List of intellectual freedom awards

This list of intellectual freedom awards is an index to articles about notable awards celebrating intellectual freedom, specifically freedoms of thought, speech, and expression; this includes press and academic freedom. General human rights awards are not included, unless their primary focus is on intellectual freedom. The list is organized by the country of the sponsor of the award, but awards are not necessarily limited to people from that country.

Journalism awards

CountryAwardSponsorGiven for
ArgentinaRodolfo Walsh PrizeNational University of La PlataAwarded to Hugo Chávez of Venezuela in 2011 for "unquestionable and authentic commitment" to media that support "human rights, truth and democratic values".[1]
AustriaWorld Press Freedom HeroesInternational Press InstituteSignificant contributions to the maintenance of press freedom and freedom of expression
CanadaInternational Press Freedom AwardCanadian Journalists for Free ExpressionJournalists from Canada and around the world who have been persecuted because of their work
DenmarkSappho AwardInternational Free Press SocietyJournalist who combines excellence in their work with courage and a refusal to compromise
GermanyGolden Pen of Freedom AwardWorld Association of Newspapers and News PublishersTo recognise the outstanding action, in writing or deed, of an individual, a group or an institution in the cause of press freedom
InternationalGuillermo Cano World Press Freedom PrizeUNESCOPerson, organization or institution that has made an outstanding contribution to the defence and/or promotion of press freedom anywhere in the world, especially when this has been achieved in the face of danger
PolandFreedom of Speech Award[2]International Association of Press ClubsOutstanding contributions to the defense or the struggle for freedom of expression, the creation of conditions to support freedom of speech
RomaniaValeriu Boboc PrizeSenate of RomaniaFor the liberty of press and defending of democratic values
United KingdomIndex Freedom of Expression AwardsIndex on CensorshipTo courageous journalists, artists, campaigners and digital activists from around the world who have made a significant contribution to free expression
United StatesTully Center for Free Speech AwardTully Center for Free SpeechAwarded to a journalist who has survived a significant free speech threat
United StatesInternational Press Freedom AwardCommittee to Protect JournalistsJournalists or their publications around the world who show courage in defending press freedom despite facing attacks, threats, or imprisonment
United StatesJames Madison Freedom of Information AwardSociety of Professional JournalistsIndividuals and organizations who have made significant contributions to the advancement of freedom of expression, particularly freedom of information
United StatesPayne Award for Ethics in JournalismUniversity of OregonJournalist of integrity and character who reports with insight and clarity in the face of political or economic pressures and to reward performance that inspires public trust in the media

General awards

CountryAwardSponsorGiven for
EuropeSakharov PrizeEuropean ParliamentThe Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought, named after Soviet scientist and dissident Andrei Sakharov, was established in December 1988 by the European Parliament as a means to honor individuals or organisations who have dedicated their lives to the defense of human rights and freedom of thought.
GermanyGeschwister-Scholl-PreisBörsenverein des Deutschen BuchhandelsAnnual award for a book which "shows intellectual independence and supports civil freedom, moral, intellectual and aesthetic courage and that gives an important impulse to the present awareness of responsibility"
GermanyLeipzig Human Rights AwardEuropean-American Citizens Committee for Human Rights and Religious Freedom in the USAEfforts towards human rights and freedom of expression in the USA
IndiaNational RTI AwardsPublic Cause Research FoundationProtecting the right to freedom of information
NorwayBjørnson PrizeNorwegian Academy of Literature and Freedom of ExpressionPromoting understanding of other cultures and for literary free speech
NorwayFritt Ord AwardFritt Ord organizationAwarded in support of freedom of speech and freedom of expression
United StatesFranklyn S. Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Freedom of Expression[3]National Communication AssociationOutstanding published research on freedom of expression
United StatesFree Speech Award[4]American INSIGHTAmerican INSIGHT is a Philadelphia-based non-profit dedicated to the promotion of Free Speech and the Rule of Law. The organization holds an annual Free Speech Film Festival where it screens documentaries from around the world that promote the organization's message. The Free Speech Award is bestowed upon one standout documentary.
United StatesFree Speech Defender AwardsNational Coalition Against CensorshipDefend freedom of thought, inquiry, and expression from censorship and threats of censorship through education and outreach, and direct advocacy
United StatesFreedom of Speech AwardRoosevelt Institute's Four Freedoms Award
United StatesHal Freeman 'Freedom Isn't Free' AwardFree Speech Coalition
United StatesLuther McNair AwardACLU of MassachusettsFor significant contributions to civil liberties
United StatesSpirit of Americana Free Speech AwardAmericana Music Honors & AwardsThose who use their music to make a difference, lending a voice to those who would otherwise go unheard and shining a light on issues that would otherwise go unseen
United StatesAAAS Award for Scientific Freedom and ResponsibilityAmerican Association for the Advancement of ScienceScientists and engineers whose exemplary actions, often taken at significant personal cost, have served to foster scientific freedom and responsibility and increased scientific awareness throughout the world
United StatesEli M. Oboler AwardAmerican Library AssociationFor best published work in intellectual freedom
United StatesHugh M. Hefner First Amendment AwardHugh M. Hefner FoundationAwarded to those who have made significant contributions to the protection and enhancement of the rights enshrined in the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
United StatesBarbara Goldsmith Freedom to Write AwardPEN AmericaWriters anywhere in the world who have fought courageously in the face of adversity for the right to freedom of expression
United StatesKatherine Anne Porter First Amendment AwardPEN AmericaU.S. resident who has fought courageously, despite adversity, to safeguard the First Amendment right to freedom of expression as it applies to the written word
United StatesNewman's Own First Amendment AwardPEN AmericaU.S. resident who fought courageously, despite adversity, to safeguard the First Amendment right to freedom of expression as it applies to the written word
United StatesVáclav Havel Prize for Creative DissentHuman Rights FoundationIndividuals who engage in creative dissent, exhibiting courage and creativity to challenge injustice and live in truth
United StatesWilliam J. Brennan AwardAssociation of the Federal Bar of the State of New JerseyThose whose actions have advanced the principles of free expression
United StatesWilliam J. Brennan AwardThomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Free ExpressionIndividual or group whose commitment to free expression is consistent with Justice Brennan's abiding devotion
United StatesWilliam O. Douglas PrizeCommission on Freedom of Expression of the Speech Communication AssociationThose who contribute to writing about freedom of speech

Ironic / Anti-Awards

These awards celebrate intellectual freedom by calling attention to those who harm it.

  • Muzzle Awards, by the Thomas Jefferson Center for the Protection of Freedom of Expression

See also


  1. Guy Adams (31 March 2011), "Chavez awarded journalism prize", The Independent, retrieved 2020-01-09
  2. Guardian honoured with International Association of Press Clubs freedom of speech award, IAPC, 11 June 2018, retrieved 2020-01-10
  3. Franklyn S. Haiman Award for Distinguished Scholarship in Freedom of Expression, National Communication Association, retrieved 2020-01-10
  4. About Free Speech Award, Free Speech Film Festival, retrieved 2020-01-09
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