American and British English pronunciation differences
Differences in pronunciation between American English (AmE) and British English (BrE) can be divided into
- differences in accent (i.e. phoneme inventory and realisation). See differences between General American and Received Pronunciation for the standard accents in the United States and Britain; for information about other accents see regional accents of English speakers.
- differences in the pronunciation of individual words in the lexicon (i.e. phoneme distribution). In this article, transcriptions use Received Pronunciation (RP) to represent BrE and General American (GAm) to represent AmE.
Comparison of American and British English |
Keyboards |
Grammar |
Speech |
Spelling |
Vocabulary |
Works |
In the following discussion:
- superscript A2 after a word indicates that the BrE pronunciation of the word is a common variant in AmE.
- superscript B2 after a word indicates that the AmE pronunciation of the word is a common variant in BrE.
- superscript A1 after a word indicates that the pronunciation given as BrE is also the most common variant in AmE.
- superscript B1 after a word indicates that the pronunciation given as AmE is also the most common variant in BrE.
Subscript a or b means that the relevant unstressed vowel is also reduced to /ə/ or /ɪ/ in AmE or BrE, respectively.
French stress
For many loanwords from French, AmE has final-syllable stress, while BrE stresses an earlier syllable. French loanwords that differ in stress only are listed below.
BrE | AmE | words with relevant syllable stressed in each dialect[1] |
1st | 2nd | débâcleB2[nb 1] |
2nd | 1st | artisanalA1, liaisonabA2*[nb 2], macraméab, moustache/mustache,[nb 3] Renaissance,ab[nb 4] reveille[nb 5] |
1st | last | ballet, bandeau, barragea,[nb 6] batonab*, beignet, bereta[nb 7], bidet, blaséA2, bouclé, bouffantA2, [nb 8] bourrée, brasserieb, brassièreab, brevetabA2,[2] brochureb*B2,[nb 9][3] brûlée, buffeta,[nb 10][4] bustier,[nb 11] cachetA2, café*a*b, caffeineA2, calvados,[nb 12] canardaB1,[5] chagrina, chaletA2, chassé, château, chauffeurA2, cliché*a, collagea*B2, cornet, crochet, croissant*a, croquet, debrisaA2,[nb 13] debut, décorA2, démarche, demimonde, denier,[nb 14] detailaA2, détente, duvet, épée, figurineB2, filetb,[nb 15][6] flambé,[nb 16] fouetté, foulard, frappé, fricandeau, frisson, frontier, garageaB2,[nb 17] gâteau, glacé, gourmetA2, lamé,[nb 18] lingerie,[nb 19] manqué, massif, massage, matinée, métier, mirageB2, moiré, montage, negligeeA2, névé, nonchalantbA2, nondescript, nouveau, outré, parfait, parquet*b, pastelbB2, pastilleb,[nb 20] pâté,[nb 21] peignoir, pension,[nb 22] pissoir, plateau, précisA2, protégébB2,[nb 23][8] purée, ragout, rapport, rentier, risqué, rosé, roué, rouleau, rusé, sachet, salona, saté, sauté, savantabA2, soignée, soirée, solfège,[9] sorbeta,[nb 24][10] sortie, soufflé, soupçon,[11] tableau, tonneau, touché, toupée, triage, trousseau, vaccine, valet, vermouthB2, vol-au-vent.
Also some French names, including: Argand,[nb 25] Avignona[nb 26][12] Beauvoir,[nb 27][13] Bizet,[nb 28][14] Blériot,[nb 29][15] Boulez,[nb 30][16] Calais,[nb 31][17] Cambray,[nb 32][18] Cartier,[nb 33][19] Chablis,[nb 34][20] Chamonix,[nb 35][21] Chabrier,[nb 36][22] Chardonnay,[nb 37][23] Chirac,[nb 38][24] Chopin,[nb 39][25] Citroën,[nb 40] Cocteau,[nb 41][26] Dakar,[nb 42][27] Dauphin,[nb 43][28] Dauphine,[nb 44][29] Degas,[nb 45][30] Depardieu,[nb 46][31] Dijon,[nb 47][32] Dumas,[nb 48][33] Flaubert,[nb 49][34] Foucault,[nb 50][35] Franglais,[nb 51] Gerard,[nb 52][36] Godard,[nb 53][37] Lascaux,[nb 54][38] Lyon,[nb 55][39] Mallarmé,[nb 56][40] Manet,[nb 57][41] Marat,[nb 58][42] Massenet,[nb 59] Maurice,[nb 60][43] Millais,[nb 61][44] Molière,[nb 62][45] Monet,[nb 63][46] Perpignan,[nb 64][47] Perrault,[nb 65][48] Perrier,[nb 66] Peugeot,[nb 67] Piaf,[nb 68][49] Poirot,[nb 69][50] Poitiers,[nb 70][51] Poussin,[nb 71][52] Rabelais,[nb 72][53] Renaulta,[nb 73][54] Rimbaud,[nb 74][55] Rodin,[nb 75][56] Roget,[nb 76][57] Rouen,[nb 77][58] Rousseau,[nb 78][59] Roussillon,[nb 79][60] Satie,[nb 80][61] Seurat,[nb 81][62] Thoreau,[nb 82][63] Tissot,[nb 83] Truffaut,[nb 84][64] Valois,[nb 85][65] Vouvray,[nb 86][66] Watteau.[nb 87][67] |
last | 1st | addressbA1(noun), cigarette, esquireb*A2, lychee,[nb 88] magazineA2, mayonnaiseA2,[nb 89] penchant,[nb 90] potpourri,[nb 91] shallotA2,[nb 92] solitaire, timbale,[nb 93] tiradeA2, ([bi]p)artisana.B1/2[nb 94] |
2nd | last | accouchement, arrondissement, attaché, au courant, charivari, consomméa, cor anglaisB2, décolleté, déclassé, démodé,[68] dénouement, divertissement,[nb 96] distingué, escargot, exposé, fiancé(e)A2,[nb 97] financier, hors de combat, hotelier, papier-mâché, par excellence, portmanteau, poste restante, rapprochement, retroussé, soi-disant, sommelier.
Also some French names, including: Debussyb, Dubonneta, Élysées, Montpellier, Parmentier, Piaget, Rambouillet. |
Verbs ending in -ate
Most 2-syllable verbs ending in -ate have first-syllable stress in AmE and second-syllable stress in BrE. This includes castrate, collate, cremateA2,[69] curate, dictateA2, donateA2, frustrate, gestate, gradate, gyrate, hydrate, locateA2, migrate, mutate, narratebA2, notate, phonate, placatebB2, prostrate, pulsate, rotate, serrateA2, spectate, stagnate, striate,[70] translateA2, truncate, vacateb*A2,[71] vibrateA2. Examples where AmE and BrE match include conflate, create, debate, equate, elate, inflate, negate; and mandate and probate with first-syllable stress. Derived nouns in -ator retain the distinction, but those in -ation do not. Also, migratoryB2[72] and vibratoryB2[73] sometimes retain the distinction.
Most longer -ate verbs are pronounced the same in AmE and BrE, but a few have first-syllable stress in BrE and second-syllable stress in AmE: elongateaA2, impregnate, inculcate, inculpate, infiltrateA2, remonstrateabA2,[74] sequestrate, tergiversateaA1[nb 98].[75] For some derived adjectives ending -atory stress-shifting to -a(tory)- occurs in BrE. Among these cases are celebratorya[76] (BrE: /ˌsɛlɪˈbreɪtəri/), compensatorya,[77] participatorya,[78] regulatoryaB1.[79] AmE stresses the same syllable as the corresponding -ate verb (except compensatory, where AmE stresses the second syllable). A further -atory difference is laboratoryB2: AmE /ˈlæbərətɔːri/ and BrE /ləˈbɒrətəri/.[80]
Miscellaneous stress
There are a number of cases where same-spelled noun, verb and/or adjective have uniform stress in one dialect but distinct stress in the other (e.g. alternate, prospect): see initial-stress-derived noun.
The following table lists words not brought up in the discussion so far where the main difference between AmE and BrE is in stress. Usually, it also follows a reduction of the unstressed vowel. Words marked with subscript A or B are exceptions to this, and thus retains a full vowel in the (relatively) unstressed syllable of AmE or BrE. A subsequent asterisk, *, means that the full vowel is usually retained; a preceding * means that the full vowel is sometimes retained.
Words with other points of difference are listed in a later table.
BrE | AmE | words with relevant syllable stressed in each dialect[1] |
1st | 2nd | AdonaiAB2, adultBAB2, albumen/albumin, aristocrat, Bernard,[nb 99] bitumen, Boudicca, cerebral/cerebrumA2, combatant/combative, communal, complex (adj.), composite, converseA2(adj.),[81] illustrativeA2, Kodály, majusculeA2, miniscule/minuscule, Mosul, omegaA,[nb 100] paprika, patinaA1, perfume (noun), pianistAB2, raceme, Riyadh, sitar, sojourn (verb), stalactiteA2, stalagmiteA2, subalternA2,[nb 101] SuezA2*, thanksgivingABB2, transferenceAA2, travail, UlyssesA |
2nd | 1st | accent (verb)A2, alternate (adj.), amortise/amortize, ancillaryB, archangelB1, Argyle, AugustineBA2, Azores, backfire (verb), banalA2, Bantu, baptize, Baghdad, Balthazar, Byzantine, capillary, capsize, catenary, cervicalAB2,[nb 102] (bi/quin/quater)centenaryB2, circulatory, controversyB1, Corfu, corollary, defence/offenseAA2(sports only), deficitB1,[nb 103] despicableB2, elsewhereABAB2, enquiry/inquiryAA2,[nb 104] epsilon, expletiveA, fritillary,[nb 105] Galbraith, guffawA1,[nb 106][82] hegemony, Hong KongA2, implicative/multiplicative/predicative, Koblenz, lasso, Malay, Mardi Gras, marshmallowAB,[nb 107] maxillary, medullary,[nb 108] metallurgy, miscellany,[nb 109] nomenclatureAB2, obligatory, patronal, pretence/pretenseAA1, princess*AB2,[nb 110] prospect (verb), recluse, recourse, research (noun), resource, respiratory, rupee, salivary, Senegal, saxophonist/xylophonistBB2, skeletalBB2,[nb 111] spinet, spread(-)eagledAB,[83] Stonehenge, stonewall, substratumABA2, tracheaAB2, urinalAB2,[nb 112] vaginalAB2,[nb 113] volatilise/volatilize, wastepaper, waylay, weekendABB2, Zoroaster |
1st | 3rd | opportuneABB2 |
3rd | 1st | Bucharest, Budapest, disciplinary,[nb 114] furthermore, h(a)emoglobinAB, manganese, manateeB2, margarineB, PakistanA2,[84] Panama, PyreneesAB, Singapore, stewardessB2 |
2nd | 3rd | submarinerA2, Yom Kippur |
3rd | 2nd | aboveboard, alumin(i)um, arytenoidA1, CaribbeanA2, centrifugalB2, chimpanzeeA1, obscurantismABA2[85] |
4th | 1st | manageress |
-ary, -ery, -ory, -mony, -ative, -bury, -berry
Where the syllable preceding the suffixes -ary, -ery, -ory, -mony or -ative is unstressed, AmE pronounces the penultimate syllable with a full vowel sound: /-ɛri/ for -ary and -ery, /-ɔːri/ for -ory, /-moʊni/ for -mony and /-eɪtɪv/ -ative. BrE reduces the vowel to a schwa or even elides it completely: [-əri] or [-ri] (hereafter transcribed as /-əri/ in diaphonemic transcription), /-məni/ and /-ətɪv/. So military is AmE /ˈmɪlətɛri/ and BrE /ˈmɪlɪtəri/,[86] inventory is AmE /ˈɪnvəntɔːri/ and BrE /ˈɪnvəntəri/,[87] testimony is AmE /ˈtɛstəmoʊni/ and BrE /ˈtɛstɪməni/[88] and innovative is AmE /ˈɪnoʊveɪtɪv/ or /ˈɪnəveɪtɪv/ and BrE /ˈɪnəvətɪv/.[89] (The elision is avoided in carefully enunciated speech, especially with endings -rary, -rery, -rory.)
Where the syllable preceding -ary, -ery, -ory, -mony or -ative is stressed however, AmE also usually reduces the vowel: /-əri/, /-məni/. Exceptions include library,[90] primaryA2,[91] rosemary.[92] (Pronouncing library as /ˈlaɪbɛri/ rather than /ˈlaɪbrɛri/ is stigmatized in the United States, for example as associated with African-American Vernacular English,[93] whereas in BrE, /ˈlaɪbri/ is common in rapid or casual speech.)
The suffix -berry is pronounced by similar rules, except that in BrE it may be full /-bɛri/ after an unstressed syllable, while in AmE it is usually full in all cases. Thus we have strawberry: BrE /ˈstrɔːbəri/, AmE /ˈstrɔːbɛri/, and whortleberry: BrE/AmE /ˈhwɔːrtəlbɛri/.
The placename component -bury (e.g. Canterbury) has a similar difference: AmE has a full vowel: /-bɛri/ where BrE has a reduced one: /-bəri/.
Note that stress differences between the dialects occur with some words ending in -atory (listed above) and a few others like capillary (included in #Miscellaneous stress above).
Formerly the BrE–AmE distinction for adjectives carried over to corresponding adverbs ending -arily, -erily or -orily. However, nowadays some BrE speakers adopt the AmE practice of shifting the stress to the penultimate syllable: militarily is thus sometimes /ˌmɪlɪˈtɛrɪli/ rather than /ˈmɪlɪtərəli/, and necessarily is in BrE either /ˈnɛsəsərɪli/ or /ˌnɛsəˈsɛrɪli/.[94]
Words ending in unstressed -ile derived from Latin adjectives ending -ilis are mostly pronounced with a full vowel in BrE /aɪl/ but a reduced vowel or syllabic L in AmE /əl/ (e.g. fertile rhymes with fur tile in BrE but with furtle in AmE).
AmE will (unlike BrE, except when indicated withB2) have a reduced last vowel:
- generally in facile, (in)fertile, fissile, fragile, missile, stabile (adjective), sterile, tensile, versatile, virile, volatile
- usually in agile, docile,[nb 115] decile, ductile,[95] futile, hostile, juvenile, (im)mobile (adjective and phone), puerile, tactile
- rarely in domicileB2,[nb 116] erectile, febrileA2,[96][nb 117] infantile, nubile, pensile, percentile, projectile,[97] reptile, senileA2,[nb 118] servile, textile, utile[98]
- never in crocodile, exile, gentile, reconcile; nor to compounds of monosyllables (e.g. turnstile from stile)
In some words the pronunciation /iːl/ also comes into play:
- BrE /aɪl/, AmE /iːl/: c(h)amomileA2, mercantileA2, mobile/stabile (decorations)
- BrE /aɪl/, AmE /ɪl/ or /əl/: motile, prehensile, pulsatile, tractile
- BrE /iːl/, AmE /ɪl/ or /əl/: imbecile
- BrE /ɪl/, AmE /iːl/: rutile (BrE, AmE also /aɪl/)[99]
Related endings -ility, -ilize, -iliary are pronounced the same in AmE as BrE.
The pronunciation of the vowel of the prefix di- in words such as dichotomy, digest (verb), dilate, dilemma, dilute, diluvial, dimension, direct, dissect, disyllable, divagate, diverge, diverse, divert, divest, and divulge as well as their derivational forms vary between /aɪ/ and /ɪ/ or /ə/ in both British and American English.[100]: 237
The suffix -ine,[9] when unstressed, is pronounced sometimes /aɪn/ (e.g. feline), sometimes /iːn/ (e.g. morphine) and sometimes /ɪn/ (e.g. medicine). Some words have variable pronunciation within BrE, or within AmE, or between BrE and AmE. Generally, AmE is more likely to favor /iːn/ or /ɪn/, and BrE to favor /aɪn/.
BrE /aɪn/, AmE (1) /iːn/: carbineA2, FlorentineA2, internecineA2, philistineA2, pristineB2[nb 119], salineA2, serpentineA2.
BrE /aɪn/, AmE (1) /iːn/ (2) /ɪn/: adamantineA2.
BrE /aɪn/, AmE /ɪn/: uterineB2.
BrE /aɪn/, AmE (1) /ɪn/ (2) /aɪn/ (3) /iːn/: crystalline, labyrinthine.[101]
BrE (1) /iːn/, AmE (1) /aɪn/ (2) /ɪn/: strychnineA2.
Effects of the weak vowel merger
The weak vowel merger causes affixes such as -ate (as in climate), be- (before a consonant), de- (as in decide), -ed (with a sounded vowel), -es (with a sounded vowel), -est, -less, -ness, pre- (as in prepare) and re- (before a consonant) to be pronounced with the schwa /ə/ (the a in about), rather than the unstressed /ɪ/ (found in the second syllable of locksmith). Conservative RP uses /ɪ/ in each case, so that before, waited, roses and faithless are pronounced /bɪˈfɔːr, ˈweɪtɪd, ˈroʊzɪz, ˈfeɪθlɪs/, rather than /bəˈfɔːr, ˈweɪtəd, ˈroʊzəz, ˈfeɪθləs/, which are more usual in General American. The pronunciations with /ə/ are gaining ground in RP and in the case of certain suffixes (such as -ate and -less) have become the predominant variants. The noun carelessness is pronounced /ˈkɛərləsnəs/ in modern RP and /ˈkɛərlɪsnɪs/ in conservative RP; both pronunciations typically merge in GA (usually towards the latter). This variation is denoted with the symbol ⟨ᵻ⟩ in some of the dictionaries published by Oxford University Press and in the Routledge Dictionary of Pronunciation of Current English. In the latter, the British pronunciation of climate is transcribed ⟨ˈklʌɪmᵻt⟩, though carelessness is transcribed ⟨ˈkɛːləsnəs⟩.
Affixes such as dis-, in-, -ing and mis- contain /ɪ/ in conservative RP as well as General American and modern RP, so that words such as disloyal or teaching are phonemically /dɪsˈlɔɪəl/ and /ˈtiːtʃɪŋ/ in all three varieties.
Weak forms
The title Saint before a person's name has a weak form in BrE but not AmE: before vowels, /sənt/.[102]
Miscellaneous pronunciation differences
These tables list words pronounced differently but spelled the same. See also the table of words with different pronunciation reflected in the spelling.
Single differences
Words with multiple points of difference of pronunciation are in the table after this one. Accent-based differences are ignored. For example, Moscow is RP /ˈmɒskoʊ/ and GAm /ˈmɒskaʊ/, but only the /oʊ/–/aʊ/ difference is highlighted here, since both the presence of a contrastive /ɒ/ vowel in RP (which falls together with /ɑː/ in GA) and the RP use of [əʊ] rather than [oʊ] are predictable from the accent. Also, tiara is listed with AmE /æ/; the marry–merry–Mary merger changes this vowel for many Americans.
Many sources omit the length marks in transcriptions of AmE, so that words such as father or keep are transcribed /ˈfɑðər/ and /ˈkip/ rather than /ˈfɑːðər/ and /ˈkiːp/. Even though it is not phonemic, vowel length in GA works in a very similar manner to RP, so this is mainly a difference in transcription.
BrE | AmE | Words |
/ɑː/ | /æ/ | Excluding words changed by the trap–bath split,[103] (which affects most southern British speakers and almost no American speakers): banana, cabana, choraleA2, ColoradoA2, finale, Internationale, khakiA2, localeA2, mascara, morale, musicale, NevadaA2,[nb 120][104] pajama(s)A2, PakistaniAB2, pastorale, plaqueB2, rale, rationale, SaharaA2, sarsaparilla, scenarioA2, seraglio, sopranoA2, SudanB2, sultana, tiaraA2. Suffix words ending in -orama/-ramaA2: cyclorama, diorama and panorama. |
/æ/ | /ɑː/ | "A" in the anglicised pronunciation of many foreign names and loanwords,[105] e.g.: Abu Dhabi, Abu Nidal, accelerando, AngstA2, AnkaraA2, aquaA2, Ariosto, Asti, Asunción, Avogadro, Baku, Balaton, banzai, Basra, Białystok, Bratislava, camaraderie, CaracasB2, Carpaccio, CasablancaA2, Casals, caveatA2, Cézanne,[nb 121] chiantiA2, Chiapas, dacha, Dachau, Deus ex machinaA2, d'Annunzio, Delgado, Dushanbe, Dvořák, Francesca, ganja, Gdansk, , gazpacho, gestalt, glissando, goulashA2, grappa, Gulag, gratin, hacienda, HansB2, Haryana, jalapeño, Jaruzelski, Kafka, Kalashnikov, kakemono, kamikaze, Kampala, kampong, kanji, Kant, katakana, kebab,[106] lambada, La Paz, Las (placenames, e.g. Las Vegas)A2, lasagnaB2, latteB2, Lausanne, Lillehammer, Luhansk, macho, mafia, mamba/o, manga, MannA2, mantra, maraca, MarioA2, Mascagni, Mazda, MilanA2, Mohammed, MombasaA2, Pablo PicassoA2, paparazzo, paso doble, pasta, patioA2, Paternoster, Pavlova, pilaf(f), Pusan, quattrocento, Rachmaninoff, Rafsanjani, rallentandoA2, Ramadan, ravioliA2, regattaA2, ritardando, Rwanda, salsa, samba, samizdat, sanitaire, sashimi, sforzando, shiatsu, SlovakA2, squacco, Sri LankaA2, stalag, taco, tagliatelle, trattoria, Traviata, tzatziki, Uganda, Vivaldi, volte-face, wigwam, Wuhan, Yap (island), Yasser/sir, Yerevan |
/ɑː/ | /eɪ/ | charade, cicadaA2, galaAB2,[nb 122] graveA2(accent), pralineB2,[107] promenadeB2(square dancing), strafe, stratumB2,[nb 123][9] tomatoA2 |
/ɑː/ | /ɔː/A2 | Utah |
/eɪ/ | /ɑː/ | agave, swathe |
/æ/ | /eɪ/ | AdolfA2, basil (plant)A2, canineB2, granary, (im)placable, macronA2, pal(a)eo-, patronise/-izeA2, (com/un)patriot(ic)B2, (ex/re)patriate/-ationB2, phalanxA2, plaitA2, Sabine, satrapA2, satyrA2,[9] |
/eɪ/ | /æ/ | apparatusA2, apricotA2, babel, comrade, dahlia,[nb 124] dataA2, digitalisA2, gratisB2, patentB2, rabidB2, statusA2[9] |
/æ/ | /ɒ/ | aquaticA2, twatB2 |
/ɒ/ | /æ/ | quagmireB2,[108] scallopB2, wrath[nb 125] |
/ɔɪ/ | /oʊ/ | Boulogne, Dordogne |
/ɔː/B2 | /oʊ/A2 | Xhosa |
/oʊ/ | /ɔː/ or /ɒ/ | sloth, trothA2, wontA2, wrothB2 |
/ɔː/ | /ɑː/A2 | schmaltz(y) |
/ɒ/ | /ɔː/ | Excluding words changed by the lot-cloth split: alcoholA2, altarB2, alterB2, assaultB2, atollA2, Austin, Australia, Austria, cauliflowerA2, claustrophobia, falseB2, falterB2, faultB2, gnocchiA2[nb 126], haltB2, hydraulicB2, maltB2, parasolA2, saltB2, sausage, vaultB2. Many chemical compounds ending in -ol; for example, butanol, ethanol, methanol, propanol, etc. |
/ɔː/ | /ɒ/A2 | leprechaun[109] |
/æ/ | /ɔː/ | asphalt, mall |
/ɔː(l)/ or /ɒl/[9][110] | /æl/A2 | falcon |
/iː/ | /ɛ/ | Aesculapius, Aeschylus, (a)esthete/-ticB2,[111] an(a)esthetist/-ize, amenityB2,[112] breveA2, D(a)edalus, (d)evolutionB2, eco-A2, ecumenicalB2, epochalB2,[113] esotericB2,[114] h(a)emo-A2, Hephaestus, hygienicA2,[nb 127] KenyaB2, lever(age)A2, methaneB2, OedipusA2, (o)estrogenB2,[115] (o)estrusB2,[116] p(a)edophile, penalizeA2, Ph(a)edrus, predecessorA2, predilectionA2, pyrethrinA2, qu(a)estor, schizophreniaA2, Semite, systemic |
/ɛ/ | /iː/ | crematoriumA2, cretin, depotA2, fetidB2, hedonism/-ist(ic), leisureA2, presentationA2, reconnoit(re/er)A2, zebraB2, zenith |
/iː/ | /eɪ/ | gazeboA2, heinousB2, Mekong, quayA2, reparteeA2. Greek alphabet letters containing eta: beta, theta and zeta. |
/eɪ/ | /iː/ | detourB2, HeleneA2 |
/i/B2 | /eɪ/ | Zimbabwe |
/eɪ/ | /i/ | commedia dell'arte, Haggai,[117] IsraelA2 |
/ɛ/ | /eɪ/ | ateB2, éminence grise, étui, mêléeA2,[9] Pécs, presa |
/eɪ/ | /ɛ/ | again(st)B2, cortègeB2, machete, nonpareil[9] |
/ɛər/ | /eɪ.ər/A2 | mayor |
/ɒ/ | /ʌ/ | coloratura, comme il faut, hoverA2, Somme, Sorbonne. Also the strong forms of these function words: because[nb 128], (every/some/no/any)bodyA2, from, of, was, whatA2 |
/ʌ/ | /ɒ/ | accomplice/-ishB2, colanderB2, conjureA2, constableB2, monetaryA2, -mongerA2 |
/ɒ/ | /oʊ/ | adios, Aeroflot, ayatollah, Barbados, baroqueB2,[118] BoccheriniA2, Bogotá,[nb 129], Carlos, cognacA2, compost, Costa Rica, doldrumsA2, dolo(u)r, groschen, grossoA2, homo-B2, Interpol, KosovoA2, Lod, mocha, olfactoryA2, Pinocchio, pogrom, polkaB2, produce (noun)A2, professorialA2, prophy-(lactic/laxis), realpolitikA2, riposte, Rosh HashanahA2, sconeB2, shone, solsticeA2, Sonia,[119] TolstoyA2, trollB2, yogurtB2.[120] Also, in general, Greek-derived names of places, people, or ideas that end in "-os", for example, ErosA2, ethos,[nb 130] Helios, logos (singular)A2, mythos, pathos,[nb 131] etc.; although chaos follows the British norm in both countries. |
/oʊ/ | /ɒ/ | Adonis, codicilB2,[121] codifyA2, goffer, ogleA2, processA2(noun), projectB2(noun) |
/ɪ/ | /aɪ/ | dynasty, hibiscus, housewifery,[113] idyll, italicA2, pipette, privacyB2,[122] simultaneousA2, sinecure, tinnitus, totalizator, tricolo(u)rB2,[123] trimester, Tyrolean, vitaminB2. See also -ine. |
/aɪ/ | /ɪ/ | butylB2, condyle, cyclic(al)B2, doctrinal, finance/-ialAB2, forsythia, -isation/-izationA2, kinesis/-ticB2, Minotaur, primer (schoolbook),A2 Pythagoras,A2 respite,[nb 132] subsidence/-ent, synapseB2,[nb 133] umbilicalB2. See also -ine.[9] |
/aɪ/ | /eɪ/ | Isaiah |
/aɪ/ | /iː/ | (n)eitherAB2,[nb 134] Pleiades, via. See also -ine. |
/iː/ | /aɪ/ | albino, geyser, migraineB2, oblique (verb),[nb 135] reprise. See also -ine. |
/aɪ/B2 | /i/ | symbiosis/-tic |
/i/ | /aɪ/A2 | In the prefixes anti-, multi- and semi- in loose compounds (e.g. in anti-establishment, but not in antidote). |
/iː/ | /ɪ/ | beenB2,[124] cliqueA2, creekA2, invalid (noun)B2, prima |
/ɪ/ | /iː/ | aphrodisiac, Biarritz, bulimia, memorabilia, pi(t)taB2, prestigiousA2, tricot |
/ɛ/ | /ɑː/ | enclave, envoi/-voy |
/æ/ | /ɛ/A2 | catch, femme fatale, pall-mall[nb 136][9] |
/aʊ/ | /uː/A2 | nous |
/ʊ/ | /ɪ/ | kümmel |
/ʊ/ | /uː/ | Buddha/-ism/-ist, cuckoo, Düsseldorf, Gutiérrez, guru, Ljubljana, Mussolini, Tuzla |
/uː/ | /ʊ/ | boogie-woogie, boulevard,[125] hoofA2, roofAB2, rootA2, snooker, woofA2 (weaving) |
/uː/ | /ə/ | ferrule, fortune |
/ʊr/ | /ɜːr/A2 | courier |
/ʊ/ | /ʌ/A2 | Muslim |
/ʊ/ or /uː/B2 | /ʌ/ | brusque |
/ə/ | /ʌ/ | surplus |
/ʌ/B2 | /(j)uː/ | cumin |
/uː/ | /aʊ/A2 | route |
/oʊ/ | /uː/ | broochA2, provenB2 |
/uː/ | /oʊ/ | cantaloup(e), hecatomb |
/ʌ/ | /oʊ/ | plover |
/oʊ/ | /aʊ/A2 | Moscow |
/ər/ | /ɑːr/A2 | Madagascar |
/ɑːr/ | /ɜːr/ | Berkeley, Berkshire, Cherwell, clerk, derby, Hertford(shire). (The only AmE word with ⟨er⟩ = /ɑːr/ is sergeant.) |
/ɜːr/ | /ɛər/A2 | err |
/ɛər/B2 | /ɜːr/ | Ernst |
/ɛr/ | /ɜːr/A2 | deterrent |
/ɛər/ | /ɪər/ | ampereA2 |
/ɛr/ | /ɪər/A2 | inherent |
/ɪər/ | /ɛr/A2 | coherent, era, hysteria |
/ɜːr/ | /ɪər/ | Irkutsk |
/ɪr/ | /ɜːr/ | chirrupA2, squirrel, stirrupA2, syrupA2 |
/ɜːr/ | /ɔːr/A2 | whorl |
/ɔːr/ | /ər/ | acornA2,[126] record (noun), the weak form of or (occasional in RP) |
/ər/ | /ɔːr/ | Eleanor, metaphorB2, Westmor(e)land |
/ə/ | /ɒ/ | Amazon, anacoluthon, automatonA2, Avon, capon, crampon, crayonA2, Lebanon, lexicon, marathon, (m)ascot, melancholy,[127] myrmidon, OregonA2, pantechnicon, paragon, Parthenon, phenomenon, pylon, python, Rubicon, saffronA2, siliconA2, wainscot. Also any geometric shapes ending in "-agon"; for example, hexagon, octagon, pentagon, polygon, etc. |
/ɒ/ | /ə/ | AesopA2, Amos, condom, despot, EnochA2, ingot, mosquito, sombrero, Winthrop |
/ɒ/ | /ɛ/ | röntgen, Stendhal |
/ə/ | /ɛ/ | accent (noun), nonsense |
/ɛ/ | /ə/, /ɪ/ | congress, Kentucky, parallelepiped[128] |
/ɪ/B2 | /ɛ/ | Manchester, Winchester |
/ɪ/ | /eɪ/ | Ceylon |
/ɪ/B2 | /ə/A2 | Some of the words affected by the weak vowel merger: impetigo, orange, Semitic, etc. See also effects of the weak vowel merger. |
/ə/ | /æ/ | baboonA2, bassoonA2, CapriA2, fastidiousAB2, nasturtiumA2, papooseA2, platoonA2, raccoon, saucepan, taboo, tattoo, toucan, trapeze |
/ə/ | /eɪ/ | DraconianA2, hurricaneB2, legislature, satanic. Also, longer words ending in -ative. |
/eɪ/ | /ə/ | entrailsA2, magistrateA2, portrait, template[129] |
/eɪ/ | /ər/A2 | foyer |
/ɜː/ | /ɛ/ | Göttingen, Koestler |
/ɜː/ | /eɪ/ | föhn |
/ɜː/ | /oʊ/ | Montreux, Schönberg |
/ɜː/ | /ʊ/ or /uː/ | bleu, œuvre, pas de deux |
/ə/ | /ɔː/ | Bofors, Mauritius |
/ə/ | /oʊ/ | anchovy, borough, thorough, varicose, volitionA2. Also place names that end in "-burgh", such as EdinburghA2 and surnames ending in -stone, e.g. Johnstone (see also -ory and -mony). Words prefixed with an unstressed "pro-"A2, with the exceptions of process, progress and project (verb), commonly use either pronunciation in American English; for example, probation, procedure, prohibit, proliferate, prolific, Prometheus, prophetic, propinquity, prorogation, protest (verb), protract, protrude, protuberance/-ant, and Provence. |
/juː/ | /uː/ | Excluding words altered by the yod-dropping phenomenon: barracuda, culotte, pumaA2 |
/uː/ | /juː/ | couponA2, fuchsine, HoustonB2 |
/ju/ | /w/ | conduitA2, iguanaB2,[130] unguent |
/ər/ | /jər/A2 | figure |
/ʊ/ | /jʊ/ | eruditeA2,[131] purulent, virulenceB2 |
/jʊ/ | /ʊ/ | duress, Kuwait, résuméA2[132] |
/jʊər/B2 | /ʊər/ | Excluding words altered by the yod-dropping phenomenon: Honduras |
/ɑː/[nb 137] | /ət/ | nougat |
/oʊ/ | /ɒt/A2 | Huguenot |
/ɜːr/ | /ʊər/A2 | connoisseur, entrepreneur, masseur |
/ʊər/ | /ɜːr/A2 | tournament |
/ɜːz/ | /uːs/ | Betelgeuse, chanteuse, chartreuseA2, masseuse |
/ɜːz/ | /ʊs/ | berceuse |
/z/ | /s/ | AussieA2, blouse (noun), blouson, complaisantA2, crescentB2, dextrose, diagnoseA2, erase, fuselageA2, glasnost, Manresa, mimosa, parse, ruseA2, talisman, treatiseB2, valise, venisonB2, visaA2,[133] xylose |
/s/ | /z/ | asthma, chromosomeA2, Zaragoza |
/ts/ | /z/ | piazzaA2, schnauzer, terrazzo |
/ks/ | /z/ | xi |
/kʃ/ | /ɡʒ/ | luxury |
/ʃ/ | /ʒ/ | AsiaB2, cashmere, PersiaB2, (as/dis)persionA2, (ex/in)cursionB2, (im/sub)mersion, (a/con/di/in/per/re)versionA2 |
/ʒ/ | /ʃ/ | erasure |
/ɡ/ | /dʒ/ | Elgin |
/dʒ/B2 | /tʃ/ | sandwich,[134] spinach |
/tʃ/ | /dʒ/ | Chou (en Lai) |
/tʃ/ | /ʃ/A2 | braggadocio |
/ʃ/ | /tʃ/ | chassis |
/si/ | /ʃ/ | cassiaA2, CassiusA2, DionysiusA2,[135] hessian, Lucius, (ne/omni/pre)scient/-ence, Theodosius |
/sj/B2 | /ʃ/ or /ʃj/ | issue, sexual,[nb 138] tissue |
/zi/ or /si/ | /zi/, /ʒ/, or /ʃ/ | nausea,[136] transient[137] |
/zi/, /zj/ | /ʒ/ | artesianB2, Elysian, FrisianB2, Frasier, glazier, grazier, hosieryB2, IndonesiaB2, MalaysiaB2, Parisian, PolynesiaB2, Rabelaisian, visualB2[138] |
/di/ | /dʒ/ | cordial[nb 139] |
/ti/ | /tʃ/ | bastion,[139] besti(al/ary), celestial,[140] (Se)bastian[141] |
/ti/ | /ʃ/ | consortiumA2,[142] otiose, ratiocinate, sentientB2[143] |
/ʃ/B2[144] | /sk/ | schedule |
/iːʃ/B2 | /ɪtʃ/A2 | niche |
/ð/ | /θ/ | bequeath, boothB2, loath(ful/ly/some)A2, smithyA2, withA2 |
/t/B2 | /θ/ | Anthony |
/t/ | /d/A2 | Excluding words changed by flapping (sometimes described as the /t–d/ merger): Taoism |
/kw/ | /k/ | conquistador, sequoia |
/k/B2 | /kw/ | questionnaire |
/v/B2[nb 140] | /f/ | nephew |
(sounded) | (silent) | Excluding words changed by nasal flapping: bona fideA2, chthonicB2,[113][146] coupé (vehicle), diaper, furore, herbA2,[147] KnossosB2,[148] phthisisB2, ricochetB2, salveA2,[149] solder,[nb 141] (un)toward(s)A2(prep.), B2, vaudeville |
(silent) | (sounded) | Excluding words changed by non-rhoticity: geographyB2, Maupassant, medicineB2, miniature,A2 Nantes, Nehru, physiognomy, schismB2, Singhalese, suggestA2,[9] traitB2, Valenciennes, vehicleA2, Warwick(shire). See also -ary -ery -ory -bury, -berry. |
Multiple differences
Spelling | BrE IPA | AmE IPA | Notes |
advertisement | /ədˈvɜːrtɪsmənt/ | /ˌædvərˈtaɪzmənt/ | Older Americans may use the British pronunciation, and some British dialects use the American pronunciation. |
agent provocateur | /ˌæʒɒ̃ prəˌvɒkəˈtɜːr/ | (1) /ˌɑːʒɒ̃ proʊˌvɒkəˈtʊər/ (2) /ˌɑːʒɒ̃ proʊˌvɒkəˈtɜːr/ |
Ajaccio | /əˈdʒæ(k)sioʊ/ | /ɑːˈjɑːtʃ(i)oʊ/ | BrE approximates more to French [aʒaksjo]; AmE reflects the word's Italian origin [aˈjattʃo]. |
Algarve | (1) /ælˈɡɑːrv/ (2) /ˈælɡɑːrv/ |
/ɑːlˈɡɑːrvə/ | The original Portuguese pronunciation is [alˈɣaɾvɨ]. |
Aloysius | /ˌæloʊˈɪʃəs/ | /ˌæləˈwɪʃəs/ | |
amateur | (1) /ˈæmətər/ (2) /ˌæməˈtɜːr/ |
(1) /ˈæmətʃər/ (2) /ˈæmətjʊər/ |
appliqué | /əˈpliːkeɪ/ | (1) /ˈæplɪkeɪ/ (2) /ˌæplɪˈkeɪ/ |
atelier | /əˈtɛlieɪ/ | (1) /ˈætəljeɪ/ (2) /ˌætəlˈjeɪ/ |
avoirdupois | /ˌævwɑːrdjuːˈpwɑː/ | /ˌævərdəˈpɔɪz/ | |
basalt | /ˈbæsɔːlt/ | (1) /bəˈsɔːlt/ (2) /ˈbeɪsɔːlt/ |
Boccaccio | /bəˈkætʃioʊ/ | /boʊˈkɑːtʃioʊ/ | The original Italian pronunciation is [bokˈkattʃo]. |
böhmite | (1) /ˈbɜːmaɪt/ (2) /ˈboʊmaɪt/ |
(1) /ˈbeɪmaɪt/ (2) /ˈboʊmaɪt/ |
The first pronunciations approximate German [øː] (spelled ⟨ö⟩ or ⟨oe⟩); the second ones are anglicized. |
bœuf | /bɜːf/ | (1) /bʊf/ (2) /bʌf/ (3) /boʊf/ |
The original French pronunciation is [bœf]. |
bolognaise/bolognese | /ˌbɒləˈneɪz/ | /ˌboʊlənˈjeɪz/ | BrE uses two spellings & pronounced /ˌbɒləˈneɪz/. In AmE the word is usually spelled bolognese & pronounced /ˌboʊlənˈjeɪz/. |
bouquet | (1) /buːˈkeɪ/ (2) /ˈbuːkeɪ/ |
(1) /buːˈkeɪ/ (2) /boʊˈkeɪ/ |
boyar | (1) /ˈbɔɪɑːr/ (2) /ˈboʊjɑːr/ |
(1) /boʊˈjɑːr/ (2) /ˈbɔɪər/ |
Buchenwald | /ˈbuːkənvæld/ | /ˈbuːkənwɑːld/ | The original German pronunciation is [ˈbuːxn̩valt]. |
buoyA2 | /ˈbɔɪ/ | /ˈbuːi/ | The British pronunciation occurs in America more commonly for the verb than the noun; still more in derivatives buoyant, buoyancy & lifebuoy. |
Burkina Faso | /bɜːrˈkiːnəˈfæsoʊ/ | /bʊərˈkiːnəˈfɑːsoʊ/ | |
canton | /kænˈtuːn/ | (1) /kænˈtɒn/ (2) /kænˈtoʊn/ |
difference is only in military sense "to quarter soldiers" other senses can have stress on either syllable in both countries. |
caramelA2 | /ˈkærəməl/ | (1) /ˈkɑːrməl/ (2) /ˈkærəmɛl/ |
carburettor/carburetor | (1) /ˌkɑːrbjʊˈrɛtər/ (2) /ˈkɑːrbərɛtər/ |
/ˈkɑːrbəreɪtər/ | BrE is spelled carburettor & pronounced /ˌkɑːrbjʊˈrɛtər/ or /ˈkɑːrbərɛtər/. In AmE the word is usually spelled carburetor & pronounced /ˈkɑːrbəreɪtər/. |
cheong sam | /ˈtʃɒŋˈsæm/ | /tʃeɪˈɔːŋˈsɑːm/ | |
clientele | /ˌkliːɒnˈtɛl/ | /ˌklaɪənˈtɛl/ | |
cloisonné | (1) /klwɑːˈzɒneɪ/ (2) /klwʌˈzɒneɪ/ |
/ˌklɔɪzəˈneɪ/ | The original French pronunciation is [klwazɔne]. |
corral | /kɒˈrɑːl/ | /kəˈræl/ | |
cosmosA2[150] | /ˈkɒzmɒs/ | (1) /ˈkɒzmoʊs/ (2) /ˈkɒzməs/ |
dachshund | (1) /ˈdæksənd/ (2) /ˈdæʃənd/ (3) /ˈdækshʊnd/ |
/ˈdɑːkshʊnd/ | |
dal segno | /dæl ˈsɛnjoʊ/ | /dɑːl ˈseɪnjoʊ/ | The original Italian pronunciation is [dal ˈseɲɲo]. |
Dante | (1) /ˈdænti/ (2) /ˈdænteɪ/ |
/ˈdɑːnteɪ/ | |
dilettante | (1) /ˌdɪlɪˈtænti/ (2) /ˌdɪlɪˈtænteɪ/ |
(1) /ˈdɪlətɑːnt/ (2) /ˌdɪləˈtɑːnt/ |
BrE reflects the word's Italian origin; AmE approximates more to French. |
divisiveA2 | /ˈdɪˈvaɪsɪv/ | /ˈdɪˈvɪzɪv/ | |
Don Quixote | /ˈdɒn ˈkwɪksət/ | /ˌdɒn kiˈhoʊteɪ/ | Compare to Spanish [doŋ kiˈxote] |
epochA2 | /ˈiːpɒk/ | /ˈɛpək/ | |
foreheadAB2 | /ˈfɒrɪd/ | /ˈfɔːrhɛd/ | |
fracas | /ˈfrækɑː/ | (1) /ˈfreɪkəs/ (2) /ˈfrækəs/ (3) /frəˈkɑː/ |
The BrE plural is French fracas /ˈfrækɑːz/. For AmE examples (1) and (2), the plural is anglicized fracases |
fusillade | /ˌfjuːzɪˈleɪd/ | /ˌfjuːsəˈlɑːd/ | |
Galápagos | /ɡəˈlæpəɡɒs/ | /ɡəˈlɑːpəɡoʊs/ | |
glacier | (1) /ˈɡlæsiər/ (2) /ˈɡleɪsiər/ |
/ˈɡleɪʃər/ | |
harem | (1) /ˈhɑːriːm/ (2) /hɑːˈriːm/ |
/ˈhærəm/ | |
holocaustA2 | /ˈhɒləkɔːst/ | (1) /ˈhoʊləkɔːst/ (2) /ˈhɔːləkɔːst/ |
impasse | (1) /æmˈpɑːs/ (2) /ˈæmpɑːs/ |
(1) /ˈɪmpæs/ (2) /ɪmˈpæs/ |
IranA2 | /ɪˈrɑːn/ | /aɪˈræn/ | |
IraqA2 | /ɪˈrɑːk/ | /aɪˈræk/ | |
jaguarB2 | /ˈdʒæɡjuər/ | /ˈdʒæɡwɑːr/ | |
jalousie | (1) /ˌʒælʊˈziː/ (2) /ˈʒælʊziː/ |
/ˈdʒæləsi/ | |
junta | /ˈdʒʌntə/ | /ˈhʊntə/ | The BrE pronunciation is anglicized; the AmE is closer to Spanish. |
kudos | /ˈkjuːdɒs/ | /ˈkuːdoʊs/ | |
Lanzarote | /ˌlænzəˈrɒti/ | /ˌlɑːntsəˈroʊti/ | The original Spanish pronunciation is [lanθaˈɾote], also [lansaˈɾote] in Canarian Spanish. |
lapsang souchong | /ˌlæpsæŋ suːˈʃɒŋ/ | /ˌlɑːpsɑːŋ ˈsuːʃɒŋ/ | |
lieutenantB2 | (1) /lɛfˈtɛnənt/ (2) /ləˈtɛnənt/ |
/luːˈtɛnənt/ | The 2nd British pronunciation is restricted to the Royal Navy. Standard Canadian and Australian pronunciation is the same as the British. |
liqueur | /lɪˈkjʊər/ | (1) /lɪˈkɜːr/ (2) /lɪˈkʊər/ |
longitudeB2 | /ˈlɒnɡɪtjuːd/ | /ˈlɒndʒətuːd/ | |
Los AngelesB2 | /lɒs ˈændʒɪliːz/ | (1) /lɔːs ˈændʒələs/ (2) /lɔːs ˈæŋɡələs/ |
The original Spanish pronunciation is [los ˈaŋxeles]. |
Ludwig | /ˈlʊdvɪɡ/ | /ˈlʌdwɪɡ/ | The original German pronunciation is [ˈluːtvɪç]. |
machismo | (1) /mæˈtʃɪzmoʊ/ (2) /məˈtʃɪzmoʊ/ (3) /məˈkɪzmoʊ/ |
(1) /mɑːˈtʃiːzmoʊ/ (2) /məˈtʃiːzmoʊ/ |
AmE reflects the word's Spanish origin; BrE example (3) approximates more to Italian. |
mama[151] | (1) /ˈmæmə/ (2) /məˈmɑː/ |
/ˈmɑːmə/ | |
methyl | /ˈmiːθaɪl/ | /ˈmɛθəl/ | |
Meuse | /mɜːz/ | /mjuːz/ | The original French pronunciation is [møz]. |
milieuA2 | (1) /ˈmiːljɜː/ (2) /miːlˈjɜː/ |
(1) /mɪlˈjuː/ (2) /miːlˈjʊ/ |
Möbius | /ˈmɜːbiəs/ | (1) /ˈmoʊbiəs/ (2) /ˈmeɪbiəs/ |
The original German pronunciation is [ˈmøːbi̯ʊs] and this is approximately reproduced in BrE. |
Neuchâtel | /ˌnɜːʃæˈtɛl/ | /ˌnuːʃəˈtɛl/ | The original French pronunciation is [nøʃɑtɛl]. |
NicaraguaB2 | (1) /ˌnɪkəˈræɡjuə/ (2) /ˌnɪkəˈræɡwə/ |
/ˌnɪkəˈrɑːɡwə/ | The original Spanish pronunciation is [nikaˈɾaɣwa]. |
oreganoB2 | /ˌɒrɪˈɡɑːnoʊ/ | (1) /əˈrɛɡənoʊ/ (2) /ɔːˈrɛɡənoʊ/ |
Otranto | /ɒˈtræntoʊ/ | /oʊˈtrɑːntoʊ/ | The original Italian pronunciation is [ˈɔːtranto]. |
pedagogyB2 | /ˈpɛdəɡɒɡi/ | (1) /ˈpɛdəɡɒdʒi/ (2) /ˈpɛdəɡoʊdʒi/ |
penult | /pɛˈnʌlt/ | (1) /ˈpiːnʌlt/ (2) /pɪˈnʌlt/ |
phthisic[152] | (1) /ˈ(f)θaɪsɪk/ (2) /ˈtaɪsɪk/ |
(1) /ˈtɪzɪk/ (2) /ˈθɪzɪk/ |
premature[153] | (1) /ˈprɛmətʃər/ (2) /ˈprɛmətjʊər/ |
(1) /ˌpriːməˈtʃʊər/ (2) /ˌpriːməˈtʊər/ |
premierA2 | /ˈprɛmiər/ | (1) /prɪˈmɪər/ (2) /ˈpriːmɪər/ |
première | /ˈprɛmiɛər/ | (1) /prɪˈmɪər/ (2) /prɪˈmjɛər/ |
premise (verb) | /prɪˈmaɪz/ | /ˈprɛmɪs/ | |
progress | (noun) /ˈproʊɡrɛs/ (verb) /proʊˈɡrɛs/ |
(noun) /ˈprɒɡrɛs/ (verb) /prəˈɡrɛs/ |
In both British and American, the noun has stress on the first syllable. The verb has stress on the second syllable. Canadians follow the British pronunciation. |
ProvençalA2 | (1) /ˌprɒvɒ̃ˈsɑːl/ (2) /ˌprɒvɒ̃ˈsæl/ |
(1) /ˌproʊvɒ̃ˈsɑːl/ (2) /ˌproʊvənˈsɑːl/ |
provostA2[154] | /ˈprɒvəst/ | /ˈproʊvoʊst/ | |
quasi- | /ˈkweɪzaɪ/ | (1) /ˈkwɑːzi/ (2) /ˈkwɑːsaɪ/ |
quinine | /ˈkwɪniːn/ | (1) /ˈkwaɪnaɪn/ (2) /ˈkwɪnaɪn/ |
Rawalpindi | /ˌrɔːlˈpɪndi/ | /ˌrɑːwəlˈpɪndi/ | |
renegue/renege | (1) /rɪˈniːɡ/ (2) /rɪˈneɪɡ/ |
(1) /rɪˈnɪɡ/ (2) /rɪˈnɛɡ/ |
BrE uses two spellings & pronounced /rɪˈniːɡ/ or /rɪˈneɪɡ/. In AmE the word is usually spelled renege & pronounced /rɪˈnɪɡ/ or /rɪˈnɛɡ/. |
Richelieu | /ˈrɪʃəljɜː/ | (1) /ˈrɪʃəluː/ (2) /ˈrɪʃəljuː/ |
The original French pronunciation is [ʁiʃ(ə)ljø]. |
Rioja[155] | /riˈɒkə/ | /riˈoʊhɑː/ | The original Spanish pronunciation is [ˈrjoxa]. |
risotto | /rɪˈzɒtoʊ/ | (1) /rɪˈsɔːtoʊ/ (2) /rɪˈsoʊtoʊ/ (3) /rɪˈzoʊtoʊ/ |
Roquefort | /ˈrɒkfɔːr/ | /ˈroʊkfərt/ | The original French pronunciation is [ʁɔkfɔʁ]. |
Salzburg | /ˈsæltsbɜːrɡ/ | /ˈsɔːlzbɜːrɡ/ | The original German pronunciation is [ˈzaltsbʊʁk]. |
Santander | (1) /ˌsæntənˈdɛər/ (2) /ˌsæntænˈdɛər/ |
/ˌsɑːntɑːnˈdɛər/ | The original Spanish pronunciation is [santanˈdeɾ]. |
Schleswig-Holstein | /ˌʃleɪzvɪɡ ˈhɒlstaɪn/ | /ˌʃlɛswɪɡ ˈhoʊlstiːn/ | |
Silesia | (1) /saɪˈliːsiə/ (2) /saɪˈliːziə/ |
(1) /sɪˈliːʃə/ (2) /sɪˈliːʒə/ |
slough A2 | /slaʊ/ | /slʌf/ | sense "bog"; in metaphorical sense "gloom". Homograph "cast off skin" is /slʌf/ everywhere. |
StavangerA2 | (1) /stəˈvæŋər/ (2) /stæˈvæŋər/ |
(1) /stɑːˈvɑːŋər/ (2) /stəˈvɑːŋər/ |
The original Norwegian pronunciation is [stɑˈvɑ̀ŋːər]. The BrE pronunciation /stəˈvæŋər/ is common and also occurs in AmE. |
Strasbourg | /ˈstræzbɜːrɡ/ | /ˈstrɑːsbɜːrɡ/ | The two original pronunciations are: French [stʁasbuʁ] & German [ˈʃtʁaːsbʊʁk]. |
Taranto | /təˈræntoʊ/ | (1) /ˈtɑːrəntoʊ/ (2) /ˈtɑːrɑːntoʊ/ |
The original Italian pronunciation is [ˈtaːranto]. |
tourniquet | /ˈtʊərnɪkeɪ/ | (1) /ˈtʊərnɪkɪt/ (2) /ˈtɜːrnɪkɪt/ |
Trondheim | /ˈtrɒndhaɪm/ | /ˈtrɒnheɪm/ | The Urban East Norwegian pronunciation of this word is [ˈtrɔ̂nː(h)æɪm]. |
Tunisia | /tjuːˈnɪziə/ | /tjuːˈniːʒə/ | |
turquoiseA2 | (1) /ˈtɜːrkwɔɪz/ (2) /ˈtɜːrkwɑːz/ |
/ˈtɜːrkɔɪz/ | |
Van Gogh | (1) /ˌvæn ˈɡɒx/ (2) /ˌvæn ˈɡɒf/ |
/ˌvæn ˈɡoʊ/ | The original Dutch pronunciation is [vɑŋˈɣɔx]. |
vaseA2[nb 142][156][157] | /vɑːz/ | (1) /veɪs/ (2) /veɪz/ |
Z (the letter) | /zɛd/ | /ziː/ | The spelling of this letter as a word corresponds to the pronunciation: thus Commonwealth (including, Canada) zed and U.S. zee. |
- BrE /ˈdeɪbɑːkəl/ (now rare) or more commonly /dɪˈbɑːkəl/, AmE /dɪˈbækəl/
- The last vowel is often reduced in BrE. AmE only reduces the middle one.
- BrE /məˈstɑːʃ/, AmE /ˈmʌstæʃ/
- The British is typically /rɪˈneɪsəns/ and the American /ˈrɛnəsɑːns/ or even /rɛnəˈsɑːns/
- BrE /rɪˈvæli/, AmE /ˈrɛvəli/
- For "dam (barrier)": AmE /ˈbɑːrɪdʒ/
- BrE /ˈbɛreɪ/, AmE /bəˈreɪ/ ⓘ
- BrE /ˈbuːfɒ̃/, AmE /buːˈfɑːnt/
- BrE (1) /ˈbroʊʃər/ (2) /brɒˈʃʊər/ AmE /broʊˈʃʊər/ ⓘ
- BrE (1) /ˈbʊfeɪ/ (2) /ˈbʌfeɪ/
- BrE (1) /ˈbʌstieɪ/ (2) /ˈbʊstieɪ/ AmE /ˌbuːstiˈeɪ/ corset
- BrE /ˈkælvədɒs/ AmE /ˌkælvəˈdoʊs, ˌkɑːlvəˈ-/
- BrE (1) /ˈdeɪbriː/ (2) /ˈdɛbriː/
- BrE (1) /ˈdɛniə/ (2) /ˈdɛneɪ/ AmE /dəˈnɪər/ coin
- BrE (1) /ˈfɪlɪt/ (2) /ˈfɪleɪ/ AmE /fɪˈleɪ/
- BrE /ˈflɒmbeɪ/
- BrE also /ˈɡærɪdʒ/, esp. for "petrol garage"/"gas station"[7]
- BrE /ˈlɑːmeɪ/, AmE /læˈmeɪ/
- BrE /ˈlænʒəri/, AmE /ˌlɒnʒəˈreɪ/
- AmE /pæˈstiːl/
- BrE /ˈpæteɪ/, AmE /pɑːˈteɪ, pæ-/
- BrE /ˈpɒ̃sjɒ̃/, AmE /pɒnˈsjoʊn/ lodging
- BrE /ˈprɒtəʒeɪ/ AmE (1) /ˈproʊtəʒeɪ/ (2) /ˌproʊtəˈʒeɪ/
- BrE /ˈsɔːrbeɪ/ AmE (1) /ˈsɔːrbɪt/ (2) /sɔːrˈbeɪ/
- UK: /ˈɑːrɡænd/, US: /ɑːrˈɡɑːnd/, French: [aʁɡɑ̃]
- UK: /ˈævɪnjɒ̃/, US: /ˌævɪnˈjoʊn/, French: [aviɲɔ̃]
- UK: /ˈboʊvwɑːr/, US: /boʊˈvwɑːr/, French: [bovwaʁ]
- UK: /ˈbiːzeɪ/, US: /biːˈzeɪ/, French: [bizɛ]
- UK: /ˈblɛrioʊ/, US: /ˌblɛriˈoʊ/, French: [bleʁjo]
- UK: /ˈbuːlɛz/, US: /buːˈlɛz/, French: [bulɛz]
- UK: /ˈkæleɪ/, US: /kæˈleɪ/, French: [kalɛ]
- UK: /ˈkɒ̃mbreɪ/, US: /kɑːmˈbreɪ/, French: [kɑ̃bʁɛ]
- UK: /ˈkɑːrtieɪ/, US: /ˌkɑːrtiˈeɪ, -ˈtjeɪ/, French: [kaʁtje]
- UK: /ˈʃæbliː/, US: /ʃæˈbliː/, French: [ʃabli]
- UK: /ˈʃæməniː/, US: /ˌʃæməˈniː/, French: [ʃamɔni]
- UK: /ˈʃæbrieɪ/, US: /ˌʃɑːbriˈeɪ/, French: [ʃabʁie]
- UK: /ˈʃɑːrdəneɪ/, US: /ˌʃɑːrdəˈneɪ/, French: [ʃaʁdɔnɛ]
- UK: /ˈʃɪəræk/, US: /ʃɪəˈrɑːk/, French: [ʃiʁak]
- UK: /ˈʃɒpæ̃/, US: /ʃoʊˈpæn/, French: [ʃɔpɛ̃]
- BrE (1) /ˈsɪtroʊən/ (2) /ˈsɪtrən/ AmE (1) /ˌsɪtroʊˈɛn/ (2) /ˈsɪtroʊn/ French: [sitʁɔɛn]
- UK: /ˈkɒktoʊ/, US: /kɒkˈtoʊ/, French: [kɔkto]
- UK: /ˈdækɑːr/, US: /dəˈkɑːr/, French: [dakaʁ]
- UK: /ˈdɔːfæ̃/, US: /doʊˈfæn/, French: [dofɛ̃]
- UK: /ˈdɔːfiːn/, US: /doʊˈfiːn/, French: [dofin]
- UK: /ˈdeɪɡɑː/, US: /deɪˈɡɑː/, French: [dəɡɑ]
- UK: /ˈdɛpɑːrdjɜː/, US: /ˌdɛpɑːrˈdjuː/, French: [dəpaʁdjø]
- UK: /ˈdiːʒɒ̃/, US: /diːˈʒoʊn/, French: [diʒɔ̃]
- UK: /ˈdjuːmɑː, dʊˈmɑː/, US: /duːˈmɑː/, French: [dyma]
- UK: /ˈfloʊbɛər/, US: /floʊˈbɛər/, French: [flobɛʁ]
- UK: /ˈfuːkoʊ/, US: /fuːˈkoʊ/, French: [fuko]
- UK: /ˈfrɒ̃ŋɡleɪ/, US: /frɑːnˈɡleɪ/, French: [fʁɑ̃ɡlɛ]
- UK: /ˈdʒɛrɑːrd/, US: /dʒəˈrɑːrd/, French: [ʒeʁaʁ]
- UK: /ˈɡɒdɑːr/, US: /ɡoʊˈdɑːr/, French: [ɡɔdaʁ]
- UK: /ˈlæskoʊ/, US: /lɑːˈskoʊ/, French: [lasko]
- UK: /ˈliːɒ̃/, US: /liˈoʊn/, French: [ljɔ̃]
- UK: /ˈmælɑːrmeɪ/, US: /ˌmælɑːrˈmeɪ/, French: [malaʁme]
- UK: /ˈmæneɪ/, US: /mæˈneɪ, məˈ-/, French: [manɛ]
- UK: /ˈmærɑː/, US: /məˈrɑː/, French: [maʁa]
- UK: /ˈmæsəneɪ/, US: /ˌmæsəˈneɪ/, French: [masnɛ]
- French: [mɔʁis, moʁis]
- UK: /ˈmɪleɪ/, US: /mɪˈleɪ/
- UK: /ˈmɒliɛər, ˈmoʊl-/, US: /moʊlˈjɛər/, French: [mɔljɛʁ]
- UK: /ˈmɒneɪ/, US: /moʊˈneɪ, məˈ-/, French: [mɔnɛ]
- UK: /ˈpɜːrpɪnjɒ̃/, US: /ˌpɛərpiːˈnjɒn/, French: [pɛʁpiɲɑ̃]
- UK: /ˈpɛroʊ/, US: /pɛˈroʊ/, French: [pɛʁo]
- UK: /ˈpɛrieɪ/, US: /ˌpɛriˈeɪ/, French: [pɛʁje]
- UK: /ˈpɜːʒoʊ/, US: /puːˈʒoʊ/, French: [pøʒo]
- UK: /ˈpiːæf/, US: /piːˈɑːf/, French: [pjaf]
- UK: /ˈpwɑːroʊ/, US: /pwɑːˈroʊ/, French: [pwaʁo]
- UK: /ˈpwɑːtieɪ/, US: /ˌpwɑːtiˈeɪ, -ˈtjeɪ/, French: [pwatje]
- UK: /ˈpuːsæ̃/, US: /puːˈsæn/, French: [pusɛ̃]
- UK: /ˈræbəleɪ/, US: /ˌræbəˈleɪ/, French: [ʁablɛ]
- UK: /ˈrɛnoʊ/, US: /rəˈnɔːlt, -ˈnoʊ/, French: [ʁəno]
- UK: /ˈræ̃boʊ/, US: /ræmˈboʊ/, French: [ʁɛ̃bo]
- UK: /ˈroʊdæ̃/, US: /roʊˈdæn/, French: [ʁɔdæ̃]
- UK: /ˈrɒʒeɪ/, US: /roʊˈʒeɪ/
- UK: /ˈruːɒ̃, ˈruːɒn/, US: /ruːˈɒ̃, ruːˈɒn/, French: [ʁwɑ̃]
- UK: /ˈruːsoʊ/, US: /ruːˈsoʊ/, French: [ʁuso]
- UK: /ˈruːsɪjɒn/, US: /ˌruːsiːˈjoʊn/, French: [ʁusijɔ̃]
- UK: /ˈsæti, ˈsɑːti/, US: /sæˈtiː, sɑːˈtiː/, French: [sati]
- UK: /ˈsɜːrɑː/, US: /sʊˈrɑː/, French: [sœʁa]
- UK: /ˈθɔːroʊ/, US: /θəˈroʊ/
- UK: /ˈtiːsoʊ/, US: /tiːˈsoʊ/, French: [ti'so]
- UK: /ˈtruːfoʊ, ˈtrʊ-/ US: /truːˈfoʊ/ French: [tʁyfo]
- UK: /ˈvælwɑː/, US: /vælˈwɑː, vɑːlˈwɑː/, French: [valwa]
- UK: /ˈvuːvreɪ/, US: /vuːˈvreɪ/, French: [vuvʁɛ]
- UK: /ˈwɒtoʊ/, US: /wɒˈtoʊ/, French: [vato]
- BrE /laɪˈtʃiː/, AmE /ˈliːtʃiː/
- some AmE /ˈmæneɪz/
- BrE /pɒ̃ˈʃɒ̃/, AmE /ˈpɛntʃənt/
- BrE /ˌpoʊpəˈriː/, AmE /ˈpoʊpəri/
- BrE /ʃəˈlɒt/, AmE /ˈʃælət/
- BrE /tæmˈbɑːl/, AmE /ˈtɪmbəl/
- BrE /pɑːrtɪˈzæn/, AmE /ˈpɑːrtɪzən/.
- BrE /niːˈʒɛər/, AmE /ˈnaɪdʒər/ Due to history with France, the country pronunciation in BrE is French [niʒɛʁ]. The country pronunciation in AmE is anglicized. Regardless of region, the river is pronounced /ˈnaɪdʒər/.
- stress more usually on third syllable in British English
- BrE /fiˈɒnseɪ/
- Also /ˌtɜːrdʒiˈvɜːrseɪt/
- BrE /ˈbɜːrnərd/, AmE /bərˈnɑːrd/
- BrE /ˈoʊmɪɡə/, AmE /oʊˈmɛɡə/
- BrE /ˈsʌbəltərn/, AmE /səˈbɔːltərn/
- BrE /sərˈvaɪkəl/
- BrE (rare) /dɪˈfɪsɪt/
- BrE /ɪnˈkwaɪəri/, AmE /ˈɪnkwəri/
- AmE /ˈfrɪtəlɛri/
- AmE (rare) /ˈɡʌfɔː/
- BrE /ˌmɑːrʃˈmæloʊ/, AmE /ˈmɑːrʃmɛloʊ/
- AmE /ˈmɛd(ʒ)əlɛri/
- AmE /ˈmɪsəleɪni/
- Britain follows the first-syllable American norm when "princess" is used as an honorific, directly prefixing someone's name.
- BrE /skɪˈliːtəl/
- BrE /jʊəˈraɪnəl/
- BrE /vəˈdʒaɪnəl/
- BrE /dɪsɪˈplɪnəri/, AmE /ˈdɪsɪplɪnɛri/
- AmE also /ˈdɒsəl/
- AmE also /ˈdoʊməsəl/
- AmE also /ˈfɛbriːl, ˈfɛbrəl/
- AmE also possibly /ˈsɛnaɪl/
- The 2007 update to the Oxford English Dictionary gives only /iːn/ for the British pronunciation of pristine.
- Although the British pronunciation is still heard in American English, it may be in declining usage, being increasingly seen as incorrect, particularly among Nevadans and other Western Americans.
- BrE also /sɪˈzæn/
- AmE also /ˈɡælə/
- AmE also /ˈstrætʌm/
- AmE also /ˈdɑːljə/
- BrE also /rɔːθ/ Scottish English /ræθ/
- AmE also /ˈn(j)oʊki/
- AmE also /ˌhaɪdʒiˈɛnɪk/
- AmE also /bɪˈkɔːz/
- AmE also /ˈboʊɡətɑː/
- AmE, either /ˈiːθoʊs/ or /ˈɛθoʊs/
- AmE, either /ˈpeɪθoʊs/ or /ˈpæθoʊs/
- AmE also /rəˈspaɪt/
- BrE also /sɪˈnæps/
- This word is listed due to possible statistical preferences.
- AmE is as BrE except in military sense "advance at an angle"
- AmE also /pɔːlˈmɔːl/
- BrE also /ˈnʌɡɪt/
- Actually the bolded here represents /ksj/ versus /kʃ/
- Cordiality in AmE is /kɔːrdʒiˈælɪti/ and in BrE is /kɔːrdiˈælɪti/
- The old English pronunciation with /v/ has to a large extent been replaced by /f/ due to the spelling latinization of Middle English "neveu". The preference breakdown in BrE is /f/ 79%, /v/ 21%.)[145]
- Solder in AmE is /ˈsɒdər/ and in BrE is either /ˈsɒldər/ or /ˈsoʊldər/.
- British variant used sometimes in American English
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Further reading
- Celce-Murcia, M., Brinton, D. M., & Goodwin, J. M. (2010). Teaching pronunciation: A reference and course text (2nd ed.). Cambridge University Press.
- Kenyon, J.S.; T. Knott (1953). A Pronouncing Dictionary of American English. Merriam-Webster. ISBN 978-0-87779-047-1.
- Lewis, J. Windsor (1972). A Concise Pronouncing Dictionary of British and American English. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-431123 6.
- Jones, Daniel (2011). P. Roach; J. Esling; J. Setter (eds.). Cambridge English Pronouncing Dictionary (18th ed.). Cambridge University Press. ISBN 978-0-521-15255-6.
- Upton, C.; Kretschmar, W.; Konopka, R. (2001). The Oxford Dictionary of Pronunciation for Current English. Oxford University Press. ISBN 0-19-863156-1.
- Wells, John C. (2000). Longman Pronunciation Dictionary. 2nd ed. Longman. ISBN 0-582-36468-X.