List of earthquakes in 1911

This is a list of earthquakes in 1911. Only magnitude 6.0 or greater earthquakes appear on the list. Lower magnitude events are included if they have caused death, injury or damage. Events which occurred in remote areas will be excluded from the list as they wouldn't have generated significant media interest. All dates are listed according to UTC time.

Earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911 is located in Earth
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
List of earthquakes in 1911
Approximate epicenters of the earthquakes in 1911
Strongest magnitude Japan, Ryukyu Islands June 15 (Magnitude 7.9)
Deadliest Iran, Kerman Province April 18 (Magnitude 6.5) 700 deaths
Total fatalities1,326
Number by magnitude


By death toll

Rank Death toll Magnitude Location MMI Depth (km) Date
1 700 6.5  Iran, Kerman Province ( ) 15.0 April 18
2 450 7.7 Russian Empire Kazakhstan, Almaty Province X (Extreme) 20.0 January 3
3 90 7.3 Russian Empire Tajikistan, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region ( ) 15.0 February 18
4 45 7.6  Mexico, Michoacan ( ) 30.0 June 7
5 28 7.3  Mexico, Guerrero IV (Light) 30.0 December 16
6 12 7.9  Japan, Ryukyu Islands ( ) 100.0 June 15
  • Note: At least 10 casualties

By magnitude

Rank Magnitude Death toll Location MMI Depth (km) Date
1 7.9 12  Japan, Ryukyu Islands ( ) 100.0 June 15
2 7.8 0 German Empire Palau, east of ( ) 15.0 August 16
= 3 7.7 450 Russian Empire Kazakhstan, Almaty Province X (Extreme) 20.0 January 3
= 3 7.7 0 United States Philippines, east of Mindanao X (Extreme) 15.0 July 12
4 7.6 45  Mexico, Michoacan ( ) 30.0 June 7
= 5 7.4 0 Russian Empire Russia, off the east coast of Kamchatka VII (Very strong) 240.0 May 4
= 5 7.4 0  Afghanistan, Badakhshan Province ( ) 190.0 July 4
= 6 7.3 90 Russian Empire Tajikistan, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region ( ) 15.0 February 18
= 6 7.3 0 New Hebrides Vanuatu ( ) 200.0 November 22
= 6 7.3 28  Mexico, Guerrero IV (Light) 30.0 December 16
7 7.2 0  Tonga ( ) 300.0 August 21
= 8 7.1 0  Chile, off the coast of Tarapaca Region ( ) 0.0 September 15
= 8 7.1 0  United States, Rat Islands, Alaska ( ) 0.0 September 17
= 9 7.0 0  Colombia, Magdalena Department ( ) 100.0 April 10
= 9 7.0 0 Netherlands Indonesia, Bali Sea ( ) 370.0 July 5
= 9 7.0 0 Russian Empire Russia, south of Sakhalin ( ) 350.0 September 6
= 9 7.0 0 British Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Islands ( ) 160.0 October 20
  • Note: At least 7.0 magnitude

Notable events


Strongest magnitude7.7 Mw Russian Empire Kazakhstan
Deadliest7.7 Mw Russian Empire Kazakhstan
450 deaths
Total fatalities451+
Number by magnitude
Date Country and location Mw Depth (km) MMI Notes Casualties
Dead Injured

1[1] Afghanistan, Balkh Province6.735.0
3[2][3]Russian Empire Kazakhstan, Almaty Province7.720.0X The 1911 Kebin earthquake caused 450 deaths and major damage.450
26[4]Qing dynasty China, Hebei Province5.50.0VII At least 1 death and 1 injury were reported. Many homes were destroyed in the area. The depth was unknown.1+1+
27[5]United States Philippines, Luzon0.00.0IX Numerous earthquakes struck the area at the time of a major eruption of Taal Volcano. The earthquakes were not large but enough of them struck to cause some homes to be destroyed or damaged. No magnitude or depth information is known.


Strongest magnitude7.3 Mw Russian Empire Tajikistan
Deadliest7.3 Mw Russian Empire Tajikistan
90 deaths
Total fatalities90
Number by magnitude
Date Country and location Mw Depth (km) MMI Notes Casualties
Dead Injured

18[6][7]Russian Empire Tajikistan, Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Region7.315.0 The 1911 Sarez earthquake caused 90 deaths. Many homes were damaged or destroyed. A landslide appears to have contributed to the destruction.90
18[8]Ottoman Empire North Macedonia, Lake Ohrid6.70.0X The depth was unknown.
23[9]Empire of Japan Japan, Ryukyu Islands6.95.0


Strongest magnitude6.8 Mw Empire of Japan Japan
Total fatalities0
Number by magnitude
Date Country and location Mw Depth (km) MMI Notes Casualties
Dead Injured

6[10]United States Philippines, southeast of Mindanao6.6100.0
24[11]Empire of Japan Japan, southwest Ryukyu Islands6.835.0


Strongest magnitude7.0 Mw  Colombia
Deadliest6.5 Mw  Iran
700 deaths
Total fatalities700
Number by magnitude
Date Country and location Mw Depth (km) MMI Notes Casualties
Dead Injured

4[12] Ottoman Empire, Dodecanese Islands6.015.0
10[13] Colombia, Magdalena Department7.0100.0
18[14][15] Iran, Kerman Province6.515.0 700 deaths were caused and many homes were destroyed.700
28[16] Colombia, Vaupes Department6.9600.0
28[17] Fiji, south of6.5600.0
30[18] Ottoman Empire,, off the coast of Antalya Province6.2180.0


Strongest magnitude7.4 Mw  Russian Empire
Total fatalities0
Number by magnitude
Date Country and location Mw Depth (km) MMI Notes Casualties
Dead Injured

4[19] Russian Empire, off the east coast of Kamchatka7.4240.0VII
14[20]Qing dynasty China, Guangdong Province5.50.0VII Many homes were destroyed. Depth unknown.


Strongest magnitude7.9 Mw Empire of Japan Japan
Deadliest7.6 Mw  Mexico
45 deaths
Total fatalities57
Number by magnitude
Date Country and location Mw Depth (km) MMI Notes Casualties
Dead Injured

7[21][22] Mexico, Michoacan7.630.0 45 people were killed and a further 22 people were injured. Some damage was caused by the 1911 Michoacan earthquake.4522
15[23][24] Japan, northwest of the Ryukyu Islands7.9100.0 Due to the 1911 Kikai Island earthquake 12 people were killed. 422 homes were destroyed.12


Strongest magnitude7.7 Mw United States Philippines
Total fatalities0
Number by magnitude
Date Country and location Mw Depth (km) MMI Notes Casualties
Dead Injured

1[25]Qing dynasty China, Xizang Province6.50.0 Depth unknown.
1[26][27] United States, central California6.635.0 Some damage was caused.
4[28] Afghanistan, Badakhshan Province7.4190.0
5[29] Dutch East Indies, Bali Sea7.0370.0
11[30] New Hebrides6.7150.0
12[31][32]United States Philippines, east of Mindanao7.715.0X Many homes were damaged.
19[33] New Zealand, Kermadec Islands6.7200.0


Strongest magnitude7.8 Mw German Empire Palau
Total fatalities0
Number by magnitude
Date Country and location Mw Depth (km) MMI Notes Casualties
Dead Injured

16[34]German Empire Palau, east of7.815.0
21[35] Tonga7.2300.0
27[36] Mexico, Oaxaca6.6100.0


Strongest magnitude7.1 Mw 2 events
Total fatalities0
Number by magnitude
Date Country and location Mw Depth (km) MMI Notes Casualties
Dead Injured

6[37] Russian Empire, south of Sakhalin7.0350.0
8[38] Russian Empire, Kuril Islands6.580.0
12[39] France, southeast of the Loyalty Islands6.6150.0
15[40] Chile, off the coast of Tarapaca Region7.10.0 Depth unknown.
17[41] United States, Rat Islands, Alaska7.10.0 Depth unknown.
22[42][43] United States, Kenai Peninsula, Alaska6.760.0VIII


Strongest magnitude7.0 Mw British Solomon Islands
Total fatalities0
Number by magnitude
Date Country and location Mw Depth (km) MMI Notes Casualties
Dead Injured

6[44] Dominican Republic, Monsenor Nouel Province6.80.0 Depth unknown.
14[45]Qing dynasty China, western Xizang Province6.520.0
20[46] British Solomon Islands, Santa Cruz Islands7.0160.0


Strongest magnitude7.3 Mw New Hebrides New Hebrides
Total fatalities0
Number by magnitude
Date Country and location Mw Depth (km) MMI Notes Casualties
Dead Injured

8[47] Japan, southeast of Honshu6.535.0
13[48] United States, Near Islands, Alaska6.90.0 Depth unknown.
16[49]German Empire German Empire, Baden-Wurttemburg6.240.0
21[50] Japan, Sea of Japan6.6300.0
22[51] New Hebrides7.3200.0


Strongest magnitude7.3 Mw  Mexico
Deadliest7.3 Mw  Mexico
28 deaths
Total fatalities28
Number by magnitude
Date Country and location Mw Depth (km) MMI Notes Casualties
Dead Injured

16[52][53] Mexico, Guerrero7.330.0IV 28 people were killed.28
31[54] German New Guinea, Ninigo Islands6.80.0 Depth unknown.


  1. "M 6.7 - central Afghanistan". United States Geological Survey. January 1, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  2. "M 7.7 - eastern Kazakhstan". United States Geological Survey. January 3, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  3. "Significant Earthquake: KAZAKHSTAN: ALMA-ATA, TURKESTAN". National Geophysical Data Center. January 3, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  4. "Significant Earthquake: CHINA: HEBEI PROVINCE". National Geophysical Data Center. January 26, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  5. "Significant Earthquake: PHILIPPINES: LUZON: TAAL VOLCANO". National Geophysical Data Center. January 27, 1911. Retrieved November 18, 2017.
  6. "M 7.3 - Tajikistan". United States Geological Survey. February 18, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  7. "Significant Earthquake: TAJIKISTAN: USOY, BARCHIDIV, POSOR, NISUR". National Geophysical Data Center. February 18, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  8. "Significant Earthquake: GREECE-ALBANIA". National Geophysical Data Center. February 18, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  9. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. February 23, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  10. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. March 6, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  11. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. March 24, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  12. "M 6.0 - Dodecanese Islands, Greece". United States Geological Survey. April 4, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  13. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. April 10, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  14. "M 6.5 - central Iran". United States Geological Survey. April 18, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  15. "Significant Earthquake: IRAN: RAVAR". National Geophysical Data Center. April 18, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  16. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. April 28, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  17. "On-line Bulletin". International Seismological Centre. April 28, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  18. "On-line Bulletin". International Seismological Centre. April 30, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  19. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. May 4, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  20. "Significant Earthquake: CHINA: GUANGDONG PROVINCE". National Geophysical Data Center. May 14, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  21. "M 7.6 - Michoacan, Mexico". United States Geological Survey. June 7, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  22. "Significant Earthquake: MEXICO: MICHOACAN". National Geophysical Data Center. June 7, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  23. "M 7.9 - northwest of the Ryukyu Islands, Japan". United States Geological Survey. June 15, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  24. "Significant Earthquake: JAPAN: RYUKYU ISLANDS". National Geophysical Data Center. June 15, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  25. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. July 1, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  26. "Historical Earthquakes". United States Geological Survey. July 1, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  27. "On-line Bulletin". International Seismological Centre. July 1, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  28. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. July 4, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  29. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. July 5, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  30. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. July 11, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  31. "M 7.7 - Philippine Islands region". United States Geological Survey. July 12, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  32. "Significant Earthquake: PHILIPPINES: MINDANAO: TALACOGON,DAVAO,BUTUAN". National Geophysical Data Center. July 12, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  33. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. July 19, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  34. "M 7.8 - Palau region". United States Geological Survey. August 16, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  35. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. August 21, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  36. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. August 27, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  37. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. September 6, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  38. "On-line Bulletin". International Seismological Centre. September 8, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  39. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. September 12, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  40. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. September 15, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  41. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. September 17, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  42. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. September 22, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  43. "Significant Earthquake: ALASKA: PRINCE WILLIAM SOUND". National Geophysical Data Center. September 22, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  44. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. October 6, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  45. "M 6.5 - western Xizang-India border region". United States Geological Survey. October 14, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  46. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. October 20, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  47. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. November 8, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  48. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. November 13, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  49. "On-line Bulletin". International Seismological Centre. November 16, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  50. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. November 21, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  51. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. November 22, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  52. "M 7.3 - Guerrero, Mexico". United States Geological Survey. December 16, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  53. "Mexican Tremors kill 28 people". El Paso Herald-Post. December 18, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
  54. "Centennial Earthquake Catalog". United States Geological Survey. December 31, 1911. Retrieved November 21, 2015.
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