185 (number)

185 (one hundred [and] eighty-five) is the natural number following 184 and preceding 186.

184 185 186
Cardinalone hundred eighty-five
(one hundred eighty-fifth)
Factorization5 × 37
Greek numeralΡΠΕ´
Roman numeralCLXXXV

In mathematics

There are 185 different directed graphs on four unlabeled vertices that have at least one sink vertex, with no outgoing edges,[1] 185 ways of permuting the squares of a grid of squares in such a way that each square is one unit away from its original position horizontally, vertically, or diagonally,[2] and 185 matroids on five labeled elements in which each element participates in at least one basis.[3]

The Spiral of Theodorus is formed by unit-length line segments that, together with the center point of the spiral, form right triangles. 185 of these right triangles fit within the first four turns of this spiral.[4]

See also


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