List of history awards

This list of history awards covers notable awards given to persons, a group of persons, or institutions, for their contribution to the study of history. It is organized by region. The entries name the prize and sponsoring organization, give notes on the purpose or criteria, and where available give the period in which the prize was awarded. Typically a prize is first awarded in the year after it is established, and applies to work published in the previous year.

Kenneth O. May Prize in the history of mathematics



AwardSponsorNotes Awarded
CHA Best Scholarly Book in Canadian History Prize Canadian Historical Association Annual award for "the most significant contribution to an understanding of the Canadian past"[1] since 1977
Cundill PrizeMcGill UniversityLiterature award for history[2] since 2008
François-Xavier Garneau Medal Canadian Historical Association Awarded every five years for an outstanding Canadian contribution to historical research[1] since 1980
J. B. Tyrrell Historical MedalRoyal Society of CanadaOutstanding work in the history of Canada. Named in honour of Joseph Tyrrell[3][4] since 1928

Latin America

Chilean National History AwardGovernment of ChileHistory of Chile (since 1974)[5]
Orden del PopUniversidad Francisco MarroquínGuatemala's cultural heritage (since 1998)[6]

United States

Herbert Baxter Adams PrizeAmerican Historical AssociationDistinguished first book by a young scholar in the field of European history[7]since 1905
AJHA Book AwardAmerican Journalism Historians AssociationBest book in media history[8]
AJHA Teaching AwardsAmerican Journalism Historians AssociationExcellence in teaching journalism and mass communication history[9]
Gold Medal Award for Distinguished Archaeological AchievementArchaeological Institute of AmericaArchaeology[10]since 1965
Bancroft PrizeColumbia UniversityDiplomacy or the history of the Americas[11]since 1948
K. Jack Bauer AwardNorth American Society for Oceanic HistoryLife-time contributions to the field of maritime history[12]
George Louis Beer PrizeAmerican Historical AssociationBest book in European international history from 1895 to the presentsince 1923
Bentley Book PrizeWorld History AssociationFirst awarded as the World History Association Book Prize. Name changed in 2012since 1999
Berkshire Conference of Women Historians Book PrizeBerkshire Conference of Women HistoriansTwo prizes, one for work that deals with the history of women, gender, and/or sexuality, one for a first book in any field of history that does not focus on the history of women, gender, and/or sexuality.since 1990
Beveridge AwardAmerican Historical AssociationBest English-language book on United States, Canada or Latin America history from 1492 to the presentsince 1939
Ray Allen Billington PrizeOrganization of American HistoriansBest book about American frontier history, including all of North and South America, all post-1492 pioneer experiences, and comparisons between American frontiers and others around the worldsince 1981
Margaret A. Blanchard Dissertation PrizeAmerican Journalism Historians AssociationBest doctoral dissertation dealing with mass communication history
Cornplanter MedalCayuga County Historical SocietyIroquois studies1904-1979
Merle Curti AwardOrganization of American HistoriansBest book in American social and/or American intellectual historySince 1978
Millia Davenport Publication AwardCostume Society of Americarecognizes and promotes excellence in the publication of costume, dress, appearance, and fashion related scholarship.
Dexter AwardAmerican Chemical SocietyHistory of chemistry (now the HIST award)1956–2001
Frederick Douglass PrizeGilder Lehrman Institute of American HistoryMost outstanding non-fiction book in English on the subject of slavery, abolition or antislavery movementssince 1999
John H. Dunning PrizeAmerican Historical AssociationBest book in history related to the United Statessince 1929
Sidney M. Edelstein AwardAmerican Chemical SocietyHistory of chemistry (now the HIST award)2002–2009
Eugene M. Emme Astronautical Literature AwardAmerican Astronautical Society History CommitteeTruly outstanding book serving public understanding about the positive impact of astronautics upon society. The award is in honor of Eugene M. Emme, NASA's first historian[13]since 1983
John K. Fairbank PrizeAmerican Historical AssociationOutstanding book in the history of China proper, Vietnam, Chinese Central Asia, Mongolia, Manchuria, Korea, or Japan, substantially after 1800since 1969
Friend of History AwardOrganization of American HistoriansFor an individual, who is not a professional historian, or an institution or organization for outstanding support for the pursuit of historical research, for the public presentation of history, or for the work of the OAHsince 2005
Leo Gershoy AwardAmerican Historical AssociationBest publication in English dealing with the history of Europe in the 17th and 18th centuriessince 1977
Gottschalk PrizeAmerican Society for Eighteenth-Century StudiesOutstanding historical or critical study on the 18th centurysince 1976
Gilder Lehrman Prize in Military HistoryHarry Frank Guggenheim FoundationBest book on military history in the English-speaking world. Before 2016 known as the Guggenheim-Lehrman Prize in Military Historysince 2014
HIST Award for Outstanding Achievement in the History of ChemistryAmerican Chemical SocietyHistory of chemistrysince 2013
J. C. Harrington Award in Historical ArchaeologySociety for Historical ArchaeologyFor a life-time of contributions to the discipline [archaeology] centered on scholarshipsince 1982
Hattendorf PrizeNaval War CollegeOriginal research that contributes to a deeper historical understanding of the broad context and interrelationships involved in the roles, contributions, limitations, and uses of the sea services in historysince 2011
Ellis W. Hawley PrizeOrganization of American HistoriansBest historical study of the political economy, politics, or institutions of the United States, in its domestic or international affairs, from the American Civil War to the presentsince 1997
Alice Davis Hitchcock AwardSociety of Architectural HistoriansMost distinguished work of scholarship in the history of architecturesince 1949
Commodore Dudley W. Knox Naval History Lifetime Achievement AwardNaval Historical FoundationRecognize the lifetime achievements of historians of the United States Navysince 2013
Sidney Kobre Award for Lifetime Achievement in Journalism HistoryAmerican Journalism Historians AssociationHistory of journalism in the United Statessince 1986
Richard W. Leopold PrizeOrganization of American HistoriansBest history book on U.S. federal government agencies, U.S. foreign policies, U.S. military affairs, or biographies of government officialssince 1984
Lawrence W. Levine AwardOrganization of American HistoriansBest book in American cultural historysince 2008
Suzanne J. Levinson PrizeHistory of Science SocietyBook in the history of the life sciences and natural historysince 2006
Wesley Logan PrizeAmerican Historical Association
Association for the Study of African American Life
Outstanding book in African diaspora historysince 1994
John Lyman Book AwardsNorth American Society for Oceanic HistoryExcellence in published books making a major contribution to the study and understanding of maritime and naval historysince 1995
Mark Lynton History PrizeNieman Foundation for Journalism
Columbia University Graduate School of Journalism
History, on any subject, that best combines intellectual or scholarly distinction with felicity of expressionsince 1999
Alfred Thayer Mahan Award for Literary AchievementNavy League of the United StatesNotable literary contribution that has advanced the knowledge of the importance of sea power in the United Statessince 1957
George L. Mosse PrizeAmerican Historical AssociationEuropean Historysince 2000
George Perkins Marsh Prize American Society for Environmental History Best book in environmental history[14] since 1989
Gustavus Myers Outstanding Book AwardGustavus Myers Center for the Study of Bigotry and Human RightsWorks which extend understanding of the root causes of bigotry1985–2008
New-York Historical Society book prizesNew-York Historical SocietyAmerican History Book Prize
New-York Historical Society Children's History Book Prize
Gilder Lehrman Prize for Military History
National Council on Public History book prizeNational Council on Public HistoryBest book about or growing out of public history published within the previous two calendar yearssince 2005
Francis Parkman PrizeSociety of American HistoriansBest book in American historysince 1957
Pulitzer Prize for HistoryColumbia UniversityDistinguished book about the history of the United Statessince 1917
James A. Rawley PrizeAmerican Historical AssociationBest book in Atlantic historysince 1990
James A. Rawley PrizeOrganization of American HistoriansBest book on race relations in the United Statessince 1999
Rome PrizeAmerican Academy in RomeItalian studiessince 1896
Theodore and Franklin D. Roosevelt Prize in Naval HistoryNavy League of the United States
Roosevelt Institute
Theodore Roosevelt Association
Naval Historysince 1986
Margaret W. Rossiter History of Women in Science PrizeHistory of Science SocietyOutstanding book or article on the history of women in sciencesince 1987
George Sarton MedalHistory of Science SocietyHistorian of science from the international community distinguished for a lifetime of scholarly achievementsince 1955
John Gilmary Shea PrizeAmerican Catholic Historical AssociationContribution to knowledge of the history of the Catholic Churchsince 1945
Philip Taft Labor History Book AwardCornell University School of Industrial and Labor RelationsBooks relating to labor history of the United Statessince 1978
Frederick Jackson Turner AwardOrganization of American HistoriansAuthor's first book on American historysince 1959
Abbot Payson Usher PrizeSociety for the History of TechnologyBest scholarly work on the history of technology published ... under the auspices of the Societysince 1961
Robert M. Utley Book AwardWestern History AssociationBest book on military history of the frontier and western North America from prehistory through the 20th centurysince 2003
Watumull PrizeAmerican Historical AssociationBest book on the history of India1945–1982
Justin Winsor Prize (history)American Historical AssociationHistory in the Western Hemisphere1896–1938
Justin Winsor Prize (library)American Library AssociationBest library history essaysince 1978
Barbara and David Zalaznick Book Prize in American HistoryNew-York Historical SocietyAdult non-fiction book on American history or biography[15]since 2006


IranAshura Year Book AwardDebal Khazaei FoundationDistinguished merit in the field of Ashura literature[16][17]
IranHoly Defense Year Book AwardGovernment of IranDistinguished merit in the fields of Resistance Literature[18][19]
IranJalal Al-e Ahmad Literary AwardsGovernment of IranBest Iranian authors in history and documentation[20][21]
IranSaadi Literary AwardGovernment of IranDistinguished merit in the fields of Persian literature[22]
IsraelDan David PrizeDan David FoundationOutstanding scholarship in the study of the past[23]


AustriaFrancis Stephen AwardAustrian Society of 18th-Century Studies18th century or the Habsburg monarchy (since 2000)[24][25]
BelgiumCINOA PrizeCINOAArt history since 1977[26]
FranceGrand prix GobertAcadémie françaiseMost eloquent piece of history of France (since 1834)[27]
FrancePrix GuizotAcadémie françaiseGeneral history (since 1994)[28]
FrancePrix Marcel PollitzerAssociation des écrivains combattantsWork of history, preferably a biography (since 1953)[29]
GermanyKenneth O. May PrizeInternational Commission on the History of MathematicsHistory of mathematics internationally (since 1989)[30][31]
GermanyPrize for Military HistoryFederal Ministry of Defence (Germany)Military history and history of military technology (since 1992)[32]
ItalyAcqui Award of HistoryDepartment of Culture,
Acqui Terme City Council
Remembering 1943 victims of the Acqui Military Division 1943[33]
ItalyPremio Friuli StoriaAssociazione Friuli StoriaHistory books for a general readership (since 2013)[34]
Balts' AwardMinistries of Foreign Affairs,
Latvia and Lithuania
Latvian-Lithuanian culture, history and language (since 2018)[35][36][37]
NorwayHolberg PrizeStortingWork in the arts, humanities, social sciences, law and theology (since 2004)
United KingdomArchaeology AwardsCurrent ArchaeologyAchievements in the field of archaeology (since 2009)
United KingdomT. S. Ashton PrizeEconomic History SocietyBest article accepted for publication in The Economic History Review (since 1972)
United KingdomAlan Ball Local History AwardsLibrary Services TrustLocal history publishing (since 1980s)
United KingdomKatharine Briggs Folklore AwardThe Folklore SocietyPromote the study of folklore and improve the standard of folklore publications in Britain and Ireland (from 1982)
United KingdomCaird MedalNational Maritime MuseumIndividual who has done conspicuously important work in the field of the Museum's interests... (since 1984)
United KingdomJulian Corbett Prize in Naval HistoryUniversity of LondonOriginal research in the field of naval history (since 1926)
United KingdomDuff Cooper PrizePol RogerBest work of history, biography, political science or poetry, published in English or French (since 1956)
United KingdomGladstone PrizeRoyal Historical SocietyHistory book published in Britain on any topic which is not primarily British history (since 1997)
United KingdomGrote PrizeUniversity of LondonNotable research in Ancient history (since 1982)
United KingdomHessell-Tiltman PrizePEN InternationalBest work of non-fiction of historical content up to and including World War II (since 2002)
United KingdomKenyon MedalBritish AcademyWork in the field of classical studies and archaeology (since 1957)
United KingdomLongman-History Today AwardsLongman and History TodayPromote the study, publication and accessibility of history to a wide audience (since 2007)
United KingdomMountbatten Maritime PrizeMaritime FoundationDistinguished publication that has made a significant contribution to the maritime history of the United Kingdom (since 2000)
United KingdomMurray Prize for HistorySociety of Antiquaries of ScotlandBiennial prize in recognition of original research on the history of Scotland in the medieval to Early Modern periods accepted for publication in the Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland or Scottish Archaeological Internet Reports. (since 2013)
United KingdomSaltire Society Literary AwardsSaltire SocietyBooks which are either by living authors of Scottish descent or residing in Scotland, or deal with the work or life of a Scot or with a Scottish question, event or situation (since 1937)
United KingdomTempler MedalSociety for Army Historical ResearchAnnual prize for the best book on the history of the British Army (since 1982)
United KingdomThirlwall PrizeUniversity of CambridgeBritish history or literature with original research (since 1884)
United KingdomThe Whitfield PrizeRoyal Historical SocietyBritish or Irish history, author's first history work (since 1976)
United KingdomWolfson History PrizeWolfson FoundationPopular history writing (since 1972)



Frank Broeze Memorial Maritime History PrizeAustralian Association for Maritime History
Australian National Maritime Museum
Maritime history relating to or impacting on Australia
WK Hancock PrizeAustralian Historical Association
Macquarie University
History book2004
Allan Martin AwardAustralian National University
Australian Historical Association
History of Australia2004
New South Wales Premier's History AwardsState Library of New South WalesDistinguished achievement in the interpretation of history1997
Chief Minister's Northern Territory Book History AwardsNorthern Territory LibraryHistory of the Northern Territory of Australia2004
Prime Minister's Prize for Australian HistoryPrime Minister of AustraliaSignificant contribution to understanding of Australian history2006
Victorian Community History AwardsGovernment of Victoria (Australia)Preservation of the State's history and excellence in historical research1998

See also


  1. "CHA Prizes". Retrieved 2020-07-23.
  2. Robertson, Becky (19 May 2017). "Cundill Prize rebrands for its 10th anniversary". The Quill and Quire. Retrieved 4 December 2017.
  3. Past Award Winners : J.B. Tyrrell Historical Medal, Royal Society of Canada, archived from the original on 2016-12-28, retrieved 2020-01-29
  4. J.B. Tyrrell Historical Medal, University of Victoria, retrieved 2020-01-29
  5. "Premio Nacional de Historia" (in Spanish). Biblioteca Nacional de Chile. Retrieved 6 September 2015.
  6. "Orden del Pop". Universidad Francisco Marroquín. Archived from the original on 3 April 2012. Retrieved 6 September 2015.
  7. "Herbert Baxter Adams Prize". American Historical Association. 2008-01-11. Retrieved 2008-04-28.
  8. Book of the Year Award, American Journalism Historians Association, retrieved 2020-01-29
  9. National Award for Excellence in Teaching, American Journalism Historians Association, retrieved 2020-01-29
  10. Bulletin of the Archaeological Institute of America. Archaeological Institute of America. 1996.
  11. The Bancroft Prizes, Columbia University Libraries, retrieved 2020-01-29
  12. "K. Jack Bauer Award". North American Society for Oceanic History. Retrieved 5 September 2015.
  13. Fries, Sylvia D. (July 1986), "Eugene M. Emme (1919-1985)", Technology and Culture, The Johns Hopkins University Press and the Society for the History of Technology, 27 (3): 665–667, JSTOR 3105425
  14. "American Society for Environmental History - Award Recipients". Retrieved 2020-11-12.
  15. The New-York Historical Society American History Book Prize. THE 6th ANNUAL COMPETITION (2010)
  16. "Ashura Year Book Award". Fars News Agency(Persian).
  17. "Ashura Year Book Award". IBNA(Persian).
  18. "Holy Defense Year Book Award". Retrieved 6 November 2015.
  19. "اولین دوره انتخاب بهترین کتاب سال دفاع مقدس" (in Persian). Retrieved 6 November 2015.
  20. " “War Road” author not surprised over lucrative Jalal award", Tehran Times, November 20, 2011.
  21. "5000 works compete in 4th Jalal Al-e Ahmad Award" Archived 2012-04-07 at the Wayback Machine, Iran Radio Culture, IRIB World Service, August 17, 2011.
  22. "پنجمین دوره اعطای جایزه سعدی به خادمان زبان فارسی در هند".
  23. "Dan David Prize relaunches, now the world's largest history award". Jerusalem Post.
  24. Zedinger, Renate (6 August 2008). Franz Stephan von Lothringen (1708-1765). Series of the Austrian Society for the Study of the 18th Century (in German). Vol. 12. Vienna: Böhlau. ISBN 978-3205781097.
  25. Jahrbuch der Österreichischen Gesellschaft, 2016, p. 148.
  26. CINOA, "The CINOA Prize" Archived 2007-01-05 at the Wayback Machine (page retrieved November 24th, 2006).
  27. "Grand Prix Gobert", Académie française (in French), 19 June 2012, retrieved 4 September 2018
  28. "Prix Guizot". Académie française. Retrieved 7 January 2017.
  29. Prix Littéraires
  30. "A Brief History of the Kenneth O. May Prize in the History of Mathematics". Archived from the original on 2011-07-18. Retrieved 2020-01-30.
  31. BLC Newsletter August 2009
  32. Interview mit Prof. Dr. Sönke Neitzel zur Umbenennung des Werner-Hahlweg-Preises in „Förderpreis für Militärgeschichte und Militärtechnikgeschichte“, Military History Working Group, May 2016
  33. Premio Acqui Storia, Premio Acqui Storia, retrieved 2020-01-30
  34. Dino Messina, Un nuovo premio che promuove ricerca e divulgazione in, 28.5.2014; Press Review 2014 edition Archived 2016-10-19 at the Wayback Machine; Press Review 2015 edition Archived 2016-10-19 at the Wayback Machine (in Italian).
  35. "The contest announced for the first Balts' Award". Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Lithuania. 12 April 2018. Retrieved 8 October 2018.
  36. "Latvia, Lithuania establish Balts' Award". The Baltic Times. 12 January 2018. Retrieved 8 October 2018.
  37. "Latvian and Lithuanian foreign ministers to present the first Balts Award next week". The Baltic Course. 28 September 2018. Retrieved 8 October 2018.
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