Mužlja (Serbian Cyrillic: Мужља; Hungarian: Muzslya) is a neighborhood of the Zrenjanin city in Serbia. Formerly, it had been a separate village that joined with Zrenjanin in 1981.

Map of urban local communities of Zrenjanin

Main street and the Catholic Church

Church in Mužlja

In Serbian the neighborhood is known as Mužlja or Мужља, in Hungarian as Muzslya or Torontálmuzslya, and in German as Muschla.
- Aranka Palatínus: A Szűzanya oltalmában. Publisher Kiss Lajos Néprajzi Tarsaság Szabadka, Muzslya, 2002.
- Miklós Karl: A dűlőutak szorgos népe, Adalékok Muzslya százéves történetéhez 1890-Published by 1990. Forum – Magyar Szó, Újvidék 1990.
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