2018 Winter Olympics closing ceremony flag bearers

During the closing ceremony of the 2018 Winter Olympics in Pyeongchang, the flag bearers of 92 National Olympic Committees (NOCs) arrived into Pyeongchang Olympic Stadium on February 25. The flag bearers from each participating country entered the stadium informally in single file, and behind them marched all the athletes. The flags of each country were not necessarily carried by the same flag bearer as in the opening ceremony. The flag-bearers entered in ganada order of the Korean alphabet.

Unlike the opening ceremony, North and South Korea used their own flags in addition to the Korean Unification Flag. Thus there were a total of 93 flag bearers representing 92 NOCs, with the North Korean flag and Korean Unification Flag appearing earlier in the parade order, and the South Korean flag appearing last.[1][2]

Countries and flagbearers

The following is a list of each country's flag bearer. The list is sorted by the order in which each nation appears in the parade of nations. Names are given as were officially designated by the International Olympic Committee (IOC).[3][4]

Order Nation Hangul Roman Transliteration Flag bearer Sport
1 Greece (GRE)그리스geu ri seuIoannis Antoniou Alpine skiing
2 Ghana (GHA)가나ga naAkwasi Frimpong Skeleton
3 Nigeria (NGR)나이지리아na i ji ri aSimidele Adeagbo Skeleton
4 South Africa (RSA)남아프리카 공화국nam a peu ri ka gong hwa gukConnor Wilson Alpine skiing
5 Netherlands (NED)네덜란드ne deol ran deuIreen Wüst[5]Speed skating
6 Norway (NOR)노르웨이no reu we iMarit Bjørgen Cross-country skiing
7 New Zealand (NZL)뉴질랜드nyu jil raen deuZoi Sadowski-Synnott[6]Snowboarding
8 Denmark (DEN)덴마크den ma keuViktor Hald Thorup Speed skating
9 Germany (GER)독일dok ilChristian Ehrhoff[7] Ice hockey
10 East Timor (TLS)동티모르dong ti mo reuYohan Goutt Gonçalves Alpine skiing
11 Latvia (LAT)라트비아ra teu bi aHaralds Silovs Speed skating
12 Lebanon (LBN)레바논re ba nonPOCOG Volunteer N/A
13 Romania (ROU)루마니아ru ma ni aRaluca Strămăturaru Luge
14 Luxembourg (LUX)룩셈부르크ruk sem bu reu keuMatthieu Osch Alpine skiing
15 Lithuania (LTU)리투아니아ri tu a ni aAndrej Drukarov Alpine skiing
16 Liechtenstein (LIE)리히텐슈타인ri hi ten syu ta inPOCOG Volunteer N/A
17 Madagascar (MAD)마다가스카르ma da ga seu ka reuMialitiana Clerc Alpine skiing
18 Malaysia (MAS)말레이시아mal re isi aJulian Yee Figure skating
19 Mexico (MEX)멕시코mek si koRodolfo Dickson Alpine skiing
20 Monaco (MON)모나코mo na koBoris Vain Bobsleigh
21 Morocco (MAR)모로코mo ro koAdam Lamhamedi Alpine skiing
22 Montenegro (MNE)몬테네그로mon te ne geu roEldar Salihović Alpine skiing
23 Moldova (MDA)몰도바mol do baNicolae Gaiduc Cross-country skiing
24 Malta (MLT)몰타mol taÉlise Pellegrin Alpine skiing
25 Mongolia (MGL)몽골mong golChinbatyn Otgontsetseg Cross-country skiing
26 United States (USA)미국mi gukJessie Diggins[8]Cross-country skiing
27 Bermuda (BER)버뮤다beo myu daTucker Murphy Cross-country skiing
28 Belgium (BEL)벨기에bel gi eBart Swings[9] Speed skating
29 Belarus (BLR)벨라루스bel ra ru seuDarya Domracheva Biathlon
30 Bosnia and Herzegovina (BIH)보스니아 헤르체고비나bo seu ni a he reu che go bi naElvedina Muzaferija Alpine skiing
31 Bolivia (BOL)볼리비아bol ri bi aTimo Grönlund Cross-country skiing
32 Bulgaria (BUL)불가리아bul ga ri aYordan Chuchuganov Cross-country skiing
33 Brazil (BRA)브라질beu ra jilIsadora WilliamsFigure skating
34 San Marino (SMR)산마리노san ma ri noAlessandro Mariotti Alpine skiing
35 Serbia (SRB)세르비아se reu bi aNevena IgnjatovićAlpine skiing
36 Sweden (SWE)스웨덴seu we denCharlotte Kalla Cross-country skiing
37 Switzerland (SUI)스위스seu wi seuRamon Zenhäusern Alpine skiing
38 Spain (ESP)스페인seu pe inJavier Fernández Figure skating
39 Slovakia (SVK)슬로바키아seul ro ba ki aPetra Vlhová Alpine skiing
40 Slovenia (SLO)슬로베니아seul ro be ni aFilip Flisar Freestyle skiing
41 Singapore (SGP)싱가포르sing ga po reuPOCOG Volunteer N/A
42 Armenia (ARM)아르메니아a reu me ni aMikayel Mikayelyan Cross-country skiing
43 Argentina (ARG)아르헨티나a reu hen ti naVerónica María Ravenna Luge
44 Iceland (ISL)아이슬란드a i seul ran deuSnorri Einarsson[10]Cross-country skiing
45 Ireland (IRL)아일랜드a il raen deuBrendan Newby[11] Freestyle skiing
46 Azerbaijan (AZE)아제르바이잔a je reu bai janPOCOG Volunteer N/A
47 Andorra (AND)안도라an do raIrineu Altimiras Cross-country skiing
48 Albania (ALB)알바니아al ba ni aSuela Mëhilli Alpine skiing
49 Eritrea (ERI)에리트레아e ri teu re aShannon-Ogbnai Abeda Alpine skiing
50 Estonia (EST)에스토니아e seu to ni aSaskia Alusalu Speed skating
51 Ecuador (ECU)에콰도르e kwa do reuKlaus Jungbluth Cross-country skiing
52 Great Britain (GBR)영국yeong gukBilly Morgan[12] Snowboarding
53 Australia (AUS)오스트레일리아o seu teu re il ri aJarryd Hughes[13] Snowboarding
54 Austria (AUT)오스트리아o seu teu ri aMadeleine Egle Luge
55 Olympic Athletes from Russia (OAR)러시아 출신 올림픽 선수reo si a chul sin ol lim pik seon suPOCOG VolunteerN/A
56 Uzbekistan (UZB)우즈베키스탄u jeu be ki seu tanPOCOG Volunteer N/A
57 Ukraine (UKR)우크라이나u keu ra i naOleksandr AbramenkoFreestyle skiing
58 Iran (IRI)이란i ranPOCOG Volunteer N/A
59 Italy (ITA)이탈리아i tal ri aCarolina Kostner Figure skating
60 Israel (ISR)이스라엘i seu ra elItamar Biran Alpine skiing
61 India (IND)인도in doPOCOG Volunteer N/A
62 Japan (JPN)일본il bonNao Kodaira Speed skating
63 Jamaica (JAM)자메이카ja me i kaCarrie Russell Bobsleigh
64 North Korea (PRK)조선민주주의인민공화국jo seon min ju ju ui in min gong hwa gukKim Ju-sik Figure skating
65 Georgia (GEO)조지아jo ji aIason Abramashvili Alpine skiing
66 China (CHN)중국jung gukWu Dajing[14]Short track speed skating
67 Czech Republic (CZE)체코che koEster Ledecká Snowboarding
Alpine skiing
68 Chile (CHI)칠레chil reClaudia Salcedo Cross-country skiing
69 Kazakhstan (KAZ)카자흐스탄ka ja heu seu tanAbzal Azhgaliyev Short track speed skating
70 Canada (CAN)캐나다kae na daKim Boutin[15]Short track speed skating
71 Kenya (KEN)케냐ke nyaPOCOG Volunteer N/A
72 Korea (COR)코리아ko ri aPOCOG Volunteer N/A
73 Kosovo (KOS)코소보ko so boAlbin Tahiri Alpine skiing
74 Colombia (COL)콜롬비아kol rom bi aMichael Poettoz Alpine skiing
75 Croatia (CRO)크로아티아keu ro a ti aDražen Silić Bobsleigh
76 Kyrgyzstan (KGZ)키르기스스탄ki reu gi seu seu tanEvgeniy Timofeev Alpine skiing
77 Cyprus (CYP)키프로스ki peu ro seuDinos Lefkaritis Alpine skiing
78 Chinese Taipei (TPE)차이니스 타이베이cha i ni seu ta i be iHuang Yu-Ting Speed skating
79 Thailand (THA)태국tae gukMark Chanloung Cross-country skiing
80 Turkey (TUR)터키teo kiHamza Dursun Cross-country skiing
81 Togo (TOG)토고to goMathilde-Amivi Petitjean Cross-country skiing
82 Tonga (TGA)통가tong gaPita TaufatofuaCross-country skiing
83 Pakistan (PAK)파키스탄pa ki seu tanMuhammad Karim Alpine skiing
84 Portugal (POR)포르투갈po reu tu galArthur Hanse Alpine skiing
85 Poland (POL)폴란드pol ran deuMateusz Luty Bobsleigh
86 Puerto Rico (PUR)푸에르토리코pu e reu to ri koCharles Flaherty Alpine skiing
87 France (FRA)프랑스peu rang seuGabriella Papadakis
Guillaume Cizeron[16]
Figure skating
88 Macedonia (MKD)구유고슬라비아 마케도니아 공화국gu yu go seul ra bi a ma ke do ni a gong hwa gukPOCOG Volunteer N/A
89 Finland (FIN)핀란드pin ran deuMika Poutala
Speed skating
90 Philippines (PHI)필리핀pil ri pinAsa Miller Alpine skiing
91 Hungary (HUN)헝가리heong ga riPOCOG Volunteer N/A
92 Hong Kong (HKG)홍콩 차이나hong kong cha i naPOCOG VolunteerN/A
93 South Korea (KOR)대한민국dae han min gukLee Seung-hoon Speed skating


  1. "(Olympics) Two Koreas to carry their own flags at closing ceremony". english.yonhapnews.co.kr. Archived from the original on 9 March 2018. Retrieved 12 January 2022.
  2. PyeongChang 2018 Closing Ceremony | PyeongChang 2018 Replays. YouTube. Archived from the original on 2021-12-11.
  3. "Closing Ceremony Flagbearers - Olympic Winter Games, PyeongChang 2018" (PDF). International Olympic Committee. Retrieved 26 February 2018.
  4. "The Flagbearers for the PyeongChang 2018 Closing Ceremony". International Olympic Committee. 2018-02-25. Retrieved 2018-02-25.
  5. "Wüst draagt Nederlandse vlag bij sluitingsceremonie". nos.nl. 24 February 2018. Archived from the original on 16 June 2018. Retrieved 25 February 2018.
  6. "NZ Team Recognises Medallists Ahead of Closing Ceremony". New Zealand Olympic Committee. 25 February 2018.
  7. "Olympia 2018 - Christian Ehrhoff trägt die deutsche Fahne bei der Schlussfeier". eurosport.de. 24 February 2018.
  8. "Jessie Diggins Selected as Closing Ceremony Flag Bearer For 2018 U.S. Olympic Team". Team USA. May 2022. Archived from the original on February 23, 2018.
  9. "Swings draagt Belgische driekleur tijdens slotceremonie". Sporza. Archived from the original on 2018-02-25.
  10. "PyeongChang 2018: Snorri fánaberi". The National Olympic and Sports Association of Iceland. Retrieved 2018-02-26.
  11. "Brendan 'Bubba' Newby confirmed as Ireland's flagbearer for Winter Olympics closing ceremony". Evening Echo. Archived from the original on 2018-03-02. Retrieved 2018-02-24.
  12. "Winter Olympics: Billy Morgan to carry Great Britain flag at closing ceremony". BBC Sport. 2018-02-25. Retrieved 2018-02-25.
  13. "Jarryd Hughes to carry the flag for Australia at Pyeongchang closing ceremony". ABC News. 2018-02-22. Retrieved 2018-02-24.
  14. "中国代表团冬奥闭幕式旗手确定:武大靖获殊荣". sina.com (in Chinese). 24 February 2018. Retrieved 25 February 2018.
  15. "Kim Boutin named Canada's flag-bearer for closing ceremony". CBC Olympics. 24 February 2018. Archived from the original on 2018-02-25. Retrieved 24 February 2018.
  16. "Cérémonie de clôture : M.Fourcade honore G.Papadakis et G.Cizeron". FranceOlympique.com (in French). Retrieved 2018-02-24.
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