List of Arkansas townships
This list of Arkansas Townships is based on the U. S. Census (2000) list of places in Arkansas. There are also former townships that have been combined with others or absorbed by urban expansion.
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Arkansas counties are divided into townships. Each township includes unincorporated space and some may have one or more incorporated towns or cities. Incorporated municipalities can and often do straddle township (and sometimes even county) lines.
Townships in Arkansas have very limited functions. They are used as electoral districts for a Constable.[1] Most counties have now designated districts for these offices, which may ignore township boundaries. Nevertheless, the names are of considerable use to genealogists and historians because the United States Census is enumerated by township. This allows researchers to see the numbers of people in a specific section of a county based on the US Census.
Township | County |
Acorn | Polk |
Afton | Fulton |
Alabam | Madison |
Alabama | Nevada |
Albany | Nevada |
Albion | White |
Alix | Franklin |
Alma | Crawford |
Anderson | Benton |
Annieville | Lawrence |
Antioch | Hot Spring |
Antioch | White |
Antoine | Pike |
Aplin | Perry |
Apple Glen | Benton |
Arbana | Stone |
Archey Valley | Van Buren |
Arden | Little River |
Arkansas | Arkansas |
Arkinda | Little River |
Ashland | Lawrence |
Ashley | Independence |
Athens | Izard |
Auburn | Lincoln |
Augusta | Woodruff |
Austin | Conway |
Baker | Izard |
Baker | Lafayette |
Baker | Randolph |
Bald Knob | White |
Ball | Benton |
Banner | Ashley |
Banner | Saline |
Barber | Logan |
Barham | Franklin |
Barnes | County |
Barnett | Van Buren |
Barraque | Jefferson |
Barren Fork | Izard |
Barren | Independence |
Barren | Jackson |
Bartholomew | Drew |
Bartholomew | Lincoln |
Barton | Arkansas |
Bass Little | Sebastian |
Batavia | Boone |
Bateman | Jackson |
Batson | Johnson |
Bauxite | Saline |
Bayliss | Pope |
Bayou Meto | Arkansas |
Bayou | Ashley |
Bayou | Baxter |
Bear Creek No. 4 | Searcy |
Bear Creek No. 5 | Searcy |
Bear Creek No. 6 | Searcy |
Bear Creek | Sevier |
Bearden | Marion |
Bearhouse | Ashley |
Bearhouse | Drew |
Beatie | Benton |
Beaver | Carroll |
Beaver | Saline |
Bedford | Cross |
Beech Creek | Ashley |
Beech | Miller |
Belcher | Prairie |
Bellefonte | Boone |
Ben Lomond | Sevier |
Benedict | Faulkner |
Bennett | Clay |
Bentley | Conway |
Benton | Faulkner |
Benton | Fulton |
Bethesda | Ouachita |
Beverly | Sebastian |
Bidville | Crawford |
Big Bottom | Independence |
Big Creek | Craighead |
Big Creek | Fulton |
Big Creek | Hot Spring |
Big Creek | Lee |
Big Creek | Marion |
Big Creek | Newton |
Big Creek | Phillips |
Big Creek | Sebastian |
Big Creek | Sharp |
Big Creek | White |
Big Flat | Baxter |
Big Fork | Montgomery |
Big Fork | Polk |
Big Lake | Mississippi |
Big Rock | Pulaski |
Big Spring | Izard |
Big Springs | Marion |
Bird | Conway |
Bird | Jackson |
Bismarck | Hot Spring |
Black Fish | St. Francis |
Black Fork | Scott |
Black Oak | Craighead |
Black Oak | Crittenden |
Black Oak | Franklin |
Black River | Independence |
Black River | Lawrence |
Black Rock | Lawrence |
Blackland | Howard |
Blansett | Scott |
Bloomer | Sebastian |
Blue Bayou | Howard |
Blue Cane | Clay |
Blue Cane | Greene |
Blue Mountain | Logan |
Blue Mountain | Stone |
Blue Ridge | Howard |
Bluffton | Yell |
Blythe | Boone |
Blythe | Marion |
Boas | Lawrence |
Bob Ward | Crittenden |
Bodcaw | Hempstead |
Bogy | Jefferson |
Bohannon | Madison |
Bois d'Arc | Hempstead |
Bolivar | Jefferson |
Bolivar | Poinsett |
Boone | Logan |
Boone | Union |
Boston | Washington |
Boston | Franklin |
Boston | Madison |
Boston | Newton |
Boughton | Nevada |
Bowen | Madison |
Bowen | Mississippi |
Bowie | Chicot |
Bowie | Desha |
Bowman | Cleveland |
Bradley | Ouachita |
Bradley | Van Buren |
Bradshaw | Clay |
Bragg | Ouachita |
Brawley | Scott |
Breckenridge | Greene |
Breckenridge | Jackson |
Brewer | Arkansas |
Brewer | Howard |
Brewer | Pike |
Bridge Creek | Ouachita |
Briggsville | Yell |
Brightwater | Benton |
Brinkley | Monroe |
Bristol | Faulkner |
Bristow | Randolph |
Brookland | Craighead |
Brown Springs | Hot Spring |
Brown | Clay |
Brown | Monroe |
Brush Creek | Washington |
Brushy Lake | Cross |
Bryan | Boone |
Bryan | Greene |
Bryan | Izard |
Bryan | Jackson |
Bryan | Stone |
Bryant | Saline |
Buck Range | Howard |
Buckhorn | Baxter |
Buckhorn | Sevier |
Buffalo | Craighead |
Buffalo | Marion |
Buford | Baxter |
Bullard | Prairie |
Bunn | Dallas |
Burdette | Mississippi |
Burg | Howard |
Burke | Little River |
Burnett | Pope |
Butler | Lonoke |
Butler | Randolph |
Butterfield | Hot Spring |
Cabanal | Carroll |
Cache | Clay |
Cache | County |
Cache | Greene |
Cache | Jackson |
Cache | Lawrence |
Cache | Monroe |
Caddo | Clark |
Caddo | Montgomery |
Cadron | Cleburne |
Cadron | Faulkner |
Cadron | Van Buren |
Cadron | White |
Calf Creek | Searcy |
Calhoun | Prairie |
California | Cleburne |
California | Faulkner |
California | Madison |
Calvert | Grant |
Campbell | Lawrence |
Canadian | Mississippi |
Cane Creek | Lincoln |
Cane Creek | Logan |
Cane Hill | Washington |
Cane | White |
Caney | County |
Caney | Little River |
Caney | Montgomery |
Caney | Nevada |
Cargile | Van Buren |
Carlisle | Lonoke |
Carlton | Chicot |
Caroline | Lonoke |
Carpenter | Clay |
Carroll | Ouachita |
Carrollton | Boone |
Carrollton | Carroll |
Carson | Mississippi |
Carter | Ashley |
Casa | Perry |
Caswell | Calhoun |
Catholic Point | Conway |
Cauthron | Logan |
Cauthron | Scott |
Cave | Sharp |
Cedar Creek | Crawford |
Cedar Creek | Marion |
Cedar Falls | Conway |
Cedar | Carroll |
Cedar | Polk |
Cedar | Scott |
Cedarville | Crawford |
Center Point | Howard |
Center Post | Cleburne |
Center | Montgomery |
Center | Polk |
Center | Pope |
Center | Prairie |
Center | Sebastian |
Center | Washington |
Centerville | Yell |
Chalk Bluff | Clay |
Champagnolle | Calhoun |
Cherokee | Benton |
Cherokee | Sharp |
Cherry Hill | Perry |
Chester | Arkansas |
Chester | Crawford |
Chester | Dallas |
Chickasawba | Mississippi |
Choctaw | Lincoln |
Choctaw | Van Buren |
Chrisp | White |
Claiborne | Izard |
Clark | Clay |
Clark | Greene |
Clark | Logan |
Clark | Pike |
Clark | Pope |
Clay | Bradley |
Clay | Howard |
Clay | White |
Clayton | Cleburne |
Clayton | Desha |
Clear Creek | Drew |
Clear Creek | Hot Spring |
Clear Creek | Sevier |
Clear Lake | Mississippi |
Cleburne | Monroe |
Cleburne | Phillips |
Cleveland | Clay |
Cleveland | Fulton |
Cleveland | Little River |
Cleveland | Lonoke |
Cleveland | Miller |
Cleveland | Ouachita |
Cleveland | Phillips |
Cleveland | White |
Clifton | Faulkner |
Coal | Scott |
Cobb | Franklin |
Coffey | White |
Coin | Carroll |
Coldwater | Cross |
Coldwell | White |
Cole | Sebastian |
Collier | Greene |
Collins | Drew |
Columbia | Randolph |
Colville | Benton |
Cominto | Drew |
Compton | Yell |
Convenience | Pope |
Cornie | Union |
Cotton Plant | County |
Council | Lee |
County Line | Howard |
Cove City | Crawford |
Cove Creek | Washington |
Cove | Polk |
Cow Lake | Jackson |
Craig | Van Buren |
Cravens | Franklin |
Crawford | Washington |
Crawford | Yell |
Crockett | Arkansas |
Crockett | Marion |
Crook | Drew |
Crooked Creek | Lonoke |
Crooked Creek | Marion |
Crosby | White |
Cross | Carroll |
Crowley | Greene |
Culpepper | Van Buren |
Current River | Randolph |
Cushman | Independence |
Cut Off | Miller |
Cypert | White |
Cypress Ridge | Monroe |
Cypress | Faulkner |
Cypress | Phillips |
Dallas | Calhoun |
Dalton | Randolph |
Danley | Faulkner |
Danville | Yell |
Dardanelle | Yell |
Darysaw | Grant |
Davidson | Sharp |
Davis | Van Buren |
Days Creek | Miller |
Dayton | Sebastian |
De Bastrop | Ashley |
De Roan | Hempstead |
De Roche | Hot Spring |
De Soto | Marion |
De View | County |
Dean Springs | Crawford |
Decatur | Benton |
Dekalb | Grant |
Delaware | Logan |
Demun | Randolph |
Denmark | White |
Dent | County |
Dent | Lawrence |
Denton | Scott |
Departee | Independence |
Des Arc | Prairie |
Des Arc | White |
Diamond | Sebastian |
Dickerson-Hill | Johnson |
Dickson | Benton |
Dillard | Howard |
Dixon | Monroe |
Dobson | Poinsett |
Dodd City | Marion |
Dogwood | White |
Donald | Franklin |
Dora | Crawford |
Dortch | Lonoke |
Dota | Independence |
Dover | Hot Spring |
Dover | Pope |
Dowell | Lawrence |
Driggs | Logan |
Dry Fork | Carroll |
Dry Run | Dallas |
Drytown | Izard |
Duckett | Howard |
Dudley Lake | Jefferson |
Duncan | Monroe |
Dunnington | Jefferson |
Durham | Washington |
Dutch Creek | Yell |
Dutch Mills | Washington |
Duty | Lawrence |
Dyer | Crawford |
Dyer | Saline |
Dyess | Mississippi |
Eagle | Bradley |
Eagle | Faulkner |
Eagle | Lonoke |
Eagle | Pike |
Eagle | Polk |
East Fork | Faulkner |
East Roanoke | Randolph |
East Sullivan | Sharp |
Eaton | Lawrence |
Ecore Fabre | Ouachita |
Egypt | Ashley |
El Dorado | Union |
El Paso | White |
Eleven Point | Randolph |
Elixir | Boone |
Elkins | Washington |
Ellis | Cross |
Ellsworth | Logan |
Elm Springs | Washington |
Elon | Ashley |
Emerson | Columbia |
Emmet | Nevada |
Enola | Faulkner |
Esculapia | Benton |
Evening Shade | Greene |
Ewing | Boone |
Extra | Ashley |
Fair Oaks | Cross |
Fairplay | Saline |
Fairview | Independence |
Farmington | Washington |
Farris | Stone |
Faulkner | Polk |
Fayette | Calhoun |
Fayetteville | Washington |
Felker | Benton |
Fenter | Grant |
Fenter | Hot Spring |
Ferguson | Yell |
Flag | Stone |
Flat Creek | Lawrence |
Fleener | Lee |
Fletcher | Lonoke |
Fletcher | Mississippi |
Flint | Benton |
Fogleman | Crittenden |
Fordyce | Dallas |
Fort Chaffee | Sebastian |
Foster | Randolph |
Fourche Lafave | Perry |
Francis | Cleburne |
Francure | White |
Franklin | Calhoun |
Franklin | Carroll |
Franklin | Desha |
Franklin | Drew |
Franklin | Grant |
Franklin | Howard |
Franklin | Izard |
Franklin | Little River |
Franklin | Marion |
Franklin | Stone |
Franklin | Union |
Franks | County |
Franks | St. Francis |
Freedom | Polk |
Freeman | Pope |
Freeman | Woodruff |
Freeo | Ouachita |
French | Lafayette |
Friendship | Greene |
Fulton | Fulton |
Fulton | Polk |
Furlow | Lonoke |
Gainsboro | Independence |
Gaither | Boone |
Galla Rock | Yell |
Galla | Pope |
Gap Springs | Polk |
Gap | Montgomery |
Garden | County |
Garfield | Benton |
Garland | Arkansas |
Garland | Benton |
Garland | Hempstead |
Garland | Miller |
Garland | St. Francis |
Garner | Union |
Garner | White |
Gentry | Benton |
Georgia | Nevada |
Gid | Izard |
Gifford | Hot Spring |
Giles | Cleburne |
Gilkerson | Craighead |
Gilkey | Yell |
Glaize | Jackson |
Glass | Jackson |
Gleghorn | Clay |
Golden Lake | Mississippi |
Goodrum | Lonoke |
Goodwin | St. Francis |
Goshen | Washington |
Gould | Lincoln |
Grant | Johnson |
Grassey | Cleburne |
Gravel Hill | White |
Gravelly Hill | Yell |
Gray | Lonoke |
Gray | White |
Greenbrier | Independence |
Greenfield | Craighead |
Greenfield | Monroe |
Greenfield | Poinsett |
Greenland | Washington |
Greenwood | Baxter |
Greenwood | Poinsett |
Gregory | Conway |
Griffin | Conway |
Griffin | Pope |
Griggs | St. Francis |
Griggs | Van Buren |
Grove | Newton |
Grover | Baxter |
Grover | Franklin |
Grubbs | Jackson |
Guion | Izard |
Gum Log | Pope |
Gum Pond | Arkansas |
Gum Springs | White |
Gum Woods | Lonoke |
Guthrie | Izard |
Guthrie | White |
Hadley | Lafayette |
Hale | Garland |
Half Moon Lake | Mississippi |
Halley | Desha |
Hamilton | Lonoke |
Hampton | Lee |
Hampton | Marion |
Hardin | Faulkner |
Hardy | Lee |
Hardy | Sharp |
Harmon | Washington |
Harper | Cleveland |
Harris | Stone |
Harrison | Hot Spring |
Harrison | Union |
Harrison | White |
Hartford | Sebastian |
Hartsell | White |
Hartsugg | Van Buren |
Harve | Faulkner |
Haskell | Saline |
Hasty | Newton |
Hays | Greene |
Haywood | Clay |
Hazen | Prairie |
Healing Springs | Cleburne |
Heber | Cleburne |
Hector | Mississippi |
Henderson | Hot Spring |
Henderson | Union |
Henton | Arkansas |
Herndon | Craighead |
Herring | Yell |
Heth | St. Francis |
Hickey | Johnson |
Hickman | Scott |
Hickory Grove | Newton |
Hickory Plain | Prairie |
Hickory Ridge | Cross |
Hickory Ridge | Phillips |
Hickory | Carroll |
Hicksville | Phillips |
Hico | Benton |
Higgins | Conway |
Higginson | White |
Highland | Sharp |
Hilburn | Madison |
Hill | Independence |
Hill | Pulaski |
Hindman | Monroe |
Hogan | Franklin |
Holiday Island | Carroll |
Holland | Saline |
Holley | Van Buren |
Holly Creek | Howard |
Holly Springs | Dallas |
Homan | Miller |
Hon | Scott |
Hoover | Benton |
Hopewell | Greene |
Hornor | Phillips |
Horsehead | Johnson |
Hot Springs | Garland |
Houston | Perry |
Howard | Conway |
Howell | Johnson |
Hudgin | Cleveland |
Hudson | Newton |
Huey | Calhoun |
Huff | Independence |
Hunt | Scott |
Hurricane | Cleveland |
Hurricane | Franklin |
Hurricane | Greene |
Hurricane | Saline |
Illinois | County Washington |
Illinois | Pope |
Independence | Baxter |
Independence | Lee |
Independence | Marion |
Indian Bayou | Lonoke |
Indian Rock | Van Buren |
Ingram | Randolph |
Ions Creek | Yell |
Isbell | Lonoke |
Island | Sebastian |
Ivy | Franklin |
Jackson | Boone |
Jackson | Calhoun |
Jackson | Crittenden |
Jackson | Dallas |
Jackson | Little River |
Jackson | Monroe |
Jackson | Nevada |
Jackson | Newton |
Jackson | Pope |
Jackson | Randolph |
Jackson | Sharp |
Jackson | Union |
Jackson | White |
James Creek | Marion |
James | Scott |
Janes Creek | Randolph |
Japton | Madison |
Jasper | Crawford |
Jasper | Crittenden |
Jeff Davis | Little River |
Jefferson | Boone |
Jefferson | Calhoun |
Jefferson | Desha |
Jefferson | Independence |
Jefferson | Izard |
Jefferson | Jackson |
Jefferson | Jefferson |
Jefferson | Little River |
Jefferson | Marion |
Jefferson | Newton |
Jefferson | Ouachita |
Jefferson | Saline |
Jefferson | Sevier |
Jefferson | White |
Jesup | Lawrence |
Jewell | Little River |
Jim Fork | Sebastian |
Johnson | Clay |
Johnson | Little River |
Johnson | Logan |
Johnson | St. Francis |
Johnson | Union |
Johnson | Washington |
Jones | Greene |
Jones | Newton |
Jones | Scott |
Jones | Stone |
Jonesboro | Craighead |
Joy | White |
Keaton | Arkansas |
Keener | Scott |
Keesee | Marion |
Keeter | Marion |
Keevil | Monroe |
Kenney | Perry |
Kensett | White |
Kentucky | Madison |
Kentucky | Newton |
Kentucky | Saline |
Kentucky | White |
Kibler | Crawford |
Kilgore | Clay |
Kimbrough | Lincoln |
King | Johnson |
Kings River | Carroll |
Kings River | Madison |
Kingsland | Cleveland |
Knob | Clay |
La Fave | Scott |
La Grange | Lafayette |
La Grue | Arkansas |
Lacrosse | Izard |
Lafayette | Lonoke |
Lafayette | Ouachita |
Lafayette | Scott |
Lafferty | Izard |
Lake City | Craighead |
Lake Hamilton | Garland |
Lake | Greene |
Lake | Perry |
Lake | Phillips |
Lamar | Madison |
Lamar | Yell |
Lamb | Scott |
Lancaster | Crawford |
L'Anguille | St. Francis |
Lapile | Union |
Lave Creek | Sharp |
Laverna | Montgomery |
Lawrence | Lawrence |
Leake | Nevada |
Lee | Boone |
Lee | Cleveland |
Lee | Johnson |
Lees Creek | Crawford |
Lees Creek | Washington |
Lemmons | Clay |
Lester | Craighead |
Lewis | Scott |
Liberty | Carroll |
Liberty | Dallas |
Liberty | Independence |
Liberty | Marion |
Liberty | Ouachita |
Liberty | Pope |
Liberty | Saline |
Liberty | Stone |
Liberty | Van Buren |
Liberty | White |
Lick Creek | Little River |
Lick Mountain | Conway |
Liddell | Clay |
Limestone | Franklin |
Lincoln | Madison |
Lincoln | Newton |
Lincoln | Washington |
Linn Creek | Van Buren |
Litteral | Washington |
Little Black | Randolph |
Little River | Little River |
Little River | Mississippi |
Little River | Poinsett |
Little Texas | Craighead |
Little Texas | Scott |
Live Oak | Drew |
Locke | Crawford |
Locust Grove | Stone |
Logan | Baxter |
Logan | Benton |
Logan | Independence |
Logan | Logan |
Lon Norris | Sebastian |
Lone Hill | Hot Spring |
Lone Pine | Count Lincoln y |
Lone Rock | Baxter |
Long Creek | Boone |
Long Creek | Carroll |
Long Creek | Searcy |
Longview | Ashley |
Lonoke | Lonoke |
Low Gap | Johnson |
Low Gap | Newton |
Lower North | Sharp |
Lower Surrounded Hill | Prairie |
Lucas | Crittenden |
Lunenburg | Izard |
Lunsford | Poinsett |
Madison | Grant |
Madison | Howard |
Madison | St. Francis |
Magazine | Yell |
Magness | Independence |
Magness | Lonoke |
Magnet | Hot Spring |
Magnolia | Columbia |
Main Shore | Greene |
Mammoth Spring | Fulton |
Manchester | Dallas |
Marble Falls | Newton |
Marble | Madison |
Marble | Saline |
Marcella | Stone |
Marie Saline | Ashley |
Marion | Bradley |
Marion | Drew |
Marion | Lawrence |
Marion | Ouachita |
Marion | Phillips |
Marion | Sebastian |
Marion | White |
Marrs Hill | Washington |
Mars Hill | Lafayette |
Marshall | White |
Marshell | Independence |
Martin | Conway |
Martin | Pope |
Mason | Yell |
Mason Valley | Benton |
Matney | Baxter |
Matthews | Faulkner |
Maumelle | Craighead |
Maumelle | Perry |
Mazarn | Montgomery |
McFall | Arkansas |
McGavock | Mississippi |
McHue | Independence |
McIlroy | Franklin |
McJester | Cleburne |
McKennon | Johnson |
McLaren | Conway |
McNeil | Columbia |
McRae | White |
Melton | Jefferson |
Merry Green | Grant |
Middle | Franklin |
Midway | Hot Spring |
Mill Bayou | Arkansas |
Mill Creek | Ashley |
Mill Creek | Franklin |
Mill Creek | Izard |
Mill Creek | Lincoln |
Mill Creek | Madison |
Mill Creek | Polk |
Mill Creek | Scott |
Mill Creek | Sevier |
Mill | Baxter |
Miller | Cleveland |
Miller | Franklin |
Mine Creek | Hempstead |
Mineral Springs | Howard |
Mineral | Sevier |
Mississippi | Crittenden |
Mississippi | Desha |
Mississippi | Sebastian |
Missouri | Nevada |
Missouri | Ouachita |
Missouri | Pike |
Mitchell | Cross |
Monroe | Mississippi |
Monroe | Sevier |
Mont Sandels | Sebastian |
Montgomery | Hot Spring |
Montgomery-Smalley | Monroe |
Montrose | Ashley |
Mooney | Phillips |
Moorefield | Independence |
Moreland | Pope |
Morgan | Cleburne |
Morgan | Franklin |
Morgan | Lawrence |
Morgan | Sharp |
Moro | Bradley |
Moro | Calhoun |
Morris | Arkansas |
Morrow | Washington |
Mound City | Crittenden |
Mount Calm | Fulton |
Mount Olive | Izard |
Mount Pisgah | White |
Mount Pleasant | Scott |
Mount Pleasant | Searcy |
Mount Vernon | Benton |
Mount Vernon | Faulkner |
Mountain Home | Baxter |
Mountain | Cleburne |
Mountain | Faulkner |
Mountain | Franklin |
Mountain | Howard |
Mountain | Logan |
Mountain | Pike |
Mountain | Polk |
Mountain | Scott |
Mountain | Van Buren |
Mountain | Washington |
Mountain | Yell |
Mountainburg | Crawford |
Muddy Fork | Howard |
Muddy Fork | Pike |
Mulberry | Crawford |
Mulberry | Franklin |
Mulberry | Johnson |
Murray | Newton |
Myatt | Fulton |
Nashville | Howard |
Neal | Mississippi |
Nelson | Clay |
Nettleton | Craighead |
New Hope | Izard |
New Tennessee | Perry |
Newburg | Izard |
Newcomb | Saline |
Newton | Faulkner |
Nichols | Conway |
Niven | Cleveland |
Niven | Jefferson |
Nix | Dallas |
Noland | Hempstead |
Norphlet | Union |
North Big Rock | Sharp |
North Fork | Baxter |
North Fork | Marion |
North Harrison | Boone |
North Joe Burleson | Marion |
North Lebanon | Sharp |
North Union | Sharp |
North Yocum | Carroll |
Northwest | Stone |
Oak Bluff | Clay |
Oak Forest | Lee |
Oak Grove | Lonoke |
Oil Trough | Independence |
O'Kean | Randolph |
Old Hickory | Conway |
Old River | Jefferson |
Oliver Springs | Crawford |
Oliver | Scott |
Olvey | Boone |
Omaha | Boone |
Omega | Carroll |
Optimus | Stone |
Osage | Benton |
Osage | Carroll |
Osage | Newton |
Otter | Saline |
Ouachita | Bradley |
Ouachita | Hot Spring |
Ouachita | Polk |
Owen | Dallas |
Owen | Lincoln |
Owen | Poinsett |
Owen | Saline |
Oxford | Izard |
Oxley | Searcy |
Ozan | Hempstead |
Ozark | Polk |
Ozark | Sharp |
Packard Springs | Carroll |
Palarm | Faulkner |
Palestine | Bradley |
Paraclifta | Sevier |
Parker | Nevada |
Parks | Montgomery |
Parks | Scott |
Pastoria | Jefferson |
Payne | Clay |
Pencil Bluff | Montgomery |
Pennington | Bradley |
Perry | Johnson |
Perry | Perry |
Peter Creek | Cleburne |
Petit Jean | Conway |
Petit Jean | Logan |
Petit Jean | Perry |
Pettus | Lonoke |
Phoenix | Pope |
Pickens | Cleburne |
Pigeon | Baxter |
Pike City | Pike |
Pine Mountain | Faulkner |
Pine Ridge | Monroe |
Pine | Cleburne |
Piney Fork | Sharp |
Piney | Carroll |
Piney | Cleburne |
Pittsburg | Johnson |
Planters | Chicot |
Pleasant Hill | Izard |
Pleasant Hill | Newton |
Pleasant Ridge | Fulton |
Plum Bayou | Jefferson |
Plumlee | Newton |
Poff | Cleburne |
Point Deluce | Arkansas |
Point | Woodruff |
Poland | Greene |
Polk | Calhoun |
Polk | Montgomery |
Polk | Newton |
Pollard | Clay |
Polo | Carroll |
Ponca | Newton |
Porter | Crawford |
Portland | Ashley |
Potter | Polk |
Powell | Craighead |
Prairie Grove | Washington |
Prairie | Arkansas |
Prairie | Ashley |
Prairie | Boone |
Prairie | Carroll |
Prairie | Craighead |
Prairie | Franklin |
Prairie | Hot Spring |
Prairie | Johnson |
Prairie | Lonoke |
Prairie | Madison |
Prairie | Marion |
Prairie | Newton |
Prairie | Searcy |
Prairie | Sebastian |
Prairie | St. Francis |
Prairie | Washington |
Prairie | Yell |
Price | Washington |
Princeton | Dallas |
Proctor | Crittenden |
Promised Land | Craighead |
Promised Land | Lawrence |
Pulaski | Lonoke |
Pumpkin Bend | County |
Purdy | Madison |
Randolph | Desha |
Rankin | Perry |
Raymond | Monroe |
Red Colony | Sevier |
Red Fork | Desha |
Red Hill | Ouachita |
Red Lick | Johnson |
Red River | Little River |
Red River | Miller |
Red River | Searcy |
Red River | Stone |
Red River | Van Buren |
Red River | White |
Red Stripe | Stone |
Redland | Cleveland |
Redland | Hempstead |
Redland | Nevada |
Reed | Washington |
Reeds Creek | Lawrence |
Relief | Independence |
Reveilee | Logan |
Reyno | Randolph |
Reynolds | Greene |
Rheas Mill | Washington |
Rich Mountain | Polk |
Richardson | Randolph |
Richland | Desha |
Richland | Jefferson |
Richland | Lee |
Richland | Little River |
Richland | Madison |
Richland | Monroe |
Richland | Newton |
Richland | Washington |
Richland | Yell |
Richwoods | Jackson |
Richwoods | Lawrence |
Richwoods | Lonoke |
Richwoods | Sharp |
Richwoods | Stone |
Riley | Yell |
Rison | Cleveland |
River | Bradley |
River | Calhoun |
River | Grant |
River | Logan |
River | Ouachita |
Roane | Lafayette |
Roasting Ear | Stone |
Roberts | Jefferson |
Roc Roe | Monroe |
Roc Roe | Prairie |
Rock Creek | Searcy |
Rogers | Sebastian |
Roller Ridge | Benton |
Rose Creek | Perry |
Roseville | Logan |
Rosie | Independence |
Round Prairie | Benton |
Rover | Yell |
Rowell | Cleveland |
Royal | White |
Ruddell | Independence |
Rudy | Crawford |
Running Lake | Randolph |
Russell | Lafayette |
Russell | White |
Sage | Izard |
Salado | Independence |
Salem | Greene |
Salem | Saline |
Saline | Cleburne |
Saline | Cleveland |
Saline | Drew |
Saline | Hempstead |
Saline | Hot Spring |
Saline | Howard |
Saline | Pike |
Saline | Sevier |
Saratoga | Howard |
Scott | Lonoke |
Scott | Mississippi |
Scott | Poinsett |
Scott | Sharp |
Searcy | Cross |
Self Creek | Pike |
Shady Grove | Greene |
Shady Grove | Searcy |
Shaw | Saline |
Sherman | Johnson |
Shiloh | Randolph |
Shoal Creek | Logan |
Shores | Franklin |
Short Mountain | Logan |
Shumaker | Calhoun |
Siloam | Randolph |
Silver Lake | Desha |
Simpson | Grant |
Six Mile | Franklin |
Six Mile | Logan |
Smackover | County |
Smackover | Union |
Smart | Stone |
Smith | Cleveland |
Smith | Cross |
Smith | Dallas |
Smith | Lincoln |
Smith | Saline |
Smyrna | Pope |
South Big Rock | Sharp |
South Fork | Fulton |
South Fork | Montgomery |
South Harrison | Boone |
South Joe Burleson | Marion |
South Lebanon | Sharp |
South Union | Sharp |
South Yocum | Carroll |
Southall | Dallas |
Spadra | Johnson |
Spring Creek | Lee |
Spring Creek | Phillips |
Spring Grove | Greene |
Spring Hill | Drew |
Spring River | Lawrence |
Spring River | Randolph |
Spring | Jefferson |
Spring | Lincoln |
Spring | Searcy |
Springdale | Washington |
Springhill | Hempstead |
St. Francis | Clay |
St. Francis | Greene |
St. Francis | Lee |
St. Francis | Phillips |
St. Joe | Searcy |
St. Vincent | Conway |
Stanley | Arkansas |
Starr Hill | Washington |
Steel | Lafayette |
Steele | Conway |
Stonewall | Johnson |
Strawberry | Fulton |
Strawberry | Izard |
Strawberry | Lawrence |
Strawberry | Sharp |
Sugar Camp | Cleburne |
Sugar Creek | Benton |
Sugar Creek | Greene |
Sugar Creek | Logan |
Sugar Loaf | Boone |
Sugar Loaf | Cleburne |
Sugarloaf | Marion |
Sugarloaf | Sebastian |
Sulphur Springs | Benton |
Sulphur Springs | Yell |
Sulphur | Miller |
Sulphur | Montgomery |
Summit | Boone |
Summit | Marion |
Sumpter | Bradley |
Swain | Clay |
Swayne | Mississippi |
Sylamore | Stone |
Talladega | Jefferson |
Tappan | Phillips |
Tate | Scott |
Taylor | Columbia |
Taylor | Craighead |
Taylor | Nevada |
Telico | St. Francis |
Tennessee | Grant |
Texas | Craighead |
Texas | Lee |
Thacker | Lawrence |
Thompson | Pike |
Timbo | Stone |
Tollette | Howard |
Tomahawk | Searcy |
Tomlinson | Logan |
Tomlinson | Scott |
Tontitown | Washington |
Totten | Lonoke |
Traskwood | Saline |
Tubal | Union |
Turkey Creek | Stone |
Twist | Cross |
Tyler | Perry |
Tyler | Prairie |
Tyronza | Crittenden |
Tyronza | Cross |
Tyronza | Poinsett |
Umpire | Howard |
Union | Ashley |
Union | Baxter |
Union | Conway |
Union | Faulkner |
Union | Fulton |
Union | Greene |
Union | Independence |
Union | Izard |
Union | Jackson |
Union | Lee |
Union | Marion |
Union | Nevada |
Union | Ouachita |
Union | Perry |
Union | Prairie |
Union | Randolph |
Union | Saline |
Union | Stone |
Union | Van Buren |
Union | White |
Union Valley | Perry |
Uniontown | Crawford |
Upper North | Sharp |
Upper Surrounded Hill | Prairie |
Upper | Crawford |
Upper | Sebastian |
Valley | Cleburne |
Valley | Hot Spring |
Valley | Madison |
Valley | Ouachita |
Valley | Pope |
Valley | Washington |
Van Buren | Crawford |
Van Buren | Newton |
Van Buren | Union |
Vaugine | Jefferson |
Veasey | Drew |
Velvet Ridge | White |
Venus | Madison |
Victoria | Jefferson |
Vidette | Fulton |
Village | Columbia |
Village | Jackson |
Villemont | Jefferson |
Vine Prairie | Crawford |
Vineyard | Washington |
Violet Hill | Izard |
Wager | Benton |
Waldo | Columbia |
Walker Creek | Lafayette |
Walker | Faulkner |
Walker | Franklin |
Walker | White |
Wallace | Benton |
Wallace | Franklin |
Wallace | Little River |
Wallaceburg | Hempstead |
Walls | Lonoke |
Walnut Corner | Greene |
Walnut Lake | Desha |
Walnut | Benton |
Walnut | Montgomery |
Wappanocca | Crittenden |
War Eagle | Benton |
War Eagle | Madison |
Ward | Johnson |
Ward | Lonoke |
Ward | Yell |
Warm Springs | Randolph |
Washburn | Logan |
Washburn | Sebastian |
Washington | Benton |
Washington | Bradley |
Washington | Conway |
Washington | Fulton |
Washington | Grant |
Washington | Independence |
Washington | Jefferson |
Washington | Ouachita |
Washington | Sevier |
Washington | Sharp |
Washington | Stone |
Washington | Van Buren |
Washita | Montgomery |
Watalula | Franklin |
Watensaw | Prairie |
Water Creek | Hempstead |
Water Creek | Marion |
Water Valley | Randolph |
Waveland | Yell |
Weaver | Franklin |
Wedington | Washington |
Welborn | Conway |
Wells Bayou | Lincoln |
Wesson | Union |
West Fork | Washington |
West Prairie | Poinsett |
West Roanoke | Randolph |
West Sullivan | Sharp |
Wharton Creek | Madison |
Wheatley | St. Francis |
Wheeler | Van Buren |
Wheeler | Washington |
White Eagle | Conway |
White Oak | Cleveland |
White Oak | Franklin |
White Oak | Sebastian |
White River | County |
White River | Independence |
White River | Izard |
White River | Madison |
White River | Marion |
White River | Prairie |
White River | Washington |
White Rock | Franklin |
White | Ashley |
White | Newton |
White | Pike |
White | Polk |
Whiteville | Baxter |
Whiteville | Cleveland |
Whiteville | Jefferson |
Whitley | Crawford |
Whittington | Garland |
Whitton | Mississippi |
Wilburn | Cleburne |
Wiley | Randolph |
Wileys Cove | Searcy |
Williams | Lonoke |
Willis | Poinsett |
Willow | Dallas |
Wilmington | Union |
Wilmot | Ashley |
Wilson | Clay |
Wilson | Faulkner |
Wilson | Fulton |
Wilson | Pope |
Wilson | Stone |
Winfrey | Crawford |
Winona | Carroll |
Winslow | Washington |
Wittich | Franklin |
Wolf Creek | Pike |
Womble | Montgomery |
Wycough | Independence |
Wye | Perry |
Wyman | Washington |
Wynne | Cross |
Yell | Benton |
York | Lonoke |
Zinc | Boone |
Zent | Monroe |
- Barnes, Royl S. (1957). Facts, Figures and Functions of Arkansas State and Local Government. Camden, Arkansas: The Hurley Company, Inc. pp. 312–313. OCLC 03692535.
Further reading
- Allen, Desmond Walls (1994). Arkansas Township Digest: Minor Civil Divisions, 1820-1990. Arkansas Research. ISBN 9780941765923.