List of Orchidaceae genera
This is a list of genera in the orchid family (Orchidaceae), originally according to The Families of Flowering Plants - L. Watson and M. J. Dallwitz. This list is adapted regularly with the changes published in the Orchid Research Newsletter which is published twice a year by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. The most up to date list of accepted; genera, natural nothogenera, species and natural nothospecies with their synonyms can be found on the World Checklist of Selected Plants Families Search Page published by the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. This list is reflected on Wikispecies Orchidaceae and the new eMonocot website Orchidaceae Juss.
This taxonomy undergoes constant change, mainly through evidence from DNA study. Orchids were traditionally defined by morphological similarity (structure of their flowers and other parts). However, recent changes to nomenclature have been driven primarily by DNA studies and also by re-examination of herbarium specimens. This has led to a reduction of genera and species as well as re-circumscription of subfamilies, tribes and subtribes. Orchid taxonomy is still being revised and each year about another 150 new species are being discovered. The list of genera alone currently stands just short of 1000 entries.
From a cladistic point of view, the orchid family is considered to be monophyletic, i.e. the group incorporates all the taxa derived from an ancestral group.
The taxonomy of the orchids is explained on the page Taxonomy of the orchid family.
There are five recognized subfamilies:[1]
- Apostasioideae (two genera, Neuwiedia and Apostasia)
- Cypripedioideae (five genera: Cypripedium, Mexipedium, Paphiopedilum, Phragmipedium and Selenipedium
- Epidendroideae (has 15,000 species in 576 genera)
- Orchidoideae (7 tribes and 3,630 species;[2] has 2 subclades with tribes Orchideae and Diseae then the other has tribes Cranichideae, Chloraeeae and Diurideae)
- Vanilloideae (15 genera and about 180 species: Tribe Pogonieae (77 species; Cleistes, Cleistesiopsis, Duckeella, Isotria, and Pogonia) also Tribe Vanilleae (with 172 species; Clematepistephium, Cyrtosia, Epistephium, Eriaxis, Erythrorchis, Galeola, Lecanorchis, Pseudovanilla and Vanilla)

- Aa
- Abdominea
- Aberrantia (Luer) Luer (synonym of Acianthera Scheidw.)
- Acacallis Lindl. (synonym of Aganisia)
- Acampe
- Acanthophippium
- Aceras
- Aceratorchis
- Acianthera Scheidw.
- Acianthus
- Acineta Lindl.
- Ackermania
- Acoridium
- Acostaea Schltr.
- Acriopsis
- Acrochaene
- Acrolophia
- Acrorchis
- Ada
- Adamantinia Van den Berg & C.N.Gonç
- Adenochilus
- Adenoncos
- Adrorhizon
- Aerangis
- Aeranthes
- Aerides Lour.: fox brush orchid
- Afropectinariella
- Aganisia
- Aglossorrhyncha
- Agrostophyllum
- Alamania
- Alatiliparis: new genus with 2 species, discovered in Sumatra, Indonesia
- Altensteinia
- Amblyanthe
- Amblostoma Scheidw.
- Ambrella
- Amerorchis: round-leaf orchid
- Amesiella
- Amoana
- Amparoa
- Amphigena
- Anacamptis Rich.
- Anacheilium Withner & P.A.Harding
- Anathallis
- Ancipitia
- Ancistrochilus Rolfe
- Ancistrorhynchus
- Angraecopsis
- Angraecum bory
- Anguloa
- Ania
- Anoectochilus: jeweled orchid
- Ansellia Lindl.
- Anteriorchis (synonym of Anacamptis)
- Anthogonium
- Anthosiphon
- Antilla
- Antillanorchis
- Aorchis
- Aphyllorchis
- Aplectrum Nuttall: Adam and Eve
- Apoda-prorepentia
- Aporostylis
- Aporum
- Apostasia Blume
- Appendicula
- Aracamunia
- Arachnis Blume
- Arachnites
- Archineottia
- Areldia
- Arethusa: dragon's mouth
- Armodorum
- Arnottia
- Arpophyllum
- Arthrochilus
- Artorima
- Arundina Blume: bamboo orchid
- Ascidieria
- Ascocentrum
- Ascochilopsis
- Ascochilus
- Ascoglossum
- Ascolabium
- Aspasia
- Aspidogyne
- Atopoglossum
- Aulosepalum
- Auxopus
- Azadehdelia (synonym of Cribbia Senghas)

- Baptistonia Barb.Rodr.
- Barbosella
- Barbrodria
- Barkeria
- Barlia
- Bartholina
- Basigyne
- Basiphyllaea: crab orchid
- Baskervilla
- Batemannia
- Beclardia
- Beloglottis
- Benthamia
- Benzingia
- Bhutanthera
- Bidoupia
- Biermannia
- Bifrenaria Lindl.
- Binotia
- Bipinnula
- Bletia Ruiz and Pavon: pine-pink
- Bletilla Rchb.F.: urn orchid
- Bogoria
- Bolbidium
- Bollea Rchb.F.
- Bolusiella
- Bonatea Willd.
- Bonniera
- Brachionidium: cup orchid
- Brachtia
- Brachycorythis Lindl.
- Brachypeza
- Brachystele
- Bracisepalum
- Braemia
- Brassavola R.Br.: daddy-long-legs
- Brassia: cricket orchid
- Brenesia
- Briegeria
- Bromheadia
- Broughtonia R.Br.
- Brownleea
- Bryobium
- Buchtienia
- Bulbophyllum Thouars: rat-tail orchid
- Bulleyia
- Burnettia
- Burnsbaloghia

- Calanthe R.Br.
- Caleana R.Br.
- Callostylis
- Calochilus R.Br.: bearded orchids
- Calopogon R.Br.: grasspink
- Caluera
- Calymmanthera
- Calypso Salisb.: fairy-slipper orchid
- Calyptrochilum
- Camaridium
- Campanulorchis
- Campylocentrum: bent-spur orchid
- Capanemia
- Cardiochilos
- Catasetum
- Cattleya Lindl.
- Cattleyella Van den Berg & M.W.Chase
- Cattleyopsis Lemaire
- Caucaea
- Caularthron Raf.
- Centroglossa
- Centrostigma Schltr.
- Cephalanthera Rich.: some helleborines, phantom orchid
- Cephalantheropsis
- Ceraia
- Ceratandra
- Ceratocentron
- Ceratochilus
- Ceratostylis Blume
- Chamaeangis
- Chamaeanthus
- Chamaegastrodia
- Chamelophyton
- Chamorchis
- Changnienia
- Chaseella
- Chaubardia
- Chaubardiella
- Chauliodon
- Cheiradenia
- Cheirostylis
- Chelonistele
- Chelyorchis
- Chiloglottis R.Br.
- Chilopogon
- Chiloschista Lindl.
- Chiloterus
- Chitonanthera
- Chitonochilus
- Chloraea
- Chondradenia
- Chondrorhyncha Lindl.
- Christensonella
- Chroniochilus
- Chrysocycnis
- Chrysoglossum
- Chusua
- Chysis Lindl.
- Chytroglossa
- Cirrhaea Lindl.
- Cirrhopetalum
- Cischweinfia
- Claderia
- Cleisocentron
- Cleisomeria
- Cleisostoma Blume
- Cleistes
- Cleistesiopsis rosebud orchid
- Clematepistephium
- Clowesia Lindl.
- Coccineorchis
- Cochleanthes Raf.: fan-shape orchid
- Cochlioda Lindl.
- Cocleorchis
- Codonorchis
- Codonosiphon
- Coelia Lindl.
- Coeliopsis
- Coeloglossum: frog orchid
- Coelogyne Lindl.
- Coilochilus
- Coilostylis Withner & P.A.Harding
- Collabium
- Comparettia Poepp. & Endl.: snail orchid
- Comperia
- Conchidium
- Condylago Luer
- Constantia
- Corallorhiza (Haller) Chatelaine: coral root
- Cordiglottis
- Corunastylis
- Coryanthes Hook.: bucket orchids
- Corybas Salisb.
- Corycium
- Corymborkis: crow orchid
- Corysanthes
- Cottonia
- Cotylolabium
- Cranichis: helmet orchid
- Cremastra
- Crepidium
- Cribbia
- Crocodeilanthe
- Crossoglossa
- Cryptarrhena
- Cryptocentrum
- Cryptochilus
- Cryptopus
- Cryptopylos
- Cryptostylis R.Br.
- Cucumeria
- Cuitlauzina
- Cyanaeorchis
- Cyanicula
- Cybebus
- Cyclopogon: ladies'-tresses
- Cycnoches Lindl.: swan orchids
- Cylindrolobus
- Cymbidiella Rolfe
- Cymbidium Sw.
- Cymboglossum
- Cynorkis Thouars
- Cyphochilus
- Cypholoron
- Cypripedium L.: lady's slipper
- Cyrtidiorchis
- Cyrtochilum
- Cyrtopodium R.Br.: cow-horn orchid
- Cyrtorchis Schltr.
- Cyrtosia
- Cyrtostylis
- Cystorchis
- Dactylorchis
- Dactylorhiza: key flower
- Dactylorhynchus
- Dactylostalix
- Degranvillea
- Deiregyne
- Demorchis
- Dendrobium
- Dendrochilum
- Dendrolirium
- Dendrophylax
- Devogelia
- Diadenium
- Diaphananthe
- Diceratostele
- Dicerostylis
- Dichaea: leafy-stem orchid, leaf-stem orchid
- Dichromanthus
- Dickasonia
- Dictyophyllaria
- Didactylus
- Didiciea
- Didymoplexiella
- Didymoplexiopsis
- Didymoplexis
- Dienia
- Diglyphosa
- Dignathe
- Dilochia
- Dilochiopsis
- Dilomilis: parrot-beak orchid
- Dimerandra
- Dimorphorchis
- Dinema
- Dinklageella
- Diothonea
- Diphylax
- Diplandrorchis
- Diplocaulobium
- Diplocentrum
- Diplolabellum
- Diplomeris
- Diploprora
- Dipodium
- Dipteranthus
- Dipterostele
- Disa
- Discyphus
- Disperis
- Disticholiparis Marg. & Szlach
- Distylodon
- Diteilis
- Dithyridanthus
- Diuris
- Dockrillia Briegar, 1981
- Dodsonia
- Dolichocentrum
- Domingoa: Mona
- Doritis
- Dossinia
- Dracontia
- Dracula
- Drakaea
- Dresslerella
- Dressleria
- Dryadella
- Dryadorchis
- Drymoanthus
- Drymoda
- Duckeella
- Dunstervillea
- Dyakia

- Earina
- Eggelingia
- Eleorchis
- Elleanthus: tiger orchid, praying-virgin
- Elongatia
- Eloyella
- Eltroplectris: long-claw orchid
- Elythranthera
- Embreea
- Empusa
- Empusella (Luer) Luer
- Encheiridion
- Encyclia Hook.: butterfly orchid
- Entomophobia
- Eparmatostigma
- Ephippianthus
- Epibator Luer
- Epiblastus
- Epiblema
- Epicranthes
- Epidanthus
- Epidendrum: star orchid
- Epigeneium
- Epilyna
- Epipactis: helleborine
- Epipogium
- Epistephium
- Eria
- Eriaxis
- Ericksonella
- Eriochilus
- Eriodes
- Eriopexis
- Eriopsis
- Erycina
- Erythrodes: false helmet orchids
- Erythrorchis
- Esmeralda
- Euanthe
- Eucosia
- Eulophia: Wildcoco
- Eulophiella
- Euphlebium
- Euryblema Dressler (2005)
- Eurycaulis
- Eurycentrum
- Eurychone
- Eurystyles: custard orchid
- Evotella

- Galeandra: hooded orchid
- Galearis: showy orchid
- Galeola
- Galeottia
- Galeottiella
- Garaya
- Gastrochilus
- Gastrodia
- Gastrorchis
- Gavilea
- Geesinkorchis
- Gennaria
- Genoplesium
- Genyorchis
- Geoblasta
- Geodorum
- Glomera
- Glossodia
- Glossorhyncha
- Gomesa
- Gomphichis
- Gonatostylis
- Gongora
- Goniochilus
- Goodyera: rattlesnake plantain
- Govenia: govenia
- Gracielanthus
- Grammangis
- Grammatophyllum
- Graphorkis Thou.
- Grastidium
- Greenwoodiella
- Grobya
- Grosourdya
- Guarianthe Dressler & W.E.Higgins
- Gunnarella
- Gunnarorchis
- Gymnadenia: fragrant orchid
- Gymnadeniopsis
- Gymnochilus
- Gynoglottis

- Habenaria: bog orchid, false rein orchid
- Hagsatera
- Hammarbya
- Hancockia
- Hapalochilus
- Hapalorchis
- Haraella
- Harrisella: airplant orchid
- Hederorkis
- Helcia
- Helleriella: dotted orchid
- Helonoma
- Hemipilia
- Herminium
- Herpetophytum
- Herpysma
- Herschelianthe
- Hetaeria
- Heterotaxis
- Heterozeuxine
- Hexalectris: crested coralroot
- Hexisea
- Himantoglossum
- Hintonella
- Hippeophyllum
- Hirtzia
- Hispaniella
- Hoehneella
- Hoffmannseggella
- Hofmeisterella
- Holcoglossum
- Holmesia
- Holopogon
- Holothrix
- Homalopetalum
- Horichia
- Hormidium
- Horvatia
- Houlletia
- Huntleya
- Huttonaea
- Hybochilus
- Hydrorchis
- Hygrochilus
- Hylophila
- Hymenorchis
- Imerinaea
- Imerinorchis Szlach (2005)
- Inobulbon
- Ione
- Ionopsis: violet orchid
- Ipsea
- Isabelia
- Ischnocentrum
- Ischnogyne
- Isochilus: equal-lip orchid
- Isotria: fiveleaf orchid
- Ixyophora Dressler (2005)
- Jacquiniella: tufted orchid
- Jejosephia
- Jonesiopsis
- Jostia
- Jumellea

- Lacaena
- Laelia Lindl.
- Laeliopsis
- Lanium
- Lankesterella
- Leaoa
- Lecanorchis
- Lemboglossum
- Lemurella
- Lemurorchis
- Leochilus: smooth-lip orchid
- Lepanthes: babyboot orchid
- Lepanthopsis: tiny orchid
- Lepidogyne
- Leporella
- Leptotes
- Lesliea
- Leucohyle
- Ligeophila
- Limodorum
- Lindleyalis
- Liparis: wide-lip orchid
- Listrostachys
- Lockhartia
- Loefgrenianthus
- Ludisia: jewel orchid
- Lueddemannia
- Luisia
- Lycaste: bee orchid
- Lycomormium
- Lyperanthus
- Lyroglossa

- Macodes
- Macradenia: long-gland orchid
- Macroclinium
- Macropodanthus
- Malaxis: adder's mouth orchid
- Malleola
- Manniella
- Margelliantha
- Masdevallia
- Mastigion
- Maxillaria: tiger orchid, flame orchid
- Mecopodum
- Mediocalcar
- Megalorchis
- Megalotus
- Megastylis
- Meiracyllium
- Meliorchis: extinct, 80-million-year-old orchid
- Mendoncella
- Mesadenella
- Mesadenus: ladies'-tresses
- Mesospinidium
- Mexicoa
- Microchilus
- Microcoelia
- Micropera
- Microphytanthe
- Microsaccus
- Microtatorchis
- Microterangis
- Microthelys
- Microtis
- Miltonia Lindl.: pansy orchid
- Miltoniopsis
- Mischobulbum
- Mixis
- Mobilabium
- Moerenhoutia
- Monadenia
- Monanthos
- Monomeria
- Monophyllorchis
- Monosepalum
- Mormodes
- Mormolyca
- Mycaranthes
- Myoxanthus
- Myrmechila D.L.Jones & M.A.Clem (2005)
- Myrmechis
- Myrmecophila
- Myrosmodes
- Mystacidium
- Nabaluia
- Nageliella
- Nematoceras
- Neobathiea
- Neobenthamia
- Neobolusia
- Neoclemensia
- Neocogniauxia
- Neodryas
- Neoescobaria
- Neofinetia
- Neogardneria
- Neogyna
- Neomoorea
- Neotinea
- Neottia (including Listera)
- Neowilliamsia
- Nephelaphyllum
- Nephrangis
- Nervilia
- Neuwiedia
- Nidema: fairy orchid
- Nigritella
- Nitidobulbon
- Nohawilliamsia
- Nothodoritis
- Nothostele
- Notylia

- Oberonia
- Oberonioides
- Octarrhena
- Octomeria
- Odontochilus
- Odontoglossum Kunth
- Odontorrhynchus
- Oeceoclades: monk orchid
- Oeonia
- Oeoniella
- Oerstedella
- Oestlundorchis
- Olgasis
- Oligochaetochilus
- Oligophyton
- Oliveriana
- Omoea
- Oncidium: dancing-lady orchid
- Ophidion
- Ophrys: ophrys
- Orchipedum
- Orchis: orchis
- Oreorchis
- Orestias
- Orleanesia
- Ornithidium
- Ornithocephalus
- Ornithochilus
- Orthoceras
- Osmoglossum
- Ossiculum
- Osyricera
- Otochilus
- Otoglossum
- Otostylis
- Oxystophyllum

- Pabstia Garay
- Pachites
- Pachyphyllum
- Pachyplectron
- Pachystele
- Pachystoma
- Palmorchis
- Panisea
- Pantlingia
- Paphinia
- Paphiopedilum
- Papilionanthe
- Papillilabium
- Paphiopedilum: Venus' slipper
- Papperitzia
- Papuaea
- Paradisanthus
- Paralophia P.J.Cribb & Hermans (2005)
- Paraphalaenopsis
- Parapteroceras
- Pecteilis
- Pedilochilus
- Pedilonum
- Pelatantheria
- Pelexia: hachuela
- Penkimia
- Pennilabium
- Peristeranthus
- Peristeria
- Peristylus
- Pescatoria
- Phaius: nun's-hood orchid
- Phalaenopsis: moth orchid
- Pheladenia
- Pholidota
- Phoringopsis
- Phragmipedium
- Phragmorchis
- Phreatia
- Phymatidium
- Physoceras
- Physogyne
- Pilophyllum
- Pinelia
- Piperia: rein orchid
- Pityphyllum
- Platanthera: fringed orchid, bog orchid
- Platantheroides
- Platycoryne
- Platyglottis
- Platylepis
- Platyrhiza
- Platystele
- Platythelys: jug orchid
- Plectorrhiza
- Plectrelminthus
- Plectrophora
- Pleione
- Pleurothallis: bonnet orchid
- Pleurothallopsis
- Plexaure
- Plocoglottis
- Poaephyllum
- Podangis
- Podochilus
- Pogonia: snake-mouth orchid
- Pogoniopsis
- Polycycnis
- Polyotidium
- Polyradicion: palmpolly
- Polystachya
- Pomatocalpa
- Ponera
- Ponerorchis
- Ponthieva: shadow witch
- Porpax
- Porphyrodesme
- Porphyroglottis
- Porphyrostachys
- Porroglossum
- Porrorhachis
- Potosia
- Prasophyllum
- Prescottia: Prescott orchid
- Pristiglottis
- Proctoria
- Promenaea
- Prosthechea
- Pseudacoridium
- Pseuderia
- Pseudocentrum
- Pseudocranichis
- Pseudoeurystyles
- Pseudogoodyera
- Pseudolaelia
- Pseudorchis
- Pseudovanilla
- Psilochilus: ragged-lip orchid
- Psychilis: peacock orchid
- Psychopsiella (sometimes included in Psychopsis)
- Psychopsis: butterfly orchid
- Psygmorchis
- Pterichis
- Pteroceras
- Pteroglossa
- Pteroglossaspis: giant orchid
- Pterostemma
- Pterostylis
- Pterygodium
- Pygmaeorchis
- Pyrorchis

- Rangaeris
- Rauhiella
- Raycadenco
- Reichenbachanthus
- Renanthera Lour.
- Renantherella
- Restrepia
- Restrepiella
- Restrepiopsis
- Rhaesteria
- Rhamphorhynchus
- Rhinerrhiza
- Rhetinantha
- Rhipidorchis
- Rhipidoglossum
- Rhizanthella
- Rhomboda
- Rhynchogyna
- Rhyncholaelia
- Rhynchophreatia
- Rhynchostele
- Rhynchostylis
- Rhytionanthos
- Ridleyella
- Rimacola
- Risleya
- Robiquetia
- Rodriguezia Ruiz & Pav.
- Rodrigueziella
- Rodrigueziopsis
- Roezliella
- Roeperocharis
- Rossioglossum
- Rubellia (Luer) Luer (2004)
- Rudolfiella
- Rusbyella
- Saccoglossum
- Saccolabiopsis
- Saccolabium
- Sacoila: terrestrial orchid
- Salacistis
- Salpistele
- Sanderella
- Sarcanthopsis
- Sarcochilus
- Sarcoglottis
- Sarcoglyphis
- Sarcophyton
- Sarcorhynchus
- Sarcostoma
- Satyridium
- Satyrium
- Saundersia
- Sauroglossum
- Sauvetrea
- Scaphosepalum
- Scaphyglottis: Malaysian orchid
- Scelochiloides
- Scelochilus
- Schiedeella
- Schistotylus
- Schizochilus
- Schizodium
- Schlimia
- Schoenorchis
- Schomburgkia
- Schunkea
- Schwartzkopffia
- Scuticaria
- Sedirea
- Seegeriella
- Seidenfadenia
- Seidenfia
- Sepalosiphon
- Serapias
- Sertifera
- Sievekingia
- Sigmatostalix
- Silvorchis
- Sinorchis
- Sirhookera
- Skeptrostachys
- Smithsonia
- Smitinandia
- Sobennikoffia
- Sobralia
- Solenangis
- Solenidiopsis
- Solenidium
- Solenocentrum
- Sophronitella
- Sophronitis
- Soterosanthus
- Sotoa
- Spathoglottis: ground orchid
- Specklinia Lindl. (1830)
- Sphyrarhynchus
- Sphyrastylis
- Stichorkis
- Spiculaea
- Spilotantha

- Spiranthes: ladies'-tresses
- Stalkya
- Stanhopea
- Staurochilus
- Stelis: leach orchid
- Stellilabium
- Stenia
- Stenocoryne
- Stenoglottis
- Stenoptera
- Stenorrhynchos: ladies'-tresses
- Stephanothelys
- Stereochilus
- Stereosandra
- Steveniella
- Stictophyllum
- Stigmatodactylus
- Stigmatosema
- Stolzia
- Suarezia
- Summerhayesia
- Sunipia
- Sutrina
- Svenkoeltzia
- Symphyglossum
- Synanthes
- Synarmosepalum
- Systeloglossum
- Sampaguita
- Taeniophyllum
- Taeniorrhiza
- Tainia
- Talpinaria
- Tamayorkis
- Tangtsinia
- Tapeinoglossum
- Taprobanea
- Teagueia
- Telipogon
- Tetragamestus
- Tetramicra: wallflower orchid
- Teuscheria
- Thaia
- Thecopus
- Thecostele
- Thelasis
- Thelychiton
- Thelymitra
- Thelyschista
- Thrixspermum
- Thulinia
- Thunia
- Thysanoglossa
- Ticoglossum
- Tipularia: crippled-cranefly
- Tolumnia: dancing-lady orchid, variegated orchid
- Tomzanonia
- Townsonia
- Trachyrhizum
- Traunsteinera
- Trevoria
- Trias
- Tribulago
- Triceratorhynchus
- Trichocentrum
- Trichoceros
- Trichoglottis
- Trichopilia
- Trichosalpinx: bonnet orchid
- Trichosma
- Trichotosia
- Tridactyle
- Trigonidium
- Triphora: noddingcaps
- Trisetella
- Trizeuxis
- Tropidia: palm orchid
- Trudelia
- Tsaiorchis
- Tuberolabium
- Tubilabium
- Tulotis
- Tylostigma
- Wallnoeferia
- Warmingia
- Warrea
- Warczewiczella
- Warreella
- Warreopsis
- Warscaea
- Winika M.Clements et al., 1997
- Wullschlaegelia: leafless orchid
- Zelenkoa M.W.Chase & N.H.Williams
- Zeuxine: soldier's orchid
- Zhukowskia
- Zootrophion
- Zygopetalum Hook.
- Zygosepalum Rchb.f.
- Zygostates
- Epidendrum ibaguense
- Epidendrum parkinsonianum
- Epidendrum stamfordianum
- Maxillaria rufescens
- Maxillaria tenuifolia
- Rhynchostlis gigantea
- Sarcochilus hartmannii
- Schomburgkia undulata
- Late-flowering ladies'-tresses (Spiranthes magnicamporum)
- Nodding ladies'-tresses (Spiranthes cernua)
- Stenoglottis longifolia
- Moon orchid (Phalaenopsis amabilis)
- Dendrobium hybrid
- Phantom orchid (Cephalanthera rubra var. alba)
- Thrixspermum saruwatarii
- Early Purple orchid (Orchis mascula)
- Chase, Mark W.; Cameron, Kenneth M.; Freudenstein, John V.; Pridgeon, Alec M.; Salazar, Gerardo; van den Berg, Cássio; Schuiteman, André (2015). "An updated classification of Orchidaceae". Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society. 177 (2): 151–174. doi:10.1111/boj.12234. ISSN 0024-4074.
- "Types of Orchids: A Visual Compendium". 1 March 2018. Retrieved 11 December 2021.
- The International Code of Botanical Nomenclature (ICBN) (2000).
- Dressler, R.L. (1993). Phylogeny and Classification of the Orchid Family. Cambridge Univ. Press
- Pridgeon, A.M., Cribb, P.J., Chase, M.A. & Rasmussen, F. eds. (1999). Genera Orchidacearum 1. Oxford Univ. Press.
- Pridgeon, A.M., Cribb, P.J., Chase, M.A. & Rasmussen, F. eds. (2001). Genera Orchidacearum 2. Oxford Univ. Press.
- Pridgeon, A.M., Cribb, P.J., Chase, M.A. & Rasmussen, F. eds. (2003). Genera Orchidacearum 3. Oxford Univ. Press.
- Berg Pana, H. 2005. Handbuch der Orchideen-Namen. Dictionary of Orchid Names. Dizionario dei nomi delle orchidee. Ulmer, Stuttgart
- Pridgeon, A.M., Cribb, P.J., Chase, M.A. & Rasmussen, F. eds. (2006). Genera Orchidacearum 4. Oxford Univ. Press.
- Pridgeon, A.M., Cribb, P.J., Chase, M.A. & Rasmussen, F. eds. (2009). Genera Orchidacearum 5. Oxford Univ. Press
External links
- All recognized monocotiledons species (including Orchid family) - World Checklist of Selected Plant Families, Kew Botanic Garden - UK
- Intergeneric orchid genus names (updated 11 Jan 2005)
- List of orchid genera (updated 14 Jul 2004)
- List of common names or
- List of orchid hybrids - Royal Horticultural Society - UK
- Orchid main page - eMonocot website