CountyYesYes
HalcourtCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
HalcreekWestlock CountyYesYes
Half Moon BayRed Deer CountyYes
Half Moon EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Halfway LakeWestlock CountyYesYes
HallidaySpecial Area No. 2Yes
HalsburySpecial Area No. 2Yes
Hamilton LakeCounty of Paintearth No. 18Yes
HamletWheatland CountyYesYes
HamlinSmoky Lake CountyYesYes
HanlonYellowhead CountyYes
Hansen SubdivisionSturgeon CountyYes
Hansen-MayerLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Hanson EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Hanson SubdivisionSturgeon CountyYes
HansonvilleYellowhead CountyYes
HantsCounty of NewellYes
Happy AcresParkland CountyYes
Happy HollowMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
Happy ValleySaddle Hills CountyYes
Harder AcresParkland CountyYes
HargwenYellowhead CountyYes
HarlechClearwater CountyYesYes
HarmattanMountain View CountyYesYes
Harmon ValleyNorthern Sunrise CountyYesYes
Harris AcresParkland CountyYes
HarrisonRed Deer CountyYes
HartellFoothills CountyYesYes
HartleyvilleCardston CountyYesYes
HartshornCounty of Stettler No. 6YesYes
HattonfordYellowhead CountyYesYes
HavenMunicipal District of Acadia No. 34Yes
HawickWheatland CountyYes
Hawk HillsCounty of Northern LightsYesYes
HawkinsMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61Yes
Hay CampImprovement District No. 24YesYes
HayfieldCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
Hazel GroveLeduc CountyYes
HazeldineCounty of Vermilion RiverYesYes
HazellCrowsnest PassYesYes
HazelmereCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
Heart LakeCounty of Stettler No. 6YesYes
Heart RiverBig Lakes CountyYesYes
Heart River SettlementBig Lakes CountyYes
Heart ValleyBirch Hills CountyYes
HeatburgLacombe CountyYesYes
HeathMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61YesYes
HeatherdownLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
HeatherleaParkland CountyYes
HeldarLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
Helenslea EstatesParkland CountyYes
HelinaLac La Biche CountyYesYes
HelmerKneehill CountyYes
HelmsdaleRocky View CountyYes
HelmsdaleSpecial Area No. 3YesYes
HemarukaSpecial Area No. 4YesYes
HendayRed Deer CountyYesYes
Hennic AcresParkland CountyYes
Henry HouseJasperYesYes
HerculesStrathcona CountyYes
HerderRed Deer CountyYes
Heritage HillsStrathcona CountyYes
Heritage Woods SubdivisionCalgaryYes
Hermit LakeCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
HesperoLacombe CountyYesYes
Hewitt EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
High Point EstatesRocky View CountyYes
High Ridge PlaceStrathcona CountyYes
High Ridge PropertiesRed Deer CountyYes
Highland AcresParkland CountyYes
Highland ParkMunicipal District of Fairview No. 136YesYes
Highland Park SubdivisionLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Highland RanchKneehill CountyYesYes
HighridgeCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
Highroad EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
HighvaleParkland CountyYesYes
HighwayWoodlands CountyYesYes
HillcrestCrowsnest PassYes
Hillcrest MinesCrowsnest PassYesYes
Hillsborough EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
HillsdaleStrathcona CountyYes
HillsdownRed Deer CountyYesYes
Hillside EstatesCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Hillside EstatesParkland CountyYes
Hillside ParkStrathcona CountyYes
HilltopMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
Hilltop AcresParkland CountyYes
Hilltop EstatesCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Hilltop EstatesLeduc CountyYes
Hillview EstatesLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Hillview EstatesParkland CountyYes
HindvilleCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
Hinton TrailCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
Hockey EstatesCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
HoffYellowhead CountyYes
Hoffman BeachLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
HolbornParkland CountyYesYes
Holland SubdivisionStrathcona CountyYes
Hollow LakeThorhild CountyYesYes
HollowayYellowhead CountyYes
Holmes CrossingCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
HolyokeMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
Home AcresLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
HomeglenPonoka CountyYes
HomesteadCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
HondoMunicipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124YesYes
Hope ValleyMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61Yes
HorburgClearwater CountyYes
HorenParkland CountyYesYes
Horizon WestParkland CountyYes
HornbeckYellowhead CountyYesYes
Horne BeachLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Horse HillEdmontonYes
Horse LakeHorse Lakes 152BYes
Horseshoe LakeRed Deer CountyYesYes
Horton PlaceStrathcona CountyYes
HoselawMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
HotchkissCounty of Northern LightsYesYes
HowieSpecial Area No. 2Yes
Hu HavenSturgeon CountyYes
Hubble Lake SubdivisionParkland CountyYes
HuggettLeduc CountyYesYes
Hulbert CrescentStrathcona CountyYesYes
HunkaLamont CountyYes
Hunter HeightsStrathcona CountyYes
Hunter Hill EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Huntington HeightsParkland CountyYes
HurdyWoodlands CountyYes
Hutch LakeMackenzie CountyYesYes
HuttonSpecial Area No. 2Yes
Hycrest PlaceParkland CountyYes
Hyland HillsStrathcona CountyYes
IdamaySpecial Area No. 4YesYes
Idle HoursCounty of Barrhead No. 11Yes
Idlewood EstatesRocky View CountyYes
IllingworthCypress CountyYes
Imperial MillsLac La Biche CountyYesYes
Improvement District No. 1Cypress CountyYes
Improvement District No. 10Clearwater CountyYes
Improvement District No. 17Big Lakes CountyYes
Improvement District No. 18 (Part)Municipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
Improvement District No. 40Municipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9Yes
Improvement District No. 6Municipal District of Ranchland No. 66Yes
Improvement District No. 8Municipal District of Bighorn No. 8Yes
Improvement District No. 143Regional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
Indian CabinsMackenzie CountyYesYes
Indian Lake MeadowsCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
InlandCounty of Minburn No. 27YesYes
InverlakeRocky View CountyYesYes
InversnayCounty of Forty Mile No. 8Yes
Ireland SubdivisionStrathcona CountyYes
IretonLeduc CountyYesYes
Iron RiverMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
Islet Lake EstatesBeaver CountyYes
IspasCounty of Two Hills No. 21YesYes
Ithacan DriveStrathcona CountyYes
J D Barr SubdivisionCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
J. C.'s RanchParkland CountyYes
J.D. Renton SubdivisionCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
J.D. Willis SubdivisionCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
JackfishChipewyan 201YesYes
Jackfish RiverImprovement District No. 24YesYes
JacksonLacombe CountyYes
JackvilleMountain View CountyYesYes
JalnaLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
James River BridgeClearwater CountyYesYes
JanvierJanvier 194Yes
JarrowMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61Yes
Jasper LodgeJasperYes
Jasper National ParkJasperYes
Jasper Park LodgeJasperYes
Jasper PlaceEdmontonYes
Jay HavenParkland CountyYes
JaydotCypress CountyYes
JeffersonCardston CountyYes
JeffreyWestlock CountyYesYes
JensenCounty of Forty Mile No. 8YesYes
Jesperview HeightsParkland CountyYes
Jidaro Valley SubdivisionStrathcona CountyYes
John D'or PrairieJohn D'Or Prairie 215YesYes
Johnny's EstatesParkland CountyYes
Johnny's Lake EstatesParkland CountyYes
Johnston ParkLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Jones BeachLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Joyland and Jade EstatesBeaver CountyYes
JudahNorthern Sunrise CountyYesYes
JudsonCounty of Warner No. 5YesYes
Jumping Pound (Forest Res)Municipal District of Bighorn No. 8Yes
JuneLacombe CountyYes
Juniper HillSturgeon CountyYes
JunoCounty of Forty Mile No. 8YesYes
KahwinLamont CountyYesYes
KalelandCounty of Two Hills No. 21YesYes
KananaskisMunicipal District of Bighorn No. 8YesYes
Kananaskis VillageKananaskis Improvement DistrictYesYes
KashaLacombe CountyYesYes
KathleenMunicipal District of Smoky River No. 130YesYes
Kathmarcan EstatesParkland CountyYes
KaybobMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
Kayda VistaLeduc CountyYes
KaydeeYellowhead CountyYes
Keding EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Keg RiverCounty of Northern LightsYesYes
KehewinKehewin 123Yes
Kehewin Cree NationKehewin 123Yes
Kemp RiverCounty of Northern LightsYesYes
Kenny WoodsRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
KenzieBig Lakes CountyYes
KerenskyThorhild CountyYesYes
KerseyRocky View CountyYesYes
KesslerMunicipal District of Provost No. 52Yes
KevisvilleRed Deer CountyYesYes
KewFoothills CountyYesYes
KeystoneLeduc CountyYes
KikinoKikino Metis SettlementYesYes
Kikino Metis SettlementSmoky Lake CountyYes
Kilini RidgeParkland CountyYes
Killarney LakeMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61YesYes
KilsythWestlock CountyYesYes
KinbrookCounty of NewellYes
Kingsway EstatesBeaver CountyYes
KinikinikAthabasca CountyYesYes
KininvieCounty of NewellYes
KinosisRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
KippLethbridge CountyYesYes
KirkpatrickKneehill CountyYesYes
KironCamrose CountyYesYes
KitsimCounty of NewellYes
Kleskun HillCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
KnappenCounty of Warner No. 5Yes
Knee Hill ValleyRed Deer CountyYesYes
KnightWoodlands CountyYes
Knob HillCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10YesYes
KokneeCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
Kolba EstatesParkland CountyYes
Kolga EstatesParkland CountyYes
KootukLacombe CountyYes
Kounty Meadows EstatesRed Deer CountyYes
KovachKananaskis Improvement DistrictYes
KrakowLamont CountyYesYes
KsituanSaddle Hills CountyYesYes
KuusamoRed Deer CountyYes
Kuusamo KrestLacombe CountyYes
LabumaRed DeerYes
Lac BellevueCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
Lac CanardCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Lac La Biche MissionLac La Biche CountyYesYes
Lac la NonneLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
Lac MagloireMunicipal District of Smoky River No. 130Yes
Lac Ste. AnneLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
Lac Ste. Anne SettlementLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
LahaievilleAthabasca CountyYes
Lake Country EstatesParkland CountyYes
Lake CrestParkland CountyYes
Lake EdithImprovement District No. 12Yes
Lake ElizaCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
Lake Erie EstatesRocky View CountyYes
Lake GenevaCounty of Minburn No. 27Yes
Lake IsleLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
Lake Isle EstatesParkland CountyYes
Lake MajeauLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
Lake SaskatoonCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
LakedellCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10YesYes
Lakeland EstatesCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
Lakeland VillageStrathcona CountyYes
Lakeland Village Trailer ParkStrathcona CountyYes
LakesendCounty of Paintearth No. 18YesYes
Lakeside Country EstatesCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
Lakeside ParkParkland CountyYes
LakeviewStrathcona CountyYes
Lakeview EstatesCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Lakeview EstatesLac La Biche CountyYesYes
Lakeview EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Lakewood AcresStrathcona CountyYes
Lakewood EstatesLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Lambton ParkEdmontonYes
LamertonLacombe CountyYes
LamoralCypress CountyYes
Lamorr Landing EstatesParkland CountyYes
Lancaster ParkSturgeon CountyYesYes
Landmark EstatesParkland CountyYes
LandonvilleCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
LanfineSpecial Area No. 3Yes
Langford ParkParkland CountyYesYes
Lansdowne EstatesRocky View CountyYes
Lansdowne ParkCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
Larch Tree ParkCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
LarmourCypress CountyYes
Las VillasStrathcona CountyYes
Last LakeMunicipal District of Peace No. 135Yes
LathomCounty of NewellYesYes
LatornellMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
Laurentian HeightsLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Laurina EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
LavestaPonoka CountyYesYes
LawsonburgSpecial Area No. 2Yes
LawtonCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
Le GoffRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
Lea ParkCounty of Vermilion RiverYesYes
LeahurstCounty of Stettler No. 6YesYes
LeamanYellowhead CountyYesYes
LeddyCounty of Northern LightsYes
Leduc Lynnwood RanchFoothills CountyYes
LeeshoreLamont CountyYesYes
LegendCounty of Forty Mile No. 8YesYes
LeicesterBig Lakes CountyYesYes
LeighmoreCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
LeismerRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
Leisure LakeFoothills CountyYes
LenarthurRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
LenzieLethbridge CountyYes
LeoCounty of Stettler No. 6YesYes
Les Trailer ParkRed Deer CountyYes
LessardMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
Lesser Slave Lake SettlementBig Lakes CountyYes
Levder's Ridge SubdivisionStrathcona CountyYes
LeylandYellowhead CountyYes
L'HirondelleNorthern Sunrise CountyYes
Lightning BayCounty of Barrhead No. 11Yes
Lily Lake EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
Lina Country EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
LinariaWestlock CountyYesYes
LincolnAthabasca CountyYesYes
Lincoln GreenStrathcona CountyYes
Lincoln ParkCalgaryYes
Lincolnshire DownsParkland CountyYes
Linda VistaLeduc CountyYes
LindaleBrazeau CountyYesYes
LindaleStrathcona CountyYes
Lindale ParkStrathcona CountyYes
LindbergStrathcona CountyYes
LindbrookBeaver CountyYesYes
Lindbrook EstatesBeaver CountyYes
Linden AcresParkland CountyYes
Linkewich Trailer CourtCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
LisburnLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
Little FisheryImprovement District No. 24YesYes
Little GemSpecial Area No. 4YesYes
Little PlumeCypress CountyYes
Little Red RiverMackenzie CountyYesYes
Little SmokyMunicipal District of Smoky River No. 130Yes
Little Smoky RiverMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
Livingstone EstatesRocky View CountyYes
Lloyds HillSpecial Area No. 4YesYes
LobstickYellowhead CountyYesYes
Lobstick SettlementSmoky Lake CountyYes
LochearnClearwater CountyYesYes
LochinvarLacombe CountyYesYes
LockhartLacombe CountyYesYes
LodgeRocky Mountain HouseYes
LombellWoodlands CountyYesYes
Lone PineWoodlands CountyYesYes
LonebutteSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
LoniraWoodlands CountyYesYes
Looma EstatesLeduc CountyYes
Loon LakeLoon Lake 235YesYes
Lori EstatesBeaver CountyYes
Lorne CrossingSpecial Area No. 2Yes
LorraineCounty of Paintearth No. 18YesYes
LothropMunicipal District of Fairview No. 136YesYes
Louden ParkLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
LovettvilleYellowhead CountyYes
Lower Manor EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
Lower Therien LakeCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Lower ViscountSturgeon CountyYes
Lower Viscount EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
LoyalistSpecial Area No. 4YesYes
Lubicon LakeNorthern Sunrise CountyYes
Lucky StrikeCounty of Warner No. 5Yes
Lueder RidgeStrathcona CountyYes
LunnfordCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
LureCounty of Paintearth No. 18YesYes
LuscarYellowhead CountyYes
LutoseMackenzie CountyYesYes
LuzanLamont CountyYes
Lyall SubdivisionAthabasca CountyYes
LymburnCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
LynburnCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
LyndonMunicipal District of Willow Creek No. 26YesYes
Lynley RidgeStrathcona CountyYes
LyntonRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
MacArthur SidingSturgeon CountyYes
MacKayYellowhead CountyYes
MacsonCypress CountyYes
MagnoliaParkland CountyYesYes
Magnolia BridgeParkland CountyYesYes
Mahar SubdivisionCounty of Barrhead No. 11Yes
MahaskaYellowhead CountyYesYes
MajesticSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
MajorvilleVulcan CountyYesYes
MakepeaceWheatland CountyYesYes
MalebCounty of Forty Mile No. 8YesYes
Mallard ParkParkland CountyYes
MallowCounty of NewellYesYes
MalmoCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10YesYes
MaloyRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
ManirMunicipal District of Spirit River No. 133YesYes
ManlyLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
Manly CornerParkland CountyYesYes
Manor EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
Mansfield SubdivisionCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Manuan LakeParkland CountyYes
Maple GroveCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Maple RidgeSturgeon CountyYes
Maple Ridge ParkEdmontonYes
MapovaThorhild CountyYesYes
MargieLac La Biche CountyYesYes
Mariana LakeRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
MarinaClear Hills CountyYes
Marine Drive EstatesParkland CountyYes
Mark Iv EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Marler SubdivisionStrathcona CountyYes
Marquis DevelopmentLeduc CountyYes
Marra Kesh EstatesParkland CountyYes
Marten RiverWoodland Cree 226YesYes
Martin RiverNorthern Sunrise CountyYes
Martin River SubdivisionNorthern Sunrise CountyYes
Martins Trailer CourtClearwater CountyYes
Marvin GardensStrathcona CountyYes
MasinasinCounty of Warner No. 5Yes
MassiveImprovement District No. 9YesYes
Matthews CrossingParkland CountyYesYes
MatzhiwinCounty of NewellYesYes
Maude WestParkland CountyYes
MaughanCounty of Two Hills No. 21Yes
Mayatan Lake EstatesParkland CountyYes
MaybuttCounty of Warner No. 5Yes
MaycroftMunicipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9Yes
Mayfair HeightsParkland CountyYes
Mayfair ParkLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
MaytonMountain View CountyYesYes
Maywood BayCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
Maywood SubdivisionCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
MazeppaFoothills CountyYesYes
McConnell EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Mccree AcresCamrose CountyYes
McDermott SubdivisionLethbridge CountyYes
McDonaldvilleCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
McKenzie SubdivisionRed Deer CountyYes
McLaurin BeachLacombe CountyYes
McLeod BeachCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
McLeod RiverYellowhead CountyYesYes
McLeod ValleyYellowhead CountyYesYes
McMurrayRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
McNabCounty of Warner No. 5YesYes
McNabb'sAthabasca CountyYes
McNeillCypress CountyYesYes
McRaeCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
Meadow CourtStrathcona CountyYes
Meadow CrestParkland CountyYes
Meadow Grove EstatesParkland CountyYes
Meadow Land AcresBrazeau CountyYes
Meadow Land EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Meadow RidgeParkland CountyYes
Meadow RunParkland CountyYes
MeadowbrookAthabasca CountyYesYes
Meadowbrook EstatesBeaver CountyYes
Meadowbrook HeightsStrathcona CountyYes
MeadowviewCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
Meadowview ParkParkland CountyYes
Meander RiverUpper Hay River 212YesYes
Meander River StationMackenzie CountyYes
MeanockAthabasca CountyYes
Medicine Hat JunctionSpecial Area No. 2Yes
Medicine LakeJasperYes
Medicine LodgeYellowhead CountyYesYes
MedleyCold LakeYes
MekastoeMunicipal District of Willow Creek No. 26Yes
Meldal SubdivisionCamrose CountyYes
MellowdaleCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
Melody Meadows Trailer ParkRed Deer CountyYes
MenaikPonoka CountyYesYes
MercoalYellowhead CountyYesYes
Meridian EstatesParkland CountyYes
Messo WestParkland CountyYes
MetisMackenzie CountyYes
MewassinParkland CountyYesYes
Meyers Lakeshore EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
MiamiCounty of Warner No. 5Yes
Michael ParkParkland CountyYes
Michel ParkParkland CountyYes
Michigan CentreLeduc CountyYesYes
Middle CreekCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
Midway EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
MietteImprovement District No. 12YesYes
Miette Hot SpringsJasperYes
Miette HotspringsImprovement District No. 12YesYes
Mildred LakeRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
Mile West Trailer ParkLac La Biche CountyYes
Military PointStrathcona CountyYes
MillerfieldSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
Millham GardensParkland CountyYes
MillicentCounty of NewellYesYes
MilnertonRed Deer CountyYesYes
MinaretMountain View CountyYesYes
Mini VistaLeduc CountyYes
Miniskic EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
MintlawRed Deer CountyYesYes
Miquelon AcresCamrose CountyYes
Miquelon EstatesBeaver CountyYes
Mission BeachLeduc CountyYesYes
Mission Creek EstatesLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
MitfordRocky View CountyYesYes
MitsueMunicipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124YesYes
Model DevelopmentMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
Modest Creek EstatesCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
Mon's LakeSmoky Lake CountyYes
Mon's Lake EstatesSmoky Lake CountyYes
Mon's View ResortSmoky Lake CountyYes
Moon LakeParkland CountyYesYes
Moonlight Bay EstatesCounty of Barrhead No. 11Yes
Moose Lake EstatesMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
Moose PortageMunicipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124YesYes
Moose WallowCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
Morgan's Mountain SubdivisionCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
MorleyStoney 142, 143, 144YesYes
Morleyville SettlementStoney 142, 143, 144Yes
Morning Meadows SubdivisionPonoka CountyYes
Morningold EstatesCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
Morrish SubdivisionClearwater CountyYes
MossideCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
MoundMountain View CountyYesYes
Mount Kidd RV ParkKananaskis Improvement DistrictYes
Mount RoyalCalgaryYes
Mount ValleyCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
Mount ViewCalgaryYes
Mount View EstatesRocky View CountyYes
Mountain HouseRed Deer CountyYes
Mountain ParkYellowhead CountyYes
Mountain View EstatesRocky View CountyYes
Mountain View EstatesYellowhead CountyYes
Mountain View Trailer CourtCremonaYes
Mountainside AcresCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Mountainside EstatesCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
MoyertonCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
MuirheadMunicipal District of Willow Creek No. 26Yes
Mullen DalfCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
MurielCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
Muriel LakeMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
Murray Acres EstatesRocky View CountyYes
Muskeg RiverMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16YesYes
Mystery LakeCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
NacoSpecial Area No. 3YesYes
NakamunLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
Namao Ridge EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
NaphthaFoothills CountyYesYes
NaplesCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
NapthaFoothills CountyYes
NavarreCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10YesYes
NeapolisMountain View CountyYesYes
NemiskamCounty of Forty Mile No. 8YesYes
NetookMountain View CountyYesYes
Neutral HillsMunicipal District of Provost No. 52YesYes
Neutral ValleyParkland CountyYes
Neutral ValleySpecial Area No. 4YesYes
Nevis JunctionCounty of Stettler No. 6Yes
New Fish CreekMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16YesYes
New HillRed Deer CountyYes
New KiewCounty of Minburn No. 27Yes
New LindsayCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
New LunnonSturgeon CountyYes
New RockportCounty of Warner No. 5Yes
New Saratoga BeachLacombe CountyYes
Newcastle MineDrumhellerYes
Newton EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Nicholson SubdivisionMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
NierRocky View CountyYesYes
NightTsuut'ina 145YesYes
NilremMunicipal District of Provost No. 52YesYes
NinastokoBlood 148YesYes
Nine Mile PointBig Lakes CountyYes
NiobeCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
NiobeRed Deer CountyYesYes
NisbetRed Deer CountyYesYes
NitonYellowhead CountyYes
No JackYellowhead CountyYes
NojackYellowhead CountyYesYes
NolanMunicipal District of Willow Creek No. 26Yes
NoralLac La Biche CountyYesYes
NorbuckCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10YesYes
Nordhagen SubdivisionCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Nordic PlaceCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
NorfolkRocky View CountyYesYes
NormaCounty of Two Hills No. 21YesYes
NormandeauLac La Biche CountyYesYes
NormandvilleMunicipal District of Smoky River No. 130Yes
NoroncalSturgeon CountyYes
Norris AcresParkland CountyYes
North Calling LakeMunicipal District of Opportunity No. 17Yes
North EdmontonEdmontonYes
North ForkMunicipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9YesYes
North HavenCalgaryYes
North KotzmanSmoky Lake CountyYes
North PointSturgeon CountyYes
North Queensdale PlaceStrathcona CountyYes
North Red DeerRed DeerYes
North Side AcresParkland CountyYes
North VermilionMackenzie CountyYes
North Vermilion SettlementMackenzie CountyYes
NorthbankSmoky Lake CountyYesYes
NorthbrookThorhild CountyYes
NorthcliffeBlood 148Yes
Northern ValleyCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
NorthleighParkland CountyYesYes
NorthmarkSaddle Hills CountyYesYes
Northridge MeadowsParkland CountyYes
Northshore HeightsMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
NorthvilleYellowhead CountyYes
Norway ValleyCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Noyes CrossingLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
Noyes Crossing EstatesLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
NugentPonoka CountyYesYes
NyweningSturgeon CountyYes
Oak Ridge ParkEdmontonYes
Oakwood EstatesParkland CountyYes
ObedYellowhead CountyYesYes
OberlinCounty of Stettler No. 6YesYes
OkeYellowhead CountyYesYes
Old EntranceYellowhead CountyYesYes
Old EntwistleParkland CountyYes
Old FortRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
Old TownMunicipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124Yes
OmaktaiBlood 148YesYes
O'MorrowAthabasca CountyYes
OnefourCypress CountyYesYes
O'Neil RanchettesRocky View CountyYes
OrasClearwater CountyYes
Ordze Park and Wye Road GardenStrathcona CountyYes
Osborne AcresParkland CountyYes
Osthoff EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
OtterTsuut'ina 145YesYes
OtwayRocky Mountain HouseYesYes
OverleaMunicipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124Yes
OwenMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
OwendaleCardston CountyYesYes
Owl RiverLac La Biche CountyYesYes
OwlseyeCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
Owlseye LakeCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
OxvilleCounty of Vermilion RiverYesYes
OzadaStoney 142, 143, 144YesYes
Paddle PrairiePaddle Prairie Metis SettlementYesYes
Paddle Prairie Metis SettlementCounty of Northern LightsYes
PadstowLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
PageantVulcan CountyYesYes
PakanSmoky Lake CountyYesYes
PakowkiCounty of Forty Mile No. 8YesYes
Panorama AcresLeduc CountyYes
Panorama HeightsParkland CountyYes
Paradise EstatesLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Paradise ResortCamrose CountyYes
Paramac CoveParkland CountyYes
Paramac PointParkland CountyYes
Park CourtYellowhead CountyYesYes
Park FarmMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61YesYes
Park Glen EstatesBeaver CountyYes
Park La NonneCounty of Barrhead No. 11Yes
Park Ridge HeightsParkland CountyYes
ParkbendCardston CountyYesYes
Parker RidgeStrathcona CountyYes
Parkland HeightsParkland CountyYes
Parkland Village Trailer Ct. NorthParkland CountyYes
Parkland Village Trailer Ct. SouthParkland CountyYes
Parklane AcresParkland CountyYes
Parklane EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Parkside EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Parkview BeachSmoky Lake CountyYes
Parkview EstatesParkland CountyYes
Parkview RidgeStrathcona CountyYes
Parkwood PlaceStrathcona CountyYes
Parmac CoveParkland CountyYes
Parmac PointParkland CountyYes
Partridge HeightsParkland CountyYes
Partridge HillStrathcona CountyYes
Partridge PlaceParkland CountyYes
Partridge PlaceRocky View CountyYes
Parview EstatesBrazeau CountyYes
PashleyCypress CountyYes
Paso Valley SubdivisionStrathcona CountyYes
Pass CreekMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
Paterson ParkLeduc CountyYes
PathfinderCounty of Two Hills No. 21YesYes
PatienceCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
Patricia EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Patricia HillsParkland CountyYes
Paulson PasturePonoka CountyYes
PaxsonAthabasca CountyYesYes
PBILacombe CountyYes
Peace GroveClear Hills CountyYes
Peace Hills HeightsCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
Peace Hills ParkCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
Peace PointPeace Point 222YesYes
Peace River Correctional InstitutionMunicipal District of Peace No. 135Yes
PeacockVulcan CountyYesYes
PearceMunicipal District of Willow Creek No. 26YesYes
PeaveySturgeon CountyYesYes
PeavineLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
Peavine Metis SettlementBig Lakes CountyYes
Pebble CourtStrathcona CountyYes
PectenMunicipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9Yes
PedleyYellowhead CountyYesYes
Peerless LakeMunicipal District of Opportunity No. 17YesYes
PekiskoFoothills CountyYesYes
Pelican MountainMunicipal District of Opportunity No. 17Yes
Pelican PortageMunicipal District of Opportunity No. 17YesYes
Pelican SettlementRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
PembinaBrazeau CountyYesYes
Pembina ForksYellowhead CountyYes
Pembina HeightsWestlock CountyYesYes
PembridgeLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
Pemburton HillLeduc CountyYesYes
PemukanSpecial Area No. 4YesYes
Pendant D'OreilleCounty of Forty Mile No. 8Yes
Pendant d'OreilleCounty of Forty Mile No. 8Yes
PendrylCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10YesYes
PenoLamont CountyYes
Penridge EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
PerbeckKneehill CountyYesYes
Peter Burn EstateParkland CountyYes
PhidiasWheatland CountyYes
PhilipsBeaver CountyYesYes
PhillipsBeaver CountyYes
PhilomenaLac La Biche CountyYes
Pigeon Lake HavenCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
Pigeon MountainMunicipal District of Bighorn No. 8Yes
Pilon Creek EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
Pine Dale SubdivisionYellowhead CountyYes
Pine Grove AcresStrathcona CountyYes
Pine Grove EstatesAthabasca CountyYes
Pine LakeRed Deer CountyYesYes
Pine Lane Trailer CourtLac La Biche CountyYes
Pine MeadowCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Pine ShadowsYellowhead CountyYes
Pine Valley Acres SubdivisionParkland CountyYes
Pine Valley EstatesCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Pine Valley SubdivisionCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
PinebrookThorhild CountyYes
Pinebrook EstatesRocky View CountyYes
PinedaleYellowhead CountyYes
Pinedale EstatesYellowhead CountyYes
Pineridge DownsCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
Pineridge EstatesFoothills CountyYes
Pinewood EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
Pinewood SubdivisionParkland CountyYes
Pinewoods EstatesClearwater CountyYes
PingleRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
PinhornCounty of Forty Mile No. 8Yes
PioneerYellowhead CountyYesYes
PipestoneCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10YesYes
Pipestone CreekCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
Pirmez CreekRocky View CountyYesYes
PitlochrieLac La Biche CountyYesYes
PivotCypress CountyYesYes
PiyamiLethbridge CountyYes
Plain LakeCounty of Two Hills No. 21Yes
Plateau EstatesCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Pleasant Hill SubdivisionPonoka CountyYes
Pleasant ViewAthabasca CountyYesYes
Pleasant ViewBrazeau CountyYes
Pleasant ViewStrathcona CountyYes
Pleasantview AcreagesStrathcona CountyYes
PocahontasImprovement District No. 12YesYes
PoeBeaver CountyYesYes
Point BruleRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
Pointe Aux Pins EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Pointe de RocheImprovement District No. 24Yes
PollockvilleSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
Poplar GroveParkland CountyYes
Poplar HillCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
Poplar Lake EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Poplar RidgeSaddle Hills CountyYes
Poplar Ridge SubdivisionRed Deer CountyYes
Portas GardensStrathcona CountyYes
Prairie EchoBig Lakes CountyYesYes
Prairie Lodge Trailer CourtCounty of Minburn No. 27Yes
Prairie RoyaleRocky View CountyYes
Pratch SubdivisionCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
PrentissLacombe CountyYesYes
Prestige HeightsParkland CountyYes
Prestone VillageCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
PrestvilleMunicipal District of Spirit River No. 133YesYes
PrevoRed Deer CountyYesYes
Priddis Creek EstatesFoothills CountyYes
PrimroseCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
PrimulaCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Princes IslandCalgaryYes
PrincessCounty of NewellYesYes
Princess EstatesParkland CountyYes
Prospect ValleyMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61YesYes
ProsperityAthabasca CountyYesYes
PufferCounty of Paintearth No. 18YesYes
PulteneyMunicipal District of Willow Creek No. 26YesYes
Quatre FourchesImprovement District No. 24YesYes
Queensdale PlaceStrathcona CountyYes
Quesnel Country EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
QuigleyRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
RadnorRocky View CountyYesYes
RainbowStarland CountyYes
RaleyCardston CountyYesYes
RalstonCypress CountyYesYes
RanchMunicipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124YesYes
RanchvilleCounty of Forty Mile No. 8Yes
RangetonYellowhead CountyYesYes
Rat LakeMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
RavenRed Deer CountyYesYes
RavineYellowhead CountyYesYes
Raychuk SubdivisionCounty of Two Hills No. 21Yes
RecoYellowhead CountyYes
Red Deer JunctionRed Deer CountyYes
Red StarMunicipal District of Fairview No. 136YesYes
RedelbackCounty of NewellYes
RedlandWheatland CountyYesYes
Redwood MeadowsTsuut'ina 145Yes
Regal ParkWestlock CountyYes
Regency EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
Regency Park EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Reno-VilleStrathcona CountyYes
Repp AdditionCounty of Stettler No. 6Yes
Repp SubdivisionCounty of Stettler No. 6Yes
Research StationCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
RetlawMunicipal District of TaberYesYes
Rex BlockBrazeau CountyYes
Reyda Vista SubdivisionSturgeon CountyYes
Rich LakeLac La Biche CountyYesYes
Richdale EstatesLeduc CountyYes
Richfield EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
Richie's PointParkland CountyYes
Richlyn EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Richmond Hill EstatesCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Richmond ParkAthabasca CountyYesYes
Richmond SubdivisionCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
RicinusClearwater CountyYesYes
Rideau ParkCalgaryYes
RidgecloughCounty of Vermilion RiverYesYes
Ridgewood EstatesParkland CountyYes
Ridgewood TerraceRed Deer CountyYes
RielCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
RifeMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
Rimbey Ridge EstatesPonoka CountyYes
Rio FrioFoothills CountyYes
Rio GrandeCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
River Ridge EstatesRocky View CountyYes
River Ridge SubdivisionBrazeau CountyYes
Riverside ParkSturgeon CountyYes
Riverview AcresParkland CountyYes
Riverview ParkRed Deer CountyYes
Riverview Pines EstatesCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Riverview Pines SubdivisionCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Riviere Qui BarreSturgeon CountyYes
Rizzie's PointParkland CountyYes
RobertsonRocky View CountyYes
RobinsonLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
Robinwood AcresCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
Rocky FordMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61YesYes
Rocky LaneMackenzie CountyYesYes
Rocky Ridge EstatesMunicipal District of Peace No. 135Yes
Rocky ViewRocky View CountyYesYes
RodefLamont CountyYes
Rol-Ana ParkSturgeon CountyYes
Rolling Forest EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Rolling Glory EstatesBeaver CountyYes
Rolling HeightsParkland CountyYes
Rolling HillsParkland CountyYes
Rolling MeadowsParkland CountyYes
Rolling Range EstatesRocky View CountyYes
Rolling View EstatesParkland CountyYes
RomaMunicipal District of Peace No. 135YesYes
Roma JunctionMunicipal District of Peace No. 135YesYes
Roman EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
RonalaneCypress CountyYesYes
RonanLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
RorosMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61YesYes
Rosal AcresSturgeon CountyYes
Rose Burn EstateStrathcona CountyYes
Rose LynnSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
RosebegCypress CountyYes
Rosebud CreekWheatland CountyYes
RosedaleLacombe CountyYes
Rosedale StationDrumhellerYesYes
Rosedale ValleyLacombe CountyYes
RoseleaCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
RosenheimMunicipal District of Provost No. 52YesYes
RosevearYellowhead CountyYesYes
RosewoodRocky View CountyYes
Rosewood BeachParkland CountyYes
Roslaire EstatesParkland CountyYes
Rossbrooke EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
RossianLac La Biche CountyYes
RossingtonWestlock CountyYesYes
RosythMunicipal District of Provost No. 52Yes
Round ValleyBrazeau CountyYesYes
RoundhillCamrose CountyYes
RoxanaMunicipal District of Smoky River No. 130Yes
RoyalCypress CountyYes
Royal EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Royal GardensStrathcona CountyYes
Royal Glenn EstatesBeaver CountyYes
Royal ParkCounty of Minburn No. 27YesYes
Royal ParkParkland CountyYes
RoyaltiesFoothills CountyYesYes
RoyceClear Hills CountyYesYes
RoydaleLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
RoytalCypress CountyYesYes
RuarkvilleKneehill CountyYes
Rush LakeCardston CountyYes
Russian ColonyLac La Biche CountyYes
RusylviaCounty of Two Hills No. 21YesYes
Ryedale EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
SabineCounty of Stettler No. 6YesYes
Saddle LakeSaddle Lake 125YesYes
Salt PrairieBig Lakes CountyYesYes
Salt Prairie SettlementBig Lakes CountyYes
Sandholm BeachLeduc CountyYes
SandstoneFoothills CountyYes
Sandy BeachImprovement District No. 13Yes
Sandy HeightsParkland CountyYes
Sandy LaneCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Sandy LanesCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Sandy RapidsRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
Sandy RidgeParkland CountyYes
Sandy Ridge EstatesCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Sarcee JunctionCalgaryYes
SarrailAthabasca CountyYes
Saskatchewan River CrossingImprovement District No. 9YesYes
Saskatoon LakeCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
SaulteauxMunicipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124YesYes
SaundersClearwater CountyYesYes
SavannaCrowsnest PassYesYes
SavannaSaddle Hills CountyYes
Saville FarmMunicipal District of Wainwright No. 61YesYes
SawbackImprovement District No. 9YesYes
SawdyAthabasca CountyYesYes
ScapaSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
Scenic View EstatesParkland CountyYes
ScollardCounty of Stettler No. 6YesYes
SconadaleStrathcona CountyYes
Sconaglen EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
ScopeMunicipal District of TaberYes
Scot HavenStrathcona CountyYes
ScotfieldSpecial Area No. 2Yes
ScotfordStrathcona CountyYesYes
ScotswoodMunicipal District of Fairview No. 136YesYes
Scottsdale EstatesLeduc CountyYes
Scully CreekCounty of Northern LightsYes
SeebeStoney 142, 143, 144YesYes
SentinelCrowsnest PassYesYes
Shady AcresParkland CountyYes
Shady LanesStrathcona CountyYes
Shady Pine Trailer ParkRed Deer CountyYes
Shaftesbury SettlementMunicipal District of Peace No. 135Yes
Shaftsbury SettlementMunicipal District of Peace No. 135Yes
Shale BanksImprovement District No. 12Yes
ShalkaCounty of Two Hills No. 21Yes
ShandroLamont CountyYes
Shannon MeadowsParkland CountyYes
ShantzMountain View CountyYesYes
SharplesKneehill CountyYesYes
SharrowSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
ShaverCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
ShawYellowhead CountyYesYes
SheernessSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
ShepengeCounty of Two Hills No. 21Yes
Sherman Park SubdivisionCamrose CountyYes
SherwinParkland CountyYes
Sherwood PlaceStrathcona CountyYes
Shil SholSturgeon CountyYes
Shining BankYellowhead CountyYesYes
Shoal CreekWestlock CountyYesYes
ShontsBeaver CountyYesYes
SidcupCounty of Vermilion RiverYesYes
Sierra Grand EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
SiksikaSiksika 146Yes
Silver Bell EstatesParkland CountyYes
Silver Birch FarmsCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
Silver Birch HillsStrathcona CountyYes
Silver CreekWoodlands CountyYes
Silver Diamond EstatesParkland CountyYes
Silver HeightsCounty of Paintearth No. 18YesYes
Silver HeightsCounty of Paintearth No. 18Yes
Silver Sands EstatesParkland CountyYes
Silver SpringsCalgaryYes
Silver ValleySaddle Hills CountyYesYes
Silverchief SubdivisionSturgeon CountyYes
SilverwoodMunicipal District of Spirit River No. 133YesYes
SilvestreCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
SimmonsStrathcona CountyYes
Simon LakesWoodland Cree 226YesYes
Simons ValleyCalgaryYes
Simpson GrangeStrathcona CountyYes
Singer AcresParkland CountyYes
Singing Hill EstatesParkland CountyYes
SionCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
Sixth BridgeJasperYes
SkaroLamont CountyYesYes
SkyglenSturgeon CountyYes
Skyline GardensParkland CountyYes
Skyline Trailer CourtLethbridgeYes
Slavey CreekMackenzie CountyYes
SlawaCounty of Two Hills No. 21Yes
Smith LakeMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
SmithfieldParkland CountyYesYes
SmithmillCounty of Northern LightsYes
Smithson AcresStrathcona CountyYes
Smoky HeightsCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
SnaringImprovement District No. 12YesYes
SniatynLamont CountyYes
Snug CoveLac La Biche CountyYesYes
Soda LakeCounty of Two Hills No. 21Yes
SolomonYellowhead CountyYes
Sorensens ParkParkland CountyYes
Sounding LakeSpecial Area No. 4YesYes
South BaileyStrathcona CountyYes
South Calling LakeNorthern Sunrise CountyYes
South FerribyCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
South Looking LakeLeduc CountyYes
South Park VillageRed Deer CountyYes
South ParkdaleParkland CountyYes
South Pine Valley EstatesCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
South Queensdale PlaceStrathcona CountyYes
South Seba BeachParkland CountyYes
South Woodland AcresParkland CountyYes
SoutheskCounty of NewellYesYes
Southwood ParkLeduc CountyYes
Spanish OaksParkland CountyYes
Spirit River SettlementMunicipal District of Spirit River No. 133Yes
SpondinSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
Spray LakesMunicipal District of Bighorn No. 8Yes
Spring HillsParkland CountyYes
Spring PointMunicipal District of Willow Creek No. 26Yes
Springbank MeadowsRocky View CountyYes
SpringburnNorthern Sunrise CountyYes
SpringdalePonoka CountyYesYes
Springgate EstatesRocky View CountyYes
Springhill EstateStrathcona CountyYes
Springland EstatesRocky View CountyYes
SpringparkCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
SpringridgeMunicipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9Yes
Springshire EstatesRocky View CountyYes
Springtree ParkCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
Spruce Bend EstateStrathcona CountyYes
Spruce BluffParkland CountyYes
Spruce CliffCalgaryYes
Spruce LaneLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Spruce Lane AcresRed Deer CountyYes
Spruce MeadowsCalgaryYes
Spruce RidgeParkland CountyYes
Spruce ValleyAthabasca CountyYesYes
Spruce Valley EstatesParkland CountyYes
SprucefieldSmoky Lake CountyYesYes
Sprucehill ParkParkland CountyYes
Sprucewood SubdivisionCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
SpurfieldMunicipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124Yes
SputinowFishing Lake Metis SettlementYesYes
St. Albert SettlementSturgeon CountyYes
St. Albert TrailEdmontonYes
St. Andrews HeightsCalgaryYes
St. BridesCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
St. FrancisLeduc CountyYesYes
St. Georges HeightsCalgaryYes
St. George's IslandCalgaryYes
St. KildaCounty of Warner No. 5Yes
St. Patrick's IslandCalgaryYes
St. Paul BeachCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
St. Paul JunctionEdmontonYes
Stand OffBlood 148YesYes
StangerLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
Stanley ParkCalgaryYes
StanmoreSpecial Area No. 2Yes
StaplehurstCounty of Vermilion RiverYesYes
Star LakeParkland CountyYes
Star Lake EstatesParkland CountyYes
StarlightTsuut'ina 145YesYes
StaufferClearwater CountyYesYes
Ste AnneLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Steen RiverMackenzie CountyYesYes
SteeperYellowhead CountyYes
StercoYellowhead CountyYes
StettinLac Ste. Anne CountyYesYes
StevevilleCounty of NewellYes
StewartLethbridge CountyYes
Stewart SidingLethbridge CountyYes
StewartfieldCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
StirlingvilleMountain View CountyYesYes
StobartWheatland CountyYesYes
StolbergClearwater CountyYesYes
StonelawStarland CountyYesYes
Stony Brook GardensParkland CountyYes
Stony LakeCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Stonybrook GardensParkland CountyYes
StoppingtonSpecial Area No. 2Yes
StornhamCypress CountyYes
StoweMunicipal District of Willow Creek No. 26Yes
StrachanClearwater CountyYesYes
StrangmuirWheatland CountyYesYes
Strathcona HeightsSturgeon CountyYes
Strawberry Hill EstatesLeduc CountyYes
StrySmoky Lake CountyYesYes
StubnoCounty of Two Hills No. 21Yes
SturgeonSturgeon CountyYes
Sturgeon Creek SubdivisionSturgeon CountyYes
Sturgeon Crest SubdivisionSturgeon CountyYes
Sturgeon HeightsMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16YesYes
Sturgeon HeightsSturgeon CountyYes
Sturgeon LakeSturgeon Lake 154Yes
Sturgeon Lake SettlementMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
Sturgeon Valley EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
Sturgeon Valley VistaSturgeon CountyYes
Sturgeon View EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
StyalYellowhead CountyYesYes
SugdenCounty of St. Paul No. 19YesYes
Sullivan LakeCounty of Paintearth No. 18YesYes
Summer BrookSturgeon CountyYes
Summer View HeightsParkland CountyYes
Summerbrook EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
SummerleaCounty of Barrhead No. 11Yes
SummerviewMunicipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9YesYes
Sun Hill EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
SundanceParkland CountyYesYes
Sundance MeadowsParkland CountyYes
Sundown EstatesParkland CountyYes
SunhavenSunbreaker CoveYes
SunlandLamont CountyYes
SunnydaleSpecial Area No. 3YesYes
SunnysidePonoka CountyYes
Sunnyside ParkParkland CountyYes
SunnyvilleLeduc CountyYes
Sunrise Trailer CourtVauxhallYes
Sunset AcresLethbridge CountyYes
Sunset BayLac La Biche CountyYes
Sunset BeachCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Sunset BeachMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
Sunset HouseBig Lakes CountyYesYes
Sunset Mobile VillageMedicine HatYes
Sunset View AcresParkland CountyYes
Sunset View BeachMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
SunwaptaImprovement District No. 12Yes
Surrey Lane AcreagesParkland CountyYes
Susa CreekMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
Swan City Trailer CourtCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Swan LandingYellowhead CountyYes
Sweathouse CreekMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16YesYes
Sweet WaterCounty of Northern LightsYes
Sweetgrass LandingImprovement District No. 24YesYes
Swiss ValleyParkland CountyYes
Sylvan GlenWestlock CountyYesYes
SylvesterCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
T + E Trailer ParkGrande PrairieYes
Tagore EstatesLamont CountyYes
TalbotCounty of Paintearth No. 18YesYes
Tanglewood EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
TaplowSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
Tar IslandRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYesYes
TaylorKneehill CountyYes
TaylorvilleCardston CountyYesYes
TempestLethbridge CountyYesYes
TempleImprovement District No. 9Yes
TennionLethbridge CountyYes
Terence View EstatesCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Terrace HeightsEdmontonYes
Terralta EstatesParkland CountyYes
Texaco Bonnie Glen CampCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
The BreakersLacombe CountyYes
The DunesCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
The NarrowsMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
ThelmaCypress CountyYes
Thompson SubdivisionCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
ThordarsonMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
Three CreeksNorthern Sunrise CountyYesYes
ThroneCounty of Paintearth No. 18YesYes
Tidan HeightsStrathcona CountyYes
Tiebecke EstatesLeduc CountyYes
TielandMunicipal District of Lesser Slave River No. 124YesYes
Tiger LilyCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
TimeuWoodlands CountyYesYes
TinchebrayCounty of Paintearth No. 18YesYes
Tod CreekMunicipal District of Pincher Creek No. 9YesYes
Toki EstatesRocky View CountyYes
TollandCounty of Vermilion RiverYesYes
TolmanKneehill CountyYesYes
TolstadMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
ToplandWoodlands CountyYesYes
TorleaBeaver CountyYesYes
TothillCypress CountyYesYes
Tower AcresParkland CountyYes
Tower Ridge EstatesRocky View CountyYes
TowersWheatland CountyYes
Town LakeCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10YesYes
Trade Winds Trailer CourtYellowhead CountyYes
Trafalgar HeightsParkland CountyYes
Tranquility HillsParkland CountyYes
Trans Oak EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Treasure Island EstatesLeduc CountyYes
TrefoilSpecial Area No. 2YesYes
Trestle RidgeSturgeon CountyYes
TrevithickStrathcona CountyYes
Trevithick SubdivisionStrathcona CountyYes
Tri Lakes ManorLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
TriangleBig Lakes CountyYesYes
Triple-L-Trailer CourtCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
TristramPonoka CountyYesYes
Trochu Trailer CourtTrochuYes
Trout LakeMunicipal District of Opportunity No. 17YesYes
Trueman SubdivisionRed Deer CountyYes
TrumanMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87YesYes
TudorWheatland CountyYesYes
Turcotte DivisionMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
Turfside ParkSturgeon CountyYes
TuttleRed Deer CountyYesYes
Tuxedo ParkCalgaryYes
TweedieLac La Biche CountyYesYes
Twin Island Air ParkStrathcona CountyYes
Twin RavinesParkland CountyYes
Twin RiverCardston CountyYes
TwiningKneehill CountyYesYes
Two CreeksMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16YesYes
Two GunsTsuut'ina 145YesYes
Two LakesSmoky Lake CountyYes
Two Rivers EstatesYellowhead CountyYes
TwomeyCamrose CountyYesYes
UkaltaLamont CountyYes
UllinClearwater CountyYes
UncasStrathcona CountyYesYes
Upper Manor EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
Upper Viscount EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
Upper Viscount Estates SubdivisionSturgeon CountyYes
UsonaCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10YesYes
Val SoucyThorhild CountyYes
Valaspen PlaceParkland CountyYes
ValeCypress CountyYes
ValhallaCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
Valhalla AcresLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Valley DriveBrazeau CountyYes
Valley Drive AcresBrazeau CountyYes
Valley PointStrathcona CountyYes
Valley View AcresLeduc CountyYes
Valleyview AcresFoothills CountyYes
VanestiCounty of Vermilion RiverYes
VanrenaMunicipal District of Fairview No. 136YesYes
VegaCounty of Barrhead No. 11YesYes
VeldtCounty of Paintearth No. 18YesYes
Verdant ValleyStarland CountyYes
Verden PlaceStrathcona CountyYes
VergerCounty of NewellYesYes
Vermilion ChutesMackenzie CountyYes
VetchlandClearwater CountyYes
Vezeau BeachMunicipal District of Bonnyville No. 87Yes
VictorStarland CountyYesYes
Victoria SettlementSmoky Lake CountyYes
Viewmar EstatesPonoka CountyYes
ViewpointCamrose CountyYesYes
Viewpoint EstatesParkland CountyYes
Viola BeachCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
VolmerSturgeon CountyYesYes
Voyageur EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Wabasca SettlementNorthern Sunrise CountyYes
Wabasca-DesmaraisMunicipal District of Opportunity No. 17Yes
Wabiskaw SettlementNorthern Sunrise CountyYes
WahstaoSmoky Lake CountyYes
WapitiMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16YesYes
Warawa EstatesLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
WardenCounty of Stettler No. 6YesYes
Warden JunctionCounty of Stettler No. 6Yes
Warnock AcresParkland CountyYes
WarrensvilleCounty of Northern LightsYesYes
Warrensville CentreCounty of Northern LightsYesYes
WarwickCounty of Minburn No. 27YesYes
WaselSmoky Lake CountyYesYes
WastinaSpecial Area No. 3YesYes
Water ValleyMountain View CountyYesYes
Waterdale ParkSturgeon CountyYes
WaterholeMunicipal District of Fairview No. 136YesYes
Waterton Lakes National ParkImprovement District No. 4Yes
WaterwaysRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
WattsSpecial Area No. 2Yes
WaughWestlock CountyYesYes
WaybrookSturgeon CountyYes
WealdYellowhead CountyYes
Weasel CreekThorhild CountyYesYes
WebervilleCounty of Northern LightsYesYes
WebsterCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1YesYes
Weed CreekLeduc CountyYesYes
Weekend EstatesParkland CountyYes
Wellington EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Wendel HeightsParkland CountyYes
Wendel PlaceParkland CountyYes
Wendel Place ParkParkland CountyYes
Wenham ValleyCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10YesYes
Wesley CreekNorthern Sunrise CountyYes
WessexMountain View CountyYes
West Bank AcresBrazeau CountyYes
West Bluff Road SubdivisionRocky View CountyYes
West Country EstatesParkland CountyYes
West Eighty EstatesParkland CountyYes
West Gentry EstatesParkland CountyYes
West Hill AcresParkland CountyYes
West Lake EstatesParkland CountyYes
West ParkdaleParkland CountyYes
West Peace RiverPeace RiverYes
West Ridge EstatesRed Deer CountyYes
West Thirty-Five EstatesParkland CountyYes
West WhitecroftStrathcona CountyYes
West Wind Trailer ParkAthabasca CountyYes
West WinghamSpecial Area No. 2Yes
Westbrook CrescentParkland CountyYes
Westbrooke CrescentsParkland CountyYes
WestcottMountain View CountyYesYes
WesterdaleMountain View CountyYesYes
Westering HeightsParkland CountyYes
Western MonarchDrumhellerYes
Westerner Trailer CourtClearwater CountyYes
Westland ParkParkland CountyYes
Westpark EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Westside Trailer ParkLethbridgeYes
Westview AcresLethbridge CountyYes
Westview Village Trailer Park N.EdmontonYes
Westview Village Trailer Park S.EdmontonYes
Westward AcresParkland CountyYes
Westward HoMountain View CountyYesYes
Whiskey GapCardston CountyYesYes
Whispering HillsBeaver CountyYes
Whispering PinesParkland CountyYes
WhitburnSaddle Hills CountyYesYes
White ElkTsuut'ina 145YesYes
White GullAthabasca CountyYesYes
WhitecroftStrathcona CountyYesYes
Whiteman BeachSmoky Lake CountyYes
Whitemud CreekMunicipal District of Smoky River No. 130Yes
Whitewood SandsParkland CountyYes
WhitlaCounty of Forty Mile No. 8YesYes
WhitneyLethbridge CountyYesYes
Whitney Lake Mobile Home ParkCounty of St. Paul No. 19Yes
Wild HayYellowhead CountyYes
Wild HorseCypress CountyYes
Wild RoseRed Deer CountyYes
Wild Rose Country EstatesRocky View CountyYes
Wild Rose ParkParkland CountyYes
WildcatRocky View CountyYesYes
Wildlife ParkSturgeon CountyYes
WildmereCounty of Vermilion RiverYesYes
Wildwood VillageStrathcona CountyYes
Willesden GreenPonoka CountyYesYes
Williams ParkStrathcona CountyYes
Williams SubdivisionRocky View CountyYes
Willow CreekDrumhellerYes
Willow Lake EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Willow ParkParkland CountyYes
Willow RidgeParkland CountyYes
Willow Ridge EstatesParkland CountyYes
Willow TrailRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
Willow Wood SubdivisionCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Willowdale EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Willowglen EstatesCounty of Stettler No. 6Yes
Willowhaven EstatesCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
WillowleaCounty of Vermilion RiverYesYes
Willowood EstatesCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
WilsonLethbridge CountyYesYes
Wilson BeachLacombe CountyYes
WinagamiMunicipal District of Smoky River No. 130Yes
Windermere Country EstatesEdmontonYes
WindfallWoodlands CountyYesYes
Windsor CreekCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Windsor ParkCalgaryYes
Winfield HeightsParkland CountyYes
Winfield HeightsStrathcona CountyYes
WinniandyMunicipal District of Greenview No. 16Yes
WinnifredCounty of Forty Mile No. 8YesYes
WintergreenRocky View CountyYes
WisdomCypress CountyYes
WisteSpecial Area No. 4YesYes
Wizard HeightsCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10Yes
WolfTsuut'ina 145YesYes
Wolf CreekYellowhead CountyYesYes
WolynRegional Municipality of Wood BuffaloYes
Wood Buffalo National ParkImprovement District No. 24Yes
Woodbend CrescentsParkland CountyYes
Woodbend PlaceParkland CountyYes
WoodglenFlagstaff CountyYes
WoodgroveThorhild CountyYes
Woodlake EstatesCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Woodland AcresCounty of Grande Prairie No. 1Yes
Woodland AcresParkland CountyYes
Woodland BayLac Ste. Anne CountyYes
Woodland DownsStrathcona CountyYes
Woodland EstatesClearwater CountyYes
Woodland HillsRed Deer CountyYes
Woodland ParkParkland CountyYes
Woodland ParkPonoka CountyYes
Woodland ParkStrathcona CountyYes
WoodridgeParkland CountyYes
Woodridge EstatesParkland CountyYes
Woodridge EstatesSturgeon CountyYes
Woodridge HeightsCamrose CountyYes
Woodvale ParkLeduc CountyYes
Woodville EstatesStrathcona CountyYes
Woody NookLacombe CountyYes
WoolchesterCypress CountyYesYes
Wye HavenStrathcona CountyYes
Wye Knott VillageStrathcona CountyYes
WyeclifStrathcona CountyYesYes
Wyeknot VillageStrathcona CountyYes
Ya-Ha-Tinda RanchClearwater CountyYes
YatesYellowhead CountyYesYes
Yellowhead EstatesParkland CountyYes
YeofordCounty of Wetaskiwin No. 10YesYes
ZawaleLamont CountyYes

See also


  1. Base Features Information. AltaLIS. August 24, 2021. p. 42. Archived from the original on September 20, 2021. Retrieved September 20, 2021. The Culture Point dataset is comprised of all the points that represent Hamlets, Localities and Townsites in Alberta. ... Locality is an unincorporated place or an area with scattered population. ... The boundaries of rural classification of Locality and Townsite are often undefined. ... Locality and Townsite are derived from the Geographical Names System (GNS) database which captures the named features but not the precise location of each named feature.
  2. Geo-Administrative Areas (Hamlet, Locality and Townsite Culture Points) (Geodatabase layer) (Map). AltaLIS. October 26, 2020. Retrieved September 20, 2021.{{cite map}}: CS1 maint: date and year (link)
  3. "Economic Regions - SGC 2006". Statistics Canada. November 27, 2018. Retrieved September 20, 2021.
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