1895 in Canada

Events from the year 1895 in Canada.


  • 1870s
  • 1880s
  • 1890s
  • 1900s
  • 1910s
See also:



Federal government

Lieutenant governors


Lieutenant governors





January to June

July to December

Leslie Frost


Historical documents

Liberal Party of Canada pamphlet comments on economic conditions[3]

Maria Grant, elected to Victoria, B.C. school board, hopes next election will return two more women[4]

Medical education of women, and how to answer objections to it[5]

Dominion's Indian Head farm sees trees leafed out by May 1 (3 weeks early), but fruit destroyed by 18° Fahrenheit (-7° Celsius) cold snap[6]

Report on domestication of Barren Grounds caribou[7]

Toronto Trades and Labor Council supports continued restriction of Chinese immigration[8]


  1. "Queen Victoria | The Canadian Encyclopedia". www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca. Retrieved 5 December 2022.
  2. "Mount Hector". Bivouac.com. Retrieved 2019-05-10.
  3. Liberal Party, "Facts for the People" (June 11, 1895). Accessed 20 December 2019
  4. "Trustee Mrs. Grant" The Daily Colonist (March 12, 1895), pg. 6. Accessed 26 December 2019
  5. Mrs. Ashley Carus-Wilson (Mary L.G. Petrie), "The Medical Education of Women; A Lecture" (1895). Accessed 20 December 2019
  6. "Experimental Farm for the North-West Territories; Report of A. Mackay, Superintendent" (November 30, 1895), Sessional Papers; Volume 6; Sixth Session of the Seventh Parliament (1896), pg. 329. Accessed 26 September 2021
  7. Department of the Interior, Lt. Gov. Schultz's Report on the Domestication of the Caribou of Northern Keewatin (1895). Accessed 20 December 2019
  8. Memorial from the Legislation Committee of the Trade and Labour Council(....) Accessed 20 December 2019
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