List of cities, towns and villages in Vojvodina
This is a list of cities, towns and villages in Vojvodina, a province of Serbia.

Map showing main cities in Vojvodina.

Map showing all cities and towns in Vojvodina.
List of largest cities and towns in Vojvodina
City / town | Cyrillic Name |
District | Population (2002) |
Population (2011) |
Image | |||||||||||||
Novi Sad | Нови Сад | South Bačka | 191,405 (216,583) (*) |
250,439 (277,522) (*) |
Subotica | Суботица | North Bačka | 99,981 | 97,910 | ||||||||||||||
Zrenjanin | Зрењанин | Central Banat | 79,773 | 76,511 | ||||||||||||||
Pančevo | Панчево | South Banat | 77,087 | 76,203 | ||||||||||||||
Sombor | Сомбор | West Bačka | 51,471 | 47,623 | ||||||||||||||
Kikinda | Кикинда | North Banat | 41,935 | 38,065 | ||||||||||||||
Sremska Mitrovica | Сремска Митровица | Syrmia | 39,084 | 37,751 | ||||||||||||||
Vršac | Вршац | South Banat | 36,623 | 36,040 | ||||||||||||||
Ruma | Рума | Syrmia | 32,229 | 30,076 | ||||||||||||||
Bačka Palanka | Бачка Паланка | South Bačka | 29,449 | 28,239 | ||||||||||||||
Inđija | Инђија | Syrmia | 26,247 | 26,025 | ||||||||||||||
Vrbas | Врбас | South Bačka | 25,907 | 24,112 | ||||||||||||||
Bečej | Бечеј | South Bačka | 25,774 | 23,895 | ||||||||||||||
Temerin | Темерин | South Bačka | 19,216 | 19,661 | ||||||||||||||
Senta | Сента | North Banat | 20,302 | 18,704 | ||||||||||||||
Futog | Футог | South Bačka | 18,582 | 18,641 | ||||||||||||||
Stara Pazova | Стара Пазова | Syrmia | 18,645 | 18,602 | ||||||||||||||
Kula | Кула | West Bačka | 19,301 | 17,866 | ||||||||||||||
Apatin | Апатин | West Bačka | 19,320 | 17,411 | ||||||||||||||
(*) Note: second population figure for Novi Sad includes populations of Petrovaradin and Sremska Kamenica. |
List of urban settlements in Vojvodina
List of all urban settlements (cities and towns) in Vojvodina with population figures from recent censuses:[1]
South Bačka District:
Urban settlement | Cyrillic Name |
City / municipality | District | Population (1991) |
Population (2002) |
Population (2011) |
Bač | Бач | Bač | South Bačka | 6,046 | 6,087 | 5,399 |
Bačka Palanka | Бачка Паланка | Bačka Palanka | South Bačka | 26,780 | 29,449 | 28,239 |
Bački Jarak | Бачки Јарак | Temerin | South Bačka | 5,426 | 6,049 | 5,687 |
Bački Petrovac | Бачки Петровац | Bački Petrovac | South Bačka | 7,236 | 6,727 | 6,155 |
Bečej | Бечеј | Bečej | South Bačka | 26,634 | 25,774 | 23,895 |
Beočin | Беочин | Beočin | South Bačka | 7,873 | 8,058 | 7,839 |
Futog | Футог | Novi Sad | South Bačka | 16,048 | 18,582 | 18,641 |
Novi Sad | Нови Сад | Novi Sad | South Bačka | 179,626 | 191,405 | 250,439 |
Petrovaradin | Петроварадин | Petrovaradin, Novi Sad | South Bačka | 11,285 | 13,973 | 14,810 |
Srbobran | Србобран | Srbobran | South Bačka | 12,798 | 13,091 | 12,009 |
Sremska Kamenica | Сремска Каменица | Petrovaradin, Novi Sad | South Bačka | 7,955 | 11,205 | 12,273 |
Sremski Karlovci | Сремски Карловци | Sremski Karlovci | South Bačka | 7,534 | 8,839 | 8,750 |
Temerin | Темерин | Temerin | South Bačka | 16,971 | 19,216 | 19,661 |
Titel | Тител | Titel | South Bačka | 6,007 | 5,894 | 5,294 |
Veternik | Ветерник | Novi Sad | South Bačka | 10,271 | 18,626 | 17,454 |
Vrbas | Врбас | Vrbas | South Bačka | 25,858 | 25,907 | 24,112 |
Žabalj | Жабаљ | Žabalj | South Bačka | 8,766 | 9,598 | 9,161 |
West Bačka District:
Urban settlement | Cyrillic Name |
City / municipality | District | Population (1991) |
Population (2002) |
Population (2011) |
Apatin | Апатин | Apatin | West Bačka | 18,389 | 19,320 | 17,411 |
Crvenka | Црвенка | Kula | West Bačka | 10,409 | 10,163 | 9,001 |
Kula | Кула | Kula | West Bačka | 19,311 | 19,301 | 17,866 |
Odžaci | Оџаци | Odžaci | West Bačka | 10,567 | 9,940 | 8,811 |
Sombor | Сомбор | Sombor | West Bačka | 48,993 | 51,471 | 47,623 |
North Bačka District:
Urban settlement | Cyrillic Name |
City / municipality | District | Population (1991) |
Population (2002) |
Population (2011) |
Bačka Topola | Бачка Топола | Bačka Topola | North Bačka | 16,704 | 16,171 | 14,573 |
Palić | Палић | Subotica | North Bačka | 7,375 | 7,745 | 7,771 |
Subotica | Суботица | Subotica | North Bačka | 100,386 | 99,981 | 97,910 |
North Banat District:
Urban settlement | Cyrillic Name |
City / municipality | District | Population (1991) |
Population (2002) |
Population (2011) |
Ada | Ада | Ada | North Banat | 12,078 | 10,547 | 9,564 |
Čoka | Чока | Čoka | North Banat | 5,244 | 4,707 | 4,028 |
Kanjiža | Кањижа | Kanjiža | North Banat | 11,541 | 10,200 | 9,871 |
Kikinda | Кикинда | Kikinda | North Banat | 43,051 | 41,935 | 38,065 |
Mol | Мол | Ada | North Banat | 7,522 | 6,786 | 6,009 |
Novi Kneževac | Нови Кнежевац | Novi Kneževac | North Banat | 8,062 | 7,581 | 6,960 |
Senta | Сента | Senta | North Banat | 22,827 | 20,302 | 18,704 |
Central Banat District:
Urban settlement | Cyrillic Name |
City / municipality | District | Population (1991) |
Population (2002) |
Population (2011) |
Jaša Tomić | Јаша Томић | Sečanj | Central Banat | 3,544 | 2,982 | 2,373 |
Novi Bečej | Нови Бечеј | Novi Bečej | Central Banat | 15,404 | 14,452 | 13,133 |
Zrenjanin | Зрењанин | Zrenjanin | Central Banat | 81,316 | 79,773 | 76,511 |
Žitište | Житиште | Žitište | Central Banat | 3,074 | 3,242 | 2,903 |
South Banat District:
Urban settlement | Cyrillic Name |
City / municipality | District | Population (1991) |
Population (2002) |
Population (2011) |
Alibunar | Алибунар | Alibunar | South Banat | 3,738 | 3,431 | 3,007 |
Banatski Karlovac | Банатски Карловац | Alibunar | South Banat | 6,286 | 5,820 | 5,082 |
Bela Crkva | Бела Црква | Bela Crkva | South Banat | 11,634 | 10,675 | 9,080 |
Kačarevo | Качарево | Pančevo | South Banat | 8,103 | 7,624 | 7,100 |
Kovačica | Ковачица | Kovačica | South Banat | 7,426 | 6,764 | 6,259 |
Kovin | Ковин | Kovin | South Banat | 13,669 | 14,250 | 13,515 |
Opovo | Опово | Opovo | South Banat | 4,777 | 4,693 | 4,527 |
Pančevo | Панчево | Pančevo | South Banat | 72,793 | 77,087 | 76,203 |
Starčevo | Старчево | Pančevo | South Banat | 7,579 | 7,615 | 7,473 |
Vršac | Вршац | Vršac | South Banat | 36,885 | 36,623 | 36,040 |
Syrmia District:
Urban settlement | Cyrillic Name |
City / municipality | District | Population (1991) |
Population (2002) |
Population (2011) |
Inđija | Инђија | Inđija | Syrmia | 23,061 | 26,247 | 26,025 |
Irig | Ириг | Irig | Syrmia | 4,414 | 4,848 | 4,415 |
Mačvanska Mitrovica | Мачванска Митровица | Sremska Mitrovica | Syrmia | 3,788 | 3,896 | 3,873 |
Ruma | Рума | Ruma | Syrmia | 28,582 | 32,229 | 30,076 |
Sremska Mitrovica | Сремска Митровица | Sremska Mitrovica | Syrmia | 38,834 | 39,084 | 37,751 |
Stara Pazova | Стара Пазова | Stara Pazova | Syrmia | 17,110 | 18,645 | 18,602 |
Šid | Шид | Šid | Syrmia | 14,275 | 16,311 | 14,893 |
The inhabited places of South Bačka District
City of Novi Sad – Novi Sad Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Novi Sad | Нови Сад | city | 250,439 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Futog | Футог | town | 18,641 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Begeč | Бегеч | village | 3,325 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Budisava | Будисава | village | 3,656 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Čenej | Ченеј | village | 2,125 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kać | Каћ | village | 11,740 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kisač | Кисач (Slovak: Kysáč) |
village | 5,091 | Slovaks | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Kovilj | Ковиљ | village | 5,414 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Rumenka | Руменка | village | 6,495 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Stepanovićevo | Степановићево | village | 2,021 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Veternik | Ветерник | village | 17,454 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited place with Slovak ethnic majority, the name is also given in Slovak. |
Hamlets and suburbs:
- Bangladeš (Бангладеш)
- Kamenjar (Камењар)
- Lipov Gaj (Липов Гај)
- Nemanovci (Немановци)
- Pejićevi Salaši (Пејићеви Салаши)
City of Novi Sad – Petrovaradin Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) |
Petrovaradin | Петроварадин | town | 14,810 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Sremska Kamenica | Сремска Каменица | town | 12,273 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Bukovac | Буковац | village | 3,936 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Ledinci | Лединци | village | 1,912 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Stari Ledinci | Стари Лединци | village | 934 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Bač Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Bač | Бач | town | 5,399 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bačko Novo Selo | Бачко Ново Село | village | 1,072 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bođani | Бођани | village | 952 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Plavna | Плавна | village | 1,152 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Selenča | Селенча (Slovak: Selenča) |
village | 2,996 | Slovaks | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Vajska | Вајска | village | 2,834 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited place with Slovak ethnic majority, the name is also given in Slovak. |
Hamlets and suburbs:
- Labudnjača (Лабудњача)
- Mali Bač (Мали Бач)
- Živa (Жива)
Bačka Palanka Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Bačka Palanka | Бачка Паланка | town | 28,239 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Čelarevo | Челарево | village | 4,831 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Despotovo | Деспотово | village | 1,853 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Gajdobra | Гајдобра | village | 2,578 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Karađorđevo | Карађорђево | village | 738 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Mladenovo | Младеново | village | 2,679 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Neštin | Нештин | village | 794 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Nova Gajdobra | Нова Гајдобра | village | 1,220 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Obrovac | Обровац | village | 2,944 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Parage | Параге | village | 921 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Pivnice | Пивнице (Slovak: Pivnice) |
village | 3,337 | Slovaks | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Silbaš | Силбаш | village | 2,467 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Tovariševo | Товаришево | village | 2,657 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Vizić | Визић | village | 270 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited place with Slovak ethnic majority, the name is also given in Slovak. |
Bački Petrovac Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Bački Petrovac | Бачки Петровац (Slovak: Petrovec) |
town | 6,155 | Slovaks | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Gložan | Гложан (Slovak: Hložany) |
village | 2,002 | Slovaks | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Kulpin | Кулпин (Slovak: Kulpín) |
village | 2,775 | Slovaks | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Maglić | Маглић | village | 2,486 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Slovak ethnic majority, the names are also given in Slovak. |
Bečej Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Bečej | Бечеј (Hungarian: Óbecse) |
town | 23,895 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bačko Gradište | Бачко Градиште (Hungarian: Bácsföldvár) |
village | 5,110 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bačko Petrovo Selo | Бачко Петрово Село (Hungarian: Péterréve) |
village | 6,350 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Mileševo | Милешево (Hungarian: Drea) |
village | 909 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Radičević | Радичевић | village | 1,087 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with absolute or relative Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian. |
- Drljan (Дрљан)
- Novo Selo (Ново Село)
- Poljanice (Пољанице)
Beočin Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Beočin | Беочин | town | 7,839 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Banoštor | Баноштор | village | 743 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Čerević | Черевић | village | 2,800 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Grabovo | Грабово | village | 100 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Lug | Луг (Slovak: Lúg) |
village | 709 | Slovaks | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Rakovac | Раковац | village | 2,248 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Susek | Сусек | village | 996 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Sviloš | Свилош | village | 291 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited place with Slovak ethnic majority, the name is also given in Slovak. |
- Koruška (Корушка)
Srbobran Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) |
Srbobran | Србобран | town | 12,009 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Nadalj | Надаљ | village | 2,008 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Turija | Турија | village | 2,300 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
- Doline (Долине)
- Kipovo (Кипово)
Sremski Karlovci Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) |
Sremski Karlovci | Сремски Карловци | town | 8,750 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Temerin Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) |
Temerin | Темерин | town | 19,661 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Bački Jarak | Бачки Јарак | town | 5,687 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Sirig | Сириг | village | 2,939 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Titel Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) |
Titel | Тител | town | 5,294 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Gardinovci | Гардиновци | village | 1,297 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Lok | Лок | village | 1,114 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Mošorin | Мошорин | village | 2,569 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Šajkaš | Шајкаш | village | 4,374 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Vilovo | Вилово | village | 1,090 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Vrbas Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Vrbas | Врбас | town | 24,112 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bačko Dobro Polje | Бачко Добро Поље | village | 3,541 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kosančić | Косанчић | village | 101 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kucura | Куцура (Rusyn: Коцур) |
village | 4,348 | Rusyns | Greek Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Ravno Selo | Равно Село | village | 3,107 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Savino Selo | Савино Село (Montenegrin: Savino Selo / Савино Село) |
village | 2,957 | Montenegrins | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Zmajevo | Змајево | village | 3,926 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Montenegrin and Rusyn plurality, the names are also given in these languages. |
Žabalj Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) |
Žabalj | Жабаљ | town | 9,161 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Čurug | Чуруг | village | 8,166 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Đurđevo | Ђурђево | village | 5,092 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Gospođinci | Госпођинци | village | 3,715 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
- Map of Novi Sad City with the surrounding inhabited places
- Map of Bač municipality
- Map of Bačka Palanka municipality
- Map of Bački Petrovac municipality
- Map of Vrbas municipality
- Map of Srbobran municipality
- Map of Temerin municipality
- Map of Beočin municipality
- Map of Sremski Karlovci municipality
- Map of Bečej municipality
- Map of Žabalj municipality
- Map of Titel municipality
The inhabited places of West Bačka District
City of Sombor

of Sombor
of Sombor

Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Sombor | Сомбор | city | 47,623 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Aleksa Šantić | Алекса Шантић | village | 1,770 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bački Breg | Бачки Брег (Croatian: Bereg) |
village | 1,140 | Croats | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bački Monoštor | Бачки Моноштор (Croatian: Monoštor) |
village | 3,485 | Croats | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bezdan | Бездан (Hungarian: Bezdán) |
village | 4,623 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Čonoplja | Чонопља | village | 3,426 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Doroslovo | Дорослово (Hungarian: Doroszló) |
village | 1,497 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Gakovo | Гаково | village | 1,810 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kljajićevo | Кљајићево | village | 5,045 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kolut | Колут | village | 1,327 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Rastina | Растина | village | 411 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Riđica | Риђица | village | 2,011 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Stanišić | Станишић | village | 3,987 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Stapar | Стапар | village | 3,282 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Svetozar Miletić | Светозар Милетић (Hungarian: Nemesmilitics) |
village | 2,746 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Telečka | Телечка (Hungarian: Bácsgyulafalva) |
village | 1,720 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Croatian and Hungarian majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages. |
Hamlets and suburbs:
Apatin Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Apatin | Апатин | town | 17,411 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kupusina | Купусина (Hungarian: Bácskertes) |
village | 1,952 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Prigrevica | Пригревица | village | 4,016 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Sonta | Сонта (Croatian: Sonta) |
village | 4,331 | Croats | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Svilojevo | Свилојево (Hungarian: Szilágyi) |
village | 1,219 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Croatian and Hungarian majority, the names are also given in these languages. |
- Staro Selo (Старо Село)
- Veliki Salaš (Велики Салаш)
Kula Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Kula | Кула | town | 17,866 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Crvenka | Црвенка | town | 9,001 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kruščić | Крушчић (Montenegrin: Kruščić / Крушчић) |
village | 1,852 | Montenegrins | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Lipar | Липар | village | 1,482 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Nova Crvenka | Нова Црвенка | village | 420 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Ruski Krstur | Руски Крстур (Rusyn: Руски Керестур) |
village | 4,585 | Rusyns | Greek Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Sivac | Сивац | village | 7,895 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Rusyn and Montenegrin majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages. |
Odžaci Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Odžaci | Оџаци | town | 8,810 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bački Brestovac | Бачки Брестовац | village | 2,819 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bački Gračac | Бачки Грачац | village | 2,286 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bogojevo | Богојево (Hungarian: Gombos) |
village | 1,744 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Deronje | Дероње | village | 2,487 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Karavukovo | Каравуково | village | 4,215 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Lalić | Лалић (Slovak: Laliť) |
village | 1,343 | Slovaks | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Ratkovo | Ратково | village | 3,411 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Srpski Miletić | Српски Милетић | village | 3,038 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian and Slovak majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages. |
- Map of Sombor municipality
- Map of Apatin municipality
- Map of Odžaci municipality
- Map of Kula municipality
The inhabited places of North Bačka District
City of Subotica
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Subotica | Суботица (Hungarian: Szabadka) |
city | 97,910 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Palić | Палић (Hungarian: Palics) |
town | 7,771 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bački Vinogradi | Бачки Виногради (Hungarian: Királyhalma) |
village | 1,922 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bačko Dušanovo | Бачко Душаново (Hungarian: Zentaörs) |
village | 627 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bajmok | Бајмок | village | 7,414 | Serbs | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bikovo | Биково (Croatian: Bikovo) |
village | 1,487 | Croats | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Čantavir | Чантавир (Hungarian: Csantavér) |
village | 6,591 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Donji Tavankut | Доњи Таванкут (Croatian: Donji Tavankut) |
village | 2,327 | Croats | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Đurđin | Ђурђин (Croatian: Đurđin) |
village | 1,441 | Croats | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Gornji Tavankut | Горњи Таванкут (Croatian: Gornji Tavankut) |
village | 1,097 | Croats | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Hajdukovo | Хајдуково (Hungarian: Hajdújárás) |
village | 2,313 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kelebija | Келебија (Hungarian: Kelebia) |
village | 2,142 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Ljutovo | Љутово (Bunjevac: Ljutovo) |
village | 1,067 | Bunjevci | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Mala Bosna | Мала Босна (Croatian: Mala Bosna) |
village | 1,082 | Croats | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Mišićevo | Мишићево | village | 377 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Novi Žednik | Нови Жедник | village | 2,381 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Stari Žednik | Стари Жедник (Croatian: Stari Žednik) |
village | 1,947 | Croats | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Šupljak | Шупљак (Hungarian: Ludas) |
village | 1,115 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Višnjevac | Вишњевац | village | 543 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian, Croatian and Bunjevac majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages. |
- Madaraš (Мадараш)
Bačka Topola Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Bačka Topola | Бачка Топола (Hungarian: Topolya) |
town | 14,573 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bački Sokolac | Бачки Соколац | village | 480 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bagremovo | Багремово (Hungarian: Brazília) |
village | 151 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bajša | Бајша (Hungarian: Bajsa) |
village | 2,297 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bogaraš | Богараш (Hungarian: Bogaras) |
village | 83 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Gornja Rogatica | Горња Рогатица | village | 409 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Gunaroš | Гунарош (Hungarian: Gunaras) |
village | 1,264 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Karađorđevo | Карађорђево | village | 468 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kavilo | Кавило (Hungarian: Rákóczitelkep) |
village | 177 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Krivaja | Криваја | village | 653 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Mali Beograd | Мали Београд | village | 456 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Mićunovo | Мићуново | village | 469 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Novo Orahovo | Ново Орахово (Hungarian: Zentagunaras) |
village | 1,768 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Njegoševo | Његошево | village | 534 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Obornjača | Оборњача | village | uninhabited | uninhabited in 2011 | uninhabited in 2011 | |||||||||||||
Pačir | Пачир (Hungarian: Pacsér) |
village | 2,580 | Hungarians | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Panonija | Панонија | village | 607 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Pobeda | Победа (Hungarian: Győztes) |
village | 271 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Srednji Salaš | Средњи Салаш | village | 104 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Stara Moravica | Стара Моравица (Hungarian: Bácskossuthfalva) |
village | 5,051 | Hungarians | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Svetićevo | Светићево | village | 147 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Tomislavci | Томиславци | village | 541 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Zobnatica | Зобнатица (Hungarian: Zobnaticza) |
village | 238 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with absolute or relative Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian. |
Mali Iđoš Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Mali Iđoš | Мали Иђош (Hungarian: Kishegyes) |
village | 4,890 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Feketić | Фекетић (Hungarian: Bácsfeketehegy) |
village | 3,980 | Hungarians | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Lovćenac | Ловћенац (Montenegrin: Lovćenac / Ловћенац) |
village | 3,161 | Montenegrins | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian and Montenegrin majority, the names are also given in these languages. |
- Map of Subotica municipality
- Map of Bačka Topola municipality
- Map of Mali Iđoš municipality
The inhabited places of North Banat District
Kikinda municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Kikinda | Кикинда | town | 38,065 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Banatska Topola | Банатска Топола | village | 866 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Banatsko Veliko Selo | Банатско Велико Село | village | 2,512 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bašaid | Башаид | village | 3,123 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Iđoš | Иђош | village | 1,822 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Mokrin | Мокрин | village | 5,270 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Nakovo | Наково | village | 1,918 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Novi Kozarci | Нови Козарци | village | 1,894 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Rusko Selo | Руско Село | village | 2,813 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Sajan | Сајан (Hungarian: Szaján) |
village | 1,170 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the place with Hungarian ethnic majority, the name is also given in Hungarian. |
Novi Kneževac municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Novi Kneževac | Нови Кнежевац | town | 6,960 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Banatsko Aranđelovo | Банатско Аранђелово | village | 1,398 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Đala | Ђала | village | 796 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Filić | Филић | village | 136 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Majdan | Мајдан (Hungarian: Magyarmajdány) |
village | 210 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Podlokanj | Подлокањ | village | 144 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Rabe | Рабе (Hungarian: Rábé) |
village | 106 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Siget | Сигет | village | 198 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Srpski Krstur | Српски Крстур | village | 1,321 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian. |
Čoka municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Čoka | Чока (Hungarian: Csóka) |
town | 4,028 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Banatski Monoštor | Банатски Моноштор (Hungarian: Kanizsamonostor) |
village | 102 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Crna Bara | Црна Бара (Hungarian: Feketetó) |
village | 437 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Jazovo | Јазово (Hungarian: Hódegyháza) |
village | 742 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Ostojićevo | Остојићево | village | 2,324 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Padej | Падеј (Hungarian: Padé) |
village | 2,376 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Sanad | Санад | village | 1,151 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Vrbica | Врбица (Hungarian: Egyházaskér) |
village | 238 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with absolute or relative Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian. |
Ada municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Ada | Ада (Hungarian: Ada) |
town | 9,564 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Mol | Мол (Hungarian: Mohol) |
town | 6,009 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Obornjača | Оборњача (Hungarian: Völgypart) |
village | 326 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Sterijino | Стеријино (Hungarian: Valkaisor) |
village | 186 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Utrine | Утрине (Hungarian: Törökfalu) |
village | 906 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian. |
Kanjiža Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Kanjiža | Кањижа (Hungarian: Magyarkanizsa) |
town | 9,871 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Adorjan | Адорјан (Hungarian: Adorján) |
village | 1,037 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Doline | Долине (Hungarian: Völgyes) |
village | 390 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Horgoš | Хоргош (Hungarian: Horgos) |
village | 5,709 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Male Pijace | Мале Пијаце (Hungarian: Kispiac) |
village | 1,811 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Mali Pesak | Мали Песак (Hungarian: Kishomok) |
village | 94 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Martonoš | Мартонош (Hungarian: Martonos) |
village | 1,988 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Novo Selo | Ново Село (Hungarian: Újfalu) |
village | 157 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Orom | Ором (Hungarian: Orom) |
village | 1,423 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Totovo Selo | Тотово Село (Hungarian: Tóthfalu) |
village | 618 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Trešnjevac | Трешњевац (Hungarian: Oromhegyes) |
village | 1,724 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Velebit | Велебит | village | 277 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Vojvoda Zimonić | Војвода Зимонић (Hungarian: Ilonafalu) |
village | 244 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian. |
Senta Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Senta | Сента (Hungarian: Zenta) |
town | 18,704 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bogaraš | Богараш (Hungarian: Bogaras) |
village | 568 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Gornji Breg | Горњи Брег (Hungarian: Felsőhegy) |
village | 1,726 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kevi | Кеви (Hungarian: Kevi) |
village | 726 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Tornjoš | Торњош (Hungarian: Tornyos) |
village | 1,592 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian. |
- Map of Kikinda municipality
- Map of Novi Kneževac municipality
- Map of Čoka municipality
- Map of Ada municipality
- Map of Senta municipality
- Map of Kanjiža municipality
The inhabited places of Central Banat District
City of Zrenjanin
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Zrenjanin | Зрењанин | city | 76,511 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Aradac | Арадац | village | 3,335 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Banatski Despotovac | Банатски Деспотовац | village | 1,291 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Belo Blato | Бело Блато (Slovak: Biele Blato) |
village | 1,342 | Slovaks | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Botoš | Ботош | village | 1,860 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Čenta | Чента | village | 3,050 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Ečka | Ечка | village | 3,999 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Elemir | Елемир | village | 4,338 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Farkaždin | Фаркаждин | village | 1,179 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Jankov Most | Јанков Мост (Romanian: Iancăid) |
village | 530 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Klek | Клек | village | 2,706 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Knićanin | Книћанин | village | 1,753 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Lazarevo | Лазарево | village | 2,877 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Lukićevo | Лукићево | village | 1,804 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Lukino Selo | Лукино Село (Hungarian: Lukácsfalva) |
village | 498 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Melenci | Меленци | village | 5,982 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Mihajlovo | Михајлово (Hungarian: Magyarszentmihály) |
village | 948 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Orlovat | Орловат | village | 1,516 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Perlez | Перлез | village | 3,383 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Stajićevo | Стајићево | village | 1,941 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Taraš | Тараш | village | 1,009 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Tomaševac | Томашевац | village | 1,510 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian, Romanian or Slovak majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages. |
- Zlatica (Златица)
Novi Bečej Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name | Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) |
Novi Bečej | Нови Бечеј | town | 13,133 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Bočar | Бочар | village | 1,488 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Kumane | Кумане | village | 3,284 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Novo Miloševo | Ново Милошево | village | 6,020 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Nova Crnja Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Nova Crnja | Нова Црња (Hungarian: Magyarcsernye) |
village | 1,509 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Aleksandrovo | Александрово | village | 2,130 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Radojevo | Радојево | village | 1,056 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Srpska Crnja | Српска Црња | village | 3,685 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Toba | Тоба (Hungarian: Tóba) |
village | 518 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Vojvoda Stepa | Војвода Степа | village | 1,374 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian. |
Žitište Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Žitište | Житиште | town | 2,898 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Banatski Dvor | Банатски Двор | village | 1,095 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Banatsko Karađorđevo | Банатско Карађорђево | village | 2,091 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Banatsko Višnjićevo | Банатско Вишњићево | village | 258 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Čestereg | Честерег | village | 1,113 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Hetin | Хетин (Hungarian: Hetény) |
village | 537 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Međa | Међа | village | 838 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Novi Itebej | Нови Итебеј (Hungarian: Magyarittabé) |
village | 1,147 | Hungarians | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Ravni Topolovac | Равни Тополовац | village | 1,137 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Srpski Itebej | Српски Итебеј | village | 1,969 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Torak | Торак (Romanian: Torac) |
village | 2,291 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Torda | Торда (Hungarian: Torda) |
village | 1,462 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian or Romanian majority, the names are also given in these languages. |
Sečanj Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Sečanj | Сечањ | village | 2,107 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Jaša Tomić | Јаша Томић | town | 2,373 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Banatska Dubica | Банатска Дубица | village | 324 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Boka | Бока | village | 1,412 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Busenje | Бусење (Hungarian: Káptalanfalva) |
village | 63 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Jarkovac | Јарковац | village | 1.505 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Konak | Конак | village | 777 | Serbs | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Krajišnik | Крајишник | village | 1,719 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Neuzina | Неузина | village | 1,256 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Sutjeska | Сутјеска | village | 1,478 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Šurjan | Шурјан | village | 253 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the place with Hungarian ethnic majority, the name is also given in Hungarian. |
- Map of Zrenjanin municipality
- Map of Novi Bečej municipality
- Map of Nova Crnja municipality
- Map of Žitište municipality
- Map of Sečanj municipality
The inhabited places of South Banat District
City of Pančevo
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Pančevo | Панчево | city | 76,203 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kačarevo | Качарево | town | 7,100 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Starčevo | Старчево | town | 7,473 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Banatski Brestovac | Банатски Брестовац | village | 3,251 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Banatsko Novo Selo | Банатско Ново Село | village | 6,686 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Dolovo | Долово | village | 6,146 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Glogonj | Глогоњ | village | 3,012 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Ivanovo | Иваново (Hungarian: Sándoregyháza) |
village | 1,053 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Jabuka | Јабука | village | 6,181 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Omoljica | Омољица | village | 6,309 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the place with Hungarian ethnic plurality, the name is also given in Hungarian. |
Kovin Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Kovin | Ковин | town | 13,499 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bavanište | Баваниште | village | 5,820 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Deliblato | Делиблато | village | 2,939 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Dubovac | Дубовац | village | 1,188 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Gaj | Гај | village | 2,929 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Malo Bavanište | Мало Баваниште | village | 332 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Mramorak | Мраморак | village | 2,690 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Pločica | Плочица | village | 1,794 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Skorenovac | Скореновац (Hungarian: Székelykeve) |
village | 2,354 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Šumarak | Шумарак (Hungarian: Emánueltelep) |
village | 161 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the places with Hungarian ethnic majority or plurality, the names are also given in Hungarian. |
Opovo Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name | Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) |
Opovo | Опово | town | 4,527 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Baranda | Баранда | village | 1,544 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Sakule | Сакуле | village | 1,847 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Sefkerin | Сефкерин | village | 2,522 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Kovačica Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Kovačica | Ковачица (Slovak: Kovačica) |
town | 6,259 | Slovaks | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Crepaja | Црепаја | village | 4,364 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Debeljača | Дебељача (Hungarian: Torontálvásárhely) |
village | 4,913 | Hungarians | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Idvor | Идвор | village | 974 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Padina | Падина (Slovak: Padina) |
village | 5,531 | Slovaks | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Putnikovo | Путниково | village | 200 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Samoš | Самош | village | 1,004 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Uzdin | Уздин (Romanian: Uzdâni) |
village | 2,029 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Slovak, Hungarian or Romanian majority, the names are also given in these languages. |
Alibunar Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Alibunar | Алибунар | town | 2,883 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Banatski Karlovac | Банатски Карловац | town | 5,082 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Dobrica | Добрица | village | 1,076 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Ilandža | Иланџа | village | 1,422 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Janošik | Јаношик (Slovak: Jánošík) |
village | 966 | Slovaks | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Lokve | Локве (Romanian: Locve) |
village | 1,772 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Nikolinci | Николинци (Romanian: Nicolinţ) |
village | 1,131 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Novi Kozjak | Нови Козјак | village | 636 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Seleuš | Селеуш (Romanian: Seleuş) |
village | 1,191 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Vladimirovac | Владимировац | village | 3,868 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Romanian or Slovak majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages. |
- Novi Vladimirovac
- Devojački Bunar
Plandište Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Plandište | Пландиште | village | 3,825 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Banatski Sokolac | Банатски Соколац | village | 272 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Barice | Барице (Romanian: Sân-Ianăş) |
village | 516 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Dužine | Дужине | village | 147 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Hajdučica | Хајдучица (Slovak: Hajdušica) |
village | 1,150 | Slovaks | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Jermenovci | Јерменовци (Hungarian: Ürményháza) |
village | 905 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kupinik | Купиник | village | 238 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Laudonovac | Лаудоновац | village | 21 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Margita | Маргита | village | 924 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Markovićevo | Марковићево | village | 160 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Miletićevo | Милетићево | village | 497 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Stari Lec | Стари Лец | village | 963 | Serbs | undeclared | |||||||||||||
Velika Greda | Велика Греда | village | 1,158 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Veliki Gaj | Велики Гај | village | 560 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Romanian, Hungarian or Slovak majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages. |
Vršac Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Vršac | Вршац | town | 36,040 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Gudurica | Гудурица | village | 1,094 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Izbište | Избиште | village | 1,472 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Jablanka | Јабланка (Romanian: Iablanca) |
village | 251 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kuštilj | Куштиљ (Romanian: Coştei) |
village | 748 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Mali Žam | Мали Жам (Romanian: Jamu Mic) |
village | 283 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Malo Središte | Мало Средиште (Romanian: Srediştea Mică) |
village | 89 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Markovac | Марковац (Romanian: Marcovăţ) |
village | 255 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Mesić | Месић (Romanian: Mesici) |
village | 198 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Orešac | Орешац (Romanian: Oreşaţ) |
village | 382 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Parta | Парта | village | 376 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Pavliš | Павлиш | village | 2,195 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Potporanj | Потпорањ | village | 272 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Ritiševo | Ритишево (Romanian: Râtişor) |
village | 549 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Sočica | Сочица (Romanian: Sălciţa) |
village | 133 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Straža | Стража (Romanian: Straja) |
village | 531 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Šušara | Шушара (Hungarian: Fejértelep) |
village | 333 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Uljma | Уљма | village | 3,269 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Vatin | Ватин | village | 238 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Veliko Središte | Велико Средиште | village | 1,270 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Vlajkovac | Влајковац | village | 1,148 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Vojvodinci | Војводинци (Romanian: Voivodinţ) |
village | 363 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Vršački Ritovi | Вршачки Ритови | village | 37 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Zagajica | Загајица | village | 500 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Romanian or Hungarian majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages. |
Bela Crkva Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Bela Crkva | Бела Црква | town | 9,080 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Banatska Palanka | Банатска Паланка | village | 682 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Banatska Subotica | Банатска Суботица | village | 169 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Crvena Crkva | Црвена Црква | village | 666 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Češko Selo | Чешко Село (Czech: Češko Selo) |
village | 40 | Czechs | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Dobričevo | Добричево (Hungarian: Udvardszállás) |
village | 199 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Dupljaja | Дупљаја | village | 738 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Grebenac | Гребенац (Romanian: Grebenaţ) |
village | 818 | Romanians | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Jasenovo | Јасеново | village | 1,243 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kajtasovo | Кајтасово | village | 262 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kaluđerovo | Калуђерово | village | 94 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kruščica | Крушчица | village | 864 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kusić | Кусић | village | 1,164 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Vračev Gaj | Врачев Гај | village | 1,348 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Romanian, Hungarian or Czech majority, the names are also given in these languages. |
- Map of city of Pančevo
- Map of Kovin municipality
- Map of Opovo municipality
- Map of Kovačica municipality
- Map of Vršac municipality
- Map of Bela Crkva municipality
- Map of Alibunar municipality
- Map of Plandište municipality
The inhabited places of Syrmia District
City of Sremska Mitrovica
- Vranjaš
- Venac
Šid Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Šid | Шид | town | 14,893 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Adaševci | Адашевци | village | 1,919 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bačinci | Бачинци | village | 1,180 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Batrovci | Батровци | village | 259 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Berkasovo | Беркасово | village | 1,115 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bikić Do | Бикић До (Rusyn: Бикич Дол) |
village | 269 | Rusyns | Greek Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Bingula | Бингула | village | 732 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Erdevik | Ердевик | village | 2,736 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Gibarac | Гибарац | village | 989 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Ilinci | Илинци | village | 804 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Jamena | Јамена | village | 950 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Kukujevci | Кукујевци | village | 1,955 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Ljuba | Љуба (Slovak: Ľuba) |
village | 446 | Slovaks | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Molovin | Моловин | village | 195 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Morović | Моровић | village | 1,774 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Privina Glava | Привина Глава | village | 186 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Sot | Сот | village | 679 | Serbs | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Vašica | Вашица | village | 1,424 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Višnjićevo | Вишњићево | village | 1,683 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Slovak or Rusyn majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages. |
Irig Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Irig | Ириг | town | 4,415 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Dobrodol | Добродол (Hungarian: Dobradópuszta) |
village | 107 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Grgetek | Гргетек | village | 76 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Jazak | Јазак | village | 960 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Krušedol Prnjavor | Крушедол Прњавор | village | 234 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Krušedol Selo | Крушедол Село | village | 340 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Mala Remeta | Мала Ремета | village | 130 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Neradin | Нерадин | village | 475 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Rivica | Ривица | village | 620 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Šatrinci | Шатринци (Hungarian: Satrinca) |
village | 373 | Hungarians | Catholic Christianity | |||||||||||||
Velika Remeta | Велика Ремета | village | 44 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Vrdnik | Врдник | village | 3,092 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited places with Hungarian ethnic majority, the names are also given in Hungarian. |
Ruma Municipality
Pećinci Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name | Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) |
Pećinci | Пећинци | village | 2,581 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Ašanja | Ашања | village | 1,365 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Brestač | Брестач | village | 934 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Deč | Деч | village | 1,491 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Donji Tovarnik | Доњи Товарник | village | 973 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Karlovčić | Карловчић | village | 1,078 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Kupinovo | Купиново | village | 1,866 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Obrež | Обреж | village | 1,308 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Ogar | Огар | village | 1,040 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Popinci | Попинци | village | 1,166 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Prhovo | Прхово | village | 784 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Sibač | Сибач | village | 468 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Sremski Mihaljevci | Сремски Михаљевци | village | 769 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Subotište | Суботиште | village | 844 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Šimanovci | Шимановци | village | 3,053 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Stara Pazova Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name | Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) |
Stara Pazova | Стара Пазова | town | 18,602 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Belegiš | Белегиш | village | 2,973 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Golubinci | Голубинци | village | 4,721 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Krnješevci | Крњешевци | village | 845 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Nova Pazova | Нова Пазова | village | 17,105 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Novi Banovci | Нови Бановци | village | 9,443 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Stari Banovci | Стари Бановци | village | 5,954 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Surduk | Сурдук | village | 1,397 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Vojka | Војка | village | 4,752 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity |
Inđija Municipality
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type | Population (2011) |
Largest ethnic group (2002) |
Dominant religion (2002) | |||||||||||||
Inđija | Инђија | town | 26,025 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Beška | Бешка | village | 5,783 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Čortanovci | Чортановци | village | 2,337 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Jarkovci | Јарковци | village | 593 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Krčedin | Крчедин | village | 2,429 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Ljukovo | Љуково | village | 1,525 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Maradik | Марадик | village | 2,095 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Novi Karlovci | Нови Карловци | village | 2,856 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Novi Slankamen | Нови Сланкамен | village | 2,994 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Slankamenački Vinogradi | Сланкаменачки Виногради (Slovak: Slankamenské Vinohrady) |
village | 253 | Slovaks | Protestantism | |||||||||||||
Stari Slankamen | Стари Сланкамен | village | 543 | Serbs | Orthodox Christianity | |||||||||||||
Note: For the inhabited place with Slovak majority, the name is also given in Slovak. |
- Map of Sremska Mitrovica municipality
- Map of Šid municipality
- Map of Irig municipality
- Map of Ruma municipality
- Map of Inđija municipality
- Map of Stara Pazova municipality
- Map of Pećinci municipality
Former settlements
Former settlements in Vojvodina that were abandoned or resettled:
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type / Location | Settlement destiny | Largest ethnic group (year) | ||||||||||||||
Almaš | Алмаш | Former village in Bačka (located between Temerin, Nadalj and Gospođinci) |
It was resettled in 1718 | Serbs (1715) | ||||||||||||||
Kočićevo | Кочићево | Former village in Bačka (located in Bačka Topola municipality) |
It was abandoned in the second half of the 20th century |
Serbs (1971) | ||||||||||||||
Molin | Молин | Former village in Banat (located in Nova Crnja municipality) |
It was abandoned in 1961 | Serbs (1953) | ||||||||||||||
Selište | Селиште (Hungarian: Újfalu) |
Former village in Bačka (located in Mali Iđoš municipality) |
It was abandoned in the second half of the 20th century |
Hungarians (1971) | ||||||||||||||
Note: For the former settlement with Hungarian ethnic majority, the name is also given in Hungarian. |
Former settlements in Vojvodina that were merged with other places:
Settlement | Cyrillic Name Other Names |
Type / Location | Settlement destiny | Largest ethnic group (year) | ||||||||||||||
Aleksandrovo | Александрово | Former village in Bačka | Today neighborhood of Subotica | Serbs (1910) | ||||||||||||||
Bikač | Бикач | Former village in Banat | Today part of Bašaid | Serbs (1971) | ||||||||||||||
Kruševlje | Крушевље | Former village in Bačka | Degraded to formal settlement status, today part of Gakovo |
Serbs (1971) | ||||||||||||||
Mužlja | Мужља (Hungarian: Muzslya) |
Former village in Banat | Today neighborhood of Zrenjanin | Hungarians (1971) | ||||||||||||||
Novi Vladimirovac | Нови Владимировац | Former village in Banat | Today part of Vladimirovac | Serbs (1971) | ||||||||||||||
Tankosićevo | Танкосићево (Slovak: Tankosiťevo) |
Former village in Bačka | Today part of Kisač | Slovaks (1971) | ||||||||||||||
Veliki Salaš | Велики Салаш (Croatian: Veliki Salaš) |
Former village in Bačka | Degraded to formal settlement status, today part of Sonta |
Croats (1971) | ||||||||||||||
Vojlovica | Војловица (Hungarian: Hertelendyfalva) |
Former village in Banat | Today neighborhood of Pančevo | Hungarians (1971) | ||||||||||||||
Note: For the former settlements with Hungarian, Slovak or Croat majority or plurality, the names are also given in these languages. |
See also
- Cities and towns of Serbia
- Populated places of Serbia
- Municipalities and cities of Serbia
- Districts of Serbia
- Statistical regions of Serbia
- Administrative divisions of Serbia
- Former Serbian exonyms in Vojvodina
- German exonyms in Vojvodina
- Hungarian exonyms in Vojvodina
- Slovak exonyms in Vojvodina
- Rusyn exonyms in Vojvodina
- Romanian exonyms in Vojvodina
Further reading
- Slobodan Ćurčić, Broj stanovnika Vojvodine, Novi Sad, 1996.
- Slobodan Ćurčić, Naselja Srema – geografske karakteristike, Novi Sad, 2000.
- Dr Slobodan Ćurčić, Naselja Banata – geografske karakteristike, Novi Sad, 2004.
- Dr Slobodan Ćurčić, Naselja Bačke – geografske karakteristike, Novi Sad, 2007.
- Jovan Erdeljanović, Srbi u Banatu, Novi Sad, 1992.
External links
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