1883 in Canada

Events from the year 1883 in Canada.


  • 1860s
  • 1870s
  • 1880s
  • 1890s
  • 1900s
See also:



Federal government

Lieutenant governors


Lieutenant governors


Full date unknown


January to June

July to December


Historical documents

Destitute Cree insist government live up to its treaty obligations[2]

Haida story of The Man in the Moon repeated by ethnographer James G. Swan and illustrated by Johnny Kit Elswa[3]

Routing CPR line away from more fertile prairie land will hinder settlement[4]

Sandford Fleming's contributions to establishing standard time[5]

Mounties return stolen horses, but deny U.S. Army claim that Cree will wage war in Montana[6]

One cattle hand shoots another, then outraces Mounties to U.S. border [7]


  1. "Queen Victoria | The Canadian Encyclopedia". www.thecanadianencyclopedia.ca. Retrieved 5 December 2022.
  2. Excerpt of letter from Bobtail, Ermine Skin, Samson and others, in John Douglas Belshaw, Canadian History: Post-Confederation (2016), pgs. 52-3. Accessed 19 October 2019
  3. "The man in the moon. Haida mythology. Pen-and-ink drawing[...]," Franz R. and Kathryn M. Stenzel Collection of Western American Art, Beinecke Rare Book & Manuscript Library, Yale University. Accessed 11 August 2020
  4. "A Consequence of the Diversion of the C.P.R." The (Toronto) Globe (March 3, 1883). Accessed 6 October 2019
  5. Proceedings of the American Metrological [sic] Society; Vol. IV; May 1883, December, 1883 (1884), pgs. 6-8, 9-13, 27, 36, 101-7. Accessed 12 October 2019
  6. United States Department of State, Papers Relating to the Foreign Relations of the United States[...] (1883), pgs. 511-12 Accessed 6 October 2019
  7. John Roderick Craig, Ranching with Lords and Commons[...] (1903), pgs. 97-101. Accessed 6 October 2019
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