2020 Summer Olympics closing ceremony flag bearers

During the closing ceremony of the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, the flag bearers for the 205 National Olympic Committee's (NOCs) and the IOC Refugee Olympic Team will enter the Olympic Stadium.[1][2] The flags of each country were not necessarily carried by the same flag bearer as in the opening ceremony.[3] Due to COVID-19 related protocols, athletes had to leave Japan within 48 hours from completion of their final event,[4] leaving some countries without representation during the closing ceremony. Flags of the countries without athletes present were instead carried by volunteers.[lower-alpha 1]

Countries and flagbearers

The following is a list of each country's flag bearer. The list is sorted by the order in which each nation appears in the parade of nations. Names will be given as officially designated by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).

Because of the requirement that all competing athletes had to leave Tokyo within 48 hours of the completion of their events, not all of the National Olympic Committees were able to select a flag bearer for the closing ceremony, a games volunteer was represented instead.

Order Nation Japanese Roman Transliteration Flag bearer(s) Sport Ref
1  Greece (GRE)ギリシャGirishaIoannis FountoulisWater Polo [2]
2  Refugee Olympic Team (EOR)難民選手団Nanmin Senshu-danHamoon DerafshipourKarate
3  Iceland (ISL)アイスランドAisurandoNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
4  Ireland (IRL)アイルランドAirurandoNatalya CoyleModern Pentathlon
5  Azerbaijan (AZE)アゼルバイジャンAzerubaijanHaji AliyevWrestling
6  Afghanistan (AFG)アフガニスタンAfuganisutanNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
7  United Arab Emirates (UAE)アラブ首長国連邦Arabu Shuchōkoku RenpōNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
8  Algeria (ALG)アルジェリアArujeriaImane KhelifBoxing
9  Argentina (ARG)アルゼンチンAruzenchinPedro IbarraField hockey
10  Aruba (ARU)アルバArubaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
11  Albania (ALB)アルバニアArubaniaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
12  Armenia (ARM)アルメニアArumeniaHovhannes BachkovBoxing
13  Angola (ANG)アンゴラAngoraNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
14  Antigua and Barbuda (ANT)アンティグア・バーブーダAntigua BābūdaCejhae GreeneAthletics
15  Andorra (AND)アンドラAndoraPol MoyaAthletics
16  Yemen (YEM)イエメンIemenNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
17  Israel (ISR)イスラエルIsuraeruLinoy AshramRhythmic Gymnastics
18  Italy (ITA)イタリアItariaLamont Marcell JacobsAthletics
19  Iraq (IRQ)イラクIrakuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
20  Iran (IRI)イラン・イスラム共和国Iran Isuramu KyōwakokuAmir Hossein ZareWrestling
21  India (IND)インドIndoBajrang BajrangWrestling
22  Indonesia (INA)インドネシアIndoneshiaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
23  Uganda (UGA)ウガンダUgandaPeruth ChemutaiAthletics
24  Ukraine (UKR)ウクライナUkurainaLiudmyla LuzanCanoe Sprint
25  Uzbekistan (UZB)ウズベキスタンUzubekisutanAkbar DjuraevWeightlifting
26  Uruguay (URU)ウルグアイUruguaiMaría Pía FernándezAthletics
27  Great Britain (GBR)英国EikokuLaura KennyCycling Track
28  British Virgin Islands (IVB)英領バージン諸島Ei-ryō Bājin ShotōNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
29  Ecuador (ECU)エクアドルEkuadoruGlenda MorejónAthletics
30  Egypt (EGY)エジプトEjiputoGiana FaroukKarate
31  Estonia (EST)エストニアEsutoniaMaicel UiboAthletics
32  Eswatini (SWZ)エスワティニEsuwatiniSibusiso MatsenjwaAthletics
33  Ethiopia (ETH)エチオピアEchiopiaSelemon BaregaAthletics
34  Eritrea (ERI)エリトリアEritoriaNazret WelduAthletics
35  El Salvador (ESA)エルサルバドルErusarubadoruYamileth SolorzanoBoxing
36  Australia (AUS)オーストラリアŌsutorariaMathew BelcherSailing
37  Austria (AUT)オーストリアŌsutoriaAndreas MuellerCycling Track
38  Oman (OMA)オマーンOmānNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
39  Netherlands (NED)オランダOrandaSifan HassanAthletics
40  Ghana (GHA)ガーナGānaSamuel TakyiBoxing
41  Cape Verde (CPV)カーボべルデKāboberudeDaniel Varela de PinaBoxing
42  Guyana (GUY)ガイアナGaianaEmanuel ArchibaldAthletics
43  Kazakhstan (KAZ)カザフスタンKazafusutanKamshybek KunkabayevBoxing
44  Qatar (QAT)カタールKatāruNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
45  Canada (CAN)カナダKanadaDamian WarnerAthletics
46  Gabon (GAB)ガボンGabonNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
47  Cameroon (CMR)カメルーンKamerūnNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
48  The Gambia (GAM)ガンビアGanbiaEbrima CamaraAthletics
49  Cambodia (CAM)カンボジアKanbojiaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
50  North Macedonia (MKD)北マケドニアKita MakedoniaMagomedgadji NurovWrestling
51  Guinea (GUI)ギニアGiniaFatoumata CamaraWrestling
52  Guinea-Bissau (GBS)ギニアビサウGiniabisauAugusto MidanaWrestling
53  Cyprus (CYP)キプロスKipurosuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
54  Cuba (CUB)キューバKyūbaZurian HechavarriaAthletics
55  Kiribati (KIR)キリバスKiribasuRuben KatoatauWeightlifting
56  Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)キルギスKirugisuErnazar AkmatalievWrestling
57  Guatemala (GUA)グアテマラGuatemaraCharles FernandezModern Pentathlon
58  Guam (GUM)グアムGuamuRckaela AquinoWrestling
59  Kuwait (KUW)クウェートKuwētoNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
60  Cook Islands (COK)クック諸島Kukku ShotōNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
61  Grenada (GRN)グレナダGurenadaKirani JamesAthletics
62  Croatia (CRO)クロアチアKuroachiaAndro BusljeWater Polo
63  Cayman Islands (CAY)ケイマン諸島Keiman ShotōNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
64  Kenya (KEN)ケニアKeniaTimothy CheruiyotAthletics
65  Ivory Coast (CIV)コートジボワールKōtojibowāruMarie-Josée Ta LouAthletics
66  Costa Rica (CRC)コスタリカKosutarikaNoelia VargasAthletics
67  Kosovo (KOS)コソボKosoboEgzon ShalaWrestling
68  Comoros (COM)コモロKomoroFadane HamadiAthletics
69  Colombia (COL)コロンビアKoronbiaIngrit ValenciaBoxing
70  Republic of the Congo (CGO)コンゴKongoGilles Anthony AfoumbaAthletics
71  Democratic Republic of the Congo (COD)コンゴ民主共和国Kongo Minshu KyōwakokuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
72  Saudi Arabia (KSA)サウジアラビアSaujiarabiaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
73  Samoa (SAM)サモアSamoaAnne CairnsCanoe Sprint
74  São Tomé and Príncipe (STP)サントメ・プリンシペSantome PurinshipeNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
75  Zambia (ZAM)ザンビアZanbiaSydney SiameAthletics
76  San Marino (SMR)サンマリノSanmarinoMyles Nazem AmineWrestling
77  ROCROCROC[lower-alpha 2][lower-alpha 3]Abdulrashid SadulaevWrestling
78  Sierra Leone (SLE)シエラレオネShierareoneNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
79  Djibouti (DJI)ジブチJibuchiSouhra Ali MohamedAthletics
80  Jamaica (JAM)ジャマイカJamaikaStephenie Ann McPhersonAthletics
81  Georgia (GEO)ジョージアJōjiaGogita ArkaniaKarate
82  Syria (SYR)シリア・アラブ共和国Shiria Arabu KyōwakokuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
83  Singapore (SGP)シンガポールShingapōruJonathan ChanDiving
84  Zimbabwe (ZIM)ジンバブエJinbabueScott VincentGolf
85  Switzerland (SUI)スイスSuisuElena QuiriciKarate
86  Sweden (SWE)スウェーデンSuwēdenPeder FredricsonEquestrian
87  Sudan (SUD)スーダンSūdanNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
88  Spain (ESP)スペインSupeinSandra Sanchez JaimeKarate
89  Suriname (SUR)スリナムSurinamuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
90  Sri Lanka (SRI)スリランカSurirankaYupun Abeykoon MudiyanselageAthletics
91  Slovakia (SVK)スロバキアSurobakiaDanka BartekováShooting
92  Slovenia (SLO)スロベニアSurobeniaJanja GarnbretSport Climbing
93  Seychelles (SEY)セーシェルSēsheruRodney GovindenSailing
94  Equatorial Guinea (GEQ)赤道ギニアSekidō GiniaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
95  Senegal (SEN)セネガルSenegaruAdama DiattaWrestling
96  Serbia (SRB)セルビアSerubiaJovana PrekovićKarate
97  Saint Kitts and Nevis (SKN)セントクリストファー・ネービスSentokurisutofā NēbisuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
98  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (VIN)セントビンセント及びグレナディーン諸島Sentobinsento Oyobi Gurenadīn ShotōNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
99  Saint Lucia (LCA)セントルシアSentorushiaLevern SpencerAthletics
100  Somalia (SOM)ソマリアSomariaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
101  Solomon Islands (SOL)ソロモン諸島Soromon ShotōMary Kini LifuWeightlifting
102  Thailand (THA)タイTaiSudaporn SeesondeeBoxing
103  South Korea (KOR)大韓民国DaikanminkokuJun Woong-taeModern Pentathlon
104  Chinese Taipei (TPE)チャイニーズ・タイペイChainīzu TaipeiChen ChiehAthletics
105  Tajikistan (TJK)タジキスタンTajikisutanNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
106  Tanzania (TAN)タンザニア連合共和国Tanzania Rengō KyōwakokuAlphonce Felix SimbuAthletics
107  Czech Republic (CZE)チェコ共和国Cheko KyōwakokuJakub VadlejchAthletics
108  Chad (CHA)チャドChadoNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
109  Central African Republic (CAF)中央アフリカ共和国Chūō Afurika KyōwakokuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
110  China (CHN)中華人民共和国Chūka Jinmin KyōwakokuBingtian SuAthletics
111  Tunisia (TUN)チュニジアChunijiaGhailene KhattaliCanoe Sprint
112  Chile (CHI)チリChiriMaria MailliardCanoe Sprint
113  Tuvalu (TUV)ツバルTsubaruKaralo MaibucaAthletics
114  Denmark (DEN)デンマークDenmākuEmma Aastrand JorgensenCanoe Sprint
115  Germany (GER)ドイツDoitsuRonald RauheCanoe Sprint
116  Togo (TOG)トーゴTōgoClaire AyivonRowing
117  Dominica (DMA)ドミニカDominikaThea LaFondAthletics
118  Dominican Republic (DOM)ドミニカ共和国Dominika KyōwakokuPrisilla Rivera BrensVolleyball
119  Trinidad and Tobago (TTO)トリニダード・トバゴTorinidādo TobagoAndwuelle WrightAthletics
120  Turkmenistan (TKM)トルクメニスタンTorukumenisutanNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
121  Turkey (TUR)トルコTorukoBusenaz SurmeneliBoxing
122  Tonga (TGA)トンガTongaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
123  Nigeria (NGR)ナイジェリアNaijeriaOdunayo Folasade AdekuoroyeWrestling
124  Nauru (NRU)ナウルNauruNancy Genzel AboukeWeightlifting
125  Namibia (NAM)ナミビアNamibiaBeatrice MasilingiAthletics
126  Nicaragua (NCA)ニカラグアNikaraguaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
127  Niger (NIG)ニジェールNijēruNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
128  New Zealand (NZL)ニュージーランドNyūjīrandoValerie AdamsAthletics
129  Nepal (NEP)ネパールNepāruNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
130  Norway (NOR)ノルウェーNoruwēKatrine LundeHandball
131  Bahrain (BRN)バーレーンBārēnHusain MahfoodhHandball
132  Haiti (HAI)ハイチHaichiMulern JeanAthletics
133  Pakistan (PAK)パキスタンPakisutanArshad NadeemAthletics
134  Panama (PAN)パナマPanamaJorge CastelblancoAthletics
135  Vanuatu (VAN)バヌアツBanuatsuRiilio RiiRowing
136  Bahamas (BAH)バハマBahamaMegan MossAthletics
137  Papua New Guinea (PNG)パプアニューギニアPapuanyūginiaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
138  Bermuda (BER)バミューダBamyūdaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
139  Palau (PLW)パラオParaoNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
140  Paraguay (PAR)パラグアイParaguaiDerlys AyalaAthletics
141  Barbados (BAR)バルバドスBarubadosuTia-Adana BelleAthletics
142  Palestine (PLE)パレスチナParesuchinaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
143  Hungary (HUN)ハンガリーHangarīBalint KopaszCanoe Sprint
144  Bangladesh (BAN)バングラデシュBanguradeshuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
145  East Timor (TLS)東ティモール民主共和国Higashi Timōru Minshu KyōwakokuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
146  Fiji (FIJ)フィジーFijīRusila NagasauRugby Sevens
147  Philippines (PHI)フィリピンFiripinNesthy PetecioBoxing
148  Finland (FIN)フィンランドFinrandoMira Marjut Johanna PotkonenBoxing
149  Bhutan (BHU)ブータンBūtanSangay TenzinSwimming
150  Puerto Rico (PUR)プエルトリコPuerutorikoRafael Quintero DiazDiving
151  Brazil (BRA)ブラジルBurajiruRebeca AndradeArtistic Gymnastics
152  Bulgaria (BUL)ブルガリアBurugariaSimona DyankovaRhythmic Gymnastics
153  Burkina Faso (BUR)ブルキナファソBurukinafasoNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
154  Brunei (BRU)ブルネイ・ダルサラームBurunei DarusarāmuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
155  Burundi (BDI)ブルンジBurunjiNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
156  American Samoa (ASA)米領サモアAmerika-ryō SamoaNathan CrumptonAthletics
157  Virgin Islands (ISV)米領バージン諸島Amerika-ryō Bājin ShotōEddie LovettAthletics
158  Vietnam (VIE)ベトナムBetonamuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
159  Benin (BEN)ベナンBenanNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
160  Venezuela (VEN)ベネズエラBenezueraAntonio Jose Diaz FernandezKarate
161  Belarus (BLR)ベラルーシBerarūshiIlya PalazkovModern Pentathlon
162  Belize (BIZ)ベリーズBerīzuAmado CruzCanoe Sprint
163  Peru (PER)ペルーPerūAlexandra Vanessa Grande RiscoKarate
164  Belgium (BEL)ベルギーBerugīGregory WatheletEquestrian
165  Poland (POL)ポーランドPōrandoKarolina NajaCanoe Sprint
166  Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナBosunia HerutsegobinaAmel TukaAthletics
167  Botswana (BOT)ボツワナBotsuwanaAnthony PaselaAthletics
168  Bolivia (BOL)ボリビアBoribiaAngela CastroAthletics
169  Portugal (POR)ポルトガルPorutogaruPedro PichardoAthletics
170  Hong Kong (HKG)ホンコン・チャイナHonkon ChainaMo Sheung Grace LauKarate
171  Honduras (HON)ホンジュラスHonjurasuIvan Zarco AlvarezAthletics
172  Marshall Islands (MHL)マーシャル諸島Māsharu ShotōNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
173  Madagascar (MAD)マダガスカルMadagasukaruNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
174  Malawi (MAW)マラウイMarauiNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
175  Mali (MLI)マリMariNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
176  Malta (MLT)マルタMarutaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
177  Malaysia (MAS)マレーシアMarēshiaPandelela PamgDiving
178  Federated States of Micronesia (FSM)ミクロネシア連邦Mikuroneshia RenpōNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
179  South Africa (RSA)南アフリカMinami AfurikaAnaso JobodwanaAthletics
180  South Sudan (SSD)南スーダンMinami SūdanAbraham GuemAthletics
181  Myanmar (MYA)ミャンマーMyanmāNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
182  Mexico (MEX)メキシコMekishikoMayan OliverModern Pentathlon
183  Mauritius (MRI)モーリシャスMōrishasuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
184  Mauritania (MTN)モーリタニアMōritaniaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
185  Mozambique (MOZ)モザンビークMozanbīkuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
186  Monaco (MON)モナコMonakoNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
187  Maldives (MDV)モルディブMorudibuNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
188  Moldova (MDA)モルドバ共和国Morudoba KyōwakokuAndrian MardareAthletics
189  Morocco (MAR)モロッコMorokkoBtissam SadiniKarate
190  Mongolia (MGL)モンゴルMongoruLkhagvagerel MunkhturWrestling
191  Montenegro (MNE)モンテネグロMonteneguroDusan MatkovicWater Polo
192  Jordan (JOR)ヨルダンYorudanAbdelrahman Al-MasaftaKarate
193  Laos (LAO)ラオス人民民主共和国Raosu Jinmin Minshu KyōwakokuSiri Arun BudcharernSwimming
194  Latvia (LAT)ラトビアRatobiaPavels SvecovsModern Pentathlon
195  Lithuania (LTU)リトアニアRitoaniaJustinas KinderisModern Pentathlon
196  Libya (LBA)リビアRibiaAli OmarJudo
197  Liechtenstein (LIE)リヒテンシュタインRihitenshutainLara MechnigArtistic Swimming
198  Liberia (LBR)リベリアRiberiaNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
199  Romania (ROU)ルーマニアRūmaniaCatalin ChirilăCanoe Sprint
200  Luxembourg (LUX)ルクセンブルクRukusenburukuBob BertemesAthletics
201  Rwanda (RWA)ルワンダRuwandaJohn HakizimanaAthletics
202  Lesotho (LES)レソトResotoNeheng KhatalaAthletics
203  Lebanon (LBN)レバノンRebanonNo athletes present for Closing Ceremony
204  United States (USA)アメリカ合衆国Amerika GasshūkokuKara WingerAthletics
205  France (FRA)フランスFuransuSteven Da CostaKarate
206  Japan (JPN)日本NihonRyo KiyunaKarate


  1. Photographic sources show the flags of countries with athletes present, such as British Virgin Islands and Iceland, were carried by Olympics volunteers.[5][6]
  2. The panel displayed the name "ROC"[7] but the ROC was announced with its full name Comité olympique russe/Russian Olympic Committee/ロシアオリンピック委員会
  3. ROC was sorted based on its French abbreviation COR, in Japanese Shī Ō Āru.


  1. "The flagbearers for the Tokyo 2020 Closing Ceremony". olympics.com. International Olympic Committee. 8 August 2021. Retrieved 8 August 2021.
  2. "List of flagbearers for the 205 NOCs and the IOC Refugee Olympic Team" (PDF). olympics.com. International Olympic Committee. Retrieved 8 August 2021.
  3. "India Flag Bearers Tokyo Olympics Mary Kom Manpreet Singh Bajrang Punia To Be Flag Bearers At Opening And Closing Ceremony". Olympics.com. July 5, 2021. Archived from the original on 2021-07-05. Retrieved July 5, 2021.
  4. Bruton, Michelle. "Closing Ceremony Tokyo 2021: Highlights, Flag Bearers and More". Bleacher Report. Retrieved 2021-08-09.
  5. "Great Britain's Laura Kenny with the Union Jack flag during the..." Getty Images. Retrieved 2021-08-09.
  6. "Ireland's Natalya Coyle with the tricolour flag during the closing..." Getty Images. Retrieved 2021-08-09.
  7. Shilova, Anna (August 7, 2021). "A Short History of Soviet and Russian Olympic Fashion". The Moscow Times.
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